Seven C

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Seven Cs of Effective Business Communication

When We talk about Effective Communication one thing that comes in mind, what are the basic principles of effective communication . These principles tell us how your message can become effective for your target group. These principles also tell about style and importance of the message. These principles commonly known as 7 Cs of effective communication. IMPORTANCE:The 7 Cs of Communication are a useful way to ensure good communication. The 7Cs provide a useful checklist as a result of which both written and verbal communication pass off in a clear, plain/ target group-oriented and well-structured manner. Following are the seven Cs of communication.
1. Correctness 2. Clarity 3. Conciseness 4. Completeness 5. Consideration 6. Concreteness 7. Courtesy

1. Correctness At the core of correctness is proper grammar, punctuation and spelling. At the time of encoding, if the encoder has comprehensive knowledge about the decoder of message, it makes the communication an ease. The encoder should know the status, knowledge and educational background of the decoder. Correctness means:

Use the right level of language

Correct use of grammar, spelling and punctuation Accuracy in stating facts and figures USE RIGHT LEVEL OF LANGUAGE There are three levels of language

Formal Informal Sub-standard

Formal Writing

Often associated with scholarly writing. E.g. doctoral dissertations, scholarly articles, top-level government agreements etc Unconventional, impersonal and involves sentences

Informal Writing

More characteristic in business writing E.g. communications via E-mail, memos etc. MORE FORMAL Participate Procure Utilize Interrogate Endeavor LESS FORMAL join Get Use Question Try


Using incorrect words, grammar, faulty pronunciation, in short inability to use good English. Avoid substandard language

Correctness in message helps in building confidence. 2. Clarity Clarity demands the use of simple language and easy sentence structure in composing the message. When there is clarity in presenting ideas, its easy for the receiver/decoder to grasp the meaning being conveyed by the sender/encoder. Chose words that are familiar to audience. EXAMPLE:After instead of subsequent Home instead of domicile Clarity makes comprehension easier. 3. Conciseness Conciseness means convey the message by using fewest words. A concise message saves time of both the sender and the receiver. Conciseness, in a business message, can be achieved by avoiding wordy expressions and repetition. Using brief and to the point sentences, including relevant material makes the message concise. Achieving conciseness does not mean to loose completeness of message.

EXAMPLE:In business communication as the time is short so wordy expressions are irrelevant and there usage is just waste of time. Like a person uses expression at this time Instead of this he can also use now which is to the point and also time saving. Also instead of full words we can use abbreviations like WTO ( world health organization) etc.

Conciseness saves time. 4. Completeness By completeness means the message must bear all the necessary information to bring the response you desire. The sender should answer all the questions and with facts and figures. and when desirable, go for extra details. EXAMPLE:Now suppose that a person is working in engineering organization so if he has to provide some information about cars then he must need complete information about cars so that he can tell some other person who needs this information. In this way a good business communication relation will be established between persons. One way to make your message complete is to answer the five Ws.

I. II. III. IV. V.


Completeness brings the desired response. 5. Consideration Consideration means To consider the receivers Interest/Intention. Consideration demands to put oneself in the place of receiver while composing a message. It refers to the use of You attitude, emphases positive pleasant facts, visualizing readers problems, desires, emotions and his response. EXAMPLE:In this C we have to consider the interest of receiver interest and their needs and wants. like I am delighted that we will extended to make shopping more You will be able to shop in the evening with extended hours Now in first sentence WE is used. While in second YOU is used and second sentence is more effective for receivers.

Consideration means understanding of human nature. 6. Concreteness It means that message should be specific instead of general. Misunderstanding of words creates problems for both parties (sender and receiver). Being definite, vivid and specific rather than vague, obscure and general leads to concreteness of the message. Facts and figures being presented in the message should be specific. EXAMPLE:GENERAL:He is a very good and intelligent student and got first position in class.

CONCRETE:Zaheer is a very intelligent student and scored 95% marks in his final examination and got first position in class. When somebody talk to his client he must always use facts and figures instead of irrelevant information. Concreteness reinforces confidence. 7. Courtesy In business, almost everything starts and ends in courtesy. Courtesy means not only thinking about receiver but also valuing his feelings. Much can be achieved by using polite words and gestures, being appreciative, thoughtful, tactful, and showing respect to the receiver. Courtesy builds goodwill. Courteous communication generates a special tone in their writing and speaking.

The following are suggestions for generating a courteous tone: Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful and appreciative. Use expressions that show respect for the others Choose nondiscriminatory expressions Be sincerely Tactful, Thoughtful and Appreciative


Abruptness or bluntness are a common cause of discourtesy. Example: I rewrote that letter three times; the point was clear Im sorry the point was not clear, here is another version. 1 .USE EXPRESSIONS THAT SHOW RESPECT No reader wants to receive message that offend. Such expressions are expressed in two groups Omit irritating Expressions: specially with you or your. if you care, its your mistake. Omit questionable humor: Laughter to one is disgust for another. Be more formal when in doubt. 2. CHOOSE NON DISCRIMANATORY EXPRESSIONS Use language reflecting equal treatment regardless of gender, race, ethnic origin and physical features. Avoid Man words: Example: Use entering student, first year student than freshman. Instead of manpower use employees, workers, personnel. Man-made constructed, manufactured Singular pronouns: English lacks a neutral pronoun signifying he or she The trend to follow should be to avoid using he, his or him etc. Courtesy strengthen relations.

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