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CARLOS SLIM "The only way you finish with poverty is with jobs.

" Profile The ri hest !an in the worl" #net worth$ %&' billion( !a"e his fortune in tele o! but "i"n)t stop there. Sli! also owns !inin* an" real estate o!panies an" a sta+e in the ,ew -or+ Ti!es. This year he a""e" so er to the !i./ buyin* into Me.i o)s Leon an" Pa hu a lubs an" Spain)s Real Ovie"o. 0arly Life$ Carlos Sli! is born on 1anuary '2/ in Me.i o City. 3e o!pletes his professional stu"ies in ivil en*ineerin* at the ,ational Autono!ous 4niversity of Me.i o #+nown by its Spanish a rony! 4,AM(/ where he also tau*ht Al*ebra an" Linear Pro*ra!!in*5 he tau*ht the latter while still stu"yin*/ !eanin* he was si!ultaneously a stu"ent an" professor. 3e foun"s an" hea"s Pro!otora "el 3o*ar/ S.A./ a resi"ential real estate o!pany/ an" 6M Ma7uinaria/ whi h buys/ sells an" rents onstru tion e7uip!ent. 8ro! here the journey starte" Steps to su ess In 9:2; 6rupo Carso/ is for!e"/ whose prin ipal a tivities at the ti!e were in"ustry/ onstru tion/ !inin*/ retail/ foo" an" toba o. <urin* the 9:2' e ono!i risis/ with the ountry=s finan es al!ost paraly>e"/ Carlos Sli! ontinue" to invest in o!panies su h as Reynol"s Alu!inio/ Sanborns/ 6eneral Tire/ a!on* others/ until 9:2?. In 9:2@ 8un"a iAn Carlos Sli! 3elB/ A.C. is reate"/ a nonCprofit philanthropi or*ani>ation whose obje tive is to serve Me.i an so iety by ontributin* to the "evelop!ent an" trainin* of hu!an apital throu*h on*oin* hi*hCi!pa t an" wi"eCran*in* pro*ra!s. In 9::; 6rupo Carso *oes publi with an Initial Publi Offerin*/ whi h is followe" by !er*ers of the 6roup=s o!panies an" international IPOs. At yearCen"/ the o!pany wins the bi" to a 7uire Tel!e. jointly with Southwestern Dell an" 8ran e Tele o!/ after whi h Carso 6lobal Tele o!/ the hol"in* o!pany for Tel!e./ is reate". The bran" Tel el is also reate"/ fro! Ra"io!Avil <ipsa/ S.A. "e C.E. In Mar h 9;/ ';9;/ Forbes reporte" that Sli! ha" overta+en 6ates as the worl")s ri hest !an/ with a net worth of %FG.F billion.

Carlos sli! +ey to su ess Lea"ership$ 9.Create an or*ani>ational stru ture with si!ple/ !ini!al hierar hies5 provi"e personal "evelop!ent an" inChouse trainin* for e.e utives5 !aintain fle.ibility an" a rapi" "e isionC!a+in* apability5 levera*e the a"vanta*es of a s!all o!pany an" use these to *row an" e. el. '.Maintainin* austerity in *oo" ti!es stren*thens/ profits an" a elerates the "evelop!ent of the o!pany/ an" averts the bitterly "rasti a"just!ents in ti!es of risis. G.Stay fo use" on !o"erni>ation/ *rowth/ trainin*/ 7uality/ si!plifi ation an" the ontinuous i!prove!ent of pro"u tion pro esses. In rease pro"u tivity an" o!petitiveness/ re"u e osts an" e.penses by usin* *lobal ben h!ar+s

There is no hallen*e that we annot over o!e by wor+in* to*ether with lear obje tives an" +nowin* the tools we have at our "isposal. Corporate reativity is not only appli able to business/ but also to solvin* !any of so iety=s proble!s. This is what we "o throu*h the 6roup=s 8oun"ations. 8ir! an" patient opti!is! always yiel"s its rewar"s.

Arvin" Hejriwal Arvin" Hejriwal has e!er*e" as a fourth front.shortly after anna ha>are bro+e his fastCuntoC"eath on : April/ a *roup of youn* people en ir le" a s!all !an with a bla + !ousta he at 1antar Mantar an" be*an shoutin* the fa!ous preCin"epen"en e slo*an$ I n7uilab Iin"aba"J #Lon* Live RevolutionJ(. 3e ontinue" wal+in* towar" a *roup of ars when a youn* !an wearin* a re" ban"anna pushe" throu*h the row"/ blo +in* his way an" s rea!in* out/ KSir/ "on=t all off the fast. Repeat the revolution.L The !an returne" the s!ile/ an" sli" into the ar. The !an was arvin" Hejariwal 0arly Life Arvin" Hejriwal was born on 9@ Au*ust 9:@2/ in the Siwani villa*e of 3aryana to 6obin" an" 6ita Hejriwal. Hejriwal stu"ie" !e hani al en*ineerin* at IIT Hhara*pur an" joine" Tata Steel ri*ht after his *ra"uation an" was poste" at the o!pany)s 1a!she"pur plant.M99N Hejriwal 7uit his job with Tata Steel in 9::'M:N an" spent so!e ti!e wor+in* with Mother Teresa)s Missionaries of Charity in Hol+ata/ the Ra!a+rishna Mission in ,orthC0ast In"ia an" ,ehru -uva Hen"ra. Hejriwal joine" the In"ian Revenue Servi e in 9::' after 7ualifyin* throu*h the Civil Servi es 0.a!ination. In 8ebruary ';;@/ he voluntarily resi*ne" fro! the IRS as 1oint Co!!issioner in the In o!e Ta. <epart!ent. 1orney to AAP#aa! a"!i party( In January 2000, he took a sabbatical from work and founded Parivartan a Delhi based citizens movement which works on ensurin a !ust, trans"arent and accountable overnance# $hereafter, in %ebruary 200&, he resi ned from the !ob, to work full'time at (Parivartan# ) *is +ork for ,i ht to Information3e alon* with Aruna Roy an" others/ a!pai*ne" for the Ri*ht to Infor!ation A t/ whi h soon be a!e a silent so ial !ove!ent/ <elhi Ri*ht to Infor!ation A t was passe" in ';;9 an" eventually at national level In"ian Parlia!ent passe" the Ri*ht to Infor!ation A t #RTI( in ';;F As a !e!ber of In"ia A*ainst Corruption he is an a tive parti ipant in the !ove!ent for the ena t!ent of 1an Lo+pal Dill. 3e is onsi"ere" a +ey fi*ure alon* with so ial a tivist Anna 3a>are. .am .admi Party is a politi al party in In"ia. It was laun he" by antiC orruption a tivist /Arvin" Hejriwal on '@ ,ove!ber ';9' at 1antar Mantar in <elhiM Learinin*s

/earin s Inte rity is the inte*ration of outwar" a tions an" inner values. A person of inte*rity is the sa!e on the outsi"e an" on the insi"e an" is o!pletely apply on arvin" +ejriwal. Arvin" +ejriwal is fully "e"i ate" towar"s his wor+.he even left his job to fi*ht a*ainst urruption 0e!riwal has o"enness#1"enness !eans bein* able to listen to new i"eas/ even if they "o not onfor! to the usual way of thin+in*. Hejriwal is *reat tea! wor+er an" a lea"er. Arvin" Hejriwal *ives new i"eas a 3e an thin+ out of the bo. that is reativity.2reativity is the ability to thin+ "ifferently/ to *et outsi"e of the bo. that onstrains solutions. Creativity *ives lea"ers the ability to see thin*s that others have not seen an" thus lea" followers in new "ire tions.

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