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Induction Guidelines

Pre-employment to Week 8
Staff Member's Name: Staff ID: Line managers Name: Staff ID: Location (School/Area): Commencement Date: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

Induction at Curtin consists of FOUR key stages: Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3: Stage 4: Outcomes:

Pre-employment induction Work area induction University induction Line manager follow up

on acceptance of the position first day or as soon as possible as soon as possible after five weeks

Staff will feel welcome and have sufficient familiarity with their working environment to help them to settle into their work; Staff will be provided with an overview of the Universitys values and strategic plan so that they understand the contribution of their role and; The University will meet its obligations to its staff by providing appropriate information to ensure a safe and healthy working environment is maintained.

Checklists for each stage indicate the tasks which must be completed and signed off, and by whom. The new employee is required to confirm that the induction process has been completed.

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Stage 1: Pre-Employment Induction - on acceptance of the position

Once the preferred candidate has accepted the position all relevant documentation must be submitted to Human Resources who will prepare further information and documentation for the new employee. Documentation As part of conditions of the employment, employees must complete and sign several documents upon their arrival at the University. These include: Contract of Employment Confidentiality Agreement Employee Details Form Certified copies of academic qualifications and photo identification New Starter Checklist. NOTE: Until the signed contract and required documents are completed and received by Human Resources, it is not possible to enter an employees details onto the human resource information system. This is required for salary, generating a staff ID and access to University facilities such as the Library, computer network and car parking permits. Staff Information Pack Human Resources send the Staff Information Pack to new staff before they commence. It contains information outlining the values, goals and mission of the University, the New Starter Checklist as well as information on payroll, superannuation and salary packaging, website addresses for relevant policies and procedures, and instructions for using Employee Kiosk. Pre-Employment Induction Checklist As each task is completed, please tick the check box.
Arrange the contract and mail-out Line manager Complete the Recommendation for Occupancy form and any required forms for access

Line manager Human resources Human resources Human resources Human resources

Send the required forms to Human Resources. Send contract of employment, tax declaration, access forms, staff information pack and other relevant documents to new employee. Advise the line manager these documents have been sent. On receipt of signed contract, enter details into Alesco. Inform line manager (or relevant contact) that a signed contract of employment has been received and details are in Alesco.

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Preparation for commencement

responsibility of the line manager

Contact the new employee, confirm receipt of the signed contract of employment and if possible,

arrange an informal meeting to provide staff ID code, and advise on arrival date and time, location of workplace and parking details. If appropriate provide the schedule for day one, week one and month one. Otherwise use email.

Ensure all access requirements are completed, signed and forwarded to relevant parties Advise all staff within the Area/School of the new employees name, position and start date, and ask
that they make them feel welcome.

Organise a work station including computer and telephone (where appropriate). Set up a work area induction file ready for day one. Include: IT Helpdesk contact details Area/School telephone list Area/Faculty structure, Strategic, enabling and local area plans, Curtin values, Guiding Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct list of relevant policies and procedures Condition of Employment (EBAs) Work schedule details if unable to provide earlier. Ensure new employees details are added to the workplace email and telephone list and distribute
updated list to the Faculty/Area.

Schedule initial meeting with new employee on their first day or as soon as possible to discuss role,
responsibilities and expectations, WPPR and Staff Induction Guide.

Schedule appointments with relevant parties within the Faculty /School/Area and with staff the new
employee will be dealing with through the working day.

If possible, arrange handover by the current employee to the new employee during the first day or in
week one.

Schedule a welcome morning tea/meeting in week one with all staff in the work group/team. Nominate a peer support person/induction partner. Please confirm completion of Stage 1 by ticking the check box. LINE MANAGER confirmation STAFF MEMBER confirmation

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Stage 2: Work Area Induction

first day or as soon as possible

The first meeting between the employee and the direct line manager and/or Head of School/Work Area Manager should be welcoming and useful in providing an overview of key responsibilities, initial tasks and performance expectations. This aims to welcome the new employee and assist them in settling in. Work area checklist responsibility of the line manager The line manager is responsible for signing off on the following items Some items may be conducted by the peer support person or another suitable team member

Welcome new employee, review schedule for day one and explain the induction process.

Explain the areas strategic objectives, its structure, the persons role, responsibilities, expectations,
and how the position relates to the work area and the work group. Discuss work arrangements including working hours and team ground rules.

Explain WPPR and make a time within the next two months for the planning component: Provide work area induction file (which includes area specific information).
corporate or sessional induction.

Identify new employees training needs and ensure enrolment in relevant training courses and If the new staff member is a working as a sessional, please ensure they complete a Faculty/School
Induction, and University Sessional Induction face to face or online, as per the Sessional Academic Staff Policy and Procedures. on internal and other training facilitated by specialist areas within Curtin

Advise new employee of the Organisational Development Unit website, which includes information Schedule a follow-up meeting in two months time to complete Stage Four of the Staff Induction.
the position.

Schedule a meeting prior to the end of the probation period to assess new employees suitability for Introduce the peer support person/induction partner selected to assist the employee to settle in.
and/or other senior staff of the Faculty/Area.

Introduce to work colleagues within the school/ work area/unit; Head of School/Area, Executive Head Work area tour: kitchen, toilets, equipment, offices, emergency exits and designated assembly point. Assist new employee to gain staff ID card (ask Human Resources to provide a print-off of employees
details, proceed to Student Services with the print-off to obtain photo and ID card).

Advise how to use office equipment (fax, photocopier, phone protocols) and procedure for room
booking (internal to the work area and Room Bookings

Ensure Building Access has been arranged. Allocate keys to building and advise of other relevant
information e.g. use of security system (including pin to activate/deactivate) within your area.

Demonstrate Employee Kiosk to view payslip, book leave etc.

and type in staff id and password. Please confirm completion of Stage 2 by ticking the check box.

To access the Curtin acronyms site visit

LINE MANAGER confirmation STAFF MEMBER confirmation

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Stage 3:

University Induction

- as soon as possible after commencement

This section addresses broader knowledge of the University and how to work within it. As each task is completed, please tick the check box.
University Induction checklist responsibility of the line manager and new employee

The line manager must sign off but the peer support person may assist. The new employee is responsible for engaging with and signing off on these activities.

Ensure the new employee is advised of requirement to register for:

Corporate induction for all new and continuing fixed term staff Register via Employee Kiosk or Sessional induction - for sessional academic staff new to Curtin Register via Seminars booking system Sessional staff members not yet allocated a staff ID, can still register by entering their surname when asked to enter their staff ID code. If sessional staff are unable to attend the face to face Sessional Induction at the Bentley campus, they are required to complete the online sessional induction and quiz:

Ensure the new employee is aware of the Code of Conduct and the Professional Standards and

Conduct Unit on 1800 907 998. Please direct them to the following for further essential information: Essential training courses are provided online to inform employees about what they need to do to comply with key policies, procedures and legislation. All continuing and fixed term staff employed within Curtin for longer than 1 month must complete this training. Successful completion is recorded in the staff database. To access these training courses you will need to have a staff id and log in to Blackboard using the following links: SOL Information Management Log in using your Curtin user name and password Equal Opportunity

Policies, procedures and legislation
Log in using your Curtin user name and password If new employees experience any difficulty during log in, contact IT Helpdesk ext 9000.

Information Management and Communication Technology

Provide new employee with information on Alesco, Blackboard, Employee Kiosk, Finance One, FLOW, ICT support, Internet, Intranet, J drive, Oasis, Student One.

Ensure the new employee is aware of important legal and compliance requirements that apply to their work and their relationships with colleagues or students.
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Ensure new employee is aware of relevant policies and procedures:

Direct new employees to the Register of Legal Compliance Obligations at: for key items of relevant legislation.

Ensure the new employee is familiar with the Legal Compliance Policy and Procedures: Ensure new employee is aware of ICT appropriate use guidelines and Information Security:

Ensure the new employee is aware of where to locate information about the University:

Ensure the new employee is aware of Curtins Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP). DAIP

outlines how to provide an accessible and inclusive environment for our students, staff and visitors with disabilities. For more information visit

Ensure the new employee is aware of emergency procedures:

For ALL emergencies Bentley Shenton Park Muresk Dial 5 from an internal phone, Kalgoorlie or 9266 4444 Technology Park All other locations in Australia Dial 000

For more information visit Curtin Occupational Safety and Health at: Evacuation procedures and assembly points For staff with a disability contact your building warden (details to be found on the emergency site above).

Ensure the new employee is aware of security:

Bentley campus

Dial 4444 or 9266 4444 This number is also used at Bentley for security escort for staff and students to car or other parts of the campus. An evening courtesy bus is available on Bentley campus to help staff to get to their car or to campus accommodation safely. To view the timetable visit:

Other campus or centres Check local security contact details.

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University Induction checklist continued

Ensure the new employee is aware of Occupational Safety and Health, Risk and Injury Management and Workers Compensation and the OSH Policy For Occupational Safety and Health: or 9266 4900. For Corporate Risk:

For information on Ergonomic Set Up visit: If problems arise, contact Curtin Occupational Health and Safety to arrange a workstation review. Program (EAP) provider and offers free and confidential services to staff including: general consultation on matters related to the EAP program personal counselling crisis and trauma counselling mediation and conflict resolution group workshops procedural/organisational advice information on dealing with mental health issues in the workplace

Ensure the new employee is aware the University Counselling Service is an Employee Assistance

Ensure the new employee is aware of Curtin Healthy Lifestyle (n/a if contract is less than 4 weeks).

Ensure the new employee is aware of the on-campus medical services for Curtin staff and students
(on Bentley campus):

Advise the new academic staff of other induction programs:

- For staff who are involved in teaching and learning at Curtin: - For academic staff who are either new or soon to begin the process of supervision of higher degree by research students:

Arrange campus and Library tour (where applicable):

Please confirm completion of Stage 3 by ticking the check box. LINE MANAGER confirmation STAFF MEMBER confirmation

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Stage 4:

Induction follow-up

2 months after commencement

The purpose of the follow up is to see how the employee is settling in and to raise any issues. Both the new employees and the line managers perspectives should be discussed. Probation period All continuing and fixed term employees are subject to a probation period which is used to assess a staff members suitability for the position. The line manager is responsible for monitoring the probation period. Work Planning and Performance Review (WPPR) All continuing and fixed term academic and general staff employed for more than 12 months are required to meet with their line manager to articulate goals, and review and recognise performance. The staff member is required to complete a Work Plan with their line manager within two months of commencement and meet again for review and further planning at least annually. As each task is completed, please tick the check box. Induction follow-up checklist responsibility of the line manager

Work arrangements Outstanding issues Observations from the new employee Observations from the line manager Work environment Outstanding matters and observations Role, expectations and progress Follow-up from initial induction Probationary period update/progress Completion of WPPR documentation (for staff employed for more than 12 months) Information or needs requiring further attention Identify training and development needs Feedback From employee From line manager Evaluation Line manager encourages the new employee to complete the Induction Evaluation Questionnaire (on pages 9 and 10) and return to Organisational Development Unit, Bldg 604, Technology Park.

Please confirm completion by ticking the check box. LINE MANAGER confirmation STAFF MEMBER confirmation

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Induction Evaluation Questionnaire

Preamble Your feedback is appreciated after completion of stages 1 to 3 of your induction. NOTE: The valuable feedback which you provide will remain anonymous and will be used solely to improve the quality of induction and training processes across Curtin. Note: Questions marked as (Required) must be completed before submitting. As part of my induction to Curtin I gained an understanding of the following: Part 1 a. Curtins values and strategic plan:

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

b. The goals of my work area/school:

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

c. My role within my work area/school:

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

d. Key contacts within my work area/school and the broader Curtin community:

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

e. It processes, equipment and other processes and information relevant to my work role:

Strongly Agree
f. The Code of Conduct:



Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree

Part 2



Strongly Disagree

g. Policies and procedures relevant to my work: Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

h. The mandatory training I am required to complete as a Curtin employee: Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Overall, I found my induction to Curtin to be beneficial:

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

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I have undertaken or am scheduled to attend: Corporate Induction (face to face session) Sessional Induction (face to face session) Online sessional induction Please comment on the best aspects of the induction process.

Suggestions for Improvement

School/Work area: __________________________

Name (optional): ________

Please return via internal mail to the Organisational Development Unit, Bldg 604, Technology Park or fax to 9266 3952.

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