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Norman Downes Homes Association Annual Meeting Minutes Bunten Road Park Activities Building December 3, 2013

Board Members: Rick Austin, Sam Carr, Mark Carter, Susan Holland, Andy Miller, Barry Smith, Bill Smith, Peter Van Arsdale, Rob Welch Officers: President: Barry Smith, Treasurer: Susan Holland, Vice President: Rob Welch, Secretary: Peter Van Arsdale President Barry Smith welcomed members of the Association to the 2013 annual meeting and invited all in attendance to enjoy the delicious buffet that was prepared for us by the staff at the Bunten Road Park Activities building on what was a chilly and rainy December evening. This years meeting was rather informal and members were encouraged to ask questions or contribute ideas that might be helpful in planning for activities or projects for the future. Andy Miller, Landscape Maintenance Chair, reported that there has been a mysterious problem of excessive water usage at the Kensington entrance. It appears that the cause of problem has been detected and a repair is being implemented. Andy stated that he has been pleased with the work done by our current landscaping contractor who has maintained the entrances, pool grounds, and mowed the dam this year. Mid-year the Board approved some additional clean-up work for the contractor at the tennis court property. Bill Smith, Lake & Recreation Chair, reported that a tree removal project at the lake access area has been completed. The trees that were removed had the potential for causing serious property damage to the adjacent homes or perhaps personal injury, so their removal was principally a liability issue. A crew led by Rob Welch installed a boat rack close to the waters edge. Rob designed and built the rack that was installed with the help of several of our strong backed youth. The rack will securely accommodate six canoes on a first come first serve basis for members use. Sam Carr, General Maintenance Chair, reported that the project to repair and replace street signs has been accomplished. Sam is also pleased to report that Safe Dams continues to be complimentary concerning the upkeep and maintenance of the Lake Norman dam. Rick Austin, Web Development Chair, reports that the NDHA website continues to add viewer traffic as more of the membership becomes aware of its existence and the site is improved to offer additional information. 63 visitors liked the facebook page counting approximately 1200 visit is. There were about 4,000 page views and visits averaged 3 minutes. An e-mail blast feature was added to facilitate sending messages to multiple addressees. A suggestion was made that a link to Zillow might be useful to help site users to track real e state listings and neighborhood valuations. Barry Smith, President, reported that there has been slow progress with plans to improve lake access and upgrade the tennis court property. At the tennis venue the erosion problems are substantial and will require considerable funds to arrive at a satisfactory solution. The Board is concerned that a piecemeal approach of patchwork would be a waste of money. The first step should be to hire a certified environmental engineer to develop a comprehensive plan to solve the erosion and silting problems. The Board plans to seek proposals to develop such a plan next year. Peter Van Arsdale, Secretary, reported that Diane Womble volunteered to sort through the Association records and bring some order to the chaos that has accumulated over the more than thirty years life of the Association. The Board is grateful for her many hours of work on this project. Once again this year the Board expresses gratitude for the many contributions Cheryl Smith has made to facilitate social activities and publish Normans News. It would be difficult to find another one of our neighbors who has done more over the past several years to keep our neighborhood activities alive than Cheryl. While we all owe her many thanks for her past efforts, it should go without saying that she would appreciate having any helpers volunteer in 2014.

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Members attending are as follows: Betty Adams Peter Van Arsdale Gail Van Arsdale Lisa Carr Sam Carr Bill Smith Diane Womble Linda Feingold Cheryl Smith Barry Smith Andy Miller Reggie Pugh Cheryl Croy Teresa Rivers

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