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AURA Construction Guidelines Table of Contents

Part 1 Pre ! Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part " #ra$in% Sub&ission and A''ro(al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part ) Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part * Air condition Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part + Arc,itectural Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part - Electrical Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part . /itc,en and 0PG Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part 1 Sanitar2 and Plu&bin% Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part 3 S'rin4ler Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part 15 6entilation Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part 11 House Rules and Re%ulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anne7 1 0EE# for Core and S,ell Tenant Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1!1 "!1 )!1 *!1 +!1 -!1 .!1 1!1 3!1 15!1 11!1 11!1


Part 1 Pre ! Construction


1. Sub&it colored storefront 'ers'ecti(e on 1+:7"5: illustration board; scale 1 +5 to 0easin% Mana%er at S,o''in% Center Mana%e&ent Cor'. ! SM Cor'orate Offices; 8uildin% A; <.=. #io4no 8oule(ard; Mall of Asia Co&'le7; Pasa2 Cit2. Once a''ro(ed; tenant &a2 'roceed $it, detailed dra$in%s to be sub&itted to t,e Mall Ad&inistration Office. Sub&it ei%,t >1? sets of t,e follo$in% @ Arc,itectural @ Electrical @ Mec,anical >aircon; s'rin4ler; e7,aust? @ #etails of si%na%e @ Structural load co&'utation >if an2? @ Plu&bin%Asanitar2 >if an2? P0EASE REBER TO ARCHITECTURA0 STAN#AR#S BOR #ETAI0S. A00 P0ANS SHOU0# 8E SIGNE# AN# SEA0E# 8C 0ICENSE# PROBESSIONA0 ARCHITECTS AN# ENGINEERS. ". Once 'lans are a''ro(ed; 0ESSEE &ust obtain t,e follo$in% and sub&it to t,e MA00 A#MINISTRATION OBBICE A. 8uildin% Per&it fro& 8uildin% Official; Cit2 Hall sub&ittin% .A Bi(e >+? sets of SM ! E## a''ro(ed 'lans .A Bi(e >+? sets of dul2 co&'leted a''lication for& .A Bi(e >+? sets of s'ecifications $ritin% and detailed bill of &aterials. .A Electrical =irin% Per&it .A Sanitar2 A Plu&bin% Per&it >for $ater connection? .A =ater sub!&eter $it, M=SS certificate of calibration. .A Meter can be 'urc,ased fro& M=SS or ,ard$are store. 8. Contractors All!Ris4 Insurance See Section III!E. .A 0ist of construction $or4ers $it, I# 'ictures >Colored 1:7 1:? dul2 endorsed b2 t,e 0ESSEE. C. Pa2&ent of Securit2 #e'osit and Construction 8ond. #. Necessar2 ta''in% 'er&its for utilities 'ri&aril2 $ater; electrical; e7,aust; aircon and se$er and 4itc,en line &ust also be secured.

1!1 Part 1 Pre ! Construction


PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT s,all onl2 be issued b2SCMC A#MINISTRATION u'on sub&ission of A00 reDuire&ents.


1. 8uildin% Per&it. A co'2 to be 'osted on a cons'icuous 'lace. ". Bire E7tin%uis,ers. Nu&ber reDuired $ill de'end on (olu&e of ,aEard at construction site. Mini&u& of T=O units; 15 lbs. dr2 c,e&ical >A8C?. ). Certificate of Binal Electrical Ins'ection >CEI? 0ESSOR $ill 'ro(ide te&'orar2 electric 'o$er to 0ESSEE. A &eter and bill de'osit $ill be reDuired fro& 0ESSEE. *. Construction 'lan a''ro(ed b2 SM!E##. a(ailable at Fob site. A co'2 s,ould be


G1.Ma2orHs Per&it ". BOR PERCENTAGE RENT 0ESSEE ON0C. Installation of electronic cas, re%ister A Point of Sales connected to 0ESSORHs net$or4. T,e last &ile connection $ill be for t,e account of 0ESSEE. Note ECR A POS s,ould be dul2 re%istered $it, 8UREAU OB INTERNA0 RE6ENUE and &ust 'ossess t,e 8IR 'er&it > stic4er ? $,ic, aut,oriEes t,e 'rintin% A issuance of sales in(oice. G).Certificateof Occu'anc2 G*. Mec,anical; sanitar2 A 'lu&bin% 'er&it. +. Bire and 0i%,tin% Insurance $it, ot,er 'erils co(era%e. Co&'re,ensi(e General 0iabilit2 Insurance >CG0I? Co(era%e for bodil2 inFur2 and 'ro'ert2 da&a%e to t,ird 'arties $it, a &ini&u& co(era%e of P+55; 555.55. Sub&it co'2 of 'olic2 and official recei't. -. 0ist of e&'lo2ees assi%ned to t,e branc,; I# 'ictures >colored 1: 7 1:? dul2 endorsed b2 t,e 0ESSEE.

1!" Part 1 Pre ! Construction


.. 0ESSEE s,all reDuest in $ritin% to SCMC A#MINISTRATION for BINA0 INSPECTION of t,e construction $,ic, s,ould be sc,eduled at least t,ree >)? da2s before t,e intended store o'enin%. 1. 0ESSOR ,as t,e ri%,t to restrain store o'enin% de'endin% u'on t,e de%ree of deficiencies sti'ulated in t,e final ins'ection re'ort. 3. After co&'liance $it, t,e 're!o'eratin% reDuire&ents; SCMC $ill issue clearance for 0ESSEE to start o'eration. GGo(ern&ental Per&its; $,ene(er a''licable.


1. Bloor ! concrete floor desi%ned to carr2 a &a7i&u& load of -5 lbs. AsD. ft. $it, rou%, ce&ent finis,. ". =all Partition and Ceilin% ! &ust be fitted $it, double $all board 'artition &ade of non!co&bustible &aterials. >E7a&'les are G2'su& 8oard; 6iroc 8oard and BiCe&?. Bor restaurants; 0ESSEE s,all be reDuired to 'ut CH8 fro& floor to slab soffits and fire bric4s for all surroundin% $alls of coo4in% area. BOO# TENANTS &ust &aintain a ratio of .5I #INING and )5I /ITCHEN in t,eir store la2out. ). Ceilin% ! o'en ceilin% *. Storefront ! none +. Enclosure ! dr2$all enclosure s,ould be ali%ned $it, lease line e7tend u' to botto& of aAc %rille fascia. Tenant s,ould 'ro(ide stic4er %ra',ics on at least .5I of t,e dr2$all enclosure. +.1 Constructin% Tenants ! 0ESSEE $ill 'ro(ide Enclosure. +." Non!Constructin% Tenants ! 0ESSOR $ill 'ro(ide enclosure and $ill be c,ar%ed to 0ESSEE. 0ESSEE to %et enclosure at t,e end of construction.

1!) Part 1 Pre ! Construction


0ESSORHs a''ro(al of #esi%n and =or4in% #ra$in% is reDuired before 0ESSEE can start construction. It is understood t,at all co&&ents; corrections and notations &ade b2 0ESSOR on =or4in% #ra$in%s are dee&ed acce'table; a''ro(ed; and ,a(e to be i&'le&ented b2 t,e 0ESSEE.


1. 0ESSEE s,all sub&it to Mall Ad&inistration ei%,t >1? sets of #esi%n and =or4in% #ra$in%s for re(ie$ and a''ro(al. ". 0ESSOR s,all return to 0ESSEE t$o >"? sets of APPRO6E# 'lans. One co'2 to be 4e't at Fob site.

8. =OR/ING #RA=INGS >Scale 1 +5 & at "5 K 7 )5 K?

0ESSEES are reDuired to (isit actual site and ta4e actual PRIOR to 're'aration of 'lans.


"!1 Part " #ra$in% Sub&ission J A''ro(al


0ESSEE s,all i&'ro(e t,e leased 're&ises follo$in% t,e latest trends in s,o''in% center de(elo'&ent ; usin% t,e &ost &odern facilities t,at $ill %i(e t,e feelin% of ele%ance and s'aciousness to t,e consu&ers. T,is $ill ser(e as an inte%ration of (arious sections into a unified conce't $,ile at t,e sa&e ti&e; eac, s'ace &aintainin% its o$n c,aracter and Identit2. 1. All $or4s s,all be in accordance $it, t,e latest %o(ern&ent re%ulations; 8uildin% Code; Bire Code; Electrical and Mec,anical Codes; and ot,er codes bein% i&'le&ented b2 ot,er a''ro(in% bodies. ". All corrections and additional notations on t,e 'lans s,all be follo$ed. An2 de(iation fro& t,e a''ro(ed 'lan s,all ,a(e s'ecial a''ro(al b2 t,e Ad&inistration officeASM E##. #urin% construction and before t,e store can o'en; Ad&inistration office s,all ins'ect t,e construction $or4s of t,e lessee. All de(iations fro& t,e a''ro(ed s,all be as4ed to redo. #a&a%es done but not li&ited to e7istin% utilities; (iroc $all 'artitions; neutral 'iers; aircon fascia; and co&&on area; b2 t,e lessee; $,et,er accidental of intentional; s,all be re'aired b2 Ad&inistration office and corres'ondin% e7'enses s,all be c,ar%ed to lessee. Han%ers and su''orts of lesseeHs ceilin% and utilities >'i'es; ducts; etc.? s,all not be attac,ed or anc,ored to t,e &allHs e7istin% utilities and concrete bea&s or colu&ns. 0essee s,all attac, t,eir ,an%ers onl2 to concrete slab soffits. #o not co(er or bloc4 t,e return air 'assa%es and %rills of aircon s2ste&. #o not co(er or bloc4 stubouts >cleanouts; $ater source; e7,aust; se$er; draina%e; etc.? $,en not needed. Instead; said stubouts s,all be free of obstructions and easil2 accessible.





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1. All a''ro(ed 'lans s,all be 'resent at t,e $or4 site at all ti&es. E6ERC TENANT IS RE9UIRE# TO O8SER6E AN# COMP0C =ITH THE CONSTRUCTION GUI#E0INES.

)!1 Part ) Construction



All $or4s s,all be in accordance $it, t,e latest %o(ern&ent re%ulations; 8uildin% Code; Bire Code; Electrical and Mec,anical Codes; and ot,er codes bein% i&'le&ented b2 ot,er a''ro(in% bodies. All corrections and additional notations on t,e 'lans s,all be follo$ed. An2 de(iation fro& t,e a''ro(ed 'lan s,all ,a(e s'ecial a''ro(al b2 t,e Ad&inistration officeASM E##. #urin% construction and before t,e store can o'en; Ad&inistration office s,all ins'ect t,e construction $or4s of t,e lessee. All de(iations fro& t,e a''ro(ed s,all be as4ed to redo. #a&a%es done but not li&ited to e7istin% utilities; (iroc $all 'artitions; neutral 'iers; aircon fascia; and co&&on area; b2 t,e lessee; $,et,er accidental of intentional; s,all be re'aired b2 Ad&inistration office and corres'ondin% e7'enses s,all be c,ar%ed to lessee. Han%ers and su''orts of lesseeHs ceilin% and utilities >'i'es; ducts; etc.? s,all not be attac,ed or anc,ored to t,e &allHs e7istin% utilities and concrete bea&s or colu&ns. 0essee s,all attac, t,eir ,an%ers onl2 to concrete slab soffits. #o not co(er or bloc4 t,e return air 'assa%es and %rills of aircon s2ste&. #o not co(er or bloc4 stubouts >cleanouts; draina%e; etc.? $,en not needed. Instead; obstructions and easil2 accessible. $ater source; e7,aust; se$er; said stubouts s,all be free of

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All a''ro(ed 'lans s,all be 'resent at t,e $or4 site at all ti&es. 0ESSEE s,all reDuest in $ritin% to SM!E## t,ru Mall ad&ini! stration for tec,nical ins'ection of t,e leased area at least t,ree >)? da2s 'rior to an2 'roFected store o'enin%. S'ecif2 t,e 0EE# reDuire&ent for t,e t2'e of AC eDui'&ent to be used >A''ro(ed refri%erantLsee co&&ents fro& 0EE# consultant? =OR/ING #RA=INGS >Scale 1 +5 & at "5 K 7 )5 K?

@ @

0ESSEES are reDuired to (isit actual site and ta4e actual &easure&ents PRIOR to 're'aration of 'lans.
*!1 Part * Air condition Guidelines

Air Conditionin% Plan


@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @

#uct $or4 Main duct 8ranc, ducts to re&ain Ne$ ducts to be installed SiEe >= 7 H? for all duct$or4 s,o$n on dra$in% 0ocation of &anual balancin% da&'ers Point of connection for ne$ duct to e7istin% duct C,illed $ater 'i'in% Main c,illed $ater su''l2 and return 'i'in% 8ranc, c,illed $ater 'i'in% to re&ain Ne$ c,illed $ater 'i'in% to be installed SiEe of all 'i'in% s,o$n on dra$in% 0ocation of all 'i'in% accessories >i.e.M isolation (al(es; control (al(es; 'ressure ; C!strainer and te&'erature %au%es; etc.? Pro'osed ta''in% 'oint to &ains .ACondensate 'i'in% s,o$in% siEe and slo'e of all 'i'in% fro& fan coil units to drain .AEDui'&ent >$it, uniDue &ar4 for eac, ite& of eDui'&ent Ban coil units >e7istin% to re&ain and ne$? #etailed dra$in% of ,an%ers and su''orts

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Plan s,o$in% coordination of su''l2 air diffusers and return air.

*!" Part * Aircondition Guidelines


Bor all fan coil units; co&'lete $it, s'ecification of all &aFor co&'onents. Indicate siEin% infor&ation >C6? for all control (al(es. =it, co&'lete s'ecification for all fan coils.



Bor eac, air conditioned area sub&it a co&'leted KCoolin% 0oad Esti&ation #ata: for&.

*!) Part * Aircondition Guidelines


Coolin% air fro& centraliEed air!conditionin% s2ste& to be 'ro(ided b2 0essor fro& &ain duct ta's. Modifications to branc, duct$or4 andAor ceilin% diffusers to be at 0esseeHs e7'ense and &ust be clearl2 indicated on sub&itted 'lans for 0essorHs $ritten a''ro(al in ad(ance. Coolin% $ater to be 'ro(ided be 0essor fro& ta's to c,illed $ater &ains >su''l2 and return?. All c,illed $ater branc, line 'i'in% and eDui'&ent >e.%.M fan coils; control (al(es; etc.? to be at 0esseeHs e7'ense and &ust be clearl2 and full2 s'ecifiedAindicated on sub&itted 'lans for 0essorHs $ritten a''ro(al in ad(ance. =,en a 0essee 'lans to o'erate >and need air!conditionin% ? durin% ,ours in $,ic, t,e central c,iller 'lant is not nor&all2 a(ailable; it s,all be t,e 0essorHs o'tion to reDuest t,at t,e 0essee 'ro(ide electric dri(en direct e7'ansion coolin% eDui'&ent for use durin% t,ese 'eriods. T,e cost of t,is eDui'&ent and an2 &odifications to t,e electrical ser(ice to t,e 0essee s,all be at t,e 0esseeHs e7'ense. All electric 'o$er used b2 t,is eDui'&ent s,all 'ass t,rou%, t,e 0esseeHs sub!&eter and be c,ar%ed to t,e 0essee. Heat %eneratin% eDui'&ent suc, as condensers s,all be installed outside t,e buildin%; location of $,ic, s,all be desi%nated b2 t,e 0essor .

*!* Part * Air condition Guidelines

BOR TENANTS =ITH AIRCON #UCT PRO6ISION @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Ta' onl2 to t,e side of t,e nearest branc, 'ro(ision; botto& ta''in% is not allo$ed. #o not ta' to duct elbo$s and duct reducers. Ta''in% to t,e &ain ducts s,all be at *+N ta4eoff and 'ro'erl2 sealed. No s'litter da&'er $ill be allo$ed on ta's to t,e &ain ducts. Pro(ide &anual adFustable Ko''osed (olu&e da&'er: >O6#? 'er diffuser. All duct $or4s &ust be 'ro(ided $it, co&'lete insulation and G.I. corner beads. Ma7i&u& allo$ed len%t, of fle7ible ducts s,all be + &eters. Install duct ,an%er fro e(er2 duct bend; dro' collar; and for e(er2 t$o>"? &eters run of duct. Install tra'eEe t2'e of duct ,an%er &ade of 15&& dia; round bar and "+&& 7 "+&& 7 +&& an%ular bar catc, su''ort. Pro(ide &ec,anical cli's or 'lastic stra's for e(er2 &eter run of ducts. Attac, ,an%ers onl2 to e7istin% slab soffit. All air!conditionin% branc, duct$or4 s,all be a desi%ned and constructed to confor& full2 to local codes and t,e reDuire&ents of t,e &ost current SMACNA Guidelines KH6AC #UCT CONSTRUCTION STAN#AR#S L META0 AN# B0EOI80E: for 1IN=G Pressure Class or %reater. All fle7ible duct s,all be installed in strict co&'liance $it, SMACNA %uide! lines and sus'ended to 're(ent 4in4s and air bloc4a%e. T,e &a7i&u& allo$ed len%t, for fle7ible ducts s,all be + &eters. =,ere fle7ible duct is used to connect to su''l2 air diffusers; t,e connection s,all be &ade to a ,ard s,eet!&etal collar to 're(ent 4in4in%.

@ @ @

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*!+ Part * Air condition Guidelines


All branc, ducts >and ta's to e7istin% &ain ducts? s,all be 'ro'erl2 sealed to 're(ent air lea4a%e in e7cess of t,at reDuired b2 SMACNA 0ea4a%e Class C $it, C0P"* CBMA155BT " at 1.5 IN=G. All branc, ducts s,all be adeDuatel2 insulated to 're(ent condensation and $ater da&a%e to t,e s'aces t,rou%, $,ic, t,e2 'ass. All insulation used s,all confor& to local code reDuire&ents for fla&e s'read and s&o4e densit2 but s,all not e7ceed a Bla&e S'read Inde7 of "+ or a s&o4e densit2 of +5 $,en tested as a co&'osite installation includin% insulation; facin% &aterials; ta'es and ad,esi(es as a''lied.


@ @ @ @ @

Ta's for c,illed $ater >su''l2 and return? branc, lines s,all be 'ro(ided $it, isolation (al(es located at t,e connection 'oint. BCU installed abo(e ceilin% or concealed t2'e s,all be 'ro(ided $it, air return 'lenu& ducts $it, ceilin% t2'e %rills. BCU s,ould not be installed near e7,aust s2ste& or directl2 abo(e t,e 4itc,en coo4in% area. Install te&'erature and 'ressure %au%es on 'i'es before and after t,e Ban Coil Unit >BCU?. t,e c,illed

Pro(ide condense drain 'i'e to all BCU $it, &ini&u& siEe of "+&&; $it, '!tra's and s,all be ter&inated in condense drain stub out t,rou%, an indirect connection >air %a'? and $it, insulation. Install a $2e!strainer and %ate (al(e before t,e BCU. All c,illed $ater >su''l2 and return? branc, lines s,all be adeDuatel2 insulated to 're(ent condensation and $ater da&a%e to t,e s'aces t,rou%, $,ic, t,e2 'ass >sa&e fla&e s'read inde7 and s&o4e densit2 li&itations as ite& Q15 abo(e?. All Ban Coil Units >BCU? s,all be installed $it, "!$a2 control (al(es 'ro'erl2 siEed for t,e C 6 corres'ondin% to t,e flo$ t,e2 ser(e and a $ide o'en 'ressure dro' of 15BT=G. C,illed $ater strainers and &a7i&u& flo$ li&itin% (al(es are not reDuired and not encoura%ed 6ibration isolator s,all be 'ro(ided for all rotatin% eDui'&ent.
*!Part * Air condition Guidelines

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Condensers and ot,er ,eat e&ittin% eDui'&ent s,all be installed outside t,e buildin% on an a''ro(ed location b2 SM. Pi'in% la2out s,ould be ti%,tl2 sealed $it, rubber insulation and $ra''ed $it, blue 'ol2et,2lene ta'e. 8orin% of ,oles for t,e 'i'in% la2out s,all be a''ro(ed b2 SM. =ater'roofed concrete slab affected b2 t,e 'i'in% la2out s,ould be totall2 restored b2 t,e tenant.


T,e 0essee $ill 'ro(ide an e7,aust air s2ste& for all co&fort roo&s. E7,aust air Duantities s,all be in accordance $it, local codes but s,all not be less t,an +5 CBM 'er $ater closet or urinal. All Bood; Medical Clinic; Pets,o's; Internet Cafes; S'a and =ellness Centers; and Hair Salon Tenants s,all su''l2 and install its o$n fan Coil Unit >BCU?. T,e 0essor s,all 'ro(ide t,e c,illed $ater line stub!out.

*!. Part * Air condition Guidelines

Testin% J Co&&issionin%


U'on co&'letion of t,e $or4; and before acce'tance b2 SM; 0esseeHs Mec,anical contractor $ill sub&it a KCertificate of Co&&issionin%: for all air conditionin% s2ste&s. 0essor s,all ,a(e t,e ri%,t to $itness an2 or all of t,e final &easure&ents s,o$n in t,e certificate of co&&issionin%. T,e certificate of co&&issionin% s,all include at least t,e follo$in% ite&s >RBinal: readin%s after all balancin% adFust&ents ,a(e been &ade?.


Conduct s&o4e test of duct$or4s 'rior to ta''in% to &ain duct and installation of insulation


Static and total air 'ressure in t,e 0esseeHs duct$or4 for eac, 'oint connection to t,e AC su''l2 air &ain ducts. Measured air flo$ at eac, su''l2 diffuser >Air 8alancin%? .


@ @ @ @ @ @ @

C,illed $ater 'ressure enterin% and lea(in% eac, fan coil unit C,illed $ater te&'erature enterin% and lea(in% eac, fan coil unit Te&'erature of su''l2 air lea(in% eac, fan coil unit Electric current dra$ of eac, fan coil unit Bor ducted s2ste&s! &easured air flo$ at eac, su''l2 air diffuser and static and total air 'ressure at t,e disc,ar%e of t,e fan coil unit Bor free blo$ s2ste&s L &easured air flo$ at eac, fan coil unit Sub&it ManufacturerHs Certificate and 0iterature co&'lete $it, s'ecifica! tions of BCU


*!1 Part * Air condition Guidelines

Part + Arc,itectural Guidelines


All $or4s s,all be in accordance $it, t,e latest %o(ern&ent re%ulations; 8uildin% Code; Bire Code; Electrical and Mec,anical Codes; and ot,er codes bein% i&'le&ented b2 ot,er a''ro(in% bodies. All corrections and additional notations on t,e 'lans s,all be follo$ed. An2 de(iation fro& t,e a''ro(ed 'lan s,all ,a(e s'ecial a''ro(al b2 t,e Ad&inistration officeASM E##. #urin% construction and before t,e store can o'en; Ad&inistration office s,all ins'ect t,e construction $or4s of t,e lessee. All de(iations fro& t,e a''ro(ed s,all be as4ed to redo. #a&a%es done but not li&ited to e7istin% utilities; (iroc $all 'artitions; neutral 'iers; aircon fascia; and co&&on area; b2 t,e lessee; $,et,er accidental of intentional; s,all be re'aired b2 Ad&inistration office and corres'ondin% e7'enses s,all be c,ar%ed to lessee. Han%ers and su''orts of lesseeHs ceilin% and utilities >'i'es; ducts; etc.? s,all not be attac,ed or anc,ored to t,e &allHs e7istin% utilities and concrete bea&s or colu&ns. 0essee s,all attac, t,eir ,an%ers onl2 to concrete slab soffits. #o not co(er or bloc4 t,e return air 'assa%es and %rills of aircon s2ste&. #o not co(er or bloc4 stubouts >cleanouts; $ater source; e7,aust; se$er; draina%e; etc.? $,en not needed. Instead; said stubouts s,all be free of obstructions and easil2 accessible. All a''ro(ed 'lans s,all be 'resent at t,e $or4 site at all ti&es. 0ESSEE s,all reDuest in $ritin% to SM!E## t,ru Mall ad&ini! stration for tec,nical ins'ection of t,e leased area at least t,ree >)? da2s 'rior to an2 'roFected store o'enin%. =OR/ING #RA=INGS >Scale 1 +5 & at "5 K 7 )5 K? &easure&ents

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0ESSEES are reDuired to (isit actual site and ta4e actual PRIOR to 're'aration of 'lans.

+!1 Part + Arc,itectural Guidelines

ARCHITECTURA0 #RA=INGS @ @ @ @ @ /e2 'lan s,o$in% 'ers'ecti(e of storefront; location of 're&ises $it,in t,e S,o''in% Center. Bloor Plan 0on%itudinal and Cross Sections Bour >*? Ele(ations > if a''licable? Refelcted Ceilin% Plan and additional details of s'ecial 'ro(isions.

Note Bood Tenants $it, dinin% area and $it, a leased area of at least 15 sD. &. s,ould 'ro(ide rest roo& for t,eir custo&ersH use. STRUCTURA0 P0AN @ @ @ @ #esi%n and Structural load co&'utations >dul2 certified b2 a StructuralACi(il En%ineer? SubFect to re(ie$ and a''ro(al b2 SM ! E##. #etails and S'ecifications Bloor Bra&in% Plan to include detail of connection to e7istin% structures. Structural load co&'utation for &eEEanine; if an2. #O NOT PROCEE# =ITH #ETAI0E# #RA=INGS UNTI0 PERSPECTI6E IS APPRO6E#.

+!" Part + Arc,itectural Guidelines


A. GENERA0 Te7t of &ain si%na%e s,all be li&ited to storeHs trade na&e. Additional $ordin%s &ust be be,ind %lass 'anels. 8. SIGNAGES @ @ @ Si%na%e $idt, s,ould not e7ceed -5I of s,o' front $idt, and &a2 occur an2$,ere $it,in t,e desi%nated si%na%e Eone. Si%na%e &ust be i&a%inati(e and ,i%, Dualit2. Preferred si%na%es &aterials are

.A )!di&ensional indi(idual letters .A Internall2 illu&inated or bac4!lit letters @ .A .A .A .A @ @ @ Pro,ibited si%na%es are Si&'le; flat or bo7 t2'e si%ns Si&'le li%,t bo7 si%ns Non!illu&inated letters Painted si%ns Bull!$idt, si%na%e band is not allo$ed. Pro(ide self!ti&er s$itc, $it, se'arate circuit brea4er. Use onl2 non!co&bustible &aterial for si%na%e bo7 A band.

+!) Part + Arc,itectural Guidelines


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0essee s,all 'ro(ide %lass A %laEin% of at least +5I of t,e total s,o' front $idt,. All %lass A %laEin% s,all be 1" && t,ic4 te&'ered %lass. 0essee ,as t,e o'tion to deter&ine t,eir s,o' front entrance $idt,; $it, a &ini&u& of 1.55 &eters and &a7i&u& of .5I of t,e s,o' front. 0essee usin% roll!u' doors s,all ,a(e a &ini&u& ,ei%,t o'enin% of ).55 &eters and a &a7i&u& ,ei%,t o'enin% of ).15 &eters. 0essee usin% %lass doors s,all ,a(e a &ini&u& ,ei%,t of ".*5 &eters and 5..5 &eters transo&. SM reser(es t,e ri%,t to a''ro(e t,e desi%n and construction of all s,o's .


@ @ @ @ @

Use onl2 non!co&bustible ceilin% &aterials. Pro(ide ,an%ers &ade of 15&& round bar at ".55 &eters s'acin%. #o not attac, or anc,or ,an%ers to e7istin% utilities >i.e. 'i'es; ducts; (al(es;etc.? Attac, ,an%ers onl2 to ceilin% slab. Construct -5c&S-5c& ceilin% &an,oles at storefront and ot,er strate%ic area for &aintenance; ins'ection; and e&er%enc2 'ur'oses. /itc,en $it, o'en ceilin% is not allo$ed. #o not &a4e an2 attac,&ent to e7istin% (iroc $all 'artitions. Construct double $all Install firebric4s on t,e 4itc,en $alls fro& floor line to ceilin% line.


@ @

+!* Part + Arc,itectural Guidelines


T,e storeHs floorin% s,all be of t,e sa&e le(el as t,at of t,e &allHs floorin%. Pro(ide ) to + && alu&inu& stri' at &all tile and s,o' front tile ter&ination. C,i''in% on floor slab is not allo$ed. Pi'es s,all not be e&bedded in t,e floor slab. Bor draina%e outlets; use drills to bore a ,ole. Uses of ,a&&ers e7ceedin% 1lbs. are not allo$ed. Pro(ide four >*?&& 'ol2ester reinforced $ater'roofin% &e&brane >or its eDui(alent?. Pro(ide t$o >"? co&'onent fle7ible ce&entitious $ater'roof ! in% &e&brane. =ater'roofin% s,all e7tend to 15c& ,i%, on t,e base of t,e $alls. Bor &all draina%e stubouts or cleanouts t,at are located inside a tenantHs 're&ises; said draina%e cleanouts J stub outs s,all not be sealed or co(ered $it, tiles or floor finis,. T,e re&o(able co(er of t,e stuboutsAcleanouts s,all be e7'osed.

@ @ @


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Install %au%e 15 or bi%%er steel &attin% at storefront abo(e t,e ceilin% for securit2 reasons. T,e allo$able li(e and dead load is -5 'sf. Sub&it load co&'utations for ,ea(2 installations for a''ro(al of SM!E##.


+!+ Part + Arc,itectural Guidelines

Part Electrical Guidelines

8ASIC RE9UIREMENTS @ All $or4s s,all be in accordance $it, t,e latest %o(ern&ent re%ulations; 8uildin% Code; Bire Code; Electrical and Mec,anical Codes; and ot,er codes bein% i&'le&ented b2 ot,er a''ro(in% bodies. Prior to 're'aration of 'lans ; tenant desi%ners A consultants A contractors s,ould (erif2 on site actual confi%uration of t,e area J location of utilities for accurac2 in t,e 'lannin% sta%e. All corrections and additional notations on t,e 'lans s,all be follo$ed. An2 de(iation fro& t,e a''ro(ed 'lan s,all ,a(e s'ecial a''ro(al b2 t,e Ad&inistration officeASM E##. #urin% construction and before t,e store can o'en; Ad&inistration office s,all ins'ect t,e construction $or4s of t,e lessee. All de(iations fro& t,e a''ro(ed s,all be as4ed to redo. #a&a%es done but not li&ited to e7istin% utilities; (iroc $all 'artitions; neutral 'iers; aircon fascia; and co&&on area; b2 t,e lessee; $,et,er accidental of intentional; s,all be re'aired b2 Ad&inistration office and corres'ondin% e7'enses s,all be c,ar%ed to lessee. Han%ers and su''orts of lesseeHs ceilin% and utilities >'i'es; ducts; etc.? s,all not be attac,ed or anc,ored to t,e &allHs e7istin% utilities and concrete bea&s or colu&ns. 0essee s,all attac, t,eir ,an%ers onl2 to concrete slab soffits. T,e return air 'assa%es and %rills of air!con s2ste& s,all not be co(ered or bloc4ed >for Non!food tenants?. T,e stubouts >cleanouts; $ater source; e7,aust; se$er; draina%e; etc? s,all be accessible and free fro& obstructions. All a''ro(ed 'lans s,all be 'resent at t,e $or4 site at all ti&es. =OR/ING #RA=INGS >Scale 1 +5 & at "5 K 7 )5 K? 0ESSEE s,all reDuest in $ritin% to SM!E## t,ru ad&inistration for tec,nical ins'ection of t,e leased area at least t,ree >)? da2s 'rior to an2 'roFected store o'enin%. Mall

@ @ @ @ @

-!1 Part - Electrical Guidelines

Electrical #ra$in%s
RE9UIREMENTS @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ E0ECTRICA0 GUI#E0INES BOR TEMPORARC PO=ER OB MA00 TENANTS Sin%le line riser dia%ra& Sc,edule of load Po$er la2out 0i%,tin% la2out S'ecifications 0e%end Si%ned J sealed b2 a dul2 re%istered Professional Electrical En%ineer T,e &ain 'o$er su''l2 to t,e tenant s'ace ta''ed to te&'orar2 $irin%s s,all be ).+&&" THHN stranded. Ta''in% s,all be su'er(ised b2 en%ineerin% 'ersonnel. SiEes of t,e &ain 'o$er s,all be deter&ined b2 t,e follo$in% 1. If t,e tenant contractor s,all onl2 utiliEe li%,tin% and 'ortable electrical eDui'&ent >e7cludin% $eldin% &ac,ine?; t,e &ain 'o$er su''l2 of te&'orar2 'o$er s,all be ).+ && " THHN stranded $it,

%roundin% and 'rotected $it, )5 AT;1!'ole;1!',ase Circuit 8rea4er. ". If t,e tenant contractor s,all be usin% $eldin% &ac,ine; t,e &ain 'o$er su''l2 s,all be 1* && " THHN stranded 'rotected $it, )5 AT;1!'ole;1!',ase Circuit 8rea4er.

@ @ @

Use of &ore t,an one $eldin% &ac,ine s,all not be 'er&itted. T,e 0essor s,all 'ro(ide a te&'orar2 calibrated 4=HR &eter $it, seal . T,e &ain 'o$er su''l2 connections for te&'orar2 'o$er s,all be re&o(ed u'on co&'letion of t,e 'roFect or if t,e 'er&anent 'o$er su''l2 $ill be &ade a(ailable and 'ro'erl2 &etered.

-!" Part - Electrical Guidelines

Electrical 0oad ReDuire&ent for > *55 A ")5 (olts Electrical S2ste&? A. Plan Sub&ittal
RE9UIREMENTS Plan Sub&ittal >Co&'lete $it,? I.1 Sin%le 0ine Riser #ia%ra& a. 0i%,tin% and Rece'tacle Outlet 0oads b. Motor loads c. Beeders and subfeeders d. 0oad center I.". Sc,edule of load a. Motor loads b. 0i%,tin% and con(enience outlets c. Ot,er loads I.). Po$er la2out I.*. 0i%,tin% la2out I.+. S'ecifications I.-. 0e%end I... Si%ned J sealed b2 a dul2 re%istered Professional Electrical En%ineer

Bacilities Connection
RE9UIREMENTS @ SM >0essor? $ill 'ro(ide Main brea4er J 4=HR &eter for basic electrical feeder line 'ro(ision fro& &ain ta''in% 'oint u'to t,e 'ullbo7 in t,e Tenant >0essee? area. Tenant is res'onsible for t,eir internal electrical s2ste& $or4s M t,at includes ta''in% fro& t,e 'ullbo7 > 'oint of ta''in% 'ro(ided b2 SM? to t,e 'anelboard and its branc, circuits distribution u' to t,e load side. SM $ill 'ro(ide a Co&&unication line > 1!(oice and 1!data? fro& I#BATTC u' to t,e ter&ination bo7 in t,e Tenant area. Additional reDuire&ent s,ould be reDuested >$A a $ritten reDuest? fro& SM $,ic, $ill be c,ar%eable to t,e Tenant. SM $ill 'ro(ide a line for cas, re%ister>s? . Tenant s,ould i&&ediatel2 identif2 in t,eir 'lan t,e s'ecific location. Tenant to 'ro(ide )A*: dia&eter P6C conduit >$A 'ull$ire? fro& t,e outlet to t,e Function bo7 abo(e ceilin%.
-!) Part - Electrical Guidelines

Electrical #esi%n Criteria

CONNECTE# 0OA# @ Actual load s,ould not e7ceed 15I of t,e ratin% of t,e o(er current de(ice and a&'acit2 of t,e cable. Use ,i%, te&'erature ratin% THHN $ire and s,all be in RSC; IMC or EMT conduit.G Use co&'ression t2'e connector. Mini&u& siEe of $ire s,all be ).+ &&" THHN stranded. Installation of Blat cord; 8O $ire and P6C conduit s,all not be 'er&itted.GG Co(er all Function bo7es and 'ull bo7es. Co&'lete 'i'e fittin%s loc4nut bus,in%s a&on% ot,ers s,all be 'ro(ided on Function bo7es and 'ull bo7es. Ri%id su''ort s,all be 'ro(ided. Use &ini&u& 15&&!dia&eter round bars ,an%ers $it, &a7i&u& ) &eters s'acin% and s,all be located not &ore t,an )55&& fro& bo7es or connectors. Bor /ios4 and Carts; indi(idual electrical branc, circuits L )5AT; 1 P,ase " THHN s,all be 'ro(ided. Mini&u& siEe of $ire s,all be +.+ && stranded. @ Bor Tenant belo$ t,e escalators; electrical branc, circuit L -5AT; 1 P,ase s,all be 'ro(ided. Mini&u& siEe of $ire s,all be 1* && " THHN stranded.


Notes Gfle7ible conduit $it, &a7i&u& len%t, of )55 && s,all be 'er&itted . GG P6C s,all be used for co&&unication installation.


@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @

S,ould be bolt!on t2'e. Circuit brea4ers s,ould be siEed based on 4AIC s2ste& calculations of t,e buildin%. 0i%,tin% and 'o$er outlets s,all not be less t,an 1*4AIC. Nu&ber of o(ercurrent de(ice s,ould not e7ceed &ore t,an *"!'oles and construction s,all confor& to code standards. 8us bar s,all be siEed and cut based on standard a&'acit2. Cri&'in% of bus bar s,all not be 'er&itted. 0ocation s,ould be accessible for o'eration J &aintenance. Per&anent label of branc, circuits s,ould be 'ro(ided. Multi'le $irin%s s,all not be 'er&itted. #ead front co(er s,ould be in 'lace. Pro(ide co(er for unused brea4er slots J 4noc4outs. Neutral bus J %round bus s,all be 'ro'erl2 siEed. Enclosure s,ould be 'ro'erl2 connected to %round $ire. 8rea4ers $it, %round fault circuit interru'ter >GBCI? s,all be used for branc, circuits ser(in% 'o$er outlets for co&fort roo&s; coo4in% eDui'&ent and outdoor electrical loads and si%na%es.

-!* Part - Electrical Guidelines


=irin% #etails >1 P,ase 0oad? @ Bor li%,tin% J 'o$er ! use ")56;-5,E lie neutral T %round. @ @ Color code neutral $ire >$,ite? J %round >%reen? 0ine1 >red? or 0ine" >2ello$? or 0ine) >blue?

=irin% #etails >) P,ase 0oad? @ Bor &otors ! use )156;-5,E >)?line T %round s,all be used. Bor Mi7ed 0oads )156;-5HE >)?line T neutral T %round s,all be used @ @ Color code neutral $ire >$,ite? J %round $ire >%reen? 0ine1 >red? or 0ine" >2ello$? or 0ine) >blue?


Use &a%netic starter or solid state soft starter. Bor &a%netic starter; use 1156 coil (olta%e contactors $A a )156 A1156 control transfor&er.


@ @ @

All soc4ets J con(enience outlet s,all be )!'ron% > for ,ot; neutral J %round =ire?. Use $all outlet $it, %round fault circuit interru'ter >GBCI? in lieu of branc, circuit $it, no GBCI . All li%,tin% fi7tures s,ould be 'ro(ided $it, %round $ire. 8ranc, circuit s,ould be 'rotected $it, GBCI.


@ @

All con(enience outlet s,all be )!'ron% > for line; neutral J %round?. Use $all outlet $it, %round fault circuit interru'ter >GBCI? ! for Co&fort Roo&s ;coo4in% eDui'&ent; outdoor load J si%na%es.


@ @ @ @

=irin% of li%,tin% fi7tures s,all be line to neutral $it, %round $ire. Bluorescent 0a&' s,all ,a(e ,i%, 'o$er factor ballast and s,all be in a &etal bo7 enclosure. Enclosure s,all be 'ro'erl2 %rounded. T,e 0ESEE s,all 'ro(ide at least one >1? lo$ $atta%e li%,t >ni%,t li%,tin%? $it, a dedicated branc, circuit. T,is s,all be s$itc,ed!on after &all o'eration and nor&all2 off durin% &all o'eration.

-!+ Part - Electrical Guidelines


@ @

Pro(ide at least one >1? lo$ $atta%e li%,t $it, a dedicated branc, circuit . T,is s,ould be s$itc,!on after &all o'eration and nor&all2 s$itc,!off durin% Mall O'eration.


@ @ @ @

Pro(ide dedicated branc, circuit. Metal bac4in% s,ould be 'ro(ided for transfor&er. Metal 'arts s,ould be connected to %round $ire. 8ranc, circuit s,ould be 'rotected $it, GBCI.


@ @ @

Pro(ide an isolated neutral bus in eac, 'anel for connection of circuit neutral conductors. Pro(ide a se'arate %round bus &ar4ed $it, %reen stri'e alon% its front and bonded to steel for connectin% %roundin% conductors. An insulated eDui'&ent %roundin% conductor s,all be 'ro(ided in all feeder and branc, circuits; includin% li%,tin% circuit


Tenant &ust 'ro(ide t,e necessar2 electrical reDuire&ents b2 ans$erin% T,e Retail #esi%n Mana%e&ent 9uestionnaire >'lease refer to -!. to -!1? for SM to &a4e t,e necessar2 a''ro'riation.

-!Part - Electrical Guidelines


/indl2 co&'lete t,e follo$in% Duestionnaire and return it $it, 2our BINA0 #ra$in% sub&ission. SCMC s,all 'ro(ide eac, Non Bood tenant t,e follo$in% basic feeder line -5 AT; >1? P,ase; ")5 6; -5 HE 155 AT; >)? P,ase; *55 6; -5 HE >o(er *+5 &"? )!$ires >line; neutral J %round? +!$ires >)!line; neutral J %round?

SCMC s,all 'ro(ide eac, Bood tenant t,e follo$in% basic feeder line 155 AT; >)? P,ase; *55 6; -5 HE 1. Po$er Su''l2 Please c,ec4 t,e a''ro'riate ans$er =e reDuire additional 'o$er su''l2 at A&'s Sin%le P,ase T,ree P,ase +!$ires >)!line; neutral J %round?

=e acce't t,e 'o$er su''l2 to be 'ro(ided for our s,o'. ". 0i%,tin% 0oad S'ecifications 9uantit2 Sin%le P,ase a T,ree P,ase b =atts c A&'s

-!. Part - Electrical Guidelines


Electrical Heat 0oad S'ecifications 9uantit2 P P P P P P P =atts

General Pur'ose Outlets Su''le&entar2 Aircon Hot =ater S2ste&s O(ens Cool Roo&s Hair #r2ers Ot,ers

Note Bor tenants $,o occu'ies &ore t,an one >1? tenant &ar4etin% s'ace and reDuires a 'o$er 'ro(ision &ore t,an t,e basic electrical feeder line s,all utiliEe t,e basic feeder line fro& indi(idual leasable s'aces if alread2 installed as 'art of tenant a$arded total leasable area. T,e tenant electrical desi%ner s,all desi%n t,e tenant electrical s2ste& based on &ore t,an one >1? 'o$er su''l2 >&ulti!electrical feeder line?. Bor %uidelines stated abo(e; 'lease see OPC released &e&o; AS!-55!"51" LTenant Multi Electrical Beederline. Sub&itted b2 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Tenant Re'resentati(e Pls 'rint and si%n #ate UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU #esi%nation 0and line Nu&ber Mobile Nu&ber
-!1 Part - Electrical Guidelines

Testin% J Co&&issionin%


Tenant electrical contractor s,ould sub&it a KCertificate of Co&&issionin%: of t,e electrical s2ste& . T,e 0essor s,all ,a(e t,e ri%,t to $itness an2 or all of t,e final &easure&ent s,o$n in t,e certificate of co&&issionin%. T,e certificate of co&&issionin% s,all include at least of t,e follo$in% ite&s >KBinal: readin%s after all balancin% adFust&ents ,a(e been &ade? @ 8A0ANCING OB 0OA# @ CURRENT REA#ING #URING 0EAN AN# PEA/ 0OA# > MAIN AN# 8RANCHES ?

@ MEGGER TESTING > MAIN AN# 8RANCHES ? 6O0TAGE REA#ING >line to line ; line to neutral J line to %round ? @ TAGGING >0abelin%? OB 0OA#S USING MANUA0 OR E0ECTRONIC #CMO MACHINE.


@ @

All electrical $or4s s,all be under t,e direct su'er(ision of dul2 Re%istered Master Electrician >RME? or Re%istered Electrical En%ineer >REE?. En%ineerin% Personnel; $,o $ill inter'ret and e(aluate t,e dra$in%s and s'ecifications; s,all ,a(e t,e 'o$er to reFect an2 $or4 and &aterial $,ic, in t,eir Fud%&ent are not in full accordance t,ere$it,.

-!3 Part - Electrical Guidelines

Part . /itc,en J 0PG Guidelines


All $or4s s,all be in accordance $it, t,e latest %o(ern&ent re%ulations; 8uildin% Code; Bire Code; Electrical and Mec,anical Codes; and ot,er codes bein% i&'le&ented b2 ot,er a''ro(in% bodies. All corrections and additional notations on t,e 'lans s,all be follo$ed. An2 de(iation fro& t,e a''ro(ed 'lan s,all ,a(e s'ecial a''ro(al b2 t,e Ad&inistration officeASM E##. #urin% construction and before t,e store can o'en; Ad&inistration office s,all ins'ect t,e construction $or4s of t,e lessee. All de(iations fro& t,e a''ro(ed s,all be as4ed to redo. #a&a%es done but not li&ited to e7istin% utilities; (iroc $all 'artitions; neutral 'iers; aircon fascia; and co&&on area; b2 t,e lessee; $,et,er accidental of intentional; s,all be re'aired b2 Ad&inistration office and corres'ondin% e7'enses s,all be c,ar%ed to lessee. Han%ers and su''orts of lesseeHs ceilin% and utilities >'i'es; ducts; etc.? s,all not be attac,ed or anc,ored to t,e &allHs e7istin% utilities and concrete bea&s or colu&ns. 0essee s,all attac, t,eir ,an%ers onl2 to concrete slab soffits. #o not co(er or bloc4 t,e return air 'assa%es and %rills of aircon s2ste&. #o not co(er or bloc4 stub!outs >cleanouts; $ater source; e7,aust; se$er; draina%e; etc.? $,en not needed. Instead; said stub!outs s,all be free of obstructions and easil2 accessible. All a''ro(ed 'lans s,all be 'resent at t,e $or4 site at all ti&es. 0ESSEE s,all reDuest in $ritin% to SM!E## ad&inistration for tec,nical ins'ection of t,e leased least t,ree >)? da2s 'rior to an2 'roFected store o'enin%. =OR/ING #RA=INGS >Scale 1 +5 & at "5 K 7 )5 K? &easure&ents t,ru Mall area at

@ @

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0ESSEES are reDuired to (isit actual site and ta4e actual PRIOR to 're'aration of 'lans.

.!1 Part . /itc,en J 0PG Guidelines


@ @

Pro(ide CH8 and fire bric4s A fire insulation surroundin% $alls of coo4in% eDui'&ent.

>fro& floor to slab? of all

Pro(ide adeDuate and a''ro'riate fire e7tin%uis,er for 4itc,en in accordance $it, P# 111+.

.!" Part . /itc,en J 0PG Guidelines

RE9UIREMENTS @ A centraliEed %as s2ste& is installed b2 t,e 0ESSOR. All food 0ESSEE $,o $ill use %as for t,eir coo4in% s,all ta' to t,e s2ste& t,rou%, a stub!out 'ro(ided b2 t,e 0ESSOR. 0ESSOR s,all 'ro(ide t,e %as &eter t,rou%, t,e &allHs %as contractor. Gas &eter s,all be installed si&ultaneousl2 $it, t,e ta''in% of 0ESSEEHs s2ste& to t,e &allHs. Coordinate $it, SCMC Ad&inistration Office on t,e sc,edule of Ta''in%.

.!) Part . /itc,en J 0PG Guidelines

RE9UIREMENTS @ All 'i'eline Foints s,all be full $elded e7ce't for t,read and flan%e connec ! tions suc, as ball (al(es &eters; re%ulators; etc. Sea&less; sc,edule 15 fro& tan4 to 1 st sta%e re%ulator; sc,edule *5 fro& 1 st sta%e re%ulator to eDui'&ent. PIPING =OR/S !PIPES!8.I.; TAN/ BITTINGS >elbo$s; tees; etc.? ! sc,edule 15 fro& tan4 to 1 st sta%e re%ula! tors; sc,edule *5 fro& 1 st sta%e re%ulator to eDui'&ent. B0ANGES!=eld Nec4 ASME )55 lbs before 1 st sta%e re%ulator; ASME 1+5 lbs after 1st sta%e re%ulator. GAS/ET!S'iral =ound Gas4et.

B0ANGE TCPE 8A00 6A06E!ASME )55 lbs before 1 st sta%e re%ulator; ASME 1+5 lbs. After 1 st sta%e re%ulator. THREA#E# TCPE 8A00 6A06E ! 1555 =OG Ratin%s Stainless Steel Sin%le 'iece bod2. STU# 8O0TS ! 8.; tool steel. @ @ Gas lines s,all not be e&bedded in $alls and floors. Pro(ide ri%id su''orts for e(er2 'i'e bend and for e(er2 &eter run of 'i'e. 8rac4ets s,all be installed $it, a &ini&u& distance of ) &eters or as 'er reDuired. All 'i'eline seated on su''orts s,all ,old ti%,tl2 usin% u!bolts. Pro(ide ball (al(e for e(er2 branc, outlet. #o not use rubber ,ose for connection to coo4in% eDui'&ent. Use ,ea(2! dut2 ,ose or &etal braided ,ose rated at )55 'si. Pro(ide 'ressure %au%e at &ain &anifold. Install Anti!lea4 Safet2 #e(ice at &ain &anifold and branc, outlets. 8ranc, outlets s,all be not lo$er t,an -5 c& fro& t,e floor finis,. Gas ,oses or fle7ible connectors s,all not sa% &ore t,an 15 c&. Ma7i&u& len%t, of fle7ible connector s,all be )5 c&. Paintin% of %as line ! 9#E Paint L t$o >"? coats. 0e&on Cello$ on Pi'es;8lac4 on Pi'e Su''ort; PRIMER L T$o >"? coats.
.!* Part . /itc,en J 0PG Guidelines

@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @

@ st 0ea4 test 'i'eline before 1 re%ulator &anifold at 1+5 'si% for a &ini&u& st 'eriod of 1" ,rs. and 155 'si% after 1 sta%e re%ulator &anifold for a &ini&u& 'eriod of " ,rs. usin% nitro%en. Sub&it certificate of lea4 testin% fro& 0PG 'i'eline contractorAinstaller. 0ESSEE s,all sub&it to SCMC office a certification on t,e safe o'eration of t,eir %as s2ste& si%ned b2 bot, t,e &all and 0ESSEEHs %as contractors. 0ESSEE s,all not be allo$ed to o'en $it,out t,eir %as s2ste& under%oin% lea4 testin% and a certificate sub&itted to SCMC Ad&inistration Office.

@ @


.!+ Part . /itc,en J 0PG Guidelines

Part 1 Sanitar2 J Plu&bin% Guidelines


All $or4s s,all be in accordance $it, t,e latest %o(ern&ent re%ulations; 8uildin% Code; Bire Code; Electrical and Mec,anical Codes; and ot,er codes bein% i&'le&ented b2 ot,er a''ro(in% bodies. All corrections and additional notations on t,e 'lans s,all be follo$ed. An2 de(iation fro& t,e a''ro(ed 'lan s,all ,a(e s'ecial a''ro(al b2 t,e Ad&inistration officeASM E##. #urin% construction and before t,e store can o'en; Ad&inistration office s,all ins'ect t,e construction $or4s of t,e lessee. All de(iations fro& t,e a''ro(ed s,all be as4ed to redo. #a&a%es done but not li&ited to e7istin% utilities; (iroc $all 'artitions; neutral 'iers; aircon fascia; and co&&on area; b2 t,e lessee; $,et,er accidental of intentional; s,all be re'aired b2 Ad&inistration office and corres'ondin% e7'enses s,all be c,ar%ed to lessee. Han%ers and su''orts of lesseeHs ceilin% and utilities >'i'es; ducts; etc.? s,all not be attac,ed or anc,ored to t,e &allHs e7istin% utilities and concrete bea&s or colu&ns. 0essee s,all attac, t,eir ,an%ers onl2 to concrete slab soffits. #o not co(er or bloc4 t,e return air 'assa%es and %rills of aircon s2ste&. #o not co(er or bloc4 stubouts >cleanouts; draina%e; etc.? $,en not needed. Instead; obstructions and easil2 accessible. $ater source; e7,aust; se$er; said stubouts s,all be free of

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All a''ro(ed 'lans s,all be 'resent at t,e $or4 site at all ti&es. 0ESSEE s,all reDuest in $ritin% to SM!E## t,ru Mall ad&ini! stration for tec,nical ins'ection of t,e leased area at least t,ree >)? da2s 'rior to an2 'roFected store o'enin%. =OR/ING #RA=INGS >Scale 1 +5 & at "5 K 7 )5 K? &easure&ents

0ESSEES are reDuired to (isit actual site and ta4e actual PRIOR to 're'aration of 'lans.
1!1 Part 1 Sanitar2 J Plu&bin% Guidelines

Plu&bin% Plan
P0AN 6IE= >SHO=ING? @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ #esi%n t,at includes 0en%t, of Pi'e and s'ecifications. Iso&etric dra$in%s >cold $ater and sanitar2 line? Cold $ater and sanitar2 line la2out 0ocation of $ater &eter; (al(es; %rease tra'; etc. SiEe of 'i'in% s,o$n 0ocation of &ain stub!out Slo'e of sanitar2 line u' to t,e ta''in% 'oint 0ocation of floor cleanouts #etailed dra$in% and s'ecification of %rease tra' 0ocation of floor drain #etailed dra$in% of ,an%ers and su''ort 0e%end

1!" Part 1 Sanitar2 J Plu&bin% Guidelines

Plu&bin% A Sanitar2 #esi%n Criteria

RE9UIREMENTS @ @ @ 0esseeHs sanitar2 s2ste&; (ent and do&estic $ater 'i'in% s,ould confor& to all local reDuire&ents and code standards. C,ec4 stub!out 'ro(isions >'otable $ater line; (ent; 4itc,en $aste and do&estic $aste ? on!site before 're'aration of dra$in% 'lans. Use Eero lea4 fusion t2'e 'i'e >''r!color $,ite? for cold $ater line. Indicate on t,e 'lan location of $ater &eter. GI 'i'e sc,ed .*5 s,all not be allo$ed. Use G.I. Sc,edule *5 'i'e or Vero lea4 fusion t2'e 'i'e for cold $ater line. Indicate on t,e 'lan location of $ater &eter. Pro(ide four >*?&& 'ol2ester reinforced $ater'roofin% &e&brane >or its eDui(alent?. Pro(ide t$o >"? co&'onent fle7ible ce&entitious $ater'roofin% &e&brane. Pro(ide Grease Tra's for e(er2 sin4s $it, t,e follo$in% s'ecs A? T,e %rease tra' s,all be &ade of stainless steel &aterials $it, t,e follo$in% s'ecifications "5 %au%e stainless steel local ,airline finis, for bod2M "" %au%e stainless steel for 'artition; 'artition %uide; and 'erforated collection bas4etM "" %au%e stainless steel local ,airline finis, for to' co(erM 11 %au%e stainless steel an%ular d$arf le%sM )A1: dia&eter stainless steel s,aftin% for co(er ,andle and strainer ,andleM " 1A": dia&eter stainless steel outlet e7tension tubeM and ": dia&eter stainless steel cou'lin% for inlet and outlet fittin%s. 8? T,e %rease tra' s,all ,a(e at least *!c,a&bers and ) 'artitionsM C? T,e %rease tra' s,ould ,a(e solid tra'Ainterce'torsAstrainerM #? T,e sin4 s,all ,a(e stainless solid strainersM E? Clean out s,all be 'ro(ided durin% installation of %rease tra'M B? A clearance of at least 1"!inc,es fro& botto& sin4 s,all be 'ro(idedM and
1!) Part 1 Sanitar2 J Plu&bin% Guidelines

@ @ @ @

Testin% J Co&&issionin%
@ Bor food tenants includin% cafeteriasAcanteens; a &ini&u& of 1+ %'& of %rease tra' 'er sin4 s,all be installed $it, t,e di&ension of >+55&&? 13.-3: 0 O >)+5&&? 1)..1: = O >)"+&&? 1".15: HM Bor non!food tenants; li4e la(ator2 for ,and $as,in% ; &edical clinics and ,air salons; de(elo'in% fil&s and ot,er for&s of sanitar2 fit!out $,ic, in(ol(e %rease; oils and c,e&icals. A &ini&u& of +!%'& %rease tra' s,all be installed $it, t,e di&ension of >)+5&&? 1)..1: 0 O >"+5&&? 3.)*: = O >)55&&? 11.11: HM Bor food cartsA4ios4s $it, sin4 $,ic, ta''ed to t,e 4itc,en $aste line; a &ini&u& of +!%'& %rease tra' s,all be installed $it, t,e di&ension of >)+5&&? 1)..1: 0 O >"+5&&? 3.)*: = O >)55&&? 11.11: HM

To c,ec4 t,e accurac2 of t,e %rease tra' siEe; t,e follo$in% for&ula s,all be used di&ension of t,e sin4 in ter& of inc,es >0 O = O H? O 5.55)M and @ C2lindrical %rease tra'sAstrainer $it, at least *!c,a&bers and )! 'artition s,all be a''lied for t,ose non!food tenants $it, sin4 of less t,an +!%'& based on t,e for&ula under ite& Kd:. 0AC OUT

@ @ @

Conduct "*!,ours flood testin% of $ater 'roofin% 'rior to floor to''in% . Conduct ,2drostatic lea4 test of 'i'in% $or4s 'rior to ta''in% to t,e &ain stub!out U'on co&'letion of $or4; 0esseeHs contractor $ill sub&it a KCertificate of Co&&issionin%: for all 'lu&bin% $or4s. 0essor s,all ,a(e t,e ri%,t to ins'ect and $itness an2 or all of t,e final testin% s,o$n in t,e certificate of co&&issionin%.

1!* Part 1 Sanitar2 J Plu&bin% Guidelines

Part 3 S'rin4ler Guidelines


All $or4s s,all be in accordance $it, t,e latest %o(ern&ent re%ulations; 8uildin% Code; Bire Code; Electrical and Mec,anical Codes; and ot,er codes bein% i&'le&ented b2 ot,er a''ro(in% bodies. All corrections and additional notations on t,e 'lans s,all be follo$ed. An2 de(iation fro& t,e a''ro(ed 'lan s,all ,a(e s'ecial a''ro(al b2 t,e Ad&inistration officeASM E##. #urin% construction and before t,e store can o'en; Ad&inistration office s,all ins'ect t,e construction $or4s of t,e lessee. All de(iations fro& t,e a''ro(ed s,all be as4ed to redo. #a&a%es done but not li&ited to e7istin% utilities; (iroc $all 'artitions; neutral 'iers; aircon fascia; and co&&on area; b2 t,e lessee; $,et,er accidental of intentional; s,all be re'aired b2 Ad&inistration office and corres'ondin% e7'enses s,all be c,ar%ed to lessee. Han%ers and su''orts of lesseeHs ceilin% and utilities >'i'es; ducts; etc.? s,all not be attac,ed or anc,ored to t,e &allHs e7istin% utilities and concrete bea&s or colu&ns. 0essee s,all attac, t,eir ,an%ers onl2 to concrete slab soffits. #o not co(er or bloc4 t,e return air 'assa%es and %rills of aircon s2ste&. #o not co(er or bloc4 stub!outs >cleanouts; $ater source; e7,aust; se$er; draina%e; etc.? $,en not needed. Instead; said stub!outs s,all be free of obstructions and easil2 accessible. All a''ro(ed 'lans s,all be 'resent at t,e $or4 site at all ti&es. 0ESSEE s,all reDuest in $ritin% to SM!E## ad&inistration for tec,nical ins'ection of t,e leased least t,ree >)? da2s 'rior to an2 'roFected store o'enin%. =OR/ING #RA=INGS >Scale 1 +5 & at "5 K 7 )5 K? &easure&ents t,ru Mall area at

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0ESSEES are reDuired to (isit actual site and ta4e actual PRIOR to 're'aration of 'lans.

3!1 Part 3 S'rin4ler Guidelines


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#esi%n >indicate distance bet$een s'rin4ler ,eads; and bet$een s'rin4ler ,ead and lease line? J s'ecifications. Iso&etric dra$in% 0ocation and siEe of cross &ain line 0ocation and siEe of branc, line E7istin% location of s'rin4ler ,eads Pro'osed ne$ location of s'rin4ler ,eads 0ocation of additional s'rin4ler ,ead #etailed dra$in% of ,an%ers and su''orts #etailed dra$in% of s'rin4ler ,eads ter&ination to 'i'e >u'ri%,t and 'endent? 0e%end

3!" Part 3 S'rin4ler Guidelines

RE9UIREMENTS @ 8asic s'rin4ler 'ro(ision to be 'ro(ided b2 t,e lessor. An2 &odificationAadFust&ent to be lesseeHs e7'ense and &ust be clearl2 indicated on t,e sub&itted 'lans for lessorHs a''ro(al.

3!) Part 3 S'rin4ler Guideline


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Use "1" de%. B s'rin4ler ,ead for 4itc,en area and 1-+B de%. B for dinin% and sellin% area. Use u'ri%,t s'rin4ler ,ead for tenant s'rin4ler ,ead for tenant $it, ceilin%. $it, o'en ceilin% and 'endent

Ma7i&u& distance bet$een s'rin4ler ,eads s,ould be )!&eters. Radius co(ered b2 s'rin4ler ,ead is 1.+!&eterM ,ence; desi%n a nu&ber of s'rin4ler ,eads to co(erAser(e all t,e area. Pro(ide ri%id ,an%ers and su''orts. S'rin4ler 'i'e s,ould be Sc,edule *5 and 'ainted red. G.I. 'i'e is not allo$ed Pro(ide ri%id ,an%er 1": fro& t,e s'rin4ler ,ead. Pro(ision of s&o4e >dinin% area? and ,eat >4itc,en area? detectors for Bood tenants and s&o4e detectors for Non!Bood tenants. 0essee $ill Pro(ide rou%,in% ins for& ta''in% 'oint to desi%nated area. 8rand of s&o4e detector s,all be t,e sa&eAco&'atible $it, units installed b2 &all s&o4e detector su''lier. Use TB or t$isted $ire and s,all be in EMT; RSC; IMC conduit. S&o4e and ,eat detectors s,all be 'ro(ided 'er area for tenants areas $it, 'artition floor to slabAceilin%.

@ @ @ @

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3!* Part 3 S'rin4ler Guidelines

@ @ Conduct ,2drostatic lea4 testin% 'rior to ta''in% fro& t,e stab!out 'ro(ision. U'on co&'letion of $or4; 0esseeHs contractor $ill sub&it a KCertificate of Co&&issionin%: for all s'rin4ler $or4s. 0essor s,all ,a(e t,e ri%,t to ins'ect and $itness an2 or all of t,e final testin% s,o$n in t,e certificate of co&&issionin%.


3!+ Part 3 S'rin4ler Guidelines

Part 15 6entilation Guidelines


All $or4s s,all be in accordance $it, t,e latest %o(ern&ent re%ulations; 8uildin% Code; Bire Code; Electrical and Mec,anical Codes; and ot,er codes bein% i&'le&ented b2 ot,er a''ro(in% bodies. All corrections and additional notations on t,e 'lans s,all be follo$ed. An2 de(iation fro& t,e a''ro(ed 'lan s,all ,a(e s'ecial a''ro(al b2 t,e Ad&inistration officeASM E##. #urin% construction and before t,e store can o'en; Ad&inistration office s,all ins'ect t,e construction $or4s of t,e lessee. All de(iations fro& t,e a''ro(ed s,all be as4ed to redo. #a&a%es done but not li&ited to e7istin% utilities; (iroc $all 'artitions; neutral 'iers; aircon fascia; and co&&on area; b2 t,e lessee; $,et,er accidental of intentional; s,all be re'aired b2 Ad&inistration office and corres'ondin% e7'enses s,all be c,ar%ed to lessee. Han%ers and su''orts of lesseeHs ceilin% and utilities >'i'es; ducts; etc.? s,all not be attac,ed or anc,ored to t,e &allHs e7istin% utilities and concrete bea&s or colu&ns. 0essee s,all attac, t,eir ,an%ers onl2 to concrete slab soffits. #o not co(er or bloc4 t,e return air 'assa%es and %rills of aircon s2ste&. #o not co(er or bloc4 stub!outs >cleanouts; $ater source; e7,aust; se$er; draina%e; etc.? $,en not needed. Instead; said stub!outs s,all be free of obstructions and easil2 accessible. All a''ro(ed 'lans s,all be 'resent at t,e $or4 site at all ti&es. 0ESSEE s,all reDuest in $ritin% to SM!E## ad&inistration for tec,nical ins'ection of t,e leased least t,ree >)? da2s 'rior to an2 'roFected store o'enin%. =OR/ING #RA=INGS >Scale 1 +5 & at "5 K 7 )5 K? &easure&ents t,ru Mall area at

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0ESSEES are reDuired to (isit actual site and ta4e actual PRIOR to 're'aration of 'lans.

15!1 Part 15 6entilation Guidelines

Mec,anical A 6ent A E7,aust Plan


@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @

Main #ucts 8ranc, #ucts to Main Ne$ #ucts to be Installed SiEe >=7H? for all duct$or4 s,o$n on dra$in% Air 6elocit2 in Eac, Section of #uct 0ocation and siEe of all %rease duct cleanout access 0ocation of Grease Reser(oirs Slo'e of botto& of duct for all sections Point of Connection for ne$ duct to e7istin% duct #etailed dra$in% of Han%ers and su''ort


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/itc,en ,oods L indicatin% di&ensions and $,ic, sides are o'en for air Blo$ E7,aust and fres, air fans E7,aust duct %rease reser(oirs


#etail 'lans and ele(ations s,o$in% connection of e7,aust branc, duct to e7,aust &ain.


=it, co&'lete s'ecification for all e7,aust and fres, air fan


Bor eac, 4itc,en ,ood sub&it a co&'leted K/itc,en Hood #ata: for&

15!" Part 15 6entilation Guidelines


8TU load 'er 8urner and Total 8TU load.

15!) Part 15 6entilation Guidelines

General Criteria
RE9UIREMENTS @ All stea&; (a'ors; ,eat; odors and &oisture 'roducin% areas and ,i%,!,eat 'roducin% eDui'&ent &ust be e7,austed b2 s'ecial &ec,anical e7,aust s2ste&s. TCPE 1 ! desi%ned to collect and re&o(e all t2'es of coo4in% effluent fro& t,e e7,austed air. TCPE " ! desi%ned to collect and re&o(e onl2 stea&; odors. (a'ors; ,eat and

@ @ @

S'ecial e7,aust s2ste&s s,all be desi%ned to 're(ent (a'ors; ,eat; odors and &oisture fro& &i%ratin% t,e &all and into t,e buildin%Hs air conditionin% s2ste&s.

15!* Part 15 6entilation Guidelines

6entilation #esi%n Criteria

RE9UIREMENTS @ @ Connection to &ain e7,aust duct s,all be an%led b2 *+N to$ards t,e direction of air flo$. A &ini&u& of .5I of t,e 4itc,en ,ood e7,aust air flo$ &ust be &ade u' $it, unconditioned &a4eu' fres, air introduced directl2 into t,e ,ood. All e7,aust ,oods s,all e7tend a &ini&u& ,oriEontal distance of 1+5&& >-:? be2ond t,e ed%e of t,e coo4in% surface on all o'en sides. #istance &easured fro& ,ood inside li'. All fans used in e7,aust duct s2ste&s and fres,!air duct s2ste& &ust be adFustable t2'e t,at 'er&its adFust&ents to ca'acit2 durin% final testin% and balancin%. Ri%id ceilin% &an,ole and cat$al4 alon% t,e e7,aust duct blo$er s,ould be 'ro(ided. All duct$or4 used on e7,aust s2ste&s &ust be at least 1- %a%e carbon steel or 11 %a%e stainless steel $it, all Foints and sea&s &ade $it, continuous liDuid!ti%,t $elded on t,e e7ternal surface of t,e duct$or4. An2 'ortion of t,e ductin% t,at is inaccessible fro& t,e duct entr2 or disc,ar%e s,all be 'ro(ided $it, clean out o'enin%s. T,e (ertical distance bet$een t,e lo$er li' of t,e ,ood and t,e coo4in% eDui'&ent surface s,all not e7ceed *!feet. Air (elocit2 in sections of e7,aust duct s,all be &aintained bet$een a &ini&u& of +55 BPM and a &a7i&u& of ";+55 BPM. No da&'ers &a2 be installed in %rease ducts. E7,aust fan &otor s,all be located outside t,e e7,aust airstrea& and 'ro(ided $it, (ibration isolators. Use stainless KSelf!Co&'ensatin% Hood: t2'e of ,oods >E7,aust Hood Cano'2 $A Bres, Air?. Co&'lete $it, .A GA.11 SS Hood 8od2 .A GA.11 SS Grease Bilter Holder .A GA."5 SS To' Plate .A GA."5 SS Bres, Air #i(ider .A GA."5 SS Grease Bilter #i(ider .A GA."" SS 8affle T2'e Grease Bilter and Bra&e .A SS Oil Cu' 6a'or Proof 0a&' $it, ,ousin%; .A Cli'sal S$itc,; .A Ro2al Cord Hea(2 #ut2 Plu%.
15!+ Part 15 6entilation Guidelines

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>Refer to attac, dra$in% of SS E7,aust Hood Cano'2 $A B.A at t,e 0ast Pa%e.? @ All ,ood filters s,ould be baffle t2'e and s,all be installed at an an%le not less t,an *+ fro& t,e ,oriEontal and s,all be eDui''ed $it, a dri' side %utter and oil collector tra2. @ @ @ Use fire!rated and lea4!'roof &aterials for &ac,ine fle7ible duct connector a''ro(ed b2 SM. Po' ri(ets; &etal scre$s ; or ot,er si&ilar e7'osed fasteners s,all not be used on t,e internal surfaces of t,e ,ood. 0i%,tin% fi7tures installed inside e7,aust ,oods s,all be &ar4ed; KBor use $it,in co&&ercial coo4in% ,oods:; or eDui(alent e7'losion 'roof fi7ture. Hoods s,all be secured in 'lace b2 nonco&bustible su''orts. E7,aust ducts &ust be c2lindrical in s,a'e. HoriEontal ducts s,all be 'ro'erl2 &ini&u& of "N. slo'ed to t,e ,ood it ser(es $it,

@ @ @ @ @ @

Pro(ide duct ,an%er for e(er2 duct bend; dro' collar; &ac,ine connection and for e(er2 T$o >"? &eters run of duct. Pro(ide *5&& t,ic4 alu&inu& foil coated acoustic duct insulation around t,e duct $it, t,e use of non co&bustible ad,esi(e to 'aste t,e insulation. Install indi(idual e7,aust for eac, co&fort roo&s.

15!Part 15 6entilation Guidelines

Co&&ercial /itc,en Hood #esi%n Criteria


Hoods s,all installed at or abo(e all co&&ercial food ,eat!'rocessin% eDui'&ent. Included are dee' fat fr2ersM broilersM fr2 %rillsM stea&!Fac4eted 4ettlesM ,ot!to' ran%esM o(ensM barbecuesM rotisseriesM dis,$as,in% &ac,ines and si&ilar eDui'&ent. Bor t,e 'ur'ose of t,is section; a food!'rocessin% establis,&ent s,all include an2 buildin% or a 'ortion t,ereof used for t,e 'rocessin% of food. E7ce'tion Bood ,eat!'rocessin% eDui'&ent installed $it,in a d$ellin% unit.


A''ro(al of ,oods. 0isted and labeled factor2!built co&&ercial e7,aust ,oods tested in accordance $it, U0 .15 s,all be installed in accordance $it, t,e &anufacturerHs installation instructions. T,e e7,aust ,ood s,all be desi%ned for t,e t2'e of coo4in% a''liance ser(ed; and s,all be desi%ned to confine coo4in% (a'ors and residues $it,in t,e ,ood. Ot,er t2'e ,oods. Bactor2!built co&&ercial e7,aust ,oods t,at are not tested in accordance $it, U0 .15 s,all confor& to all of t,e reDuire&ents. T2'e I and T2'e II ,oods. T2'e I ,ood s,all be installed at or abo(e all co&&ercial food ,eat!'rocessin% eDui'&ent t,at 'roduces %rease (a'ors or s&o4e. A T2'e I or T2'e II ,ood s,all be installed at or abo(e all co&&ercial food ,eat!'rocessin% eDui'&ent t,at 'roduces fu&es; stea&; odor or ,eat. #o&estic coo4in% a''liances used for co&&ercial 'ur'oses. #o&estic coo4in% a''liances utiliEed for co&&ercial 'ur'oses s,all be 'ro(ided $it, T2'e I or II ,oods as reDuired for t,e t2'e of eDui'&ent and 'rocesses. Solid fuel. T2'e I ,ood for use o(er solid fuel!burnin% coo4in% eDui'! &ent s,all disc,ar%e to an e7,aust s2ste& is de'endent of ot,er e7,aust s2ste&s.


=,ere (ented fuel!burnin% a''liances are located in t,e sa&e roo& or s'ace as t,e ,ood 'ro(isions s,all be &ade to 're(ent t,e ,ood s2ste& fro& interferin% $it, nor&al o'eration of t,e a''liance (ent.

15!. Part 15 6entilation Guidelines


@ @

T2'e I and II ,oods s,all be constructed of &aterials confor&in% #.1 or #." or ot,er a''ro(ed &aterial. #1 Gal(aniEed steel. Gal(aniEed steel for T2'e I ,ood construction s,all ,a(e a &ini&u& t,ic4ness of 5.5) inc,es >5.1 &&? >No. "" %au%e?. Gal(aniEed steel for T2'e II ,ood construction s,all ,a(e a &ini&u& t,ic4! ness of 5."* inc, >5.- &&? >No. "* %au%e?. #" Stainless steel and co''er. Stainless steel for t,e construction of ,oods s,all ,a(e a &ini&u& t,ic4ness of 5.5) inc, >5.1 &&? >No. "" %au%e?. Co''er for t,e construction of ,oods s,all be of co''er s,eets $ei%,in% not less t,an "* ounces 'er sDuare foot >. 4%A& "?.


Hoods s,all be secured in 'lace b2 nonco&bustible su''orts.


E7ternal Foints and sea&s s,all be $elded liDuid ti%,t. @ @ A ,ood s,all be desi%ned to 'ro(ide for t,rou%, cleanin% of t,e entire ,ood. Grease %utters s,all drain to an a''ro(ed collection rece'tacle t,at is fabricated; desi%ned and installed to be accessible for cleanin%.


T2'e I ,ood s,all be installed $it, a clearance to co&bustibles of not less t,an 11 inc,es >*+. &&?; or not less t,an ) inc,es >.- &&? $,ere t,e co&bustible &aterial is 'rotected $it, nonco&bustible &aterials ,a(in% a &ini&u& 1!,our fire!resistance ratin% on t,e ,ood side. Hoods located less t,an 1" inc,es >)5+ &&? fro& ceilin% or $all s,all be flas,ed solidl2 $it, &aterials s'ecified in #.1 J #." or nonco&bustible &aterials ,a(in% a &ini&u& 1!,our fire!resistance ratin%.


T2'e I ,oods or 'ortions t,ereof 'enetratin% a ceilin%; $all or furred s'ace s,all co&'l2 $it, all t,e reDuire&ents.

15!1 Part 15 6entilation Guidelines


T2'e I ,oods s,all be eDui''ed $it, a''ro(ed %rease filters desi%ned for t,e s'ecific 'ur'ose. Grease!collectin% eDui'&ent s,all be accessible for cleanin%. T,e lo$est ed%e of a %rease filter located abo(e t,e coo4in% surface s,all be not less t,an t,e ,ei%,t s'ecified. Mini&u& #istance bet$een t,e 0o$est Ed%e of a Grease Bilter and t,e Coo4in% Surface or t,e Heatin% Surface. T2'e of Coo4in% EDui'&ent =it,out e7'osed fla&e E7'osed fla&e and burners E7'osed c,arcoal and c,ar broil!t2'e Bor SI 1 foot P )5*.1 && Hei%,t abo(e coo4in% surface >feet? " " )W

Criteria Bilters s,all be of suc, siEe; t2'e and arran%e&ent as $ill 'er&it t,e reDuired Duantit2 of air to 'ass t,rou%, suc, units at rates not e7ceedin% t,ose for $,ic, t,e filter or unit $as desi%ned or a''ro(ed. Bilter units s,all be installed in fra&es or ,olders so as to be readil2 re&o(able $it,out t,e use of se'arate tools; unless desi%ned and installed to be cleaned in 'lace and t,e s2ste& is eDui''ed for suc, cleanin% in 'lace. Re&o(able filter units s,all be of a siEe t,at $ill allo$ t,e& to be cleaned in an dis,$as,in% &ac,ine or 'ot sin4. Bilter units s,all be arran%ed in 'lace or 'ro(ided $it, dri'!interce'tin% de(ices to 're(ent %rease or ot,er condensate fro& dri''in% into food or on food 're'aration surfaces. Mountin% Position Bilters s,all be installed at an an%le %reater t,an *+ de%rees >5..3 rad? fro& t,e ,oriEontal and s,all be eDui''ed $it, a dri' tra2 beneat, t,e lo$er ed%e of t,e filters.


T,e inside ed%e of cano'2!t2'e co&&ercial coo4in% ,oods s,all o(er,an% or e7tend a ,oriEontal distance of not less t,an - inc,es >1+" &&? be2ond t,e ed%e of t,e coo4in% surface; on all o'en sides. T,e (ertical distance bet$een t,e li' of t,e ,ood and t,e coo4in% surface s,all not e7ceed * feet >1"13 &&?.


Non cano'2!t2'e ,oods s,all be located a &a7i&u& of ) feet >31* &&? abo(e t,e coo4in% surface. T,e ed%e of t,e ,ood s,all be set bac4 a &a7i&u& of 1 foot >)5+ &&? fro& t,e ed%e of t,e coo4in% surface.

15!3 Part 15 6entilation Guidelines


Cano'2!t2'e co&&ercial coo4in% ,oods s,all e7,aust a &ini&u& Duantit2 of air; $,ere "?. A P t,e ,oriEontal surface area of t,e ,ood; in sDuare feet >& # P distance in feet >&&? bet$een t,e lo$er li' of t,e ,ood and t,e coo4in% surface P P t,at 'art of t,e 'eri&eter of t,e ,ood t,at is o'en; in feet >&&?. 9 P Duantit2 of air; in cubic feet 'er &inute >0As?.

=,ere coo4in% eDui'&ent is installed bac4 to bac4 and is co(ered b2 a co&&on island!t2'e ,ood; t,e airflo$ reDuired s,all be calculated usin% t,e for&ula for a &ini&u& of t,ree sides e7'osed. Airflo$ reDuire&ents for T2'e II ,oods s,all be in accordance $it, t,e reDuire&ents for lo$!te&'erature a''liance ,oods. Solid fuel ! burnin% coo4in% eDui'&ent. T,e &ini&u& airflo$ for e7,aust s2ste&s used for solid fuel!burnin% coo4in% eDui'&ent; %rease!burnin% c,arbroilers and si&ilar eDui'&ent s,all be No. Of E7'osed Sides Bor&ula * >island or central ,ood? 9 P )55A ) or less 9 P "55A Alternate for&ula 9 P 155P# Bor SI 9 P 5.*-A 9 P 5.)1A 9 P 5.1-P#

Hi%, te&'erature ! T,e &ini&u& airflo$ for T2'e I ,oods used for ,i%,! te&'erature a''liances suc, as dee'!fat fr2ers s,all be deter&ined as follo$s No. Of E7'osed Sides * >island or central ,ood? ) or less Alternate for&ula Bor&ula 9 P 1+5A 9 P 155A 9 P 155 P# Bor SI 9 P 5.")A 9 P 5.1-A 9 P 5.1-P#

15!15 Part 15 6entilation Guidelines

SMO/E TESTING @ Conduct s&o4e test of duct$or4s 'rior to ta''in% to &ain duct and instal ! lation of insulation


Measured air flo$ at eac, 4itc,en ,ood and fres, air deli(er2 'oint


@ @ @

Static and total air 'ressure at inlet and disc,ar%e of eac, fanA blo$er O'eratin% RPM of eac, fanA blo$er Electric current dra$ of eac, fanA blo$er Static and total air 'ressure in t,e 0esseeHs duct$or4 at t,e 'oint of connection to t,e e7,aust A fres, air &ain ducts.


15!11 Part 15 6entilation Guidelines

of Self

15!11 Part 15 6entilation Guidelines

Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations It is understood t,at t,e follo$in% House Rules s,all for& an inte%ral 'art of t,e Contract of 0ease. General Res'onsibilities


All 0ESSEES are ad(ised to strictl2 ad,ere to t,e conditions and 'ri(ile%es of t,eir res'ecti(e 0ease Contract re%ardin% t,e use of t,e 're&ises and t,e s'ecified ite&s and &erc,andise to be carried.


S,o's &ust be o'ened for business fro& durin% re%ular &all ,ours dail2. Ho$e(er; on All Saints #a2 and Election #a2; store ,ours s,all be fro& 1" 55 noon ! 3 55 '.&. T,e 0ESSEE s,all secure t,e $ritten a''ro(al of t,e 0ESSOR at least t,ree >)? da2s in ad(ance if it intends to close t,e Pre&ises. Use t,is sa&e 'rocedure for an2 ti&e de(iation.


All 0ESSEES are ad(ised to 'a2 t,eir indi(idual air!condition c,ar%es; if a''licable and t,eir s,are of co&&on area &aintenance ser(ice c,ar%es on or before t,e due date indicated in t,e billin%. After $,ic, 'eriod; a ser(ice of disconnection order s,all be issued if no 'a2&ent is recei(ed. An2 dela2 in t,e issuance of suc, disconnection order &a2 not be construed as a $ai(er of t,e 0ESSOR.


To en,ance t,e a''earance of eac, s,o' and de(elo' better i&a%e for t,e MA00; s,o' o$ners are stron%l2 ur%ed to ,a(e t,eir 'ersonnel $ear 'ro'erl2 coordinated unifor&s t,at blend $it, t,e total conce't of t,e s,o'; co&'lete $it, identification ta%s.


0ESSEES s,all furnis, t,e 0ESSOR na&es of t,eir e&'lo2ees assi%ned at t,e MA00 $it, t,eir res'ecti(e 'osition and 1: 7 1: color ',oto in $,ite bac4%round at least fi(e >+? da2s before t,eir store o'enin% for t,e necessar2 issuance of SCMC I#.

11!1 Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations


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0i4e$ise; in cases $,ere 2our e&'lo2ees resi%n; are transferred or ter&inated; t,e I#s s,all be surrendered to SCMC A#MINISTRATION. T,e 'olic2 of KNO I#; NO ENTRC: s,all be strictl2 follo$ed b2 t,e MA00 SECURITC. E&'lo2ees s,all use onl2 desi%nated e&'lo2ees entrance before re%ular o'eratin% ,ours. All store e&'lo2ees are reDuired to $ear t,eir SCMC I# durin% store ,ours.


It s,all be t,e res'onsibilit2 of t,e 0ESSEE to see t,at t,eir stoc4s are re'lenis,ed to assure s,o''ers of (ariet2 of c,oice. T,is $ill ensure t,e continuous 'atrona%e of s,o's at t,e MA00. 0ESSEES are 'ro,ibited fro& sellin% unta7ed i&'orted %oods $,ic, are dee&ed to be a (iolation of la$. 0ESSEE s,all; in order to &aintain t,e 'resti%e and standard of t,e MA00; ado't 'ricin% &ec,anis&s $,ic, assure t,at %oods for sale are reasonabl2 and co&'etiti(el2 'riced.

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0ESSEES are reDuested to re'ort i&&ediatel2 t,e outbrea4 of fire in t,eir area and to a''l2 necessar2 &easures $it,in t,eir dis'osal to e7tin%uis, t,e blaEe. Bor t,is 'ur'ose; 0ESSEES and t,eir staff are reDuired to fa&iliariEe t,e&sel(es $it, fire!fi%,tin% 'rocedures b2 attendin% fire!fi%,tin% orientation and 'artici'atin% in fire drills $,ic, SCMC A#MINISTRATION &a2 'eriodicall2 call fro& ti&e to ti&e.


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0ESSEES are reDuested to re'ort i&&ediatel2 an2 brea4do$n of co&'an2 facilities and installations $it,in t,eir 're&ises and t,eir nei%,borin% areas. 0ESSEES &ust also re'ort t,e brea4do$n of t,eir o$n installations if t,e sa&e 'oses incon(enienceA,aEard to t,e MA00 or its custo&ers.

11!" Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations


S,o's &ust be 'ro(ided $it, ni%,t li%,ts $,en not o'en for business and after store ,ours for securit2 reasons and to 'ro(ide continuous (ie$in% of t,e &erc,andise on dis'la2.


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S,o'liftin% and ot,er securit2 incidents &ust be re'orted to CUSTOMER RE0ATIONS SER6ICE OBBICE i&&ediatel2. S,o' o$ners are enFoined to 'ursue t,e co&'laints or file le%al action necessar2 to 'unis, t,e res'onsible 'arties to deter t,e re'eated occurrence of t,e sa&e.

11!) Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations

GUI#E0INES @ 0ESSEE s,all $are,ouse; store andAor stoc4 in t,e 're&ises onl2 suc, %oods; $ares and &erc,andise as 0ESSEE intends to offer for sale in t,e 're&ises. T,is s,all not 'reclude bonafide transfers of &erc,andise bet$een 0ESSEEHs ot,er stores in t,e &etro'olitan area. 0ESSEE a%rees to use onl2 brand ne$ or co&'letel2 reconditioned fi7tures; furniture; and eDui'&ent $it,in t,e leased 're&ises. 0ESSOR reser(es t,e ri%,t to 'ass u'on; and e(en refuse t,e entr2 and use in t,e leased 're&ises of suc, &aterials and eDui'&ent $,ic, are e(identl2 sufferin% fro& 'oor $or4&ans,i'; Dualit2 and old a%e. 0ESSEE &ust at all ti&es 4ee' t,e 're&ises clean and in sanitar2 condition. SCMC A#MINISTRATION or its re'resentati(e reser(es t,e ri%,t to enter an2 of t,e leased 're&ises; 'articularl2 t,e 4itc,en and co&fort roo&s of food establis,&ents to loo4 into t,e sanitar2 condition of t,e sa&e. 0ESSEE &ust attend i&&ediatel2 to an2 re'air t,e s,o' needs; $,ic, s,all be underta4en at ,is o$n e7'ense. 0ESSEE s,all first secure a''ro(al fro& SCMC A#MINISTRATION at least t,ree >)? da2s before an2 re'airAreno(ation is to be done. =,ere t,e nature of t,e re'air conte&'lated is suc, t,at it &a2; in an2 &anner; affect t,e &allHs o$n installations; said re'air s,all be underta4en onl2 after 'rior notice and a''ro(al fro& SCMC A#MINISTRATION. In an2 e(ent; SCMC A#MINISTRATION &ust be infor&ed so t,at t,e &o(e&ent of $or4ers and t,e 'ro%ress of t,e Fob &a2 be controlled and 'ro'erl2 su'er(ised on 'ro'er safet2 and securit2. @ 0ESSEE s,all 'ro(ide rece'tacles and sufficient containers for tras, and a%rees t,at t,e dis'osal of sa&e s,all be done at suc, ti&e; 'lace and &anner as &a2 be fi7ed b2 0ESSOR.

11!* Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations

E7ce't for food establis,&ents; coo4in% of an2 4ind and b2 an2 &eans is strictl2 'ro,ibited $it,in t,e leased 're&ises. Eatin% $it,in t,e leased 're&ises; ,o$e(er; $ill be 'er&itted 'ro(ided strict sanitation is obser(ed and s,ould not be in full (ie$ of t,e custo&ers. 0ESSEE s,all not use or 'er&it t,e use of an2 'ortion of t,e 're&ises as slee'in% or li(in% Duarters or use t,e sa&e for ille%al 'ur'oses. S,o's $it, 'i'ed!in &usic are ad(ised to 'la2 t,e sa&e at re%ulated and &oderate (olu&e. T,e SCMC A#MINISTRATION reser(es t,e ri%,t to re%ulate t,e (olu&e $,ic, interferes $it, its o$n acti(ities in t,e MA00. 0ESSEE s,all not use or e&'lo2 an2 audio!(isual ser(ices; suc, as but not li&ited to loud s'ea4ers; &ec,anical or &o(in% dis'la2 de(ices; unusuall2 bri%,t and flas,in% li%,ts and si&ilar de(ices; t,e effect of $,ic, &a2 be seen or ,eard outside t,e leased 're&ises. Entries; 'assa%es; &all; ,all$a2 and corridors of t,e buildin% s,all not be used b2 0ESSEE or ,is store 'ersonnel for an2 ot,er 'ur'ose ot,er t,an in%ress or e%ress. 0ESSEE s,all not 'lace or allo$ an2bod2 to 'lace an2 &erc,andise or install; attac,; or incor'orate an2 structure anne7; or $or4 of an2 4ind; 'rotrudin% fro& t,e Pre&ises. 6iolation of t,is 'ro(ision s,all %i(e t,e 0ESSOR t,e ri%,t to re&o(e &erc,andise; structure; etc.; $it,out need of notice; and all e7'enses incurred s,all be for t,e account of t,e 0ESSEE. 0ESSEE s,all not 'aint; dri(e nails; scre$s or abut&ents on t,e $alls or fra&es; nor 'ost an2 indecent; i&&oral or obFectionable inscri'tion; nor &a4e alterations; i&'ro(e&ents or c,an%es in an2 'art of t,e leased 're&ises; includin% electrical installation; 'lu&bin% and ot,er fi7tures $it,out 'rior $ritten a''ro(al fro& t,e 0ESSOR.

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11!+ Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations

0ESSEE s,all not use or store in t,e leased 're&ises infla&&able or e7'losi(e &aterials or %as!fueled a''liances in an2 for& or Duantit2. In addition t,ereto; RESTAURANTS s,all 'ro(ide and install $it,in t,e leased 're&ises adeDuate safet2 de(ices suc, as fire e7tin%uis,ers; 0PG safet2 de(ice and s&o4e and fire alar&s to &ini&iEe and a(oid fire ,aEards. T,e 0ESSEE s,all 'er&it re%ular ins'ection b2 t,e 0ESSOR or its a%ents of its a''liances; and s,all i&&ediatel2 furnis, suc, reasonable safet2 de(ices $,en reDuired b2 t,e 0ESSOR or its a%ents. In all cases; 0ESSEE s,all not 'erfor& an2 act or t,in% $,ic, &a2 e7'ose t,e leased 're&ises to fire or increase t,e (olu&e of fire ,aEard or c,an%e to insurance rate of t,e buildin%; it bein% understood t,at s,ould 0ESSEE do so; ,e s,all be res'onsible for all t,e da&a%es $,ic, suc, (iolation &a2 cause t,e 0ESSOR andAor its ot,er 0ESSEES aside fro& 0ESSEEHS ot,er liabilities under t,e lease contract. Ga&blin% in an2 for& andAor %a&es $,ere su&s of &one2 are at sta4e s,all not be conducted $it,in t,e leased 're&ises. Stora%e of &ac,iner2; eDui'&ent; and ot,er 'ro'erties of 0ESSEE in t,e co&&on areas is strictl2 'ro,ibited.

@ @

11!+ Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations


#eli(er2 of &erc,andise; su''lies and ot,er &aterials s,all be fro& - 55 A.M. to ) 55 P.M. for food tenants; and fro& - 55 A.M. to 1" 55 noon for nonfood tenants dail2 $it,out need of a %ate 'ass; subFect to t,e follo$in% %uidelines.


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Use onl2 desi%nated entrances for all deli(eries. #eli(er2 carts &ust ,a(e rubber rollers. Ite&s s,ould not be allo$ed to be dra%%ed da&a%in% t,e floorin%. #eli(eries t,at $ould stain and &ess t,e &all and ,all$a2s are not allo$ed. =et deli(eries s,ould be 'laced in ti%,tl2 sealed 'lastic sanitar2 ba%s or st2ro containers. In%ress of brea4able; s,ar'!ed%ed; bul42; ,ea(2 &aterials; tan4 container; construction lu&ber and &aterial su''lies; &ust secure 'ro'er clearance fro& SCMC A#MINISTRATION before entr2. O(erloadin% of deli(er2 carts is not allo$ed. Tenants can use t,e base&ent ser(ice ele(ator for deli(eries not e7ceedin% 1;555 lbs. at an2 %i(en ti&e. 8ase&ent ser(ices area can onl2 be used for loadin% and unloadin% of &erc,andise of not &ore t,an 1+ &inutes. #eli(eries s,all be subFect to 'ro'er safet2 and securit2 'olic2 of t,e MA00. S,o' o$ners s,ould obtain 'er&ission fro& SCMC A#MINISTRATION before s& cor'orate offices; bld%. a; furniture; and eDui'&ent are brou%,t in or out of t,e 're&ises be2ond s'ecified ti&e. Moreo(er; 4indl2 'ro(ide t,e SCMC A#MINISTRATION na&es of 2our aut,oriEed si%natories and t,eir corres'ondin% s'eci&en si%natures for better control and securit2. U'datin% of aut,oriEed si%natories s,ould be done 'eriodicall2. Bor&s are a(ailable at SCMC A#MINISTRATION and &a2 be re'roduced for 2our reDuire&ents.

@ @

@ @

11!. Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations


All 0ESSEES are reDuired to use t,e s2&bolic SM lo%o of $,ic, standard desi%n is readil2 a(ailable at t,e SCMC A#MINISTRATION; for use in all co&&unications; 'ro&otions; ad(ertisin% &aterial for&s. Said lo%o &ust be used in all &aterials adFacent to; i&&ediatel2 abo(e or belo$ 2our storeHs na&e in ne$s'a'er ad(ertise&ents; circulars; &ailers; or an2 ot,er 'rint &edia ad(ertisin% of 2our 'roducts or ser(ices. T,e utiliEation of t,is lo%o is necessar2 to 'ro(ide a unifor& loo4 in t,e 'ro&otion of SM MA00 as a sin%le entit2.

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0ESSEE &aintainin% branc,es in ot,er areas s,all afford eDual e7'osure to t,eir o'eration in SM MA00 in all t,eir 'ro&otions and ad(ertise&ents. 0ESSEE s,all be reDuired to ad(ertise in at least one leadin% ne$s'a'er to announce t,e o'enin% of ,is store at t,e MA00.


E7ce't for t,e dul2 aut,oriEed store si%n; no ot,er si%ns and 'osters s,all be installed on t,e facade of eac, s,o' $it,out an2 'rior a''ro(al or clearance fro& SCMC A#MINISTRATION. T,e Ad&inistration reser(es t,e ri%,t to re(ie$ t,e nature and 're'aration of t,e sales ca&'ai%n &aterials and ot,er 'ro'osed si%ns and 'osters.


@ @

Onl2 tenants are allo$ed to distribute fl2ers to 'ro&ote t,eir storesAoutlets at t,e MA00. Tenants s,ould secure a''ro(al fro& SCMC A#MINISTRATION on t,e follo$in% ! Contents of t,e fl2er ! #ates of distribution Ti&e of distribution s,all be fro& 11 55 a.&. ! " 55 '.&. for food tenants and fro& ) 55 ! + 55 '.&. for nonfood tenants. Persons assi%ned to distribute fl2ers s,ould be &obile; not stationar2 and in 'ro'er unifor& or in &ascot costu&e.

@ @

11!1 Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations


#istribution s,all be in a &anner b2 $,ic, it $ould not obstruct t,e flo$ of custo&ers inside t,e &all.

11!3 Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations

Pa2&ent Guidelines
GUI#E0INES @ Per our Contract of 0ease; 'a2&ent of rental and ot,er c,ar%es s,all be &ade $it,in t,e first fifteen >1+? calendar da2s after t,e end of e(er2 calendar &ont, to $,ic, t,e rental state&ent of account corres'onds. If 'a2&ent is &ade on t,e si7teent, >1-t,? da2 of t,e &ont, or on a later da2; t,e 0ESSEE s,all be c,ar%ed an interest of t,ree 'ercent >)I? 'er &ont, on all un'aid c,ar%es rec4onin% fro& t,e be%innin% of t,e &ont, u' to t,e date of 'a2&ent o(er t,irt2 >)5? da2s. All arreara%esAun'aid c,ar%es s,all be c,ar%ed an interest of t,ree 'ercent >)I? 'er &ont,. @ If full 'a2&ent is not &ade at t,e end of t,e &ont,; a cas,ier $ill be 'osted in 2our area on t,e first da2 of t,e follo$in% &ont,. T,e cas,ier s,all &onitor all sales transactions and collect fort2 >*5I? 'ercent of t,e total dail2 cas, and credit sales. T,e dail2 rate of t,e cas,ier in 2our 're&ises s,all be reflected in 2our account. T,e cas,ier 'ostin% s,all cease onl2 u'on full 'a2&ent of 2our rental arrears. If full 'a2&ent is still not &ade after t$ent2 fi(e >"+? da2s of cas,ier 'ostin%; t,e lease contract s,all be subFect to ter&ination. If a 'articular ite& in t,e rental state&ent of account is bein% contested; it is su%%ested t,at t,e 0ESSEE 'a2 t,e account in full and 'referabl2 on ti&e. T,e 0ESSEE s,all send a letter to t,e SCMC A#MINISTRATION statin% t,e reason $,2 t,e ite& s,ould be re&o(ed fro& t,e account. If t,e reason is found to be (alid; t,e corres'ondin% credit $ill be &ade. Unless $ritten e7ce'tion is &ade b2 t,e 0ESSEE on t,e correctness of t,e rental state&ent of account $it,in t$o >"? $ee4s fro& recei't t,ereof; t,e correctness of t,e rental state&ent of account s,all be considered conclusi(e a%ainst t,e 0ESSEE. T,e 0ESSEE is encoura%ed to reconcile t,eir accounts $it, t,e SCMC A#MINISTRATION on a re%ular basis.

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11!15 Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations

GUI#E0INES; continued

T,e 0ESSEE underta4es to re&it to t,e 8ureau of Internal Re(enue >8IR? all ta7es $it,,eld fro& ,is 'a2&ents on or before t,e tent, >15t,? of t,e &ont,. T,e 0ESSEE s,all li4e$ise sub&it to t,e SCMC A#MINISTRATION t,ree >)? co'ies of t,e Certificate of Creditable Inco&e Ta7 =it,,eld at Source >8IR Bor& ")5.? for t,e Duarter $it,in fifteen >1+? da2s after t,e end of eac, Duarter. 9uarter #eadline for Sub&ission

>on or before...? <anuar2 ! Marc, A'ril 1+ A'ril ! <une <ul2 1+ <ul2 ! Se'te&ber October 1+ October ! #ece&ber <anuar2 1+ Bailure to sub&it said Certificate s,all be construed as non re&ittance to 8IR; as suc,; ta7 $it,,eld s,all be billed accordin%l2. In addition; interest at )I 'er &ont, s,all be c,ar%ed corres'ondin%l2 for t,e eDui(alent a&ount of ta7 $it,,eld not su''orted $it, $it,,oldin% ta7 certificate; $,ic, s,all be co&'uted fro& t,e &ont, t,e ta7 $as $it,,eld fro& 'a2&ents. @ Bor t,e con(enience of t,e 0ESSEE; 'a2&ents &a2 be &ade at an2 of t,e follo$in% (enues ! An2 8anco #e Oro branc, nearest to t,e 0essee >8rin% t,e Pa2&ent Sli' attac,ed in 2our State&ent Of Account? ! An2 SM Mall Treasur2 Office

11!11 Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations

Sales Re'ortin% >Bor Non!Bi7ed Tenants?

GUI#E0INES @ 0ESSEE s,ould sub&it a dail2 sales re'ort t,ru t,e COIN Sales Re'ortin% S2ste& on or before 15 55 a.&. of t,e follo$in% da2. 0ESSEE s,ould sub&it a certified &ont,l2 sales re'ort $it,in t,e first t,ree >)? da2s after t,e end of eac, calendar &ont,. T,e sales re'ort s,ould state t,e total %ross sales &ade durin% eac, 'recedin% &ont,. All sales transactions and sales related transactions; $,ic, include but not li&ited to a''ro(edAuna''ro(ed discounts; in(entor2 losses c,ar%ed to e&'lo2ees; e&'lo2ees &eals; and sales fro& in(entor2 'ull!out; &ust be re'ortedA s,o$n in t,e certified &ont,l2 sales re'ort. CreditAc,ar%e sales s,ould be treated as a sale for t,e full 'rice at t,e sa&e ti&e of t,e transaction; re%ardless of t,e ti&e of 'a2&ent or $,en title 'asses. CreditAc,ar%e sales are to be 'unc,ed in to 2our POS &ac,ine>s? A Cas, Re%ister Mac,ine>s?.

11!1" Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations

Sub&ission of Bire Insurance J Co&'re,ensi(e General 0iabilit2 Insurance Co(era%e


0ESSEE s,all furnis, t,e 0ESSOR a ',otoco'2 of t,e insurance co(era%e of 2our i&'ro(e&ents; &erc,andise; and all ot,er 'ro'erties inside 2our leased 're&ises. T,e insurance s,all be a%ainst fire andAor li%,tnin% andAor ot,er 'erils; and an adeDuate co&'re,ensi(e %eneral liabilit2 insurance co(era%e.

11!1) Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations


One of our 'ri&e obFecti(es is to 'ro(ide assistance to our tenants; s'ecificall2 in relation to $or4 t,at $ould reDuire EMERGENCC re'airs of e7istin% 'lu&bin%; electrical; and air!conditionin% facilities.


Please infor& our office of t,e needed ser(ices and fill u' a SER6ICE RE9UEST for&. @ @ @ Secure and fill u' a for& in * co'ies a(ailable at SCMC A#MINISTRATION. Confir&ation b2 2our AUTHORIVE# SIGNATORC of t,e ser(ice needed and cost acce'tance. Onl2 e&er%enc2 and &inor re'airs not to e7ceed one ,ourHs $or4 s,all be attended to b2 our &aintenance %rou'. A &ini&u& ser(ice fee 'er call $ill be c,ar%ed. Materials to be su''lied b2 0ESSEE. Unless it is an e&er%enc2; $or4 s,all be sc,eduled in order not to ,a&'er store o'erations. MaFor re'airs s,all be referred to outside contractors.

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11!1* Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations

INTRO#UCTION In line $it, our continuin% &aintenance 'ro%ra&; %arba%e collection for NON!BOO# ESTA80ISHMENTS $ill be done b2 collectors assi%ned at t,e Mall.


All concerned are reDuired to obser(e t,e follo$in% %uidelines @ Place all tras, in 'ro'erl2 sealed sanitar2 ba%s; se'aratin% $et fro& dr2. Garba%e s,ould be brou%,t out onl2 $,en t,e collector arri(es at 2our outlet. 0ARGEA8U0/C GAR8AGE is not included. Please brin% directl2 to desi%nated du&' site. 8urnin% of tras, $it,in t,e leased 're&ises is not allo$ed. Garba%e fro& BOO# ESTA80ISHMENTS s,all be collected b2 t,e aut,oriEed %arba%e contractor at s'ecified 'ic4!u' sc,edules.

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11!1+ Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations

Pest Control Pro%ra& >S'ra2in% A Mistin% A Bo%%in% A Rat J Mice Control?


To ensure control 'ro%ra& i&'le&entation; sanitation and safet2; e(er2one is ,ereb2 enFoined to coo'erate in t,e follo$in% @ To a(oid c,e&ical conta&ination; food ite&s and utensils of all food establis,&ents s,ould be 'ro'erl2 4e't and stored; durin% t,e a''lication of 'est control 'ro%ra&. To i&&ediatel2 infor& SCMC A#MINISTRATION of an2 unto$ard incident; as a result of t,e 'ro%ra& i&'le&entation. I&&ediatel2 re'ort t,e 'resence of dead rats and foul odor. Identif2 and re'ort ot,er 'ossible infestation of an2 4ind. Moreo(er; 0ESSEE s,all 'artici'ate in t,e 0ESSORHS &all!$ide 'est control &aintenance and ser(ice of t,e leased 're&ises; $,ic, s,all be c,ar%ed to t,e 0ESSEEHs account.

@ @ @

11!1Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations

INTRO#UCTION Please be re&inded of t,e need to install BIRE EOTINGUISHERS in 2our res'ecti(e store; not onl2 in co&'liance $it, our lease contract and t,e Bire Code but &ore 'articularl2; for t,e safet2 of li(es and 'ro'ert2.


0i4e$ise; t,e follo$in% %uidelines in acDuirin% BIRE EOTINGUISHERS $ould be to 2our ad(anta%e; (iE @ @ @ @ Product s,ould ,a(e PASSE# t,e KP.S.A.: a''ro(al of t,e #e'art&ent of Trade and Industr2. C,e&ical content &ust be suitable to A; 8; C classes of fires >MONOAMONIUM PHOSPHATE? $it, at least one 2ear $arrant2. #eal onl2 $it, a re'utable su''lier to ensure after!sales ser(ice. 8uildin% Ad&inistration $ill assist 2ou and s,all be conductin% safet2 ins'ection; 'articularl2 of (arious (olu&e of fire ,aEard 'resent in 2our area. Bire e7tin%uis,ers s,all be installed in unobstructed location; easil2 accessible and (isible in case of e&er%enc2. Institute 'eriodic ins'ection of all units to ensure t,at contents ,a(e not e7'ired.

11!1. Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations


Bor our &utual benefit; e(er2one is enFoined to obser(e and strictl2 follo$ t,e safet2 %uidelines; to $it @ S'rin4ler ,eads and 'i'es s,ould al$a2s be free fro& an2 obstruction. I&'ro'er utiliEation of t,e 'i'es; ,an%in% of &erc,andise is strictl2 'ro,ibited. T,e s2ste& ,as a HC#ROSTATIC PRESSURE; and t,erefore s,ould be ,andled $it, e7tra care. I&&ediatel2 re'ort an2 lea4 found andAor &isali%n&ent t,at 2ou &a2 notice. Practices ot,er t,an t,e abo(e %uidelines &a2 'ro(e detri&ental to 2our o'eration; as it &a2 result in &alfunctionin% in cases of fire and 're&ature $ater s'ra2; causin% $ater da&a%e.

@ @

11!11 Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations

E7,aust #uct Cleanin% J Safet2 Measures >Bor Bood Establis,&ents?


To safe%uard our li(es and (aluable 'ro'ert2; fire 're(ention &easures as e&bodied in our 0ease Contract s,ould be strictl2 obser(ed.


0i4e$ise; SM!ENGINEERINGHS STAN#AR# SABETC PROCE#URES; 'articularl2 on t,is &atter &ust be %i(en ut&ost i&'ortance as follo$s @ @ @ @ Re%ulate ,ea(2 coo4in% 'ractices. =ee4l2 cleanin% of all e7,aust ,oods; filters; and ducts to be free fro& oil residues and ot,er fla&&able ele&ents. =ee4l2 c,ec4!u' and 'ro'er installation of all reDuired e7,aust blo$er ca'acit2; subFect to SM!En%ineerin%Hs a''ro(al. A(ailabilit2 of at least four >*? units of 15!1+ lbs. ca'acit2 of A8C!#RC CHEMICA0 TCPE or CAR8ON #IOOI#E or 8CB ! HA0ON TCPE of fire e7tin%uis,ers $it, P.S.A. or U.0. a''ro(al on Dualit2. Moreo(er; 0ESSEE s,all 'artici'ate in t,e 0ESSORHS &all!$ide e7,aust duct and ,ood cleanin% ser(ice of t,e leased 're&ises; $,ic, s,all be c,ar%ed to t,e 0ESSEEHs account.

11!13 Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations


T,e buildin% is su''orted b2 155I bac4!u' 'o$er >e&er%enc2 'o$er?. #urin% 'o$er interru'tion; e&er%enc2 'o$er $ill auto&aticall2 acti(ated to su''l2 'o$er to &all and tenant loads.

11!"5 Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations


T,e deli(er2 'ar4in% area is o'en for tenants deli(er2 ser(ices; usin% t,e frei%,t ele(ators under t,e follo$in% %uidelines @ @ @ #eli(er2 (e,icles $it, %ross $ei%,t of &ore t,an +555 4%. &ust secure entr2 'ass fro& SCMC A#MINISTRATION. #eli(er2 area s,all onl2 be used for loadin% and unloadin% of su''lies and &aterials; not to e7ceed 1+ &inutes. TenantsAcusto&ers s,all be ,eld liable for an2 da&a%e t,e2 &a2 cause to t,e 'ar4in%Adeli(er2 area or to its accessories or to 'ersons or an2 ot,er 'ro'ert2A(e,icles inside t,e 'ar4in%Adeli(er2 area. TenantsAcusto&ers a%ree to follo$ rules and re%ulations and obser(e traffic si%ns in t,e car'ar4. #eli(er2 (ans and truc4s $ill be li&ited to onl2 t,ose t,at &a2 be acco&&odated at an2 %i(en ti&e.

11!"1 Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations


@ @

It is our obFecti(e to 'ro(ide i&&ediate su''ort assistance to all our tenants; es'eciall2 in cases of e&er%enc2. All tenants are reDuired to 'ro(ide SCMC A#MINISTRATION $it, t,e na&e of 'erson>s? to contact; to%et,er $it, address and tele',one nu&ber. T,e aut,oriEed re'resentati(e s,ould be able to decide on &atters t,at &a2 co&e u' in cases of e&er%enc2. T,e abo(e infor&ation $ill be 4e't in strict confidence under t,e res'onsibilit2 of our Mall Mana%er.

11!"" Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations


T,e Securit2 Borce of t,e MA00; in addition to its 'ri&ar2 function of securin% t,e ',2sical buildin% facilities; is c,ar%ed $it, t,e res'onsibilit2 of re'ortin% (iolations of t,e MA00HS HOUSE RU0ES. T,e2 s,all see to it t,at t,e follo$in% rules are strictl2 enforced and i&'le&ented to t,e letter. Additionall2; it s,all be t,e dut2 of t,e Securit2 Borce to re'ort in $ritin% to SCMC A#MINISTRATION eac, and e(er2 action in co&'liance $it, t,e abo(e res'onsibilities.

In t,e e(ent t,at 0ESSEE decides to ,ire; solicit and en%a%e t,e ser(ices of a 'ri(ate securit2 %uard or $atc,&anHs a%enc2 for ,is o$n 'ur'oses; ,e s,all onl2 ,ire and en%a%e t,e ser(ices of re'utable securit2 a%encies acce'table to and subFect to t,e 'rior $ritten a''ro(al of 0ESSORM 'ro(ided; t,at 0ESSOR s,all not; in an2 &anner be res'onsible for an2 losses andAor da&a%es sustained b2 0ESSEE relati(e to t,e c,oice and a''ro(al of an2 'articular securit2 a%enc2M and 'ro(ided furt,er t,at 0ESSOR reser(es t,e ri%,t to for&ulate suc, su''le&entar2 rules and re%ulations for t,e 'ro'er obser(ance of t,e 'arties for t,e coordination of t,e 'ri(ate securit2 s2ste& in t,e entire center. T,e 0ESSEE s,ould follo$ t,e follo$in% 'rocedures

@ @ @

T,e securit2 %uard s,ould re'ort to SCMC A#MINISTRATION for orientation. T,e securit2 %uard s,ould sub&it ,is indi(idual Ma2orHs Per&it; co'2 of license; bio!data and 1 7 1 I# 'icture. T,e securit2 a%enc2 s,ould sub&it co'2 of 8usiness Per&it to O'erate.

11!") Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations


T,e 'ar4in% areas are o'en to t,e %eneral 'ublic. As suc, t,e SCMC A#MINISTRATION t,ru its securit2 ser(ices; cannot be ,eld accountable for da&a%es or losses incurred e(en $,en dri(ers or o$ners ,a(e s'ecificall2 infor&ed t,e ro(in% %uard on dut2 of its 'resence. T,e %uardHs res'onsibilit2 lies 'ri&aril2 in t,e enforce&ent of t,e re%ulations of SCMC A#MINISTRATION re%ardin% traffic; 'ar4in%; and &olestations fro& unaut,oriEed 'eo'le. 0oadin% and unloadin% Eones s,all be 'ro'erl2 identified for t,is 'ur'ose. Custo&er Relations Ser(ice Office s,all see to it t,at t,e securit2 %uards on dut2 direct t,e deli(er2 of construction &aterials and t,e li4e t,rou%, t,e desi%nated entrances. Securit2 %uards &ust see to it t,at traffic flo$s s&oot,l2 $it,in t,e MA00 and &ust 'olitel2 reDuest car o$nersAdri(ers to 'ar4 'ro'erl2 in desi%nated 'ar4in% areas.

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11!"* Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations


T,e Fanitorial ser(ice en%a%ed b2 t,e Mall is c,ar%ed $it, t,e sa&e res'onsibilit2 in t,e enforce&ent of t,e House Rules in(ol(in% sanitation; 'articularl2 enu&erated as follo$s @ I&'ro'er %arba%e dis'osal @ 0itterin% in co&&on areas. @ Re'ortin% and ,el'in% co&bat fire t,at &a2 occur. @ Callin% t,e attention of t,e Custo&er Relations Ser(ice Office and t,e SCMC A#MINISTRATION to an2 (iolation of t,e House Rules t,at co&e to its attention.


11!"+ Part 11 House Rules J Re%ulations


for Core and


GENERA0 PRO<ECT INBORMATION 0EE#!CS AN# 0EE#!CI CERTIBICATION 1. ". ). *. +. -. Sustainable Sites >SS? =ater Efficienc2 >=E? Ener%2 and At&os',ere >EA? Materials and Resources >MR? Indoor En(iron&ental 9ualit2 >IE9? Inno(ation in #esi%n >I#?

.. Resources for Tenants PART C APPEN#IO TENANT SPECIBICATION AN# PRO#UCT SUGGESTIONS SUPP0EMENTA0 INBORMATION A. 0EE#!CS Scorecard >co&'leted? 8. 0EE#!CI for Co&&ercial Interiors Scorecard >sa&'le? C. IA9 Mana%e&ent Plan for base buildin% #. Tenant 0a2out for 6ie$s Co&'liance >IE9c1."?

T,e U.S. Green 8uildin% Council and 0EE# T,e U.S. Green 8uildin% Council >$$$.us%bc.or%? is a non'rofit or%aniEation co&&itted to e7'andin% sustainabilit2 in t,e built en(iron&ent. Its &ission is to transfor& t,e $a2 buildin%s and co&&unities are desi%ned; built and o'erated; enablin% an en(iron&entall2 and sociall2 res'onsible; ,ealt,2; and 'ros'erous en(iron&ent t,at i&'ro(es t,e Dualit2 of life. 0EE# >0eaders,i' in Ener%2 and En(iron&ental #esi%n? is a (oluntar2; consensus!based national ratin% s2ste& for de(elo'in% ,i%,!'erfor&ance; sustainable buildin%s. #e(elo'ed b2 USG8C; 0EE# addresses all buildin% t2'es and e&',asiEes state!of!t,e!art strate%ies for sustainable site de(elo'&ent; $ater sa(in%s; ener%2 efficienc2; &aterials and resources selection; and indoor en(iron&ental Dualit2. 0EE# is a (oluntar2 ratin% s2ste& for %reen buildin% desi%n and construction t,at 'ro(ides i&&ediate and &easurable results for buildin% o$ners and occu'ants. SM Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center Tenants at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,a(e a re&ar4able o''ortunit2 to ,el' lead t,e s,ift to sustainabilit2 in buildin%s; and in t,e 'rocess define a ne$ 4ind of $or4'lace. 82 locatin% in a 0EE# Gold buildin%; tenants $ill benefit fro& e7cellent indoor air Dualit2 and a&'le (ie$s. T,ese and ot,er ele&ents co&bine to create a ,ealt,ier $or4'lace and i&'ro(e t,e indoor en(iron&ent for all e&'lo2ees. In addition; Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as set a ,i%,er standard $it, ,i%,!'erfor&ance tec,nolo%ies t,at use less ener%2; consu&e less $ater; and lea(e a s&aller foot'rint on t,e cit2Hs resources. T,e Tenant Guidelines t,at follo$ su&&ariEe t,e &easures Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as underta4en to ac,ie(e 0EE# Gold certification. T,ese %uidelines are intended to ,el' tenants understand and ta4e full ad(anta%e of t,e ,i%,!'erfor&ance features of t,e buildin%; and to 'ro(ide %uidance in $a2s t,at tenants can reinforce t,ese features in t,eir o$n $or4'laces. T,e Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as set a %oal of ac,ie(in% Gold for t,e base buildin% usin% 0EE# for Core and S,ell >0EE#!CS?. =e can onl2 desi%n and build t,e buildin%; ,o$e(er. It is u' to our tenants to fit it out and o'erate it in an en(iron&entall2 friendl2 $a2. To do t,is; $e reco&&end 2ou use t,e 0EE# for Co&&ercial Interiors ratin% s2ste& >0EE#!CI?. T,e intent of 0EE#!CI is to assist in t,e creation of ,i%,!'erfor&ance; ,ealt,2; durable; affordable and en(iron&entall2 sound co&&ercial interiors. To%et,er 0EE#!CS and 0EE#!CI address t,e co&&ercial office real estate &ar4et for bot, de(elo'ers and tenants enablin% si%nificant benefits t,rou%, i&'ro(ed indoor air Dualit2; &a7i&iEed da2li%,tin% and lo$er ener%2 costs. ProFect #ata Bloor area 8ase&ent and Podiu& Office To$er Nu&ber of stories Occu'anc2 %rou' Construction t2'e 8uildin% address "; +"1; )+. ft" total "; 511; *)* ft" +1-; 3") ft" )5 Mi7ed Use T2'e 1 Concrete and Steel Structure Station SDuare East; 8onifacio Global Cit2; Ta%ui%

8ase 8uildin% Certification at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center T,e Tenant Guidelines t,at follo$ su&&ariEe t,e &easures t,e Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as underta4en to ac,ie(e 0EE# certification under t,e 0EE# for Core and S,ell >0EE#!CS? ratin% s2ste&. It is intended to ,el' tenants understand and ta4e full ad(anta%e of t,e ,i%,!'erfor&ance features of t,e buildin%; and to 'ro(ide %uidance to assist tenants in reinforcin% t,ese features in t,eir o$n $or4'laces. It $ill also 'ro(ide tenants $it, %uidance and infor&ation on ac,ie(e&ent of 0EE# for Co&&ercial Interiors >0EE#!CI?. Sustainable Sites >SS? T,e 0EE# reDuire&ents for t,e Sustainable Sites cate%or2 are 'redo&inantl2 base!buildin% res'onsibilities. A tenant a''l2in% for 0EE# for Co&&ercial Interiors >0EE#!CI? certification auto&aticall2 %ains fi(e credits si&'l2 b2 c,oosin% to be a tenant in t,e 0EE#!CS buildin% at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center. SS'1 Erosion and Sedi&entation Control Intent Reduce 'ollution fro& construction acti(ities b2 controllin% soil erosion; $ater$a2 sedi&entation and airborne dust %enera! tion. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefits Tenants benefit b2 4no$in% t,at t,e construction 'rocess of t,e 0EE#!CS buildin% ,ad &ini&al ne%ati(e i&'act on t,e local en(iron&ent in ter&s of loss of soil; sedi&entation of local stor&!se$er s2ste&s; and localiEed air 'ollution. 0EE#!CI No related 0EE#!CI credit.

SSc1 Site Selection Intent. A(oid de(elo'&ent of ina''ro'riate sites and reduce t,e en(iron&ental i&'act fro& t,e location of a buildin% on t,e site. 0EE#!CI. Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center $ill earn fi(e 'oints for locatin% in a 0EE#!CS buildin%. T,is is associated $it, 0EE#!CI SSc1 Site Selection.

SSc" #e(elo'&ent #ensit2 and Co&&unit2 Connecti(it2 Intent C,annel de(elo'&ent to urban areas $it, e7istin% infrastructure to 'rotect %reenfields; and 'reser(e ,abitat and natural resources. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefits Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center is located on a 're(iousl2 de(elo'ed site; $it,in one! ,alf &ile of a dense residential Eone and $it,in close 'edestrian access to &ore t,an ten basic co&&unit2 ser(ices. Pedestrians also ,a(e eas2 access to all co&&unit2 ser(ices. Tenants benefit fro& t,e close 'ro7i&it2 of nu&erous ser(ices suc, as restaurants; s,o''in%; and %roceries. T,e close 'ro7i&it2 of nei%,bor,ood and co&&unit2 ser(ices ,el' to reduce 'ollution caused b2 t,e use of &otor (e,icles. 0EE#!CI. Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center $ill earn si7 0EE#!CI 'oints t,rou%, SSc" #e(elo'&ent #ensit2 and Co&&unit2 Connecti(it2.

SSc*.1 Alternati(e Trans'ortationXPublic Trans'ortation Access >0EE#!CI SSc).1? Intent 0ocate 'roFect near 'ublic de(elo'&ent for 'ar4in%. trans'ortation to reduce t,e nu&ber of (e,icles on t,e road and to reduce land

Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefits Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center is located $it,in one!Duarter &ile $al4in% distance of t$o bus lines. 0ocatin% in close 'ro7i&it2 to &ulti'le bus lines is beneficial to tenants and t,eir (isitors because of t,e con(enie nce of 'ublic transit access. T,is also reduces t,e need to dri(e cars to t,e site; t,ereb2 reducin% en(iron&ental i&'acts associated $it, 'ollution and de(elo'&ent. 0EE#!CI. Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center $ill earn si7 'oints &eetin% t,e credit reDuire&ents of SSc).1 Alternati(e Trans'ortationXPublic Trans'ortation Access in t,e 0EE#!CI ratin% s2ste&.

SSc*." Alternati(e Trans'ortationX8ic2cle Stora%e and C,an%in% Roo&s >0EE#!CI SSc)."? Intent Include bi4e rac4s and s,o$erin% facilities to encoura%e buildin% occu'ants to bi4e to t,e site; in an effort to reduce t,e nu&ber of (e,icles on t,e road and to reduce land de(elo'&ent for 'ar4in%. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefits. Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center 'ro(ided bi4e rac4s for an esti&ated )I of all buildin% users and 'ro(ided s,o$erin% facilities for an esti&ated 5.+I of full!ti&e eDui(alent >BTE? occu'ants. A total of "11 bi4e rac4s and -5 s,o$ers ,a(e been installed and are a(ailable for tenant use; t,e s,o$ers are onl2 to be used b2 tenant e&'lo2ees. 0EE#!CI. Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center &a2 be able to earn t$o 'oints for 0EE#!CI SSc)." Alternati(e Trans'ortationX8ic2cle Stora%e and C,an%in% Roo&s. Ho$e(er; 0EE#!CI 'roFects &ust 'ro(ide bi4e rac4s for +I of tenant occu'ants and s,o$ers for 5.+I of BTE. Cou s,ould (erif2 t,at t,e bi4e rac4s and s,o$ers 'ro(ided in t,e base buildin% &eet t,e reDuired nu&bers for 2our tenant s'ace.

SSc*.) Alternati(e Trans'ortationX0o$!E&ittin% and Buel!Efficient 6e,icles Intent Encoura%e t,e use of lo$!e&ittin% and fuel!efficient >0EABE? (e,icles b2 'ro(idin% 'referred 'ar4in% s'aces for 0EABE (e,icles. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefits Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center 'ro(ided 'referred 'ar4in% s'aces for +.1)I of t,e total 'ar4in% ca'acit2. A total of 155 'referred 'ar4in% s'aces ,a(e been 'ro(ided for 0EABE (e,icles and are a(ailable for tenants. 0EE#!CI T,ere is no related 0EE#!CI credit. SSc+.1 Site #e(elo'&entXProtect or Restore Habitat Intent Conser(e nati(e ,abitat in an effort to 'ro&ote biodi(ersit2. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit . Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center is located on a 're(iousl2 de(elo'ed site and restored o(er +.I of t,e 'roFect site $it, nati(e and ada'ted (e%etation. Restorin% a site $it, nati(e and ada'ted (e%etation not onl2 encoura%es biodi(ersit2 but also reduces t,e a&ount of $ater needed for irri%ation. T,e landsca'e at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center $as desi%ned $it, an e&',asis on sustainabilit2 and aest,etics. 0EE#!CI T,ere is no related 0EE#!CI credit.

SSc+." Site #e(elo'&entXMa7i&iEe O'en S'ace Intent Pro(ide a ,i%, ratio of o'en s'ace to de(elo'&ent foot'rint to 'ro&ote biodi(ersit2. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center increased t,e a&ount of o'en s'ace reDuired b2 local Eonin% b2 o(er .3.-1I. Increasin% t,e a&ount of (e%etated o'en s'ace at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center 'ro(ides tenants $it, added a&enities and 'ar4 s'ace. 0EE#!CI T,ere is no related 0EE#!CI credit.

SSc..1 Heat Island EffectXNonroof Intent Reduce ,eat island effect >t,er&al %radient differences bet$een de(elo'ed and unde(elo'ed areas? to &ini&iEe i&'act on &icrocli&ate; and ,u&an and $ildlife ,abitat. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefits Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as 'laced at 155I of t,e total 'ar4in% ca'acit2 under co(er in an effort to reduce t,e ,eat island effect. 82 'lacin% t,e &aForit2 of 'ar4in% s'aces under co(er in a stac4ed 'ar4in% %ara%e t,e Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center is able to reduce t,e a&ount of as',alt reDuired for t,e sa&e nu&ber of 'ar4in% s'aces and t,erefore &ini&iEe local ,eat island effects. 0EE#!CI T,e ,eat island effect is co(ered under 0EE#!CI SSc1 Site Selection; $,ere tenants earn fi(e 'oints for locatin% in a 0EE#!CS buildin%.

SSc.." Heat Island EffectXRoof Intent Reduce ,eat island effect >t,er&al %radient differences bet$een de(elo'ed and unde(elo'ed areas? to &ini&iEe i&'act on &icrocli&ate; and ,u&an and $ildlife ,abitat. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefits Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center installed a (e%etated roof. T,e (e%etated roof co(ers of )*.-.I of t,e total roof area and reduces t,e ,eat island effect. Tenants $ill benefit fro& &ore efficient o'erations of t,e H6AC s2ste& in t,e buildin%; $,ic, is 'assed on to t,e tenants in reduced ener%2 costs. 0EE#!CI T,e ,eat island effect is co(ered under 0EE#!CI SSc1 Site Selection; $,ere tenants earn fi(e 'oints for locatin% in a 0EE#!CS buildin%.

SSc3 Tenant #esi%n and Construction Guidelines Intent Pro(ide tenants $it, a descri'ti(e tool t,at bot, educates and ,el's i&'le&ent sustainable desi%n and constructions features in t,eir tenant i&'ro(e&ent build!out. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefits Tenant #esi%n and Construction Guidelines >suc, as t,e ones 2ou are readin% no$? benefit t,e 0EE#!CS certified 'roFect for t$o i&'ortant reasons. Birst; t,e Guidelines ,el' tenants desi%n and build sustainable interiors and ado't %reen buildin% 'racticesM second; t,e Guidelines ,el' in coordinatin% 0EE#!CI and 0EE#!CS certifications. T,ese %uidelines are a tool to enable tenants of SM Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center to desi%n and i&'le&ent sustainable ; %reen buildin% interiors t,at $ill benefit t,e o(erall ,ealt, and Dualit2 of life for buildin% occu'ants. 0EE#!CI No related 0EE#!CI credit.

=ater Efficienc2 >=E? =E'1 =ater Use ReductionX"5I Reduction and =Ec) =ater Use Reduction Intent Ma7i&iEe $ater efficienc2 $it,in buildin%s to reduce t,e burden on &unici'al $ater su''l2 and $aste$ater

s2ste&s. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefits Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center installed base buildin% fi7tures to ac,ie(e t,e 'rereDuisite of "5I $ater reduction for t,e 'roFect. T,e core buildin%Hs 'lu&bin% fi7tures include lo$!flo$ la(atories; lo$!flo$ s,o$ers; lo$!flus, toilets and lo$!flus, urinals. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center $ill also need to &eet t,e "5I $ater use reduction 'rereDuisite. T,is 'rereDuisite addresses onl2 toilets; urinals; la(ator2 faucets; 'rerinse s'ra2 (al(es and s,o$er,eads. Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as installed lo$!flo$ la(atories; lo$!flo$ s,o$ers; lo$!flus, toilets and lo$!flus, urinals t,at tenants $ill be usin% and can ta4e ad(anta%e of in co&'liance $it, 0EE#!CI. T,e tenantHs 'artici'ation in t,is credit %uideline could furt,er su''ort t,e reduction of $ater use. =e encoura%e tenants to e&'lo2 $ater efficient fi7tures in ot,er areas of t,eir s'ace suc, as installin% lo$ flo$ faucets >5.+ %'&? in 'antr2 la(ator2. 82 e&'lo2in% si&ilar strate%ies for t,e tenant s'ace; t,e tenant ,as t,e o''ortunit2 to ac,ie(e u' to 11 'oints for =Ec1 =ater Use Reduction $it,in t,e 0EE#!CI ratin% s2ste&. Goals for Tenant =ater Bi7tures 0o$ Blo$ =ater Closets >1.) %'f? or #ual Blus, =ater Closets >1.- %'f A 5.1 %'f? =aterless Urinals or Pint Blus, Urinals >5.1"+ %'f? Ultra 0o$ Blo$ 0a(atories >5.+ %'&? Ultra 0o$ Blo$ /itc,en and <anitorial Sin4s >1.5 %'&? Ultra 0o$ Blo$ S,o$er Bi7tures >1.- %'&? Co&&ercial #is,$as,ers >1.5 %allonsArac4? Co&&ercial Clot,es =as,er >..+ =B>%allonsAft )Ac2cle??

=Ec1 =ater Efficient 0andsca'in% Intent Reduce $ater 'otable $ater consu&'tion for irri%ation t,rou%, t,e use of ,i%,!efficient tec,nolo%ies and lo$!$ater consu&in% 'lantin%s. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefits Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center installed no turf %rass and drou%,t!resistant 'lants; in addition to 'ro(idin% dri' irri%ation t,e 'roFect is reusin% treated $aste$ater for all irri%ation needs. T,ese &easures ,a(e resulted in a 155I 'otable $ater use reduction for irri%ation. 0EE#!CI. =ater!efficient landsca'in% is co(ered under 0EE#!CI SSc1 Site Selection; $,ere tenants earn fi(e 'oints for locatin% in a 0EE#!CS buildin%.

=Ec" Inno(ati(e =aste$ater Tec,nolo%ies Intent Reduce $aste$ater %eneration and &ini&iEe t,e i&'act on &unici'al $aste$ater treat&ent 'lants. Tenant

O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center installed an onsite $aste$ater treat&ent 'lant t,at treats 155I of t,e $aste$ater to tertiar2 standards. T,e treated $aste$ater is t,en reused for landsca'e irri%ation. 0EE#!CI. Inno(ati(e $aste$ater tec,nolo%ies are co(ered under 0EE#!CI SSc1 Site Selection; $,ere tenants earn fi(e 'oints for locatin% in a 0EE#!CS buildin%.

Ener%2 and At&os',ere >EA? EA'1 Bunda&ental Co&&issionin% and En,anced Co&&issionin%? EAc) En,anced Co&&issionin% >0EE#!CI; EAc"

Intent Bunda&ental To (erif2 t,at t,e 'roFectHs ener%2!related s2ste&s are installed; calibrated and 'erfor& accordin% to t,e o$nerHs 'roFect reDuire&ents; basis of desi%n and construction docu&ents. 8enefits of co&&issionin% include reduced ener%2 use; lo$er o'eratin% costs; reduced contractor callbac4s; better buildin% docu&entation; i&'ro(ed occu'ant 'roducti(it2 and (erification t,at t,e s2ste&s 'erfor& in accordance $it, t,e o$nerHs 'roFect reDuire&ents. En,anced To be%in t,e co&&issionin% 'rocess earl2 in t,e desi%n 'rocess and e7ecute additional acti(ities after s2ste&s 'erfor&ance (erification is co&'leted. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center 'erfor&ed en,anced co&&issionin% of all base buildin% ener%2 s2ste&s; includin% base buildin% H6AC s2ste& and controls; do&estic ,ot $ater s2ste&; core and lobb2 li%,tin% s2ste&s and controls and buildin% &ana%e&ent s2ste&. T,is 'rocess ,el'ed to assure all ener%2!related s2ste&s are o'eratin% as intended. 0EE#!CI. Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center are reDuired to 'erfor& funda&ental co&&issionin% for t,eir ener%2!related s2ste&s. Additionall2; tenants can ac,ie(e fi(e 'oints if t,e2 elect to 'erfor& en,anced co&&issionin% >EAc"?. EA'" Mini&u& Ener%2 Perfor&ance Intent To establis, t,e &ini&u& le(el of ener%2 efficienc2 for t,e 'ro'osed buildin% and s2ste&s to reduce en(iron&ental and econo&ic i&'acts associated $it, e7cessi(e ener%2 use. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center 'erfor&ed $,ole buildin% ener%2 si&ulation usin% ASHAE 35.1!"55. A''endi7 G and ,as &et t,e reDuire&ents for ener%2 'erfor&ance. Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ener%2 si&ulation de&onstrated an i&'ro(e&ent of 1".3I o(er ASHRAE 35.1!"55.. T,e buildin% en(elo'e $as desi%ned to i&'ro(e ener%2 efficienc2 and reduce t,e cost of ener%2 for t,e entire buildin%; t,ese sa(in%s are 'assed on to t,e tenant. 0EE#!CI Mini&u& Ener%2 Perfor&ance of t,e tenant s'ace is a 'rereDuisite in t,e 0EE#!CI ratin% s2ste& EA'". Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center are reDuired to co&'l2 $it, t,e &andator2 'ro(isions and 'rescri'ti(e reDuire&ents of ASHRAE 35.1!"55.; as $ell as reduce connected li%,tin% 'o$er densit2 b2 15I fro& ASHRAE 35.1! "55. and install Ener%2 Star a''liances for at least +5I of eli%ible eDui'&ent. Tenants occu'2in% s'ace in Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center $ill benefit fro& t,e ener%2 efficiencies of t,e base buildin% s2ste&s but $ill not be auto&aticall2 %uaranteed credit co&'liance. EA') Bunda&ental Refri%erant Mana%e&ent Intent To reduce stratos',eric oEone de'letion. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center installed ne$ H6AC s2ste&s $,ic, contained no C,lorofluorocarbon >CBC?!based refri%erants $,ic, t,ereb2 reduce t,e buildin%s i&'act on t,e oEone. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center are reDuired to co&'l2 $it, t,is 'rereDuisite t,rou%, eit,er t,e 'urc,ase of ne$ H6AC eDui'&ent $,ic, contain no CBC!based refri%erants or u'%radin% of e7istin% eDui'&ent $,ic, contains CBC!based refri%erants. Acce'table substitutes for CBCs for &e$ li%,t co&&ercial air conditionin% include a&&onia absor'tion; e(a'orati(eAdessicant coolin%; R!*5.C; R*""C; /##-; HBC!1)*a; THR!5); R!*1.a; R!*15A; R!*158; R!*5.C; R!+5.; R!+5.A; R!*5*A; R!1"+; R!-55a; RS!**; R!*"1A; R!*"*A; R!"35; R!*""8; R!*)1A. R!*)*A. R!*5.A; R!*).A; and R!*5.B

EAc1 O'ti&iEe Ener%2 Perfor&ance Intent To ac,ie(e increasin% le(els of ener%2 'erfor&ance be2ond t,e 'rereDuisite standard and to reduce en(iron&ental and econo&ic i&'acts associated $it, e7cessi(e ener%2 use. 0EE#!CI. Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center can earn 'oints for furt,er en,ancin% ener%2 efficienc2. T,ese co&bined strate%ies $ill contribute to$ard furt,er reductions in en(iron&ental and econo&ic i&'acts for t,e 'roFect. Points are ac,ie(able across different areas of ener%2 related s2ste&s as follo$s EAc1.1 O'ti&iEe Ener%2 Perfor&ance ! 0i%,tin% Po$er. ProFects can ac,ie(e u' to fi(e 'oints for furt,er reductions in li%,tin% 'o$er densit2 belo$ ASHRAE 35.1!"55.. Reco&&endations for Tenant 0i%,tin% S2ste&s o #is'la2 li%,tin% &etal ,alide; fluorescent; or 0E# la&'s rat,er t,an ,alo%en. o Custo& o(er,ead arc,itectural s,adin% on t,e e7teriorM to s,ade $indo$s fro& ,eat %ain EAc1." O'ti&iEe Ener%2 Perfor&ance ! 0i%,tin% Controls. ProFects t,at install li%,tin% controls suc, as da2li%,t and occu'anc2 sensors can ac,ie(e u' to t,ree 'oints in and contribute to$ards increased ener%2 conser(ation. Reco&&endations for Tenant 0i%,tin% Controls o Install da2li%,t res'onsi(e controls in all re%ularl2 occu'ied s'aces $it,in 1+ feet of $indo$s and under s42li%,ts EAc1.) O'ti&iEe Ener%2 Perfor&ance ! H6AC. T,rou%, increased H6AC eDui'&ent efficiencies and a''ro'riate Eonin% and controls; $,ic, result in H6AC 'erfor&ance abo(e ASHRAE 35.1!"55.; 'roFects are eli%ible for u' to 15 'oints. Reco&&endations for Tenant H6AC S2ste&s o Hi%, SEER condensin% units L &ini&u& 1* SEER o Air source ,eat 'u&' ,eatin% o Electronicall2 Controlled Motors >ECM? in fan coils o sensors


(entilation controls $it, CO"

EAc1.* O'ti&iEe Ener%2 Perfor&ance ! EDui'&ent and A''liances. Selectin% ener%2!efficient eDui'&ent and a''liances; as Dualified b2 EPAHs Ener%2 Star Pro%ra&; can contribute to u' to * 'oints.

EAc* En,anced Refri%erant Mana%e&ent Intent To reduce oEone de'letion and su''ort earl2 co&'liance $it, t,e Montreal Protocol $,ile &ini&iEin% direct contributions to cli&ate c,an%e. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center selected refri%erants $it, lo$ oEone de'letion 'otential and &ini&al direct %lobal $ar&in% 'otential; $,ic, &ini&iEe t,e e&ission of co&'ounds t,at contribute to oEone de'letion and %lobal cli&ate c,an%e. 0EE#!CI T,ere is no related 0EE#!CI credit.

EAc+ Measure&ent and 6erification >0EE#!CI; EAc)? Intent To 'ro(ide for t,e on%oin% accountabilit2 of buildin% ener%2 consu&'tion o(er ti&e. Tenant O'erationalA

En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as i&'le&ented a &easure&ent and (erification 'lan in accordance $it, O'tion # Calibrated Si&ulation of t,e International Perfor&ance Measure&ent J 6erification Protocol. T,is 'lan $ill be in effect for a 'eriod of not less t,an 1 2ear of 'ost construction occu'anc2 and correcti(e actions of t,e base buildin% s2ste&s $ill be &ade s,ould t,e MJ6 'lan indicate t,at ener%2 sa(in%s are not bein% ac,ie(ed. Burt,er&ore; Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as installed a centrall2 &onitored electronic &eterin% net$or4 ca'able of acco&&odatin% sub! &eterin% for tenants of t,e buildin%. A tenant MJ6 'lan ,as been de(elo'ed to %uide tenants in t,e i&'le&entation of t,ese &easures. 0EE#!CI. Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center can earn 'oints b2 'ro(idin% on%oin% accountabilit2 and o'ti&iEation of t,eir ener%2 and $ater consu&'tion o(er ti&e. T,e Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as 'ro(ided t,e tenants a lease a%ree&ent in $,ic, ener%2 costs are 'aid b2 t,e tenant and not included in t,e base rent; &a4in% t,e tenant eli%ible for t,ree 'oints in 0EE#!CI >EAc) ! Measure&ent J 6erification?. Burt,er&ore; t,e base buildin% central &onitorin% s2ste& allo$s tenants t,e abilit2 to easil2 install sub!&eterin% de(ices $it,in t,eir s'ace. See t,e tenant MJ6 'lan for &ore detail.

EAc- Green Po$er >0EE#!CI; EAc*? Intent To encoura%e t,e de(elo'&ent and use of %rid!source; rene$able ener%2 tec,nolo%ies on a net!Eero 'ollution basis Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as en%a%ed in a t$o!2ear Green!e rene$able ener%2 contract; 'ro(idin% )+I of t,e base buildin%Hs electricit2 fro& rene$able sources. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center can earn fi(e 'oints b2 en%a%in% in a "!2ear rene$able ener%2 contract t,rou%, 0EE#!CI EAc*. T,e contract a&ount &ust be for at least +5I of t,e ener%2 consu&ed in t,e tenant s'ace or for at least 1 4ilo$att ,ours 'er sDuare foot of tenant s'ace.

Materials and Resources >MR? MR'1 Stora%e and Collection of Rec2clables Intent Bacilitate t,e reduction of $aste %enerated b2 buildin% occu'ants t,at is ,auled to and dis'osed of in landfills. 0EE#!CS. Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center 'ro(ides a centrall2 located; easil2 accessible area for rec2clin% of 'a'er; cardboard; %lass; 'lastics and &etals; for t,e base buildin% and tenant occu'ants. T,e rec2clin% stora%e area is located at t,e 8ase&ent 1 of t,e buildin%. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefits Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center are 'ro(ided $it, an easil2 accessible dedicated are for tenant rec2clin% >'a'er; corru%ated cardboard; %lass; 'lastics and &etals?. T,is is a 'rereDuisite in t,e 0EE#!CI ratin% s2ste& >MR'1? and 0EE#!CI 'roFects $ill auto&aticall2 earn t,is 'rereDuisite. Tenants are stron%l2 encoura%ed to create a dedicated rec2clin% area on eac, floor to facilitate efficient sortin% and rec2clin% of $aste &aterials.

MRc1.1 Tenant S'aceX0on%!Ter& Co&&it&ent >0EE#!CI Onl2? Intent. To encoura%e c,oices t,at conser(e resources; reduce $aste and t,e en(iron&ental i&'acts &ateri! als; &anufacturin%; and trans'ortation. of tenants related to

0EE#!CI. Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center are encoura%ed to 'ursue a ten!2ear lease. #oin% so $ill ,el' earn 0EE#!CI Mrc1.1.

MRc" Construction =aste Mana%e&ent Intent #i(ert construction and de&olition debris fro& dis'osal in landfills and incinerators. Redirect rec2clable reco(ered resources bac4 to t,e &anufacturin% 'rocess. Redirect reusable &aterials to a''ro'riate sites. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center i&'le&ented a Construction =aste Mana%e&ent Plan t,at resulted in di(ertin% .+I of t,e 'roFectHs construction and de&olition $aste fro& bein% dis'osed in landfills. 0EE#!CI. Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center can de(elo' and i&'le&ent t,eir o$n construction $aste &ana%e&ent 'lan durin% t,e construction of t,e tenant s'ace; and b2 rec2clin% +5I or .+I of construction; de&olition; and 'ac4a%in% debris; tenants can Dualif2 for u' to t$o 'oints for MRc".1 Construction =aste Mana%e&ent.

MRc)." Materials ReuseXBurniture and Burnis,in%s >0EE#!CI Onl2? Intent To reduce t,e en(iron&ental i&'act of ne$ construction b2 sal(a%in% &aterials. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e furniture cost to earn an additional 0EE#!CI 'oint. Ci(ic Center can refurnis,; reuse; or sal(a%e )5I of t,eir total

MRc* Rec2cled Content Intent Increase de&and for buildin% 'roducts t,at incor'orate rec2cled content &aterials; t,ereb2 reducin% resultin% fro& e7traction and 'rocessin% of (ir%in &aterials. i&'acts

Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center s'ecified t,e use of a &ini&u& of "5I of buildin% &ateri! als >b2 cost? as rec2cled &aterials; containin% 'ost!consu&er or 'ost!industrial rec2cled content. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center can s'ecif2 15IL"5I of &aterials to ,a(e rec2cled content; out of t,e total a&ount of construction &aterials and furnis,in%s; t,e tenant can ac,ie(e t$o 0EE# 'oints t,rou%, MRc* Rec2cled Content. Consider s'ecif2in% 'roducts suc, as structural steel; %2'su& board; and concrete to ,a(e ,i%,! rec2cled content.

MRc+ Re%ional Materials Intent Increase de&and for buildin% &aterials and 'roducts t,at are e7tracted and &anufactured $it,in t,e re%ion; t,ereb2 su''ortin% t,e use of indi%enous resources and reducin% t,e en(iron&ental i&'acts resultin% fro& trans'ortation. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center s'ecified t,e use of a &ini&u& of "5I of buildin% &aterials >b2 cost? to be re%ionall2 e7tracted and &anufactured >$it,in +55 &iles of t,e site?. 0EE#!CI. Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center can s'ecif2 "5I of t,e co&bined (alue of construction &aterials and furnis,in%s to be &anufactured re%ionall2 >$it,in +55 &iles of t,e site? to earn a 0EE#!CI 'oint for MRc+ Re%ional Materials. If 15I of t,ose &aterials are also e7tracted; ,ar(ested or reco(ered fro& $it,in +55 &iles of t,e 'roFect; tenants earn an additional 'oint under MRc+; O'tion ". MRc- Ra'idl2 Rene$able Materials >0EE#!CI Onl2? Intent To reduce t,e en(iron&ental i&'act of finite ra$ &aterials t,at ,a(e lon%!c2cles of %ro$t,. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center are encoura%ed to s'ecif2 a &ini&u& of +I of t,e total (alue of all buildin% &aterials fro& ra'idl2 rene$able sources to earn a 0EE#!CI 'oint t,rou%, MRc- Ra'idl2 Rene$able Materials. Ra'idl2 rene$able &aterials are a%ricultural 'roducts; eit,er fiber or ani&al; $,ic, ta4e ten 2ears or less to %ro$ or raise and are t,en ,ar(ested in an on%oin% and sustainable fas,ion. 8a&boo; $ool car'ets; cor4; rubber; stra$board; and $,eatboard are all e7a&'les of ra'idl2 rene$able resources.

Indoor En(iron&ental 9ualit2 >IE9? IE9'1 Mini&u& Indoor Air 9ualit2 Perfor&ance Intent To establis, &ini&u& indoor air Dualit2 >IA9? 'erfor&ance to en,ance indoor air Dualit2 in buildin%s; t,us contributin% to t,e co&fort and $ell!bein% of t,e occu'ants. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as &et t,e reDuire&ents of Section * t,rou%, . of ASHRAE Standard -".1!"55.; 6entilation for Acce'table Indoor Air 9ualit2 for t,e base buildin%; and %oes be2ond t,e (entilation rates reDuired b2 t,e 'rereDuisite to 'ro(ide )5I &ore (entilation t,an reDuired b2 t,e ASHRAE standard. T,e base buildin% H6AC s2ste& su''orts t,is desi%n b2 'ro(idin% at least "5 cubic feet 'er &inute of outside air 'er 'erson; based on standard occu'anc2 densities. T,e tenants benefit fro& t,is b2 increased 'roducti(it2. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center are reDuired to su''l2 &ini&u& le(els of (entilation t,rou%, co&'liance $it, ASHRAE -".1!"55.. #e'endin% on t,e location of t,e tenant s'aces; tenants &a2 need to 'ro(ide adeDuate (entilation for t,eir s'aces to &eet 0EE#!CI IE9'1 Mini&u& Indoor Air 9ualit2 Perfor&ance. So&e s'aces in t,e tenant build! in% $ill auto&aticall2 co&'l2; ot,ers $ill need to 'ro(ide (entilation in t,eir o$n s'aces.

IE9'" En(iron&ental Tobacco S&o4e Control Intent To &ini&iEe e7'osure of buildin% occu'ants; indoor surfaces; and (entilation air distribution s2ste&s to en(iron&ental tobacco s&o4e >ETS?. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as 'ro,ibited s&o4in% inside t,e buildin%; and 'ro,ibited s&o4in% on t,e 'ro'ert2 fro& $it,in "+ feet of entries; outdoor air inta4es and o'erable $indo$s. #esi%nated s&o4in% areas ,a(e been 'ro(ided on t,e buildin% %rounds. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center $ill auto&aticall2 co&'l2 $it, t,is 'rereDuisite; t,rou%, 0EE#!CI IE9'" En(iron&ental Tobacco S&o4e Control; due to t,e buildin%Hs no s&o4in% 'olic2. Tenants are 'ro,ibited fro& s&o4in% $it,in t,e buildin% and ,a(e been 'ro(ided desi%nated s&o4in% areas $,ic, are at least "+ feet a$a2 fro& buildin% entries; outdoor air inta4es and o'erable $indo$s. Si%na%e indicatin% t,at s&o4in% is not allo$ed $it,in "+ feet of all entrances $ill be 'ro(ided for t,e entire buildin%. IE9c" Increased 6entilation Intent To 'ro(ide additional outdoor air (entilation to i&'ro(e indoor air Dualit2 >IA9? and 'ro&ote occu'ant co&fort; $ell! bein% and 'roducti(it2. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as increased breat,in% Eone outdoor air (entilation rates to all occu'ied s'aces b2 at least )5I abo(e t,e &ini&u& rates reDuired b2 ASHRAE -".1!"55. for t,e base buildin%. Burt,er&ore; t,e base buildin% s2ste&s ,a(e 'ro(ided tenants $it, t,e abilit2 to ac,ie(e 0EE#!CI; IE9c" Increased 6entilation $it,in t,eir s'ace b2 'ro(idin% increased (entilation for eac, Eone. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center can ac,ie(e one 'oint; t,rou%, 0EE#!CI IE9c" Increased 6entilation; b2 'ro(idin% additional air (entilation t,rou%, a''ro'riate &ec,anical or natural (entilation desi%n strate%ies. T,e base buildin% ,as 'ro(ided t,e abilit2 to easil2 facilitate increased (entilation $it,in t,e tenant s'ace.

IE9c) Construction IE9c).1?






Construction >0EE#!CI;

Intent To reduce indoor air Dualit2 >IA9? 'roble&s resultin% fro& construction or reno(ation and 'ro&ote t,e co&fort and $ell!bein% of construction $or4ers and buildin% occu'ants. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as de(elo'ed and i&'le&ented an IA9 &ana%e&ent 'lan for t,e construction and 're!occu'anc2 ',ases for t,e base buildin%. As a result; t,e base buildin% ,as 'ro(ided a ,ealt,2 indoor en(iron&ent for tenants as t,e2 co&&ence occu'anc2 in t,eir s'ace. Measures ta4en as 'art of t,e IA9 'lan included enclosed s'ace (entilation; 'rotection of absor'ti(e &aterials fro& &oisture da&a%e; re'lace&ent of filters 'rior to occu'anc2; a&on% ot,er reDuire&ents. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center &a2 ac,ie(e one 'oint; t,rou%, 0EE#!CI IE9c).1 Construction IA9 Mana%e&ent PlanX#urin% Construction; for de(elo'in% and i&'le&entin% t,eir o$n IA9 &ana%e&ent 'lan for t,e construction and 'reoccu'anc2 ',ases of t,e tenant s'ace.

IE9c)." Construction Indoor Air 9ualit2 Mana%e&ent PlanX8efore Occu'anc2 Intent To reduce indoor air Dualit2 >IA9? 'roble&s resultin% fro& construction or reno(ation to 'ro&ote t,e co&fort and $ell!bein% of construction $or4ers and buildin% occu'ants. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center &a2 ac,ie(e one 'oint b2 'erfor&in% a buildin% flus,!out or air testin% t,e tenant s'ace to ensure a ,ealt,2 indoor en(iron&ent. IE9c*.1 0o$!E&ittin% MaterialsXAd,esi(es J Sealants Intent To reduce t,e Duantit2 of indoor air conta&inant t,at are odorous; irritatin% andAor ,ar&ful to t,e co&fort and $ell! bein% of installers and occu'ants. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as co&'lied $it, t,e a''licable (olatile or%anic co&'ound >6OC? reDuire&ents for all ad,esi(es and sealants installed $it,in t,e $eat,er barrier for t,e base buildin%. As a result; t,e base buildin% ,as 'ro(ided a ,ealt,2 indoor en(iron&ent for tenants as t,e2 co&&ence occu'anc2 in t,eir s'ace. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center &a2 ac,ie(e one 'oint b2 ensurin% t,at all ad,esi(es and sealants installed $it,in t,e tenant s'ace co&'l2 $it, t,e a''licable 6OC li&its.

IE9c*." 0o$!E&ittin% MaterialsXPaints and Coatin%s Intent To reduce t,e Duantit2 of indoor air conta&inant t,at are odorous; irritatin% andAor ,ar&ful to t,e co&fort and $ell! bein% of installers and occu'ants. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as co&'lied $it, t,e a''licable (olatile or%anic co&'ound >6OC? reDuire&ents for all 'aints and coatin%s installed $it,in t,e $eat,er barrier for t,e base buildin%. As a result; t,e base buildin% ,as 'ro(ided a ,ealt,2 indoor en(iron&ent for tenants as t,e2 co&&ence occu'anc2 in t,eir s'ace. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center &a2 ac,ie(e one 'oint b2 ensurin% t,at all 'aints and coatin%s installed $it,in t,e tenant s'ace co&'l2 $it, t,e a''licable 6OC li&its.

IE9c*.) 0o$!E&ittin% MaterialsXBloorin% S2ste&s Intent To reduce t,e Duantit2 of indoor air conta&inant t,at are odorous; irritatin% andAor ,ar&ful to t,e co&fort and $ell! bein% of installers and occu'ants. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as co&'lied $it, t,e a''licable standards for all floorin% s2ste&s installed $it,in t,e $eat,er barrier for t,e base buildin%. As a result; t,e base buildin% ,as 'ro(ided a ,ealt,2 indoor en(iron&ent for tenants as t,e2 co&&ence occu'anc2 in t,eir s'ace. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center &a2 ac,ie(e one 'oint b2 ensurin% t,at all floorin% s2ste&s installed $it,in t,e tenant s'ace co&'l2 $it, t,e a''licable standards.

IE9c*.+ 0o$!E&ittin% MaterialsXS2ste&s Burniture and Seatin% >0EE#!CI Onl2? Intent To reduce t,e Duantit2 of indoor air conta&inant t,at are odorous; irritatin% andAor ,ar&ful to t,e co&fort and $ell! bein% of installers and occu'ants. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center &a2 ac,ie(e one 'oint b2 ensurin% t,at all s2ste&s furniture and seatin% installed $it,in t,e tenant s'ace co&'l2 $it, t,e a''licable standards. IE9c-.1 Controllabilit2 of S2ste&sX0i%,tin% Intent To 'ro(ide a ,i%, le(el of li%,tin% s2ste& control b2 indi(idual occu'ants or %rou's in &ulti!occu'ant s'aces >e.%.; classroo&s and conference areas? and 'ro&ote t,eir 'roducti(it2; co&fort and $ell!bein%. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center &a2 ac,ie(e one 'oint b2 'ro(idin% indi(idual li%,tin% control for at least 35I of occu'ants of t,e tenant s'ace and for all &ulti!occu'ant s'aces. IE9c. T,er&al Co&fortX#esi%n >0EE#!CI; IE9c..1? Intent To 'ro(ide a co&fortable t,er&al en(iron&ent t,at 'ro&otes occu'ant 'roducti(it2 and $ell!bein%. Tenant

O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as desi%ned and installed t,e H6AC s2ste& and buildin% en(elo'e to &eet t,e reDuire&ents of ASHRAE!++!"55* for t,e base buildin%. ASHRAE!++ reDuires t,e re%ulation of te&'erature and ,u&idit2 le(els $it,in t,e buildin% based on cli&ate Eone. T,e base buildin% ,as 'ro(ided t,e abilit2 for tenants to co&'l2 $it, t,e reDuire&ents of ASHRAE ++!"55* durin% build!out of t,eir tenant s'ace. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center $ill ac,ie(e one 'oint b2 de&onstratin% t,at t,e H6AC s2ste& &eets t,e reDuire&ents of ASHRAE!++!"55*. IE9c.." T,er&al Co&fortX6erification >0EE#!CI Onl2? Intent To 'ro(ide for t,e assess&ent of buildin% occu'antsH co&fort o(er ti&e. 0EE# CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center can ac,ie(e one 'oint b2 &eetin% t,e follo$in% reDuire&ents Ac,ie(in% IE9c..1 Pro(ide a 'er&anent &onitorin% s2ste& and 'rocess for correcti(e action to ensure t,at buildin% 'erfor&ance &eets t,e desired co&fort criteria Conduct a t,er&al co&fort sur(e2 of tenant s'ace occu'ants $it,in -!11 &ont,s after occu'anc2

IE9c1." #a2li%,t and 6ie$sX6ie$s Intent To 'ro(ide occu'ants $it, a connection bet$een indoor s'aces and t,e outdoors t,rou%, t,e introduction of da2li%,t and (ie$s into t,e re%ularl2 occu'ied areas of t,e buildin%. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefits Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as ac,ie(ed direct (ie$s to t,e outdoor en(iron&ent t,rou%, (ision %laEin% for at least 35I of re%ularl2 occu'ied areas. T,e calculation of (ie$s for tenant s'aces $as done usin% a feasible tenant la2out 'er t,e default occu'anc2 counts. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center $ill ac,ie(e one 'oint b2 'ro(idin% direct (ie$s to t,e outdoor en(iron&ent t,rou%, (ision %laEin% for at least 35I of re%ularl2 occu'ied areas. To do so tenants &ust be sure t,at t,eir fit!out does not co&'ro&ise t,e (ie$s 'ro(ided b2 t,e base buildin%. Tenants s,ould consider usin% an o'en 'lan; des4 'artitions less t,an *": in ,ei%,t in areas $,ere (ie$s to t,e outside are 'ossible; and %lass 'artitions around co&&on &eetin% areas.

Inno(ation in #esi%n >I#? I#c1 Inno(ation in #esi%n Intent To 'ro(ide desi%n tea&s and 'roFects t,e o''ortunit2 to be a$arded 'oints for e7ce'tional 'erfor&ance abo(e t,e reDuire&ents set b2 0EE# and to de(elo' inno(ati(e ideas in %reen buildin% cate%ories not s'ecificall2 addressed b2 0EE#. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as fi(e 'oints in t,e 0EE# I# cate%or2. Points ,a(e been a$arded for t,e follo$in% T,e base buildin% e7ceeds t,e &ini&u& desi%n criteria under Credit SS c+." Ma7i&iEe O'en S'ace >.3.-1I o'en s'aces?. T,e base buildin% e7ceeds &ini&u& desi%n reDuire&ent under Credit =E c" Inno(ati(e =aste$ater Tec,nolo%ies >155I treat&ent of $aste$ater?. T,e base buildin% $ill 'ro(ide an ad(anced ener%2 &eterin% >under Pilot Credit "- Ad(anced Meterin%?. T,e buildin% $ill contain a ,i%, 'ercenta%e >based on cost? of &aterials $it, rec2cled content and re%ional content. 8ecause t,e base buildin% $ill e&'lo2 t,e use of an ad(anced ener%2 &eterin%; it Dualifies for Pilot Credit ". Reconcile #esi%ned and Actual Ener%2 Perfor&ance 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center are encoura%ed to ac,ie(e all fi(e I# credits t,rou%, creati(e desi%n and &ana%e&ent of t,eir built!out s'ace. I#c" 0EE# Accredited Professional Intent To su''ort and encoura%e t,e desi%n inte%ration reDuired b2 0EE# %reen buildin%s and to strea&line t,e a''lication and certification 'rocess. Tenant O'erationalA En(iron&ental 8enefit Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center ,as acco&'lis,ed t,is t,rou%, t,e 'artici'ation of t$o 0EE# Accredited Professionals on t,e desi%n tea&. T,e use of 0EE#!AP as a res'onsible &e&ber of t,e desi%n tea& for t,e base buildin% and an2 tenant i&'ro(e&ents $ill ,el' ensure t,at t,e desi%n and &aterial s'ecifications for t,e 'roFect $ill 'ro'erl2 address t,e establis,ed sustainable desi%n criteria for t,e 'roFect. 0EE#!CI Tenants atte&'tin% 0EE#!CI at Aura at t,e Ci(ic Center are encoura%ed to include at least one 'rinci'al 'artici'ant on t,e 'roFect tea&; $,o ,as successfull2 co&'leted t,e 0EE# Accredited Professional e7a&. Tenants can ac,ie(e one 'oint for 0EE#!CI.

SUSTAINA80E #ESIGN RESOURCES T,e follo$in% is a 'artial listin% of &aFor resources for sustainable desi%n and 0EE# 1. U.S. Green 8uildin% Council >USG8C? L $$$.us%bc.or%USG8C is t,e standard!$ritin% bod2 for t,e 0EE# Ratin% S2ste&s. USG8C also 'ro(ides education and ot,er ad(ocac2 related to %reen buildin%. ". Green 8uildin% Certification Institute >G8CI? L ,tt' AA$$$.%bci.or%A T,e G8CI is a t,ird!'art2 certification entit2 t,at 'ro(ides re(ie$s of 0EE# 'roFects. ). GreenS'ec #irector2 L $$$.%reens' T,e GreenS'ec director2 'ro(ides %reen 'roduct infor&ation and resources. *. 0EE#user L $$$ 0EE#user 'ro(ides 'ractical credit!b2!credit ad(ice for 'roFect tea&s $or4in% $it,in t,e 0EE# ratin% s2ste&.

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