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2. HRSG C, D Start up permissives. 1. Economizer inlet valve MV 1302 open. 2.

At least one of the feed water valves MV 1301 A/B open. 3. At least one feed water line available. (Feed water pressure >20 bar) 4. Drum level adequate (>-600 mm) 5. Scanners cooling air pressure adequate. (> 50 mbar) Trips. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Very high drum level (2/3 logic) +190 mm with 2 min delay. Very low drum level -600 mm with 1 min delay. Steam to Desal not required (LS 1001 closed) with 30 sec delay. Scanners cooling air pressure low (< 50 mbar). Both Sea water pumps OFF with 80 sec delay. (Removed Oct 2001) Both RB pumps OFF and LS 1002 less than 1 % open with 5 sec delay. Steam line not available a. PRS both MOVs closed. } b. Both control valves tripped. } c. One control valve closed and other tripped. } with 10 sec delay d. Both control valves < 3 % open. } 8. GT tripped with 30 sec delay. 3. GT C, D Permissive to start. 1. Bypass damper open and or inlet damper closed OR 2. A permissive signal from BMS (Scanners cooling fan ON and pressure >50 mbar). Trips. 1. Inlet damper not closed in 180 sec after HRSG trip. 2. Bypass damper not opened in 80 sec after HRSG trip. 4. HRSG INLET DAMPER. Open permissives. 1. A signal from BMS this requires a. Fuel vent valves open. To START Boiler purge sequence b. Fuel shut off valve closed. c. No flame detected. 1. Boiler start up / shut down seq: d. Purge completed (If required). AUTO 2. Boiler start up conditions present. 2. Downstream temperature < 350 C 3. Purge not necessary or open required for purging.

Permissives to close

1. Bypass damper open. 2. Post firing system off. Auto closes. 1. HRSG trip. 5. HRSG BYPASS DAMPER. Opening permissive. 1. Post firing system off (No flame detected).
Auto opens

a. Very high drum pressure **------ Removed. b. HRSG trip. c. One RB pump trip or TBT > 112 C with inlet damper open.
Auto closes

1. During purging. 6. BURNERS. Trips. 1. HRSG trip. 2. Bypass damper open > %*

7. FUEL GAS FLOW CONTROL VALVE Opening limited by post firing high temperature (>630 C) Minimum opening position at 10 %.
Auto closes

1. Fuel shut off valve is closed. 8. FEED WATER SYSTEM. Permissive to start. 1. Deaerator level > 1200 mm. 9. FEED PUMPS. Start permissives. 1. Suction valve open. 2. Discharge MOV closed. 3. Deaerator level >1200 mm. Trips. 1. Suction valve closed 2. Discharge MOV closed when pump in service.

3. Deaerator level <150 mm. 4. Motor winding temperature > 120C. 10. FEED PUMP DISCHARGE MOV. Open permissive. 1. Pump ON OR 2. Feed Water header pressure > 4.0 bar Closing permissive. 1. Pump OFF. 11. FEED WATER SHUT OFF VALVE (30 %) MV1301 B. Auto opens. 1. 30 % control valve is selected. 2. Feed water line open required. Auto closes. 1. 2. 3. 4. Feed water line closed required. 100 % control valve > 3 % open. Main steam flow > 35 t/hr. 100 % MOV open.

12. FEED WATER CONTROL VALVE (30 %) LV1001 B. Forced to close. 1. 100 % control valve in selected in auto. 2. Economiser inlet valve MV 1302 is closed. 3. Feed water line not available (Feed water pressure <20 bar) Minimum opening position when HRSG in service.*

13. FEED WATER SHUT OFF VALVE (100 %) MV1301 A Auto opens. 1. 100 % control valve is selected. 2. FW line open required. Auto closes. 1. Feed water line closed required. 2. Economiser inlet valve MV 1302 closed required. 14. FEED WATER CONTROL VALVE (100 %) LV1001 A. Forced to close. 1. MV 1302 closed. 2. Feed water line not available. (Feed water pressure <20 bar) -Minimum opening position when HRSG is in service.* -Selection between 30 % and 100 % valves are automatic and depends on a boiler load signal. -100 % valve can be selected even if load is less than 30 %.

15. FEED WATER BYPASS MOV MV 1310. No permissives.

16. ECONOMISER INLET VALVE MV 1302 Auto opens. 1. Feed water line open required. 2. When drum level is normal (-350 mm ) after a high level closure if inlet damper is open. Forced to close. 1. Feed water line closed required. 2. Drum level high. +190 mm. with HRSG in service.

17. ECONOMISER RECIRCULATION PUMP. Start permissives. 1. Drum level > +100 mm
Auto starts

1. Recirculation control valve > 10% open. Trips. 1. Very low drum level 600 mm. 2. Differential pressure across pump / filter low **------Removed. 3. Recirculation control valve < 10 % with 30 sec delay. 18. ECONOMISER RECIRCULATION CONTROL VALVE TV 1002.
Forced open to 10 %

1. GT firing and a. Economiser inlet temperature < 112 b. Main steam flow <30 %
Forced to close

1. GT not firing. 19. START UP VENT VALVE MV 1306. Forced to open to 20 %. 1. Inlet damper is open and main steam pressure < bar.* 2. Boiler drum high pressure 18.5 bar 3. HRSG in service and main steam shut off valve is closed for 1 min. * 4. HRSG in service and TBT > 112 C. Forced to close. 1. Main steam valve open and steam flow > %* 2. HRSG inlet damper closed.

20. MAIN STEAM SHUT OFF VALVE MV 1309 Permissives to open. 1. HRSG drum pressure > 11.0 bar. 2. Main steam bypass valve MV 1308 open. Auto close. 1. HRSG trip with 70 sec delay 2. Flame not detected.* 21. MAIN STEAM BYPASS VALVE MV 1308 Auto closes. 1. Main steam shut off valve is open. 2. HRSG inlet damper is closed. 22. PRS ISOL VALVES MV 3001, MV 3014. Permissive to open. 1. Down stream control valve no trip.
Auto closes

1. Down stream control valve trip. 23. PRS CONTROL VALVES PV 3006, PV 3019. Forced to close. 1. Down stream high pressure 2.0 bar 2. LP steam valve LS 1001 closed. 24. CBD MOV MV 1311 Auto opens. 1. Saturated steam conductivity high 90 S. 2. Saturated steam pH high 10.0 Auto closes. 1. Saturated steam conductivity normal 2. Saturated steam pH normal 8.0 3. HRSG inlet damper closed. 25. BLOW OFF MOV MV 1303
Auto opens

1. Drum level high +190 mm.

Auto closes

1. when drum level has come down to 350 mm. 2. HRSG inlet damper closed.


Permissive to open

1. Drum pressure <

Auto opens Auto closes


1. HRSG in service and drum pressure < bar.* 1. Drum pressure > bar* 2. HRSG not in service. 27. BH CONDENSATE TO HRSG DEAERATOR MOV MV 3003.
Permissive to close.

1. Feed pumps not running.

Auto closes

1. Deaerator high level +2850 mm. **-----Removed. 2. Feed water pumps trip * 3. Feed water pump discharge MOVs closed.*
Auto opens

1. Deaerator level normal after high level closure. 28. HRSG DEAERATOR LEVEL CONTROL VALVE LV 3052. Permissive to open. 1. Deaerator level < +300 mm.
Auto closes

1. BHC to Deaerator MOV 3003 closed. 2. Deaerator high level +2850 mm. 29. HRSG DEAERATOR DRAIN VALVE LV 3007.
Auto opens

1. Deaerator level high +2850 mm.

Auto closes*

30. HP DOSING PUMPS Permissive to start. 1. Tank level > 300 mm.
Auto starts

1. On failure of running pump ( Discharge pressure < bar)*


1. Tank level < 300 mm.

Auto stops

1. HRSG trip * Pump stroke auto control based on HRSG pH value or feed flow. *


Permissive to start. 1. Tank level > 600 mm. Auto starts on adjustable timer.*

32. LP DOSING PUMPS Permissive to start. 1. Tank level > 300 mm.
Auto starts

1. On failure of running pump ( Discharge pressure < bar)*


1. Tank level < 300 mm.

Auto stops

1. HRSG trip * Pump stroke auto control based on HRSG pH value or feed flow. *

33. HP DOSING TANK STIRRER. Permissive to start. 1. Tank level > 600 mm. Auto starts on adjustable timer.*

34. DEMI PLANT INLET VALVE MV 3059. Permissive to open. 1. MOV 3056 closed. *
Auto opens

1. BRFT level < 650 mm.

Auto closes

1. BRFT level high. * 35. BRFT PUMPS 3002 A, B.

Permissives to start *

1. BRFT level > 650 mm. For transfer to Deaerator 1. MV 3029 open. 2. MV 3003 open. 3. MV 3012 closed.

For transfer to RFT 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. MV 3012 open. MV 3029 closed. MV 3013 closed. MV 3011 closed.


Permissives to start.*

For transfer to BRFT. 1. 2. 3. 4. MV 3011 open. MV 3012 closed. MV 3013 open. MV 3029 closed.

For transfer to Deaerator. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MV 3029 open MV 3003 open. MV 3013 closed. MV 3011 open.* MV 3012 closed*

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