Quotes Concerning Missionary Work

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Quotes Concerning Missionary Work:

We must come to think of our obligation rather than our convenience As I have urged before, we must increase our devotion so that we can do the work that is here for us to do. There are numerous people in the world who are hungering for the Lord and his word. They are thirsting for associations with the Lords truths and work, and yet they neither know exactly what they are hungry for nor what will quench their thirst. It is your and my responsibility to quench their thirst. There is one thing we all may do. We can join in serious, continuous petitions to our Father in Heaven to open the doors of nations and to soften the hearts of people to the extent that missionaries and each of us may be blessed to teach the gospel to all who need and want it. I feel the Lord has placed, in a very natural way within our circles of friends and acquaintances, many persons who are ready to enter into his Church. We ask that you prayerfully identify those persons and then ask the Lords as sistance in helping you introduce them to the gospel. President Spencer W. Kimball

We well attain our exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom only of the condition that we share with our Fathers children the bl essings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and observe the commandments that will enrich our lives here and hereafter President George Albert Smith A great indicator of ones personal conversion is the desire to share the Gospel with others. President Howard W. Hunter

We properly pray for the safety and success of the full-time missionaries throughout the world. And a common element in many of our prayers is a request that the missionaries will be led to individuals and families who are prepared to receive the message of the Restoration. But ultimately it is my responsibility and your responsibility to find people for the missionaries to teach. Missionaries are full-time teachers; you and I are full-time finders. And you and I as lifelong missionaries should not be praying for the full-time missionaries to do our work! If you and I would truly pray and ask in faith, as did Joseph Smith if we would pray with the expectation to act and not just to expressthen the work of proclaiming the gospel would move forward in a remarkable way. Elder David A. Bednar After all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is to preach the Gospel. President Joseph Smith

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