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Teacher's Manual

CCE Worksheets


Class X Term 2


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Class X/ Term 2/ Formative Assessment

Management of Natural Resources

Teacher's Manual CCE Worksheets SCIENCE

Class X/ Term 2/ Formative Assessment


Content Coverage : pH of water

To enable students to : Have an idea about the pH of water To gain idea about the different water bodies found in their town. Understand the difference in quality of water and pollution levels. Finding out the various reason for water pollution.

PROCEDURE : Make groups of 5-6 students each in the class. Every group should be instructed to collect different water samples from different sources like ponds, lakes, sewage or drinking water etc. Samples should be from different areas of the town. Check the pH level of the different water samples. Complete the table given below. Compare the pH levels with drinking water. Show which water is more polluted according to your experiment. Every student has to complete his/ her sheet and submit it along with the sheets of all the group members.

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA : 1/2 mark for each water sample collected till a maximum of 5 marks. 1/2 mark for correctly finding the pH of each sample till a maximum of 5 marks . 1/2 mark for correctly drawing the conclusions of each water sample till a maximum of 5 marks

Time : 3 days APPARATUS REQUIRED : Litmus paper Water samples Small waste plastic/ glass bottles Marks : 15

Class X/ Term 2/ Formative Assessment

Management of Natural Resources


Conclusions S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Water source Locality pH Is the water polluted Probable Reason for pollution

Teacher's Manual CCE Worksheets SCIENCE

Class X/ Term 2/ Formative Assessment



Content Coverage : Reduce, Recycle & Reuse

Understanding the concept of environmental conservation and sustainable development. Understanding the changing perceptions of people for sustainable development.

Learning Objectives To become more environment conscious.

This worksheet to be given to the students after the teacher introduces the concept of Reduce, Recycle & Reuse. Students have to fill up the columns according to their knowledge of their surroundings. The teacher can also introduce the concept of sustainable development along with the changing perception of people towards it.

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA : Variety of activities suggested in the table 4 marks Correctness of classifying the activities 4 marks Answer to the concluding question 2 marks

Time : 2 days Marks : 10

DIRECTIONS : List various activities related to conservation of environment you have observed in your city / surroundings. Complete the following table by listing the maximum such activities you have observed and classify them under the correct headings.

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6




CONCLUDING QUESTION : What, according to you, can these activities lead to? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Class X/ Term 2/ Formative Assessment

Management of Natural Resources

Learning Objectives


Content Coverage : Waste Matter

To develop an understanding of how the municipal corporations handle the waste matters. To understand the difference between the various types of waste matters. To develop an understanding of things which can be recycled or composted.

This worksheet to be given to the students after the teacher introduces the concept of handling of various kinds of waste matters. The teacher can also introduce the concept of composting and recycling.

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA : 1 mark for each correct classification. 1 mark for answer to the concluding question.

Time : 15 min. Marks : 10

DIRECTIONS : To segregate the waste matters, the Municipal Corporation of your town / city has placed 3 different bins. The instruction given are : Green bin should contain wet organic waste. Blue bin should contain dry organic waste. Recycling bin should contain materials that cant be composted but recycled.

The given table lists various waste matters. Classify each of them under the correct headings based upon the instructions of the Municipal Corporation.



Teacher's Manual CCE Worksheets SCIENCE

Class X/ Term 2/ Formative Assessment

Household wastes Broken mirrors Fruit peels Plastic bags Aluminium foil Juice cans Wooden spatula Old tissue paper Plastic water bottle Cold coffee cans

Blue bin

Green bin

Recycle bin

CONCLUDING QUESTION : What, according to you, is the benefit of keeping 3 separate variety of bins? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

1. 2. 3. 4. Because the water is more dense than the air making you lighter in the water than in air. You don't really weigh less, but the water pushes you up (buoyant force). You burn more calories with swimming than with walking or jogging, and it puts no strain on your knees and ankles. Improves cardiovascular health; helps to strengthen lungs; builds endurance and muscle strength; maintains the size of muscles and tone the body, while increasing strength. Cross-training (also known as conditioning) refers to training in different ways to improve overall performance. It takes advantage of the particular effectiveness of each training method, while at the same time attempting to neglect the shortcomings of that method by combining it with other methods that address its weaknesses. Virdhaval Khade; Khazan Singh Tokas A - (v); B - (i); C - (i); D - (vi); E - (iv); F - (ii); G - (iii); Note Basketball has been given to confuse you. 7. 8. kicking workouts to tone the leg muscles, which is not possible by swimming. The athletes across sports swear by swimming as a great way to cross train and keep the body in season.

5. 6.

shape during the off-

Class X/ Term 2/ Formative Assessment

Management of Natural Resources

Learning Objectives To enable students to :

Content Coverage : Waste Recycling

Understand the uses of different waste matter. Gain knowledge about biodegradables.

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA : 2 marks each for correctly filling the blank boxes in the given diagram. The answers given by students will vary as each student will understand the picture in his own way and label the boxes accordingly. The teacher has to mark a student on the basis of his understanding.

Time : 10 minutes Marks : 10

DIRECTIONS : Study the figure given below regarding WASTE RECYCLING. The figure shows various waste things which generate from our houses. The figure further illustrates the various finished goods which can be produced from these waste things. Study the chart carefully and fill up the blanks boxes.


Carpet Waste. Cutouts & Rejects Recycled Paper


Plastic Tables & Chirs

Carpet Underlay

Teacher's Manual CCE Worksheets SCIENCE

Class X/ Term 2/ Formative Assessment



Low cost Rugs

Carpet Waste. Cutouts & Rejects

Cardboard & Paper Waste

Recycled Paper

Extrusion & Backing Offcuts Waste Ash

Plastic Tables & Chirs

Waste yarn & Fibres

Low Cost Housing

Carpet Underlay

Class X/ Term 2/ Formative Assessment

Management of Natural Resources

Learning Objectives Objective to learn :

Content Coverage : Environmental Conservation

Make the students environmentally conscious. Understand the ill-effects associated with industrialization / economic development. Understand the idea of sustainable development & environmental conservation. Understand the latest happenings in the world and steps taken for environmental conservation.

PROCEDURE : Students will be given the worksheet prior to the group discussion day so that each student can prepare on the topic. Divide the class into groups of 10-15 students each. Make the sitting arrangement as in a group discussion. Invite the groups one by one for the discussion. While a group is discussing, other groups may have to wait outside for their chance (if the teacher feels so). The class teacher can invite the principal or some senior teacher as a guest judge. Each group will be given 10 minutes for the discussion. The teacher will act as a mediator so as to avoid chaos or confusion in the group. The teacher will try that the group reaches a conclusion by the end of the discussion. The students will be given a piece of paper so as to write their points 1 minute before the discussion starts. The teacher will assess the students on the basis of the assessment criterion listed below. After the 10 minutes are over, the teacher should ask each and every student in the group to sum up the discussion in 1 sentence only. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA :
S. No. Name of the student Spoken Content (2 marks) Listening skills (2 marks) Analytical skills Communication (2 marks) skills (2 marks) Concluding statement (2 marks) Total Marks

Time : 30 minutes Marks : 10

DIRECTIONS : You shall come prepared to the class on the given topic. You can refer books, journals or can take the help of the internet. As the topic is controversial, you shall take a firm stand during the discussion, whether environment conservation should be the main focus area or countries shall focus on economic growth irrespective of the damage to the environment. The student shall try and use real life examples / incidents to strengthen their point. The examples can be from India or any other part of the world. The students are advised to stick to the context of the topic. The teacher can interfere at any moment during the discussion whenever the discussion goes out of context or there is a chaotic situation. The discussions would be conducted in groups of 10-15 students. Each group will be given a time of 10 minutes to discuss the topic. Every member of the group shall try to arrive at a conclusion by the end of 10 minutes. Every student in the group shall be given a chance to speak. You must remember that a good speaker is a good listener too. TOPIC FOR GROUP DISCUSSION :

Environmental concerns should not be allowed to slow down economic growth.


Teacher's Manual CCE Worksheets SCIENCE

Class X/ Term 2/ Formative Assessment

Learning Objectives

Content Coverage : Sustainable Development

Learn some topics by self-study and collaboration. Understand how to collect data Develops the Knowledge of integration of different points into proper sequence.

PROCEDURE : Students should be instructed to collect data from different books, journals or any other media (internet) etc. The teacher shall discuss the topic Go Green with the students before handing over the project worksheets. The teacher shall also discuss the various issues involved and the importance of Go Green.



Name of student

Content relevance to Illustrations the topic (3 marks) made (3 marks)

Variety of points (3 mark)

Presentation (1 mark)

Total mark



Class X/ Term 2/ Formative Assessment

Management of Natural Resources

Time : 2 days PROJECT : Marks : 10


Over decades together, the depletion of ozone layer and its preservation had been the high priority of environmentalists and developed nations and campaigns about educating the masses of the importance of reducing carbon emissions thereby helping the preservation of the ozone layer. Now, there are a lot more issues along with this that has been worrying the environmentalists, one of this being depletion of natural resources and increase in CO2 emissions, pollution, wastage of resources, and so on. With the expected world's population to explode to around 9 billion by 2050, it has become a great concern that people will only have 25% of the resources that were available in 1950. Already, some of the world's natural resources have been depleted and with this growing population, it could lead to a major crisis of the natural resources. It is high time we start saving clean air, fuel sources, water and soil for the future generations along with saving money and assets for them. How many of us agree with this thought? So why throw away things that could be recycled? So what's the wait for. There are a lot of things that we as a common man can bring changes and reforms. Let's GO GREEN, let's get hand in hand, strive to reduce emissions and wastage, encourage recycling and pave way for pure and clean surroundings for our future generations.

DIRECTIONS : Present the data in the form of a folder. The title page shall clearly signify the name of the project and the student submitting it. You should follow the following flow of points during your project work. Try and use pictures and illustrations for a better presentation. What is Go Green? Necessity to Go Green Global warming The international issue The tussle between the developed and the developing nations. Different international norms for Go Green Carbon credits

What benefits can Go Green bring to our planet earth? Management of Go Green Save energy Save natural gas Green technology Save water Eat green Read green

How can we contribute in and around our surroundings?


Teacher's Manual CCE Worksheets SCIENCE

Class X/ Term 2/ Formative Assessment

Learning Objectives

Content Coverage : Whole Chapter

Clarity of basic concepts related to the topic. Basic understanding and definitions related to the chapter.

PROCEDURE : Management of natural resources may be explained to the students in previous periods. Student will be given the worksheet with crossword puzzle and will be asked to fill up the blank spaces to complete it.

Time : 15 minutes Marks : 10

DIRECTIONS : Given below is a crossword puzzle. Fill in the blank square boxes to form a complete word / term by using the given clues. You have to fill an alphabet in every small square.

6 5 2


2. 3. 6. 7. 10.

ACROSS Replantation of forest area which has been damaged or cleared during exploitation. Multipurpose trees and shrubs are planted on the side of crop field . Collection and storage of rain water and surface run off for filling small water bodies or recharging ground water . Wild life which is facing high risk of extinction. An area which is reserved for the conservation of animals only.

1. 8. 4. 5. 9.

DOWN Wild life protected area maintained by government . Repeated use of article till it gets broken or disfigured is an example of Processing of the waste articles to form new product is an example of An area rich in biodiversity which is being threatened by human activity as well as other forces. Less use of any energy is an example of

Class X/ Term 2/ Formative Assessment

Management of Natural Resources















Teacher's Manual CCE Worksheets SCIENCE

Class X/ Term 2/ Formative Assessment


Content Coverage : Whole Chapter

Learning Objectives To provide remedial measures on any topics to clear the overall concepts of individual
PROCEDURE : The teacher will divide the class in groups of 4 to 6 students and will appoint one student as the Group Leader. The teacher will instruct the Leader to help the other students in case they face any difficulty. ASSESSMENT CRITERA : Marks as given in the worksheet.

Time : Need based Marks : 25

DIRECTIONS : You have to attempt all the 5 questions given below on your own. In case of any difficulty you can consult your Group Leader and complete the sheet.

Fill in the Blanks

(1 mark each)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Water in a reservoir is ___________ resource. Ganga action plant started in ___________. Chipko movement first started in ___________. The most rapidly dwindling natural resource in world is ___________. Kyoto protocol was signed to reduce ___________ gas. The major constituent of biogas is ___________. The main causative of green house gas is ___________. ___________ are harmless bacteria present in human intestine, which indicates the degree of sewage pollution of water.

Short Answer Questions

(2 marks each)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What are the advantages of ground water recharging? How coal and petroleum were formed? Why should we conserve forests and wild life? How can we reduce the use of Coal and Petroleum? Write the names of 4 toxic gases which causes air pollution?

Matching the column

(2 marks) Column - II (i) Chipko movement (ii) Appiko movement (iii) Protection of Khejri trees (iv) Protection of Sal forest

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Column - I Amrita Devi Bishnoi A.K. Banerjee Sunderlal Bahugana Pandurang Hegde


Class X/ Term 2/ Formative Assessment

Management of Natural Resources

4 Grid Based Question INSTRUCTION : Complete the following grid about the various water harvesting techniques used. One has been filled for your help. (5 marks)
Name of the water harvesting technique Location Types of collection of water Kulh Khadin Bundhis Eris Bandharas Surangan Kerala Stream diverted into man made channel


Fill in the Blanks

2. 4. 6. 8. 1985 Forest CH4 (Methane) Coliform bacteria

1. 3. 5. 7. 1.

Renewable Reni village in Garhwal of Uttarakhand Carbon dioxide CO2 (Carbon dioxide)

Short Answer Questions


3. 4.


Benefits of ground water recharging : (i) It ensures water availability in non-rainy seasons. (ii) It reduces chances of blooding during rainy seasons. (iii) Ground water level does not fall as it is regularly recharged. (iv) Water becomes available for drinking as well as irrigation. Coal and Petroleum are fossil fuels. These fossil fuels are energy yielding carbon containing combustible substances formed million of years ago from degradation of vegetation and other organic matter inside the earth under high pressure, heat and anaerobic conditions. Coal and Petroleums are the exhaustible as well as non-renewable resources. We should conserve forests because they not only provide a number of economically important products but also provide shelter to wild animals, protect soil, regulate water flow and climate. Coal is mostly used in thermal power stations while petrol and diesel are employed in motor vehicles, ships and aeroplanes. Find out ways and means to reduce the use of coal and petroleum. (i) Use of alternate source of energy (ii) Avoiding wastage of energy by switching off lights, fans, T.V., radio and domestic gadgets not in use (iii) More efficient heating devices and better internal combustion engines. (iv) Use of compact fluoroscent tubes instead of incandescent bulbs (v) Use energy efficient appliances (vi) Gasohal (petrol + alcohol) instead of gasoline (vii) Hybrid engines (viii) Taking stairs instead of lifts for short distances (ix) Use of public transport of car pool instead of personal vehicles (x) Walking or cycling for short distances (xi) Wearing of an extra sweater instead of using heating device (heater or sigri) during cold days. The major toxic gases are : (1) CO2; (2) Methane; (3) Chloro fluoro carbons (refrigerators, sprays); (4) Nitrous oxide (NO2)

Matching the column

C (i) D (ii)

A (iii)

B (iv)

Grid Based Question

Bundhis Madhya Pradesh Eris Tamil Nadu Bandharas Maharashtra Surangan Kerala Stream diverted into man made channel

Name of the water harvesting technique Location

Kulh Himachal Pradesh

Khadin Rajasthan

Divert water Embakment Types of collection of from the across lower water natural stream hill slopes for irrigation



Check Dams


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