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Entwicklungs- und Logistikgesellschaft mbH
Friedrich-Barnewitz-Strae 2
18119 Rostock

+49 381 12835-0
+49 381 12835-55

Courseware Specification

FlexiMod English for Mariners

Part 1

(Teachers version)

(A training course based on IMO Model Course 3.17)
Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners

Course Specification - Maritime English Courseware based on the IMO Model Course
Courseware Outline.........................................................................................................5
Unit 1 - Thats me the sailor..........................................................................................6
Unit 2 Thats my job......................................................................................................8
Unit 3 Thats my vessel ..............................................................................................10
Unit 4 Thats for our safety.........................................................................................12
Unit 5 Thats our voyage.............................................................................................14
Unit 6 Thats the right way..........................................................................................16
Unit 7 Thats my free time...........................................................................................18
System Requirements...................................................................................................20

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Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners
Course Specification - Maritime English Courseware based on the IMO Model
Course 3.17

As result of a joint venture between The Private Academy of Business and Technical
Education and the MarineSoft GmbH, both located in Rostock, Germany, the courseware
FlexiMod English for Mariners was developed.

Long experience in teaching courses in Maritime English, the analysis of the command of
Maritime English of different kinds of crew members as well as the demands of our international
clients (ship owners and maritime academies) have clearly shown that only a book, even if it is
of good quality and serves all targets and items defined in a curriculum like the IMO-Model
Course 3.17, is not sufficient to cover all the manifold

- organisational conditions
- objectives requirements of different groups of learners as far as job requirements
- subjective pre-conditions of the trainers/instructors
- subjective pre-conditions of the learners as far as their level of English are concerned.

In addition to the requirements as specified by IMO within the Model Course 3.17 Maritime
English we are able to assist maritime English teachers with comprehensive courseware
material for maritime English. The paperwork covers 20 Units for approximately 90 hours of
teaching. (1 teaching hour corresponds to 45 minutes)

The courseware was devel oped under two mai n aspects:

The linguistic aspect follows a multi-syllabus approach that integrates the three language
systems (grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation) with practice of the four language
communication skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). Each of the units considers
this approach and is subdivided into exercises to practice these skills. The courseware is
accompanied by a CD ROM with listening exercises for each unit. For teaching purposes the
material is structured into instructor information, worksheets, worksheets with solutions,
handouts and tests. Two kinds of tests are prepared for use: knowledge-based tests for testing
grammar and vocabulary and skill-based tests like listening or writing tests.

The second aspect is the maritime content. It includes generalised maritime topics, most of
which will be relevant to all trainees, however, the instructor may want to adapt, extend or
supplement the maritime topics to suit the particular needs of the trainees.

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Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners
In correspondence to Core Section 1 of IMOs Maritime English Course 3.17 maritime topics
are as follows:

Part 1

Unit 1 That's Me
Unit 2 That's my job
Unit 3 That's my vessel
Unit 4That is for our safety
Unit 5 That's our voyage
Unit 6 That's the right way
Unit 7 That's my free time

Part 2

Unit 8 What is he doing there?
Unit 9 Would you like some more?
Unit 10 What assistance is required?
Unit 11 How many cubic metres cargo space are required?
Unit 12 What are your specifications?
Unit 13 What about the passengers?
Unit 14 What is the weather like?

Part 3

Unit 15 I left the bridge as usual at midnight
Unit 16 I did not transmit a distress alert
Unit 17 I require medical assistance
Unit 18 I haven't inspected the engine yet
Unit 19 Ill confirm in written form
Unit 20 I read you good

FlexiMod is deliverable as:

printed material (students book with CD for listening comprehension, teachers book
(incl. solutions)),
Computer Based Training or
Web Based Training (controlled by a Learning Management System).
MarineSoft GmbH April 2009 Page 4 of 20
Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners
Courseware Outline

Unit Subject Suggested classroom
and self-study hours
1 Asking and Giving Personal
3 II, WS, WSS, HO; T
2 Describe crew roles and
3 II, WS, WSS, HO; T
3 Naming types of vessels,
describing parts of a vessel
4 II, WS, WSS, HO; T
4 Describing Location and
purpose of safety equipment
3 II, WS, WSS, HO; T
5 Discussing navigational routes
and geographic locations;
understanding standard helm
5 II, WS, WSS, HO; T
6 Naming positions on board;
asking for and giving directions
on board and ashore
4 II, WS, WSS, HO; T
7 Expressing personal likes and
dislikes; discussing leisure time
on board
3 II, WS, WSS, HO; T
25 hours

II Instructor information,
WS Worksheets,
WSS Worksheets with solutions,
HO Handouts
T Tests
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Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners
Unit 1 - Thats me the sailor

Topic: Ask for and give personal data

Hours: 3


.1 Present Simple (have, be)
.2 Pronouns
.3 Short answers

.1 Adjectives of nationalities
.2 Numbers
.3 Spelling

.1 Questions intonation

Communication Skills
.1 Listening: Welcome here on board
.2 Writing: Personal information form
.3 Speaking: Interviewing a partner; Introducing yourself

Standard Marine Communication Phrases
.1 Introduction of SMCP
.2 The SMCP and their underlying principles

MarineSoft GmbH April 2009 Page 6 of 20
Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners
Recommended Teaching Sequence:

1. Welcome here on board
Communication skills: a) Listening: Welcome on board

2. Numbers
Vocabulary: b) Numbers +SMCP Numbers

3. The English Alphabet
Vocabulary: c) Spelling +SMCP Spelling

4. Short answer
Grammar: c) Short answer; Question intonation

5. Personal information forms
Communication skills: b) Writing - Form 1: Personal Information Form

6. Simple Present
Grammar: a) Simple Present (to be, to have) +SMCP Simple Present

7. Who? Whom? Whose?
Grammar: b) Pronouns

8. Interviewing a partner
Communication skills: d) Speaking: Interviewing a partner

9. From the nation to the nationality
Vocabulary: a) Adjectives of nationality +Consolidation short answer

10. Introducing myself
Communication skills: c) Speaking: Introducing yourself

11. SMCP
What are SMCP?, Underlying Principle (Appendix 1 - 4)

Instructor Information II (Texts, Dialogue, Worksheets +Solutions)
Worksheets WS
Handouts HO
MarineSoft GmbH April 2009 Page 7 of 20
Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners
Unit 2 Thats my job

Topic: Describe crew roles and routines

Hours: 3


.1 Present Simple
.2 Ordinal numbers

.1 Crew and J obs
.2 Verbs for work routines
.3 Telling the time
.4 Giving the date
.5 SMCP Spelling

.1 Word stress

Communication Skills
.1 Listening: Checking the crew list
.2 Writing: Filling in a chart
.3 Speaking: Interviewing a partner about his daily routine

Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP)
.1 Spelling

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Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners
Recommended Teaching Sequence:

1. The Crew
Communication skills: b) Writing; Vocabulary: a) Crew and jobs; Phonology: Word stress

2. Checking the Crew List
Communication skills: a) Listening; Vocabulary: f) Go on with Spelling

3. Repetition of numbers
Vocabulary: c) Numbers: Repetition and Go on with numbers

4. Telling the time
Vocabulary: d) Telling the time

5. Work routines
Grammar: a) Present Simple; Vocabulary: b) My daily routine

6. Time and work
Vocabulary: d) Telling the time b) verbs for work routine; Grammar: a) Present Simple

7. Ordinal numbers
Grammar: b) Ordinal numbers

8. Giving the date
Vocabulary: e) Giving the date; Grammar: b) Ordinal numbers

9. Dates all the year round
Communication skills: d) Speaking; Vocabulary: e) Giving the date

10. My daily work routine and my holiday routines
Communication skills: d) Speaking

Instructor Information II (Texts, Dialogue, Worksheets +Solutions)
Worksheets WS
Handouts HO
MarineSoft GmbH April 2009 Page 9 of 20
Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners
Unit 3 Thats my vessel

Topic: Naming types of vessels, describing parts of a vessel

Hours: 4


.1 Repetition Present Simple
.2 this/that, these/those +possessives
.3 Articles: the, a/an
.4 there is/there are +genetive
.5 Prepositions of place

.1 Types of vessels
.2 Parts of vessels
.3 Locations on board

.3 Word stress

Communication Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing
.1 Listening: Taking a new crew member round the vessel
.2 Writing: Describing locations on a vessel
.3 Reading: Types of vessel
.4 Speaking: Showing a visitor round your vessel

Standard Marine Communication Phrases
.1 Giving locations

MarineSoft GmbH April 2009 Page 10 of 20
Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners
Recommended Teaching Sequence:

1. Types of vessels
Vocabulary: a) Types of vessels and; Word stress; Communication skills: c) Reading

2. Vessels and their functions
Grammar: a) Repetition: Simple Present in connection with; Communication skills: c)

3. This is mine!
Grammar: b) this/these and that/those +Possessives

4. Behind closed doors
Vocabulary: b) Parts of the vessel and; Phonology: Word stress

5. The Articles the and a/an
Grammar: c) Articles

6. Taking a new crew member round the vessel
Communication skills: a) Listening

7. There are 8 assembly stations on the ship
Grammar: d) there is/there are +genitive

8. Giving locations
Grammar: e) Prepositions of place

9. Describing locations on a vessel
Communication skills: b) Writing

10. Showing a visitor round your vessel
Communication skills: d) Speaking

11. SMCP
Giving locations

Instructor Information II (Texts, Dialogue, Worksheets +Solutions)
Worksheets WS
Handouts HO

MarineSoft GmbH April 2009 Page 11 of 20
Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners
Unit 4 Thats for our safety

Topic: Describing Location and purpose of safety equipment

Hours: 3


.1 Preposition of place
.2 Repetition there is/there are and preposition of place

.1 Safety equipment
.2 Checking the conditions of the safety equipment
.3 Places on a vessel
.4 Parts of a room
.5 Furniture

.1 Word stress

Communication Skills: listening, speaking, writing
.1 Listening: Making a crew member familiar with the safety equipment
.2 Writing: The condition of safety equipment and what has to be done.
.3 Reading: Survival equipment
.4 Speaking: What about the safety equipment on board of your vessel?

Standard Marine Communication Phrases
.1 SMCP B4/1.2 Generals: Signals

MarineSoft GmbH April 2009 Page 12 of 20
Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners
Recommended Teaching Sequence:

1. Safety equipment
Vocabulary: a) Safety equipment and; Phonology: Words stress and; Grammar: b)
Repetition there is/there are and preposition of place

2. Making a crew member familiar with the safety equipment
Communication skills: a) Listening

3. Checking the conditions of the safety equipment
Vocabulary: b) Condition of a) Safety equipment and; Communication skills: b) Writing

4. Places on the vessel
Vocabulary: c) Places on the vessel

5. Locations on the vessel
Grammar: a) Prepositions of place

6. Survival equipment
Communication skills: c) Reading: Survival equipment and; SMCP: Extra text for reading

7. Rooms and furniture
Vocabulary: Parts of a room and furniture and Grammar: b) Repetition there is/there are
and preposition of place

8. What about the safety equipment on board of your vessel?
Communication skills: d) Speaking

Signals: Distress, urgency and safety signals

Instructor Information II (Texts, Dialogue, Worksheets +Solutions)
Worksheets WS
Handouts HO

MarineSoft GmbH April 2009 Page 13 of 20
Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners
Unit 5 Thats our voyage

Topic: Discussing navigational routes and geographic locations; understanding standard
helm orders

Hours: 5


.1 Question tags
.2 Prepositional phrases of geographic locations
.3 Use of it

.1 Basic words: giving routes and locations
.2 Countries and capitals
.3 Latitude and longitude
.4 Compass points
.5 Standard wheel orders

.1 Large numbers

Communication Skills
.1 Listening: Route Planning
.2 Writing: My country
.3 Reading: My country
.4 Speaking: Me and my hometown

Standard Marine Communication Phrases
.1 Standard Wheel Orders
.2 Principle 1
.3 Principle 5

MarineSoft GmbH April 2009 Page 14 of 20
Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners
Recommended Teaching Sequence:

1. Route planning
Communication skills: a) Listening

2. Remember your words
Vocabulary: a) Basic words: giving routes and locations

3. This is Hamburg, isnt it?
Grammar: a) Question tags

4. The countries you pass
Vocabulary: b) Countries and capitals

5. Distances
Grammar: b) Prepositional phrases of geographic locations c) use of it Phonology - large numbers

6. Where are these locations?
Vocabulary: c) Latitude and longitude

7. Compass points
Vocabulary: d) Compass points

8. Standard Wheel Orders
Vocabulary: e) Standard Wheel Orders

9. My hometown
Communication skills: c) Reading

10. My country
Communication skills: b) Writing

11. Me and my hometown
Communication skills: c) Speaking

12. SMCP
Standard wheel order; Principle 1 Kiss and Principle 5 Produce one phrase for one

Instructor Information II (Texts, Dialogue, Worksheets +Solutions)
Worksheets WS
Handouts HO
MarineSoft GmbH April 2009 Page 15 of 20
Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners
Unit 6 Thats the right way

Topic: Naming positions on board; asking for and giving directions on board and ashore

Hours: 4


.1 Prepositions and prepositional phrases
.2 Imperative form
.3 Question forms

.1 Positions and places on board
.2 Vessel directions
.3 Words and phrases for describing a way ashore

.1 Falling and rising intonation

Communication Skills
.1 Listening: Mr Chans first expedition on board
.2 Reading: J ust follow my notes!
.3 Writing: Finding your way
.4 Speaking: Let me show you round the vessel; Describing the way on St. Margarita;
Museum information

Standard Marine Communication Phrases
.1 Generals: Responses

MarineSoft GmbH April 2009 Page 16 of 20
Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners
Recommended Teaching Sequence:

Part 1 Locations on board

1. Giving directions
Grammar: a) Prepositions and prepositional phrases (1)

2. Places on the vessel
Vocabulary: a) Positions and places on board

3. Mr Chans first Expedition on board
Communication skills: a) Listening

4. Go! Dont go!
Grammar: b) Imperative form

5. Showing the way
Grammar: a) Prepositions and prepositional phrases (2)

6. Asking a lot of questions
Grammar: c) Question forms (1)

7. Let me show you round the vessel
Communication skills: d) Speaking (1)

Part 2 Vessel directions

8. What is your position?
Vocabulary: b) Vessel directions

Part 3 Locations ashore

9. Finding your way
Communication skills: c) Reading

10. Which way, please?
Vocabulary: c) Words and phrases for describing a way ashore; Grammar: c) question
forms (2); Phonology: Falling and rising intonation

11. Describing the way on St. Margarita
Communication skills: a) Speaking (2)

12. Just follow my notes!
Communication skills: b) Writing

13. Museum information
Communication skills: d) Speaking (3)

14. SMCP
Generals: Responses

Instructor Information II (Texts, Dialogue, Worksheets+Solutions)
Worksheets WS
Handouts HO
MarineSoft GmbH April 2009 Page 17 of 20
Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners
Unit 7 Thats my free time

Topic: Expressing personal likes and dislikes; discussing leisure time on board

Hours: 3


.1 Adverbs of degree
.2 Gerund
.3 Adverbs of frequency

.1 Types of film
.2 Adjectives of opinion
.3 Leisure activities

.1 Introduction to sentence stress

Communication Skills
.1 Listening: New films for the voyage
.2 Writing: Reply to e-mail correspondence
.3 Reading: E-mail correspondence; This makes a good e-mail; Longing for the home
.4 Speaking: Talking about a film, a video or a book; Discussing routine leisure
activities on board and at home

Standard Marine Communication Phrases
.1 Principle 6: Structure corresponding phrases after the principle: identical invariable
plus variable

MarineSoft GmbH April 2009 Page 18 of 20
Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners
Recommended Teaching Sequence:

Part 1: Films

1. Kinds of films
Vocabulary: a) Types of films

2. New films for the voyage
Communication skills: a) Listening

3. My opinion
Vocabulary: b) Adjectives of opinion

4. Very interesting!
Grammar: a) Adverbs of degree

5. Talking about a film, a video or a book
Communication skills: d) Speaking (1)

Part 2: Leisure

6. Leisure activities
Vocabulary: c) Leisure activities

7. Talking about free time activities
Grammar: b) Gerund

8. E-Mail correspondence
Communication skills: b) Writing c) Reading (1)

9. This makes a good e-mail
Communication skills: c) Reading (2)

Part 3: Expressing frequency

10. From always to never
Grammar: c) Adverbs of frequency (1)

11. Longing for the home country
Communication skills: c) Reading (3)

12. He is never late
Grammar: c) Adverbs of frequency (2)

13. Discussing leisure activities on board and at home
Communication skills: d) Speaking (2)

14. SMCP
Principle 6: Structure corresponding phrases after the principle: identical invariable plus

Instructor Information II (Texts, Dialogue, Worksheets +Solutions)
Worksheets WS
Handouts HO
MarineSoft GmbH April 2009 Page 19 of 20
Courseware Specification
FlexiMod English for Mariners
System Requirements

If FlexiMod English for Mariners is used as Computer Based Training the following system
requirements have to be fulfilled:

1. English Operating System Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3 or higher,
Windows XP with Service Pack 1 (recommended last service packs)

2. Internet Explorer Version 7.0

3. Processor: minimum Pentium 4, 1,2 GHz

4. Free HD memory: minimum 300 MB

5. RAM: minimum 512 MB

6. Screen resolution: 1024 x 768 Pixel and 16 Bit colours

For more information please contact:

MarineSoft GmbH
Friedrich-Barnewitz-Str. 2
18119 Rostock

Phone: +49 381 12835-0
Fax: +49 381 12835-55

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