History Day Process Paper

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Chinas Transition from Empire to Communist Country: The Rights and Responsibilities of the Citizens and Government

Jyothi Mony Tara Wu elley !ang Group Website "enior #ivision

When $e dis%overed the theme of the &'()*&'(+ year to be rights and responsibilities, $e immediately thought of infringements and over*usage of both in different governments be%ause $e feel that rights and responsibilities are %ommonly and $idely tested bet$een a government and the %itizens of a %ountry- Thin.ing about prior .no$ledge and dipping into the heritage of some of our group members, $e felt that the history of China around the end of the imperial rule and the start of the %ommunist rule $ould be an interesting topi% to resear%h, as there are, as $e have found, four sides to the issue: rights and responsibilities of both the government and the people/t the start of our resear%h, $e began $ith online databases to %over the basi%s of our topi%, to understand $hat it $as and $hy it $as %reated- / variety of pi%tures helped give us a better understanding of the %onditions in China during %ommunist regime and $e sought referen%e boo.s and te0tboo.s to find sour%es that $ould go more in depth about the %ommunism of China and e0plain, in detail, important events that shaped the rule and the ultimate result of a %ommunist rule in China- 1or e0ample, a pi%ture of the Japanese ta.ing over the %apital of China sho$ed us $hat %onditions $ere li.e in China- We didnt stop at sour%es $ritten in English, though, $e also delved into boo.s and databases $ritten in Chinese for a vie$ that $as more in perspe%tive and dire%tTranslated sour%es, li.e the 2reamble to the Constitution of China, proved to be of great help, as they provided information as $ell as allo$ room for analyzationWhile sele%ting our presentation %ategory, %reating a do%umentary %ame to mind first, as it $ould allo$ for a variety of primary sour%es that $ould visually attra%t the 3udges and allo$ for better %han%es at su%%ess in the regional %ompetition- We ended up opting out of %reating a do%umentary, though, be%ause it $ould be diffi%ult to find primary sour%es in English- 4y %hoosing to %reate a $ebsite, $e dis%overed that $e %ould simultaneously $or. on it through our %omputers from home and $e $ouldnt have to %ondu%t many fa%e*to*fa%e meetings sin%e $e %ould dis%uss our pro3e%t over group te0ts and shared do%uments5ur pro3e%t %orresponds to the theme be%ause it fo%uses on the rights and responsibilities of both the government and the %itizens and ho$ ea%h $as negle%ted and overused at different points in Chinas transition from imperialism to %ommunism during the early &'th %entury- The rights of the %itizens of %ommunist and imperialisti% China $ere overloo.ed and abused through the %orruption of their rulers, and it $as their responsibility to stand up for their rights and reform their government- The governments responsibility to govern Chinas affairs and provide for their %itizens, and in order to do so,

the government is entitled to the right to %hange the so%ial and e%onomi% systems of China if they believe it is to the benefit of the people-

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