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Safar is the 2nd month of the Islamic calendar.

Safar literally means empty or void. It is derived
from the Arabic word sifr. The pagan Arabs went
on war expeditions during the month of Safar and
left their houses empty and deserted.
Safar also means yellow, from the Arabic word
sufr. When the month was first named it was
autumn and the leaves of trees were yellow.


Main Events of Safar Al Muzaffar
The following are some important dates of this month.

4th - Urs of Hadhrat Shah Jamalullah Wali Talib Naqshbandi (Rampur, India)
7th - Yom e Ala Hadhrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Fazil e Barelvi (Bareilly Shareef, India)
7th - Urs of Hadhrat Shaykh Bahauddin Zakariya Soharwardi (Multan, Pakistan)
7th - Urs of Hadhrat Khawaja Shah Muhammad Suleman Taunsvi Chishti (Taunsa
Shareef, Pakistan)
9th - Yom e Wisaal of Sayyuiduna Hadrat Salman Al Farsi (Madain, Iraq)
14th - Urs of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai (Bhit Shah, Pakistan)
19th - Urs of Hadhrat Abu'l Hassan Ali Hajveri 'Daata Ganj Baksh' (Lahore, Pakistan)
25th - Urs of Ala Hadhrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Fazil e Barelvi (Bareilly Shareef, India)
27th - Hijrah (Migration) of the Beloved Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) from Makkahtul
Mukarrama to Madinatul Munawwara.
27th - Birth of Hadhrat Khawaja Nizamuddin Awliya Chisti (Delhi, India)
28th - Martyrdom of Sayyiduna Imam Hassan Al Mujtaba (Madinatul Munawwara, Saudi
28th - Urs of Hadrat Imam e Rabbani, Mujaddid Alf Thani, Shaykh Ahmad Al Faruqi Al
Sirhindi (Sirhind Shareef, India)
29th - Urs ; Pir Meher Ali Shah, Golra Sharif

May Allah (Subhana'wa Ta'ala) blessing be upon them all.

(RadhiAllahu Ta'ala Anhum Ajma'een wa Rehmatullahi Alayhi)

(Document Prepared by The Prophetic Seal Team)

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