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standard catalog of seventh edition Tau LN specialized issues volume one WoC toler Male ote) bela cde) OPM E ice] te) anaes gleaned from the archives Om TW lela =r lala Note Company aSvossy ‘ebay, e OP ANTE bedes udleveret Varer til = Detailed commercial and restricted circulation coverage Lele ae ASO MTL ee Dats) = Nearly 17,000 notes = 8000 original photos Dia ache Murua rleen) YAN a eal ele Comes h coe eye el mee Col Eke lod standard catalog of WORLD PAPER MONEY by Albert Pick Edited By Neil Shafer and Colin R. Bruce II Joel Shafer Research Editor (ABNC Archives) Joan Melum Production Coordinator Special Consultants William L.S. Barrett, Milt Blackburn, William G. Henderson, Mel Steinberg, Ma Tak Wo i a rt se, patient energy for its s the old lesson — a worthy purpose, pai er y for accomplichmént a resoluteness undaunted by difficulties, and ™ then success. — W.M. Punshon. Published in the United States by Krause Publications, Inc 700 E, State Strect, fola, WI 54990 ‘Telephone: 715-146-2214 + PAX: 715-445-4087 All rights reserved. No part of this book may or by any means, eleetronie or. recording, or by be reproduced or transmitted in any form mechanical, including photocopying, any information storage and retrieval system without the permission in writing from the Publisher Copy ht Memxc) by Krause Publications Ine. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number; $8-83100 International Standard Book Number: 0-87341 Printed in tho United States of America INTRODUCTION 3 INTRODUCTION ‘Although paper money collecting is undoubtedly nearly as old as paper money itself, this segment of the num hobby has begun to reach a popularity approaching that of coin collecting only since the latter half of the 1970s, While coins and paper mency are alike in that both have served as legal obligations to facilitate commeree, long-time paper money enthusiasts know the similarity ends the Coins were historically guaranteed by the intrinsic value of their metallic content — at least until recent years when vir tually all circulating coins have become little more than le tender (okens, containing no precious metals except for a few commemoratives never meant to circulate — while paper money possesses a value only when itis accepted for debts or converted into hard money. With many note issues, this con- version privilege was limited and ultimately negated by the imposition of redemption cutoff dates Such conditions made collecting of bank notes a risky business, particularly with notes possessing face value of more than @ nominal sum, This is why in most instances, except where issues were withdrawn shortly after release or became virtually worthless due to hyper-inflation, early high devomination notes are extremely difficult to locate, espe: cially in uneinculated or high grades of preservation. ‘The development of widespread collector interest in paper money of most nations was long inhibited by a near total absence of adequate documentary literature, No more than tree decades ago collectors could refer only 10 a few cata logs and dealer price lists of limited scope, most of which ‘were incomplete and difficult to acquire, or they could build their own knowledge through personal collecting. pursuits, and contact with fellow collectors. “This situation was corrected somewhat over the past 25 years with a number of new special catalogs covering the more popularly collected countries. Still, many. a remained uncatalogued, and no single volume existed which provided comprehensive, detailed, illustrated listings of issues from all countries of the world, ‘The earlier catalogs authored by Albert Pick chronicling issues of Europe and the Americas were assembled as step- ping stones to the ultimate objective which became reality with publication of the first Standard Catalog of World Paper Money in 1975, That work provided collectors with complete listings and up-to-date valuations of all recorded goveriment note issues of the 20th century, incorporating Pick’s previously unpublished manuscripts on Africa, Asia and Oceania, plus many earlier issues. This completely revised and updated seventh edition pre- Sents a substantial extension of the cataloging. effort initiated in 1975 and revised in succeeding editions, As the most com: Prchensive world paper money reference ever assembled, it fully documents the many and varied legal tender paper cur- Tency issues circulated by nearly 300 past and current gov- femmenis of the world from the fate 1700s to the early 1990s, Falling within the scope of this General Issues volume are all legal tender issues cireulated under the auspices of recog- nized national governments and their banking agents, includ~ ing notes which enjoyed wide circulation in their respective countries. Exceptions are the multitudinous notes of the Ger- man states and cities, especially those of the World War I and postwar period 10 1923, and the vast category of Chinese limited-circulation issues of other focal issues and simil countries. GENERAL ISSUES Coverage In Volume 2 and 3 Legal tender notes issued by recognized national governments, and which enjoyed wide circulation in their respective countries, are covered in Yol- ume 2 and 3. General Issues, Volume 2 covers the ‘era from the late 1700's to 1960, Volume 3 covers all notes issued since 1961. Users of this current Volume 1 interested im acquiring the General Issues, Volume 2, and 3 are invited to contact the publisher. Inquiries should be directed to Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, Krause Publications, Book Division, 700 E, State St, Tola, WI 54990, ‘Changes encompassed in this seventh edition center on the ‘addition of a great many new issues, especially from those countries formerly a part of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. ‘Thus, places such as Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegov- ina, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Slovenia. Ukraine, the three reconstituted Baltic states and new issues from Croatia are all shown here, As this book was being sent to press, even more such new issues were making their ‘appearances. Another greatly improved feature of this edition is the inclusion of much more signature and date listings, a result of the strong growth of interest in this kind of data, Many dates and signatures are known to be scarcer or rarer than others, and the catalog now reflects a large percentage of that information. Significam revision has taken place Uroughout the book as usual, and each country has been brought as much up to date as available information allowed. Changes of monetary systems, new higher values because of inflation, and new types worldwide are all included here. 4 INTERNATIONAL NUMERALS TIONAL NUMERAL SYS EMS i295 87. STANDARD INTERNA SO AER MONEY © 1995 BY HRAUSE PUBLICA ng rR DARD CATALOG OI = Tp Tt 2]31415]6|7| 8 |9| 20 | © | 10 | 500 1000 ROWAN Tiniarhv vy vilviviniix] x |b | C D|™m | muoctinnsn | [Ye Tele sol ty Ad] te] Ol tes LOse] tre marcas [PL TIP [Pe old ¥] ALS [ts Gel Ver Orel ton casternaranee [01% | 11a} 2 [a [9 [V (7 [9 | 10 [#9] 100 |£00| |oo0 wvoerasapanaoc|o 1% | tirir i lol al<[a [9 [to | oo 100 | Goo 1000 mount) 01% | 913 18/4 | G10) & [8 | 20 YO} 200/4OO!%000 | ‘ASSAMESE Ol%\d|2 8151/45/21 |e |d0|50|J00|500\Jo00 BENGALI 0 134| S/Qlo/8 [6 13/9 [& |S |S0/@0|500|¢00/3000 |" cusarart 0 |%| Va |3 [a4 FIO |C [e [20 [4O|100|No0R000 | kurex o [al 1 fa] 3 (8/4) [9] c |e [10] 40] 100} 4oo!1000 | oevavnacar 0 ltl 42/3/8458 9] Z [P| V0] Yo] Yao] 400] 4000 NEPALESE 0 || e/a] a [8 [49] € | O]tcfesl 10| YO] 100] 400) 1000 TIBETAN o|%”l 7{2/3 [elu u| | F [| 79] 4o| 700/40 0|7 000 woncoumn 10 [9a | 0 /a/Bld/ Al G| @| 4[€ [90] NO/900 ACO|N000 BURMESE fo] 3] o[4/214 1916) VU @/& [oo] Jo} 200] Joo} 2000 THALLAO 01% | Oa M|aic&! vo) CY |cr] 90; AO}90 00,9000 JAVANESE ° AVP \G \Q | \au| ng\an\am oj Qo\moa Qoo\mooo oannasy genes a | | — vojAlA|e|Als) + |+2|a| aa] + OFFICIAL CHINESE ote oR) A Lae | ta] 3 a [ax] 48 [28-40 [0] teeta] | CINESE Lym x] eft y 2} bg KOREAN Br] g/ol] at|ar) 2) 3) SH BH GEORGIAN 3 818 (€ 19) 3/4] elo 9] 5]an) 3] 6).9} 2} 3°| a" ETHIOPIAN = (8 |r) ole! 4/2) 2\6 | alge] gel als’ fener Sta) 3/51) 1/4] mp ; pio |o] joly| pix” oneeK | |A BIT Ae YT Z| Ho KLAIMzlOln! [x TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 3 A 6 12 2 B 14 Catalog Listings ———_______________4 Sample Catalog Listings. 14 Dates and Date Listings Policy. 14 Renumbering. 1s 15 15 Introduction, International Numeral Sy Index, Acknowledgments. International Banknote Society Dating How to Use This Catalog Denominations. Abbreviations 15 Housing and Caring For Your Collection —_____ 15 Grading Standards For World Paper Money 16 Standard International Grading Terminology and Chart on Months in Foreign Languages. 1s 1s Specimen Notes_________ Catalog Section ——_____________21 An Invitation Gers of this camo muy find 2 help adjunct i Bunit Nowe Repure=. the oaby monthiy acespaper devour exci sively 00 paper mmey of all Kinds and Soom everypiace. ack Sue pecsents upamdine mews, foun ates amt (iene ting Woshd Paper Mery Up are comericn mSEETY ane may aces amd mons. New isa sigs inthis paper are all keyed no the Pick mumbecng 59 tem ania im hese voiumes, TAT purchases of dis boo are arvined ar subsonbe 1 amt None Reon Requests for cone anfoemutiom shoud be (Gioecand tothe newspaper ac TOG E. Sue St foi, WT SHS TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 senemcenneneareneseapenesen coger sae: nuew ve Wits fi Si HLH AAAAUALALSERLLALL aan aa FA Sos 3s Pagar) Rota Paes. Pe Brome oe aba a th. crete Hg nil iV d | Re | | Ny ltt ‘sii i Ta ea sae SSSRSISESSIUGRESES REESE Sartre BXOUEGBESEseunaRET BEESE SN MOSS SATHORN“ REELS EDGR REARS SE5R283: SSHESLIS SITET ITSETE E | | Hi | | an a : Hi WAR TRAIT | Q« 1148) 1| 1 3 i j | e 1 Zz i at l ui | i a | z bi i HA | nn I RUE Ng S uli a sid LATERAL Ha wa . SREARSARISINRAAE URES CUEBPNERREREEN gk bt SN Te TTT] NTT : iy ray i i | ' 4 tit Rat alii ty EE a | i Hil! drnntaaitnn aE A hie a ttle ihatlatttel TMtnuh eines sneusasccccuccean ee cee eee TSAI EEL deonasovonee SARRSSASDAAAARSSSESSSERLAGS SAAN ADAAAAASAOGSLAEAGRSAARSS ASTKSTRSSSASSRRAAS. WResoeehaanas RBAGSEPE NG PERSE SRAGRESERRERAG FORBAMRSERARSRS ORNS! HEI he NARDURRRORNRSD FURDETRES: & AE i tiuty a ie 4 SUPMURRORRARAAGCROR arm a | Hi SERRE RSA TASITAGTE RAGES SEM TRARA RARE DEEUNE SRACASBRNAURERRAE UNA IRS BASRARNS SEAS! BURRS AARRRER ALADRBAB REDS RARESS ig ZW LTO fe a tn cack Ch il ul SUSHRRREAD i) HA eer RTT TTT HHH H OM EARN MD ORAL Ane elu wlll ! 4 i il fi ( ’ ' a ih had i a | HAN NNNNNRUHASUT ARH MA KRDO OEN MRE EE toatann OUTTA nn Tite: / il | = ws Hl Ih ly sl i al Li] pita LL aveveseeeuene pany AMOK AN eD Ml lid My eae i sil aut PESOVOGERPRE BAAN CN OOGR GER i Vit iH Tn eEORONABAK NUNN CHM ii | H i HT APL ORAROARAMGOHRANGBOUAR EAR HIV ( ial | COLLET ane na aH 7 aS SS EBEDE DSB OLESS | anil nh Hl ath La iHAHE: wild i! ZR RRR: RESRORESRECER BERRREREQUESIOTSS=ESS: SUSUORHARSOOSLESSE SE SAEs GB SASArEseEEzE LS: asas*: SBS20Ug sg seg setszs5zgRngngnaal Ae HTM Hi i i dnnlitl Lelia SENSEI oii RAS RRSRSS ERE RGES as amy cit 4 ci Ht i z ue | a © UAL Ss $88: bi} ein a REDREARRRMCOBARSSRAE BERG RRS BROSRE ARZRRRABARGRARS ReRRe uae it {| WUT Waa a g rE | | | Hl | | a HE at al tit val 3 iy sal ih ER Ru a nll eset a 5 Fas Fass yO Pe Corts Oe The ns ie at at sue es eh of of oo a es SOCEGR SER CR SAABRAS ES ‘Seaeemageesag is 12 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS International Bank Note Society The Intern al Bank Note was formed in 1961 to promote the collect- ing of world paper money. ‘More than 1,600 members in over 60 nations around the world draw on the ser~ vices of the IBS to advance their callect- ing. ‘The Society's benefits begin with the quarterly IBNS Joumal, a magazine featur ing leamed writings on the notes of the world, their history, artistry and technical background. Additionally, each member recieves. directory which lists the membershi name as well as geographic Each member's collecting specialties are also given. Other member benefits include a regular newsletter (3-4 times One of the greatest benefits of IBNS membethsip is the facility for correspon: dence with other members around the world, for purposes of exchanging notes, umismatic knowledge and assistance with research projects. For persons with paper money they can- not identify, the Society offers an attribu- tion service. wee eee ee eH Application for Membership inthe INTERNATIONAL BANK NOTE SOCIETY Rams Last Fist Thital Street City Province or State Country Postal Code r 1 i I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1yp2 of Membership: | !ndivigual:$17.50 per year__ Junior (Ages 11-17) 1 $9.00 per year__ I ! I 1 I 1 1 ! I I 1 I . Family (Includes children under 18) $2250 peryear___— Payment in US Dollars payable to IBNS, Check Other__ Money Order___ ‘Do you wish your name and address to appear in our Membership Directory? a No. Yes. Collecting Interest Mall to: Milan Alusic P.O Box 1642 Racine, Wisconsin USA. 53401 ‘The contributions to this catalog have b a aes ead racial Accord me the invaluable input provided by s Nas eyed eater money field. We wish to single out the following individuay hy organizations for their contributions to this work th rough the submission of note ilustration, descriptive information and yaluations. Michael Mortis: Claud Murphy Jr Paul Nadin-Oavis Rointon Andhyarujina Or, Jorge E. Arbelaez Brian Asquith Koh Austin Simon Narbeth Cem Barlok eM Net daiaan OF Doel Goorge Nolarpote Ener Osvalo J, Nusdeo it Blackburn ‘Antonio E. Pedraza Tony Pisciotta Arcolio Gomez Prada Beate Rauch Rudolph Richter Jose Luis Rublo Joseph E. Boling Ramiro 0. Casalhas ‘Cheung Fong Ming Wiliam Guido Crapanzano Ricardo De Leon Richard G. Doty Russ Rulau Amoldo Etron Wiel Elser Alan Sadd Esko Ekman Govald A. Schmidt George A. Fisher Hartmut Schoonawa ie Gants Laurens Schulman ack Robert Schwartz Calls grams Timothy R.G. Sear Narendra Sengar Dr, Jamas A. Haxby, Sergio Heise F, William G, Henderson Howard Share Brian A. Silsbee Dick Heiman George Slusarceuk Fut il (deceasee) Bruce W. Smith Louis Hudson Wilarn M4, Jude a C Stover ae dimmie C. Steelman David Laties Tim Steiner Morris Loving Aim A. Sumana Glale Lobel Steven Tan Seas Luck David Tang lan Lucdeking Eduardo A, Trill MaTak Wo Jan W.Vanarsare Soe aoe Jean-Paul Vanior ian. Marshall, ‘Avdulno Ventresca Leo Alay ‘gor Vietorov-Orlov ALT. McCammon Stove Volls Lazar Mishov A Wang Howard Mitchell eases Berard See American Numismatic Assocation ‘American Numismatic Society International Bank Note Society ‘Smansonian lnsttQo" PUBLICATIONS The Stoletman’s Voor Book, 1993.94, 1300 Edition : cae lunes dito, The Staesman's Year Book Office, "The M WEAR ILE, England. (Sta acini sulk ineralagrepubtec nua sg) 2 Mtoe Annual ofthe Sate oF tee AMSAT ee cpt DATING Determining a note’s date of issue is a basic consideration of attribution. As the reading of dates is subject not only to the vagaries of numeric styling, but to variations in dating roots caused by the observation of differing religious eras or regal periods from country to country, and in some instances even within @ given country, making this determination can sometimes be quite difficult. Most countries outside the North Africa and Oriental spheres rely on Western numerals and Christian era (AD) reckoning, although in a few instances note dating has been tied to the year of a reign or government. Countries of the Arabic sphere generally date their issues to the Mohammedan era (AH) which commenced on July 16, 622 AD, when the prophet Mohammed fled from Mecea to Medina. As their calendar is reckoned by the lunar year of 354 days, which is about three percent (precisely 3.03 per- cent) shorter than the Christian year, a formula is required to convert the dating to its Western equivalent. To convert an AH date to the approximate AD date, subtract three percent of the AH date (round to the closest whole number) from the AH date, then add 621. The Mohammedan lendar is not always based on the lunar year (AH), however, causing some confusion, particu- larly in Afghan \d Tran (Persia) where a calendar based on the solar year (SH) was introduced around 1920. These dates can be converted to AD by simply adding 621. In 1976 the goverment of Iran implemented a new solar calendar based on the founding of the Iranian monarchy in 559 BC. ‘The first year observed on the new calendar was 2535 (MS), which commenced on March 20, 1976. {aperueinaro Kasnaveneraa men 1 Oxmudpa 1920 rda_ exon Barnrsero Haine Russia - 1 October 1920 Koren ~ 4288 (1959) Greece = 5 Mareh 1048 Exypt= 1907 December 2 DATING 13 Several different eras of reckoning, including Christian and Mohammes (AH), have been used to date paper money of the Indian subcontinent. The two basic systems are the Vikrama Samvat era (VS), which dates from October 18, 58 BC, and the Sa-ka era (SE), the origin of which is re ‘oned from March 3, 78 AD. Dating according to both eras appears on the notes of the various native states and countries of the area. ‘Thailand (Siam) has observed three different eras of dat- ing. The most predominant is the Buddhist era (BE) which originated in $43 BC, Next is the Bangkok or Ratanakosind- sok era (RS) dating from 1781 AD (dates consist of only three numerals), followed by the Chula-Sakarat era (CS) which dates from 638 AD, with the lauer also observed in Burma. Other calendars include that of the Ethiopian era (EE) which commenced 7 years, 8 months after AD dating, and that of the Jewish people which commenced on October 7, 3761 BC. Korea claims a legendary dating from 2333 BC which is acknowledged on some issues of paper money. ‘The following table indicates the year dating for the vari- ous eras which correspond to 1990 by Christian calendar reckoning, but it must be remembered that there are overlaps between the eras in some instances: Christian era (AD) — 1990 Mohammedan era (AH) — AHI411) Solar year (SH) — SH1369 Monarchic Solarera (MS) — MS2549 SE2047 ka 1912. 3 Vikrama Samvat era (VS) — Saka era (SE) — Buddhist era (BE) — 3 Bangkok era (RS) — RS209 Chula-Sakarat era (CS) — C$1352 Ethiopian era (EE) — EE1982 Jewish era. — 5750 Korean era 4323 Paper: money/of Oriental.origin = principally Japan; Korea} China, Turkestan and Tibet - is generally dated to the year of the government, dynastic, regnal or cyclical eras, with the dates indicated in Oriental characters which usually read from right to left, In recent years, however, some dating has been according to the Christian calendar, and in Wester numerals. More detailed guides to the application of the less preva- Tent dating systems than those described, and others of strictly local nature, along with the numeral designations employed, are presented in conjunction with the appropriate listings. Some notes carry dating according to both the locally observed and Christian eras. This is particularly true in the Arabic sphere, where the Mohammedan date may be indi- cated in Arabic numerals and the Christian date in Western numerals, or both dates may be represented in either Arabic or Western numerals, In general the date actually carried on a given paper aD issue is indicated, Notes issued by special Law or Decree will have L or D preceding the date, Dating listed which does not actually appear on a given note is xenerally bracketed by Parentheses. Undated issues are indicated by the presence of the letters ND along with the year of issue in parentheses, if it is known. ‘Timing differentials between the 354 day Mohammedan and 365 day Christian years cause situations whereby paper money bearing dates for both eras exist bearing two year dates from one calendar in combination with a single date from the other. 14 HOw TO USE This volume contains various regional, state and bank issues covering a wide variety of note types and encompoassing 4 period of issue from about 1700 to the present. A number of list- ings have beca regrouped according 10 newly available informa- tion, and many new headings have been inserted. All this is (0 make the catalog as easy to use as possible for everyone. CATALOG LISTINGS Listings proceed generally according t0 the following sequence: Catalog number — the basic reference number at the begin- ning of each listing for each note. For this Specialized Issues volume all listings are uniformly preceded by the prefix S. This prefix immediately identifies them as issues to be found in this particular volume. No prefix letter S is used for any listings in Volume 2. Denomination — the value shown on the note. its nominal or face value, Date — the actual issue date shown on the note. Where more than one date appears only the latest is used. Where the note has no date, the designation “ND” is used, When issue date is known even though the note has no date, the listing will show “ND fol: lowed by a date in parentheses. Dates are always given in day- month-year order. Color — included for all notes where known. The face color is given first, and if the back is different that comes later, after description of the face design Description — main design elements of the face side are described briefly immediately following color. The same is true for the back when information is known. Uniface notes are so designated. At times certain design elements consistent for a given series are shown just before the listing itself, Printer — often a local printer has the name shown in full. Abbreviations are used only for larger or more prolific printers. See the list of printers* abbreviations on page 20. In the listings the word imprint refers to the logo of the printer's name usually appearing at the bottom margin. Valuations — for most notes in this volume, values are given in three grades: Good, Fine and Extremely Fine. Listings which do not follow this pattem are clearly indicated. SAMPLE GENERAL CATALOG LISTINGS Following are three examples of catalog listings incorporating some of the features described in previous paragraphs: CL # Denomination De despise et feo SEM SUSCCR 1 [1D Sewn ant mx Sore a | ‘bos Kh Bak oe Pte ton sc om 500 Explanation: catalog number is $521, denomination $ Escu- dos, and there is no date on the note but year of issue is known, and given in parentheses (1892). Face color is brown and multi- colored, meaning that brown is the predominant color. There is a dome at the left and a portrait of Alfonso XII* at the right. The ae ae meee arctica Hebe Printer is Thomas ue. HOW TO USE THIS CATALOG en, deserter Cott a a ber is $103. Denomin Explanation: catalog num! a1On is 19 Pesost and date of issue on the note is March 19, 1907, Thee.” olored underprint on the face, under a black frame, eee fetailo mention on the face. but the tat bank building. Printer is most likely not known, or poss local. 4 The author. editors and publishers make no claim of completeness, just as they acknowledge that some errors pricing inequities will appear. Correspondence is invited wig, Interested persons who have notes previously unlisted or why have information to enhance the presentation Of existing listcn, in succeeding edition so this catalog. *As a general rule, building. animals. etc. are not identifng specifically unless such information belps to clarify the descrip. tion. Portraits are identified whenever possible. DATES AND DATE LISTING POLICY Date listings in this catalog were never intended to represeat “complete” date information, only to shown some exampie, shortly after the first edition appeared a market aba data crept in. Simply stated, it said that any date “oot in * was obviously rare and worth a great deal more than ary listed date. The inflated price tag proved the point. This is juz not true. We must all realize that paper money research is stil in its relative infancy, and that a great many dates for a great mxy notes have never been set down in any order. Moreover, even if they were, how could anyone know for certain at this time which of these really rare and which are the more easily available? It will take many years, if ever, before such information is aval- able? It will 1 Vy ever, before such information is available, and even then its accuracy must be questioned. On te other hand, dates known to be scarce or rare are so indicated = this catalog. In order to avoid any further difficulties, the following de policy is now effect for catalog listings: in general, any note with up to three separate dates will have all of them shown in the fs- ing. Any note with more than three will have an inclusive 6 span, Examples: S300 s pesos ‘2ates. 412 170 97387 This shows all known dates f¢ being listed (a2 suum three differen) ee Dane Se wr zaneerszin The date span shows the earliest known date as 2.10188 and the latest 15.12.1873. Thus, ALL dates in between a = matically covered without their being listed. Important dates for #5340 above are only those which <= the coverage, earlier or later The oly exceptions to tis Pt ‘occur in certain series where collector interest requires the 1S ieee ane Would be misleading. le span that to shown RENUMBERING In those section ossible (0 ret Much hue With some or extensive revision, it was not log numbers from the previous edition. ed about the havoc created when renumber y tood and. aippree! ated by the catalogers, but we must all remember exactly what medium we are concerned with. Much in the way of paper money cataloging js still in the pioneer stage, and only within the past few years has information in varius areas been forth coming Which allows for almost deifnitive cataloging, Before that, no one could write any listing of notes and hope that it was anywhere near complete. Unfortunately, catlog numbers became very important as reference points very quickly, and everyone tags a number on a note and hopes it will never again have to be changed. That is the ideal to strive for, but it will probably take another generation of information and cataloging before num- bers may reasonably be expected to remain constant. There is no other choice; as newer and better data is revealed, it is the duty of the cataloger to incorporate the necessary outline features to improve the accuracy of listings in volumes such as this, To do less would be an injustice to the hobby and all who care to improve it. VALUATIONS For Volume 1 most notes have grades: Good, Fine and Extremely the listings and heading: Valutations are determined generally from a concensus of individuals submitting prices for evaluation and averaging. Some notes have NO prices; this does not necessarily mean they are rare, but it does show that no pricing information was avail- able, Many notes have a “Rare” designation, with no values. Such notes are generally not to be found on the market, and when they do appear their price is a matter between buyer and seller, No book can provide guidance in these instances except to indicate rarity. in a few instances values are given in itali This occurs when outside influences have made the collector market for the affected issue so unstable that any yalue shown is considered to be speculative. All valuations are based on American standards and interests, and are stated in U.S. dollars. They serve only as aids in evaluat- ing paper money since actual market conditions are constantly changing. Also, particularly choice examples of many iss listed in this book may bring higher premiums than those shown. alutations given in three ceptions are noted in DENOMINATIONS ‘The denominations as indicated on many notes issued by a string of countries stretching from the castern Orient, through Western Asia and on across northern Africa often appear only in unfamiliar non-Western numeral styles. Within’ the listings Which follow, however, denominations are always indicated in Western numerals. A comprehensive chart keying Western numerals to their non-Western counterparts is included elsewhere in this introduc- tion as an aid to the identification of note types. This compil tion features not only the basic numeral systems such as Arabic, Japanese and Indian, but also the more restricted systems such as HOW TO USE 15 Burmese, Ethiopian, Siamese, Tibetan, Hebrew, Mongolian and Korean, plus other localized variations which have been applied to some paper money issu In consulting the numeral systems chart to determine the denomination of a note, one should remember that the actual numeral styles employed in any given area, or at a ceriain time, may vary significantly from these basic representations. Su variations can be deceptive to the untrained eye, just as. vari tions from standard Western numeral styles can prove deceptive individuals not acquainted with the particular style employed. ABBREVIATION: Certain abbreviations haye been adopted for words occuring frequently in note descriptions. Following is a list of these: FY — face value 4 — number (catalog or serial) ND — no date sign, — signature or signatures wh — with wl — without wmk. — watermark vp. — overprint unpt. — underprint (background printing) — dark — light — muhticolored — left r= Tight ctr, © — center portr, — portrait bldg. — building Kg, — king Qn, — queen HOUSING AND CARING FOR THE COLLECTION ‘The proper housing of a collection should be one of the first considerations of a beginning collector. Even the advanced col- lector needs to consider it from time to time. Only a person who notes in a manner giving pleasure to himself and others will keep alive the pleasure of collecting in the long run, ies to the way of housing as to the choce of the collecting specialty: it is chiefly a question of what most pleases the individual collector, Sorting and proper arrangement of the ntes is most certainly a basic requirement. Storing the notes in envelopes and filing boxes should perhaps be considered only when building a new section of a collection, for accomodating Varieties or for reasons of saving space when the collection begins to grow. ‘The grouping of notes on cardboard sheets and fixing them into position with photo comers is a mode of housing practiced for many years. The collector can arrange the notes {© his own taste, letler and otherwise embellish them. Difficulties will arise in the accommodation of supplements and the exchanging of notes when acquiring pieces in better condition, since even slight differences in the formation will necessitate detaching and reaffixing the photo comers. 16 HOW To USE Most bank note collections are probably housed in some form of plastic-pocketed album which sre today manufactured in many different sizes and styles to accommodate many types of world paper money. Because the number of bank note collectors has grown con- tinvally during the past few years, some specialty manufacturers of postage stamp and coin albums have also developed new albums for paper money. The notes, housed in clear plastic pockets, individually or several in a pocket, can be viewed and exchanged without difficulty. These binders are not cheap, but the notes displayed in this manner should make the most lasting impression on the viewer. A large collection will hardly be accommodated in its entirety in this manner, thus many collec- tors limit themselves to partial areas or especially valuable notes which are displayed thus. CAUTION: certain types of plastic and all vinyl used for housing notes may cause brittleness in time and cause oiliness from fluids transferred from the vinyl to the notes. The high demands which stamp collectors make in general on the quality of thei objects cannot be transferred to paper money. A postage stamp is intended for use only once and is then embodied in a collection. or it may be purchased new as a mint specimen without the slightest trace of use. In paper money, it is difficult or impossible to acquire uncirculated specimens from a number of countries. Acquiring the circulating notes of such places in high grades is also not 2 simple matter. The collector must often content himself with notes showing more or less pro- nounced traces of use from circulation. The fact that there is a classification and value difference between the notes with greater use or even damage is a matter of course. it is part of the opinion and personal taste of the individ ual collector to decide what he will consider worthy of collect- ing and what he will embody in his collection. For the purposes of strengthening and backing tom paper money, under no circumstances should one use plain cellophane tape or a similar material. These tapes warp easily, with sealing marks forming at the edges, and the tape frequently discolors, Only with the greatest of difficulty (and often not at all) can these tape be removed, and the damage to the note or the print- ing is almost unavoidable, The best material for backing tears is the 3M Magic transparent tape, a self-adhesive tape especially recommended for the treatment and repair of documents, There are collectors who, with grcat skill, remove unsightly spots, repair badly damaged notes, replace missing pieces and otherwise restore or clean a note. before venturing to take such ‘work, one should first experiment with cheap duplicates and not ‘endanger a collection piece by a daring aticmpt. Really difficult work of this nature should be left to the experienced restorer, provided the value of the note is a sensible ratio to the expendi- ture involved. On the same subject, there has recently arisen a school of thought which questions the wisdom and, indeed, the very morality of tampering with a piece of paper moncy to restore or improve its condition. Such a question must, in the final analysis, be left to the individual collector. IBNS GRADING STANDARDS FOR WORLD PAPER MONEY The following Introduction and Grading Guide is the res vwork prepared under the guidance of the grading comminee the International Bank Note Society. It has been adopted as i, official grading standards of the IBNS. Introduction Grading is the most controversial component of paper money collecting today. Small differences in grade can mean significant differences in value. The process of grading is so subjective and dependent on external influences such as lighting, that even g very experienced individual may well grade the same note dif. ferently on separate occasions. To facilitate communication between sellers and buyers, itis essential that grading terms and their meanings be as standard. ized and as widely used as possible. This standardization should reflect common usage as much as practicable, One difficulty with grading is that even the actual grades themselves are net used everyplace and by everyone. For example, in Europe the grade “About Unciruclated” (AU) is not in general use, yet in North America it is widespread. The European term “Good VF" may roughly correspond to what individuals in North Americe would call “EF”. The grades and definitions as set forth below cannot reconcile all the various systems and grading terminology variants Rather, the attempt is made here to try and diminish the coatro- versy with some common-sense grades and definitions that sim to give more precise meaning to the grading language of paper money. How To Look at a Bank Note In order to ascertain the grade of a note, it is essential 10 examine it out of a holder and under a good light. Mave the ncte around so that the light bounces off at different angles. Try bold: ing it up obliquely so that the note is almost even with your eyes as you look up at the light. Hard-to-see folds or slight creases will show up under such examinations. Some individuals lightly feel along the surface of the note to detect creasing- Cleaning, Washing, Pressing of Bank Notes a.) Cleaning, washing or pressing paper money is genes) harmful and reduces both the grade-ard the value of 2 0%. At the very least, a washed or pressed. note may lose its sheen and its surface may become lifeless and dull. The defe 2neua —_sonpuen gone) 4anyeus yusnp, yuo donysuod fow sew yenig denujey — uejuegiy: 4equiosea 4oqwienoN 40019 AoquiE\dog = asMNYy Ane oune cow uoww — fienagos _Aienuer. aur 20 BANK NOTE PRINTERS BANK NOTE PRINTERS Printers’ names, abbreviations or monograms will usually appear as part of the frame design or below it on face and/or back. In some instances the engraver’s name may also appear in a similar location on @ note. The following abbreviations identify printers for many of the notes listed in this volume: American Bank Note Company (USA) American Bank Note Co., Ltd. (Canada) - Bouligny & Schmidt (Mexico) Bundesdruckerei (W. Germany) Bureau of Engraving & Printing, Peking (China) 7 Banque de France (France) Barclay & Fry Lid. (England) 3 radbury, Wilkinson & Co. (England) _. Compania Americana de Billetes de Banco (ABNC) Columbian Banknote Co. (US) Canadian Bank Note Company (Canada) Compania Columbiana de Billetes de Banco (CBC) ... Casa da Moeda (Brazil) Casa de Moneda (Argentina, Chile, etc.) ‘Chung Hua Book Co. (China) Casa de Moneda de Ia Nacion (Argentina) Commercial Press (China) Compania Nacional de Billetes de Banco (NBNC) Continental Bank Note Company (US) - Central Printing Factory (China) Cantiere Pietro Miliani Fabriano (Italy), .. Compania Sud/Americana de Billetes de Banco (Argentina) i ipper 1 (England) Dah Tung Book Co., and Ta Tung Printing (China) ee E.A. Wright (US) Franklin-Lee Bank Note Company (US) - Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (Spain) Giesecke & Devrient (Germany) jamilion Bank Note Compay (USA) Hong Kong Banknote (Hong Kong) Hong Kong Printing Press (Hong Kong) . Homer Lee Bank Note Co. (US) International Bank Note Company (US) Istituto Polygrafico Dello Statto (Italy) Jeffries Bank Note Company (US) Johann Enschede en Zonen (Netherlands) Litografia Nacional (Colombia) -Murray Draper Fairman & Company (USA) Nissen & Arnold (England) National Bank Note Company (US) Officina Carte-Valori (Italy) Officina Della Banca D'Italia (Italy) Orel Fussli, Zurich (Switzerland) . Perkins & Bacon, London (England) . Perkins, Bacon é& Co. (England) Perkins, Bacon & Petch (England) .. Reichsdruckerei (Grmany -Rawdon Wright & Hatch (USA) Rawdon Wright Hatch & Co. (USA) Rawdon Wright Hatch & Edson (USA) . Security Banknote Company (US) ‘oppan Carpenter & Company (USA) ‘Thomas De La Rue (England) . Union Printing Co, (China) ‘Union Publishers & Printers Fed. Inc. (China) United States Banknote Corp. (US) een Western District Banknote Fed. Inc. . Waterlow é& Sons Ltd. (England) svsvapeiuns Watson Printing Co. (China) one. W.W. Sprague & Co, Ltd, (England) SPECIMEN NOTES ‘To familiarize private banks, central banks, nw enforcement » cies and treasuries around the world with newly issued currency, nations provide them with special “Specimen” examples of theit yo) Specimens are actual bank notes, complete with dummy or all jo. serial numbers and signatures and bearing the overprinted andior rag, rated word "SPECIMEN" in the language of the country of origin iy or where the notes were printed. Some countries have made specimen notes available forsale to go lectors. These inelude Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Slovakia ats World War Il and a special set of four denominations of Jamaica bearing red matched star serial numbers. Also, in 1978, the Franti Mint made available to collectors specimen notes from 15 nations, bas ing matching serial numbers and a Maltese cross device used 25» pe fix. Several other countries have also participated in making species notes available to collectors at times. Aside from these collectors issues, specimen notes may sometime, command higher prices than regular issue notes of the same type, ere, though there are far fewer collectors of specimens, In some cases, nots. bly older issues in high denominations, specimens may be the only form of such notes available to collectors today. Specimen notes art ne legal tender or redeemable, thus have no real “face valuc which also indicated on some examples. ‘The most unusual forms of specimens were produced by Waterlon and Sons. They printed special off colored notes for salesman's sample books adding the word SPECIMEN and their seal. These salesman's samples are not included in catalog listings. In most cases they are est valuable than true color specimens but may command a premium in more popularly collected countries. Some examples of how the word "SPECIMEN" is represented in other languages or on notes of other countries follow: AMOSTRA: Brazil CAMPIONE: Italy CONTOH: Malaysia EKSEMPLAAR: South Africa ESPECIME: Portugal and Colonics ESPECIMEN: Various Spanish-speaking nations GIAY MAU: Vietna MODEL: Albania MUSTER: Austria, MUESTRA: Various Spanish-speaking nations NUMUNEDIR GECMEZ; Turkey ORNERTIR GECMEZ: Turkey or OBPA3EIL'B: Bulgaria, Russia, USSR. PARAUGS: Latin PROFTRYK: Sweden UZORAK: Croatia WZOR: Poland 3ATBAP: Mongolia Bras, BSP peo ae 235 mee NBAVT stm quudy) xs 2 Kena (oe ae ; (prietes oF pertersted) RL cums R ag eros 2495 some The Ropebic of Atania (ee ery Pecos Socalat Radu. fe), a Danan: pencano 80 tho marta fod rang 16cm, Peer eyo rn, caer, cn are exerted {gave A N29 BEEN pat of Re Grek and Roman Expres, ates bmaen ot tho « ano Ater te dextegraton ofthe Roman Er—a0, Kia Aewaca and Tuts Sandee ty Pitary of wat overtn by Gstha. Byzantines natenal hero, rossted the Turks and bsiablaned an M0 G8 the county again fel Yo the Tuts ord fernaiec! par of oe Trompardence was re-estabahed by Fevst m 1012. and the borders est onenmnce of EurTpean PWN WHE A IDNA, placed Pr waned n 1913 by @ 29 Wisamo Weed en te then, op veerin montis. n 1620, fosoatng Wosa Wat | aecuRsncy by sev Cex rotors & MENBEC was Bat UO Areal Zopu seed Do preaderey M125. aM De acbrred e7aed tin wil tha te of 2991 Kieg 7a9 ed whon tay ceufie’ Aaa F199? and Ferernc King Viewx Erraruet of ay. Upon mie tutrensor of Nay to the Aes 1343, Gorman Sapp coset Pe county They wince 4 IDE and conan parusare edged pow, nam TpGen Exver Honha prowacral prendert tn Du, todoning a veteny by the corer! facto fe IHS wectors_ a new corsstuston modeled on Tt ef tha USSR was aaogted In aacorearce Sarre conmstton of Dec. 28, 1976, the cfical name ol Abana was Changed ftom Peoge’s Faubic ot Abana 10 Fe People's Sooalet Repuhe ot Rana. A gereralstnke by trde unre fit oved be communst govermert 9 woagn Anew govwriment was ected Nar 1982 MONETARY SYSTEM 1 Fratk = 100 Ointar REGIONAL Berat, Bashkia e Beratit Cath Deramination siti S2OUNDTAR Bera, Dhoma Tregetare e Beratit Date, description Fier 1912 1925 250) 650013500 SE URETTALUAME MD Buick on ret wogt Qancing crowed bert oaitand sump en tack - = - Gjinokastres, Bashkia e Gjinokastres NO, Buch. Cour double-headed eaghe and sting on back - - Koritza (Korce) Esty ne een 197 MONETARY SYSTEM 1 Frane « 100 Contimes 1 Stace = 100 dint IN17 ISSUES. Cate Denomination 1, tension Get me S108 1emnanc 1.1917 brown on agua vat ak sau ‘uly purge hand top ate sso 4000 wAdsone tue Leesa sto? 1 FRANC rayon 15t0 6800 13500 108 yz FRANC 283.1017 Une 45106 Joeo 4300 10000 81091 FRANC 2531912. Eich cn brown-ovange ung S107. sch ia purge fans tap at wooo 100 10000, 5110-5111 wile: REPUELIAA SHOIPETARE, KORCE. Docbien ater, ast ag = ETRE NIT UTI py Sn wes suo veenmc 10101917 sun rnaNc roror917 1918 ISSUES siz rnanc feo 918 1509 $$09 14000 sua Trac Feo. 118 1509 $S09. 14009 15114-5119 town view eo bach SUG OSOFRAKE = 1 11,2918.Grern. 1500 sus rane 1.112906 Res an on §$00 ss00 140.00, SiN OsorRANC 1121018 1500 $00 14000 sn yay 112.1008. 1500 ssoo 14000 smb osormae 029016 sm) ss00 waco sie rRane 021918 $00 $800 10000 1920 ISSUES ¢S120-S1Z1 write: FEARITOIRE DF KORITZA meee $120 SOCENTIMES. tr 1020 tso sso 14000, srr 1 Franc Mur. 1920, 1500 $800 14000 siz FRANC 1.41920 ate 1500 ss00 14000, siz sreancs. 1.41920 me 1800 S00. 14000 sree 1 FRANC 80m 1500 $800 14000 15130-5194 were: KATUNOAN/E KORCES, 22 ALBANIA E414 Denvovination 130 v2 SxEVOKN Sut VSMENOKN S12 2s0Nr vee sn soant 1244 29 5c0¥0EN S130 1 SKENOEN 9828 FH ANG it 4 We 85H Skutari (Shkoder) 1811-814 wie SIGURUL ARE J PERLUMET AMES SF SHMOOAES PERID! srt sonora 1 edorgt 1009 12 yeomorsn 1909 519 700MOTAR 100) sit so awaran 90 Vlora 18181-B114 wre: WASH EVLOMES. Ocul headed engl ete Inwnpt S191 ToOINOTAN 151m 2009 5152 250m07AN 200 sis 1 Fran 195.1908 tack 350 15103-5104 pore. man ath. S104 Anan 119.1924 fue andbroanongieen unpt, 4000 SIEGE Ranay iecue vy Turia Gen, Cat Pasha in 1043, MONETARY SYSTEM 1Grush = 40 Para S101 9 rANA io 1014) 100.00 ‘182 10PANA fio 1093), 100.00 $903 2GAUSHI 0 (1913), woo, 5964 1 onusHh No (1013), wato woo 80.00 5.00 1000 150.00 000 20000 PYNitcl UN ou ULES, Brtiat MONETARY 10 a shiings i avs «1 Pound Barclays Bs Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas) Feamiy Te Colona an PROVISIONAL Issue Cat # Denomination Date, 100s O0ULAR 80, Purtecoi Se attssue Us ft IS8ULO AT ANT GUA BRANCH Printer UM Colonial Bank ater became Ooty Hank sme sootuans Royal Bank of Canada PROVISIONAL ISSUE Yo 1020, Ars at upper Prt PAS 5115S 00LLANS aten, Peter ABNC. Spec men ie, REGULAR ISSUES one Pound 21.1020. ek on green ut 1, Back green; royal rest ABNG. 300 71000 SINT SDOLLARS = Pew’. 104 Sema 0 #5116, bt eden os len, Printer CBN mo Oe 4 In wouthern South Art: area of 1,720,024 54 m) @.770221 a. km) and n population of 23.1 fa! Buenos Alo topooraphy ranges Arepical lowlands of the north towering Andoan hlourialne wos! and the windewont Patagonian stoppe inthe The roling, lrtie. pampan ot tral Argentina are neal for sgrcuture and grazing. and Suppo most ot the republe’s population. Maat packing, fing, toxties. sunt toting find dary predict ae tho pine palindustios. Oils ound m gona, but most of tho mine fequiremonts must bo imported ARGENTINA ‘Agontina waa decovared in 1610 by tho Spanish nav Juan Go So Spanih colony w at Guenes Ai Argentines sot up thoi o4n gov: gperdonce was formaly docared eeany Seveoped sonty, ¥en Napoinoa conquered Spain Inthe name of he Spanish hing on May 25, 1010, Ind 579, 1018. MONETARY SYSTEM 1 Peso « 8 Reales = 100 Contavos ARRANGEMENT x Argeton ae ive ino fee ma ontans early government vein: touedwsttadons and banks forthe period 1820-1864, The tecood contins such notes Wautd Behe Sd 190. Preseated atthe beginning oF exh at hese sections ate government of TressUry sues 0 ses according othe headings (ound on he notes. The We vecLen consol nee fling ‘cer arora Bank syste called Buncos Nacionales Garant ye 1889. Me uth cel isis tolowtd by eegional and private tank sues nihil sequence. The ists a cos, om 189010 1990. TPetetowing chat indiates the coetent Section |, 1820-64 GOVERNMENT ih ef these tive major sections: CGonerneet othe Provieee of Buenas Ares Cenems Notes of 1820-1821 sve #8101-$120 Prosacla de Beesas Aires, 1625.. fee RQI-SHS ‘eesine Conleseraion Trextey Note, 1859-1854 5191-8100 Caen Sonds-Goblerec Nacional, 1855-1059, #5170-8211 Arpidca ipeation Treasury Notes, 1880-61, 8206-8201 EARLY BANCOS {ises ge Bownos Ayres, 1822-1029 #sa01-s36 Biss HaBONA, BRB 8397-8358 ‘Baca Nacional te is Provincia: Unidas Gol Rio Gola Pinta, 1829-1040, 15360-5376 ashe Maneda = nestled La Proriaca de Boones Ales, 841-1851 45377-8004 Busco y Cara de Moneda - wate ited La Provincia de Bvanes Aires, 1853-1054, wsan2-sa4 15415-9435 voaat-S450 —M abree, sles tes £7 Estado €e Buenes Alves, YBS6-1858 =n boats own sare 1864 Section Il, 1865-1903 TREASURY Trane Bs, 174 an : fsao1-2001 ont @tTexr, Previa de nos Aer ao Siateanssuate Irae ne fase se : 0s-s406 BANKS Daca en revi au Boos Aes, $09) onan BABT-FAD, 8500-8579 larvae Boens es, 185, 189-109 = 50-78 esta eines ae : mare mpdtallaed 5721-5797 8160-5772 57865-8797 95799-8835, sos HBA -BAB sia revise de Cordoba, 1873-1091... ‘ise Provacla be Entre Bl, 1888 os (sce Provincial de Salts, 1844-1903. Frevinta de Santa Fe, 74-182 ‘isco Proviecal de Tecan, Y883 Section Il, 1888 SANCOS NACIONALES GARANTIDOS (ieee Aledo Tranratisai, : ognnet-si 2 WIDEST ARGENTINA 23 ‘ance Proviclal de Este Ros, asiiar-sss nee Provacal da La lo}... 4 #51101-81157 ‘ance de Ia Provieca 62 Mendora vasio1-s1365 ennn7t-a 075 anst6r-si306 ‘Banco Provicial do Salts ‘Ganco Proviclal do San Juan ‘hance Provincial do Sans Fe esuigt-si200 Aaneo de Ia Provinela de Santiago 1 #SIEON-$1207 Aanee Provincia de Tutus #51219-51216, 221-8126 #51206-51237 Danco de San tuls th eee Moevo Banco taliono Section IV, 1823-76 PROVINCIAL Province et Cotamarea, 1849 Province ef Cérdota, 1829, Province of Conlentes, 1820-1001 Province of Entre ios, 1826 Province of Santa Fe, Province of Santiago el Ester, 1670-1076. REGIONAL AND PRIVATE BANKS Bareo Argentino, 1865-1073 = ASUS T-81865 ‘aneo J, Hanites e Hijo, 1867-1668, rst591-81565 Daren el Gnaco, 1868 a #51268 Banco Comercial do Cortinies, 1067-1868. 1 OSIBT I reo Comercial do Sania Fe, 1867-1869, Baneo del Comoro, 1869, ‘Marea de Consignacianes de Frutos det Pals ‘aren de Corrtentes, 1973. i ‘Ganco de Cuyo, 1692, ‘aren Ene Mano, 1864-1872 ‘area Mpoleestlo do Provncis de Cérécbs, ND. ‘Uareo Mipoleeato do is Provitels Ligadas del Morte, 1041 1 81590 51601-31608 ‘ManeoIrduttial da tn Peoeecia Ge La Roja 51691-81695 ‘Oaneo del Aiton, 1871-1680, ss1701-81716 co de Londres y Mo Gola Pai, 1666-1064 #51721-51765 Barco Masi & Cs, 1265-1068. és ‘Uareo Mander Hermano y Cis ‘Ugrea de Menéora, 1871-1882 ‘Unnco Wurtz 8 Rodrigues & Ca., 1883 ‘Banco Osandaburay Garbo (Garvino), ‘area Porans, 1866, 10H NTASA-S1T47 ose. stTaTF #51748-S1757 +51760-81763, ‘area da lo de fa Pats, 1068-1860 esust-siees ‘8are9 (€e Rosato de Saata Fe, 1855-1569 #51851-81655 ‘Greco de San JuaR, WWIITETB. en 51858-81098 ‘seco de San tos, : #51901-81908 29 8 Baeco de Vicirl, 1873. Caja Avorior de Rosario, 1870 Create Popular, 1996 Grete Teriloa, 1877 Credita Teron Section V, 1890-1932, 1985-93 PROVINCIAL 1890-1932 Province of Cowieniey, 1694 Province of Jouy, 1989-1992 Province of Tecuman Section 1 Early Forerunnors of Paper Money, 181318 Sever eso par sues to lace sorta Arent jdepdence. it these cnt conatite "Wut paper money. They represented oan to te governed coud serv only a very ted eagaey 3 payment fr customs ot cota debs. GOVERNMENT Government of the Province of Buenos Aires Customs Notes of 1820-21 ‘baby ote sue that oud hae cca ere he Csions Noes lhe Mn ge Hacc oa The weretwo dst ype, tee apace wh ery em 1-513 anna hel esp: PRWICH BE OUCMOSAYMES Teo pts: PAPEL LEE AMONTIZAVLE above VALE. .\ie0. s a sat e sS2701-2719 04 28 November 1820 Black em hits pape. Several wed ‘Paies Circle wera had stamp ef acs ad fatal vepere, Paste som wave cinere Yate ron ctxco rxsos. Tdnisibles em Aduana en in- (roducciones mariti restres, IP TIT OTET TOTS TT Date, eererstice Cooe Fine 0 2s 45000 120 z000 45000 1220 00 48000 20. 27300 50000 1220 25900 45000 1820. 25000 45000 (#S107-5113 ins prevines iceon, bot handwrites tps, 107s Pesos 1820 20100 40000 70000 SiO wwrEsos 1829 20000 40000 70000 S18 2OPESOS 1820 20000 40100 70000 sit wPEsos 1820. 250.00 45000 750.00 S11 saresos 1820. 20600 40000 70000 S12 wa Ptsos 120 2090 40000 700.00 S13 woPesos 12 20000 40000 700.00, {5S116-5120 legend ln tireniar Genign: PAREL MONEDA DE LA PROVINCLA DF BUENOS AYRES. Wo ten: ‘PAPGL VILLETE tis. abeve VALE lisa Simla a previes sve, All except #S1N6hrve Randerten, aie. Sit woresos 1829, 2000 45000 750.00 Sus zopEsos 182, 25000 45000 75000 ‘SiN6 300 Pesos 1820, Printed 2000 48000 75000 SHYT 300 PEsos 1229, 2000 45000 750.00 Sim 1oPEsos re 2000 45000 759.00 SH z0PES0S ten 29000 45000 739.00 5170100 Pesos 12) 000 45000 739.00 Provincia de Buenos Aires ‘5121-5129 issued by ne geveremant ef the Provice in 187). Payable ie metalic money. Blac pist- ‘eg, HES. rele went ad van at 38000 «e009 7000 was Tani sce sll mek Sie eee > Boe ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION remeti S80, pn ewes om reves Bvt As 8 ere wp Ce em cies toon ei ee ae ane ey Treasury Notes, 1853-54 4#S1St-S18¢antrize by decree of January 3, 1854 ile goveromen! was wang lr cope cey anive 100 S181 12RIAL Papers, ct S192 REAL Nid Buck Ramat ponom et. nace - im - S189 2 REALES. Reporte, et tome ‘StS4 4 REALES Reporte etext ‘4S1SS-S150 black. Handwritten date 9 December 1853, Unitace,tseve coxraied ty De Adin ie Hatienss y Cres. SUS 1 PESO. S1S6 5 PESOS 1S3.Morseatbetometr Seuarch format 10000 22500 St VES3. Heres and cowl top tt clasped hands a boon et, S157 v0Petos 1883 cusp an ep cow seat ce re man ae Se iss mertsos ss teeta SIS9 SOptsOS 1083 Repaced mt colemt S180 100 FES08 1853 ‘point cote (80015146 ae. Specimen ot. rte Be ‘S161 1 PESO BSx. Farm tots at upper ctr, Specimen. = - 1S Ategoreat figures at upper ce. Spec ‘oe. for la Mdm ini Matin Mattes ple Paton CBD se ry ra ie es Heyl rnustenay, se a ees Decreia de 7 de Mayo de 1857 P0434 wh, tc, Ye Dein Ct 07 are ppl 1%, 100 wn 0 Sa wren 651 00 an 0 ARGENTINA 25 Ct Cesamenson un me oe arts ste ta im wih Mh Oecretos de 7 de Mayo y 5 de Junio 1467 6SHE-4104 legos ine slurs Mactwrins Cates ala SUA. letaest payee et ie an nn 1 as nn On Ah om aro ih nh 1th " srdekcovepsnbersesseniy nocisneysopetrae test Loomarrene rrr ar rear percempinaprccnnnonnanwormerivatrat reer DR Haran NIN RTO ae OM Se ints bb 'a Ah Oi a anus sa anys Ley de 1 de Octubre de 1457 OS108-198 Rach Comins nurs of nates, pple em Emarent arg lat nk ratanmnse ‘tai carrey, Atel semasced at 7 ay. Aa wes Ves A 2 are ha rms wf et ‘Hordes bach, Wn ely Crone Nad snes bo prepares FIRST SERIES 2184-4191 pepe tom Der. = ao J am me a2 = =o = mar 4 ‘Camtrate be 15 de Mays te 1353 Co ee ne eee ae eT = mc — um me ux = mm = mm xe ar SS tesa pep he OB ee (Foor ogee ae ed. hg OF nus Yate Semen ame Sea a * sun aE Bo ee - od Lay de 20 de Segtiemare de 1855 CoM SST toa Utne Ames Nowe ems nt fae EL tee ey = mes REPUBLIC 1 Sera (AIUN-MIES vine Panties Gates 6 1880 408 106). Meat bre ben erp. PACAOO ho, bn enn ge tere be minus tact seneten tetanus aes ns vn en bat tor nc 15 OETA, 28 PSS sare et Bac. nn mn me be ee hie dpe Sere estate pe * ms ma were 0 pene etme ‘ EARLYBANCOS “ Banco de Buenos Ayres FIRST ISBUE, 1222 a8) Da inn ete at ye Coca 4 eho nn nt incl rents wet re eraecies We ate Fares SOA arn Ve Sit tne ra te tates tr we (S819 aes Uae ote pp ee tabs larnethed Be ae BAB bie 5 sons reo ester mati Lai aol 2 wre ese a ay ee a were women, ey eruaaee, Bu memos wun, Se ee ed woe ee a Se eres sos) Sey ae eae SECOND ISSUE, 1623 “QS PESOS. sa gs cere fe TPMONTETTE pleat AA tn 9h Norte aun eran sata oe Aen y cate praca en eonee NN sm iresos THIRD ISSUE, 1823-24 eS)71-S210 bine Unace nates printed s Leadon OT. le he DARE YATE PEAS a om tee bis Pally, stres0 ND Roe pacer ation! sen at top tr Hedge ¥. Aimee: —- km NOTE: For 1 Pen nes tha S311 but mideerent gn. ne #5320 (#SUTE-SI18 Sans eae eter §.1:1223 013.1824, dem aL, Woe pate sm sresor tees-28 "seo tiliag PBURSON Avuus 2-7, etd i Mseki> OTe nteniye i< “4 a i flee PASE yo Da. chet: yes ane are teat aaah tee Se tee ee OTE Fo ctes he #S912-S12 2nd SI1S-SONGA dated e DE see EID s¢ 5917-5919 Deleted THIRD ISSUE CONTINUATION, 1826 tfc na Fee nen i 4 PN REY. Nang aerated ares he Th tt ony ee esas ti yt Ted se ee Osco Bann Aes = Cat # Denemination Coot ng Sie 1FE50 10 stay 15000 am Be sca7t-$306 ie 45312-5013 and 8315-5216 excep for ing Mandwrites exter 494, sou SPEsos - Re = sz 1DPEsos —~ Re = S83 SOPESOS — ff S826 10 PESOS - mL 15925-8227 Oeleces, "FOURTH" ISSUE, 1827-29 £8928-S336 cary te ram of Banco de Buencs Ayres but were sued by fhe Banco Racoral Ne tt bbzn ordered by Te former i 1825 bot becauce ct a Brazilian Bsckace they wee rot Gebven! wate }E2?. Bick 9 Bie white pipet, Untace Prater: Fatman. Draper, Underwace and Co. Pe Soe Actes iter repreted froth same platen Buesor hes on ticker paper ates Mandated ie YES cr 128 Regrets ota waves excest te 1 Peso ware muse ty Bt Compania Sos-Ameres Ge Bee Banco aroens 1900 S28 1PESO Meat Os. 5. Baan a aiegores fates tea Washington? 2 Isnued note r. 1500 oe ee D.Unugeed remandec — so sf Foe Eagle weit stat see S " faba at per Westogton st sor TO PESOS 1827-28 Poet, §. Soba atl, beetre at (1G Washegten at — Re = sor SPOS 28 Post $ Bala! stupeer |G EL BANCO DE. 1121-23, Sanding woman oar port Washongon atl, aegeical women t Soe eee Pesos OTE Ne pea ots #5596 ae We, oy SS Banco Nacional 1 PESO ISSUE, 1826 tne sere ased in YE wy ences Bre 99. Tw Git yr man bon ne riod fons Boos Ares Prove set (oer aco Ui 3007-496) black once, Arms atc, CaL.# Denomination Gate, gexengion eee x Ss 1 FESO uO (125) Seuare ormut Text. CALA DE at torr | (wb ary seston ol orcuareg sr) rom xem — sus 19Es0 NO (1826) Lee #57 erecttest CALA DE ‘preted and BA (for Barnes Ares) ed Biby hind at loaar | 10000 og = S391 ESO NO (1826) Lie #507 exceet geaies CAACEPO tor Prove Overs Iowa 10 oon — sae E50 Ne (NERS) Rectang armst Prt ert CAIRDE BA some! NO (1826) ke #5340 excepted est CADE. stow FRACTIONAL ISSUE, 1826 Asnuté in 1826 and 1227 withsotnererals, spe. er te, Fined in sheets of 2 subjects. Varioes colons fare Unows, Denaminatons aren part of Real Berters are cecoraed wit ewer er cer ¢enipn tlt: ‘meets in cersen. wom om S842 1ODECIMOS NO Bick green or red-oaepe S39 PODEOMOS NO Lerves mn ceeners ange er broer, — me SUM TODECINGS NO. Poe aches corer. Bot, ochre orgs a WHOLE DENOMINATION ISSUES, 1826 Teo cect score mace mate Ging 1825, The tert tad te nexSog BANCO AACONAL and te wcond EL GANCONACONAL Notes were Nard Gated 122 1828. 157 182 ce 112 1236 AB re sy ae eo ange ingen 23 crgoal notes, Rept (9 Bot oles, radaed Bock) were made by he Compas Set meres (64 Beles de ance wrod 1900 ¥SD45-$954 beading: BANCO MACIONAL, VS345 S340 Mack Uaioe, (5345-347 Rational Arm at | RENOVACION 1834 TRANSITIONAL ISSUE s SET Sos Nsom lee: peace 5 D9 By StS SREAE Lie EDR SAONADON UST ce g8 Hoe em Sree 8 ait =. = 2 SATE Sealey we ea = See } 9 ex me ax rt 5 x YES. Sorat PESLIDY ‘ 900 Casa Woes a x ct pe rsarecs yes ma SAE /SIS-SES oe my me Banco Nacional de las Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata \kone wi Die Nong Leen” ee sae were He mae fe TEN Sweet eee tonne cang wolar re) ‘1829-38 ISSUE (¢S952- SOUT blac oe eis coe at mage Unitas Praca Penn nd Wes. Landon fee ingen ‘Some wert Has pina Pon Tee name panes wt Beemer AEE gm mee #SOU-SE0E tr FROETSONT, AE except SITE have REMDURNON YES pein pct ce aE Conte Nerwam comved ines, AE pr white saper earest SITE er sree. POEM tae eS mee RSEUN WTSI SeceMecwt M 2 SeuesriS20" wR eae ores mom =O 1 oeominbon feo at feo D0 bt et A 90 " sade nn tw 1 wrtse WHEW Use er » 11634 e101 61 649000 tune favors foe 7981094 sen eapeono zane 1001 a0 © 119 1808 3H ate ised ty Ca iad fie reriso8 Wo sr sm 9 39014 tan 78.9090 Ose ‘ie 390011 29090 SH ona 20000 42000 v0 9 wn MrtHO8 “10 oon yn 10000, ‘ne sed ortsos 11820-2001 Lae ose. Aue aut ty Cras Mont te eu 50st cate 191820 9.00: 298 y888 peortsos ZA MNILNN2 NIN Le FIEH AN sa und ate Mond Ae 0M 1165 rested £0 01684; 97050 tes 0.12 1000 sme wartso8 8.42,1638, 20.3.1840 Ube 46357 44.000 fetes tse ty Cua de Monat Nae Casa do Moneda vee UE PROMIIA DE BUMOS AYES Yb Cna de Worm furtoned a a ont cain 1996 wl wong een cocgea et te sey he Casa de Het on HO) ION ha gical ogans ax pat of Ye test le A PROVIACEA DE HUENDS AVAES. Ne Casa de Mon a at a6 sue Wet bat 1841 ISSUE 1 eminem bay emery tain, 1 dite NY. The yor to vomatanes pn 4 10 01M LU N02 1897-5910 nnce Veta, Maneatiton sgn, Sine: POM. 45379-8989 inter Win 8 ‘Hoe ott nates ware aie ited ater in asnon Aton Wl wfeating atop Me La Federe ‘ ntsa 1.14841 Ago women wei a tuna Gwenn, 900s 1184s tuy cui hh ot 3 yor 0 14900 fave Wining nia am oe 6 HH printed Orange papa wrenpnl Nd pind Prabih puree pape zo 7000 14000 sam amp 3300 eraminaton srts08 lortsos 20 FEN so resos, ne, Vea ‘Ounge pacer twa ey ote date 1.1041 Cora and weep att Ornge et 1 104F luny pi 1 f8d gnats be UB Lee 14.1001. Norse at ower et Orne nao 184 fly grates bb Neonat 15.1041. Cows at ct. 18 printed Ormign (0. oe fine ow) ton 2000 rom 24009 700) 000 ‘Ma eso C As Meme VO bastante 00 $0000 909 900 2000 S000 CAL # Demaniavon Oa, vanoten Som vores VAVM evga Oot time teat ean ie Tareae s00) 33am maw Msn 8908 Wed on Yew pane Se rao 40m mM 1Ay9 10 om aay Some ress 2 A Soho eres mI om WW FR Lt Ceeemmaten ba. greeter tet ome 0 sn eerie en rn ate ir #88690) ftw el asp a ne RAE LAK 1845-47 ISSUES A eH THE ect . Yc vale rant weet ve ik ed 1844 ISSUE a yeaa i 8308.890 na 306 ptr ttn Ry FRAP. 400 pote any WHEN A Kat A pte Berve ec. san? penny Unoace inept Mending al ag VDL LA CONFTERRUORN ARSENE Peta Jmverean (8 SURES UAPPARGL Fine pen by FAAP. ona pied Benen Awe Sot SOS VTE omge on yes pee Cea {ge rane Cou t hoe #01. pn SN NAO SUAS te 5002 Wade seo = sez 10 reso 14,1882 Bich en rose ung J 8, Aerl at 1, gato on hersebach, fn 6 fo, ahd anqalgat et _proecal ams at Bard 2 Wo ph roo 40000 Op Ley 14 tute 1486 290) 400) = + owasiatee Fw ox I ick en Bs ung Senta io (S813 Bick Due Resaro moe Senes é 7500 750 Warisose12 111875 casa, camteaten_ervinea so yer tees at Maar soe SeneaA Sec ‘men 00, S00 let sxe 10308 LMHS Blacks town up rosie ‘arms at eeu woman ct 6693 Bach brown Rosato ive Sets A 3 Tssutd ote —— ' Sumped SUCURSAL 4 tenes 09 beck fet ay PE ‘soo 20PES0S 1.14882. Black on ode une. Gen Logat atl, pron arm at et OTE: 15222-S428 wre stumped wdesignaton for Sava Fe as needed, a te back team freight train af Baek che 1681 ISSUE 2. Who ov —- pe = 7 Om Ley 14 Octuve 1885, a sy TRL 14.188, lack. Suntiog woman wrsket and cornucepiaa | tonsa Unitace: Piste: (Roar), 70 10000 — 1882 ISSUE ‘sree un are ited at Rosato but some ete stn fr Sana Fe have at cy ume Inced act entice sue fo Rossa and Sanka Fe coe wo. wwpt Ley 14 Octrve 1485 SHIOA OFESOS 1.1,1882. Buck on orange uns. Prose ‘02-900 isund at Reni, Prater: ABHC. ams and skeporcal woman witcles a1 1 Urgicat Bach orange. Ses A Pro SISRS ‘se30e_ 200 PESOS 1.11882. Bick on brown une. Sted allegovcal woman atl Raper Ange at ‘upper ct poinci arms at ch ok bigan, seated agora wornanw/sheep ate Seis R Proc Aa om ‘$6300 S00 PESOS 1.1882 Bek 0 brown unpt. Seite ae (orca woman att and upper ctr orf 11 andr of provincia a bton tr, rien en Rarbor scene a ack ‘ici: Roree a tt. Seties A Pract - = = £45031-5035 wird onpt: Santa Fon tac, wa irts0 111.1882. Blick on ochre unot Provincial sai 1 FESO. 11,1882. Ue #5826. ums a | vaqueras diving eae at cir, Wh ont, 0 190 0 — iat, Back maroon bs, Oypt Lay. 14 Octubre 1885: oo 90 = 4. Wo oh EP FOP 5 sor 1.8 14.4882: Lie #5827 =e 1b. Orpt: Ley Getvove 1885 Ea sana 5 PESOS. 11.1882. Ute #8828 A.W orpt 2m00 37500 — .Ovpt Loy 14 Octudre 1885. 000 37300 = 5004 10FESOS 1A.1E82, Uh #8829. Wo orp 20000 378000 = 1. Ovpt Ley 14 Ocnib 1685 20000 37800 — 5095 20PESOS TINH. Lite #8890 ao argh = fn 1 Oeph Ley 14 Octobre 1885: = he = Banco Provincial de Tucuman {#5441-Stasall come wiort Ley 14 Octate 685. ac. Pista CABO, Bueos Ales. HT vsores05 4.11062 Buckon oven wp Pri sat hoe dC st 190 "tbo 0) 22500 by Ovpt Ley 14 ction 1885. 109.00 72500 Date, eeseripion Gros eer VANES Buck on octre wept House of Tocamaa at. Gov (Dotter i tower Back purser som 1250 200) sua pesos 13.2888 Back onrose wet Gov. Col ML Paz atuoper ce Back re, m0 m0 seo sresas. 13188 J B Abert at. steam tain at 13.1888. Buch om ccdre a8 bor wnt 1 Areteds at star ai easng ‘wore st =5=- = 131888. Manat omer - Reported, not costumes sus zoPEsos sau s0PEsos 1.1888 Section til BANCOS NACIONALES GARANTIDOS (Guaranteed National Banks) \eaturar ton at untyiog re cuttency, Argenta cated a tw on November 3, 1887, stating Hat any cr Beraten oF soeety with capita of 290.090 pases in cttonal ocey could uncon at 9 anh snd stv noes Gearnieed by eatera pate tds. Sach notes would be legal nat parts of He caunby, Net at seoomeutins wate petesbyaitanks participating In afew instances aces were prepared fo: sue tet went trom ceuliton sed te estoyed. A oates of any dren nomination wee UND except for bank rata and eres exgaation Prater BWC Desctgtoes of ech Seecennaten are gren below PESO 1.1888 Bick on pink ungt Adm, G. Brown at ares th, cherubs ts Back 090 ‘legor/ fits and Sciences. 2 PESOS —_1.1.1888 Buck on grayish brown unpt 2 chaos ans anchor at, ams Nett. Gen C40 ‘been at Back marcon algory f Comme, SPESOS 11.1858 Black on grten and rose unpt. Di O. Sars anc alegoricl nortan ame at Back green, segeey of Sewsce HOPESOS 11.1088. Back on tle once Dy. J. Reca at, arms at ct, chen and cow a Back but: frat atberng| OPESOS 111058: Back on brown ad yetiw ine Dr. W,Pacteco aL. arms att, winged Vitony and chanbs ate, Baek marzon, quero rpiag cite SOPESOS 11.1884. 6lach on Bi and ye uopt, Arisa et DF. AL Celman and mythotgel igre wren a7 Back grea, ranch worbeg AOOFESOS 111882 Back on sap unt Dr. M. Moreno stl, arms ater alegorcal woman af, Back ‘margan: teaching ingen ONPESOS 11.1886, Back on uel ung. AlagDaal winged woman atl, ams atte Di. 8 Rada 11 Bick maroon torsos, SOOPESOS 11.1888 Guach corm wrgt Ategoricl woman and Gen. M. Belgrano atl, arms sets Back ur: erportiten 009 PESOS 11.1888 Buck cr ve ung Gen J.6e San Matin bd allegory ot Victory w/?2 args ors li, Back een, alegry of Agree and 3 children ecaune var franca conditions, ccourences ard cis, various sve wate cverpited wit tevak- 1 F180 1167, mo mm PESOS 171873, Qtek on bue ung. wm 60 ropcsos 17.1673, Rsek on gree unpt zoo anco. 7308 soresos, 117.1073, Bick on oren ang 5000. 12000 PROVINCIAL ISSUE ARGENTINA 65 Catt Deneminston Date, desergtse Set ime Stes REAL ‘ nm oe nan reso am se cot Dessmicates sass 6 CENTAYOS A Oh EEE foe oe cee ngonwintsse memes ble: CORDOBA ISSUES (HHT wet Pets lan, fen 7A . sr TRL er Ne sum PRE 18 Wier (51075 $1408 pater uC $908 TRAE Sitas sopesos S506 Ineved le Pass Faertes S106 se centavos PROVISIONAL ISSUES #515t1-S154¢ are Resarie eaten wlorpt PARANA Sis sPesos ws ee S812 10 PESOS 8 - - = S07 RL S108 tL S107 1F080 sar seresos Sime 2 pesos say sa resos 5100 sss in Peron Foertes 56 a anraves PARANA ISSUES *004H1-$1980 issue ie Pes Bolivacas. sisi 10resos 31514 209ESOS ROSARIO ISSUES sists 1rEs0 1 9ABEG. Back 3 winged tures at weper 1 worgt GUALEGUAY H Upper Co Untice Prater A rch = fi = #S15Nb-S1510 black Ulta, Printer: Lite. © Mel, Rosaria 3 ch opr tat tt 10 eR ey yw. Coa 100 *5169—150 et ca. ricer ABC 20 70% 8 rene 17.187) Buck 6 ange une pes rite eset wena 19187 Bch Ra ep -— = VA RIAL 171880. Digna remade =. Ss 1980 17.1689 Bek, Untace = = = 1 REAL 187 Back on purse sper Hore Rend at oper Uonice SES ee 66 ARGENTINA eS YSEN- SUES lve in Paes Beles Prater ANS cee fie SE REALES sme ESD TORU Ramer SNM Sisse 7 PESOS SANTA FE ISSUE ASTS9E scone it Pests beteasee SUS TRE OTE sigher sar PROVISIONAL ISSUE ASISO-SSMS Resens tat wing SANTEE NOTE: One ear BY emORE ws SKATE Banco J. Benites e Hijo sore x Guages (CSTSS)-ETSAD mut it Pesce Roernss ETH Y-ENSSD antoce Pras Lk Sa Mee Ss AR Pe ARGENTINA 67 Ca1.4 Oenomieaton 51560 $0 resos cat # Becssiaation Sis8) 2 REALLS 51556-51545 printer: ABNC. siser 1Fes0 S1S63 SFESOS 1810 1688 Black on ive urot Manat sllegeil women a tr wornan wb a1 Back green Pract - sis6¢ 20 PcS0s 1310.1868 sce on bom, Banco del Chaco S888 zares0s 15101867. fis on geen unpl Seated lasued a Via Ocampo, woman al aed get wigeon at ctr Tack ed orange 2 Issued ote ©o 100 = Pron = = S568 180 10.1884 Bak on taans green ope Won at Ok green sa fe. Prete BWC toc mm — Banco Comercial de Corrientes 1867 ISSUE ad S85 Sees et seen me = 4 TES RACINE RNS Ree ASSLT or GE AR Gare, Renn DOS Rane erent Hoo Mee aee QP ws Nas te. com ae er tom Du Deveney isk, amare a) FO) TVET AD Rack og, ww Tee amen EHS S FSWrERANR S re Fas Seas 88D Banco Comercial de Senta Fe rome Rane ee ot 0: a SS) ESD S10 Rawr toe See SECS Poe AT oeReR ese toe 2m YER {A Bas eee ue: Rep 2. aa EQNS nce 51, RL, SS I Rng cae Ea ee eT. ae RR aoe Se cat Oesemication sisa8_ $9 PISOS Sue, deuiotee Gore io Banco del Comercio eset a Gaaiepen, svat 12REAL 171669 Resor to syed 4RDUES 17.1069 ack Mans 1 boat pret 1-108 pater: ABN swear so resos 171860. Bick on brow uno farmer and ‘sheep atone! | casted oman a uppet (tr vi fener +. Boek peor Mead of woman ah eeh coat 2. fssond ne Unni reac om 1000 ARGENTINA 69 Got tin Cat Denomination Sits ro rs08 809000 on 100 Sian Wartsos pe Banco de Corrientes 1873 ISSUE 151611-51620 pueter Gulerme Kran, taeeen Aes, SINT GIMCENTAVOS. 159.1872 Buen en txn pace & BION? Hz He CENTAKOS 15.167) Given SIGH RSCENTAYOS 1953107) Ged ont SHUM soceMTAYOS = 153 rn Osten a sists 1Pes0 Bue on pen und Leg atop S616 6 PESOS 3 ‘ wet Bach geen 0 suo pesos ‘51620 190 e505 Nort: A 1970 Banco de Cuyo Issued at San Juan, sv} woCOAVDS 1571882 - - 33 SOCENIAVDS 15/1892 Bweyeon. ant Sy a #SYE00-S 164 printer BE, eres in Psox Futre, Sees Post #51600. 5140 ts 1630 SEENTAVOS 1814 Blck Pant at vege arma a Beed Viney S160 501503, est dle Bac wet and green sl wren seas 100 Pts05 n piek and green un anvsthendat Hpac rule aN Bach range soa green, as Banco Entre-Riano enceptlbn del Uvgany in Reno Be cat + oesamieaten Gos fie SiT TecenTaves 1 1864 ISSUE $N698 ADCERTAVOS —1Hex con erenungt Moms Paatat f SW) CENTAYOS 15:3 1958 Back anma}st 4000 11000 SHS0S SBCENTAVOS Ste ack on ue not Womyna east S148 HOCENTAVDS 15311854 Buck ontive poe Osten at . tepetr an we sina 1rts0 ee Bde one wagh Worse Nea at $1683. 2OCENTAVDS 151851. Cow'shoadat Prove Ut age arg det aller = « Mee, Wane, Maen = 1066 ISSUE sees srts0s ‘te. Back one. range as gen weet Thoma eee cee ae S097 yneAL 19.5186. ach Paps cata ct 0 100 ~ i {Ue bow andbe headat acd = 2 Ov: CONCORDIA on cd - -- 2 10rESOS ‘ex ac on rage, sc and aren ng Womans feadat |, patimay and mau 1070 ISSUE lane oper Deon sre . 81661-51665 pte: ED S16A2A 20 rtS05 Bo. Buck ee ee oo sins PESO 18.1870. Seated woman AL ta ‘sheng anna at asta, Bk ‘Wow ow haa and mm 2m = ‘Ovi: CONCOROUA =oeee 1602s res08 1.61679 ue Mn at ewe ren 90 herve ate womgn wes an serves atewe 1 8k pre; borer at = (1 Pret os a fire oF BCL Stinging Libety att, 2 Seated nomen weal ard fags, worn at. Back re, shat of tua Saat of com at 2 Issa rote mo | = D.Ouct cor 16.1870, Back Letcury atone |. Pros ‘eny, sate ae tery vaste att Sanding worn a ak Be. woman and cuts at wet See vss 100 71808 161870 Bleck Stunden alepotcal woman at ed igus at uppet c Back tack and gol canren. actor aeactner inplements at. Prec =. om 1872 ISSUE oTb-168 peter Lt. San Marta, sie vo REN. 81,4872. Blckon te paper Rooster at copa. 1 lewd vote om wom = Opt ViCTORIAOA tack 7 BEE. aces Site 2 eves 31472 con yw gt, a ‘wow 7 tide wm tom = Ot VETOMAn a ae Banco, Hipotecario de la Provincia de Cordoba at ND, Rose and Doe wack. Am SHAT sBCortavos (és fick on bi wrk Wns ¥. Sobre Passe Belivanes) —roonte Banco Hipotecario de las Provincias Ligadas del Norte {31M eal ser eed wat won cals Contin the it soda bak as teed ‘Ate eccen nt cb prac, They wate Camis, doy LARC Sa a Sea 921.484), Black Stampleg RECURSO in roan at ARGENTINA 71 Oa, ceveripen Gut Fie OANA lick iar to 451679 Stamp teal een sien) ancaurs 99.184 Sinss.0 951679 Yea sates tat 10% treat aot pide tere ton ofthe war Sapir a teorage - ieee 1r¢s0 9531801 sun etta 4081 stumping tn brown te sieas 19180 "64 tack Woran att. Wi stanang Opa = Banco Industrial de la Provincia de La Rioja svar 1 Peso vest 2 srare 2 PSO vest = E $160 5 rts05 ves z Stunt t0pEs05 it9 = = 51695 70.PES05 v0 a Ss Banco del Litoral tse Pras 51701-5175 sve simoy venta Petes Bolvanos, 12.1675, seh Rama afower Pret (ot ew, Nozane = ost sez yntAL 21 7.ABTY. Black Usitaee S170 1 NEAL 11,1874, Suans atc) Sr704 ¥ACAL 1.10 1875, Black on orange per. Swans at ‘Uae wt fe oe 1705 4 nEALES 27.9871. Bach Man at, dog and sate a a olat PROVISIONAL ISSUE ‘Values in Pesos Fuetes opt on PriosBoicanos notes ss esi ITN 4 Y2CENTAVOS on 10 (-0ld date 12 1873) Wiowole ov 12h ‘amped axes ize on 481701, 0 100 — SITI2 OCENTAVDS on 1 11 (-old gate 1 101975) Wipuple owt Fat slumped across tc 00 00 — SLTNE 37 172.CEHTAVOS en NO (-ob date 217.1871) Wired ext on ‘nae sires 4 fssued note. eo m0 = 0. Own WOR ee Banco de Londres y Rio de la Plata CORDOBA ISSUES +89721-81729 asved la Pees Colivanos, Piser; BNC. 72 ARGENTINA Cat Denomiaa Date. te 5 1866-71 ISSUE simak 25 corTAVOS " sms treo siz we resos srs 7 Pesce sr sertsos STE We ee ot ROSARIO ISSUES mo 90 si sortsos S171 10 PESOS S17 TOFESOS S170 SOPESOS 1872-74 ISSUE SIM sipmEALES 155.1866 Back - sv ve 2590572 Ame te see SHAS YOPESOS (Fees) 16187 Beige ath = ee Banco Maud & Ca. SUVs Scomtavos, 118 Sack Prete Lat ie (651748 an S77 nxoed on Peon Baten. Pra: ABNC, sme a ntncs 11) BET, Black ca gry err. Grats bead wt e. 2@ 15000 sims 1730 $5.1. 1808 Man ate =.) ae sum se resos 159 1865 uate exe Se bo sre se reso 1S i136 = ARGENTINA 73 Coot cat 4 Desseicanes Geet flee oy Catt Orsominaten ute, eesergtea ” simul 1 E50 $1783 $ P8058 1177 ex oh Bg att 0 00m — S178 20 Pesos s4ne77 Pare SYTS4-51708 hand nine. Printer ABN smu 27808 3174 10 aw - - 700 Banco Mendez Hermanos y Cia, PROVISIONAL ISSUE {Si10H-STITE we oe ah name ote ete Race Mat &Retgen eu s474-81769 sna 17139 17478 § PESOS - rereses 5 REGULAR ISSUE ssiT07D SVTATY exe TAM8-A4 Pasaiysiee ised WALES coved ~ susr senses ats = = 5178819 Pesos e187 me Banco de Mendoza Banco Mufioz & Rodriguez & Ca. (41744-$1782 innoed in Pret Bebvignes. Printer Ut. Simon. BL As Issued at Tuckman. sree pesos 16183 doer te » 199769-$1769 preter ANC, siey 1 reso as e293! sogorca worn Sen itian ate Bae S102 ress 306.188). cx on rove net Git wtad- - ‘sat, prowmnan act, 8 vaaaea at = (Baek ue Saree 2 Proct wo ange asi 1 Specmen a 5781 seuss 1.1077. Back ant green. Gace at 172 1780 111877 Black aed Moe Back Doe 51763, 10 Pesos 30.6,1883 Back on th ung. Cokes at taint ct. Get Belyno a1 Bock toe, Sees A Prost SS! Se 1s Sprcmen, Es, NOTE repos ta (51761-51763 yao hav ove. WBS rod stxping Ato Done rena Inve oe mata bck cre Bac Merde Heresy Ou ce ace a tak The Bas Monee & Aaarigur & Ca. becar sorb by Barco Provcul Gt Tucenda fated exer (ae Pasi -eaus, Banco Oxandaburu y Garbino (Garvino) tent Guagunyer 74 ARGENTINA #SNPT1-S1778 tasued ia Pos Botha, Printer Lit San Maitin, Bark name WL GARVINO, CHF Davomieaton S177 20 msO ate ak 12000051285 avued Prirter ABN Gai. # Denpeionden Sir) vz nia wo tw suo ¢ncatts: sine ts0 21.03 fick o wenn Gatstt con sve anus 1121867 Lt Jed Bus Deatatet Pyne eeamnaoacenan Unsigus rei! 1900 4 evn ete 1 Unnignns remainder a Cee Stes 9PEsos 21.4869 fuck on geen eng Seated man wise 499 al at workers, ‘enon horsebsekatet sar at Back oe bios 2 Haque ete 1 Uncigned render - sw 51704 10 PESOS 2.11999. Ouch creed uno sucha neated su sresos 142.1867. Browe on red-sote and 8 AV}, manand worn suai ae 3 ‘wot Gauchd and wom att, pores oreo nantiat Back NoaR head a a Te;ued 0 - 5 ‘tase ote 30900 1 Unsigne tema, wo i, Bosgned remade ~ "500 1209 81705 ro Pesos 2.11889. bck on red upt Gaucho at ‘wagons it cama ct woman a Bich 2 town fe £151291-81 7208 insyedin Pens Foertes. Pinter: ABNC. a8 ra w/CAREINO, sim 1 Pt80 2,1, 1800 Black on bisa wopt Gxt at hntsa’s bead ater, anchor aL Ueitace wo Unione vena: - ARGENTINA 75 Cat # Denomination woo ow NH and Banco Parand 900 Aiotes insu samping on back cot.¢ Denominutien Da sim $resoS 1 1669, fuck on green unat Ea1.# Denomination S101) 1a MAL simi zaresos 211009 ach on ed bo rand carnage ate . Uvinned temaeger 100 PROVISIONAL ISSUE ite of previ anves wed varial expt MANCO DOMINGO GARBIND oa ace, All note Nave anda untips sun) vAULES 11160, Opt new tank ame o se stole 1 EAL sumr_1F¢80 24.1869 Orel mew buskume on 1SI7ON 900 1000 28.400 ssrmta 7 mrALES ooo 7000 Wo 0) s res05 fo00 ra smiot seresos re1e Neate 12500 2:11069, Ov rawtnanrume on 151709, 6000 Silos zopcson 08 wo VF Une ipl new bankrame on ASHTO4 7400 20000 os Boivan9s,Funfer ti. San Morte, Maes of bnuher are part etthe va) hunter tr be Aland tango CA PAZ Hap tamed. WCFORA Pdi, Cope ar wairgrantes hones e 1 A868 led oa'shead at doy at et 1 tsued roe 2601280 bland compos LA 6az lant wtamead vicrOWA 14 Hand tamed 18694 va rc) wnat 1 isut ote Ws Hand step LA al ond Nand sare 18691 oa 141848, rom, Roma bre |, boy wf seep atc 76 ARGENTINA CHL. Desominatien Oot 10 11H Denomination sien ioresos TAI Used 0 bb Mand eet tine wed APA wlan a icIOWIA un 6 1069\0 0 tabu Minted 180 a sims 1080 Lapaz verona samy 70 PESOS VA.B68, Bachem Uo gray unpt Chants Mepia oa 2 les ea 10 b lted starepad LA PAL Banco Rio Cuarto #981821-51026 nsund a Maates ang Povon Bollvanos 1821 172 REAL VARIA. Bick Worn att 1022 1 HEAL 14.4874 Yloran 31823 2 REALES 14 1874.1 sims 1Pts0 NO (1862) ck seve Line #5815. Se 5 16.00 6 find sunges 1669 nant i975 1 9180 sunny pesos 1 A.1000, Pong Ga green ure. Bs at toner 1 Kequed octe 50 mH Hed stagad LA PAZ 6 Mae stamped. VICTORIA 4. Mand stumped: 18008 or Suazo srts08 143814 Bhokon bom a Sag bad tous ey cate sett, wears at, Buck iow Peter CD Prot Banco del Rio de la Plata vse a Pen aes at Giese. FIRST 1868 ISSUE cate Decemiastion sist V2 RAL Syma 7REALES sas P1809, Date, geteription 31D 1868. Brown. Morea esd at pe ode .Ovot CONGEPCrOW DR URUGUAY arose Ovpt CONCEACION OFL URUCUAY 3101868 Black Gears bess st upper ctr longa. Buenos Ares 2101868 Black Ubery ath 13.10.1868, Buck en vic pape. Dog on ‘ale supper ct Printer Lt San Martin, 2 tasoed ote 0 Ovpt CONCEPCION OF. URUGUAY. Nt 2 resos 10.1868 Black on volt pape, Dog on ‘ale at upper Prefer: Ut San Mal ‘tase net © Opt: CONCEPCION DEL URUGUAY. Gov finer 1000 12000 C216 Censninaton Ged fit | SMES? S ESOS 21101865 Back ard brown on yew 4000 12000 (puper. Seated woman witcales af L = 2 sorte 200 1900 — 2 Ovpt CONCERCOWOFL URUGUAY 22'S sits 1oPEsos 2.10 168 ck len ana rere one 2 lsaed not ——— 8 owt concercowoR uaucuy, = — = SECOND 1868 ISSUE soo vem | — sits 19650 2891068 Buck encrange vot Untce Pmter Ut Wagey Wiens Martdee. 90) 1300) 1869 ISSUE woo wm | = siess sresos 9.11869, Buck on brown ut Ok oe piow Unie Poe Ursunuuina. SSO) mS — aa ane Banco (del) Rosario de Santa Fe ee Cuma, ates inset o Foro Boivaras. Pinter. Hol, Resa, sues) 1a 110.1860 ack on yetow sag Mesing wwe Ustice 1 Suse on mm som 190 — 1 Randers son ee SS = aos reso 1865.67 degal atep Sie waresos Banco de San Juan ‘SAN JUAN ISSUE sSUUSE-ST) eeaed os Penet sume sw SSUITE-STE eset on Pence Feeies. Pinter: BWC, Sees. Prost. mas aso {ex Back on green cage. Wana totsng poe et aon itl Unace Saves © Prot swe sum sum Scextayes sa CONTAYOS, maxuves 21 3876 Back Woman at | Untace 3.41876.31.107% as ieee to 34.1876: Bach on geen amct Btat| ack ek gree a ta 2 Dens Cae Densmiesses Susa Za FESOS TUCUMAN ISSUE #S1826-S1891 seed io Pease Botranes S188 SceNTAYOS StST 1 REAL S188 117 REALES Suess 1 PESO baad ASTE95 nsued a Pesos Fontes S182 1 CeNTAVOS SHESS EO CENTAVOS Susr_1PES0 S180 0 PESOS Banco de San Luis S180 1 Fes vay ‘ste 1oPEsos, 173.1894. Buen on gd et. ick Be ~ Banco Solanas & Cia. (951012-S1018 hosed ia Petes Bolivanes. Unitace, Printer A. Godel. Uaigant ae, Stn Y REAL 18.1874 Green ane tack Rar atte = 20 1% apse Sinn 2REALES 1 REE Bion and back Comat ee - we So MANO SOLANAR ORT Ce Desenication sisis. TPES sing S118 preter AINE srath srEs0 sian zaEs0S Banco de Victoria sv 1rt50 141873 Bua. soatt Caja de Ahorros de Rosario tere in ass Bases sim 1 REAL wwe Credito Popular Bono de Credito sets resos 861906. Back en Beran weet Suncieg worse and char at | BAC Roe-8Ack Credito Territorial Iu Concagcion de Ug, Proce ot Ctr Riot som 10000 ARGENTINA 79 Ca 4 Denomination Geos Fe 51931 1 PISO ‘upper a Uw 6 f970n bak. Pte: Ut Sin art, Buenos es — ae - Credito Territorial de Santa Fe Law of 28.9.1869 51963 1 peso Daniel Gonzalez y Compa. Istuedin te Ponace ol Mendrs. The fm operates to 166 187, 51971-51976 lassed a Pets Belinanes S197) TEAL 1861 Untace 2.18 green we enh = stare 1850 13.1866; 19.1868. lak ca grees onst Eagle wwnge pera Serorse.Baek reo-ro0n, a s1a7s s reso 80x Back on ve wok Young aes ead Land (_ Agncobare Munger 21 Bick tha Prot a cee 80 ARGENTINA Cat 4 Deewmienton time sro Co? Onmemieation Geet tee ” K a Stars iarisos a ee i | Miguel Lanieri ne verre ‘on Weston Vicor seticn 15102-5190 aad a Pest basa, 1009 1B0UE sine vere A100 tar ten senna HH on wn sim 19148 11h Sa bean 8 ton oars on wn toms anouss 073 Daca 07 bat 1 rw “n wh Otero y Cia. sess Cortine SS0 F700 saat Pres Beanet, Prat SOME, 1062 ISSUE tom 7 pass Coo gm oe 1672 SBBUE ems 29780 $1200 Bs cmp wh Soe ot ts sega ete gat weit egied ve work 1 Fa Ss emus 71. on om cx mtr et bone Cdeha Woe Pre Banco Otero y Cia. 160 Issue PAA mmo Pe Voc. Gs Pa Prt om 180 75100 un 3 sent srs 15 (A Siac ore Ses es ram arias 1 Bc = at # Dengeiaten Date, eetergtion feet 7E50S 21 TESD Bek Suing tques ate, cet Section V PROVINCIAL Province of Corrientes Billetes de Tesorela (Treasury Bills) scuasnd ender am of 16.11.1052, Good fine xr — Ure 39000 sams. sesos NO. Bick brown utot Prevecialarme at Province of Jujuy Obligaciones de Tesoreria (Treasury Obligations) (221 -ADRRA printer: CSARB, ack tae: tare and dog at Prise. C3108 1500 35009900 sat Back Brown, 0m 0 MoD 100) 2300 wooo C84 erominaten 52028 1 Pt80 166.1905 fea, Proencularmsat tran ‘emarging Irom unnel at ek ed ard teen pstiten at 200 9000 7000 Titulos de Crédito Interno (Internal Credit Claims) 820351 rt30 017-1982 flack on reastrown unot Pro: vnc ansal vppet Series A 700 4900 7500 Province of Mendoza Letras de Tesoreria (Treasury Letters of Credit) 1893-1901 ISSUES {52082-52046 Ley 64128 de Noviembre 1892 S22 YOCENTAVOS — 11.1698. Bch on green gk Ama at lower Back tue Series 0. Pte Pease, Burros Ares 00 1509 4000 ‘S204 SOCENTAVOS 1.11890, Sever = Sines 82085 1 E50 11.1890, Anna top et, Series A 80 0 £00) 52046 6 PESOS 14.1890 Sere 8 fee 52051-52052 Ley ¢e} 28 te Nevierbre de 1052 y25 Ge ADrH Ce 1895. Printer: CSABB. ‘seus 1FESO 111890 Series A Se ‘2052 5 PESOS 11.1890 Series 8 cere {52056-52057 Ley ¢425 de Abell de 1095, Pinter J Prater, Bueses Ares, ‘2026 1FES0 Noe 1007, Sere Peau srosr SPusos ou B97. Back on pod unt. Are at ‘onde 00 bach Seis F, 1300 m0 7090 82056-82060 Ley No, 14 Prater. 3, Posse, 20s 1 PE80 Lay 008, Sere, Si ‘2000 5 PESOS My 1098, Serie 2. =a aie 82 ARGENTINA “57065-52006 Ley 64125 Ge Abr Ge 1085, Printer: SAB, Smears pts est nt } Taare Cals Deeemieaton ate Geterigtion oe fine OF Cit # Denomination —_—_ bate, eeserinen S206 1 Pr80 ' 1579 Rin oat Mera is cn tang“ SOBESOCENTAVDS—Dacenter 144 Le Set Dat ace fm oy Cans itr Onto Sera om 7300 ‘gs FOR CRUE 1919390 onto S200 5 P3053 192 1 57075-30754 Ley Mo 210 C0122 €8 Junio ge 1801. Printer CSABB ie ‘7083 50 CONTAVOS rnbe 19N4 Grown, green aed bach Serna 80 700 1200 4900 top. Baek green gt stetr saarsa s Pesos eee 11 Sees flack cast CANE twee Genes B,C ao 2m #S2076-S2077 Printer G. Krat, Bonees 82084 SOCEMTAVOS December 1916 Biurancc> green Arm st 1 woman ar Series AL 099 on 52085 1 PESO cceriter 1918. Bach on tive and orn npl Sma to #SZO7E bat erent ow andegn Test changed on 2076 1 P80 Juve 1901 Bick on tue and araege unt Like #52075 but oN printer Sever © 70 1200 4909 sau s Pesos Sate 198. Sse 0 - - 82086 1 P50 December 1914, Like #52085 tut bach 1914 ISSUES ‘opt POR CANJE 1918and 2 eae on 30 88 2 $ #5208)-52004 Ley No, 645, Printer, Kran. Buenos Ales, eee LNs 1 reso Decne 114 Band otto ach son Ve unpt Arms at ctf, Back red: Blkck Ovp Cae wer ees 7% 4m S208) SO.CUNTAVOS —_Oveamar 104, Aluck and brown on tan apt Uber att ums al bet Whar cul ort PON CAE on ace. Bath rvnge bows, Sates A 00 2000 500 ARGENTINA 83 cot # Benes eed fiw a a1 # Oxnomingion aon 17130 10% oavLsus an sm wm saouan 971508 rosa soortsos ruse soo Pr s0% z ae sea eos {1520986-62008F Lny Mo 60, Pine: moose 1 PtS0 2050 5 PESOS roost ro FESOS ror 20 Pesos 1923 ISSUE Sao BO CLNTAYOS Cobar 73 Province of Salta 1801-1921 ISSUES 1891 PROVINCE ISSUE +52007-52100 specimen ane stamped: MULBIAA, vo 9m 00 srt 1071805 te 1914 Seated woman are at tt Bung an als cn bach. Satis ° no wn sata 20 Pt805 szoma 9 r1808 52007 pCO 39.10 1691. Mie Man a), Segoe eal cena ahaep a Bach oe Gee A tem voresos Cncamber 1914 bry at er ars above POR CAINE (1923-74), Gates WP ~ 82008 2PLSOS OM ron res Drcemtar 1914 Ube #52052. Aegon Tigres catack Saree A.B arom 9 rts0s camber 3014, Aes a ona cd FOF, CANE (192324), Sales WP, SUMS oo 84 ARGENTINA Catt Deneminiton Date, descrigt Scot finer creer Canes ee ea (oe ait 008 r Laws of 5.6.1922, 30.9.1922, 24.1.1928 and 20,10.1932 (orca worran wag at, Bach red Drown Series 0 = = Obligaciones de la Provincia (Obligations of the Province) 52101 1 PESO 3041007 Buach en orange unet Gen. A de Apenales at 120) 200) 7000 Cat. # Denemination S7ias 1 FESO Law of 15.7.1893 sz 1 PES 31.8916. Buck on brown unpt Sm head ln ear tet ach Reon: Cow's head at ir Preter CSABB 20 3900 7000 sez 2esos 31.8196 Black on green unee 1300 4000 6902 in) rn 9 soren 1 t80 1821. Green Red cicuts ovpt EMUSION SD ‘SETIEUIBRE 1921 SERIE D3t eves Proveea! arms ater eo tack 1200 290 7000 Laws of 20.7.1921, 5.6.1922 and 30.9.1922 82151 1 PESO Law of 17.1.1898 S213) 1PEs0 WO. Gen Guernes a | Round hand sump ELSION DE JUNIO ANO 1907 a lowe ‘et, Chivan rato att proves! as at on back. Pree: Peuser 1300 4000 8000 Laws of 30.9.1922 and 24.1.1928 ‘52161 9 CENTAVOS {652196-S2127 circular re hand stamp att et: EMISION DE MARZO ANO 1928, Printer: Peuser $2162. 10 CENTAVOS woo 7200 5000 52162, 70 CONTAVOS Law of 17.1.1898 ‘$217 2 PESOS. 136 Back aia la sa 30m oom 076 sncemavos 117.1908. Back on brown unt Date, eeseriptien oes ND Bk en green gt Ua #52196, ack ‘teen, Printer Prose, fe og 100 2m soy, Province of San Juan Letras de Tesoreria (Treasury Letters of Credit) 1452151~52175 printer: CSABB, 31.12.1896, Buck ontrowm unpt. Arms. L Blak sqaareonpt:CREDITO PUBLCD/ RENOVACION / SA Usd Back Drom, grinder at upper cr Saves y200 3000 70 185187 Back cn renee Amst tuck tu Sees om mm se 155.1899. Back on Brown unpt Arm at Back brown. Seis C 1909 00 Amat sum maetemethnt oy es wom am Cat. # Desemination ‘sras 7Pes0s Date, dexcrigtion Geos fing XF 84.1970, Sima to #82245 Rectirguttr ‘vp Emesion de Can Alo 1920.00 bach Series PROVINCIAL BONOS, 1985-93 Province de Catamarca Ley 4748 (expiration date 30.11.1998) Titulo Publico al Portador 18295)-$2089 arms at upper, Prater: Cleconecaleo grafic 1200 3907 7000 Date, eeseriptien vO VF Use. NO (1993). Ok. bae-gry on. bse and me ‘wot Moun righ ate. aroray tex on back 30 900 NO (1989). Geen on Biz and a uno arn atc Groyn tosion back. 10) 200 1000 S383 jo Pesos 10 (1993) 0 trown en pink wi eng Cabacratcr ck bowelertontack 200) 419 =m Province of Jujuy Titulo Publico al Portador Loy No. 4248 (oxplration date 31.12.1988) 52401-52405 mitary formation a et Pita Cieeons {Cal.# Denomination Data, ceseiptton w ow ‘$2401 10 CENTAVOS: ND (1986) Brown on orxnge-brown and my ™ Cunt Ure teston bad ee nie S242 SOCENTAVOS ND (1986), Bromo Ble and rfc unot Vee et on bad, 0 > » sauna + AUSTAAL aga nnd mice. tie 0 3 ip 52401 SAUSIMALES NO (1984, rowa on pak and me pt Tan enon back 6% 3 Wy $2405 10AUSTMALES NO (1966), Oeep bur on bur eae ‘npt Aga fenton back, » 8 $2406 SOAUSTRALES. 0, Gren Mata formation at, ams io pt ate Prete ANA » » Ww Ley No, 4434/89 (expiration date 31.12.1989) $2407 1ODAUSTAALES ND. Pik ont blve and me unph Lie AUOVS, Pitter Gecone 40 100 $m Ley No. 1422 (expiration date 1.10.1990) #52400-52412 lke #52406, 82408 SUAVSTAALES ND. Gen Ue wS2AOGencepttoriwaae = 2581) Ley No. 4439 (expiration date 31.12.1991) 52409. SOOAUSTRALES NO fucken! capink. tan and ve uh tg S2H0 10ODAUSTRALES 0, Lise 0 9 28 Ley No, 4488 (expiration date 31.12.1991) S241} 1000AUSTRALES. NO. Line. Lie #S24%0. 20 0 an Ley No. 4499 (expiration date 31.12.1990) $2412. SOODAUSTRALES. NO, Lt ue 15 9 Ley No. 4516/90 (expiration date 31.12.1991) 52819 10,000 AUSTRALES NO. 10.2 Wm Province of La Rioja Bono Cancelacion de Deuda Ley No. 4534 1#52501-52607 por, of 4, Facunda Onrogn a, Provincil arms ae. Finer: CEM. ie ss 6 0 (198 Brows so 8 $205 IOAUSTRALES O18) ck etn De sede wes ow Di. Bir ter on back 2 GA $2506 SOAUSTRALES KO. Pare ee Re $2507 TOQAUSTRALES NO. Red ax black on mit wept eo i Province of Salta Bono de Cancelacion de Deuda Loy No. 6228, nah ame tr am feo eee 12,08, Sat bmoebaten Cal, exciien rie Cu Mares NOUISS) ttt reontwos © 2 "7 WINCTA Sy naan tat $100 sonar £2 09 P6308 NO (1985) Gres, sr ana ne ARGENTINOS, x uw 390 PESOS. NO (1985) Cerra orange and me ARGOATINOS saw 1099 78803, NO (1989) okt ue ana me 0 10 500 wes 00 PESOS NO (1986) Past. blow and ve TaCOTNDS © 1% 10 Currency Reform 1 eee «100 Pca Ageetoon PROVISIONAL ISSUE 32106-52428 ox Cesomieatien ev ANHigh ea previost sae Ia brown 1x0 (1966) vet on #5260 0 Mm preset m7 1 AUSTRAL 110 (1988) Oegt on #52404 29100 ve SAUSTRALES ——100(1906) Ont on #52605. 3810 REGULAR ISSUE NT SUCETAVOS —_ NO (180) OK brown anton re vest = a8 A ta oe aur, : ; Omani ” 4 iin i ceca Pome ay S612 FAUNA uo (1986) una 52611 4 once for ol ts on back es: (Dycrets 2248 el IB. noventve te ess. 1 None to ct wston bk te Drees 104086 opt wtt nO (104 Une 52611 1 esters oc ton nce (ci £245 ot 166 1 no enter be 1885 fe aepeaelb cil, ts tema tra onda ne: Dato 1st = Ranta sausrnaLes Loyos No, 6228-0495 {5281-842 vo uemadl 3110.00), Eada» ened geome sion a UWI toausTAALS HO Une raat) ARR AUSTRALE HO, Fk ee) 1.4 Desanioation Date, dexeiption vo One ‘$2622 YOOAUSTIALES NO, Giron 10 Al NO, Brow, 0 100 82027 10,000 AUSTRALLS NO. Blown 100 280 9H Province of Tucuman Bono de Cancelacion de Deudas Ley No. $728 (expiration date 30.11.1987) 152701-52708 mea inung 3 aU bottm et, Pinte, Cab STO IOCENTAVDS 1.4 1989.06 tron te ‘cunt Red brown 4 Hotton Le eens on back wo ‘eet - 6» » » Bottom be ottest on sca w/deeet0 08 purr - » 82702 SOCENTAVOS 1.41985, Ds. tow on hdc ans ne vant ‘Uke #2701 Wilt et ea bck o a 7 sz703 1 aus 14.1989. tyonm tet en tae ana me opt ike #82708 0 1 S270 BAUSTNALES 14.1985, inn #52709 1 Bottom bn et eaton back wo rts 0 1 1 Sotion ng of orton tack w/ vere ana nner 128 S108 YOnUSHMALES 149854 aan mci Ue 192701 4 ott eof esten tek wo ‘ccreo No tn 1 oti ie ot eaten bcd west andeumbet 18 1708 so ausieates Loy No, 5728 (oxpiration dato 30.11.1991) 141965, ue #82708 nm 4 29 Cats Deneminnton zit 1 ausTaA XO Grnen 4 Nett atbetom a Sanz sausTmaues 4 iat at Dot - o % 1 SAROWY OF LA REPUBLICA toms S73 wwaUSTRALES Chatter SEINE SEAUSTRALES NO) Cuca test oe ka end we ct AAO OF Ck REPUSUCA bono oe vm (#ST71)—22799 bossy of Tacos a cv. arms at, HIS WOAUSTRALES ND Rescet Bach sas me 200 oo aah & 210.000 =.= eat Sees 3 1m 2m 2H B25 2, = = a we a 2719 SAU ROSTRALES 0 (S990), Bit co gh eet ‘5 gk Back tn rst co ei rot Pet 020 Wes Menge orl es 10 240 1280 ss AUSTRALIA Piedra srerneve mera earn th ret mrpurect wo. mae se sry were Pots mers @ Da wa 0m carter, 6 1770, Capa sre Con terse Eee eat rd arrenes tor Goes Bra Tra COA ot New Sean wa sec ras ibe Priio on San 26, 1768, a date row entra’ on Kazouia Dey Oreo she ‘corms 0a am rroran Te ites OO hpsraan Commmonenaes oF Nes ea he 12a Tasman, 1225, Western Ausraia 1608. Sosm hasan WBE Visor Sa tiie. 1850 & conatauton proven Sor Ween om CBATWN waa ECE be Pe Ee, Pariamert n 1900.0 Commaraestr el husraba care Vis born NYVET Ketone soe, Staite of Wormer Kazan A On O89. 132 whic ORCA eaten kena Picte asermary enema td oer ears, Cay Voratee 4 taster Pal ee, Years Australas & mente ole Commareeatnel Nezire, The amend ENgaree ee Baie Austria's carey oper was CrgeG n PN Se «paren 8 ec A Coarse and cunts on Feb 14, Veh, ome = RULERS British MONETARY SYSTEM 1 Shilling = 12 Pence 1 Pound = 20 Shitings PRIVATE BANKS even peck nario: oh asses tem crs fe way Darks have Sure te eccurmialy records except tot he very le ues

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