AGENDA - Subcommittee 11 (Field Operating Equipment)

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AGENDA Subcommittee 11 (Field Operating Equipment)

Exploration and Production Standards Conference on Oilfield Equipment and Materials API Subcommittee 11 Field Operating Equipment
Westin Westminster, Westminster (near Denver), Colorado, USA Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Chair: Sid Thomas Chair-Elect: Bryan Freeman Secretary: Tom Van Akkeren
:!! - ":!! #$ Agenda %tems: & Attendance ' Ed Baniak (& Adoption o) the Agenda ' Sid Thomas

*& +ati)y the ,inter (!!- San Antonio meeting minutes .attached/ see A#% 0e1site )or attachments2 ' Sid
Thomas 3& +e4ie0 (!!- 1allot outcomes ' Ed Baniak
a& 1& c& %n)ormal +e4ie0 and Comment o) A#% E+ in $arch (!!- .See +eport Belo02 Errata )or A#% Spec E/ 5th Edition .6o4em1er (!!52 ' Errata/ $arch (!!Ballot 73 ' A#% Spec B/ (7th Edition .Closes 89 "9(!!-2

"& A#% Ballot System ' Ed Baniak

a& :pcoming .(!!-2 SC Ballots i& Back adoption o) %SO " *8- .Su1mitted )or F;%S in <une (!!-2 as A#% ii& +e4ision o) A#% A= iii& +e4ision o) A#% E+ i4& +e4ision o) A#% > ;(

8& +eport9:pdates )rom task groups

a& b. c& d& e& )& A= +e4ision ' Benny ,illiams B +e4ision ' Benny ,illiams E+ +e4ision ' ;a4id ;oyle > +e4ision ' ;a4id ;oyle S Suite o) +#s ' 6orm ?ein +e4ision o) A#% Spec E .S+++ dated (9(!9(!!5/ see 1elo02 ' ;arrell Copsey

7& A#% SC and %SO Cooperation ' Sid Thomas a& #otential reinstatement o) %SO !3* .A#% Spec 1& Co-1randing o) %SO !3(5 as A#% Spec B2 5&

E2 as %SO 0ork document

6e0 Business a& Contract 0ork @su1mitted 1y 6orm ?einA )or ne0 +# ' Sid Thomas 1& +ecognition o) Sid Thomas .stepping do0n as chair2 - %nstallation o) Bryan Freeman as ne0 chair c& OtherB :pcoming $eetings: a& A#% ,inter Standards Con)erence in 6e0 Orleans/ CA .<anuary ("-(-/ (! !2 1& A#% Summer Standards Con)erence in ,ashington/ ;C .<une (5-<uly */ (! !2


!& AdDourn

API Su !ommittee ""

Field Operating Equipment ,inter (!!- $eeting $inutes o) A#% SC
;ate: Cocation: ,ednesday/ <anuary ( / (!!>rand ?yatt San Antonio/ San Antonio/ T= Time: 5:!! to (:!!

Agenda %tems: & Attendance ' .See Attachment 2 (& Bennie ,illiams/ sitting in )or Sid Thomas opened the meeting at 5: ! 0ith the adoption o) the agenda 0ith the addition o) appro4ing the minutes )rom the SC meeting in Fort ,orth on 959!5& *& The 0inter meeting minutes 0ere accepted 1y the SC a)ter a re4ision& The 59"9!5 meeting minutes 0ere accepted& 3& Ed Baniak re4ie0ed the (!!5 1allot outcomes
a& +ea))irmation o) 7B- CE 7C- FE A+E E+E >E SE S E S(E S*E S3E S8E S7E S5 ' all documents passed 1allot and rea))irmed& C+E indicated there 0as interest 1y some o) their mem1ers to participate in ,>Fs to re4ise S documents& The name o) a contact 0as gi4en to 6orm ?ein/ the T> chair& ,ithdra0al o) B .89-9!52E G .*939!52E C3 .*939!52E 6 .*939!52E #>T .*939!52E T .*939!52E (>;: .39(-9!52 Ballot *35 ' Revision of RP 11S ' #u1lished as (nd Edition/ April (!!5& There 0ere editorial comments included in the re4ised document& Ballot *"7 ' Reclassification of RP11! as "R 11! ' #u1lished as "th Edition/ <une (!!5 Ballot *7( ' #ac$ adoption of ISO 1 1%&'( as API 11)% ' #u1lished as st Edition/ <une (!!5 Ballot *-! ' Reclassification of RP11!& as "R 11!& ' #u1lished as (nd Edition/ $ay (!!5 Ballot *-8 ' Revision of RP 11#R ' #u1lished as -th Edition/ August (!!5 Ballot 33* ' Revision of Spec 11E ' #u1lished as 5th Edition/ 6o4em1er (!!5 .E))ecti4e $ay (!!-2& There 0ere editorial comments on the re4ision that 0ill 1e addressed 1y issuing an errata .mainly dealing 0ith sym1ols used in the document2 a)ter the comments ha4e 1een )ully re4ie0ed& +e4ision .and Trans)er2 o) (BE (;E (FE (<E (GE (CE (6E (#E (+ ' all re4ised .eHcept (6 and (+ @0hich 0ere rea))irmedA and trans)erred to C+E e))ecti4e 6o4em1er (!!5

1& c& d& e& )& g& h& i&

"& Ed Baniak indicated there 0ere " documents under re4ie0

D& :pcoming .(!!-2 SC Ballots i& Back adoption o) %SO " *8- as A#% ;(& ;ocument is under ;%S re4ie0& %t should 1e out )or F;%S 1allot in (!!-& ii& +e4ision o) A#% A= ' ,> chaired 1y B& ,illiams& iii& +e4ision o) A#% B ' ,> chaired 1y B& ,illiams& i4& +e4ision o) A#% E+ ' ,> chaired 1y ;& ;oyle& 4& +e4ision o) A#% > ' ,> chaired 1y ;& ;oyle& 4i& A#% E is no longer 1eing pursued 1y %SO due to issues 0ith con4erting to S% units& %t may 1e reconsidered 1y %SO i) technical di))iculties are resol4ed&

8& +eport9:pdates )rom task groups

4ii& A= +e4ision ' Benny ,illiams& ?eld organiIational meeting in $idland on (959!5 and 0ill meet again this a)ternoon to re4ie0 scope& #lan to 1ring the 9 8J pump 1ack into the document/ re4ise material specs/ tolerance issues and seating cup dimensions& There 0as a suggestion that a purchasing anneH 1e added to pro4ide a template )or ordering equipment& The document should 1e ready )or 1alloting at the summer meeting&

;+AFT $inutes


San Antonio/ <anuary (!!-


B +e4ision ' Benny ,illiams& The document is undergoing )inal editing and re4ie0 1y the ,>& The document should 1e ready )or 1alloting 1e)ore the summer meeting& There 0as a discussion a1out S% con4ersions& The 1asis )or 4alues is :S Customary :nits and in case o) discrepancies/ :S 4alues 0ill take precedence& The $easurement Standards/ Chapter "/ has a ta1le )or con4ersions/ 0hich 0ill 1e supplied 1y Ed Baniak to the ,> chair )or re)erence& iH& E+ +e4ision ' ;a4id ;oyle& The mostly editorially re4ised document should 1e ready )or 1alloting 1y $arch& H& > +e4ision ' ;a4id ;oyle& There is some re0orking required )or this document 1e)ore it is ready )or 1alloting& Hi& S Suite o) +#s ' 6orm ?ein

7& A#% SC

and %SO Cooperation ' Sid Thomas

There 0as discussion on 0ays to 0ork cooperati4ely 1et0een SC and %SO ,>83& This e))ort 0ill start 0ith a document on dri4e rods )or #C pumps 1ecause operating conditions are di))erent that )or reciprocating rods& There is a concern that %SO documents are 1asically manu)acturing documents and donFt contain enough speci)ications to ensure close tolerances to allo0 )or interchangea1ility& Suggestions 0ere made to contact Austin Freeman/ ,ill Black and Shauna 6oonan to press our need to esta1lish a 0orka1le standard )rom the %SO document&


6e0 Business a& S+++ )or +e4ision o) A#% Spec

E .See Attachment (2 The SC appro4ed setting up a ,> to include circular-arc gear reducer speci)ications 0ith the group headed 1y Kan #eirong 0ith other eHpertise pro4ided 1y Ciu ShiDun/ >uo ;ong and ;e Cin ;u& ;arrell Copsey 0ill 1e liaison to the SC& 1& Errata )or A#% Spec E 0ere issued to ;a4id ;oyle )or re4ie0 c& Contract 0ork @su1mitted 1y 6orm ?einA )or ne0 +#& A document on lease piping 0as prepared 1y 6orm ?ein and su1mitted to A#%& %t 0ill distri1uted to SC mem1ers )or re4ie0 )or discussion at the neHt SC meeting to determine i) it is su))icient to 1allot or i) additional 0ork is needed& The neHt phase.s2 o) de4elopment 0ould 1e to pro4ide speci)ic standards )or compliance& Any additional contract 0ork 0ill need a ne0 contract to 1e 0ritten& d& ,> meetings 0ill 1e in conDunction 0ith the SC meeting in ;en4er this <une& Breakout rooms 0ill 1e made a4aila1le )or morning meetings and the SC 0ill meet in the a)ternoon&

-& AdDourned at

:"! A$

;+AFT $inutes


San Antonio/ <anuary (!!-

A#$%ICA& P$'%()$U# I&S'I'U'$ $*$CU'I+$ C(##I''$$ (& S'A&DA%I,A'I(& S'A&DA%DS %$S(U%C$ - %$S$A%C. %$/U$S'
Standard ;esignation .e&g&/ +# (A2: API S0e! ""$ Budget Kear: (!!Title/ Edition: API S0e! ""$ $dition "1 addition a ne2 anne3 (normative) 'itle4 Cal!ulation tor5ue ratin6s 7or 0um0in6 unit dou le !ir!ular8ar! 6ear redu!ers $atriH +anking .Class / ( or *2: " Su1committee: SC"" #roposed Action .ne0 standard/ re4ise/ rea))irm/ 0ithdra02: revise

PA%' " 9 Committee %esour!es

%$S(U%C$ P)A&

What is the business need for the proposed action? If possible, please indicate potential cost savings to industry.
Provided t:e si;e and ra2 materials are t:e same, dou le !ir!ular8ar! 6ear redu!ers are remar<a ly su0erior to involute 6ear redu!ers in terms o7 !arryin6 !a0a!ity= So t:e a00li!ation o7 dou le !ir!ular8ar! 6ear redu!ers to 0um0in6 units !an !onsidera ly de!rease t:e !onsum0tion o7 ra2 materials and !onse5uently !ut do2n t:e manu7a!turin6 !ost o7 0um0in6 units= #oreover, a !om0lete system o7 t:eories :as een rou6:t into ein6 re6ardin6 t:e desi6nin6, manu7a!turin6, and ins0e!tin6 o7 dou le !ir!ular8ar! 6ear redu!ers= Pum0in6 units 2it: dou l !ir!ular8ar! 6ear redu!ers :ave een used in various oil 7ields around C:ina 7or many years=

What is the scope of the standard?

2e 0ro0ose to revise API S0e! ""$ y su00lementin6 it 2it: !ontents related to dou le !ir!ular8ar! toot: 6ear redu!ers= %s this standard on the 0ork program o) another standards de4elopment organiIation .%SO/ AST$/ AS$E/ etc&2B

If yes, is the work being coordinated with the appropriate group? Are there special circumstances that would justify independent API initiation of the proposed action?
A7ter a!!om0lis:in6 revision, API S0e! ""$ edition "1 2ill e trans7ormed into IS( "04>" y IS(?'C@A?SC4 se!retariat a!!ordin6 to IS( 0ro6ram=

Are a volunteer chair, content manager, and group of e perts available to perform the proposed action? Please include names and company affiliation if available.
Pro0osed 0roBe!t leader4 &ame4 yan 0eiron6 Com0any4 CeiBin6 Purstar 'e!:nolo6y Co= )td, C:ina $30erts4 &ame4 )iu S:iBun Com0any4 ,:en6;:ou %esear!: institute o7 #e!:ani!al $n6ineerin6, C:ina &ame4 Duo Don6 Com0any4 "st #a!:inery Wor<s o7 &ort: !:ina Petroleum, C:inai &ame4 De )in Du Com0any4 Standardi;ation %esear!: Institute o7 Petroleum Industry, C:ina

Is there a need to commit resources to supplement the development of the draft? Would a paid content specialist accelerate progress on the revision? Is there a readily available content specialist?

Are there special format re!uirements for final document "i.e., knowledge of I#$ template re!uired%, significant graphics, photos or e!uations re!uired that would need e traordinary resources?
Einis: dra7t (see atta!:ed 7or anne3)

Please provide any other information that is pertinent to the proposed action?

What are the implications of not initiating the proposed action? reliability, environmental and financial impacts that may arise.

Include potential safety,

Is there research proposed to accomplish the proposed action? 'esource (odel.


If yes, complete Part & of

ProBe!t 'imin6 'D?WD

.estimated num1er o) 4olunteers needed2

Start date: 2009 C:air

.LM amount Lif neededJ or 4olunteerJ2

;ra)t ready )or letter 1allot: 2009 Content #ana6ement %esour!e %e5uest .LM amount Lif neededJ or .M and9or people2

Su mitter4 Date4



Kan #eirong/ BeiDing #urstar Technology (9(!9(!!5


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