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To Ms. Reeves History Class

About Me
Hi All! I just wanted to introduce myself so that you, the student, and you, the parent, can get to know me a little better. I was born and raised in San Jose, CA but have lived in New Jersey for the past 23 years! I got my BA in Education and History from Rowan University. I am a history nerd who loves to: play board games, read books, and watch movies. I love animals and come from a very large family of nine. Ever since I was a little girl Ive had a passion for two things: teaching and history. The choice to be a teacher was always clear for me and it is something that I do with great enthusiasm. When I am not teaching, I am relaxing in Shamong, NJ with family and friends.

What Will We Be Learning This Year?

This class will focus on history on a global level. We will discuss events in world history such as: revolutions, genocides, and the general advancement of culture, economics, and technology. There is just so much to learn in such little time! My goal is to work on the following skills with your student: reading & writing comprehension, cultural & societal values, and in depth analysis of primary & secondary sources.

Save the Date!

D.C. Museum
[November 8 ] We will travel to Washington DC to visit the Holocaust Museum!

Guest Speaker
[February 22 ] Author & Historian, Ken Burns, will speak at our school!

Cultures Day
[June 11th] All senior history classes will combine to celebrate culture!


FALL 2012

Essential Questions
Essential Questions are part of a Big Idea. A Big idea is a transferrable core concept, principle, theory or process. In order to find a big idea one must ask the essential questions.

Big Idea
Students will understand that: Literature, art, & culture impact history. Ways of living change as humans interact. Scientific discoveries change the world.

Essential Questions
How do artists, writers, & philosophers make a difference? Who are the cultural heroes in literature, art, & culture? What makes them a hero?

Contact Me!
I will be using multiple interfaces to communicate with teachers and students. To keep it simple: Cell: 609-694-6689 Home: 609-268-6305 Email:

Other Forms of Communication

I will use a teaching website called to help communicate with children. Parents will also be able to use this website. Have your child create an account. Once their account is created they will receive a code that you will use to create your own account. You will be able to monitor their progress, contact me, and turn in assignments electronically. I will also being using an iPad app called Teachers Assistant. This app will be used to document disciplinary as well as positive actions. Students will be contacted during class via email regarding their behavior. If I need to meet with you regarding your students behavior (good or bad) please tell me the best way to do so. Attached you will find a Contact Information sheet that you will fill out and return to class signed.


FALL 2012

Contact Information
Please provide the following information: Work email: Regular Email: Home Phone: Cell Phone: What is the best way to contact you and what time? How many siblings? Anything I should know about your student? Any questions or comments? Write them here:

Sign Here:

Dates for Parents

We will have to events that parents are encouraged to come to: our open house & our parent teacher conference.
Open House: On September 27th @ 6pm we will have an open house where students can explore the school and meet the teachers. Parent Teacher Conference: On December 16th @ 6pm we will a conference where parents can discuss their childs progress one-on-one with their teacher. We can address any concerns, needs, or evaluations you may have.

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