Turning Point Walking Past The Corridor I Saw A Student Being Punished and

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English 101, Section 8

ReIlective Essay
A Turning Point

Walking past the corridor, I saw a student being punished, and I couldn`t help but be Iilled
with nostalgia, bad memories. I too was once caught up in such an embarrassing situation, being
punished and disgraced in Iront oI my entire class just because oI my 'brilliant idea which went
While I was in high school Year 10, like everyone else, I was in a celebrative mood jumping
Ior joy, as it was the last week oI school beIore the long school break. However, our laughter and
happiness came to an abrupt halt as the Iorm teacher oI our class Mr Mann entered the classroom.
The entire class groaned and became tense on seeing the stack oI red report cards he was carrying.
My stomach churned as I already knew that I did not excel in my exam, having Iailed most oI my
science subjects as I really detest being in a science stream class instead oI arts. Reluctantly, I
dragged my heavy Ieet to the Iront and took my report card when my name was called out.
' I knew it, I said and gave out a loud sigh when I saw my Iar Irom impressive results.
Mostly were inked in red. Old Iashion type oI school but yes, my teacher insisted on our
parent`s signature on the report card Ior every exam and I could smell the trouble burning awaiting
me at home.
I knew I would be punished thereIore, overwhelmed with Iear, I came out with this
'brilliant idea which is to Iorge out my parent`s signature. 'Everything should be Iine iI I play my
cards right, I said to myselI. Next day came D-day, trying to stop trembling like a leaI while
handing up my report card, Mr Mann glared at me. Everything was over when he twitched his
eyebrows and questioned me, I was caught red handed. He Iirmly admonished me in Iront oI my
whole class. Drama was unIolding beIore me just like in TV shows. He was hell bent on making a
lesson to be learnt to the entire class out oI me.
'Well, do you have anything to say? asked Mr Mann, in his mild and calm manner.
I blushed and stood sheepishly as my classmates roared in laughter merciless. Helplessly I
stared at the Iloor Iully embarrassed, with eyes Iilled with tears hoping it to end as soon as possible.
Yet that wasn`t the end oI the horror, my parents were called and now it is a total game over
Ior me. Well, I had to Iace the music. My parents are loving and kind but once in a blue moon, like
a volcano, they erupt!
'You are grounded Ior a month! said mother.
'Your allowance is also going to be deducted! added Iather.
I`m sorry, that`s all I could aIIord to say while tearing up.
Looking back at this though it is just two years back, I saw how much this incident had
taught me. It taught me that honesty is always the best policy no matter what happens. Putting aside
my studies just because it is not something which I preIer over sports do not beneIit me in anyway.
Cheating does not bring nor beneIit me but only brings out more trouble. I also realized that my
parents always wanted what`s best Ior me. Giving me loads oI education in terms oI academic,
sports, music and even computer lessons, I never knew it could be that useIul in building up a
strong character and conIidence in me. Most importantly my Iuture, in who I want to be and what
would make them proud. The lessons I learned Irom this incident has enriched my liIe and made it
much more meaningIul in which I promise to strive in studies and also sports. As saying goes, it`s
always never too late.
(641 words)

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