Chapter 22 1

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Chapter #22: The Ordeal of Reconstruction Big Picture Themes 1.

. After the war, the question was, What to do with the southern states? The more moderate Republicans, like Lincoln and his successor Andrew Johnson, lost out to the Radical Republicans who desired to punish the South. 2. The South was divided up into military districts. The southern states were not allowed to reenter the U.S. until the Norths stipulations were met. 3. For Southern blacks, these years were good politically. Since whites wanted nothing to do with the U.S., blacks voted and were often elected to state legislatures and Congress. 4. Economically, freed blacks fared worse. They were no longer slaves, but with little other options, they largely became sharecroppers. The end result was little different and little better than slavery. 5. In 1877, a presidential election was essentially a tie. A compromise was worked out, and the South got the U.S. Army to pull out. This left the southern blacks on their ownsouthern whites reasserted their power.

GUIDED READING The Problems of Peace Know: Reconstruction 1. "Dismal indeed was the picture presented by the war-wracked South when the rattle of musketry faded." Explain. After the civil war, the confederate states government fell and had to be replaced by the Unions government. This would cause many difficulties for both governments because they used different currencies and inflation sky-rocketed.

Freedmen Define Freedom Know: Exodusters, American Methodist Episcopal Church, American Missionary Association 2. How did African-Americans respond to emancipation in the decade following the war? Many Africans were very unhappy because they felt that they were free for only a little while and then enslaved again. Even though they would be recognized as free men, they were still mistreated. One Exoduster refused to transport Africans across the Mississippi

River. The American Methodist Episcopal Church nearly quadrupled in size and formed a solid and permanent society for Africans in the United States. The Freedmen's Bureau Know: Freedmen's Bureau, General Oliver O. Howard 3. Assess the effectiveness of the Freedmen's Bureau. The Freedmens Bureau was intended to be a primitive welfare agency. It gave Africans food, medical care, and clothing. It also taught many blacks how to read and write. General Oliver O. Howard founded Howard University in Washington D.C.

Johnson: The Tailor President Know: Andrew Johnson 4. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of Andrew Johnson. Andrew Johnson had to solve many problems left behind by the past presidents. He was very smart and was devoted to protect and serve his people. However he was not a heavy drinker and could get drunk from the smell of alcohol. He was a firm believer in states rights. He was not trusted by the Democrats or the Republicans of the south.

Presidential Reconstruction Know: Lincoln's "10 percent plan," Wade-Davis Bill, Radical Republicans 5. How did the Presidents' plan for reconstruction differ from the plan of the Radical Republicans? Lincoln's "10 percent plan stated that a state could join if 10 percent of its votes take an oath of allegiance to the United Stated and agreed to follow the emancipation. Radical Republicans disagreed with Lincoln because they felt that Lincoln was being too soft with the south.

The Baleful Black Codes Know: Black Codes, Labor Contracts, Sharecropping, Debt Peonage 6. How were Black Codes used to keep the freedmen down? The Black Codes restricted many African Americans from exercising their freedom. Mississippi had the strictest laws while Georgia the least strict. Since there were no more slaves, white land owners had to come up with the Labor Contract, which stated that black people would be treated as equals and have a pay. Sharecropping also benefited both the laborers and the land owner.

Congressional Reconstruction 7. Why did northern congressmen refuse to seat the southerners when they came to take their seats? (Hint: there are two reasons -- one moral and one practical) The North didnt want the South to have a seat because they were happy that they were passing legislations in the Norths favor. They feared that with the newly restored south, they would become very powerful.

Johnson Clashes with Congress Know: Civil Rights Bill, "Andy Veto," Fourteenth Amendment 8. How did Republicans use their dominance of Congress? What did President Johnson do in response? The Republicans decided to look towards the Civil Rights Bill because they feared that the south would one day rule all of congress. It also incorporated it into the 14th amendment. Many radicals did not like the fact that it didnt include the right to vote.

Swinging `Round the Circle with Johnson 9. How did Johnson's campaigning during the 1866 congressional elections backfire? Why did it backfire? It backfired because Johnson threw many insults at the Radical Republicans for murders in the south and hosting anti-black riots. In return he was booed and cursed.

Republican Principles and Programs Know: Charles Sumner, Thaddeus Stevens, Joint Committee on Reconstruction, Moderate Republicans 10. How did the views of Moderate Republicans about reconstruction differ from the views of Radical Republicans? Moderate Republicans liked principles of states rights sand the idea of self-government. Charles Sumner was a congressman that was an idealist that fought constantly for the freedom of blacks.

Reconstruction by the Sword Know: Reconstruction Act, Fifteenth Amendment, Military Reconstruction, Redeemers, Home Rule 11. Describe military reconstruction. The Reconstruction Act stated that the seceded states were required to pass the 14th amendment before joining the Union. By doing this it would create an electorate in the southern states. The 15th amendment was to insure that black people would be able to vote.

No Women Voters Know: Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Woman's Loyal League, Fourteenth Amendment 12. Why did some women feel that they did not receive their due after the Civil War? Women after the Civil War felt that they did not get the rights to vote. The Woman's Loyal League gathered more than 400,000 signatures to persuade congress to let women vote. The Realities of Radical Reconstruction in the South Know: Union League, Suffrage, Hiram Revels, Blanche K. Bruce, Scalawags, Carpetbaggers 13. In what ways did African-Americans become politically involved in the years immediately following the Civil War? How did White southerners view their involvement? African Americans gained their right to suffrage and therefore formed the Union League. It was mostly based in the south and formed into a network of political groups. Hiram Revels and Blanche K. Bruce served as black politicians and as senators of Mississippi.

The Ku Klux Klan Know: Ku Klux Klan, Force Acts, Disfranchise 14. In what ways did Southern whites attempt to keep former slaves down? The Ku Klux Klan assaulted black people and intimidated them not to vote. The KKK disguised themselves in white robes to cover their identity. Congress was mad and passed the Force Acts which stated that Federal troops could arrest terrorists.

Johnson Walks the Impeachment Plank

Know: Radical Republicans, Ben Wade, Tenure of Office Act, Edwin Stanton 15. How did the Radical Republicans "manufacture" an impeachment of Andrew Johnson? The Radical Republicans first step to impeach Johnson was the pass the Tenure of Office Act, which stated that the president needed to secure the agreement of the Senate before he could fire someone. One of which was to hold Edwin Stanton in office. A Not-Guilty Verdict for Johnson Know: Benjamin F. Butler, Thaddeus Stevens 16. Why were the Radicals unsuccessful in removing Johnson from office?

They were unsuccessful because Johnson and his attorney considered the Tenure of Office Act unconstitutional. Butler and Stevens tried desperately to impeach Johnson but it did not work. The vote was won by one vote and Johnson stayed in office. The Purchase of Alaska Know: William Seward, Russia 17. Explain why Alaska was called "Seward's Folly," but was purchased anyway. Alaska was purchased because the United States had good relations with the Russia. It also had lots of gold and oil. William Seward bargained for the price of 7.2 million.

The Heritage of Reconstruction 18. Assess the success of Republican reconstruction.

Republican Reconstruction made the South hate the north even more. The social status of black people was still at an all-time low. They still had very limited rights in the United States.

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