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15 minutes


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How might we encourage low-income families to save a little more each week?
Access to savings helps to protect against economic volatility caused by events like sickness, job instability, and natural disaster. The act of saving can take on many forms, such as cash savings, investments in assets like a home or a cow, or even building social capital within the community. Personal saving can also take on many structures, both informal and formal. Some examples might include: a savings account with a bank, a mobile money account attached to a cellphone, or an informal savings group organized by mothers in the community. As part of this design challenge, you'll work with your team to design new ways to help low-income families save a little more money each week.

Rate the design challenge, then add up your score

Least Most

Instinctively, how excited are you about this design challenge? What potential for impact in your community does this design challenge have? How feasible is it to tackle this challenge over the next 3 weeks of the course?

1 1 1

2 2 2

3 3 3

4 4 4

5 5 5

Total =


15 minutes


Page 3 of 4

Read the below

How might we provide healthier food options for people in need of them?
In many neighborhoods, there is little infrastructure for the distribution and preservation of food. Food is often spoiled or lost during distribution. In other places, healthy food options are simply unavailable or community members lack the knowledge to make healthy food choices. Another constraint is access to capital, both for small businesses providing healthy food and potential customers. As part of this design challenge, you and your team will design solutions for providing healthier food options, which might include providing people with better choices about the food they eat, the skills to cook healthier food, or the knowledge to make healthier food choices.

Rate the design challenge, then add up your score

Least Most

Instinctively, how excited are you about this design challenge? What potential for impact in your community does this design challenge have? How feasible is it to tackle this challenge over the next 3 weeks of the course?

1 1 1

2 2 2

3 3 3

4 4 4

5 5 5

Total =


15 minutes


Page 4 of 4

Read the below

How might we enable more young people to become social entrepreneurs?

While more and more youth are interested in social entrepreneurship as a means for tackling some of the worlds toughest challenges, many aspiring social entrepreneurs fail to move beyond the initial idea phase because the infrastructure to support them is lacking. Some young social entrepreneurs are unable to overcome the status quo or family and friends expectations. Others are unable to gain access to networks or mentors that could provide the knowledge and experience to confront major decisions, or help them build resilience in the face of setbacks. As part of this design challenge, youll work with your team to design new systems or strengthen existing programs that cultivate and support social entrepreneurship as a viable career path.

Rate the design challenge, then add up your score

Least Most

Instinctively, how excited are you about this design challenge? What potential for impact in your community does this design challenge have? How feasible is it to tackle this challenge over the next 3 weeks of the course?

1 1 1

2 2 2

3 3 3

4 4 4

5 5 5

Total =

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