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Alicia Lenard CARD 548 Strategy Assignments Week 5 Professor Taylor November 30, 2013 Proctor and Gamble

Overview P&G or most notably knows as Proctor and Gamble was founded in 1837 by two brother in laws; James Gamble and William Proctor. Prior to their union, they were competitors in the soap and candle industry. They combined forces nearly two centuries ago and have become a powerhouse and the house hold goods and personal necessities industries. P&G products are sold in more than 180 countries around the world. They are known for being innovative and stepping outside the box with their product development as well as their approach to leadership. They are most remarkably known for changing the approach to womens menstrual products when they invented Tampax tampons. Although the concept had been toyed with stemming back to B.C. times, it was P&G that took the initiative to step across boundaries and develop a product that has changed the lives of women forever. Their approach to leadership and leadership development is similar to their approach to product development. Proctor and Gamble has created a culture of leadership through their approaches to recruiting, training and mentoring. Unlike many companies, the CEO, Vice Presidents and key Officers are the faces visiting the college campuses mingling with potential new talent. They believe that actions like this set the expectation of a true team and that entry into this coveted empire is taken very seriously. In addition, top executives teach courses in the executive education programs and work with new hires to develop leadership paths through the company. Additionally, each employee is challenged from the beginning with receiving training in various areas including working with external partners.


Alicia Lenard CARD 548 Strategy Assignments Week 5 Professor Taylor November 30, 2013

Effective Leadership There is a difference between managing and leading. Managers have employees that report to them and leaders have followers that are inspired by the vision of the leader. I am a visionary that produces but havent been the strongest manager at times. My guidelines for effective leadership are as follows. 1.) A leader must be a visionary and have real value for the mission. 2). A leader must focus on action and attaining outcomes. 3). A leader must communicate relevant information to the entire team on a scheduled basis. 4). They must be ethical and always put the needs of the organization and clientele first. 5). They must be able to sustain the organization and maximize its capabilities. My reasoning for this order stems from my own experience and watching my mentors in their leadership roles. Richland Community College in Dallas, Texas is a clear innovator and winner of the Baldrige National Quality Program award for the education category for 2005. The criteria for education institutions must focus on gaining results in the following areas; workforce, student learning/processes, stakeholders, leadership and finances. RCC is considered a leadership training ground and works diligently to create development plans for all college employees including a minimum of 36 hours of additional career training options available. Nearly 100% of all employees take advantage of this option. Additionally, 22 former employees of the college have transitioned into presidencies of other college campuses. RCC has a heavy emphasis on remaining current to student, educational and community needs and has developed committees of to gain input from key stakeholders; especially students. They have decreased the number of students needing developmental education courses by nearly 15%. They also have charter school on their campus and offer dual enrolment programs. They have increased their degree

completion rate by 66% and have adopted a motto of teaching, learning and community building. They partner with employees in the community to develop programs relevant to the work force. They received a 40% budget cut and administrators stepped in to teach courses verses minimizing programs. Richland Community College is a true leader in the field of education.


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