Teatro Porvenir

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Jencis Franz M.

Zalameda 2012-10690 On the day of November 23, 2013, in the morning, I watched a play titled Teatro Porvenir by Tim Dacanay at Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero Theater. This play focused on Andres Bonifacio, Macario Sakay, and Aurelio Tolentinos lives as theatre actors. I took my assigned seat and watched attentively as the play was about to start. The play started showing a group of people in a theatre. Andres Bonifacio, Macario Sakay, and Aurelio Tolentino were members of this said theatre. Teatro Porvenir was the name of the theatre group. The theatre aimed to change the traditional ways of acting. Bonifacio was usually absent during practices in the theatre. He used the time to spread the works of Rizal and encourage the people to take up arms against the Spanish. Tolentino, on the other hand, was trying to make a Tagalog version of the Bernardo Carpio to make the Filipino audience understand and appreciate the story of Bernardo Carpio. Tolentino was still trying to make a play about Bernardo Carpio while the revolution was in the making or ongoing. Sakay, on the other hand, wanted otherwise. He wanted that they should fight and join Bonifacio in the revolution. The love between Gregoria de Jesus and Bonifacio was also shown in the play. The wedding that took place in front of the Katipuneros telling that she will be the Lakambini of the Katipunan and the blood compact between them said it all. In the play, it also showed the betrayal of Aguinaldo to Bonifacio. It showed that Aguinaldo is the cause of Bonifacios death. The revolution then grew weaker with the death of Bonifacio. Then, the Americans came. Trying to help the Filipino people by liberating them from the Spaniards but Sakay saw that the Americans only wanted to take over the country for themselves. He did not stop fighting; he fought the Americans and was tagged as a rebel. Sakay was then caught and executed. He was the last known Katipunero and with his death, ended the revolution. The ending showed the death of Bonifacio and Sakay. Sakay died in the hands of the Americans while Bonifacio betrayed by a fellow Filipino thus ending the revolution. Rizal was also shown in the end. He served as the symbol for freedom and the cause for nationalism on our heroes. Tolentino however survived the war, decided to continue the fight through his plays and works. The revolution still lives in him. The play was educational and can be a good source of new knowledge because it was based on our historic past. The play showed their lives as actors before being the revolutionary or heroes we know today. It showed the life of Bonifacio and his friends that was not usually taught in school and on a new perspective, his life as an artist. On the other hand, I dont know who Aurelio Tolentino is. Forgive me for my ignorance but upon arriving home, I googled his name and learned more about him.

The costumes and props were good. The look on Aguinaldo was great. He looked like a very skilled general as opposed to Bonifacio who wore a simple shirt and pants. The costumes were also fitting to the setting of time in the play. However, the costumes of the people from Teatro Infantine did not seem to fit them. They looked like people from the circus instead of a theatre. Also, the smoke used in the play was annoying. Instead of covering the stage with smoke, the smoke reached the audience. I was irritated because I had trouble breathing because of it. However, the lights were manipulated well and the music fit the parts perfectly. The actors were great. They moved the audience with their acting and I have not seen an instance of blocking throughout the play. The props made you watch the play with a Filipino feel. They made use of wooden spoons, palayok, and wooden benches. The national Filipino martial art, arnis, was also showed being practiced at beginning of the play maybe to show that this is a tribute to the 150th birth anniversary of Bonifacio. The play made me appreciate the freedom that I have today. It made me realize that our forefathers fought for this and I should be happy that we are experiencing it today.

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