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Abstract There are several method used to

provide QoS guarantess of VoIP packets, one such

method is the method of queuing. In the method of
the queue, there are three stages that occur are the
packet classification, buffering and scheduling
processes. In the classification of large packet delay
incurred and accuracy of packet classification
greatly affect for QoS guarantess of VoIP packets
are passed in the queue. Where the classification
process will determine the priority of the package,
so that when the package is expected to go into the
queue all VoIP packets belonging to high priority.
After the process of packet classification will enter
in buffering process, in the process package will be
divided into three priority that is high priority,
medium priority and low priority. High-priority
packets will first enter into the process of
scheduling than the package that have medium
priority and low priority. In our scheduling process
using FIFO (First In First Out).
oice over Internet (VoIP) is a breakthrough in
communication, which addresses the lack of
PSTN network in terms of cost and facilities. VoIP is a
technology that digitized voice data into packets of
data transmitted over a computer network utilizing the
Internet Protocol (IP). This technology that utilizes the
existing internet network makes communication cost
of regular Internet usage.
Although this VoIP services has these advantages,
they still have many challenging issues that need to be
solved so that their uses can be maximized One
drawback of VoIP packets is that it should not have a
long delay and jitter. If VoIP packets have long delay,
it will result in occupancy so it will be a lot of packets
loss. While VoIP has the large jitter, so the quality of
the sound will not clear due to numerous errors
occurred when shipping the information.
The process of delay, jitter and packet loss occurs
during queing network process which has a lot of
different types of packets passing through the network.
Queuing process occurs in three stages, namely
classification process, buffering process and
scheduling process. A little delay that occurs in
classification process makes further delay in buffering
process and scheduling process. he previous study [2]
has developed methods of PQ (Priority Queuing) to
classify incoming packet in queuing network.
The classification process using priority queuing is
classified into four (4) priorities that is high priority,
medium priority, normal priority and low priority.
Packet classification purpose with a view to provide
different priority to each packet that is passed.
This technique still has some disadvantages, i.e.
the process of packet classification not enough to
classify the packets if many package and varied. There
are different types of variants of priority queuing
technique are developed but the process of
classification is still based priority queuing, such as
CBQ (Class Based Queuing), WFQ (Weight Fair
Queuing) and VPQ (Voice Priority Queuing).
To overcome the weakness of the PQ (Priority
Queuing) classification, then methods of fuzzy
classification is developed. Packet classification
methods with fuzzy logic to classify packets into 3
(three) categories namely high priority, medium
priority and low priority. The process of packet
classification is carried out by giving priority based on
packet type, arrival time and number of request to the
packets. The advantages of this classification method
are the process of packet classification which is faster
than the method of classification priority queuing,
when the classification process using fuzzy logic [1].
Although this method has some advantages, it still
has some drawbacks because the classification process
using fuzzy logic has low level of accuracy so many
packets that should not be classified in the high
priority but still classified in high priority. This will
cause long delay and jitter in high priority buffer
process. Fuzzy methods was also developed for
scheduling process packets queue in the network [16],
where the results of this method produce a kind of
trainable model formalizing batch process scheduling
and showed that the scheduling performance could be
well improved by choosing a good configuration of the
model. The study [6] shows that the fuzzy predictor is
successful in feeding bandwidth prediction value to the
token bucket policer enabling dynamic policing
through bandwith prediction.
Neuro-Fuzzy for Packet Classification
in Queuing System
Ilham J. Efendi, Maman Abdurohman, Wiseto Agung
Faculty of Informatics Engineering, Telkom Institute Of Technology
Email :,,

Considering the persistent weakness of fuzzy logic
classification methods, the authors propose a
classification model using neuro-fuzzy which this
model can be learned from training example but it
cant explain the results of learning. So the merger of
fuzzy systems and neural networks cover each other
strengths and weaknesses. With all the possibilities
that exist, it is predicted that the neuro-fuzzy system
created for queue classification model is better than
models that developed earlier. This research will focus
on enhanching classification process in queuing
A. Queuing Model with Neuro-Fuzzy Logic for
Classification Packet
In the Neuro-Fuzzy based PQ Algorithm, data
packets that arrived at random were classified first
using neuro-fuzzy logic, where the algorithm served to
take a decision which the data were served for the first
time into the buffering process.
In VoIP queuing model there are two (2)
parameters affecting the queues that packets in the
network is arrival time and packet size indicates the
number of request packets. Priority packet is given
based on the type of protocol packets, which previous
research has found that they simulate the four (4) types
of traffic flows, namely voice, video, data file transfers
and web data traffic in which the process of testing the
VoIP packets using RTP protocol, use the protocol
video UDP and CBR, FTP uses TCP and UDP
protocols Exponential sites [12].
Based on these results, it was concluded that the
level of priority packet could be divided based on the
type of packet protocol, which in this study was
categorized VoIP packets as high priority, video call
packets categorized as medium priority and data text
packets as low priority. Packet arrival time parameters
in the basis of three categories was fast, medium and
slow. The packet size parameter was divided by three
categories namely small, medium and large. In this
classification process, the method will result in value
to the amount of service to each packet enter the
queue. The package that has a higher degree of
membership would go first compared to packages that
have a lower degree of membership.

Figure 1.1 Queuing Model with Neuro-Fuzzy Logic for
Classification Packet
Packet data used as the test data was retrieved
using wireshark applications, where the application
can record incoming and outgoing packets on the
network line. In this case, the process was recorded
discharge data packets over a computer network
connected to a network (internet). In this study, three
types of traffic flows were used namely simulated
VoIP, video streaming and web browsing. The
protocol was used in measurement was VoIP packet
used the RTP protocol, packet video streaming used
the RTMP protocol and web browsing packet used the
HTTP protocol, with the same speed of bandwidth.
B. Architecture Neuro-Fuzzy Logic using Adaptive
Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
The ANFIS is a fuzzy Sugeno model put in the
framework of adaptive systems to facilitate learning
and adaptation (Jang, 1992, 1993). Such framework
makes the ANFIS modeling more systematic and less
reliant on expert knowledge.
The structure of ANFIS system can be ilustrated in
figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1 Architecture Neuro-Fuzzy Logic for Classification
Layer I
Denoted O
(output of node i in layer l ). Each
node in layer i is an adaptive unit with an output of:

where T and S are the values for input node and Hi,
Mi and Li is set of fuzzy. Thus, each node in layer 1
functions evoke degrees premise membership section.
At layer 1, the function as the gradien bell
membership function is used with formulas as follows

Where a, b and c which are commonly referred to as
the premise parameters, determine the slope of the
gradien bell functions. While the function of gradien
bell, b parameter must be positive value. If b is
negative, then the function gradien Bell be reversed.
Triangular membership function and gradient bell
membership function was also used for comparison the
membership function. The form of formulas an graphs
is depicted in the following diagram :
6 , 5 , 4 ), (
3 , 2 , 1 ), (
, 1
, 1
= =
= =
i T O
i S O
Bi i
Ai i

) 1 . 2 (


c x
c b a x bell
) , , ; (
) 2 . 2 (

the x-axis expressed the highest degree of
membership, while y-axis expressed value of data.
Layer II
Denoted by the symbol , where each node in this
layer serves to calculate the firing strength of each rule
as the product of all the inputs that go or operator t-
norm :

So that :

Layer III
Denoted by N. Function to calculate the ratio of
the firing strength of the its rule firing strength to the
total of all rule :

Layer IV
Each node in this layer serves as :

is output from layer 3.
is the set of parameters in the model
of fuzzy first-order Sugeno.
Layer V
The single node in this layer is denoted . This
layer serves to aggregate all of the output (which is
defined as the summation of all incoming signals) :

C. Learning Algorithm of ANFIS
ANFIS learning algorithms on hybrid supervised
method was based on two methods: least-squares and
gradient descent. In the advanced stage, the signals
propagated forward until layer 4 and the consequent
parameters are updated using a least-squares method.
In the backward phase, the error signals propagated
backward and the premise parameters are updated
using gradient descent.
The task of the learning algorithm for this
architecture is to tune all the modifiable parameters,
namely {ai, bi, ci} and {pi, qi, ri}, to make the ANFIS
output match the training data.
After the learning process is complete will get a
graph showing the magnitude of the errors that occur
between the target output and the network output.
After the output of the data is obtained, then the results
will be entered into the buffering process, where
packets are marked based on priorities included in the
buffering stage and owned divided by priority, then
proceed to the stage scheduling by scheduling
technique using a FIFO queue.
D. Fuzzy-Rule for Classification Packet
Based on the two (2) existing parameters, the
fuzzy rules for packet services that will enter into
the process of buffering in the queue. The fuzzy
rule models are as follows :
Relations between packet arrival time (T) and large
packet size (S) is depicted in the following table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Fuzzy Rule for Classification Packets
Large Medium Small
Fast High High High
Medium Low Low High
Slow Medium Medium High

Description :
L = large Sm= small
Mt = medium time F = fast
Ms = medium size Sl = Slow
If written the model using sugeno fuzzy rule, as
follows :
1. IF Size Large AND Time Fast THEN Service = High

2. IF Size Large AND Time Medium THEN Service = Low
3. IF Size Large AND Time Slow THEN Service = Medium

4. IF Size Medium AND Time Fast THEN Service = High
5. IF Size Medium AND Time Medium THEN Service = Low
6. IF Size Medium AND Time Slow THEN Service = Medium
7. IF Size Small AND Time Fast THEN Service = High
8. IF Size Small AND Time Medium THEN Service = High
9. IF Size Small AND Time Slow THEN Service = High

Fuzzy rules are used as a rule for determining the
priority of the packet classification process in the
queue. The rules that was made prioritize VoIP data
with gives high priority for all VoIP packets. For
streaming packets are given medium priority greater
priority than web browsing packets . The fuzzy rule
created is shown in table 2.1.
Based on characteristics, VoIP packet belong is
small packet and continuosly, streaming is big packet
and continuosly and web browsing is big packet and
less frequently [5]. A data packet larger than 1000
bytes is defined as a big packet and a data packet less
than 600 bytes is defined as a small packet. If packet
per second (PPS) is greater than 20, the data is
transmitted continuosly but if PPS is less than 10, the
data is transmitted less frequently.
Delay minimum for VoIP application in one-way
transmission time is [9] :

s <
s <
> s
c x b b c c x
b x a a b a x
c x a x
c b a x
), /( ) (
), /( ) (
, , 0
) , , , ( Triangular
a b c 0
) (x
) 3 . 2 (
2 , 1 ) ( ) (
, 2
= A = = i T S w O
i i
B A i i

) ( ) (
1 1
) ( ) (
2 2
. 2 , 1 ,
2 1
, 3
= = i
w w
w O
i i
) 4 . 2 (
) 5 . 2 (
) (
, 4 i i i i i i i
r T q S p w f w O + + = =
} {
i i i
r T q S p + +

= =
i i
i i i
f w
f w O
, 5
) 6 . 2 (
) 7 . 2 (

0 to 150 ms Acceptable for most users
150 to 400 ms Acceptable, but had impact
400 ms and above Unacceptable
delay of real time stream should be less than 250
milisecond and 100 milisecond for lip-synchronization
and Delay for non realtime application such as Web
browsing is less than 450 ms and respond time
expected by users is 2 5 second.
Based on the characteristics of VoIP packets, then
created a fuzzy-rule model that have high priority
with arrival time and packet size parameters
corresponding characteristics of VoIP packets that is
the small packet size and fast time arrival.
E. Buffering and Scheduling Proccess
After the classification process incoming packets
into the queue, it entered into the process of buffering.
Where in the packet classification model was divided
into three categories: high to VoIP data, the data
medium to low for video calls and text data.
Many buffer algorithms used by researchers,
among them are FIFO, Partial Buffer Sharing (PBS),
Partial Buffer Sharing with overwriting (PBSO),
Simple Priority Buffer Algorithm (SPBA), greedy,
semi-greedy, HSFOD and Optimal Offline Algorithm
In a previous study [8] has compared the SPBA
algorithm, PBS and PBSO. Where the result that the
SPBA algorithm has a better ability to handle dropped
packets and packet loss.

The comparison was conducted done on the greedy
algorithm, semi-greedy, and HSFOD which the result
of the comparison is produced that HSFOD algorithm
has a better performance. However, in the case of
priority queuing the use of HSFOD was not suitable.
Comparisons performed at the end of the PQ algorithm
Algorithm-based greedy algorithms, SPBA algorithm
and Buffering New algorithm for which the
comparison results are obtained that New algorithm
produced the best performance [8].
Medium Priority (LM) = 30% and Length Buffer
with Low Priority = 30% due to early predictions that
the VoIP packet buffer (High Priority) will be faster
Package will be out of the buffer by priority and
time of arrival where the package is at the highest
priority will first come out with a package than a lower
priority and in this case if there is no packet with a
higher priority then the low packet will be served as
FIFO scheduling method that is not based on
priority, would be more suitable to apply to the
method of queue that has been made, given that the
method of the queue are made from the initial stages is
based on priority, because it is not needed at this stage
of scheduling packet classification, is also due to the
method of the queue FIFO is a low computational
The process of packet classification with ANFIS in
simulated using Matlab. Where there are two input
parameters used to determine the priority of the packet
to be classified the parameter packet arrival time and
packet size.
In this experiment, there are three types of
packages that will be in clasification based packet
priority. The package was captured and analyzed using
the wireshark..
Sample Packet will be divided into two categories
testing data and training data.
Table 3.1 Training Data
No Paket Name
Time Bandwith
VoIP (Protokol
RTP, Codec :
5 MB
64 Kbps
or 0.0625
Video Streaming
(Protokol RTMP)
5 MB
64 Kbps
or 0.0625
Web Browsing
(Protokol HTTP)
5 MB
64 Kbps
or 0.0625

Table 3.2 Testing Data
1 Scenario I
VoIP +
Stream +
1 MB
64 Kbps
or 0.0625
VoIP +
Stream +
3 MB
64 Kbps
or 0.0625
VoIP +
Stream +
5 MB
64 Kbps
or 0.0625

Training data were used as a training practice in the
process of data classification using neuro fuzzy
(ANFIS) while testing data were used in experiments
on stage classification process as well as for testing the
measurement stage on the overall QoS queue.
A. Classification Stage
Packet classification was needed in order to
determine the priority of the package when the
package will be entered into the buffer in the queue.
Classification process of packets also takes time long
quite a long time when the number of packets to be
classified very much.

Figure 2 2 Buffering New Algorithm for Priority Queuing

1. Classification Using ANFIS
Queuing network packet classification used ANFIS
(Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System), namely
ANFIS methods experiment using a hybrid learning
method and the backpropagation learning method with
two types of membership functions are tested, namely
triangular membership function and gradient bell.
The results of the training data using learning
method combined with membership function are as

Considering the results showed in figure 3.2, it
could be conclude that generally on the testing using
priority queuing method had the highest accuracy
value where as ANFIS method only had an accuracy
that better than with fuzzy method. In this testing,
ANFIS classification method were used two types of
membership function and two types of learning
methods that pairing with ANFIS. From the result of
these combination produced the highest accuracy
value was the combination of ANFIS with using
gradien bell membership function and hybrid (least
square and gradien descent) learning methods.
On the result of the testing process in figure 3.1, its
concluded that the combination of ANFIS using
triangular membership function and hybrid learning
methods are not suitable for use because the training
result show that the graph does not decline started
from the beginning iterations until end of iterations.
The relationship of figure 3.1 and 3.2 is that more
lower the error value that occur in the data training
then the value of the classification accuracy will be

Based on the result in figure 3.3 was obtained that
the highest accuracy from all scenarios generated by
VoIP data packets. The results indicate that the
process of the data classification queuing can be
applied in the queue classification process that
provides high priority for voice data.
Based on figure 3.4, obtained that the longest delay
time is priority queuing classification method while
delay time of the fastest was ANFIS clasification
method using hybrid learning (least square and gradien
descent) and gradien bell membership function.
ANFIS with hybrid learning method and gradien bell
membership function have delay value that approaches
using fuzzy classification method. In general,
minimum delay value obtained by ANFIS
classification method while maksimum delay value
obtained by priority queuing classification method.

The big difference was caused by the calculation
delay in testing for priority queuing of classification
process, always experience a drastic increase of the
scenarios I, II and III. While the classification delay to
testing on Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy in scenario I, II and
III did not experience a drastic improvement. This is
because the test used priority queuing method was
influenced by the size of the data packet was
transmitted, the more data packets transmitted
recurrence amount will also increase so that the
resulting delay time was also greater, but for the
methods of fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy number of data
packets was not a big impacted on delay classification.
There are two types of learning methods used by
ANFIS for process training data, namely the learning
Figure 3.1 ANFIS Learning with Error Tolerance 0,0001 and Epochs 500
(c). Anfis with Hybrid
and MF-Triangular
(d). Anfis with Hybrid and MF-GBell
(a). Anfis with Backpropagation
and MF-Triangular

(b). Anfis with Backpropagation
and MF-GBell
Figure 3.2 Classification accuracy for queuing network

Figure 3.3 Comparison scenario I, scenario II and scenario III in
queuing network classification

Figure 3.4 Delay time in queuing network

process Hybrid and the learning process
Backpropagation. In this study, the results of this
method were compared to the learning process training
data, which was then combined with triangular
membership function method and gradient bell.The
result from the combination of each of these showed
that ANFIS combination with hybrid learning method
and use membership function gradient bell, produce
levels accuracy better than fuzzy and other ANFIS
combination. However, ANFIS method had less
acuracy than Priority Queuing (PQ) method where the
results of ANFIS acuracy only to 80% while the
accuracy of Priority Queuing method produces 100%
As for the delay measurements produced that
outcome measurement used fuzzy method and
measurement results used ANFIS method has only a
very small delay difference is 10 ms, while the delay
comparison between ANFIS and Priority Queuing
method is very large as shown on the figure 3.4. The
results concluded that ANFIS is better in comparison
of fuzzy and Priority Queuing in terms of time delay
but has the disadvantage that the results of ANFIS
worse accuracy in comparing priority queuing.
In the process of calculating the classification
delay using PQ method, Fuzzy and Neuro-fuzzy
acquired a considerable difference between the PQ
method and Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy methods, this was
due to the PQ method which was strongly by the large
number of data packets transmitted while Fuzzy and
Neuro-fuzzy time were not overly influenced by the
number of packets transmitted. The relationship
between the number of packets and the time delay
classification for PQ method can be formulated delay
= (n - 1) . . While the relationship between the
amount of time delay and packet classification method
for fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy can be formulated delay =
. Where is iteration time required
in the process of packet classification.
For future research, it would be better if the
measurements were taken for all of the QoS
parameters in the queue delay, jitter and packet loss.
Where do testing at all stages of the stage
classification, buffering and scheduling. So from these
test results can be clearly seen queuing delay value of
each packet as a whole and the quality of the package
is passed.
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