Healthcare Career Exploration

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Healthcare Career Exploration

Josue Prado 10/13/2013

Clinical Experience
On October 15th and 18th, I went to Clair Optical Company, where I set up an appointment to talk to Alan Seyboldt, who is my optician, about his medical experience and his vocation as health professional. In the course of my life I had the opportunity to closely know about the eye care specialty because Ive been in contact with many clinics, hospitals and specialists dedicated to the treatment of various ocular diseases. In 2010 I was diagnosed with keratoconus, which is an irreversible disease that deforms the cornea and decreases visual capabilities and without the proper treatment this disease can result in corneal transplant. The prevalence of this disease is very low so there are not many specialists, this is what led me to become interested and learn more in depth about the various optical specialties and their job in this branch of health. In The eye institute of Utah I get to meet Alan Seybolt, who is the only optician in Utah specialized in keratoconus, with whom I had a detailed interview about his profession and work. In my view the most memorable moment of this experience was when Alan showed motivated in giving me his help and selflessly advises me that I should study and prepare myself pointing towards the best career that I like in the medical field despite of the years of study and the cost of the education. In the interview Alan told me what an optician does and his responsibilities, his job consist in the production, fitting, management and manufacturing, using the

prescriptions ophthalmologists and optometrists write for their patients and make glasses and contacts for them. The prescriptions have the specifications of the lenses to be used in the glasses or contacts. They gather information about the patient, and make recommendations for them using the prescription about which type of frames and lenses would be best for them. Also they take measurements of clients eyes; Opticians also look up the clients records or verify information with the clients eye doctors. One of the reasons because I would choose this career is because you get in contact with the patient and help he/she gain back one of the most important human senses like the sight and have the excitement and satisfaction when you reach that goal, another reason would be giving people different styles for them to choose and feel comfortable with, and also make the life of the patients easier. As my optician told me in the interview, I would not choose this career because is too much dependent of other medical specialties like the optometrist and ophthalmologist that refer their patients to the optician, and also you cannot treat the patient in all ways because you cannot diagnose nor test the patient, also because you can be sometimes in insurance panels and sometimes not, insurance companies decide what you can make, and. Finally because this career availability in the future will be short, because have patients referred to you will be more difficult because manage care will be more exclusive and that is going to change this field a lot. There is also legal issues like licensing that in Utah is different for technicians or ophthalmologists, but as an optician

there is no need to have a license, an ethical issue could be helping a patient without he ability to pay. Using the internet I researched about High School Preparation to this career, students interested in becoming an optician or optometrist should take high school courses in algebra, chemistry, calculus, geometry, biology, physics, literature, computer skills, English, and health occupations/medical professions education. After graduating high School or obtaining an approved GED, Many opticians go to college for a two-year associates degree in opticianry, which involves coursework in basic anatomy, eye anatomy, algebra and trigonometry, optical physics and mathematics and

administration. They also learn about precision measuring equipment and techniques and optical instrumentation. More advanced studies include classes on fitting contact lens and vision prosthetics. In the Interview Alan explained me that he took an additional two more years in keratoconus fitting, he also told me that this career does not require shift work but he chooses to because is retail. The average annual wage for an optician is $32,940. However, salaries range from $21,070 to $50,780. Jobs at surgical hospitals pay more than most walk-in eye care stores. An appropriate question that I asked my optician was that in his 32 years of experience wich has been the most interesting case and with the most challenge that he had to deal with, his response was the fitting of keratoconus patients, maybe because they

are unique and unpredictable. I asked him also what lead him to be interested in this career, he told me that was a 3rd generation family history and he enjoys the interaction with people. At the end I asked him about his equipment and what else he needs to perform his job, he needs to send things to manufacture, computer equipment, software to manage the office and the other equipment, an auto refractor with an average price of 15000 $, and a quicker microscope called slat lamp of about 400 $. This experience helped me to know more about ocular related careers and realize what I am more interested in, know better of the professional lives on the medical field and have a useful advice from a professional that I know and can share his medical experience with me.


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