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Name: Hong Tsu, Rigo Torres, Thomas Abich Lesson Name: Trust Date: 11/18/13

Cal Poly Pomona Lesson Plani I. Classroom Context

Select a class and a content area. Provide a detailed description of academic, language, and social factors that will influence your planning. ONLY COMPL ! !" CL#SS$OOM CON! %! CON! %! S C!&ON ONC 'O$ #C" (N&!.

A. Grade e!e , content area ". Academi c #onte$t1 #. Languag e #onte$t% D. &ocia #onte$t3

Ninth grade physical education, outdoor adventure) trust Students have had three years of physical education prior to the class. !hey e*hi+it proficient motor s,ills and movement patterns. (nderstand +asic commands. "ave heard the term trust, cooperation, and leadership. Students have an idea of trust, cooperation, and leadership +ased on previous classes. Student population- general population, middle class, mostly white and hispanic. # few LL students. !immy is a student who is missing an arm from the el+ow down.

II. Students Needing Adaptations

.ifferentiating instruction to meet the needs of individual learners in your class is important. 'ou can use this section to indicate modi(ications )ou * an to use +ith students +hose needs di((er (rom those o( the ma,orit) o( the c ass. You may +e as,ed to select a case study/focus student and provide a detailed description of his/her academic, language, and social/cultural/emotional +ac,ground using a variety of information sources 0surveys, records, test scores, interviews, o+servations1.

A. Academ ic "ac-ground ". Langua ge "ac-ground #. &ocia / #u tura . /motiona "ac-ground

Modify activity for students who have disa+ilities or una+le to perform. !immy is missing left arm from el+ow down. !immy will perform the re2uired motor s,ills as far as his disa+ility allows him to. Prior to the class, provide sheet commands and terms that will +e used during the lesson. 3roup students intentionally, mi*ing performance a+ilities. 4eep students prone to +ehavorial pro+lems away from each other. Commands and prompt will +e given from a peer.

Academic Context: Students6 0Ss1 learning levels in this content area, for e*ample, Ss6 prior ,nowledge a+out o+7ectives8 Ss6 special needs or circumstances. 9 Language Context: 'or e*ample, Ss6 L5s : L9s8 L. levels8 Ss6 non)standard varieties of ng, other.

Social Context: 'or e*ample, <s of +oys/ girls8 social/ emotional considerations8 cultural/ethnic/socio)economic +ac,grounds8 intellectual engagement- 0involved, cooperative, compliant, oppositional, defiant18 e*tra)curricular interests/ e*periences8 future aspirations.

Name: Hong Tsu, Rigo Torres, Thomas Abich Lesson Name: Trust Date: 11/18/13

III. Content Standards and Objectives

&dentify the content and L. standards that you are using to develop your o+7ectives. 'or content standards, show the num+er of the standard 0e.g., 5.9.= a1. &nclude the strand where applica+le1. 'or the L. standard, identify the level that you have selected 0e.g., &ntermediate1 as well as the type of standard 0e.g., writing1, and the actual standard. #im for the L. standard directly a+ove where most of your L students have tested.

Content Standards

ELD Standards

High School C1. 3.8, Identify leadership skills, perform planned leadership assignments, and assume spontaneous leadership roles. High School C1. 3.9 Recognize and evaluate the role of cooperation and positive interactions with others when participating in physical activity. High School C2. 3.9 Encourage others to be supportive and inclusive of individuals of all ability levels. L. Standard - Intermediate: Listening and Speaking: Grade 912: Listen attentively to stories and information and identify
important details and concepts by using both verbal and nonverbal responses

Ne*t to the o+7ectives that you develop +elow, indicate the level0s1 of >looms !a*onomy that you are targetingCreation/Innovation, Evaluation, S nt!esis, Anal sis, Application, Compre!ension" #no$ledge

Objectives Learning 0b,ecti!es Psychomotor domain- Students will perform the trust fall. Cognitive domain- Students will analy?e the role of cooperation, leadership, and trust in group activity. #ffective .omain- Students will accept and perform leadership roles within a group activity. Studdents will define three terms- cooperation, leadership, and trust. Students will wor, as a team to complete tas, goals/ o+7ectives. )odi*ied Objectives + ,ationale Learning 0b,ecti!es O+7ectives are the same. Psychomotor domain- Students will perform the trust fall. Cognitive domain- Students will analy?e the role of cooperation, leadership, and trust in group activity. A((ecti!e Domain: &tudents +i acce*t and *er(orm eadershi* ro es +ithin a grou* acti!it). Studdents will define three terms- cooperation, leadership, and trust. Student will +e a+le to use the term properly in a sentence, identify the situation, and draw a visual representation. !he purpose is to develop the LL students@ academic voca+ulary. O+7ective is the same. Students will wor, as a team to complete tas, goals/ o+7ectives.

%loom&s 'axonom (evel 4nowledge, comprehension, application, analysis 4nowledge, comprehension application

Language 0b,ecti!es &ocia 0b,ecti!es

List any modified o+7ectives for student0s1 needing adaptations, and provide your rationale.

%loom&s 'axonom (evel 4nowledge, comprehension, application, analysis

Language 0b,ecti!es

4nowledge, comprehension

&ocia 0b,ecti!es


Name: Hong Tsu, Rigo Torres, Thomas Abich Lesson Name: Trust Date: 11/18/13

I-. Instructional ,esources

List all instructional resources needed to carry out this lesson.

Instructional Resources Online we+page detailing the lesson concepts, independent practice, 7ournal prompt, and instructional videos.
List any modified instructional resources for student0s1 needing adaptations, and provide your rationale.

Adapted Instructional Resources

Name: Hong Tsu, Rigo Torres, Thomas Abich Lesson Name: Trust Date: 11/18/13

-. 'eac!ing t!e Content

Plan an appropriate lesson for your class profiled in section & to meet all of the standards and o+7ectives listed in section &&&. &n the first column, list what you will do for each component of your plan. &n the second column, provide a detailed description of how you will do it and provide a rationale for your decisions.

A. Introduction/Anticipator 'as/s0 + ,ationale1 Aarm up and stretching. $outine.

Lecture and whole discussion. !o introduce the lesson. !o activate student@s prior ,nowledge trust, leadership, cooperation.

Set. 2articipation Structure3s4 5 + 2rocess6 Students will form ; lines +ehind designated line leaders. !he first student in each line will +e the warm up leaders. !hey will step forward, separating themselves from the line, and face their peers. Aarm up leaders will activate their prior ,nowledge and lead the warm up and stretches, as e*emplified +y the instructor. #s the ; groups are stretching, the 9 additional instructors will as, students 2uestions a+out purpose of warm up procedures. Buestions include- why are we stretchingC Ahat muscle are we stretchingC tcD !o activate student@s prior ,nowledge of trust, leadership, and cooperation, the &nstructor will assign one term to each group3roup 5- leadership, 3roup 9- cooperation, 3roup ;- trust. #fter 9 minutes of discussion, facilitated +y roaming instructors, &nstructional leader will as, each group to present their definition. !he lead instructor will guide each group toward the desired definition. !he completion of this tas, will result in the transition to lecture.

#hec-ing (or 1nderstanding (or the 2ntroduction/Antici*ator) &et:3 4hat5 Ho+5 4h)5 EYeahF As- students 6)eah57 a(ter de i!ering a conce*t. &tudents +i re* ) +ith 6)eah7 to sho+ understanding or 6nah7 to sho+ con(usion. This is a sim* e, e((icient method o( chec-ing (or understanding. !hum+s up, thum+s down #s, students to give a thum+s up to show understanding and a thum+s down to show confusion. #nother 2uic, way to chec, for understanding. O+servation Listen to how students respond.
List any modifications to the introduction/ anticipatory set for student0s1 needing adaptations, and provide your rationale.

"ow will you prepare the learners for the lessonC 0e.g., introduce students to the o+7ectives, access prior ,nowledge frontload voca+ulary, preview concepts1 G !as, e*amples- predicting, +rainstorming, sharing, discussing, suggesting, responding, clarifying, paraphrasing, ac,nowledging, reporting/presenting, practicing, pairing, grouping, whip, etc. H $ationale e*amples T)*es o( &ca((o ding- Modeling, Conte*tuali?ation, >ridging, Schema)+uilding, !e*t $e) Presentation, Metacognitive .evelopment T)*es o( Assessment: .iagnostic, 'ormative, Summative8 &nformal, 'ormal 0ther

Participation Structure e*amples- Paired wor,, small)group wor,, whole class with individual wor, Process- Step)+y)step procedures "ow will you chec, for student understandingC

Name: Hong Tsu, Rigo Torres, Thomas Abich Lesson Name: Trust Date: 11/18/13

Ada*tations (or the 2ntroduction/Antici*ator) &et 4hat5

Ho+5 4h)5

%. 7ocus/ 8irect Instruction9: 'as/s and ,ationale 2articipation Structure3s4 + 2rocess .efine trust, cooperation, $efer students to the porta+le white +oard which has the definition and leadership. !o help for the three words. students accomplish the !rust- having +elief in the relia+ility, a+ility, truth, strength of language o+7ective and someone or something. +uid their understanding of Cooperation- process of wor,ing together toward the same end. the three terms in relation Leadership- the act of leading a group or ograni?ation. to the activity. Lecture and demonstration. Students will listen attentively to instruction. Students will as, and !o scaffold instruction. answer 2uestion where necessary. Provide a model for students.

#hec-ing (or 1nderstanding (or the 8ocus/Direct 2nstruction 4hat5 Ho+5 4h)5 EYeahF As- students 6)eah57 a(ter de i!ering a conce*t. &tudents +i re* ) +ith 6)eah7 to sho+ understanding or 6nah7 to sho+ con(usion. This is a sim* e, e((icient method o( chec-ing (or understanding. !hum+s up, thum+s down #s, students to give a thum+s up to show understanding and a thum+s down to show confusion. #nother 2uic, way to chec, for understanding.

List any modified chec,s for understanding for student0s1 needing adaptations, and provide your rationale.

Ada*tations (or the 8ocus/Direct 2nstruction 4hat5 Ho+5 4h)5 Peer instructors >ilingual students will help the LL students to ensure successful content ac2uistion. Seat LL students will sit near the front so they would +e a+le to hear the instruction clearly. C. ;uided 2ractice 'as/s, and ,ationale !rust 'all #ctivity is to complete the learning o+7ectives and standards that. !ie in with the days6 lesson.

2articipation Structure3s4 + 2rocess !he students will partner up with some+ody of their similar +ody si?e and gender. Students will then listen for the instructions on how the activity will +e done. !eacher will introduce the Student # and student > duties. Student # will then tell student > that they are ready to fall and as, him 0>1 if he is ready to catch him. Student > will then say Eyes & am ready to catch youF, Eare you

9e.g., :ode ing, #onte$tua i;ation, bridging, schema<bui ding, additiona e$* anation, as needed=

Name: Hong Tsu, Rigo Torres, Thomas Abich Lesson Name: Trust Date: 11/18/13

>lind Sna,e. !o facilitate learning o+7ectives and social o+7ectives.

ready to fallF. !hen student # will say E& am ready to fallF and then fall after the count to three. Student # will stand up straight with their arms across their chest and then let themself drop +ac,wards. Student > will stand +ehind 0#1 with one leg forward, ,nee +ent, and front foot planted on the ground. !he +ac, ,nee will +e fle*ed with only the front part of the foot on the ground and the heel off. #rms will +e e*tended in front of the +ody with the el+ows slightly fle*ed. Ahen contact is made +etween the two students, student > will lean +ac, slightly to give more resistance. !hen student > will gently elevate student # forward onto their feet. !hen the two students will switch rolls and repeat the same steps that they did previously. !eacher will +e wal,ing around the designated area ma,ing sure that students are on tas, and doing the appropriate cues for the activity. #s,ing them if they have anything 2uestions regarding the activity or the cues. Students will form a group of four to five 0depending on the si?e of the class1. Students will ma,e a single file line +ehind one another, placing +oth their hands on the person in front of them. !hroughout this activity, these students will close their eyes. !he first person will the the eyes 0guide1 of the sna,e. "e/she will direct the +ody 0everyone else1 using ver+al cues. Students will complete several tas, goals as prompted +y the intructors including- switch leaders, high five another sna,e, go pass o+stacles, circle a tree.

#hec-ing (or 1nderstanding (or the Guided >ractice AhatC "owC AhyC EYeahF As- students 6)eah57 a(ter de i!ering a conce*t. &tudents +i re* ) +ith 6)eah7 to sho+ understanding or 6nah7 to sho+ con(usion. This is a sim* e, e((icient method o( chec-ing (or understanding. !hum+s up, thum+s down #s, students to give a thum+s up to show understanding and a thum+s down to show confusion. #nother 2uic, way to chec, for understanding. &nfromal discussion #s, students a+out their progress in the activity. Provide corrective fee+ac,. Ada*tations (or the Guided >ractice 4hat5 Ho+5 4h)5 >ridge &nstructor will help !immy +y creating a +ridge in order for the student to +e a+le to do the catching part of the activity. One hand !immy will only +e re2uired to place one hand on the person in front of him +ecause it is within his a+ilities. 8. Closure 'as/s, and ,ationale Class discussion

2articipation Structure3s4 + 2rocess !he instructor will +ring the ; groups together, as, the students for the definition of !rust, cooperation, and leadership +y raising their hand. !hen the instructor will as, the group to name at least

Name: Hong Tsu, Rigo Torres, Thomas Abich Lesson Name: Trust Date: 11/18/13

one activity performed during class.

!he instructor will then introduce the 7ournal prompt and assign it for homewor,.
0#dd as many rows as needed.1 #hec-ing (or 1nderstanding (or the # osure 4hat5 Ho+5 4h)5 EYeahF As- students 6)eah57 a(ter de i!ering a conce*t. &tudents +i re* ) +ith 6)eah7 to sho+ understanding or 6nah7 to sho+ con(usion. This is a sim* e, e((icient method o( chec-ing (or understanding. !hum+s up, thum+s down #s, students to give a thum+s up to show understanding and a thum+s down to show confusion. #nother 2uic, way to chec, for understanding. Ada*tations (or the # osure 4hat5 Peer instructors Seat

Ho+5 4h)5 >ilingual students will help the LL students to ensure successful content ac2uistion. LL students will sit near the front so they would +e a+le to hear the instruction clearly.

Name: Hong Tsu, Rigo Torres, Thomas Abich Lesson Name: Trust Date: 11/18/13

-I. Independent 2ractice

'as/s, and ,ationale Self reflective 7ournaling, fill out term wor,sheet 2articipation Structure3s4 + 2rocess Students will +e given a term wor,sheet to fill out. !hey will define trust, cooperation, and leadership. !hey will also draw a visual represenation of it. Student will answer to the 7ournal prompt.

#hec-ing (or 1nderstanding (or the 2nde*endent >ractice 4hat5 Ho+5 4h)5 EYeahF As- students 6)eah57 a(ter de i!ering a conce*t. &tudents +i re* ) +ith 6)eah7 to sho+ understanding or 6nah7 to sho+ con(usion. This is a sim* e, e((icient method o( chec-ing (or understanding. !hum+s up, thum+s down #s, students to give a thum+s up to show understanding and a thum+s down to show confusion. #nother 2uic, way to chec, for understanding. Ada*tations (or the 2nde*endent >ractice 4hat5 Ho+5 4h)5 !utor L students will answer the 7ournal prompt as completely as possi+le with the help of the instructor and/or resource teacher. !his is to insure students can successfully complete the independent practice.

-II. 7ollo$<up Assessment and Instruction 2lan

Assessment Plan11 4hat5 &ource9s= !eacher analysis Ho+5 4hen5 4h)5 3ive students a 7ournal prompt that assess their understanding of the lesson. >ased upon the 7ournal entries, the instructor will analy?e the level of understanding. Mournal entiries are written evidence. 0#dd as many rows as needed.1

Re-teaching Plan1
4hat5 Ho+5 4h)5 Re!ie+ the terms +hich the students did not understand. 8or e$am* e, during the +arm u*, the instructors can as- students about Trust, Leadershi*, and coo*eration. The cu mination o( the +arm u*, the instructor +i *resent the de(initions o( the terms and gi!e e$am* es o( each be(ore *roceeding into the antici*ator) set. 0#dd as many rows as needed.1


Ho+ +i )ou determine +hether )our students ha!e met the ob,ecti!es5 9e.g., 8orma / 2n(orma . 8ormati!e/&ummati!e. District/Te$tboo-/&e (<#reated, etc.= 59 4hat +i )ou +ith students +ho ha!e not met the ob,ecti!e9s=5

Name: Hong Tsu, Rigo Torres, Thomas Abich Lesson Name: Trust Date: 11/18/13

!eaching Plan1"
4hat5 Ho+5 4h)5 !he instructor will incorporate trust, leadership, and cooperation into the progression of the unit. 'or e*ample, the students will elect leaders for warm up groups and teams, each election will +e rationali?ed with identification of the 2ualities that led to his/her decision. #nother e*ample, at the conclusion of class, the victorious team can identify why they were successful and losing team will identify why they were not successful +y rating their level of leadership, trust for each other and cooperation on a scale of 5 to G. 0#dd as many rows as needed.1


4hat +i )ou do +ith students +ho ha!e met the ob,ecti!es5 90ut ine (o o+ing esson * ans in unit.=

Name: Lesson Name: Date:

#ttachments for lesson- &NS $! L SSON N#M " $ &nclude all the supporting materials needed for this lesson. !his includes all electronic materials that you have at your disposal 0e.g., graphic organi?ers, posters, images, readings, etc.1 >e sure to N&P/COMP$ SS this document when you turn it inO &f you do not have access to a scanner, we can scan documents on the department scanner. You can also provide photocopies when you turn your lessons in.
Self-!ournal "ntry .efine the following) .raw an e*ample of each word Cooperation-



51 91 ;1

Ahat did you do for todays activityC Ahat leadership s,ills did you use in the activityC Ahat individual improvements could you do ne*t time to improve your e*perienceC

?ersion: @A/@8/1% Authors: Gimino, D,onne, Larri!a, #asimir, :acNe!in, Adams<&hade, &cu , 4erner 9%@11<%@1%=

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