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Cover: Batzor ig D. (BAZO) Hurden, 1x1, oil on canvas, 2008

Arts Council of Mongolia Delta Center, 4th Floor Chingeltei Distr ict, Juulchin street Ulaanbaatar 211238 Mongolia

Content Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Artist development program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Advocacy program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Arts education program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Cultural heritage program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Development program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 ACM Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Supporters & Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 ACM Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 ACM Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 ACM Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 ACM staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Financial report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Arts Council of Mongolia

Dear all, The Arts Council of Mongolia is very happy to present to you our annual report for 2012. This year we decided to decorate the cover of the annual report with the painting named Circle by young emerging talent D. Batzorig. The choice was not accidental. On one hand, the different circles of various colors symbolizes the eternity of human beingsin all their existential diversities. When you look with a wider lens, our culture with its own independent uniqueness becomes a portrait of world culture in all its multitudes, dynamics, and forms. These cultural landscapes shape the actions of the ACM to create an authentic portrait of Mongolian culture where a genuine balance of modernization & traditions is essential. Your support and participation are important for us in creating suchunique pieces with their ideals of beauty, sensibility, integrity, longevity, and diversity. All our actions in 2012 were made to create a sensible portrait with key messages that include: international cooperation, artistic excellence, and the capacity of cultural sector. The contents of our portrait became richer thanks to the new modern dance performanceDuruu (Stirrup) with music composed by Sh. Ulziibayar and choreography from M. Munguntsesteg, the Indigenous contemporary dance performance Spirit with the Bangarra Dance Theatre of Australia, the Italian theatrical performance The Betrothed by Alessandro Manzoni , From the heart contemporary art exhibition of the artist J. Munkhtsesteg, and the French photography exhibition Mongolia 100 years ago through a French photographers camera with the Albert Kahn Museum. The ACM expanded opportunities for artists to create new, inspiring artworks in national and international contexts through over 10 projects, reaching over 250 artists with the following projects: Lost & Found residency program led by artist S. Sarantsatsralt, the Mongolian-Korean Nomadic Arts Residency under the theme Reflect, an arts journalism training led by the Arts Journal publisher Mr. Douglas McLennan, and our Fellowship and Young Leadership programs. The ACM hasalso expanded the geographic reach of its cultural partnerships to form international ties withthe aim of allowing greater cultural and intellectual exchange, as evidenced by the participation of 20 artists in such projects as the ArgaBileg ethno jazz bands U.S. tour, a documentary film scriptwriting workshop with the French NGO Ecran Libre, the indigenous dance residency program at the Banff Centre in Canada, the Percussion Ensemble of the Music and Dance Colleges placement in the International Marimba Competition in Nuremberg, Germany, and six Young Leaders participating in the Oslo International Jazz Festival. The ACM worked with 2500 children to build their capacity by providing youth access to the arts, inspiring their creativity and imagination, and preserving their cultural heritage through programs such as theTrash is Not Trash! recycling arts education project,Mongolian-American School Pairing


program, new music pieces delivered to the Music & Dance College for teaching purposes, We can-We are talented media art training and the Museum in a Box heritage education outreach program. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our international donors including: ACM-US, theAlbert Kahn Museum in Paris, Arts Council of Korea, Canadian Embassy in Beijing, European Union, IFACCA, METAA, Korea, MongolAmerican Cultural Association of the USA, Norwegian Embassy in Beijing, and Canadian Banff Center. Moreover, we would like to thank our local donors including:APU Co.,Ltd, Eznis AirwaysCo.,Ltd, French Embassy in Mongolia, Khan Bank Foundation, MCS Asia Pacific Brewery Co., Ltd,Ministry of Education Science and Culture,Ministry of Culture Sport and Tourism, Mongolian National Commission of UNESCO, Newcom Group, Nomadic Expeditions Co., Ltd,NoyonUulErdeneCo.,Ltd, Open Society Forum,Oriflame Mongolia Co.,Ltd, PetrovisCo.,Ltd, Rio Tinto Co.,Ltd, Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation,Taipei Trade and Economic Representative office in Ulaanbaatar,Tseren Tours Co.,Ltd,Turkish Embassy to Mongolia, US Embassy to Mongolia, Xanadu Mines Mongolia Co.,Ltd and Bank. Finally, we would like to thank our partners including: Air Trans LLC, Alliance Franaise de Mongolie, AltanKhalis association, Amarbayasgalant Monastery, Arts and Culture Department, Implementing Agency of Capital City Governor, Black Box Theatre, C1 television, Choijin Lama Temple Museum, Culture Institute of MUCA, Down Syndrome Association, Eagle Television, Edutainment Television, EkhOron television, Eznis Airways LLC, Embassy of Mongolia, French Regional Audiovisual Mission in Central Asia, Caucasus and TurkeyIndia, Globe International NGO, I Concept Co., Ltd, Institute of Finance and Economics, Mongolia, Institute for the study of Mongolian Dinosaurs,Mayors Office of Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolian National Commission of UNESCO, MonEnergo Service, Mongol Content LLC, Mongol HD Television, Mongol Mass

Media LLC, Mongol Messenger newspaper, Mongolian Modern Art Gallery, Mongolian National Broadcasting Television, Mongolian State University of Culture and Arts, Morin Khuur Ensemble, Music and Dance College, Musical Theatre of Dundgobi province, National Garden Park of Ulaanbaatar City,National Festival Naadam Organizing Committee, National Museum of Mongolia, Natural History Museum, Norman Rockwell Museum, NTV Television,SCH Television, Selenge province State Specialized Inspection Agency, State Opera and Ballet Theatre, The Museum of Ulaanbaatar City, UBS television,Yalguun Bayan LLC, Zanabazar Fine Arts Museum, Zorig Foundationand all our friends, members and volunteers, both Mongolian and foreign. Your continued involvement and support is crucially important to the creation of Mongolias unique cultural portrait in this rapidly changing world as we strive for a culturally dynamic,diverse, and developed global society. We would like to congratulate all our partners and donors and let the arts connect, inspire, and empower us more than ever! Jantsannorov Natsag ACM Chairman Peoples Artist & Twice State Laureate Composer and musicologist, PhD



Wind by artist D.Dorjderem, Lost & Found, artist residency program in Dundgobi province


PrOGraM OVerVIeW fOr 2012

PrOGraM GOaL: The goal of the Artist Development Program is to contribute to the sustainable development of Mongolian arts and cultural organizations and artists through supporting their innovative and creative projects, building their capacity, and expanding their international collaboration and exchanges. PrOGraM acHIeVeMeNTS: In 2012, thanks to the Artist development program more than 250 artists and art managers benefited from 13 different projects, trainings, and international exchange programs in the field of film, modern dance, theatre, music, visual arts, and arts management. In 2012 ACM celebrated its 10th Anniversary. Consequently, ACM initiated 10 new projects, and most of these projects were implemented through Artist Development Program.

AcTIVITIeS aIMeD aT SUppOrTING INNOVaTIVe aND creaTIVe prOJecTS Of MONGOLIaN arTS aND cULTUre OrGaNIZaTIONS aND arTISTS Since 2008, ACM has organized the Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation) Arts and Culture Program (OSI-ACP) grants competition among Mongolian arts and cultural organizations and artists which aims to strengthen civil society through the arts. In 2012, 9 proposals were submitted by the ACM to the OSI-ACP on behalf of the Mongolian arts community. 4 projects were selected and awarded grants for a total amount of 39,535 USD for creating or strengthening cultural platforms and professional development and capacity-building. Within the framework of its 10th Anniversary, the ACM organized a grant competition to fund the production of a new modern dance piece with the support of Energy Resources LLC with the aim to contribute to the development of modern music and dance in Mongolia. Nature Dance Company was

selected as the competition winner and awarded a grant of 20 million tugrik to produce a new modern dance performance. AcTIVITIeS aIMeD aT BUILDING capacITY Of MONGOLIaN arTS aND cULTUre OrGaNIZaTIONS aND arTISTS Within the framework of its 10th Anniversary, the ACM successfully organized From the heart contemporary art exhibition by artist J. Munkhtsetseg supported by Tseren Tours LLC in order to support Mongolian artists, promote Mongolian contemporary art to the public, and broaden collaboration between arts and business organizations. In order to support professional development of Mongolian young filmmakers, the ACM sent two Mongolian filmmakers to the documentary film script writing workshop in Kyrgyzstan organized by the French NGO Ecran Libre with funding from the European Commission. Also, two Mongolian dancers


participated in an indigenous dance residency program at the Banff Center, Canada with the support of the Canadian Embassy to Mongolia. With the support of XAC Bank, two musicians from the Percussion Ensemble of the Music and Dance College successfully participated in the International Marimba Competition in Nuremberg, Germany and were awarded the competitions special prize. The ACM organized the fifth edition of the ACM Fellowship program which aims to enhance their leadership and arts management skills and promote their collaboration. This years class included 15 emerging young leaders and was supported by ACM-US. This was the third year of the Young Leaders in Art program and with the support of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beijing, the ACM built a sustainable and viable network of 19 young emerging artists. At the end of this years program, five graduates participated in the Oslo International Jazz Festival. As a part of its 10th Anniversary celebrations, ACM initiated and implemented the Lost & Found residency program, designed to support the innovation, experimentation and creativity of Mongolian artists, which was held in Dundgobi and Umnugobi provinces with support of APU LLC. Artists from different mediums worked together with local artists to produce a piece based on fusion performance, mixing traditional and modern art under the theme of Lost & Found. A TV crew also traveled with the artists and project team to record the process and

provide a national audience the opportunity to watch this creative and innovative collaboration through a special TV program aired on NTV channel. In collaboration with MCS Brewery LLC, the ACM implemented the 5th edition of the Tiger Translate competition among visual artists. Under the theme Streets Digital more than 50 artists participated in the competition and their art works were exhibited at Sukhbaatar Square in front of the State Drama and Ballet Theater and at the Beatles sculpture in Ulaanbaatar. At the competition 6 artists received final prizes and artists J. Anunaran and P. Batbayar received the Grand Prix and will participate at the International Tiger Translate Competition in Abu Dhabi. With support of Rio Tinto, the ACM organized a modern dance workshop among 50 dance students & professional dancers conducted by the dancers of the Bangarra Dance Theater from Australia, in collaboration with the University of Arts and Culture, during their visit to perform a modern dance production for Mongolian audiences. Finally, in order to build capacity of the Puppet Theater and increase childrens awareness on environmental issues, the Puppet Theater with assistance of ACM produced the new puppet performance Daughters of the Merman and will organize a puppet workshop conducted by a Swiss puppet artist with the support of the Swiss Development Agency.


AcTIVITIeS aIMeD aT eXpaNDING INTerNaTIONaL cOLLaBOraTION aND eXcHaNGeS Of MONGOLIaN arTS aND cULTUre OrGaNIZaTIONS aND arTISTS One of the other new projects dedicated to the ACMs 10th Anniversary was a presentation of The Betrothed Italian theatrical performance by Alessandro Manzoni to Mongolian audiences in May 2012 in collaboration with the Honorary Consulate of Mongolia in Milan and the State Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet and with financial support from Mrs. E. Tuul and Tuguldur Foundation. The goal of the project was to promote world classic art to Mongolian audiences and to enhance cultural exchange between Mongolia and Italy. In 2012, the ACM sustained the fifth annual phase of the Time and Space nomadic arts residency program that involved five Korean and five Mongolian artists, curators and dancers to do artistic exploration under the theme of Reflection in Khuvsgul province in collaboration with and with funding from the Arts Council of Korea and Nomadic Expeditions LLC. The works and joint artistic concepts and media installations were created and then exhibited in Ulaanbaatar. Within the framework of the 10th Anniversary of the ACM, the ACM presented the indigenous contemporary dance performance Spirit by Bangarra Dance Theater from Australia

to Mongolian audiences with funding from Rio Tinto LLC in September 2012 at the State Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet. The goal of the project was to enhance the cultural exchange between Mongolia and Australia and promote the world-class modern dance in Mongolia. Also as a part of its 10th Anniversary, the ACM organized a tour of Arga Bileg Mongolian ethno jazz band to the USA with the support of ACM-US and the Trust for Mutual Understanding in October 2012. As part of the tour Arga Bileg participated in the Earshot Jazz Festival in Seattle and performed at the Asian Society in New York and at School of the Arts University in Denver. ACM believes that this project contributed immensely to the promotion of Mongolian contemporary music in the USA and encouraged cultural exchange between Mongolia and USA. In conclusion, for the last 10 years the ACM Artist development program supported 119 arts organizations and 100 individuals in carrying out their artistic initiatives, through grants totaling 502,198 USD. One of the important impacts of the program was the increased professional & arts management skills of Mongolian artists through 92 short & long term trainings, exchange programs and projects in leadership, management, modern dance, visual arts, film and theater involving more than 800 artists, art students & cultural workers.


PrOJecTS Of 2012

PrOJecT GOaL: To enhance collaborative practices, develop public cultural spaces, and build intercultural dialogue and understanding between Mongolia, Central Asia and the Caucasus Region.

Project impact: Every year since 2008, ACM has organized the OSI-ACNP grants competition among Mongolian arts and cultural organizations and artists. ACM distributes the competition guidelines and application forms, provides weekly individual mentoring on project development, and administers the application and grant issuing process. In 2012, 9 proposals were submitted by the ACM to the OSI-ACP on behalf of the Mongolian arts community. 4 projects were selected and awarded grants for a total amount of 39,535 USD for creating or strengthening cultural platforms and professional development and capacity-building.

Project partner: OSI-ACNP Project donor: OSI-ACNP




PrOJecT GOaL: To support artists and to generate a new space for their innovation, experimentation and creativity.

Project impact: As a part of its 10th Anniversary celebrations, ACM initiated and implemented the Lost & Found residency program, designed to support the innovation, experimentation and creativity of Mongolian artists, which was held in Dundgobi and Umnugobi provinces with support of APU LLC. Artists from different mediums worked together with local artists to produce a piece based on fusion performance, mixing traditional and modern art under the theme of Lost & Found. A TV crew also traveled with the artists and project team to record the process and provide a national audience the opportunity to watch this creative and innovative collaboration through a special TV program aired on NTV channel.

Project partner: NTV Television Musical Theatre of Dundgobi province Nomadic Expedition Co.,LTD Project donor: APU Co.,LTD




PrOJecT GOaL: To enhance the cultural exchange between Mongolia and Australia and promote world-class modern dance in Mongolia.

Project impact: Within the framework of the 10th Anniversary of the ACM, the ACM presented the indigenous contemporary dance performance Spirit by Bangarra Dance Theater from Australia to Mongolian audiences with funding from Rio Tinto LLC in September 2012 at the State Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet. As the biggest international dance production to tour Mongolia, the project raised great awareness of Australia and Mongolia and their cultures. The master classes facilitated by the dancers of the Bangarra Dance Theatre was organized for the students of the University of Arts and Culture and professional dancers from 5 different ensembles of Ulaanbaatar as well as the art community. Project partner: Australian Embassy in Korea State Opera and Ballet Theatre Project donor: Rio Tinto




PrOJecT GOaL: To ensure creative partnership of local and international artists and to enhance artistic professional skills.

Project impact: In 2012, the ACM organized the Tiger Translate competition in collaboration with MCS Asia Pacific Brewery for the fifth year in a row in conjunction with the celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the Tiger Brand. This years competition feature was a sculpture named Eating with the Wolf, inspired by artists from the USA and sculpted by Mongolian artists Ts. Batmunkh and B. Govisaikhan. The sculpture was placed in National Garden Park of Ulaanbaatar city in October 2012. Project partner: Artists National Garden Park of Ulaanbaatar City Project donor: MCS Asia Pacific Brewery



TIMe aND Space NOMaDIc ArTS ReSIDeNcY PrOGraM - 2012

PrOJecT GOaL: To promote the cultural and creative exchange between Korean and Mongolian artists and to increase the use of the arts in facilitating positive social change.

Project impact: The fifth Time and Space Nomadic Arts Residency Program was implemented from August 17-30, 2012 in Tsagaan Nuur sum of Khuvsgul province jointly by ACM and Arts Council Korea (ARKO). Five Korean and six Mongolian artists created artworks and researched Mongolian Shamanism under the theme Reflection. Artists created sound performances, visual and media installations, performances and photography artworks under the guidance of the Korean curator who initiated the exhibition and held an artist talk in Red Ger Art Gallery at Khan Bank in Ulaanbaatar. One impact of the project was the Mongolian artist Naidandorj was invited to participate in a residency program at the Creation Art Center in Seoul, Korea.

Project partner: Nomadic Expeditions LLC Khan Bank Project donor: Arts Council of Korea




PrOJecT GOaL: To introduce a truly American artist, Norman Rockwell, and his artwork to Mongolian audiences.

Project impact: The ACM organized Norman Rockwells America, an art exhibition of reproduction canvases in the Red Ger Gallery in Khan Bank from November 8 through December 7, 2012. Norman Rockwell is an American artist who was active in the first half of the 20th century and was famous for painting the covers for The Saturday Evening Post magazine, illustrating 322 covers in total. His paintings celebrated American ideals such as freedom and equality, and he did not shy away from painting scenes of controversy when he wanted to draw public attention to an important issue.

Project partner: The Norman Rockwell Museum Khan Bank Project donor: U.S. Embassy to Mongolia




PrOJecT GOaL: To promote a high quality, innovative and well presented exhibition to the public and to raise awareness of the ACMs activities.

Project impact: ACM organized artist Munkhtsetsegs exhibition at the Red Ger Art Gallery in Ulaanbaatar from March 14 28, 2012. From the Heart exhibition explored the power, strength and beauty of women and Mongolian culture through displaying 16 canvases, 9 bronze sculptures and 5 paper works.

Project partner: Scheoni Art Gallery, Hong Kong Teo Namfah Art Gallery, Hong Kong Project donor: Tseren Tours Co.Ltd.




PrOJecT GOaL: To build a sustainable and viable network of young emerging art administrators and artists ages 1825 through building their capacity in leadership and arts management.

Project impact: ACM successfully implemented its third Young Leadership in the Arts program with the support of Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beijing. 19 young leaders from different art fields participated in the training. The project had three main activities. First, leadership and arts management training were held to increase the capacity of young artists in visual art, music, dance and design. Secondly, Young Arts Leaders for Youth, a one day event was organized in conjunction with Childrens Day for children of the Children Nurture center to build awareness of the social activities of young leaders through enhancing childrens life skills using videography. And finally, the leaders became engaged in the making their own marketing and promotion strategies to development their work, resulting in the The Fabulous Club www.thefclub. mn blog site which was updated with new 19 entries. The most important part of the project was the participation of five leaders in the Oslo Jazz Festival from August 12-20th, 2012 in Norway where the young leaders successfully experienced world music festival management.

Project partner: Black Box Theatre Mongol HD TV

Project donor: Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beijing




PrOJecT GOaL: To share, investigate, and strengthen contemporary Indigenous dance practices and enhance the network of Mongolian dancers with world-renowned Indigenous choreographers and leading dance instructors from across Canada and around the world.

Project Impact: For this project, dancer Erdenebayar Nina and Zoljargal Tsogtsaikhan from the National Song and Dance Ensemble were selected to attend the residency from August 1-28, 2012. During the three-and-a-half-week intensive training, the dancers attended daily technique classes, improvisation classes, performance skills, and assisted in the creation of a new choreographic work. At the end of the residency, Erdenebayar and Zoljargal performed as part of the Banff Summer Arts Festival at the Banff Centre. Their participation in the artistic process with other Indigenous artists from various nations, backgrounds, and countries helped to establish career-changing relationships with national and international dance professionals.

Project partner: Banff Centre Project donor: Banff Center and Embassy of Canada in Ulaanbaatar




PrOJecT GOaL: To help people who want to develop a professional approach of documentary film making with strong, personal artistic research and to build strong, local documentary professional networks across Central Asia, the Caucasuses and Eastern Russia, and between these regions and Europe.

Project Impact: The young Mongolian film directors Ikhbayar Shagdarsuren and Delger Ariunaa participated in the third documentary script writing residency Eurasiadoc: Central Asia in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan from April 9 to 24, 2012. The residency brought together nine young Kyrgyz, Kazakh and Mongolians with two Azerbaijanis film directors. During the two and a half weeks residency, the participating film directors improved and completed portfolios of their projects and on the basis of their completed work, trainers selected young film directors to participate in the co-production meetings in Yerevan in July 2012. The projects will be presented to producers and broadcasters in Europe and Eurasia.

Project partner: Rhne-Alpes Region Council French Foreign Ministry Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan SCAC (French Embassy) French Alliance French Regional Audiovisual Mission in Central Asia, Caucasus and Turkey Project donor: European Union




PrOGraM GOaL: To empower emerging cultural leaders by enhancing their leadership & management skills and by promoting their collaboration and networking.

Project impact: In 2012, the fifth edition of ACM Fellowship program was implemented involving 15 arts administrators & artists from the fields of visual arts, performing arts, heritage, media & journalism. They attended a series of ten workshops on arts leadership, arts management, fundraising, cultural policy, governance, intellectual property, creative industry and other relevant issues. The program provides not only practical knowledge and experiences but also gives attendees the chance to be part of the ACM and participate in different arts & creative activities throughout the year.

Project donor: ACM-US Project partner: Institute of Finance & Economics Zorig Foundation




Panelists, Arts issue segment, ACM Arts Network TV program at MNB TV



PrOGraM OVerVIeW fOr 2012

PrOGraM GOaL: The Advocacy programs goal is to advocate for the sustainable development of Mongolian arts and culture.

PrOGraM acHIeVeMeNTS: In 2012, the Advocacy program expanded its activities in the following key areas: Building awareness in the general public about the role of arts and culture in human and social development Developing strong local & international partnerships on cultural policy development Promoting Mongolian arts and culture and ACM activities locally and internationally

In 2012 the ACM continued to produce the Arts network TV program in collaboration with the Mongolian National Public Television to provide a platform for critical discussion of arts and cultural issues, to promote critical thinking and evaluation of the arts, and to increase engagement with and access to arts and culture. In May 2012, ACM organized the Arts Journalism training among Mongolian journalists with support from the US Embassy and Open Society Forum with the goal to provide local journalists with an introduction to arts journalism in print and online form so that they can produce quality work that is informative, critical and educational. In 2012, ACM started a partnership with the Asia Europe Foundation on the inclusion of the Mongolian cultural policy profile in the World Cultural Policy Compendium. ACM has contracted Ph.D., Professor J. Dolgorsuren, director of Performing Arts School of University of Arts and Culture and Mr. Ts. Jargalsaikhan, senior specialist of Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism to develop the Mongolian cultural policy profile. In March 2012, the ACM participated in the International Economic Forum held in Ulaanbaatar with the goal of building awareness in the business sector about the importance of arts and culture.



Regarding the expansion of its international partnerships, in June 2012 an ACM delegation visited the Arts Council of Korea with the goal of discussing broadening the collaboration between the two organizations. The ACM marketing & communication division became a new component of the Advocacy program to promote ACM activities and Mongolian arts and culture in a broader way using the modern tools of arts marketing. For example, in 2012 the ACM worked on marketing & communication for several public events including The Betrothed theatrical performance organized in collaboration with the Mongolian Honorary Consulate in Milan, Mongolia a hundred years ago photo exhibition organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and French Embassy, and Spirit indigenous modern dance performance by Bangarra dance theatre from Australia organized with the support of Rio Tinto LLC and attended by more than 3,700 audience members. Also, the ACM marketing & communication division regularly updates information on ACMs website in English & Mongolian and produces monthly arts events calendar, which is distributed both online and in print (2000 copies). In order to promote its activities and Mongolian arts and culture to the international public, ACM produces a monthly arts page on the Mongol Messenger, an English language newspaper.



PrOJecTS Of 2012

PrOJecT GOaL: - - - - To increase awareness among the general public about the importance of arts and culture in social development To provide a platform for critical discussion of arts and cultural issues, including policy, legal, economic, social and accessibility issues To promote critical thinking and evaluation of the arts in Mongolia To enhance and sustain engagement with and access to arts and culture in the broader Mongolian community

PrOJecT OVerVIeW: Since 2008 the ACM has been producing the Arts Network, a one hour magazine style TV program shown nationwide on Mongolian National Public Television (MNTV). During the period of 2008-2012, the ACM has produced 35 episodes total. Each episode includes the following segments: - - - - - ARTS STUDIO: stories about artists working in all genres, from Mongolia and abroad; ARTS ISSUES: panel discussion on timely and critical issues in culture and development; ARTS KNOWLEDGE: arts history from Mongolia and the world; ARTS FRIENDS: interviews with local and international arts supporters and collectors; ARTS CALENDAR: the months upcoming arts events in different cities around the world

Project impact: In 2012, the ACM produced six episodes on the issues of Preservation of intangible cultural heritage, Current development of classical art, Arts Education, Theater and Society, Arts and cultural events in Ulaanbaatar, State, public and international cultural policy of 2013. Project partner: Mongolian National Public Television




PrOJecT GOaL: To provide Mongolian journalists with an introduction to arts journalism in print and online forms so that they can produce quality work that is informative, critical, and educational.

Project impact: ACM initiated and successfully organized a two day training on An introduction to arts journalism in May 2012 with financial support from the US Embassy in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and the Open Society Forum. The training was conducted by Mr. Douglas McLennan, a publisher of Arts Journal in Seattle, USA. 26 Mongolian journalists from local newspapers, magazines, TV channels and online media participated in the training and were introduced to the history, theory and context of arts journalism and the practices of arts journalism in the West. Also examples of high quality arts journalism were presented including printed and online articles. Another important feature of this training was the meeting of journalists with representatives of arts community including wellknown Mongolian composers, writers and art historians. The goal of this meeting was to give a brief update about the current developments of arts and culture in Mongolia and to discuss the role of journalists in building awareness in the general public about arts & culture. As a result of the training, an online network of Mongolian arts journalists was established and ideas on further activities of the network of Mongolian arts journalists were discussed at the end of the training. The participants of the trainings expressed their needs and interests for a future series of advanced trainings to advance their journalism skills and education & knowledge about the arts.

Project donor: United States of America Embassy to Mongolia Open Society Forum




PrOJecT GOaL: To build networks and partnerships among businesses, social organizations, and arts & culture organizations and to discuss culture and development.

Project impact: On December 12-14, The Culture and Development International Culture Forum was held at the Parliament house, organized by Mongolian State University of Arts & Culture, the Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO, and the ACM. The Culture and Development International Forum also included three smaller conferences on the topics of Cultural heritage studies, Creative industry & Cultural tourism, Arts & Culture Education that were held in November, as well as training for cultural officers. 400 individuals from all over the country were involved. As a partner of the forum, the ACM organized the Arts & Culture Education discussion and presented Road to Change arts education survey result & related recommendations to the forum representatives.

Project initiator & organizer: Mongolian State University of Arts & Culture Project donor: Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO Ministry of Culture, Sport & Tourism Ministry of Education & Science




Main image of the Trash is not Trash recycling arts education program



PrOGraM OVerVIeW fOr 2012

PrOGraM GOaL: The ACMs Arts Education Program aims to promote arts education as a tool for individual, social and community development and to facilitate policy dialogue on key issues related to arts education.

PrOGraM acHIeVeMeNT: In 2012, the Arts Education Program implemented five arts education projects for 320 youth and children with the aim of inspiring their creativity and imagination and providing arts access to youth and furthermore built capacity of 70 art teachers and artists. For the execution of those projects, the ACM raised funds from international and local foundations and businesses as well as expanded our partnerships through collaboration with NGOs and individuals. In 2012, Arts Education Program expanded its activities in the following key areas: Developing creativity and life skills of youth and children ACM implemented We can-We are talented media art project with the support of Khan Bank, which aims to develop creativity and life skills for youth through video art. Through the project 60 children learned to be creative using the media to create artworks and express themselves and contemporary society, under the supervision of artists. ACM this year started and implemented the Trash is not Trash! recycling arts education project, supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, to provide learning opportunities for children to develop their environmental and recycling knowledge while enhancing their creativity and life skills through the visual arts. The project involved 250 school children, 10 professional artists, and 20 arts teachers from Songinokhairkhan & Bayanzurkh districts. In course of the year, the ACM was given a grant to commission a music piece for piano and string instruments from Mr. N. Jantsannorov and Mr. B. Sharav in order to support the development of Mongolian music sector and enrich the repertoire of the Music and Dance College. This grant was generously given by Noyon Uul Erdene LLC, and the new music piece will be presented to the public in early 2013.



In September 2012 ACM handed over the black and white photo laboratory of the ACMs Focus on Kids photography project to the Radio and Television University with the goal of continuing this program in partnership with the university. Capacity building of artists and teachers ACM continued running the I Can Do It project which develops life skills and self-confidence in disabled children through visual and performing arts and provides learning opportunities. In 2012, the ACM invited two dance professionals from the Association for Learning Performing Arts and Normative Actions of India and organized a Dance Art Therapy workshop for over 30 teachers from six schools and professional dancers from Mongolian State University of Arts and Culture. The project was sponsored by the Turkish Embassy to Mongolia and partnered with the Zorig Foundation, the Mongolian Embassy to India and the Down Syndrome Association of Mongolia. Public awareness on arts education In order to enrich and expand the cultural content of the Mongolian National Naadam Holiday and to present an internationallevel arts and cultural festival in Mongolia, the ACM successfully organized Culture Naadam Festival with collaboration of METAA, Korea and Mongolian State University of Arts and Culture for the fifth year. Culture Naadam was sponsored by Rio Tinto LLC and Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Overall, the Culture Naadam content was delivered through different media channels to 1,000,000 locals and 3,000 foreigners as well as presented for 30,000 local people and 2,000 tourists.



PrOJecTS Of 2012

PrOJecT GOaL: To promote Mongolias Nomadic culture and traditions to domestic and international audiences and to enhance the scope and quality of arts & culture services during the national Naadam festival.

Project impact: For the fifth year, the ACM organized Culture Naadam in collaboration with METAA, Korea and the Mongolian State University of Arts and Culture, with the aim of promoting Mongolias nomadic arts & culture and to provide broader cultural services for the public at Hui Doloon Hudag Valley. This year, the Culture Naadam program consisted of One day of Mongolia arts & crafts stations, Sersen Tal Mongolian traditional performance, First Feeling installation, Mongolian-Korean joint contemporary performance, and also initiated new stations of Giant Mongolia, Red Jamsran and Mongolian Ethnic Groups.



Project partner: METAA, Korea Mongolian State University of Arts & Culture Committee of State Naadam Festival Arts & Culture Department, Implementing Agency for Capital City Governor Project donor: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science Rio Tinto Co.,Ltd Korean Gas Co.,Ltd, Korea



We CaN We are TaLeNTeD MeDIa arT prOJecT

PrOJecT GOaL: To provide opportunities for children to increase their creativity and life skills and to express themselves through video art.

Project impact: ACM successfully completed the fifth edition of the We Can-We Are Talented media art project, involving 60 children and students from disadvantaged areas of Ulaanbaatar. The training was conducted by Altan Khalis (Golden Film) association to build their skills in make short films. The training culminated in the creation of five different videos under the supervision of professional media artists, which were then shown at a special film screening and discussion for 300 children and school teachers of Songinokhairkhan district. Project partner: Altan Khalis Association Project donor: Khan Bank Foundation




PrOJecT GOaL: To build the capacity of teachers & dancers who work with disabled children through dance & music.

Project impact: In order to enhance the capacity of art teachers & dancers and gain international experience, the ACM collaborated with the Association for Leaning Performing Arts and Normative Action (ALPANA), India to organize a Dance art therapy workshop for over 40 participants. Local therapists, teachers, students were treated to an arts therapy workshop and gained knowledge on how to work with disabled children by using dance forms. Project partner: Embassy of Mongolia, India Mr. Gankhuyag Namsrai Music & Dance College Zorig Foundation Down Syndrome Association Project donor: Turkish Embassy to Mongolia




PrOJecT GOaL: To provide learning opportunities for children to develop their environmental and recycling knowledge while enhancing their creativity and life skills through the arts.

Project impact: With the support of Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation, ACM implemented Trash is not Trash! environmental arts education project to enhance public awareness on reducing waste by turning trash into art in creative ways. As part of the creative development process of this project, 10 Mongolian artists and 20 teachers were worked together as a team under the supervision of designer Tanja Burdofer from Switzerland to develop a curriculum and then conducted 80 hours environmental arts education training for 250 children. At the completion of the training, the young participants presented their art pieces to the community during a special exhibition at the Green Horse gallery of the Zanabazar Fine Art Museum.

Project Partner: Mayors Office of Ulaanbaatar city Designer Tanja Burgdorfer, Switzerland Project donor: Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation




PrOJecT GOaL: To develop leaders through ongoing cultural and educational experiences between Mongolian and U.S. high schools

Project impact: In 2012-2013, ACM joined the MongolianAmerican School Pairing program through the support of ACM-US to expand cultural & educational exchanges between the two countries through developing future leaders. The program was started by Zorig Foundation in 2004, and since then it has broadened its activities by including arts & culture exchanges. This year, the program reached 120 students from 3 Mongolian and 3 American schools through sharing their own culture and knowledge and learning about others. This participation between American, Navaho, and Mongolian students allowed for great cultural exchange, and it enhanced the English language skills of the Mongolian participants.

Project partner: Zorig Foundation Project donor: ACM-US Nomadic Expeditions Co.,Ltd



GraNT fOr NeW MUSIc pIece

PrOJecT GOaL: To support the development of Mongolian classic music through enriching the repertoire of the Music and Dance College

Project impact: With the generous support of Noyon Uul Erdene Co.,Ltd, ACM awarded a grant for new music pieces for piano & string instrument to Peoples Artist & twice-awarded State Laureate composer and musicologist N. Jantsannorov and Honored & State Laureate composer B. Sharav. These new music pieces will be delivered to the Music & Dance College for teaching purposes.

Project partner: Music & Dance College Project donor: Noyon Uul Erdene Co.,Ltd




PrOJecT GOaL: To support the talents of disadvantaged students by providing a one year scholarship for study.

Project impact: In 2012, the ACM expanded the scope of its Future Talent scholarship program by increasing the number of scholarship recipients. Traditionally, the ACM has granted a one year scholarship for four students who are successfully studying as a musicologist, composer, music conductor or string instrument player with the support of the Mongol-American Cultural Association. This year, the 10 best students of the Music and Dance College were awarded annual tuition through the financial contribution of Oriflame Mongolia Co.,Ltd.

Project partner: Music & Dance College Mongolian State University of Arts & Culture Project donor: Mongol-American Cultural Association Oriflame Mongolia Co.,Ltd





Khalkha married woman, Urgoo, Mongolia, Stephane Passet, 1913, Mongolia 100 years ago in French photographers camera Exhibition


PrOGraM OVerVIeW fOr 2012

PrOGraM GOaL: The goal of the Cultural Heritage program is to preserve & promote the unique tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Mongolia and to transmit it to future generations.

PrOGraM acHIeVeMeNTS: In 2012, the program focused on improving the fire safety & security systems at heritage sites; assisting Mongolian museums with curriculum development; transmitting knowledge of traditional heritage to young generations; and promoting historical cultural documentation to the public. A number of projects were carried out in this respect, including the Amarbayasgalant Monastery Fire & Theft Security project Phase 2, the Mongolia 100 years ago in French photographers camera photo exhibition, and the Museum in a box educational outreach program. The Cultural Heritage program has created and maintained a strong network among state parties, arts & culture organizations as well as private businesses. The program has widened the international network and exchange opportunities with international organizations.



PrOJecTS Of 2012

PrOJecT GOaL: The goal of this project is to improve safety & protection of Amarbayasgalant monastery, a national treasure located in Baruunburen sum, Selenge province, to preserve it for future generations.

Project impact: ACM has worked on the Amarbayasgalant Monastery Preservation Project, Phase 2, since 2011. From May 2012 to November 2012, the contractor company Mongol Energy Service Co., Ltd conducted the electrical re-wiring as well as the installation of external and internal lightning, surveillance cameras, and fire detectors for 28 temples at the site. The implementation of a new fire safety procedure and renewed maintenance of the electrical facilities has reduced the risks of fire and theft and significantly improved the overall condition of the temple. In a broader sense, the project contributes to the preservation of traditional identity, provides an example for efficient public and private partnerships in heritage site preservation, and promotes the long-term sustainable development of the monastery site.

Project partner: Ministry of Education, Culture, & Science Amarbayasgalant Monastery Mongol Energo Service Co.,Ltd Yalguun Bayan LLC Selenge province State Specialized Inspection Agency

Project donor: Ambassador Fund for Cultural Preservation The Embassy of the United States of America in Ulaanbaatar




PrOJecT GOaL: The goal of this project was to increase general public knowledge about Mongolian traditional culture & history, to promote the documentation of living heritage and artefacts dating back to 20th century, and to expand collaboration with international museum galleries.

Project impact The exhibition was organized for 2 months at the Modern Art Gallery in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture, & Science, the French Embassy in Ulaanbaatar, and the French Alliance of Mongolia. The project introduced new field of international collaboration in the arts and culture sector between governments, non-governmental organizations, and individuals. The exhibition displayed for the first time in Mongolia 80 color photos and a 25 minute video from the Albert Kahn Museums world archive that captured Mongolian culture and lifestyles during the Bogd Khaanate in Mongolia in 1912-1913. The exhibition was presented with a unique design and media content, and helped improve the capacity of Mongolian museums in organizing and managing an international quality exhibition. An exhibition catalogue with photos and 2 articles written by French copies were published (1,000 copies total) and sold to Mongolian readers. During the 2 month exhibition, over 2,300 people visited.

Project partner: Ministry of France in Ulaanbaatar French Alliance of Mongolia Modern Art Gallery Project donor: Ministry of Education, Culture, & Science Albert Kahn Museum in Paris




PrOJecT GOaL: This project aims to promote museum collections through movable heritage objects; to transmit cultural heritage knowledge to younger generations; to enhance childrens aesthetic appreciation; to cultivate future museum audiences; to enrich & support the sustainability of museum outreach programs; to provide museums with resources & methods; and to increase museums partnerships with businesses & educational organizations.

Project impact: ACM provided 3 different Museum in a box curricula for the Natural History Museum, the Choijin Lama temple museum & the Zanabazar Fine Arts museum. In 2012, the Museum in a box project involved more than 1,000 primary school students at 20 schools and gave development opportunities to over 20 museum experts, primary school educators, and heritage experts. The Choijin Lama Temple Museum education kit traveled to 20 schools in countryside & on the outskirts of UB, providing an opportunity for children who are unable to visit museums to touch replicas of valuable museum artifacts and to develop their creativity through crafts and fine art activities. With the support of the Institute for the Study of Mongolian Dinosaurs, the ACM organized a training for Natural History Museum educators about Dinosaur box education kit teaching methods to support the sustainability of their outreach programs. In 2012, the ACM also created an education kit based on the collections of the Zanabazar Fine Arts Museum in collaboration with museum experts & educators.

Project partner: Choijin Lama Temple Museum Zanabazar Fine Arts Museum Natural History Museum Institute for the study of Mongolian Dinosaurs Primary schools in UB Project donors: bank Petrovis LLC ACM-US




Classic street ACM membership gala night



PrOGraM OVerVIeW fOr 2012:

PrOGraM GOaL: To foster the sustainable development of Mongolian arts and culture through building creative partnerships with local and international businesses and to broaden funding sources and increase earned revenues of the ACM.

PrOGraM acHIeVeMeNTS: ACMs Development program focuses on two main sources: 1. International Fundraising 2. Local Fundraising: Project-based fundraising from businesses Membership fees Arts & Business services for businesses

INTerNaTIONaL fUNDraISING In the past 70-80% of the ACMs total income consisted of funds raised through appropriate project proposals that targeted international donors and foundations. In 2012, ACM raised funds of 249,173 USD for 16 projects, which was 34% of ACMs total fundraising income, from ACM-US, Arts Council of Korea, Banff Center in Canada, Embassy of Canada, Embassy of USA, Ardeche Image, EurasiaDoc, Open Society Forum, Swiss Development Agency, Schoeni and Teo Namfah Galleries in Hong Kong, as well from parties from France, Hungary, and Sweden. In practical terms, all program coordinators are involved in proposal development and relationship building with potential partners and donors, with 30% of their program time being spent on these activities. LOcaL fUNDraISING In 2012 ACM focused more on raising funds from local resources, and local fundraising focused on ACM membership while project fundraising worked on creative partnerships with businesses. The ACM also continued to organize Arts and Business services to offer quality art programs and event consultancy services to businesses.



Project based fundraising The growing Mongolian economy and increasing number of businesses investing in Mongolia played an important role in ACMs focus on targeting local and international business organizations working in Mongolia. The ACM approached Ajigana Co.Ltd., APU Traiding, Energy Resource Co. Ltd., the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science, MCS Asia Pacific Brewery, Mongolian Economic Forum, Noyon Uul Erdene Co. Ltd., Oriflame Mongolia Co.Ltd., Khan Bank, Petrovis Co.Ltd., Monre Impex Co. Ltd., Tseren Tours, XAC Bank, and Rio Tinto companies with 29 relevant projects and raised funds of 361,859 USD, which comprised 50% of the total raised amount in 2012. On March 2012 for the second year in a row, the ACM participated in the International Economic Forum held in Ulaanbaatar with the goal of building awareness in the business sector about the importance of arts and culture. Membership One of the most important parts of local fundraising is the Membership program. In 2012 the ACM continued its Bringing the Arts to You! creative series to recruit new members and sustain current membership. In 2012, the ACM successfully recruited 3 new member organizations and 66 individual members, raising a total of 35,317 USD in membership funds. This is an increase of 49% compared to last years membership. Art & Business Services In 2012, the ACM developed the office structure and capacity to provide arts-based consultancy and event management services and successfully organized events for Max Group Co.Ltd., Newcom Co.Ltd., Asia Foundation USA, Hogan Lovells LLC, HK, Price Waterhouse Cooper LLC, UK and American University of Mongolia and raised 19,120USD as unrestricted funds.




ACM MAJOR DONOR: Open Society Foundation-Arts and Culture Program INTERNATIONAL DONORS: ACM-US Albert Kahn Museum in Paris Arts Council of Korea Canadian Embassy in Beijing Canadian Banff Center European Union IFACCA METAA, Korea Nomadic Expeditions Co., Ltd Noyon Uul Erdene Co.,Ltd, Open Society Forum Oriflame Mongolia Co.,Ltd Petrovis Co.,Ltd LOCAL DONORS: Rio Tinto Co.,Ltd APU Co.,Ltd Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation Eznis Airways Co.,Ltd Taipei Trade and Economic French Embassy in Mongolia Representative office in Ulaanbaatar Khan Bank Foundation Tseren Tours Co.,Ltd MCS Asia Pacific Brewery Co., Ltd Turkish Embassy to Mongolia Ministry of Culture Sport and Tourism Ministry of Education Science and Culture US Embassy to Mongolia Mongolian National Commission of UNESCO Xanadu Mines Mongolia Co.,Ltd Newcom Group Bank Mongol-American Cultural Association, USA Norwegian Embassy in Beijing


Air Trans LLC Alliance Franaise de Mongolie Altan Khalis association Amarbayasgalant Monastery Arts and Culture Department Black Box Theatre C1 television Choijin Lama Temple Museum Down Syndrome Association Eagle Television Edutainment Television Ekh Oron television Embassy of Mongolia in India French Regional Audiovisual Mission in Central Asia Globe International NGO I Concept Co., Ltd Implementing Agency of Capital City Governor Institute for the study of Mongolian Dinosaurs Institute of Finance and Economics, Mongolia Mayors Office of Ulaanbaatar city MonEnergo Service Mongol Content LLC Mongol HD Television Mongol Mass Media LLC Mongol Messenger newspaper Mongolian Modern Art Gallery Mongolian National Broadcasting Television Mongolian State University of Culture and Arts Morin Khuur Ensemble Music and Dance College Musical Theatre of Dundgobi province National Festival Naadam Organizing Committee National Garden Park of Ulaanbaatar City National Museum of Mongolia Natural History Museum Norman Rockwell Museum NTV Television SCH Television Selenge province State Specialized Inspection Agency State Opera and Ballet Theatre The Museum of Ulaanbaatar City UBS television Yalguun Bayan LLC Zanabazar Fine Arts Museum Zorig Foundation




ACM ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERS: Golden benefactor (10.000-19.999 US$) NewCom Group Xanadu Fine Wines GE Representative Office in Mongolia Taipei Trade & Economic Representative Office in Ulaanbaatar ACM INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS: Golden benefactors: (1.000.000 and more) Altanzaya D. Jack Weatherford Sustainer: (450.000-999.999) Richard Assunto Patron: (250.000-449.999) Gankhuyag D. Queguiner Yannick Solongo U. Sponsor: (150.000-249.999) Gerelgua Ts. Sezin Sinanoglu Friend: (100.000-149.999) Chimeg J. Coralie Gevers Dulguun B. Enkhjargal D. Joseph Houseal Khaliun J. Maygmar B. Togoo J. Supporter: (50.000-99.999) Altanbayar O. Amy Miller Anunaran J. Ariunaa E. Ariunmaa B. Badamtsetseg N. Batmunkh Ts. Bat-Orshikh B. Bayanduuren B. Bayarmaa B. Bekhbat Bolor-Erdene Ch. David Kadas Dulguun B. Enkhbat N. Enkhjargal Enkhjargal N. Enkhzaya E. Erdenebat B. Erdenebayasgalan T. Erdenetsog Ts. Estelle Chassaniol Gereltuya T. Govisaikhan B. Gun-Uils T. John Stampfl Khishigjargal Khulan Kh. Khulan Ts. Marc Watkins Mergen Ch. Munkh-Erdene Ts. Munkhnaran B. Munkhtuya N, Nomindari E. Onchinsuren D. Orgil.N Orgiltuya D. Otgontsetseg Ts. Otgontugs B. Oyuntuya Saran S. Saruul D. Shatarsaikhan B. Solongo A. Suvd T. Tsas G. Tserenkhuu Tur-Od L. Yanjinsuren S.




ACM Board members ** as of July, 2013

ACM Board members

Badral Y. Vice President, Nomadic Expeditions Co., Ltd. Batchimeg P. General Director of APU Trading LLC Bold B. Executive Director, Altan-Dornod LLC Bold L. Sculptor

Byambasaikhan B. Chairman, Business Council of Mongolia Cameron McRae Country manager, Rio Tinto President and CEO Enkhbat B. Managing Director, Khan Lex Advocates Felix Fellman Director, Swiss Cooperation Office of the Embassy of Switzerland



Ganbold Ch. Board Chair, XAC Bank Gregory Goldhawk Ambassador of Canada * Jalsa Urubshurow President, Nomadic Expeditions Jantsannorov N. Chairman, Arts Council of Mongolia Layton Croft Vice President, International Government Relations-Asia, Peabody Energy Lee Taero Ambassador of Korea Mandar P. Jayawant Managing director, Mongolia Opportunities Partners Mend-Ooyo G. President, Academy of Culture and Poetry Mustafa Sarnic Ambassador of Turkey Norihiko Kato CEO, Khan Bank Odjargal J. President, MCS Group Otgontuya Kh. Chairman, Tuguldur Foundation Oyun S. Member of Parliament of Mongolia

Oyungerel J. Board Chair, Petrovis Co., Ltd Peter Morrow Chairman, American University of Mongolia Phillip ter Woort Head of the Resident Office European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Piper Campbell Ambassador of the USA* represented by Allyson Algeo, Public Affairs Officer, Embassy of the USA* Ruth Pulaski Director, Marketing and Development, American University of Mongolia Sumati L. Director, Sant Maral Foundation Takenori Shimizu Ambassador of Japan Tsagaan P. Head, Office of the President of Mongolia Yves Delaunay Ambassador of France Walter Jenkins President, Inclusive Solutions Inc. Ankhbayar Ts. *** Visiting Board

*Non-voting member, ** as of July, 2013, *** Visiting Board



EXecUTIVe COMMITTee Chair: Peter Morrow Chairman, American University of Mongolia Members: Byambasaikhan B. Chairman, Business Council of Mongolia Enkhbat B. Managing Director, Khan Lex Advocates Jantsannorov N. Chairman, Arts Council of Mongolia Layton Croft Vice President, International Government Relations-Asia, Peabody Energy Sumati L. Director, Sant Maral Foundation Tsagaan P. Head, Office of the President of Mongolia DeVeLOpMeNT COMMITTee Chair: Byambasaikhan B. Chairman, Business Council of Mongolia Members: Gantuya B. Director, 976 Gallery Ganbold Ch. Board Chair, XAC Bank Jantsannorov N. ACM Chair Mark Bailey Country Manager, Leighton Asia Otgontuya Kh. Chairman of Tuguldur Foundation Oyungerel J. Board Chair, Petrovis Co., Ltd Peter Morrow Chairman, American University of Mongolia Tuyatsetseg R. Director, Monre Impex Co.Ltd Sean Hinton Terbish Partners

/as of July, 2013/ PrOGraM COMMITTee Chair: Bold L. Sculptor Members: Ayurzana G. Freelance writer Bayaraa B. Head of International Cooperation Office, Mongolian State University of Arts and Culture Enkhbat G. Director, Cultural Heritage Center Gankhuyag N. Freelance arts manager



/as of July, 2013/ ArTS COMMITTee Chair: Enkhbat B. Managing Director, Khan Lex Advocates Members: Batmunkh N. Director, Arts and Culture Fund, Ministry of Education Culture and Science Batchuluun Ts. Conductor, Morin Khuur Ensemble Ganbold Ch. Board Chair, XAC Bank Jigjidsuren G. Director, Program Department of Mongolian National Broadcaster Mend-Ooyo G. President of Academy of Poetry and Culture Odjargal J. President, MSC Holding Sergelen B. Director, Tod Art agency ACM INTerNaTIONaL ADVISOrY BOarD Bernhard Wulff, Germany Professor of Freiburg Music Institute and President of Roaring Hoofs festival Dwight Gee, USA Vice President, Arts Fund, Seattle President of ACM-US Joel Sachs, USA Professor, Julliard Arts School, NY Mr. Kang, Korea Founder and Chairman, METAA Lidia Varbanova, Bulgaria Independent expert to European Council on cultural issues Lena Lucki Stein, Sweden Theater Director& Filmmaker Milena Drageshevic Secic, Serbia Expert on cultural policy Board member of OSI Arts Culture Network Program Peter Brosens, Belgium Director of Ice House, filmmaker Richard Lanier, USA President of Asian Cultural Council & Trustee of Trust for Mutual Understanding Robert Ness, USA President and Principal Consultant, Ness Consulting, Seattle




/as of July, 2013/

Ariunaa Ts. Executive director Odgerel O. Deputy Executive Director for Development Solongo U. Advocacy Program director Ichinkhorloo S. Administrator & Finance director

Nomintuya B. Arts Program Director Oyundari Kh. Community Arts Education Program director Bayanmunkh D. Cultural Heritage Program Director Enkhzaya J. Artist Development Program and Corporate Affairs coordinator

Oyunsuren B. Marketing & Communication coordinator Oyunsuren D. Chief accountant Batgerel B. Program associate Teresa Nichols Program coordinator

Bolortsetseg D. Program assistant Gantsetseg T. Red Ger Art Gallery Officer ACM Volunteer: Bekheedei B., Graphic designer Davaanyam D, Photographer Enerel J. Munkhshur E. B.Bilguun




INCOME Artist Development program Advocacy program Art Education program Cultural heritage program Development program Bank interests Total income 2012 445,559 8,654 75,055 71,830 146,901 9,254 757,254 # 2011 176,431 14,089 59,381 448,913 92,408 9,713 800,934 Variance 269,129 (5,434) 15,674 (377,083) 54,493 (458) (43,680)

EXPENSE Artist Development program Advocacy program Art Education program Cultural heritage program Development program 441,284 55,136 68,856 67,164 78,721 711,161 General Administration Foreign exchange gain/loss Total expense 57,000 384 768,545 # # 152,597 48,640 58,763 470,416 59,619 790,035 53,027 (14,158) 828,904 288,687 6,497 10,093 (403,253) 19,102 (78,874) 3,973 14,542 (60,359)




16,679 53

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