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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Diaconescu Florina Date: the 15th ofOctober 2009 Class:9th H grade School: Colegiul Econo ic !"etre S# $urelian% Ti e of lesson:50 inutes &e'el: advanced Ti e: 50 minutes &esson title: Theres no place like home To(ic: Describing houses (rooms, furniture and appliances) S)ills in'ol'ed: speaking, reading, writing* +aterials: worksheets with different activities, photos Textbook: Click on, Virginia Evans, eil !" #ullivan$ "rocedures: con'ersation, describing the i ages, brainstor ing, dialogues* T-(es of acti'ities: frontal, indi'idual, (air .or), grou( .or)* Ob/ecti'es: a0 Cogniti'e ob/ecti'es: 1 1 1 to (ractice .a-s of describing houses, roo s and a((liances* to tal) about renting2bu-ing a house* to use the (re(ositions of (lace*

b0 $ffecti'e ob/ecti'es: 1 to sho. interest on the to(ic* 1 to a)e students confident in using their s)ills* 1 to ha'e fun* 1 to sti ulate students i agination and creati'it-#

Stages Warm up $cti'it- 1 Checking the Homework $cti'it- 2

Initiation $cti'it- 7

Teachers Activity T enters the classroo , greets the Ss, and as)s the ho. the- are, if there are an- Ss issing# T re e bers the tas) for the da-, %escribe &our house'&our grandparents" house, and ask Ss to re'ie. it 4uic)l- to a)e sure there .ere no (roble s .ith sol'ing it at ho e# T corrects the ista)es, if an-# T sho.s Ss a (icture of a house and as)s Ss to tell if the- li)e it or no, and .h-#

Students Activity Ss the T3s 4uestions So e Ss read their ho e.or)#

Interaction T 5 Ss Ss 1 T T 5 Ss Ss 1 T

Skills 1s(ea)ing 1listening 1s(ea)ing 1reading

Time 23


Purpose 1to create a rela6ed at os(here for the lesson 1to chec) the ho e.or) 1to correct the ista)es

Practice $cti'it- 8

Practice $cti'it- 5

T .rites on the blac)board the title and the (lan of the lesson: Theres no place like home - Practice T tells .hat this lesson is about# T di'ides the class into grou(s of 8 and gi'es the different handouts# T announces the ti e of the tas)#

Ss listen to the T3s 4uestions and ans.ers to the carefull-, sa-ing .hat the- li)e and .hat the- don3t li)e# Ss o(en their noteboo)s and .rite do.n the title and the (lan of the lesson# Ss sol'e the tas)s gi'en b- the T#

T 5 Ss Ss 1 T

1reading 1s(ea)ing


1to induce the ne. to(ic

T 5 Ss Ss 1 T

1s(ea)ing 1reading 1.riting


1to (resent the ne. to(ic 1to find out ore infor ation

T 5 Ss Ss 5 Ss Ss 5 T

1s(ea)ing 1.riting


1to use the i ages

Practice $cti'it- 9

Ss read their descri(tions $nd T or a S correct the , (uts the so e 4uestions to find the issing .ords Ss co (lete the initial (lan on the blac)board#

Ss read and to the T3s 4uestions#

Ss 1 T T 5 Ss Ss 5 Ss

1reading 1s(ea)ing


1to e'aluate the students

eed!"ack $cti'it- :

Ss co (lete the (lan in their noteboo)s# Ss recei'e their handouts# The- sol'e the tas)s gi'en b- the T# Ss listen to the teacher# Ss .rite do.n their ho e.or)#

Ss 1 T T 5 Ss
Ss 1 T T 1 Ss

1.riting 1s(ea)ing 1.riting


1 to fi6 their )no.ledge

#valuation $cti'it- ;

T gi'es handouts to the Ss# T announces the ti e of the tas)# T e'aluates the Ss and a((reciate those Ss .ho ans.ered correctl- and to encourage the other ones# T gi'es the Ss the ho e.or): to read the te6t ,,The s art .a- to li'e%



1to sol'e the e6ercises correctl1to e'aluate the students

Assigning Homework $cti'it- 9

T 1 Ss

1.riting 1s(ea)ing


1to .rite do.n their ho e.or)

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