Survival of The Sickest

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Rola Shehata Survival of the Sickest *Again, I switched the submissions accidentally! So sorry about that. 1.

Life is more abundant in the North Atlantic due to the abundance of iron in that area. This relates to global warming because of an idea that basically says: if you put iron in an area and stimulate plant growth, it will take in CO2 which will counter the effects of burning fuel. 2. As part of their tradition, leavened bread,wheat, and grains are forbidden to eat during Passover. This helped the Jews because it decreased their exposure to disease-ridden rats hunting for food. 3. In moderation, bloodletting may assist in conquering an infection because the the invader would feed on the hosts iron. By bloodletting, one is reducing the amount of iron in the hosts system. 4. In one experiment, macrophages from people who had hemochromatosis and macrophages from people who did not were matched against bacteria in separate dishes to test their killing ability. The hemochromatic macrophages crushed the bacteria they are thought to be signicantly better at combating bacteria by limiting the availability of iron. John Murray was working with his wife in a Somalian refugee camp when he noticed that many of the nomads, despite pervasive anemia and repeated exposure to a range of virulent pathogens, including malaria, tuberculosis, and brucellosis, were free of visible infection. He responded to this anomaly by deciding to treat only part of the population with iron at rst. Sure enough, he treated some of the nomads for anemia by giving them iron supplements, and suddenly the

infections gained the upper hand. The rate of infection in nomads receiving the extra iron skyrocketed. The Somali nomads werent withstanding these infections despite their anemia: they were withstanding these because of their anemia. To make these experiments valid, one needs to control these three variables: the type of bacteria, the amount of nutrients in the body (specifically iron), and the number of macrophages. 5. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that totally shuts down insulin production from the pancreas. With Type 2 diabetes the pancreas still produces insulin but at very low level. The third type of diabetes gestational diabetes is temporary diabetes found in pregnant women. 6. During the cold our bodies constrict the thin web of capillaries starting from your fingers all the way to your torso where all of your vital organs are. The excess sugar in the body is burned to absorb heat. SO if the body doesnt process the sugar, it can be burned for heat.

7. It revealed that the Younger Dryas ended in only three years. And that we were in the most stable period of time. 8. You start to shiver. When you shiver your increased muscle activity burn the sugar stores. Your capillary veins in your toes and fingers constrict and the blood moves towards the torso where all the important organs are. The blood from the constricted capillaries briefly expand to distribute warm blood to shunned areas. 9. During the months of winter, the Rana sylvatica, has the ability to completely freeze solid as a form of hibernation during the cold months of winter. It can easily be mistaken for dead, for there is no heartbeat, no breathing, and no recordable brain activity. But the freezing up is only a

natural defense against the cold, for once the wood frog thaws out of its icy state, it is already hopping away. As temperatures decrease, the fluids within the frog all pool into the abdomen. As this is happening, glucose is gathering in the bloodstream along with the release of more sugar alcohols. A spike in sugar levels results in a lower freezing point, and acts as an anti-freeze. The whole process of increasing blood sugar levels to deal with the cold is a proposed explanation to the adaption of diabetes in humans during the turbulent period known as the Younger Dryas. 10. The Inuit are dark- skinned, despite the limited sunlight of their home. They dont need to evolve the lighter skin necessary to ensure sucient vitamin D production is because their diet is full of fatty shwhich just happens to be one of the only foods in nature that is chock-full of vitamin D. They eat vitamin D for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so they dont need to make it 11. If you have the CYP2D6 gene, then you are unable to take 25% of the medicines on the market. For example, a woman had the gene became ill because t forms. There was a recent report she converted the codeine in her prescription cough syrup into morphine faster than anyone expected. 12. a. hemochromatosis; bubonic plague- For those who have hemochromatosis, it saved them from catching/ dying from the bubonic plague because they had low amounts of iron in their macrophages. It was an improvement for the human and a liability for the disease b. cystic brosis; tuberculosis- Cystic fibrosis is a terrible tdisease that protects you from tuberculosis c. diabetes; cold tolerance- Diabetes is used to lower your freezing point which allows you to survive colder conditions.

d. skin pigmentation; folate levels- The darker your skin is, the harder your body is trying to protect you against the loss of folate and the less UV light you absorb. e. cholesterol levels; Vitamin D- Sunlight converts cholesterol into vitamin D. f. hypertension; dehydration- During the days of slavery, if you were able to retain high levels of salt, you had an increased chance of not become dehydrated and dying. g. alcoholism; clean water- The more and more alcohol that was dumped into the streets, the process of fermentation killed the microbes in the water. h. sickle-cell disease; malaria- Sickle-cell anemia offers protection against malaria. i. body hair; malaria- In the middle east, thick hair was a protection against mosquitos that carried malaria j. bubonic plague; HIV infection- the gene CCR5-32 protects against HIV and the same way hemochromatosis protected against the bubonic plague 13. Free radicals cause cell membranes to burst, thoroughly destroying the cells. The loss of redblood cells will cause anemia. G6PD protein production is an important enzyme that is typically found in every red blood cell. The purpose of G6PD is to maintain cellular integrity by dismantling any free radicals or chemical agents that have the potential to destroy a red blood cell. 14. This happens because when humans bite the hot peppers, they bite the seeds while birds, dont destroy the seeds when they eat pepper and instead spread them around the vegetation.

15. This is because the bacteria in yogurt are probioticand they can help to provide of the digestive assistance and protection that is normally performed by the gut until they get back to normal levels. 16. Complete the following chart: 17. Our DNA is mammal DNA for the most part, as we are mammals. But over the course of time, lot of bacteria and viruses have entered humans (or their ancestors) and transcribed pieces of their DNA into ours. The next generation of humans (or their ancestors) sometimes inherited the virus and bacterial DNA pieces from their parents. Thus, we became a sort of DNA soup 18. Outbreaks and pandemics are thought to be caused, when a mutation occurs in the DNA of a virus, or antigenic shift, when a virus acquires new genes from a related strain. When the antigenic drift or shift in a virus is signicant enough, our bodies dont recognize it and have no antibodies to ght itand that spells trouble. The antigenic drift is cause by mutations which can be a result of radiation which is what the sun over produces every 11 years. 19. Lamarck became the victim of a wrong theory about he didnt create. Somebody thought it was him who created the theory of inherited traits, and the rest of the world followed. 20. Because you can pair any of the genes together, its as if youve squared 25,000 genes to create 625,000,000 gene combinations. 21. Since retroviruses are actually made of RNA, they turn themselves into DNA using an enzyme called reverse transcriptase. They transcribe themselves from RNA into DNAthey actually reverse the information ow. In this way, they can actually change your DNA.

22. Methylation happens when a compound called a methyl group binds to a gene and changes the way that gene expresses itself, without actually changing the DNA. This affects the genotype because harmful genes can be passed onto offspring without being detected. This also affects the phenotype because you dont see the physical effect of a gene and then you might miss important physical traits that affect your way of life and survival. 23. How does epigenetics explain the link between the following: a. maternal nutrition and childhood obesity If a mother doesnt know shes pregnant or doesnt care, she wont put the proper nutrition in her body and instead eat a diet very dense in calories, fats, and carbohydrates. This way of eating sends a signal to the embryo saying that the future environment is going to be scarce in nutrients. As a response, the baby is born smaller so it needs less food to survive. b. The smoking grandmother will trigger r triggered an epigenetic eect in her fetal daughters supply of eggs. So, when the child is born, it will most likely be a small baby who will grow up to be more prone to obesity, coronary disease, and a variety of cancers. 24. This is further discussed through an experiment in which rat mothers were observed after giving birth to their child. The rat mothers that acknowledged their child had the rat child to grow up to be a confident, relaxed, good-stress handler type of rat. On the other handm the rat mothers that shunned their child had their child grow up to be a nervous wreck. After this, the rat children

were switched and again the ones with the nurturing mothers grew to be successful while the others with neglecting mothers did not. 25. Males are more demanding biologically on the mothers body during pregnancy and are less likely to survive if malnourished. Whether it is the high stress of a tough time that affects how a mother can take care of herself, more boys are miscarried. In fact, male miscarriages had risen to an astronomical increase of 25 percent after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. From an evolutionary prospective, a higher number of females and a few strong males allow for an assured preservation of the human race during tough times than vice versa. Furthermore, after major events such as World War I and II, there was a higher male birth rate. 26.Lamin A is like the support rods of the skin. They keep up your elasticity and shape. Without them, one ages much faster than normal. 27. The Hayflick limit is that cells can only divide a xed number of times before they up and quit. This limit in humans the limit is around fty- two to sixty. Cancer cells defy this limit so they dont stop dividing and growing. This can also apply to telomerase when cancer triggers it. 28. Humans cant deliver their own child They are giving birth to a child with a big skull Human brain development happens after birth. 29.The aquatic ape hypothesis attempts to explain an evolutionary cycle without centering around males. It suggests that humans spent time in both the water and land. Because standing upright allowed humans to venture into deeper water, bipedalism evolved. A prominent nose

with nostrils on the bottom-side allowed humans to dive. Extra fat along the skin in humans provides warmth and keeps them afloat in water. This also explains our loss of excess hair. In comparison to the savannah ape, the main difference is the hyped analysis surrounding males and the amount of water exposure and dependence throughout the pre-human lives.

Conclusion 30. I think that everything happens for a reason. Many potentially harmful disorders are caused by the evolutionary pressure to survive and reproduce. As the human species thrives to adhere to evolutionary standards, many adaptations to a changing environment result in the development of diseases and disorders that were beneficial for the time, but not in the long-term. While some things are harmful to us, they are beneficial to others.

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