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Life is the duration between birth and death. i.e. the number of years a person lives. Moola Dasa is used for determining the age of a native. Gaj Kesari yoga Gaj Kesari yoga occurs when Jupiter is in Kendra to Moon. Such a position bestows the native with Authoritative status, Name, Fame and Wealth.
Jup Mo Jup Jup Jup

However, conjunction of Jupiter and Moon does not cause Gaj Kesari. The native in this case is religious, more inclined towards helping and teaching, preaching. The native has a weightage over his say like head of a family and will be very social. Further, the results of Gaj Kesari yoga depends on the signs it is taking place1-4-7-10 is best 2-5-8-11 is better 3-6-9-12 is good


Subh kartari by natural benefics protects the Lagna whether the planet is exalted or debilitated doesnt Matter. Kal Sarpa yoga occurs when all the planets fall between Rahu and Ketu. Further, all the houses between Rahu/Ketu should be occupied. Further, it may be noted that Sarpa yoga for ex. In 5:11 axes is bad for children. In this cases propiation in Prayag near Gaya is advisable. Benefic aspects to 6H and 8H protects the native from disease and enhances the longevity of the native.
Me 9 Ve

Gandanta, the Spiritual Knot Gandanta is the junction points in the zodiac that a particularly connected with times of soul growth. This is the position of the zodiac where the where the solar and lunar Zodiac meet. These points are at the junctions of Pisces (Revati)- Aries (Ashwini), Cancer (Ashesha)- Leo (Magha), Scorpio (Jyeshta)- Sagittarius (Mula). They are especially powerful in giving Karmic effects. Degrees Rashi Nakshatra Amsha/pada Degrees 2640- 3000 000- 320 2640- 3000 000- 320 2640-3000 000- 320 Rashi Pisces Aries Cancer Leo Scorpio Sagittarius Nakshatra Revati Ashwini Ashlesha Magha Jyeshta Mula Amsha/pada Pisces Aries Pisces Aries Pisces Aries

Gand means a knot. Anta means the end. Gandanta means the knot at the end. A well-tied knot is that it is very difficult to unravel. The more you try to untie the knot, the tighter it becomes. Gandanta represents a knot within ourselves, a deep issue, which we are trying to reconcile with. When planets are placed in these positions, then they face uncertainty as they try to unravel the secret knot that will take them on to the next level. These issues make themselves felt in the life of the individual, through personal relationships, traumatic events or inner struggles. When life crystallises at a certain we have to go through a particularly trying time to prepare our minds for the next step in the journey of our soul. This can only take place once you have reconciled with where you are at present. You cannot deny the present, if you want to move on to the future. The positioning of planets in the Gandanta is particularly powerful. This indicates a very special purpose for this birth. There can be many difficulties to be faced, adjustments to be made in life as we move towards one level of spiritual growth into the second level. This can be a very good position as well as it can create balance as you learn to come to terms with the reality of today. That is essential if you have to move forward. This mental adjustment usually opens the knot and brings happiness. Aries or Pisces are the Gandanta Navamsas but not all Aries and Pisces Navamsas are Gandanta. So when analysing them, you must be aware of this. Three planets placed in Aries Navamsa, only one may be struggling with the Gandanta energy.

The exact degrees of Gandanta are 2 ghati(48') from the edge of the sign. So the closer the planet is at the edge of the rashi, the more it is tied in a spiritual knot and harder it is to unravel the knot. There are three kinds of Gandanta. 1. The Lagna Gandanta 2. The Nakshatra Gandanta 3. The Tithi Gandanta The Lagna Gandanta is when the ascendant sign falls within 14 minutes of these degrees either side. The Nakshatra Gandanta is when the Moon is situated within 48 minutes either side of these points. Tithi is the lunar day and Tithi Gandanta happens at the end of the tithi and beginning of another. The belief is when life crystallizes at a certain point then we journey towards the higher manifestation of the soul and the consciousness. We have to go through a particularly trying time to prepare our minds for the next step in the journey of our soul. If you are born in any of the Gandanta, you can expect some spiritual difficulties in this birth. A lack of support, a sense of transformation The Moon in the Nakshatra Gandanta is particularly powerful as also shows that one is born at the end of a dasha. Just after birth, he dasha changes, bring turmoil at the beginning of life. Although this can happen to the parents as we are unaware as a child of what is happening. Its effect is with us for the rest of life. There can be many difficulties to be faced, adjustments to be made in life as we move towards one level of spiritual growth into the second level. The Gandanta The Gandanta always takes place between Water and Fire Signs and Navamsas. Water and Fire- Agni and Apas are two contrary elements. Fire can heat up the water and water can extinguish fire. So negotiating this area of chart is complex but it is also the area where the maximum spiritual development takes place. Any planet placed in Gandanta is in a difficult position and will have to face material issues in regard to its house rulerships and significations. If Venus is in Gandanta, then relationships and marriage will be the area of insecurity. The Pisces/Revati and Aries/ Ashwini Gandanta shows the ending of one cycle of soul growth and beginning of its next stage. This is the level that the inner self begins its journey of life. Each journey implies within it an ending of a cycle.

If the Moon is in the Pisces portion of the Gandanta, it relates to ending experiences, where the soul has reached its full maturity at the present level of soul growth and its ready to move onto another cycle of life where a different set of issues will confront him. In the Aries/ Ashwini portion of Gandanta, here the soul is connected to the past life but knows it is at the threshold of another. This creates confusion and powerful influences which are at times difficult to understand. Is this an old experience you are living through or there are fresh encounters to undertake. Moons position in this juncture reveals a past life connection which is strong. The Cancer/ Aslesha and Leo/ Magha Gandanta is where the soul endings its search and now finally moves towards its full involvement into material life. The Cancer/ Aslesha stage is where the search in the experience of life is complete. Psychological changes happen. The ruling deity of Aslesha is Naga - the wise serpents. At this stage there is the shedding of the skin to grow another one. This experience which changes the mind and the psyche can be extremely painful but it is necessary for the soul to grow into another dimension. At the Magha/ Leo stage, the soul is finally getting ready to experience life at a material level. This is a junction point, therefore the intellectual changes which it has already experienced at the Cancer/ Aslesha level are still very strong. There is again the connection to the past life here. Scorpio/Jyeshta and Sagittarius Mula Gandanta is the most difficult one as it moves the inner soul towards its final direction towards merging with the universal consciousness. This is the stage where the material ties are being shattered and the soul realises its true spiritual direction. This is where the maximum churning of the inner emotions take place. Even when the soul recognises its path towards it true nature, it fights against it. This is never an easy task. It creates many psychological or physical blocks that need to be tackled with great maturity. At the Scorpio/ Jyeshta stage, the is immense churning of the inner emotions, this is where material sheaths break up and it leads to an inner change. if there is a resistance to a change then it makes it very difficult for the person. On a material level this can be unfortunates whereas on a spiritual level it leads towards activating your Kundalini or latent power. At the Mula/ Sagittarius stage, the soul recognises it has to change and in many ways it already has. But it still remains ties to its past life and its earthly needs which Moola which means the root suggests. This roots is buried in the ground or in deep material realms and it need to break the outer crust of earth to reach towards its higher potential.

GandantaNakshatra Gandanta Rasi Gandanta Tithi Gandanta Din ganda- Aslesha -Magha Ratri ganda- Jyeshta -Moola Sandhya ganda- Revati -Ashwini Big mool are Aslesha, Jyeshta, Moola Small mool are Magha, Revati, Ashwini. Nakshatra Gandanta- Birth in Nakshatra Gandanta leads to phobias, unwanted fear What is special in Mercury and Ketu? Mercury lies in watery Rasis and is Rajasic Ketu lies Fiery Rasis and is Tamasic

So when water and fire mingle it clouds the mind. Therefore the native is sometimes normal and sometimes fearing. Further, the mind is active and locked at times. For Big mool- so for people born in Gandanta propiation needs to be done on the 27th day when same Nakshatra falls. For small mool- propiation can be done on the 10th and 19th day i.e., (Trijanma and Dwi Janma) can be done on other Nakshatras lorded by the same planet except on Big mool Nakshatra. Rasi Gandanta- Water and Fiery- When Lagna is in Rasi Gandanta health of native will be effected. o If Ketu joins then there will be spinal problems ; o If Venus joins then eye related problems Tithi Gandanta- 5-6, 10-11, 15-1, 30-1, junctions of Poorna +nanda tithis gives eyes problems.

Tithi Gandanta- The junctions of 5-6, 10-11, 15-1 and 30-1 Tithis, junctions of Poorna +Nanda Tithis gives eyes problems. Mars is in midcusp (1) = will give 90% result Lagna in midcusp (29) = gives good longevity Lagna is in Rasi Gandanta Moon is in Nakshatra Gandanta between Ashlesha & Magha Jupiter & Mercury who are exalted are at 15 & 14 respectively in Sandhi.
Rah 2
1 2 12 Ven 28 Ma 28 Ju 15 5 Sun 29 3 6 Mer 14 7

______ 29 11 10

Mars 1

The following placements of planets are bad for health. Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Dashas Mars-Rahu Rahu-Mars Saturn-MarsMars-Saturn Saturn-sun sun Saturn Moon-Mercury Mercury-Moon Jupiter-Venus Venus-Jupiter Sarpa Dristi When Lagna or planets are in 2nd and 3rd Dreshkon of Cancer; 1st and 2nd Dreshkon of Scorpio; or last (3rd) Dreshkon of Pisces All the Watery Signs 12th house 8th house 7th house 7th house 3rd house 6th house Lagna 9th house 8th house

they are said to have Sarpa Dristi. It is auspicious and good for spiritual life but bad for longevity. Pasha Yoga occurs when all the planets are in 5 signs. Paasha is rope, which is used to tie, to bind together or to restrict. The person with Paasha Yoga will be burdened with many responsibilities and expenses, be skillful in work, will have a crafty disposition, and will have many servants and a large family to support. On the negative side he will be very talkative and be devoid of virtues and good manners. This Yoga is a mixed bag. On account of their crafty nature, such persons land themselves into trouble with authorities. Girish Chandra Sharma says that if the Ascendant lord is placed in the 2 nd Drekkana of Scorpio (Paasha Drekkana) in the 6th, 8th, and 12th house, it forms a Yoga for imprisonment. In Graha Maalika Yogas when planets are placed in five houses and if the commencing sign is occupied by benefics and is strong, the native obtains good results, otherwise this Yoga can give a lot of problems as Paasha Yoga, which is also formed, starts showing its results. Vinay Gupta says- This is bad for health, longevity especially suicide case. 1st Dreshkon of Taurus, Leo, Aquarius 2nd & 3rd Dreshkon of Libra 1st & 3rd Dreshkon of Capricorn

Vish Navamsa or poisonous Navamsa

The 1st Navamsa of Aries, Taurus, Virgo The 5th Navamsa of Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Leo The 9th Navamsa of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Sagittarius, Capricorn.

Mrityu Bagh Degrees Houses




Asc Sun Moon Mars Mer Jup Venus Sat Ra Ke G/M

1 9 22 22/23 25 2 4 23 20 9 12 6 8 24 16 17 26 12 13 25 24 11 26 14 19 28/18 25 23 29 28 14 21 14 13 12 8 18 20 10 15 19 29 12 27 6 4 13 10 28 15 11 17 10 13 4 6 4 7 9 12 16 3 18 10 14 13 12 11 24 23 22 21 8 18 20 10 21 22 23 24 23 24 11 12 13 14 8 16/18

18 20 24 10 22 2 3 23/22 13 25 5 12 2 15/5 11 6 21 22 7 5 17 11 15 28 27 12 29 19 28 14 13 15 10 20 18 8 11 12 13 14 20 10 21 22

Inauspicious Yogas
The following yogas are inauspicious for the child-

Magha Visakha Ardra Moola Krittika Rohini Hasta

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Kulika Yoga: Based on whether it is a Day birth or Night birth, the Dinmaan or the Ratrimaan is divided into 15 equal portions. Each portion is called a muhurtha. These Muhurtha are inauspicious and bad for the child. However if the varadhipathi (day lord); Moon and Benefics are strong then in that case the Bhadra Kulika Yoga is nullified.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Day Muhurtha
14 12 10 8 6 4 2

Night Muhurtha
13 11 9 7 5 3 1

Combinations of Bala Arista and Arista to mother Alp Ayu

0-1yrs 1-8yrs 8-20yrs 20-yrs Sadyo Arista Bala Arista Yoga Arista Alp Ayush

Note- From 12yrs ones prarabdha karma starts so deciphering the yogas before 12yrs is not valid. From ages 0-1 and 1-8 you are not getting results of your own but it is because of mothers. Therefore the Chandra kundli should be seen till 12yrs of the native.


Bala Aristas
Location of Moon in 6, 8, 12- aspected by malefics note- If Moon is afflicted by only malefic Bala Arista prevails upto 8 years If aspected by both malefics and benefics the Arista prevails upto 4 years. ** For Arista it has to be aspected. (a) Placement of Moon & all malefics in Kendra leads to death of a new born. (b) Weak Moon in Lagna and malefics Kendra & 8th house causes death soon after birth. Moon associated with malefic & aspected by benefic in 1, 7, 8, 12 houses causes early death. Moon is conjunct and hemmed between malefics in the Lagna, 6th, 7th or 8th houses and unaspected by strong benefics. These benefics should not be in Kendra; because it makes hidden bondage with Lagna by being in the Kendra. Moon in Lagna, Mars in 8H, Sun in 9H and Saturn in 12HUnaspected by strong Jupiter. This situation is possible only if Jupiter is placed in either 10H or 11H. See fig. belowSat Moon X Sun Mars X





(f) Moon in Lagna with malefics in 7H Death may be ensured if one or more combination may occur. Saravali says: If strong Moon is Aries, Taurus, or Cancer then this yoga will not fructify. 3. Retrograde benefics in 6, 8, 12 aspected by malefics causes death within a month. Benefics in 6 or 8 aspected by a retrograde malefic and without any benefic aspect are said to cause death within one month of birth. Malefic in 6H or 8H aspected by another malefic causes death within 1 year even if Amrit is taken. Note: In the present time these yoga cause Arista because of progress of science. Malefics in 6, 8, 12 and LL is weak. More the malefics more the malefic effect. Malefics in Lagna and 7H; with no benefics in Kendra and a weak Moon in the 12H.






Malefics in 5H & 9H and Moon in Cancer (at Rasi antha) ; unaspected by benefics. Any malefic Dreshkon rising in the Lagna associated with malefics by PAC and unaspected by own lord causes death within 7 years. (a) Birth at the time of Sunrise in Moons hora (on Monday) and birth at the time of sunset in Moons hora (on Thursday). (b) When the Lagna falls in Gandanta and Moon is in Kendracauses death of a new born. Birth at the time of sunset in Moons hora (on Thursday) with malefics in Kendra (in the ending degrees) and associated with Moon (i.e. Malefics and Moon or conjunct/aspecting).





Birth at the time of Solar or Lunar eclipse and; Lagna aspected by Saturn or Mars - causes death within one fortnight. Eclipse either side 5 - Moon/Sun longitude from Ra/Ke. Lagna lord defeated in planetary war by a malefic and; posited in 7H causes death within one month. Lagna and 7H with Paap child. kartari and Durudhara causes death of



14. 15.

Lagna lord and 8L in the 6H or 12 H. Saturn & Mars in Lagna; Moon in 8H and; Jupiter in 6H (this is not for Thula and Makara Lagnas. Why?) Mars, Saturn and Sun in Lagna and; weak Moon in 6th or 7th house; aspected by Jupiter causes death within 7 years. In this case Jupiter is more Maraka than Saturn if it is in 1, 5, 9 house and aspects Lagna. Mars, Saturn and Sun together in 6th or 8th will undoubtedly cause death within one month. Even Yamas grace wont work. One is bereft of longevity in case of Cancer or Scorpio rising; with all Malefics in eastern half and benefics in western half. This is known as Vajra-pushti yoga. Venus in Cancer/Leo in the 6H or 12H; aspected by malefics- causes death by the age of 6 years. Mercury in Cancer/ Leo in 6H or 8H; aspected by Moon (in 2H or 12H) causes death within 4 years. One born in ordinary circumstances (with potent Raja yoga in his birth chart) suffers from affliction.







Aristas to Mother


If weak Moon is afflicted by three malefics; then both child & mother die. If all malefics are placed in 7, 8 & 9 houses from Moon; then both child and mother die. If Moon in Lagna is paap kartari with no benefic influence; then both child and mother die. If Moon conjoins Saturn; Mars is in the 4H and the Sun in the 12H; then both child and mother die. If Lagna, Moon or the Sun is afflicted by Rahu and conjunct with Saturn and Mars in the 8H; then both child and mother die. * This condition means that Rahu-Sat-Mar should be in Lagna or a combination of Moon-Rahu-Sat-Mar or Sun-Rahu-Sat-Mar should be in 8H. When Moon in the 6H; Mars in the 7H; Saturn in 10H- is a combination for death of new born and mother. When Moon is conjoined with a malefic in the 7H or 8H from a malefic; and also aspected by another strong malefic- then the mother dies. When there are malefics in the 5H & 9H from a Weak Moon; it causes death of mother within 6 months from the birth of child. Malefics in Lagna, 2H, 7H and 12H leads to destruction of the family. Birth during eclipse; Moon associated with malefic in Lagna and Mars in the 8H causes death of the child and mother due to some weapon ( murder or surgery). If Sun is in the 7H (either Exalted or Debilitated) the child is deprived of mothers milk and will survive on other milk. In this case (a) the child is weak (b) mother is weak or; (c) mother died.











Aristas to Father
1. Saturn in the Lagna; Moon in 6H and Mars in 7H causes death of father. If Sun is in the Navamsa of Mars (Aries or Scorpio) aspected by Saturn- then the father dies or leaves home before birth of child. Leaves home here could be due to extra marital affair or has left his wife. if Sun is hemmed between malefics and there are malefics in 7H from Sun causes death of father Affliction to 6H and 8H from the Sun by malefics without benefic aspect- causes Arista to father or even death with multiple complications. If Jupiter is in Lagna and Sun-Mer-Mars-Sat are in 2H the father dies at the time of marriage of the native. Rahu- Jupiter conjunction in the 1st , 4th, or 6th house may cause death of father in the 23rd year. (this is observed in most of the horoscopes) if there is affliction to 4H from Sun & Moon and the 7H then both the parents die early.







Anti-dotes for Bala Arista

a) If a strong Moon is in exaltation, or in a benefic sign or is Vargottama or forms a benefic yoga then the Bala Arista is averted. b) If Moon is in 1, 4, 6, 10, 11 from Paka Lagna and having benefic influence Bala Arista is averted. c) If the dispositor of Moon is in Lagna or Venus aspects and exalted Moon without malefic influence then Bala Arista is averted. d) If the dispositor of Moon is malefic, but occupies a Kendra having benefic influence the Bala Arista is averted. e) Lagna or Moon in Subh kartari in a benefic sign averts Bala Arista. f) If from Lagna or Moon, benefics occupy 6, 7, 8 houses without malefic influence ( i.e. Lagnadi & Chandradi yogas) then the Bala Arista is averted.

g) Night birth during Shukla Paksha or Day birth during Krishna Paksha. In this case the child lives long even if Moon is 6H or 8H with benefic & malefic influences. h) If Moon is placed 6H or 8H in the Dreshkon of benefic, without malefic influence the child is protected against Bala Arista. i) Powerful unafflicted Jupiter in Lagna averts all Bala Aristas. j) If all planets are in Shirshodaya Rasis (3, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 11) then all Bala Aristas are averted. Combinations for Poorna Ayu
a) if both LL and 8L are strong. b) If 8L or Saturn conjoins an exalted planet. c) If 8L is in 5th from Moon sign lord. d) If Malefics are in 3, 6, 11 and; benefics are in Kendra or in 6, 7, 8 Lagna/ Moon. e) If Lagna falls in Watery Rasi with Jupiter in it and; benefic occupy 5th and 9th houses. f) If LL is with benefic or aspected by Jupiter and; benefics occupy kendras owned by malefics. g) If LL is strong; Jupiter is exalted and benefics occupy mooltrikona signs. h) If all three lagnas (Asc, Sun, Moon) and 3H & 8H are strong.

Combination for good health and Strong body.

a) If LL is exalted or in own/friends sign in a Kendra/Trikona and aspected by benefics. b) If LL is stronger than 6L and 4L is also strong; the native has perfect health. c) If LL is natural malefic and placed in trines; it gives stron vitality and health. d) If Lagna, Sun and Moon are free from malefic influence and have benefic influence; it bestows great physical & mental power. e) When Lagna, Sun, Moon, Jupiter and the 6H are well fortified. f) Strong 6, 8, 12 lords helps a native possess robust health. g) Benefics in kendras, trines and 2H collectively or separately gives long life and good health. h) Strong unafflicted Moon, Mercury & Jupiter in any sign. i) Combination of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter & Venus. j) Mars in Leo aspected by Venus gives permanent youthfulness. k) Mercury & Jupiter in Lagna and Saturn in 11H gives a healthy body.

Parameters for longevity 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Lagna / LL 8H/ 8L 3H/ 3L (Bhavat bhavam) 10H/ 10L ( 10H is 3rd from 8th and 8th from 3rd further strength of 10L is to be seen) 12H/ 12L (here strength of 12L has to be seen) Planets Moon, Saturn (Ayush karaka) and Sun (naisargika Atmakaraka)

Components that effect longevity 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Gandanta, yogas and Amavasya births 2L and 7L Marakas Planet(s) placed in the 8H LL in Trik bhavas 6, 8, 12 Dasa and Transit (These only fructify the results and have nothing to do with longevity. If Arista is more than Jupiter then the strength of Jupiter is lost.) Mrityu Bhag Has to be seen as an addon factor only. Planets in MB: Planets in MB do not cause death unless indicated in the dasa scheme.. - LL or 6L in MB is good.



Chidra planets : these are only addon factors. : : : : Planets in the 8H and aspecting 8H 8TH Lord and planets conjunct with 8L Bitter enemy of the 8L 22ND Dreskon and 64th Navamsa


Significators : Sun, Moon and Yogkaraka planet are seen in D12 : Mars is seen in D3 : Mercury is seen in D9 : Jupiter is seen in D7 : Venus is seen in D-20 : Saturn is seen in D8

Date of birth: 3rd March 2003 Time : 04.35am Delhi

Asc: 254526 Sun- 181339 Moon- 35646 Mars 123832 Mer 245952 AK Jup- 152435 Ven- 194516 Sat- 22447 Ra/ Ke- 53907
Balance of Dasa Sun/Sat/Ven 2y 8m 20d The Lagna rising is Pisces a watery sign. Watery signs are least resistant against illness. And Lagna is in Sarpa Dreskon (3rd Dreskon in Pisces). Venus a benefic in Lagna is good for spiritual life. However, Venus here is in Mrityu Bagh (19 in Pisces) and is aspected by Saturn the 11th & 12th lord and Jupiter. Jupiter is aspected by Mars thereby getting the quality of Markesh. The 8H is Libra and aspected by Sun-the 6L and Mercury (4L & 7L) So there is natural malfeasance on the 8H . The 8L Venus has gone to Lagna i.e., 6th from itself. And as stated above Venus is also afflicted in Lagna. The 3H gives fighting capacity to the Lagna. Here 3H has Rahu and Moon. Moon who is 5L in 3H as such is good indicating to Purva punya or say something to do with your Purva janma karma. However, here Moon is in bad position, being in Ra/Ke axis and also in paap kartari. Note: Retrograde planets are bad for health but good for longevity. 10H/ 10L the 10H is aspected by Saturn 12H/ 12L : 12H has no aspects. 12L is Saturn with no aspects- so both 12H/ 12L are strong. So on the whole there are more negative points than positive points. Now the above aspects need to be confirmed in D9 whether improved or not.

Longevity short notes

1. 2. Longevity means stability to life expressed through fixed signs. The 8H is considered as the Ayush Sthana. Saturn is the Ayush karaka. Strong unafflicted Saturn; 8L and 3L makes one longlived. Benefics in Kendra /Trikona and; Malefics in 3, 6, 11 houses are conducive to longlife.8 Jupiter alongwith other favourable aspects to 8H and; - harmonious relationship between the 1st , 8th , 9th lords are necessary for longlife. The life span is governed by - Moon - Mars, Venus, Mercury - Jupiter - Saturn in in in in infancy Youth Middle age Old age

3. (a) (b)





Alp Ayu (upto 33 yrs) 0 1 yr 1 8 yr 8 12yr 12- 33 yr Sadyo Arista Bala Arista Yoga Arista Alp Ayu

Madya Ayu ( 33 66 yrs)

Poorna Ayu (66 100 yrs)

5. 6. 7. (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

During 0 8 yrs one gets the results due to mother. Chandra kundli should be seen upto the age of 12 years. 8th Lord effects 8L in L unless afflicted stabilises Ayu. 8L in L if associated with combust/ eclipsed planet- causes Bala Arista. 8L in L and vice-versa is an exception for Aries and Libra lagnas. Exchange of LL and 8L gives longlife.


8L in 2H is not good as its maleficience is doubled (2H being maraka bhav). - All sort of problems; illness; Accidents; Trouble in marital life; Rude speech. 8L in the 3H 3H indicates longevity (being 8th from the 8th ) (i) (ii) (iii) If 8L is conjunct 3L in the 3H Significations of the 3H i.e., Siblings; Ears; Shoulders etc suffer. 8L in 3L gives Arista to Father; Co-borns and may also give suidal tendencies. 8L in the 3H is an exception for Virgo and Pisces lagnas (8L & 3L same Mars & Venus ). In these cases 3H significations get strengthened.


(d) (i) (ii)

8L in the 4H8L in the 4H will give all luxuries concerning Land; Vehicles etc. If the 8L in 4H is conjunct 4L It is a strong Arista to Mother; his Land/Vehicles and domestic peace. May loose mother; disturbance in somestic front in the relevant MD/AD . 8L in the 5H(i) 8L in the 5H with the 5L is Arista to Progeny. Childrens acts may effect the natives reputation. If the affliction is severe then early death of child; Physical affiction or Mental retardation become cause for grief of the native. 5H is the Buddhi Sthana - as such, native may have nervous break down or Mental abberation. However, he excels in occult sciences; Mining (undergrund) ; Research work. 8L in the 5H also shows Death from known sources.



(iii) (f) (i)

8L in the 6th / 8th / 12th houses - 8L in these houses gains strength and causes Vipareeta Raj Yoga. However, for full results of yoga the 8L should not have benefic influence. It may be noted that material gains dues to VRY are for short span only. If the 8L in 6/ 8/ 12 houses is afflicted then loses due to theft; Court cases; hospitalization; treachery through friends; and unexpected expenditure. Strong exchange of 6/ 8/ 12 lords gives longlife. Here the condition is that the 8H & 8L should be strong orelse Serious incurable and chronic disease.


(g) (i)

8L in the 7H 8L in the 7H curtails the longevity (7th being Marak & 12th from 8th). The wife will suffer illheath. If 8L in the 7H is afflicted then the native has health problems. In case of females 8L in 7H indicates separation from husband. If the 8L and 7L are strong foreign journeys 8L in the 9H (i) 8L in the 9H is Arista to Father and Fathers property; misunderstanding with father. This Arista is relieved if there is strong benefic influence on the 9H or if the 9L is strong. 8L in the 9H also indicates high intuitive powers and to foresee things. 8L in the 10H (i) Since 10th is 3rd from 8H; the 3H significations are attached. So the native has to work hard to come up in life. Frequent impediments in career. 8L in the 11H (i) (ii) 11H is Upachaya and also in Kendra to 8H. As such indicates longlife to the native. For Taurus and Scorpio lagnas the 8th and 11th lords are same ( Jup & Mer) it gives more positive results. However affliction to 11H / 11L causes hernia to native.

(ii) (h)





Relative strength of relevant Bhavas for longevity- Lagna should be stronger than 8H or 12H (should not have much disparity from 8H) - Lagna should be stronger than 10H (should not have much disparity) - 8H should be weaker than Lagna or 10H - 8H should be stronger than 6H or 12H - 11H should be stronger than 10H or 12H


Calculation of longevity

10. The various Methods of longevity depend on the strongest planet/ factor For For For For For For For For Amsa Ayu Pind Ayu Naisargika Ayu Astakavarga Ayu Rashmi Ayu Kakshatra Ayu Kaal Chakra Ayu Sarmday Astakavarg Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

PAM Method (Poorna, Alp, Madhya) Alp Ayu : 0 33 yrsincludes Sadyo Arista (0-1ys) & Bala Arista (1Yoga Arista Alp Ayu

Alp-Alp Ayu (0-8ys) 8ys) Alp-Madhya (8-20ys) Alp-Poorna (20-33ys)

Madhya Ayu : 33 -66 yrs Madhya-Alp Madhya-Madhya Madhya-Poorna 33-44 yrs 44-55yrs 55-66yrs

Poorna Ayu : 66 100 yrs Poorna-Alp 66-77yrs Poorna-Madhya 77-88yrs Poorna-Poorna 88-100yrs

PAM Method calculation I. LL and 8L signs II. Lagna and Moon signs III. Lagna and Kaal Hora Lagna sign or Vriddikarika Hora Lagna (Parashara said) (Jaimini said) Conditions- In any of the sets above; --if both component are in Moveable signs then - Poorna Ayu --if both components are in Fixed signs then - Alp Ayu --if both components are in Dual signs then - Madhya Ayu --in case both components are different then the Ayu shown by third sign shall prevail (For eg. If one is moveable and other is fixed then the Ayu shown by dual i.e. Madhya Ayu shall prevail) Now in the above 3 sets: if all 3 or 2 sets show a particular Ayu then that Ayu shall prevail However, if all the 3 sets show different Ayu then the one shown by Lagna and Kaal Hora Lagna shall prevail. Exception: if Moon is in Asc or 7H then Ayu shown by Lagna and Moon sign shall prevail. Kaal Hora Lagna calculationFind the time elapsed from Sunrise to Time of Birth. i.e. TOB Sunrise ii. The hours are taken as signs and; minutes are divided by 2 to give the degrees. iii. Then the sign and degrees has to be- added to Lagna if the Lagna is Even ( 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12) - added to Suns longitude if Lagna is Odd ( 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11) iv. The resultant sign will give the Kaal Hora Lagna Vridhikarika Hora Lagna calculation i. Find out the Dinmaan(DM) or the Ratrimaan(RM) based on whether Time of birth is Day or Night. Divide the DM or RM by 12. The Quetient is Q1. ii. Find out the Ista kaal ( TOB Sunrise ) and divide it by Q1 arrived in step (i). This is Q2 (upto 2 decimals) iii. In Q2, add 1 to the full value. This is Q3. In Q2 the value after decimal will be the degrees. iv. Condition: If Lagna is Odd then count theQ3 value in forward direction. If Lagna is Even then count the Q3 value in backward direction. v. The resultant sign will be the Vridhikarika Hora Lagna i.

Example DOB 27 March 1911 TOB 19.45 hrs Chennai Sunrise 6.12 am Sunset 18.20

8 9

Jup Ketu 7

6 5


10 1

Mon 11 12 Sun Mer

Ven Sat Rahu 2

Asc 6s 446 Sun 11s 1311 Moon 10s 5 45 Mars 9s1728 Mer 11s 20 25 Jup 6s 20 53 Ven 0s 1148 Sat 0s 1249 Rahu 0s 1733 1. 2. 3. LL Venus (Moveable) + 8L Venus (Moveable) = Poorna Ayu Lagna (Moveable) + Moon (Fixed) = Madhya Ayu Lagna (Moveable) + KHL
Vridhikarika hora Lagna night birth so we calculate Ratrimaan Sunset Sunrise = 18h 20m - 6h 12m 12h 08m Ratrimaan = 24h 12h 08m = 11h 52m RM/12 =11h 52m/ 12 = 11.52/12 = 0.96 Q1 Ishta kaal = TOB -- Sunrise = 19h45m 6h 12m = 13h 33m Ishta kaal/Q1= 13h 33m /0.96 = 13.88 Q2 adding 1 to full value of Q2= 13+1 = 14s = 14-12= 2s Asc is odd sign so move forward 2s we get 7+2s= Scorpio is VKH Lagna.

Kaal Hora Lagna TOB Sunrise = 19h 45m = 6h 12m 13h 33m

13s + 33/2= 1630 = 13s 1630 = 1s 1630 (A) since Lagna is Odd add (A) to Suns longitude. We get Sun long. + (A) = 11s 13 11 = 1s 16 30 12s 29 41

0s 29 41 in Aries

Pinda Ayu method

(i) (ii) This method is adopted when : the Sun is stronger than Moon & Lagna Aggregate number of years assigned to the planets are given below. Rahu / Ketu are not assigned any years since they dont have physical existence:-

Sun 19

Moon 25

Mars 15

Mer 12

Jup 15

Ven 21

Sat 20

At deep exaltation point each planet bestows of the life span above.

Chakra Patha Haran

(i) (ii) The Ayu bestowed by a planet is reduced as per the position in different bhavas from 7th to 12th. If more than 2 planets are there in a house then : reduction is applied to the planet having maximum longitude in that bhava.

Table showing reductions to be made Bhavas 12th 11th 10th Planets Malefic Benefic Full 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/3 1/6

9th 1/4 1/8

8th 1/5 1/10

7th 1/6 1/12

Shatru Skhetra Haran

(i) (ii) If a planet is in its natural enemy sign then: it looses 1/3 of Ayu. Note- Shatrusketra Haran is not applied to retrograde planets. Shatrusketra Haran is not applied when a planet is combust as well in enemy house. Astha Angat Haran (i) When a planet is combust by Sun then it looses of Ayu. (ii) Note:- Astha Angat Haran is not applicable to Venus & Saturn. Distance from Sun when combust Moon Direct Retrograde 12 NA Mars 17 17 Mercury 14 12 Jupiter 11 11

Krurodaya Haran
(i) This Haran is applicable when one or more malefics are in Lagna (ii) This is done by multiplying the no. of Amsas the Lagna has passed by the total Ayu given by malefic after other Harans 108 i.e. Amsa in which Lagna is X Ayu given by malefic 108 (iii) Conditions: a. In case Lagna/malefic is aspected by benefic the Haran is reduced to half. b. If there are more than one malefic in Lagna; the planet nearer to Lagna is subjected to this Haran. c. If the malefic in Lagna is LL then this Haran is not made. Ayu Contributed by Lagna. (i) It is the number of years of Ayu equal to Navamsa passed by Lagna irrespective of the sign. The Navamsa degrees by Lagna gives the years and balance degrees converted into minutes and by 200 gives the number of months. Note: Haran is applicable to this Ayu.


Lagna Ayu calculation One sign represents 9 Navamsas So the total age provided by one sign is 9 years or say 30 = 9 years so 1 = 9/30 = 0.3 years For E.g. if Lagna is 4 46 then converting to degrees will be 4.766 ( 46/60 = .766) now 4.766 x 0.3 = 1.430 years (Ayu contributed by Lagna)

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