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Business English ( taken from MAKET LEADER) UNIT 1 BRAND A! List some of "our fa#ourite $ran%s!

Then ans&er these 'uestions! 1. Are they International or national brands? They are International Brands 2. What image and qualities does each one have? phrases to help you. Image and qualities of each br ands is cool and durable

3. Why do people buy brands? Because the people want to dress stylish and fashionable 4. Why do you think some people dislikes brands? Because the brands is not reliable . !o" loyal are you to the brands you have chosen? I will loyal if product of the brands is well-made and have top of range #or e$ample% "hen you buy &ean% do you al"ays buy 'evi(s B! A re(ent sur#e" name% the $ran%s $elo& as the &orl%)s to* ten! +hi(h %o "ou think is num$er one, Rank the others in or%er! Ans&er 1! .o(a/(ola 0! IBM 1! Mi(rosoft 2! 3E 4! Nokia 5! M(Donal% 6! Intel 7! Disne" 8! Mer(e%e9 Ben9 1:! Marl$oro ;;;;;;;;;Data terse$ut sa"a %a*atkan %ari situs Rank of glo$al Bran%s;;;;;;;; <o(a$ular" Bran% Management A! Mat(h these &or% *artnershi*s to their meanings!

B! .om*lete these senten(es &ith &or% *artnershi*s from e=er(ise A BRAND 1. the creation o) *irgin +ola% *irgin Air% *irgin ,ail and *irgin bride is an e$ample o) -brand streching---..contoh/ 2. +onsumers "ho al"ays buy 'evi(s "hen they need a ne" pair o) &eans are sho"ing -Brand awareness3. not enough people recogni0e our logo1 "e need to spent a lot more on raising -.Brand Image-. >R?DU.T 1. 2avid 3eckham advertising *oda)one is an e$ample o) -product endorsement-- .contoh/ 2. A -Product launch.. consists o) introduction% gro"th % maturity and decline.

3. the use o) 34W cars and 5okia phones in 6ames 3ond )ilms are e$amples o)-Product placement-. .! Make senten(es of "our o&n using the &or% *artnershi*s in E=er(ise A! Rea%ing ?utsour(ing >ro%u(tion A! +h" %o some (om*anies make lu=ur" *ro%u(ts a$roa% rather than at home, Because they trust about the quality for the products B! Rea% the arti(le an% ans&er these 'uestions! 1. Which brands are mentioned? 2o you kno" "hich country each is )rom? Burberry (Italy) !oach ("#) Prada (Italy) $ucci (Italy) 2. Which companies make all o) their products in their o"n country? >ra%a makes all of their *ro%u(ts in their o&n (ountr" 4ade in 7urope 3y 6o 6ohnson% #red 8apner and ,ichard 4c9regor Almost every )ashion label outside the top super:lu$ury brands is either already manu)acturing in Asia or thinking o) it. +oach% the ;< leather goods maker% is a classis e$ample. =ver the past )ive years% it has li)ted all its gross margins by manu)acturing solely in lo":cost markets. In 4arch 2>>2 it closed its )actory in 'ares% ?uerto ,ico% its last company:o"ned plant% and outsources all its products. 3urberry has many Asian licensing arrangements. In 2>>> it decided to rene" <anyo(s 6apanese licence )or 2> ten years. @his means that almost hal) o) 3urberry(s sales at retail value "ill continue to be produced under licence in Asia. At the same time ho"ever% 6apanese consumers pre)er the group(s 7uropean:made products. <anyo is no" creating to this demand )or a snob alternative to the 3urberry products made in its )actories across Asia by opening a )lagship store in @okyo(s 9in0a% "here it sells 3urberry products imported )rom 7urope. In intervie"s "ith the #@% many e$ecutives says the top lu$ury brands "ill continue to be seen% particularly in Asia% as 7uropean. 2omenico 2e <ole o) 9ucci says A @he Asian +onsumer really dos believe B "hether it(s true or not B that lu$ury comes )rom 7urope and must be made there to be the best.( <erge Weinberg% +hie) 7$ecutive o) ?inault ?rintemps ,edoute% "hich controls 9ucci% says it "ill not move 9ucci(s production o) shore. Cet some in the industry recogni0e that change may be round the corner even )or the superlu$ury brands. ?atri0io 3ertelli% +hie) 7$ecutive o) ?rada% saysD( @he A4ade in ItalyE label is important but "hat "e are really o))ering is a style% and style is an e$pression o) culture.( !e there)ore recogni0es that quality )ashion items may not al"ays need to be produced in italy. @rom the @inan(ial Times @INAN.IAL TIME +orl% Business Ne&s*a*er + Which o) these statements are true? +orrect the )alse ones. 1. +oach has no longer )actory in ?uerto ,ico. (true) 2. +oach% like many other companies% is outsourcing its product to reduce costs.(true)

3. <ome 6apanese people choose to buy 3urberry products made in 7urope rather than in 6apan. (true) 4. <anyo(s store in @okyo sells 3urberry(s product made in Asia. (false) . According to 2omenico 2e <olle% the best lu$ury products are made in 6apan. (false) F. 9ucci is planning to outsource some o) its products. (false) G. ?arti0io 3ertelli believes that lu$ury )ashion products should al"ays be made in 7urope(false) H. Amitava chattopadhyay says that companies need to pay care)ul attention to "here they manu)acture their products.(true) .! .hoose the $est summar" of the arti(le! a. 4ost manu)acturers o) lu$ury brands do not "ish to produce their goods in lo"cost countries because their believe that it "ill damage their brand image. b. 4ost manu)acturers o) top brands no" produce their goods in lo" cost countries. +onsumers no longer care about "here the products are manu)actured. (! Asian (onsumers think that Euro*ean lu=ur" goo%s are of high 'ualit"! The (urrent tren% of making su(h goo%s in Asia (oul% %amage the re*utation of these lu=ur" $ran%s! Language Re#ie& ?resent simple and present continuous. @he ?resent simple and ?resent continuous have several uses. I We use the present simple to give )actual in)ormation% )or e$ample about company activities. +oach outsources all its products. 2oes 3urberry outsource its products? I We use the present simple to talk about routine activities or habits. I al"ays buy Armani suits. 2o you usually buy designer brands? I We use the present continuous to talk about ongoing situations and pro&ects. <anyo is no" reacting to this demand. I We use present contiuous to talk about temporary situations. We are testing a ne" brand at the moment. A. Which o) the time e$pressions belo" do "e usually use "ith the present simple? %lways as a rule generally normally usually often never regularly sometimes seldom nowadays when frequently every day now and then etc 3. Which o) the time e$pressions do "e usually use "ith the present continuous? &ow today right now at present tonight tomorrow this afternoon soon in a few days this morning etc

+hi(h are use% &ith $oth, ;sually (#imple present tense) this year (#imple present continuous tense) every day (#imple present tense) no" (#imple present continuous tense) =)ten (#imple present tense) no"adays (#imple present tense and #imple present continuous tense) once a month (#imple present tense) +urrently (#imple present continuous tense) at the moment (#imple present continuous tense) these days (#imple present continuous tense) +. +omplete these sentences "ith the present simple or the present continuous )orms o) the verbs in brackets. 1.a. @his year "e trying .try/ to develop a brand "ith personality. b. We usually develop .develop/ brands that say something. 2. a. ?o"er)ul brand names create .create/ strong costumer loyalty. b. At the moment "e loo'ing .look/ )or a ne" brand name that suggests something about the product(s bene)its and qualities. 3. a. '(=real sells .sell/ cosmetics and toiletries to customers around the "orld. b. @his year '(=real investing .invest/ over 1H>Jm in , K 2. 4. a. @he marketing department al"ays 'eep .keep/ "ithin its budget. b. 3ecause the company made a loss last year% the marketing department try.try/ to reduce costs. D! .om*lete the te=t $elo& &ith the *resent sim*le or *resent (ontinuous forms of the #er$s in $ra(kets! At the moment I wor'ing ."ork/ )or a cosmetics company. We o))er a )ull range o) cosmetic products and sell .sell/ cosmetics and toiletries around the "orld. =ur main cosmetics brand dominate .dominate/ the #rench market and it doing .do/ "ell in the rest o) 7urope at the moment% too. In )act% the brand become .become/ more and more popular throughout the "orld and our market share grow .gro"/ everyday. We usually develop .develop/ and e(tend .e$tend/ productsunder our e$isting brand name. @he brand is distinctive and stands.stand/ out )rom the competition. !o"ever% this year "e creating .create/ a completely ne" brand o) cosmetics. Dis(ussion T&o >romotions A!+ork in *airs! tu%ent A rea%s (ase 1 an% ans&ers the 'uestions! tu%ent B rea% .ase 0 an% ans&er the 'uestions! .ase 1 - Aarle" Da#i%son! In 2>>3 the !arley 2avidson brand "as 1>> years old. Although its brand image is based

on the spirit o) "ild and rebellious youth such as 4arlon 3rando in the )ilm @he Wild =ne .1L 4/% the typical consumer is very di))erent. @hey are likely to be rich% middleaged accountants trying to recapture their youth. @he average age o) !arley 2avidson customers is 4F compared "ith 3F )or the rest o) the motorbike industry. At the party to celebrate the centenary% the surprise per)ormance "as actually 7lton 6ohn% rather than the ,olling <tones "ho many people had e$pected. @his caused many o) the 1 >%>>> riders and dealers to leave the event very unhappy. Although sales and earnings )or !arley 2avidson have been increasing )or the past 1H years% many people see the trouble on the road ahead. @he problem is !arley 2avidson(s typical customers )rom the baby Bboom generation .1L4F B 1LF4/ and% as these customers get older% !arley 2avidson may )ind its market shrinking. 1. What is the brand image o) !arley 2avidson? Brand image of )arley *avidson is based on the spirit of wild and rebellious youth such as +arlon Brando in the film The ,ild -ne (./01) 2. Why "ere many people unhappy about the music at the party? Because at the party to celebrate the centenary the surprise performance was actually 2lton 3ohn rather than the 4olling #tones who many people had e(pected 3. What problem could have !arley 2avidson have in the )uture? The problem is mar'et shrin'ing because )arley *avidson5s typical customers from the baby 6boom generation (./17 6 ./71) and as these customers get older 4. What can !arley 2avidson )o to preserve it sales? #hould it change its brand image8 #hould it loo' for a new mar'et segments8 #hould it stretch its brand8 +y opinion is )arley *avidson should loo' for a new mar'et segment .ase 0 - B.B 6+3 is a "orld:)amous engineering company. It "as )ounded in 1L4 by 6oseph +yril 3am)ord. !e began his business "orking alone in a small garage. 6+3 makes construction and agricultural equipment such as tractors% earth:moving vehicles% and loading machines. 5o" its "orld headquarters in 7ngland is one o) the )inest engineering )actories in 7urope. @he company produces over 13> di))erent models on )our di))erent continents and sells a )ull range o) equipment in over 1 > countries. It is truly a global brand. 6+3(s research sho"ed that its customers associated "ith the company "ith the )ollo"ing brand values D(yello"%(digger(% and Mdurable(. Adult sa" the brand and being )unctional. +hildren% on the other hand% sa" the brand as Mbig(% Mmuddy( and M)un(. 6+3 made a decision to stretch its brand. 1. Where does the name 6+3 come )rom? 3!B come from the name of 3oseph !yril Bamford. )e is founded a world-famous engineering company(3!B) 2. What "as surprising about 6+3(s customer research? 3!B5s research showed that its customers associated with the company with the following brand values 95yellow 5digger5 and :durable5 3. What sort o) products do you think 6+3 developed as a result o) its research? 3!B

ma'es construction and agricultural equipment such as tractors earth-moving vehicles and loading machines. 4. +an you think o) a similar e$ample o) brand:stretching in your country? ;se)ul 'anguage UNIT 0 TRA<EL A! Ans&er these 'uestions in%i#i%uall"! Then (om*are "our ans&ers &ith a *artner! 1. !o" o)ten do you travel by air% road and sea? I often travel by the road. 2. What do you en&oy about traveling? What don(t you en&oy? I en;oy my travelling because I will 'now a lot of new place so I have new e(perience from my travelling. I don5t en;oy my travelling because I had a worst e(perience from some place i trip before 3. ?ut the )ollo"ing in order o) importance to you "hen you travel? .omfort C safet"C *ri(eC relia$ilit"C s*ee% 1! afet" 0! .omfort 1! >ri(e 2! Relia$ilit" 4! *ee% 4. 2oes the order change )or di))erent types o) travel? <es. It does B! .hoose the (orre(t &or% from the $o= to (om*lete the follo&ing list of things &hi(h irritate *eo*le &hen fl"ing! eats Ctrolle"sC 'ueuesC luggage Room C(an(ellationsC foo%C Det 1. 5ot enough leg trolleys 2. lost or delayed seats 3. long queues at check in 4. poor quality food and drink . no baggage room available. F. overbooking o) luggage G. )light delays and cancellations H. ;et:lag <o(a$ular" British an% Ameri(an English A! Mat(h the &or%s an% *hrases $elo& &hi(h ha#e the same meaning! @or ea(h *air %e(i%e &hi(h is British English an% &hi(h is Ameri(an English! 1. <ub"ay ()) a. motor"ay 2. city centre (=) b. li)t 3. carry:on baggage (I) c. public toilet 4. one "ay (>) d. schedule

. return (3) e. economy class. F. #ree"ay (%) ). single G. rest room (!) g. parking lot H. elevator (B) h. underground L. coach class (2) i. hand luggage 1>. timetable (*) &. round trip 11. car park ($) k. do"nto"n. B!+ork in *airs! Use &or%s or *hrases in Ameri(an English from e=er(ise A to (om*lete the te=t $elo&! 4y last overseas business trip "asa nightmare )rom start to )inish. #irst o) all there "as a delay on the "ay to the airport as there "as an accident on the motorway When I got there I )ound the lo"er level o) the airport public toilet "as )looded. 5e$t my hand luggage "as closed and there "ere no cabs at all. A)ter long time trying to read the schedule and "aiting )or )orty minutes% "e )inally got a bus economy class and )ound the hotel% but the lift "asn(t "orking and our rooms "ere on the )i)th )loor. Rea%ing Air Rage A! Ans&er these 'uestions $efore "ou rea% the arti(le! 1% What "as your "orst e$perience "hen traveling by air? I don5t worst e(perience when travelling by air because I have never travelling by air 2. Why do some people get angry "hen they are traveling on a plane? Because the flight often was a delay a cancellations and service from the flight company not satisfy Roa% ragers in the sk" B" Derek Bro&n Airlines and their long:su))ering customers are reporting a steep climb in air rage incidents. <ome incidents are apparently caused by problems "hich are )amiliar to many regular travellers. =ne case reported )rom America stemmed )rom an interminable delay in takeo))% "hen passangers "ere cooped up in their aircra)t on the tarmac or our hours% "ithout )ood% drink or in)ormation. 4ass unrest is less common the individual misbehaviour% as in the case o) the convict "ho recently "ent cra0y on a )light% attacked the cre" and tried to open the door in mind )light. @he psychology o) air rage is a ne" are o study% and there are almost as many e$planations as e$amples. 4ost analysis o) the phenomenon blame alcohol% but many people no" think that the airlines are at )ault. @o cut costs% they are cramming ever more passangers into their aircra)t% "hile reducing cabin cre"% training% and quality o) service% all o "hich increase passenger )rustration. In addition% there are increasing concern in the ;< about another cost:cutting e$ercise% "hich could seriously harm passengers( healthD cabin ventilation. I. 4odern aircra)t are equipped "ith sophisticated air conditioning devices B but running them at.optimum capacity burns up valuable aviation )uel. 4any airlines routinely instruct their )light cre"s to run the systems on minimum settings. +hampaignes )or improved air quality claim that this can lead to irritability and disorientation. In the ;<% the soaring number o) passenger complaints across a "ide range o)

issues is re)lected in a number o) ne" internet sites "hich critici0e the airline and demand better service. =ne o) the sites is demanding an air passengers( 3ill o) ,ights. +abin and )light cre"s% "ho are in the )ront line o) the battle against disruptive and dangerous in:)light behaviour% have called )or sti))er penalties against the o))enders. 4anagement have also called or legislation B "hile denying that its cost:cutting practices have contributed to the problem. 3ut there are some signs% in the ;< at least% that the airlines are at last attempting to respond to customer dissatis)action. <ome ma&or lines have announced concessions to the most )requent complaint )or all% and are removing seats to make more room )or their customers. 7$erciseD A.+=4?'7@7 7A+! 2IA'=9;7 WI@! @!7 +=,,7+@ #,=4 =# 9=I59 @= =, WI'' 1 A.I(m really sorry%I can(t take you to the station .<omething has &ust come up 3.=h%don(t "orry%I "ill ta'e .take/ a ta$i 2 A.We(ve chosen a name )our ne" lo":cost airline 3.,eally%What will you call .youNcall/ it? 3 A.!ave you decided ho" to increase the number o) passengers? 3.Ces%"e going to offer .o))er/ a )amily discount at "eekends. 4 A.I can(t send an e:mail to the travel agent1my computer(s &ust crashe 3.Write do"n your details and I will fa( .)a$/ them over )or you. A.!o"(s your daughter? 3.<he(s )ine.#he going to learn .learn/ to be a pilot )or the )lying doctor service ne$t yearO B!U E TAE >RE ENT .?NTINU?U ?R TAE >RE ENT IM>LE T? .?M>LETE TAE ENTEN.E BEL?+ 1.!is )light arrives N is arriving at L o(clock tomorro" morning. 2.We(re staying N stay at the !ilton !otel )or ne$t month(s sales con)erence. 3.@he ne$t seminar is beginning N begins at 3 p.m 4.I travel N am travelling by train )rom ?aris to 'ondon ne$t time. .@he boat is departing N departs at midday so you have the "hole morning to get ready. F.@he delegation )rom +hina are seeing N see the +hairman the )ollo"ing 4onday .!+?RK IN >AIR !TAKE TURN T? .?M>LETE TAE ENTEN.E BEL?+!U E 3?IN3 T?C+ILLCTAE >RE ENT .?NTINU?U ?R TAE >RE ENT IM>LE! 1.I(m sorry%I can(t attend the sales meeting tomorro"-----2.@he marketing department have decided on their travel plans )or the ne$t month--. 3@he trains are delayed because o) bad "eather%so-----. 4.2on(t "orry i) you can(t drive me to airport%------.. .I(ve got the details o) your )light to @urkey------. F.=h%noO@here(s been an accident and the tra))ic is very PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP@A<8< #,=4 4,. 4;!A4A2 8!='IQ I. 1. What do you kno" about 3usiness 'etterO 2. ?lease describe and elaborate a/ <tyle o) 3usiness 'etter b/ ?arts o) 3usiness 'etter

3. What is the di))erence bet"een #ull 3lock <tyle% 3lock <tyle% <emi:3lock <tyle? EAns&erF 1! A $usiness letter is a letter &ritten in formal languageC usuall" use% &hen &riting from one $usiness organi9ation to anotherC or for (orres*on%en(e $et&een su(h organi9ations an% their (ustomersC (lients an% other e=ternal *arties! The o#erall st"le of letter &ill %e*en% on the relationshi* $et&een the *arties (on(erne%! 0! 0a) t"le of Business Letter / @ull Blo(k t"le / Blo(k t"le / emi/Blo(k t"le 0$) >arts of Business Letter Business letters (in the Unite% tates) usuall" (ontain the follo&ing elementsC in or%era) Return A%%ress- If "our stationer" has a letterhea%C ski* this! ?ther&iseC t"*e "our nameC a%%ress an% o*tionall"C *hone num$er! These %a"sC it)s (ommon to also in(lu%e an email a%%ress! $) Date- T"*e the %ate of "our letter t&o to si= lines $elo& the letterhea%! Three are stan%ar%! If there is no letterhea%C t"*e it &here sho&n! () Referen(e Line- If the re(i*ient s*e(ifi(all" re'uests informationC su(h as a Do$ referen(e or in#oi(e num$erC t"*e it on one or t&o linesC imme%iatel" $elo& the Date (0)! If "ou)re re*l"ing to a letterC refer to it here! @or e=am*leC G Re- Bo$ H 504/:1 G Re- Iour letter %ate% 1J1J0::=! %) *e(ial Mailing Notations- T"*e in all u**er(ase (hara(tersC if a**ro*riate! E=am*les in(lu%e G >E.IAL DELI<ERI G .ERTI@IED MAIL G AIRMAIL e) ?n/Arri#al Notations- T"*e in all u**er(ase (hara(tersC if a**ro*riate! Iou might &ant to in(lu%e a notation on *ri#ate (orres*on%en(eC su(h as a resignation letter! In(lu%e the same on the en#elo*e! E=am*les are G >ER ?NAL G .?N@IDENTIAL f) Insi%e A%%ress- T"*e the name an% a%%ress of the *erson an%Jor (om*an" to &hom "ou)re sen%ing the letterC three to eight lines $elo& the last (om*onent "ou t"*e%! @our lines are stan%ar%! If "ou t"*e an Attention Line (6)C ski* the *erson)s

name here! Do the same on the en#elo*e! g) Attention Line- T"*e the name of the *erson to &hom "ou)re sen%ing the letter! If "ou t"*e the *erson)s name in the Insi%e A%%ress (5)C ski* this! Do the same on the en#elo*e! h) alutation- T"*e the re(i*ient)s name here! T"*e Mr! or Ms! KLast NameL to sho& res*e(tC $ut %on)t guess s*elling or gen%er! ome (ommon salutations are G La%iesG 3entlemenG Dear irG Dear ir or Ma%amG Dear K@ull NameLG To +hom it Ma" .on(erni) u$De(t Line- T"*e the gist of "our letter in all u**er(ase (hara(tersC either flush left or (entere%! Be (on(ise on one line! If "ou t"*e a Referen(e Line (1)C (onsi%er if "ou reall" nee% this line! +hile it)s not reall" ne(essar" for most em*lo"ment/relate% lettersC e=am*les are $elo&! G UBBE.T- RE I3NATI?N G LETTER ?@ RE@EREN.E G B?B INMUIRI D) Bo%"- T"*e t&o s*a(es $et&een senten(es! Kee* it $rief an% to the *oint! k) .om*limentar" .lose- +hat "ou t"*e here %e*en%s on the tone an% %egree of formalit"! @or e=am*leC G Res*e(tfull" "ours (#er" formal) G in(erel" (t"*i(alC less formal) G <er" trul" "ours (*oliteC neutral) G .or%iall" "ours (frien%l"C informal) l) ignature Blo(k- Lea#e four $lank lines after the .om*limentar" .lose (11) to sign "our name! ign "our name e=a(tl" as "ou t"*e it $elo& "our signature! Title is o*tional %e*en%ing on rele#an(" an% %egree of formalit"! E=am*les are G Bohn DoeC Manager G >! mith Dire(torC Te(hni(al u**ort G R! T! Bones N r! @iel% Engineer m) I%entifi(ation Initials- If someone t"*e% the letter for "ouC he or she &oul% t"*i(all" in(lu%e three of "our initials in all u**er(ase (hara(tersC then t&o of his or hers in all lo&er(ase (hara(ters! If "ou t"*e% "our o&n letterC Dust ski* it sin(e "our name is alrea%" in the ignature Blo(k (10)! .ommon st"les are $elo&! G BADJ(m G BAD-(m

G .lm n) En(losure Notation- This line tells the rea%er to look in the en#elo*e for more! T"*e the singular for onl" one en(losureC *lural for more! If "ou %on)t en(lose an"thingC ski* it! .ommon st"les are $elo&! G En(losure G En(losures- 1 G En(losures (1) o) ((- tan%s for (ourtes" (o*ies (formerl" (ar$on (o*ies)! List the names of *eo*le to &hom "ou %istri$ute (o*iesC in al*ha$eti(al or%er! If a%%resses &oul% $e useful to the re(i*ient of the letterC in(lu%e them! If "ou %on)t (o*" "our letter to an"oneC ski* it! 1! () The %ifferen(e $et&een full/$lo(k st"leC $lo(k st"le an% semi $lo(k st"le a) In full/$lo(k formatC nothing is in%ente%! $) In $lo(k format sen%er)s a%%ressC %ateC are in%ente%! an% *aragra*hs are not in%ente%! () In semi/$lo(k formatC the sen%er)s a%%ressC %ate an% (losing salutation are in%ente%! %) In semi/$lo(k formatC it is also *ermissi$le to in%ent the *aragra*hsC $ut it is not ne(essar" to %o so! II. 1. What do you kno" about a/ <ub&ect *erb Agreement u$De(t/#er$ agreement is a grammati(al rule that states that the #er$ must agree in num$er &ith its su$De(t! In EnglishC *resent tense #er$s (hange to sho& agreement in the thir% *erson singular form (su$De(ts re*resente% $" the *ronouns AEC AEC IT) $" a%%ing an or E PPPPPPPPPPP+hoose the right ans"er )rom the sentences belo" 1. 6ohn along "ith t"enty )riends .is N are/ planning a party 2. @he picture o) the soldiers .bring N brings/ back many memories 3. @he quality o) these recording .is N are/ not very good 4. I) the duties o) this o))icers .isn(t N aren(t/ reduced% there "ill not be enough time to )inish the pro&ect . @he e))ect o) cigarette smoking .have N has/ been proven to be e$tremely harm)ul F. @he use o) credit card in place o) cash .have N has/ increased rapidly in recent years G. Advertisement on television .is N are/ becoming more competitive than ever be)ore H. 'iving e$periences in this country% as "ell as in many others .is Nare/ at an all time high L. 4r. 6ones accompanied by several member o) the committee .have N has/ proposed some changes o) the rules

1>. @he levels o) into$ication .very N varies/ )rom sub&ect to sub&ect PPAns"erPP 1. 6ohn along "ith t"enty )riends .is N are/ planning a party 2. @he picture o) the soldiers .bring N $rings/ back many memories 3. @he quality o) these recording .is N are/ not very good 4. I) the duties o) this o))icers .isn(t N aren)t) reduced% there "ill not be enough time to )inish the pro&ect . @he e))ect o) cigarette smoking .have N has/ been proven to be e$tremely harm)ul F. @he use o) credit card in place o) cash .have N has) increased rapidly in recent years G. Advertisement on television .is N are/ becoming more competitive than ever be)ore H. 'iving e$periences in this country% as "ell as in many others .is Nare/ at an all time high L. 4r. 6ones accompanied by several member o) the committee .have N has/ proposed some changes o) the rules 1>. @he levels o) into$ication .#er" N varies/ )rom sub&ect to sub&ect b/ *erbs as +omplement A #er$ (om*lement is a %ire(t or in%ire(t o$De(t of a #er$! A <er$ (om*lement (noti(e the s*elling of the &or%) is an" &or% or *hrase that (om*letes the sense of a su$De(tC an o$De(tC or a #er$! As "ou &ill seeC the terminolog" %es(ri$ing *re%i(ates an% (om*lements (an o#erla* an% $e a $it (onfusing! PPPPPPPPPPP+hoose the right ans"er )rom the sentences belo"PPPPPPPPPPP 1. @he teacher decided .accepting N to accept/ the paper 2. @hey appreciate .to have N having/ this in)ormation 3. !is )ather doesn(t approve o) his .going N to go/ to 7urope 4. We )ound it very di))icult .teaching N to reach/ a decision . 2ona is interested in .opening N to open/ a bar F. 9eorge has no intention o) .to leave N leaving/ the city no" G. We are eager .return N returning/ to school in the )al H. Cou "ould be better o)) .to buy N buying/ this car L. <he re)used .to receive N receiving/ the gi)t 1>. 4ery regrets .to be N being/ this one to have to tell him PPAns"erPP 1 . @he teacher decided .accepting N to accept/ the paper 2. @hey appreciate .to have N ha#ing/ this in)ormation 3. !is )ather doesn(t approve o) his .going N to go/ to 7urope 4. We )ound it very di))icult .reaching N to rea(h/ a decision . 2ona is interested in .o*ening N to open/ a bar F. 9eorge has no intention o) .to leave N lea#ing/ the city no" G. We are eager .return N returning/ to school in the )al H. Cou "ould be better o)) .to buy N $u"ing/ this car L. <he re)used .to re(ei#e N receiving/ the gi)t 1>. 4ery regrets .to be N $eing/ this one to have to tell him

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