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Harrison United Methodist Church Weekly News ~ December 22, 2013

FOLLOW us on Twitter.com at #arbor1785 ~ LIKE us at www.facebook.com/HarrisonUMC

Christmas Eve Services Candlelight Communion Services at 2pm, 4pm, 7pm, and 11pm (Sanctuary) Childrens Service at 5:30 pm (Hammill Hall) It is with great excitement that we announce the hiring of Bryant Johnson as Harrison UMC's new part-time director of youth ministries. Born in Gainesville, Florida, Bryant, 37, brings with him over 16 years of youth leadership experience. "I love to uncover those a-ha moments for youth," Bryant reflects, "when they hear something in a new way and realize the Scriptures are unfolding in their own life." Bryant has led the youth programs at Englewood United Methodist Church, Englewood, FL; First United Methodist Church, Plant City, FL; and First United Methodist Church in Melbourne, FL. Bryant comes to us after having served as the Director of Youth Spiritual Formation at Myers Park United Methodist Church, Charlotte. He and his wife Tonya, a third-year pharmacy student at Wingate University, live in Harrisburg, NC. We are ecstatic about Bryant's arrival and the future of the Harrison UMC youth. Bryant's anticipated start date is February 1st.

After the service today, we invite you . . . ...to bring your concerns to Christ with the help of our trained Stephen Ministers. Wherever two or more are gathered you can be sure our Lord is there. We would love to pray with you and for you! Blessings!
Our Stephen Ministers available to pray with you today are:


Pastor Shane Page has a new devotion website? Check it out and subscribe to his posts at


8:00 Sally Ainslie 9:15 Karen Gourlay 11:00 Cathy Morrison

Church offices will be closed December 25 &26 in Celebration of Christmas! HARRISONS ANNUAL

Januarys Open Door Luncheon for Harrison Seniors (age 50 +)
Save the date of Wednesday, January 15th at Noon...yes, a different time of the month for Open Door. We will be having lunch and fellowship at a local restaurant. Stay tuned to the Harrison newsletter for where! We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, blessed New Year ahead! ~ Your Senior Council Ministry

SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 2014, 12:15 TO 5 PM

Everyone is invited to attend... those serving on any committee, work area or in any other leadership responsibility are strongly urged to attend. Lunch and childcare will be provided. Last year, our workshop theme was Building Up the Body of Christ Using our Spiritual Gifts. This year, we are launching our churchwide emphasis for 2014 at the Workshop:

Hospitality Welcoming Christ in the Stranger

With respect to the future of Harrison UMC and our direction for 2014, there is no more important place to be than Hammill Hall immediately following the 11am worship service on January 12th. Come and share in hospitality as we explore what Christ truly means when He tells us to love God and love your neighbor. One simply cannot occur without the other! (Worship) Follow Jesus

Serving at Harrison UMC

Harrison UMC!


Room in the Inn is a 17-week program which provides overnight housing for folks without homes (neighbors) during the months of December thru March. Harrison serves as a host facility each Wednesday night during this time. The neighbors are provided transportation, meals, showers, and overnight lodging. Volunteer at: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C094BA9A622 A20-room/10987907 Questions? Call Jean Jones at 704-910-5107.

Find out whats going on in Harrisons Youth Ministry at:



Our congregation provided 35 Angel Tree families with more than 90 children in our community with gifts of clothing and toys for each child, and with a grocery gift card to offset the costs of the family Christmas dinner. Every angel was claimed, and so many of you offered to do even more if needed. I was overwhelmed by your generosity and encouragement! Thanks be to God for all of those who volunteered to call caregivers for clothing sizes and gift requests, who helped sort and bundle gifts this past Saturday, who positioned the trailer to receive donations, who coordinated delivery assignments, and to the 25 families or individuals who delivered the Angel Tree gifts to the families - this ministry could not have succeeded this year without each of you. A very special thank you to the Harrison office staff, who fielded calls and gifts on my behalf, and to Ruth Million, who made sure the event communication stayed on track and whose suggestions were invaluable to me. It really does take a village, and I am so thankful to be a part of such a loving church family. I pray that God will bless each of you for your help with this ministry this year. - Renee Moses, Angel Tree Coordinator


On each 5th Sunday of the year, we leave the building to spend time and fellowship with our friends at Moore Place. Moore Place is a residential apartment complex that is part of Urban Ministry. The residents are all previously chronically homeless individuals. They now have their own place (home) and are getting their lives back on track. We will leave from Harrison between 12:00 and 12:15 pm on December 29th. The plan is to serve a light lunch, play games, and fellowship with the residents. We should be back at Harrison around 3:30 pm. Please mark your calendar and join us! Please let us know if you plan to attend so that we can plan for enough food. For more information, please contact Ron Sheppard at ronls@carolina.rr.com or 336-210-4445.


Thank you Harrison family! Kevin Harris, Karen Bell, and Diane and Herb Poston had a safe and successful mission trip to Leon, Nicaragua. We were doubly blessed by the Lord to complete not one but two clean water wells, one at a school and the other in a village. Your prayers and financial support made this possible. You were with us! We were humbled and grateful to the Lord for being His hands and feet to help others in need of clean water.


Winter Bible Study Groups are beginning in early January! Check out the studies being offered in the Winter 2014 Study Groups brochure in this weeks newsletter. You may register for any of these studies by contacting Anita King at704-541-3463 ext. 213 or anita.king@harrisonumc.org.

(Discover) Make Disciples

Harrison UMC!
Childrens Ministry: Infants 5th Grade
Registration has begun for Confirmation Class of 2014. Please pick up a Confirmation registration packet from the church office or email shawn.howell@harrisonumc.org for a digital registration packet. Confirmation classes begin January 19, 2014. Classes will be held Sunday afternoons from 3:00-4:30PM followed by a parent-provided supper. Cost is $50 (covers books and supplies) and is due with the registration form. Confirmation class is 18 weeks and for anyone in 6th grade or higher. Parent/teacher/mentor meeting will be held on January 5th at 3:00PM.

From Missions
When Gods Children are in need be ready to help them.

(Romans 12:13 NLT)

Our Missions Food Ministries:

HARRISON UMC LOAVES & FISHES FOOD PANTRY 10amBLDG #300, behind Hammill Hall ~ Open Tues. & Thurs. 10am -1pm

December Needs: Hamburger Helper & Stuffing

The Pantry will be open to serve clients during this Christmas week. With school being out the remainder two weeks of December households have a tendency to feed their children more often. Let's not forget the needy and you can help by your continuous donations. The Pantry workers wish you all a Merry Christmas and may your prayers be answered. If you would like to volunteer in the Pantry, please e-mail Dawn Bruner at humcl.f@gmail.com. BACKPACK MINISTRY The backpack ministry feeds 60 children from Pineville and Sterling Elementary schools each weekend. We need donations of 100% juice boxes, fruit cups, and applesauce cups. For additional information or to sign up to be part of the Backpack Ministry, please contact Kevin and Beth Harris, Backpack Ministry Coordinators at kbharris@comporium.net. Thank you for your support!
All donations - may be left in the bins for Loaves & Fishes and for The Backpack Ministry ~ located in the Plummer Education Center (Bldg.100) Storage Closet #1 next to the kitchen on the first floor; also in the entry of Hammill Hall and in the Sanctuary Narthex.

Paid Harrison Church Childcare Provider (Sitter) Position available! Looking for an adult who is available to work some mornings during the week and other hours as needed. CPR training is ideal but will provide training if uncertified. Training for this position is provided by Director of Childrens Ministry. Inquiries? Please contact Shawn Howell at shawn.howell@harrisonumc.org or call the church office for an applications


Childrens Sunday School/inkWELL Schedule for the month of December: December 22: 11:00AM 3s, 4s, kindergarten Sunday School RM205 December 29: Family Worship Day! No Sunday School or No inkWELL. *Nursery (infants, toddlers, and twos) will be open for all Sundays in December (for 9:15AM and 11:00AM worship services).

~ Final Hour Donations ~

Due Tuesday, Dec. 31st, by 5 p.m.
December 31st is almost upon us and I want to take this opportunity to remind you that all end of the year donations must be received in the office by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 31st, or postmarked by December 31st to be counted as a 2013 gift for tax purposes. Donations received in the offering on January 1st marked 2013 will not be counted as 2013 gifts. If you give a gift that you would like counted toward your 2014 giving, but want credit for tax purposes in 2013, please be sure to mark your memo line with tithe towards 2014 estimate of giving. Thank you for all your support in 2013 towards Gods work here at Harrison UMC and beyond. Also, remember that you may set up online giving on our website, www.harrisonumc.org. ~ Julie Curtis, Church Administrator (Serve) Transform Our Community!

Childrens Worship Packs are available at each service... Please see an usher during worship.


In Memory of Hazel Robinson...

from Polly Davis, and W. Stitt and Constance M. Robinson.

*Regular Sunday Worship Times

*except Christmas, Lent, Palm Sunday, and Easter
5:00 a.m. - Korean Prayer Service (Daily) 8:00 a.m. - Worship with Communion Service (Sanctuary) 9:15 a.m. - JOURNEY Acts 2:42 (Hammill Hall) 11:00 a.m. - Traditional Worship (Sanctuary) 11:00 a.m. - Childrens Worship (inkWELL) (Room 101, Bldg. 100) 11:00 a.m. - Servicio en Espaol (Hammill Hall) 1:00 p.m. - Korean Prayer Service & Lunch (Sanctuary/Room 101) 6:00 p.m. - Brazilian Worship Service (Hammill Hall)

Highlights: December 22nd ~ December 29th

SUNDAY MONDAY 4:00pm Childrens Play Rehearsal (Hammill Hall) 7:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm Band of Brothers (Big View Diner Diner-Ardrey Kell/521) Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry (10a(10a-1p)(Bldg.. 300) Prayer & Healing Service (Sanctuary) Childrens Play Dress Rehearsal (Hammill Hall) Disciple IV (102) Christian Believer (Library)

Sunday School Times: 9:15 a.m.

Newborn - Kindergarten: Preschool Wing of Bldg. 200 1st - 4th grade: Room 104, Bldg. 100 - 1st floor 5th - 6th grade: Room 112, Bldg. 100 - 2nd floor 6th - 12th grades: Rooms Room 107-108, Multipurpose Room, Building 100 - 2nd floor Adults: Rooms 116, 118, Bldg. 100; Library, Bldg. 200 11 a.m. - Room 118, Bldg. 100 Estudio Bblico en Espaol para Adultos: Room 113, Bldg. 100


Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Services at 2, 4, 7 & 11 pm (Sanctuary) Childrens Service at 5:30 pm (Hammill Hall)

WEDNESDAY MERRY CHRISTMAS! Church Offices Closed. 1:00pm Room in the Inn (100, 101, kitchen) THURSDAY SUNDAY MERRY CHRISTMAS! Church Offices Closed. One Family Worship Service at 11:00 am (Hammill Hall) 12:00pm Missions Trip to Moore Place 3:30pm Youth Ministry - Ice Skating

Sunday School Times: 11 a.m.

Newborn - Kindergarten: Preschool Wing of Bldg. 200 1st - 5th grades: Room 101, Bldg. 100 - inkWELL Worship Adults: Room 113, Bldg. 100, 2nd floor Wired Word-Current Events Discussion: Multipurpose Room, Bldg. 100

How to Contact Us Directly: Harrison Church Ministry Staff

704-541-3486 ~ Extension and email address are below:
Harrison Church Reception / Ext. 201 Rev. Shane Page, Senior Pastor / Ext. 202 shane@harrisonumc.org Rhonda Hartweg, Minister of Worship and Young Adults/Ext. 209 rhonda.hartweg@harrisonumc.org Tim Webster, Minister of Missions and Congregational Care Coordinator, Senior Adult Ministries Ext. 210/ tim.webster@harrisonumc.org Julie Curtis, Church Administrator & Financial Secretary Ext. 211 / julie.curtis@harrisonumc.org Shawn Howell, Director of Childrens Ministy/ Ext. 208 shawn.howell@harrisonumc.org Shawns Blog: eph320inkblot.wordpress.com Julie Lee, Childrens Worship Leader /Ext. 214 julie.lee@harrisonumc.org Anita King, Director of Adult Connections / Ext. 213 anita.king@harrisonumc.org Carol Bonds, Preschool Director / Ext. 203 carol.bonds@harrisonumc.org Rhonda Hartweg, Interim Youth Minister/Ext. 209 Rhonda.hartweg@harrisonumc.org Ruth Million, Administrative Assistant & Service PowerPoint Designer / Ext. 212 - ruth.million@harrisonumc.org John Leon Lewis, Minister of Music / Ext. 204 john.leon.lewis@harrisonumc.org Pat Moehring, Organist / pat.moehring@yahoo.com Javier Perez, Hispanic Worship Leader /javi550@hotmail.com AA Ballantyne Alliance Acceptance Group Meets Here
at Harrison UMC in Room 302, Bldg. 300 Sundays: 2:30 p.m. // Mondays: 7 a.m. , Noon, and 7 p.m. Tuesdays: 7 a.m. & 8 p.m. // Thursdays: 7 a.m. Wednesdays: 7 a.m. & 8 p.m. Fridays: 7 a.m. & 8 p.m. // Saturdays: 10 a.m. For more information, contact wsutterlin@carolina.rr.com.

Sunshine for Shut-Ins Ministry

Serving a Prison Term: Michelle Olivares. At Home: Pastor Mark Plummer, Dorothy Agathon, Chuck Kansy, Betty Jo Furr, Lydia Jennings, Dozier Murray, Nancy Hawfield, and Catherine Toner.

When youre confined and away from home and from your loved ones, a card or note from those who care means so much.
Each week, we will select a member from our list of prayer concerns and shut-ins as a recipient for cards and notes from our Harrison family members. This week, we encourage you to share your love by sending a card to:

Pastor Mark Plummer 1619 Crestgate Drive, Waxhaw, NC 28173

If you would like to reach out via card, note, or calls to someone not featured this week, please call the Church Office for contact information - 704-541-3463.

To Reserve A Room, Sign-Up Table, or Banner Space and all other Communications Needs, including sharing your news in the Weekly News ~ please e-mail ruth.million@harrisonumc.org by 5 p.m. on Mondays.
Articles may run in the newsletter up to 3 consecutive Sundays. When sending your submission, please indicate the 3 Sundays that you would like your article to appear. After the third run, articles will need to be re-submitted in a new format (wording) to run again.

To promote your Harrison UMC Church Event or Group,

or to see our church communications policy, please visit www.harrisonumc.org under Member Area click on Event Check List for details.

Counters: Today ~ Steve Schwarz & Alex Shumate

December 29: Julie Curtis and Steve Schwarz January 5: Vic Salvo and Herb Poston

Harrison United Methodist Church, 15008 Lancaster Highway, Pineville, NC 28134 // 704704-541541-3463 (Main Reception) // www.harrisonumc.org

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