Friday, December 20, 2013 Edition

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VOL 8 NO.503





ULAP leaves Monrovia this weekend for Boxing Day tourney in Freetown.

Gov't News pg 12 TOP STORIES

QUESTIONABLE PETROLEUM TRANSACTION Defense, finance comptrollers Suspended

Cecelia Teah Enters Nimba Senatorial Race


pg 5



BUYING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10 , 2013 MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2013 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17 , 2013 L$81.00/US$1 L$81.00/US$1 L$81.00/US$1

SELLING L$82.00/US$1 L$82.00 /US$1 L$82.00/US$1

VOL 8 NO.503 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2013

These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.





These communities appear to have had their land taken and cleared without their consent, and when they object it looks like theyve been beaten up and arrested. The Liberian Government and EPO must both immediately carry out investigations into these allegations and ensure that those responsible are held to account and prosecuted. The Liberian Government needs to start standing up for its people and environment. In a letter to Global Witness, EPO promised to take appropriate action against staff if given sufficient evidence. Natalie Ashworth of Global Witness

Humanitarian News


See PG 2

Page 2 | Frontpage
Monrovia -

Friday, December 20 , 2013

alking down under the hot blazing sun with sweat pouring down her face on Mechlin Street, Fatu Sirleaf, 30, a merchant of womens used clothes has one thing on her mind: Business is not running because there is no money in the Country. Says Fatu: The people working in the governing do not have their family here, so how will the money stay in the country when they are sending it abroad? I am appealing to the government to pay the other people with family here so they can be able to buy from us, the marketer laments. This holiday season, many marketers and consumers like Fatu are feeling the pinch amid fears of a looming economic collapse that is seeing many businesses fall on hard times and many unsure how the holiday season will come to pass. I voted for Ma Ellen because I felt as a female, she was going to make things easy for us. So I am vex with her because the hard time is too much. I though as a woman, she was going to bring some changes but the same old thing is happening just like when the men were presidents, Fatu laments. Money Not Circulating A bystander hearing Fatu vent her frustration jumps in: How we will make money when our pot not boiling Fatu says there are a lot of sellers on the street but no buyers because government employees are yet to take pay for the Christmas. Pressed how she could tell that government employees have not taken pay, Fatu answers: People take pay, we can see new new money circulating, but we are still seeing the same old, from me to you, money turning around here. There is no sign to show that the season is coming because the people are not buying. The upcoming Christmas celebration has transformed Monrovia into a jungle in where passengers are fighting for any moving object to get home and Thieves hunting to rob the next possible victim. Despite the hardships, both the Central Bank of Liberia and the Ministry of Finance insists that the economic prospects look good for Liberia, a low income country heavily reliant on foreign

Mae Azango

people yet for the season so how will the people buy when they dont have money? I Know because I have some friends working Maritime and they told me that they have not taken pay yet for the season. Looking Town People Emmanuel Wiles, another vendor of female blouses, adds that he because the US rate is so high so prices are up and we cant make anything. As many lament the lack of pay to civil servants, Finance Minister Konneh acknowledged during his chat with petty traders this week the urgent need to pay vendors and civil servant salaries especially during the festive seasons to give more purchasing powers to the people, which will ensure revenue for government in return. In the meantime, the Central Bank of Liberia insists that it is committed to the transformation of the economy especially the private sector . . . implementing policies that promote microeconomic stability . . . remain focused in keeping inflation in check. But even CBL Governor Mills Jones acknowledges that since the beginning of 2013 the exchange rate has come under pressure with a depreciation of more than 8% (reduction of or decrease in value) due largely to 17% deterioration in Liberia's Terms of Trade and increased demand on (or for) imports". All this coming at a time when the International Monetary Fund(IMF) recently approve for Liberia, the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) of 7.382 million (about US$11.4 million). This was however followed by an assertion by Mr. Naoyuki Shinohara Deputy Managing Director and Acting Board's Chair, the International Monetary Fund(IMF) who made a rather conflicting revelation, that "Liberia's economic growth remains strong and the medium-term outlook is positive, provided new projects in the mining and plantation sectors come on stream". This non-resource real GDP growth, according to Mr. Naoyuki, is expected to continue and pick up in 2014-15, depending on the implementation of large energy and road infrastructure projects in line with the governments Agenda for Transformation. Hope amid despair however remains a complicated proposition for many, including Chris M. Davies, a vendor, who attends night school, says it is difficult to understand the December month. It is not that we hate the government but we want government to drop prices because we want to understand our status in life, because we are selling every day and cannot get anything good. This whole business, is dig hole, and cover hole business, because the small money we make, we have to use it to buy food and paying rent.

assistance for revenue. In fact, Finance Minister Amara Konneh during a tour of downtown Monrovia to chat with petty traders, declared that he has infused about US$78m into the economy to spur economic activities. In a bid to boost the outlook, Konneh said the government will be holding a two-day high-level retreat with the Liberian business community in early 2014 to brainstorm on some of the constraints facing the business people and at the same time craft solutions to those problems for the economy to bloom. Walking down a jammed-pack Mechlin Street and seeing the crowd, is like seeing sardines packed in a can as people are seen stepping on one another, looking for way into the huge crowd to shop down the Water Side Market. Passers, No Buyers I am selling lady blouses but business is rough, says Junior Kromah, 22, a vendor. We cannot even see buyers. All these people you see are only passing but they are not buying. This is the poorest Christmas I have ever seen in my Liberia, if there is a way, I want the government to postpone the Christmas. Kromah, who attends the St. Phillip School and has been selling female blouses for two years, wants the government to drop the US exchange rate so that things prices would reduce. Business is rough because the government has not paid the

is frustrated over the slow way business is running. Since government stop the motorbike boys from riding in the city, business has gotten harder. All these people you see passing are not buying but just asking how much, how much, whole day but they are not buying. They are called Looking Town people because whole day they are just looking in your market but not buying, Says Emmanuel. Teta Johnson a buyer disagrees: There are also many buyers on the street, even though, the value boys say they are called looking town people, but I am buying but it does not mean I have money. My husband is working Immigration but the government has not paid him yet. But any little amount I get from my man, I buy small thing. But I dont have money. Money business is hard, so I want the government to pay my husband so we can eat, because it is not easy on us Marcus Tolbert , another vendor laments that business is hard this holiday season. All these people you see passing just came to the market to satisfy themselves but they are not buying, they are called pick and drop people, because whole day they play in your market and dont buy anything, Says Tolbert. Not Looking Like Christmas Continue Tolbert: The way I expect the Christmas to look, it is not looking like that, because money business is hard. The government is only making things hard for us the marketers,

Friday, December 20, 2013

Gloomy economic outlook has many shoppers & consumers Feeling the holiday blues



Page 3

THE HOLIDAY SEASON is upon us once more and while many are looking forward to being with their friends, families and loved ones, it appears many will be spending the holiday lamenting and reflecting on a turbulent economic year that turned the hopes of many into despair. IT HAS BEEN eight Christmases since the guns were silent and a new, democratically-elected government ushered in. THE United Nations Mission in Liberia has done a marvelous job keeping the peace and the international community have thrown millions of dollars Liberias way, erased debts and done a lot in helping Liberia turn the corner in its quest of completing the transition from war to peace. THE ROAD here has not been easy. A WAR WHICH STARTED in 1989 ruined much of the economy, the infrastructures and shipwrecked whatever economic sanity the postwar nation had going for it. TODAY, BUSINESSES which fled the country are slowly returning along with new ones but the lingering tension and lack of foreign currency, the mighty U.S. dollar is making life complicated and difficult for most. SADLY, LIBERIA continues to rely on handouts from countries while a nation rich in water and mineral resources fail to make those resources impact and improve the lives of the people. THE POST-WAR government headed by President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, approaching its eight year, continues to complain that it inherited massive international debts which it now boasts, it has paid or managed to erase, based on pleadings with the international community. THIS WAS SUPPOSED to be the government that restored infrastructure and raised incomes of the war-ravaged economy through the implementation of sound macro- and micro-economic policies, including the encouragement of foreign investment. TODAY, BILLIONS of announced investment opportunities have failed to impact the lives of Liberians and the country appears to be slowly heading back into the borrowing territory. THEODORE DR. SEUSS GEISELS famous Christmas story, How the Grinch Stole Christmas could very well be applied here as scores of Liberians, especially those in the rural areas wonder how they will celebrate the holidays this year. THE GOVERNMENT wont admit it, but the country is broke, the US dollar is hard to come by and those relying on local currency are losing heavy, in their quest to buy foreign currency as the rate ascends to 84 LD to 1USD territory. IT APPEARS the intervention of the Central Bank of Liberia will once again be relied on to save the day by, according to sources, infuse some cash into the economy for the holiday season. IN HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS, Dr. Seuss criticized the commercialization of Christmas and how the corporate world has been successful in turning a global holiday into a commercially-successful time of the year for big business. FOR MANY LIBERIANS, that Grinch appears to be the government, which continues to struggle in trying to put a handle on the looming economic impasse staring down its throat. LIBERIA HAS COME a long way and still has much more burdens to bear. For now though, the government must do all it can to ensure that its citizens enjoy a festive holiday season by easing the tax burdens and paying those it is indebted to. THE LIBERIAN government must rid itself of the Grinch persona that appears to be eclipsing the soul of its existence. Happy Holidays

Filipino peacekeeper in the African country of Liberia died of malaria last October, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) confirmed. The AFP Public Affairs Office said Sgt. Benson Angot, a member of the 17th Philippine contingent to

Liberia, exhibited symptoms of malaria as early as August this year. The AFP said Angot, 30, tested positive for the disease in September. Angot's condition worsened, resulting in his death on October 2. Philippines recently dispatched 117-strong Philippine contingent to Liberia.

The peacekeepers were recently honored by the Philippines government for

making huge sacrifices in Liberia.


Critique of Finance Minister nothing more than a spectacular display of half truths in Good Bye Konehnomics: Long On Promises But Short on Results Jacob Jallah, Contributing Writer


Delivery. I immediately took a few minutes of my tight daily schedule to read through his lines. After which a few conclusions were reached. 1. That Dumoe lacks a proper understanding of simple macroeconomic issues and there different conundrums, thus making him to throw uninformed thoughts from one side to the other which eventually makes him a victim of impressionism 2. That Dumoe piece on Konneh was a very poor and shabby effort and further affirmed the aphorism that a little learning is a dangerous thing and 3. That Mr. Dumoe lacks fundamental understanding of the barrage of financial panics and economic ills afflicting the world economy today, which forces him to go wrongfully beating on Min. konneh and holding him responsible for exogenous Global market shrinks, fluctuations and uncertainties! Dumoes Situation therefore can be summarized thus: that the young man is venturing into an arena he knows very little about which therefore leads him to eventually make pretence of Knowledge to use Fahnbullehs words. For the purpose of public education I have chosen to take a few minutes off to correct his anomalies and further articulate a factual and verifiable state of the Liberian economy today and the backbreaking effort on the part of Min. Konneh to set this country on the lane of economic prosperity, sustained as well as inclusive economic growth. Dumoe flaps with Macro-economic numbers all around the place without knowing the implication and interpretation of those figures. He attempts to slap Min. Konneh with a guilty charge by holding him responsible for shrinking global rubber prices. Listen to Dumoe, he says: The agriculture sector he(Konneh) promised to leverage is one of the weakest performers today. According to the Central Bank of Liberia (Financial & economic bulletin, Volume 14 No. 2 April-June, 2013) the slow down in the GDP growth according to the CBL is because of drop in the contribution of Rubber and other agriculture produce. What kind of thinking is this? Dont you know the simple fact that the global market economy of which Liberia is only a Marginal participant is the arena that determines export rubber prices based on the demand-supply factor? Havent you read something in the narratives called the principle of effective market hypothesis, which says that the market when left by itself is capable of solving problems, magically balancing the forces of supply and demand, a rule which generally guides global market conducts? Nobody on this planet knows where Dumoe then comes from with blaming Amara for decline in rubber export! The next thing is, the Liberian rubber sector is currently afflicted with the situation of aging trees which is undercutting the sector productive capacity. Firestone the rubber giant in the economy is currently on a massive replanting spree, with private rubber farmers reinvesting in their farms chopping down worthless trees and planting new once. Secondly, let me state that your attempt to set Ngafuan and Amara on a tragic Collusion course is nothing more than a mischievous exercise intended to gain favour. Your attempt to draw success comparison between Ngafuan and

very close friend of mine over a week ago called my attention to what I came to realise as a rant piece written by a young man called Mr. Maniapkei Dumoe titled Good Bye Konehnomics: Long On Promises But Short On

Amara tenure at the head the Liberian Economy, without knowing the profound and dynamic responsibilities of the two individuals says two things; either you know the facts and has chosen to be mischievous or questions need to be asked about the writers comprehension capabilities. Let state the facts to clear the confusion. After the cessation of gun fires with President Sirleaf coming to power in 2006, the Mandate of Sayeh and later Ngafuan was clear and it was Jump start the Liberian economy and begin efforts to retrieve it from accelerating decline. In simple terms the economy was bleeding to death, a rescue strategy had to be identified. The compelling logic then was for Mr. Ngafuan to focus on reforming the institutional infrastructure of the economy which was in rag as a result of the war. This meant getting the MoF working again, leading reform in our revenue collection capabilities and expanding the national tax net that saw the arrival of BIVAC, ASYCUDA and IFMIS as well as ensuring that public sector spending entities complied with the dictates of the PFM laws and PPCC Act. He opened up the budget formulation mechanism and subjected the National document to public cross examination, scrutiny and debates. Annihilating our unbearable International debt overhang gave us credibility and standing in the international financial market. In short, the traditional transactional mandate of the MoF was restored and the institutional framework of the economy was now on healthy ways. This was the realities of Ngafuan at MoF in a nutshell! In the course of the campaign that led to President Sirleaf re-election in 2011, the Liberian people unanimously spoke in a deafening Chorus that was Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! This meant that the President had to respond. After six years of institutional and legalistic reforms, it was quite clear that the Liberian Economy now needed to change gear. The Country now needed a Finance Minister who leads us to inclusive macro-economic growth and development, not anymore only signing checks and vouchers and sticking to only traditional transactional responsibilities of a treasury house. Min. Konneh therefore had to be the obvious choice with a clear cut and unequivocal mandate from Madame President that was and still is to accentuate the Liberian economy from recovery to prosperity. Be reminded that Amara was no stranger! He had been planning the economy! He rescued the Govt Economic Planning agency and prevented it from giving out the ghost, resuscitated it and breathed in it a new life of vibrancy. Min. konneh had led different economic growth diagnostic research efforts in an attempt to identify binding constraints on the economy as well as several growth corridor studies working to determine growth prospect concentration and growth drivers. There is no way and I refer you back to the narratives that an economy can leave recovery stages after barely surviving a big bang or free fall without making an audacious macro-economic decision to caustically cut wastage, vexingly obliterate meaningless recurrent expenditure and invest those resources into capitol projects with the greatest potential of economic returns which eventually stimulate the productive sector and create manufacturing. Min. Konneh has been achieving this feat in laboratory fashion.

You can read the full commentary on www.

Page 4 | Frontpage

The Editor,

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Madam Ellen Corkrum and Mr. Melvin Johnson are under indictment by the government of Liberia for economic crimes allegedly committed in Liberia while Madam Corkrum served as Managing Director of the Liberia Airport Authority (LAA) or the Roberts International Airport (RIA). They (Corkrum & Johnson) claim innocence until proven guilty by a court of law, a legal maxim that is consistent with our, Liberian law. They claim, also, US citizenship, are presently, in the USA and considered at-large by the Liberian authorities. Accordingly, the Liberian government submitted request for extradition, according to the Liberian Solicitor-General, the US Department of Justice acknowledged receipt of the extradition requests . . . on Ms. Ellen Corkrum and . . . Melvin Johnson (New Democrat, December 6, 2013). However, the saga of charges and counter-charges that began with Musa Bility, then Chairman of the LAA Board, Ms. Corkrum, Mr. Johnson and a host of others, also, charged and indicted, continues to muddy the issue of crime & punishment. According to the New Democrat (New Democrat, December 6, 2013), Madam Corkrum charged that when we were in Liberia, we discovered corruption in the government . . . we decided to record these corruptions . . . Initially, this was a fight about our personal liberties (apparently, her and Mr. Johnsons denials and counter- charges), but now it is a cause and a fight about the liberation of the unprivileged in Liberia. At this point, Mr. Melvin Johnson added support, Our beloved nation is unfortunately vastly divided into the haves, those that support this corrupt government and the rest of the majority population, I am committed to the cause of exposing this government . . . we have been and continue to await this corrupt government extradition attempts, so far, to no avail. Continuing, according to the New Democrat, Madam Corkrum said that she told the Costa Show that she and (Mr. Melvin) Johnson have approached the US Department of State that they (Corkrum & Johnson) were in possession of the scandalous tapes and that the 300 pages (are) of proofs that the indictment and announced extradition plans was a HOAX by the government of Liberia. Nationalist Convictions With such profound, nationalist and patriotic convictions, expressed commitment to a Cause, indeed, against public dishonesty and moral decadence corruption the very, same crime with which the pair is charged, and the absolute certainty that this indictment and extradition was or are a hoax, the proper, reasonable approach, in our view, will be and, in fact, is: a) Secure a reputable attorney with international, practice and experience. b) Prepare a comprehensive defense evidence, the tapes as proof of governments intentions, etc., etc. c) Surrender to the jurisdiction of the Liberian Court of Law and submit to and demand an open, free, fair and transparent trial by a jury of your peers, being Liberian citizens. d) Clear and regain your character (with certainty of innocence claim); this approach will provide an excellent, unquestionable foundation to embark upon and pursue the Cause. But, Rather Madam Ellen Corkrum and Mr. Melvin Johnson approached the US Department of State with tapes allegedly implicating the government of Liberia in corruption, the same crime for which they are now under indictment. But, the US Department of State is not a court of law and, even, if it were, it would lack jurisdiction to intervene, because the crime charged was committed not in USA territory, but in Liberia. Then there are the radio talk shows the Costa and the Monrovias Hot FM Show to which the pair exposed the recordings. From these escapades, it is reasonable to conclude the following that: 1. The pair wants to impress US authorities that it is the government of Liberia that is morally decadent and corrupt; with a questionable judicial system; and that the charges against the pair are false and politically-motivated and, therefore, requests the US Justice Department through the Department of State, to deny the extradition of its (US) citizens, as they are, to such a country and government. 2. The wide-circulation and press reports of the tapes, both here in Liberia, and the USA have negative impact: a) Prejudice the interests of the indicted persons, including Madam Corkrum and Mr. Johnson (a possibility about which Judge Johnson and, therefore, a lawyer, knows or should know). But the pair could care less, because, as US citizens, it is highly unlikely for them to be extradited to Liberia, in the light of the facts of past history. b) It is, in fact, because of this possible, negative impact prejudice the interests of the accused that the Liberian Court of Law placed a stop order on further publications of the tapes, since the case is sub judici (the Stop Order is now interpreted, wrongly or rightly, as a Gag Order based on ones accepted public policy perspectives). In the light of the foregoing, we are not persuaded nor is there any evidence provided by the Pair to convince us of their expressed commitment to a Cause to expose corruption, a moral decadence about which they stand, legally accused but hide behind dual citizenship of Liberia and the USA to avoid or escape trial. We argue, reasonably, that this high-profiled Case is an example of Public dishonesty Corruption allegedly committed by individuals who aredual citizens duly attracted, employed and highly-paid by government because of their excellent, relevant training/experience, but escaped to their second country to avoid trial, dampens the argument for adoption of legalized dual citizenship in Liberia. A local newspaper had the following to say about dual citizens and dual citizenship activities recently, in Liberia: We see such declaration as clues to the possibility that many top officials in government possess dual citizenships before being imported for their jobs. Non-commitment to patriotism by some Liberians now believed to be in possession of American citizenship despite being considered as Liberians exiled in the Diaspora before they were imported for top government jobs with huge salaries, resettlement and other benefits to the disadvantage of qualified others who were not opportune to leave the country during the war constrains us to suggest the need to verify and document Liberians with dual citizenships. Perhaps it was in apparent frustration over the embarrassment and disappointment caused for President Sirleaf by many of those she invited from America and appointed in top positions, when she recently accused some officials of using money made in Liberia to buy and build homes in America and elsewhere instead of building not even a kitchen in their native counties. There is persistent public outcry that most of these officials create avenues to travel on government business to America instead of using the sophistication of the Internet to perform their jobs here. But the cunning idea is that performing their jobs this way will deprive them the luxury of visiting their families, whose support and livelihood are earned in Liberia, which they all deem too unsafe and dangerous to return.

The Reader's Page

Friday, December 20 , 2013


WHY CANT WE DO THE SAME Fellas, We can talk, write and talk, nothing going to improve. Our President has mind-set that this medium of communication (FPA) is against her administration, so if you submit a brilliant idea to move this country forward, she think you're also an enemy of the (failed) State (her administration). With all the economist (book people)from Harvard University (crooks), why can't we look at our friends like Ghana, or Nigeria and use their economy replica? We could just copy and paste instead of copying corruption and paste which is in all Liberian bloodstream. We (Liberian)like big-big show!! and the only way we can do that is to steal from government because our salary is not enough to take care of our many girlfriends, children and a stay-home wife. All we need to do is to put the shut to the up. HELLEN Me, I dont know. I went to Ghana when Gangay brought his trouble to us. I carried with me US money. So I went to buy food and they Ghana people say I must bring Ghana money. I say Hennn... You dont want US? The fat Ghana woman say NO. My question... Why Liberia cannot do the same thing? SUMO PIPE This simple economics. We import 90% of everything that we consume in this country. To import things we have to use US dollars to pay for them. Therefore, the importers have a very high demand for US dollars, because they cannot buy stuff abroad for LB dollars. To counter this high demand for foreign currency, we have to start producing products that we can sell abroad for the same US dollars. That is not happening at the moment. This is what makes the US dollar more and more expensive. And it will continue until we start to produce more than we import. Simple. CHECHE I agree Sumo, in addition to your brilliant but simple economic analysis, (Econ 101)top Ellen cronies and other high ranking officials (lawmakers, cabinet members, commissioners, etc)are paid in US dollars, and instead of injecting in the economy, a lot of them are paying mortgages abroad, while the vast majority of the unprivileged keep struggling for end meets. (Capital flight?). Yea, the Liberian people are seriously benefitting from the Harvard University graduates. What a shame! HARD HITTER Folks, I have a simple question, can you go to Ghana or Nigeria and buy goods over the counter with US$ or Local currency? There is double dealing in Liberia by the business people. They cornered all the USD(including that imported by the CBL) and yet sell to us in USD. And finally send out that money to their foreign bank accounts, mainly in Lebanon and India( i.e. Capital Flight), and then sit and wait for CBL to bring in fresh batch of FX. This vicious circle just continues. PETR MULU Dr. Jones says the economy has to earn the US dollar like any other foreign currency that it has to earn . He is right . But how ? Export . They both seemed to agree on that word without saying it because someone is responsible for the lack of agriculture export in Liberia . In his interview with FPA Dec 3 , 2013 , this is what the Minister had to say , "... The agriculture sector, while it is a large component of income and comprises about half of employment in Liberia, suffers from low productivity and largely comprises subsistence agriculture. So, we are aware of the issues(but does the Agriculture Ministry understands that ?), and we are taking steps to turn things around...." So in the absent of the agriculture sector export , because the MoA and MoF do not see eye to eye on this , Minister Konneh must depend on the concession companies alone to bring the hard currency in through export. Something that the economy has to earn . The ball is in the court of the MoA also . In a nutshell, our economy had basically being turned into a haven for capital flight. Until we get a grip of such( for example, single currency trade like Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, etc), we will continue to experience this FX shortage. The comments expressed here are those of our online readers and bloggers and do no represent the views of FrontPageAfrica

Bai M. Gbala, Sr.


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Friday, December 20, 2013





Page 5

These communities appear to have had their land taken and cleared without their consent, and when they object it looks like theyve been beaten up and arrested. The Liberian Government and EPO must both immediately carry out investigations into these allegations and ensure that those responsible are held to account and prosecuted. The Liberian Government needs to start standing up for its people and environment. In a letter to Global Witness, EPO promised to take appropriate action against staff if given sufficient evidence.


Natalie Ashworth of Global Witness

Kbased company Equatorial Palm Oil (EPO) is accused of involvement in the arbitrary arrest and assault of Liberian community members who claim that they were resisting EPO's efforts to take their land. Investigations by a coalition of international and Liberian NGOs (1) reveal allegations that EPO security personnel and members of the elite Liberian Police Support Unit (PSU) (2) assaulted and arrested unarmed civilians who were objecting to the expansion of EPOs plantation onto community customary-owned land in September 2013. The company denies these allegations, stating that it is a responsible company and committed to sustainable oil palm development.(3) However, EPO admitted to Global Witness that it provided logistical support to the Liberian police who are accused of intimidating villagers on the plantation. (4) These communities appear to have had their land taken and cleared without their consent, and when they object it looks like theyve been beaten up and arrested. The Liberian Government and EPO must both immediately carry out investigations into these allegations and ensure that those responsible are held to account and prosecuted, said Natalie Ashworth of Global Witness. The Liberian Government needs to start standing up for its people and environment. In a letter to Global Witness, EPO promised to take appropriate action against staff if given sufficient evidence. (3) EPO, which is listed on the Alternatives Investment Market (AIM) of the London Stock Exchange, holds two palm oil concessions in Liberia covering a total of 89,000 hectares. In recent months, it has taken steps to expand its operations in Liberias Grand Bassa County to plant palm oil trees on com-munity customarily owned land, which would be contrary to protections in international human rights law and EPOs commitments to the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), an industry body.(5) This expansion threatens to destroy the farms, forests and wetlands that the local Jogbahn Clan rely on for their food and livelihood, and regard as their spiritual home. In a response to Global Witness on 17 December the company stated that they respect the Liberian community rights and land, and have followed the law and procedures laid-out and agreed internationally. The company further

Monrovia adam Cecelia Siaway Teah, a prominent daughter of vote-rich Nimba County and one time senatorial candidate in the 2011 legislative election has again thrown her weight in the pending mid-term senatorial race in Northern Liberia. After carefully examining her pitfalls in the past senatorial election in Nimba county, coupled with a resounding support from her supports in the county, the President of the Women Movement of Liberia says she is more than prepared to win the battle that is expected to see the rise or fall of incumbent Senator and Nimba county strong man Prince Y. Johnson. In an exclusive interview with FrontPage Africa on Thursday, December 19, 2013, Madam Teah noted that the former head of the National Union of Democratic Progress (NUDP) has done well and should by now exit the



stat-ed that they have "taken strict steps" to ensure that they only plant oil palm on their concession land and legally-acquired community land. (3) According to Jogbahn community members, their failure to cooperate with EPOs plans to expand onto community land triggered increasingly severe intimidation by company security staff and PSU officers. (6) This includes driving through villages at night flashing their emergency lights which alleg-edly led to women and children fleeing to the bush. In a letter to Global Witness, the company re-sponded that it has been "falsely accused" and does not condone or encourage such described behaviour," and have never instructed or directed any of its staff or PSU officers to intimidate Jogbahn community members in September or at any time.(3) On September 18, community members were reportedly accosted and some were beaten by EPO and PSU forces as they walked to the county capital, Buchanan, to lodge a protest with authorities. Seventeen people are understood to have been arrested, but were promptly released after the governments County Attorney found there were no grounds for their detention. (7) The County Attorney confirmed that people had been accosted, but Grand Bassas police commander denies that his forces attacked any community members.(8) EPO representatives deny any knowledge of the incident, and said that no complaint had been made directly to them about the behaviour of the EPO security or abuse by the police. EPO further stated that they had asked for the police to be removed from the survey but the request was refused.(9) EPO sent a detailed response to Global Witness and its letter is published in full on the organisations website here: (3) These abuses bring back memories of the Charles Taylor era, says Andrew Tokpa of the Liberian NGO Save My Future Foundation (SAMFU). Theres a real risk of a bigger conflict if Equatorial Palm Oil tramples on the rights of Liberias rural communities. If the company wont stop, the Liberian Government must act to stop it. On September 18, the Sustainable Development Institute (SDI), a Liberian NGO, filed a complaint against EPO with the RSPO (10) on behalf of 363 households from the affected community. This alleges that the company has cleared and planted on community land and is seeking to expand the plantation further without the free, prior and informed consent of those who live on the land. (11) The company responded to RSPO that it holds a valid concession agreement signed and endorsed by the Government of Liberia, and that its operations are within the law and RSPO rules. (10) These allegations of assault and land grabbing should cause alarm amongst EPOs investors. Malaysian palm oil giant Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd (KLK) recently became the majority shareholder of the company although it was not a shareholder at the time of the alleged violence. Negotiations for KLK to buy out the rest of EPO are ongoing. Communities have requested that the RSPO complaint be extended to KLK as the new majority shareholder. (12) As the majority shareholder and possible new owner, KLK must make investigating the human rights abuse and land grabbing allegations its number one priority, says Silas KpananAyoung Siakor of SDI. Conflict over land played a key role in Liberias civil wars, its critical to our countrys future stability that community rights are respected. Allowing unscrupulous companies to do as they please will be disastrous for the environment and for development.

Cecelia Teah Enters Nimba Senatorial Race

Stephen D. Kollie, 0776329124

senatorial fray for others to take on the mantle of leadership to bring fresh changes and move the county forward. Said the Nimba senatorial

hopeful: Its not y first time. I was there 2011 and did not win and I decided to go there again. Because I believe that I owe y people a lot. A lot of things need to be done

especially for the health and educational sectors. That is why we are going there to see that some changes can be made to improve the life of our people. Quizzed by FrontPage Africa as to whether she is deterred of Senator Johnson and former Superintendent Edith G. Wruh, Madam Teah, 2005 presidential aspirant maintained that shes not concerned about her opponents as she has the weight of her people. Continued Madam Teah: Coming in this kind of race you have to really be focused. The people in the county will love to work along with me. I cant sit by; I have to be there to be able to fix things. Quizzed whether she is financially equipped to embark on her quest to the Liberian senate, Madam Teah revealed that money is not a

Madam Cecelia Teah

dilemma as she has all financially strength to battle her opponents. We cant sit here to talk about money but am not starving. I cant tell you what I have because its my own Chinese secret but I have all it takes to do my best.

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obile network operator Cellcom Liberia has extended its HSPA+ network, which is being offered as a 4G service, to the cities of Ganta, Sanniquellie, Yekepa and Gbarnga, meaning that high speed mobile internet is now available to people in the counties of Montserrado, Nimba, Bong, Margibi, and Sinoe. The carriers newCEO John Vasikaran called a press conference to announce the launch, claiming the operator now boasts the best 4G network coverage in the country. A few weeks ago, when we officially launched our first 4G sites in Kakata and Greenville, I stood at this very podium and made a promise that Cellcom




Friday, December 20 , 2013

would continue to expand the coverage of our 4G network, he said. In the coming weeks and months, the cellco intends to open up newHSPA+ sites across Liberia until it has coverage of the entire territory, he added. According to TeleGeographys GlobalComms Database, in August 2012 Cellcom was investigated by the national regulator, the Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA), over the network operators claim that it is able to offer 4G-based services. At the time the LTA released a statement noting that Cellcoms operating licences only cover 2G (GSM) and 3G (W-CDMA/HSPA) cellular services. With regard to Cellcoms claim of having

onrovia - Women participation and inclusion in politics and public offices have been the leading controversy for the decades. Liberia has been no exception to this global phenomenon. The country to some considerable degree has subscribed to women inclusion in major decision making processes in various national institutions. For instance even before Liberia voted Africas female president, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in 2005 the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) in 2004 voted Elizabeth Hoof as president. Since then the PUL has always had at least one female occupying one of its top positions. Malisa Chea Annan was voted Assistant secretary and Vice president in two successive elections defeating an incumbent with wide margin in the latter. But this years election has proven to be a different story. The Female Journalists Association of Liberia, (FeJAL) presented two candidates Ade Wade Kerkuleh for Secretary General and Siatta Scott Johnson for Vice President. Ade was disqualified by the Election Commission in the early stages but when the Unions leadership rescinded its disqualification decision, Ade was unwilling to pursue her ambition thus making Siatta the lone female candidate in the entire election. At the end of the day Siatta Scott was defeated by Jallah Grayfield with 40-votes difference creating an allmale leadership. Siatta acknowledged after the election result was released that there is much more to be done by females. I am not disappointed that I did not


Female Journalists Group Threatens Boycott of Induction Ceremony after election of all-male leadership
Tecee Boley,
of many top professional media practitioners in Liberia. Phillip Wesseh Managing Editor of the Inquirer Newspaper told FPA that he is not in favor of what the group says it wants to do.I dont favor that. I dont think they need to boycott the induction. The PUL election is not held based on sex or gender. It was unfortunate that she did not win. But the men voted for her, look at the votes how many women registered? Less than 30, she had more than that. How sure are we that all the women voted for her? Election is very deceptive. Fejal should respect the results because it is the decision of the majority. But his own employee Winnie Saywah holds strongly that Fejal should go ahead with its planed boycott action. FeJAL was not supposed to even issue a statement once you announce a boycott it means that you are opening up for negotiation. What you want to do is stay away dont waste your voice. If the males wanted a female to be in that position you would have seen competition in the election result. The presidential result, the man win by 8 points but look at how Mrs. Johnson was defeated. Frank Sainworla Station Manager of radio Veritas says FeJal is giving the wrong impression about the abilities of females to stand up to PUL politics. I urge my wonderful female journalists in FeJAL not to carry out their threat to



4G capability, the LTA has embarked on an investigation exercise to determine the veracity of this claim as is being advertised by Cellcom, the watchdog said in the statement. Previously, in June 2012 Cellcom launched what it is calling a fourth-generation (4G) mobile network, offering customers advanced videocalling and high speed mobile internet access as affordable rates. However, TeleGeography notes that it is unlikely

that the new infrastructure is a true 4G platform, given that in May that year the cellco revealed it was planning to deploy a high speed HSPA+ mobile network in partnership with Huawei claiming a first for the African country. As such, the mobile operator is unlikely to be in breach of its operating licence as the HSPA+ upgrade does not constitute a full 4G network.

win but this proves that we the women (FeJAL) have more work to do. The action to vote an all-male leadership confirms the view of womens right advocates that all though the country is headed by a woman, Liberian women have little say on how the country is governed or how decisions that affect them are made. For example, Liberia ranks 90 in the world in female representation in the legislature, with only 13.5 percent of women occupying seats in the lawmaking body following the last election in 2011.The number of female media executives is also very low. Fewer than five percent of media bosses are women, a situation that

is largely attributed to the unequal opportunities as can be seen in the last election results, and the low level of women participation. Women account for only 35 of the 270 registered members of the PUL. However international best practice indicates that editorial ascendency is based on merit and not gender. FEJAL ISSUES BOYCOTT STATEMENT FeJAL, in a release Tuesday, says it will boycott the upcoming induction ceremony of the newly elected officers of the Press Union of Liberia which is slated for December 27, 2013. The Group says it is disappointed with the outcome of the just ended PUL elections, where no female was elected.

The group observed that the defeat of its lone female candidate, Mrs. Siatta ScottJohnson was not based on competence but rather gender and sex. The women group says it had always supported male counterparts and strongly thinks that the gesture should be reciprocated, considering the global acclamation of inclusivity. "When FeJAL decided to field a candidate for the presidency, she was told to go for the Vice President position because the Union was not ready for a female president because the two former females who were elected in previous leadership posts left unceremoniously," REACTIONS TO FEJAL The statement drew the action

boycott the upcoming PUL induction for their reason slated. Let me caution them that such a move for such a reason would not send a good signal about the preparedness of female journalists to stand up to internal PUL political contest. I admire and respect the defeated female candidate Siatta Scott -Johnson but the past PUL women officials had toll on her candidacy. In the past recent years women were elected to government union in two of top most posts but their tenures were short landed by political appointment personal adventure. But Sainworlas caution was met with unbending resistance as the Secretary General of FeJAL says they are only open to negotiations after the induction ceremony. This is about the men standing with us the women. And I can assure you that we the leaders of FeJAL will not attend that program. And we are open for any negotiation whatsoever only after their allmale program.One of those who is directly affected by FeJALs statement is President Elect Abdullai Kamara. I cant be sure why people voted the way they did. But I can say for the record that the situation in the press union of Liberia is a reflection of the situation in the greater Liberian Society. A lot of people dont think women have come of age. FeJAL has become a very dependable auxiliary of the PUL and I am very proud of that. They need to do the right thing by strengthening their responsibility by participating in administration and holding the men accountable. Staying away will not solve this problem.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Monrovia epresenting the three branches of government at the lighting of the National Christmas Tree are President Sirleaf, Vice President Boakai, Deputy Speaker Barchue and Chief Justice Korkpor, among others.JPG Monrovia For the first time in memory, the President of the Republic, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, on Wednesday, December 18, lit Christmas Trees on the Grounds of the Capitol, the Temple of Justice and at the Executive Mansion, signaling the start of the Christmas festivities. The President described the evenings celebration as special, for three reasons: because of the presence of the many guests who joined in celebrating the birth of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; because the three branches of government joined in lighting the Christmas Tree at their respective homes; and because the event was taking place on the Grounds of the Executive Mansion, signaling the commencement of the process for us to return to our official home. According to an Executive Mansion release, as she has done in years past, the President called on Liberians, during this joyful season, to reach out to someone and do something for somebody that will make a difference. It may, she said, be just a meal, a small amount of funds, a good hello, a thank you, or a thank God that could bring a smile to somebodys face to say this is the Christmas Season of caring and sharing. Elsewhere in her remarks, the President commended

President Sirleaf Lights Christmas Trees at Seats of Three Branches of Government at Capitol, Temple of Justice and Executive Mansion
President Sirleaf presses the switch to light the Legislature's Christmas Trees on the grounds of the Capitol. Deputy House Speaker Barchue looks on.JPG




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the Speaker, Deputy Speaker and their colleagues in the Legislature for what theyve done to bring to all citizens, and their constituencies, the joy of Christmas, as evidenced by the lighting of the Tree at their home and in their yard. She again commended the Chief Justice, as hes done in previous years, for the lighting of his Tree, bringing to all the signal of justice and of peace. President Sirleaf thanked all present for being a part of the celebration, and for all that they would do in the coming days for the celebration of a joyous Christmas. In entering the New Year, she called upon everyone to commit themselves to working together for the

good of our country, for being able, once again, to make sure that our people come together in a spirit of love and unity.Voicing her hope that the light would come on, the President walked over and lit the National Christmas Tree, amid applause. She demanded to feel a leaf from the tree, as proof that it is, indeed, natural, and was assured that it is a species of the Norfolk Pine. As the program at the Executive Mansion got under way, Ambassador Eleanor Cooper, the new Chief of Protocol of the Executive Mansion, informed the guests that the President would light a beautiful, real not artificial Christmas Tree. She hoped the

guests would enjoy the time together and the peace that we are all sharing. The Presidents Religious Advisor, Rev. Jervis Witherspoon, in his Invocation, prayed, as we celebrate Christmas, that Jesus will be the reason for the season, and as we give gifts, may we remember the shut-in, the needy and the poor. Bishop Seth O. Lartey, of the AME Zion Church, in his Closing Prayer, thanked God for the gift of life, health, strength and a sound mind. He prayed that God would continue to shower his blessings upon the nation, and upon the President and all persons in authority, while keeping the nation under

His protective wing. Guests were also treated to musical selections by the Sisters of Destiny, of the Philadelphia Central Church, in Congo Town. Among the dignitaries at the well-attended ceremony were: Vice President Joseph N. Boakai, Sr.; the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Hans Barchue, and members of the 53rd National Legislature; the President Pro-Tempore, Hon. Gbehzohngar Findley, and other members of the Liberian Senate; Chief Justice Francis Korkpor and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court; members of the Cabinet and officials of Government; the Doyen and
construction of an 18 megawatts Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) plant that are expected to significantly reduce the cost of electricity. Liberias development partners have continued to provide crucial assistance through grants and loans in the form of both budget support and project aid. As at end June 2013, actual aid disbursement by partners amounted to US$423,540,577. In another development, the Authorities have completed and published an un-audited Consolidated Financial Statement for FY2012/13 and submitted same to the President and National Legislature, and to the General Auditing Commission (GAC). The GAC is expected to conduct a full audit on the report and express an opinion. The financial statements of the Government of Liberia provide a record of the Governments financial performance for the financial year ended 30 June 2013 and the financial position of the Consolidated Fund as at 30 June 2013. The Consolidated Fund means the Consolidated Fund of Liberia as established under Section 4 of the Public Financial Management (PFM) Act of 2009.The financial statements provide a comparative analysis of the actual outturns of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2012/13 and the previous financial year ended

members of the Diplomatic Corps; members of the Clergy; and many well-wishers. As the evenings activities commenced, guests assembled on the grounds of the Capitol Building for the lighting of theLegislatures Christmas Tree. Senator Findley noted that this was the first time, during her administration, that the President was lighting the Capitols Christmas Tree. He said legislators simply wanted to make sure that all Liberians have a wonderful and joyful Christmas. He then invited the President to honor the Legislature by lighting their Christmas Tree. The guests next strolled to the Temple of Justice grounds where, in brief remarks,Chief Justice Korkpor said that Christmas is a time when we celebrate Christ, the Prince of Peace. During this season, he hoped for peace in the country; that Liberians will live in unity forever; and that the three branches of government will coordinate more in order to enhance development in the country. He then invited President Sirleaf to switch on, as you always do, our Christmas Tree. An enthused President Sirleaf flipped the switch to light the Judiciarys ChristmasTree. The guests then gathered at the rear of the Executive Mansion Grounds where, following the Tree Lighting Ceremony, President Sirleaf hosted a reception to celebrate the holiday season.


Monrovia onsistent with Section 36.4 of the Public Financial Management (PFM) Act of 2009, the Authorities of the Ministry of Finance has published the Annual Fiscal Outturns forFiscal Year (FY) 2012/13. The Ministry also submitted the report to the President and National Legislature. The Fiscal Outturns present an overview of the government balance sheet and a review of budget execution (revenue and expenditure) during the fiscal year. The Ministry is encouraging the general public toreview and scrutinize the published report with the desire to make observations that will inform the next budget formulation as well as implementation. The FY12/13 was the first national budget planned and executed using the new Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF). The Outturns demonstrate that the execution of the National Budget has continued to improve as PFM reforms take hold. With the outlook as presented in the Outturns, the Ministry of Finance is optimistic that eefficiency is expected to continue to improve

Ministry Of Finance Publishes Fiscal Outturns For 2012/13

Minister Konneh tours Waterside and interacts with traders

through reductions in waste, fraud and the prudent execution of the budget. According to the Outturns, total revenue collected in FY 2012/13 was US$ 554.2 million, an increase of 16.8% over FY 2011/12 of US$461 million. Core tax revenue rose to US$380.1 million, core nontax revenue to US$65.2 million and budget support grants from Liberias development partners totalledUS$45.7 million. Contingent tax and non-tax revenue realized during the fiscal year was US$63 million. The Authorities are also pleased to report that FY 2012/13 also saw the introduction of Liberian Dollar denominated Treasury Bills that resulted in the issuance of LD$377 million (approximately US$5 million) for the first time in Liberias history. The issuance of T-bills has improved governments ability to execute the budget through liquidity management by smoothing revenue during the year and help deepen Liberias financial markets. The annual budget has also seen an increase from US$81 million in FY2005/06 to an approved Budget of US$672 million in FY 2012/13, and expenditure on a commitment basis for FY 2012/13 of US$593m, reflecting considerable improvement in the countrys economic outlook and the Governments sound fiscal management. The Government spent $136 million on Public Sector Investment Plan (PSIP) projects in FY 2012/13. This included expenditure of US$48.5 million on roads and bridges, which rose by 85% from FY 2011/12, and US$15 million on energy projects, including funding for the rehabilitation of Mt Coffee Hydroelectric Dam and the

30 June 2012. The following is an overview of Governments financial performance for the financial year ended 30 June 2013, as reported in the financial statements. The Authorities say that in preparing the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements, the most appropriate accounting policies were consistently applied and supported by reasonable and prudent judgment and estimates. The Authorities also state that Governments sound budget execution and focus on capital investment in critical economic infrastructure will help drive economic growth and poverty reduction. The Liberian economy continues to experience robust economic performance despite slow recovery in the global economy; real economic growth was sustained in 2012, led by the first full year of iron ore exports, construction, and strong performance in the service sector, but these positive trends are subject to fluctuations in commodity prices, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), and overseas development assistance. Growth in real gross domestic product (GDP) averaged about 7.4 percent over the past three years and is expected to grow by around 8.1 percent in 2013.

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Friday, December 20 , 2013

National il Com pany Of Libe ria

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National il Com pany Of Libe ria

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The National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) was established for the purpose of holding all rights, title and interests of the Republic of Liberia in the deposits and reserves of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons within its territorial limits, whether potential, proven or actual, with the aim of facilitating the development of the oil and gas industry in the Republic. NOCAL is an equal opportunity employer committed to the maintenance of gender equity, the merit system, and the promotion of non-discrimination in recruitment, compensation, promotion, benefits, work environment and all other personnel action affecting its employees. The Company, in collaboration with the Civil Service Agency, is seeking applications from Qualified Liberians to serve in the following Strategic Position: A Vice President for Public Affairs(PA) at its headquarters in Monrovia, Liberia. The Vice President for Public Affairs serves as NOCALs chief spokesperson and will lead the Department of Public Affairs in providing timely and accurate information to domestic and international media and NOCALs stakeholders as well as manage NOCALs identity, brand, messages, and reputation. Vice President for Public Affairs (PA) will report directly to the Chief Operating Officer (COO), . Objective The Vice President for Public Affairs is responsible for NOCALs communication strategy. Scope The Vice President for Public Affairs has six primary duties: (1) Strategic Communications and Messaging; (2) Media Relations; (3) Social Media Relations; (4) Internal Communications; (5) Reputation Management; (6) Corporate Brand Identity and Positioning. Responsibilities (1) Strategic Communications and Messaging Supports the president/CEO, COO, and Board in media relations, and speech writing; Formulates and implements NOCAL public communications strategy in consultation with leadership and other departments; Manages communications and measures and evaluates success of communications strategy.


The National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) was established for the purpose of holding all rights, title and interests of the Republic of Liberia in the deposits and reserves of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons within its territorial limits, whether potential, proven or actual, with the aim of facilitating the development of the oil and gas industry in the Republic. NOCAL is an equal opportunity employer committed to the maintenance of gender equity, the merit system, and the promotion of non-discrimination in recruitment, compensation, promotion, benefits, work environment, and all other personnel actions affecting its employees. The Company, in collaboration with the Civil Service Agency, is seeking applications from Qualified Liberians to serve in the following Strategic Position: A Vice President for Finance at its Headquarters in Monrovia, Liberia. The position is an Executive Management position for all budget and financial operations to achieve the annual goals set by NOCALs Board and Management. The Vice President for Finance will report directly to the Chief Operating Officer (COO). Objective: The Vice President for Finance directs the day-to-day financial activities of NOCAL and has responsibility for overall financial policies and objectives. Scope: (1) Financial & Operational Management; (2) Accounting Management; (3) Risk Management; (4) Business Administration; (5) External Relations. Responsibilities (1) Financial & Operational Management Directs the daily operations of NOCALs finance function, including treasury, budgeting, auditing, tax, accounting, capital purchasing, investor relations, risk management, and long-range forecasting and insurance activities; Oversees the approval and processing of revenue, expenditure, and position control documents, department budgets, salary updates, general ledger, account maintenance, and data entry; Oversees the annual budget and external audit and maintenance of accounting related controls, policies and procedures; Develops strategy for financial planning and cash management including long range financial planning; Implements financial control policies and procedures; Prepares financial materials, including annual plans, quarterly forecasts, periodic reviews and updates, for boards of directors and other stakeholders on the financial standing and conditions of NOCAL. (2) Accounting Management Ensures that NOCALs accounting systems are up-to-date and in compliance with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements; Oversees all aspects of accounting, including cash flow planning, reporting, organizational and departmental budgeting, and forecasting; Accounting and budgeting in accord with applicable regulations and generally accepted accounting principles for NOCALs funds. (3) Risk Management Understands and mitigates key elements of NOCALs risk profile; Minimizes NOCALs tax liabilities; Assists the Chief Executive Officer , Chief Operating Office to ensure that the proper systems are in place to identify and manage business risks; Ensures the accuracy, completeness, integrity and appropriate disclosure of NOCALs financial statements, other financial information, and other continuous disclosures through appropriate policies and procedures; Establishes and maintains NOCALs disclosure controls and procedures through appropriate policies and procedures; Establishes and maintains NOCALs internal controls over financial reporting through appropriate policies and procedures; Ensures that the Company has complied with all regulatory requirements for NOCALs financial information, reporting, disclosure requirements, and internal controls over financial reporting; Provides required regulatory certifications regarding NOCAL and its activities; Ensures appropriate policies and procedures of NOCAL are developed, maintained, approved, and disclosed. (4) Business Administration Advises the president/CEO, Chief Operating Officer, and other key members of senior management on financial planning budgeting, cash flow, investment priorities, and policy matters; Serves as the management liaison to the board and audit committee; effectively communicate and present critical financial matters at select board of directors and committee meetings; Contributes to the development of NOCALs strategic goals and objectives as well as the overall management of the organization; Oversees, direct, and organize the work of the finance team; Supervises management of the financial reporting functions and audits. (5) External Relations Represents the organization externally, as necessary, particularly in banking and lease negotiations. Builds relationships with investors and analysts. Qualifications Masters in Business Administration, Finance, Accounting, Certified Public Accounting preferred; Minimum 10 plus years experience in a senior management role; Proven track record of success facilitating progressive organizational change and development within a growing organization; Superior management skills; ability to influence and engage; Self reliant, good problem solver, results oriented; Exceptional written, oral, interpersonal, and presentation skills and the ability to effectively interface with senior management, board of directors, and staff. Please apply on online at NOCALs website , The deadline for applications is December 23, 2013, at 5pm.


(2) Media Relations Engages other stakeholders, including government, the media, business and civil society; Manages all NOCAL relations and interactions with media; Manages implementation of media aspects of communications strategy; Ensures regular, proactive media engagement, media monitoring and crisis management; Leads NOCALs strategy for relations and liaison with the National Legislature; Develops strong relationships across all stakeholder constituencies; Keeps stakeholders regularly informed of NOCALs activities. (3) Social Media Relations Manages all content of NOCAL websites and social media; Develops and implements NOCAL online and social media strategy; Develops NOCALs website to achieve NOCALs communications strategy and aims; Manages and ensures NOCALs strategic use of social media and content. (4) Internal Communications Ensures awareness of communications strategy and awareness across all staff and departments, including rules of engagement with external stakeholders; Ensures cross-organizational security of information; Develops effective internal communication systems to apprise other department of PA activities; Embeds awareness of communications strategy across NOCAL and amongst all staff; Embeds corporate identify and narrative across all staff and support staff to effectively represent NOCAL outside the organization. (5) Reputation Management Develops and implement national public engagement strategy; Implements PE strategy, including effective NOCAL local community engagement program, conferences, other events; Implements national public education program. (6) Corporate Brand Identity and Positioning Oversees NOCAL advertising and promotional activities, and brand use; Manages and protects NOCALs brand and design, and develop it as appropriate; Leads NOCALs positioning and brand within the international oil industry. Qualifications Master Degree in Communications, Public Administration or related areas; At least 10 years of experience as public affairs professional; Thorough understanding of oil & gas industry as well as context in Liberia; Strong communication and interpersonal skills. Please apply on online at NOCALs website , The deadline for applications is December 23, 2013, at 5pm.

Friday, December 20, 2013


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National il Com pany Of Libe ria

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The National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) was established for the purpose of holding all rights, title and interests of the Republic of Liberia in the deposits and reserves of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons within its territorial limits, whether potential, proven or actual, with the aim of facilitating the development of the oil and gas industry in the Republic. NOCAL is an equal opportunity employer committed to the maintenance of gender equity, the merit system, and the promotion of non-discrimination in recruitment, compensation, promotion, benefits, work environment and all other personnel action affecting its employees. The Company, in collaboration with the Civil Service Agency, is seeking applications from qualified Liberians to serve in the following Strategic Position: A Vice President for Corporate Social Relations (CSR) at its Headquarters in Monrovia, Liberia. CSR is a key component of NOCALs business strategy. A key priority for NOCAL is to develop and maintain strong and mutually beneficial relationships with the Liberian community. NOCALs commitment includes company programs that draw on our people, products, and financial assets to address community issues effectively. NOCAL is committed to acting responsibility in our relations with customers, colleagues, and our community. The Vice President for Corporate Social Relations will report directly to the Chief Operating Officer (COO). Objective The VP of Corporate Social Relations will be the strategic lead and driver of NOCALs CSR policies, programs, and activities. Scope The VP for Corporate Social Relations will have six primary duties: (1) Develops, spearheads, and monitors social relations projects undertaken by NOCAL (2) Advises NOCAL on Corporate Social Relations (3) Community Outreach (4) Stakeholder engagement (5) Communications (6) Fiscal impact Responsibilities (1) Develops, spearheads, and monitors social relations projects undertaken by NOCAL Identifies priority communities for NOCALs Social Development Projects; In consultation with NOCALs departments and representative community groups, determine where to invest time and resources in NOCALs community relations program; In collaboration with key internal stakeholders across the Companys business units and functions, drive the development and execution of policies and programs that are consistent with the strategic framework and objectives of this program and aligned with other business strategies; In collaboration with senior leadership, develop appropriate goals and metrics and process for measuring the Companys performance with respect to CR; Produces an annual Corporate Social Relations report on NOCALs activities. (2) Advise NOCAL on Corporate Social Relations Advises NOCALs leadership on global best practices with respect to CR. Monitor and analyze the strategies, policies and programs of other similarly sized companies, to companies in the same vertical sector and to corporate leaders. Assists NOCAL in assessing the societal and business risks and opportunities with respect to CR. Assess, prioritize, monitor and address potential challenges and risks. Develops CR capabilities within NOCAL. Educate and link different groups and functions. Ensure the implementation of policies, strategies and programs on a global basis. Directs the coordination of enterprise-wide CR initiatives. Direct specific project management to ensure that CR programs, initiatives, and related activities are successfully executed. Directs the day-to-day management of CR processes and programs to ensure that the mission is maximized and resources are used effectively and efficiently. (3) Community outreach In close consultation organizations and groups.


with the Public Affairs department

develop relations with key community

(4) Stakeholder engagement Leads stakeholder engagement for the Company. Builds strategic alliances and coalitions with key constituency groups (local, national and international political, social, and environmental leaders) whose work and missions are aligned with NOCALs priorities. (5) Communications Works effectively with the internal and external public relations and communications teams to advance the Companys reputation with respect to CR. Represents the company in diverse complex and high-profile situations nationally and internationally. (6) Fiscal impact In close consultation with the Financial Department, develop an understanding of the fiscal impact of NOCALs goals and priorities in this area. Develop an annual operating budget. Qualifications Masters Degree in Social Science or other related areas. Experience within oil & gas industry Strong interpersonal and communication skills to connect and build strong relationships with key internal and external stakeholders A visionary, creative, strategic thinker and self-starter who is proactive and entrepreneurial. Commitment to and passion for corporate responsibility. Innovative thinker who can constructively challenge conventional ways of thinking and introduce new ideas. A broad proactive mindset, exceptional listening, framing and strategic abilities, and superb skills at creating new possibilities. Excellent interpersonal, advocacy and political skills. Strong customer service commitment for internal and external stakeholders. Excellent reputation for integrity and judgment. Please apply on online at NOCALs website, The deadline for applications is December 23, 2013, at 5pm.

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Friday, December 20 , 2013

Friday, December 20, 2013


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The Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) is a non-profit organization and part of an informal network of foundations working in over 60 countries, established and financed by philanthropist George Soros. OSIWA oversees over 20 million grants annually with its headquarters in Dakar, Senegal with country offices in Freetown, Sierra Leone, Abuja, Nigeria and Monrovia, Liberia. OSIWA is in search of a travel agency that can organize its travel needs for the years 2014 and 2015; The selected company should be a duly registered travel agency within the Republic of Liberia and should be in the position to offer the following services; To organize travel itineraries on behalf of OSIWA staff coverage in all continents, the agency will provide different travel options where existing, and send them through electronic mails, and advice on best price To issue electronic tickets when possible at a very short notice To issue PTA (prepaid travel authorization) across the world To negotiate special fares with travel companies and sign contracts with them on OSIWAs behalf To deliver tickets to staff when the need arises To arrange hotel reservations for staff when the need arises To issue timely flight reservation for visa purposes To take care of transit visas when the need arises To organize airport transfers at competitive price for meetings, trainings, etc To have specific staff in charge of OSIWAs Portfolio who may be available for urgent missions during weekends To offer bonus on the business amount (air tickets essentially) Should be willing to accept payment by cheque at least 15 days after the submission of invoices Proposal should be sent to the following address on or before January 15, 2014; Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) Old CID Road, Mamba Point Monrovia, Liberia Email: or a hard copy at the above address.


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he Ministry of Commerce has name and shame filling stations in Monrovia that are involved in cheating petroleum end users. The Ministry after inspection revealed fraud in serving of customers at thirteen gas stations out of eighteen stations inspected. Two of the gas stations Liberia Petroleum (LP) Carey/Lynch streets and Don Kan By Pass performed poorly and failed the accuracy test and showed volume readings dispensed to be far below the actual one U.S gallon, Commerce Minister Axel Addy said. The Minister of Commerce has warned the public not to buy from the below listed filling stations who he said pumps were reading far below the minimum standard or outside the accepted error limit. The Commerce Ministry names Liberia Petroleum (LP) gas station Lynch and Carey streets ,LP Vamoma, Super Petroleum (SP) U.N DriveNewport streets, SP Airfield, Don Kan Capital By-pass, Don Kan Catholic Junction, SP Jallah Town, PMS 7TH Street, Sinkor, Liberia-Afric Service Station 11th Sinkor, International Gas Station 11th Sinkor, SP 9TH Sinkor as the fillinf stations involved in the fraudulent act. Sixty-seven percent failed the accuracy test of volume meaning the actual one U.S 1 gallon. This situation clearly confirms the suspicion of the public about the accuracy of the actual gallon discharged at the pump, Minister Addy said. Jonathan kollie, a Taxi driver says the news about filling stations stealing from them [drivers] is something he suspected long time.


Al-Varney Rogers 0886304498
showed high degree of compliance adding that they include Total Liberia 5th street Sinkor and Capitol Bypass and Super Petroleum, Old Road. Minister Addy said, the ministry will ensure that the public gets value for money spent adding that business entities will benefit from a more transparent business environment. Addy said that the ministry of commerce has fine and forward some of those institutions found cheating petroleum end users. Their pumps were not calibrated we reported it to justice for gross violation. The commerce of yesterday is not the commerce of today, He added. The Commerce Minister name the lack of standard and enforcement as factors responsible for the quality of service the public receive. The head of Liberia Petroleum Refinery Company T. Nelson William said, they [LPRC] are



Friday, December 20 , 2013

Commerce Minister Axel Addy

Kollie said, the half-gallon sold to them instead of one gallon has made many drivers to take their cars to garage for repair when actually it does not have any problem. My brother first I thought my car was burning too much gas but I bought a new one and it continue so I started suspecting certain gas stations, Kollie said. Kollie thanked the Ministry of Commerce for the bold step they have taken to expose those gas stations involved in such act. He said, what is of concern to him is whether the exercise is just for Christmas or a continuous process. Kollie said, this is what the Ministry of Commerce should be doing instead of sitting in offices and waiting for pay check at the end of the month. The Commerce Minister said, the fraud discovered shows that people who purchase petroleum got half gallon instead of one gallon. Government is the highest purchaser of petroleum so it means that we are losing US$ 783,000 to these stations, Addy said. Minister Addy said, the inspection was to verify gas stations for compliance with the General Business Law and conformity to technical regulations and international standards. Axel said, three gas stations

going to withhold all licenses that should be distributed to petrol service providers base on the information provided by the Commerce ministry. Director Williams said his decision is intended to ensure that those who are involved in the petroleum business adhere to guidelines set by Commerce. We are doing this to ensure petroleum dealers do not take advantage of end-users, Williams added. The Commerce Ministry honored Total Liberia and SP Old Road for meeting the standard set and compliance by government of Liberia. SP Old Road Operational Manager Ansu Kanneh said, his management is pleased to be honored by the ministry adding that they [SP Old Road] will follow the rules set by the ministry. Kanneh said, his filling station will always strive to do what is right so, as to protect the consumers interest.

Abel Massalley and honorees of both Total and Super Petroleum


MONROVIA resident Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has suspended, with immediate effect, the Deputy Minister for Administration at the Ministry of National Defense, Mr. Joseph F. Johnson, in connection with a fraudulent

transaction on petroleum products involving some officials of the Ministries of National Defense and Finance, and the DonKan Gas Station. The President has also instructed the Minister of National Defense to suspend, with immediate effect, the

Defense, finance comptrollers Suspended

Ministrys Comptroller, Mr. NyumahDorkor. Meanwhile, President Sirleaf has concurred with the suspension of the Comptroller/Accountant General of the Republic of Liberia, Mr. Boom Wilson, a Presidential appointee, pending a full investigation into circumstances surrounding a transaction with the DonKan Gas Station. According to an Executive Mansion release, the suspensions will remain in place pending the conclusion of an ongoing investigation that will determine the next course of action.



Friday, December 20, 2013





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Kennedy L. Yangian


Henry Karmo (0886522495) 077296781

that led to the breakdown of reform process. Sawyer also called on officials of government especially cabinet ministers to do away with past dependency in the implementation of their functions. Dr. Sawyer who also served Liberia as interim president blamed the lack of improvement and reform in the public sector on what he described as lingering effects of the past because according to him people who are appointed into public offices failed to make changes that could bring about reform and rather choose to go along with what has happened in the past. He also cautioned the CSA and its implementing partners of the public sector reform process, indicating that the issue of reform is not purely technical but also cultural and called for broad support from cabinet ministers towards the process. Also speaking president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said her government will depoliticize the public sector and promised to give the CSA the responsibility to appoint some senior officials in the public sector through the merit system. The Liberian president also stressed the importance of decentralizing some of governments functionaries to other parts of the country. She said, if the government is decentralized government will realize improvement in its function especially revenue collection and service delivery to the people. For her part US ambassador to Liberia Madam Deborah Malac said, despite the achievements made by government there is still more that needs to be done in ensuring service delivery to the people. She stressed the need for the building of a clean payroll system, and retirement packages for civil servants that are eligible and ready to retire.

he Liberia Civil Service Agency (CSA) Thursday held a one day forum on the public sector reform with the Media and intellectual centers in Monrovia. The forum according to the CSA was intended to give the media and intellectual forum in the country an idea about its ongoing public sector reform process and how they can contribute with suggestions. The CSA also said, amongst several issues the public sector reform is intended to optimize the size of the government, reform the pay of civil servants and professionalize the workforce. The process CSA says will help drive the economy, reallocate precious resources to strategic files, and invest in future generation and most crucially to maintaining the peace. According the Director General of the Civil servant Agency, George Werner the current pay scheme of the civil service lacks transparency, and neither incentivizes performance nor is able to attract or retain talent in large numbers. Werner Said: Reforming the Civil service Agency is crucial because it provides the right incentives for effective performance while reducing precious resources; it strengthen our ability to govern, provides stability, and improves efficiency in managing our resources. He further said, since the beginning of the reform process in 2008, progress has been made in cleaning the payroll, improving recruitment processes and strengthening the capacity of civil servants to perform their task. Serving as keynote speaker the chairman of the Governance Commission, Dr. Amos Sawyer described as an important vehicle the public sector reform process and stressed the need for efficiency and effectiveness in the process. He blamed the backwardness in reforming the public sector to what he called a weak system of management of the state by past governments

Police Director Chris Massaquoi

Headquaters where they distanced themselves from the proposed protest and re-affirmed their organizations commitment in working with the LNP. Responding, Police Director Chris Massaquoi told the gathering that the statement coming from the LMTU Secretary General Robert Sammie was unfortunate as the police will not sit and watch anyone violate the law and called on the would-be protesters to desist from their plan. we have gathered information that there are people out there that want to incite the motorcyclists to protest and warned those supporting the action to stop immediately as anyone who will be caught will be arrested and if found to be liable be sent to court for prosecution, says Director Massaquoi. On the issue of police selling confiscated bikes, the police chief indicated that the story is untrue and in his right mind no police officer could do that and called on the media to verify these reports before publication. He said that police has in its possession record of every bike arrested and parked at every depots which was shown to reporters, however at the LNP headquarter alone there were 82 motor bikes arrested which police say were arrested in restricted areas. Police Boss Massaquoi stated that the problem with the motorcyclists is that they dont want to pay their fines to government revenues when their bikes are arrested but assured that any motorcyclist who pasy his fine will be given his bike. During the meeting the police chief read his Christmas day message and called on all Liberians and foreigners along the border that as the festive seasons approached the LNP stands ready to ensure that all will be done to provide maximum protection, noting that the public should go by their normal duty without fear. According to the police chief in a bid to enhance police /community relations, the LNP will within one week commence a more robust exercise in this direction and called on community dwellers in Monrovia to assist the police in this endeavour.

otorcycles have been the fastest means of transportation for ordinary Liberians to commute from one destination to another since the country returned to peace. In early November, motorcycles were banned by the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Transport from plying the streets of Monrovia. Authority of the Liberia National Police say the intent of the restriction is to prevent the high accident rate caused by motorcycles as well as curb criminal activities at night as most criminals were in the habit of using motorcycles to commit crimes. Just closed to the festive seasons while the restriction is still in force with no sign of been lifted by the authority of the LNP, the Secretary of the Liberia Motorcycles Transport Union (LMTU) Robert Sammie has called on motorcyclists in the country to hold a peaceful protest by December 20, 2013 in front of the Foreign Ministry where the Office of the President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is currently located. Samie stated that the mass protest is to be staged to draw the attention of the Liberian leader President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to the continuous harassment and intimidation meted out against motorcycles by police officers and that such act is causing embarrassment and hardship for motorcyclists. The LMTU Secretary General has also accused LNP officers of impounding commercial motorbikes including the ones plying on feeder roads and selling them without the consent of the owners. But leaders of the affiliate group of the Liberia Motorcycles Transport Union called Union of Liberia Motorcyclists have condemned Samies statement saying that it is in no way in support of the LMTU Secretary General statement as it was done unilaterally. The LMTU is a peaceful and law-abiding organization that does not engage itself with violence action said Amos Nyumah when he and other members met with the police boss Chris Massaquoi Thursday at the LNP

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Sudan's neighbors, prompting African nations to send mediators. The African Union said the team was made up of ministers and high-level officials from Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and other countries -- the first major peace initiative since clashes first erupted. Tensions high Tensions have been high in South Sudan since Kiir dismissed his entire Cabinet, including Machar, in July. The move further inflamed deep tensions between Kiir's Dinka community and Machar's Nuer community. U.N. officials have said they are worried the recent fighting is based on ethnic divisions. Citing reports it had received, Human Rights Watch said Thursday that in the fighting in Juba, South Sudanese soldiers fired indiscriminately in highly populated areas and targeted people for their ethnicity. According to witnesses and victims, soldiers specifically targeted people from the Nuer ethnic group, it said, adding that it had also received reports that Nuer soldiers may have targeted ethnic Dinka in Juba and in the town of Bor. "The awful accounts of killings in Juba may only be the tip of the iceberg," Daniel Bekele, Africa director at Human Rights Watch, said in a statement. "Government officials -whatever their politics -- need to take urgent steps to prevent further abuses against civilians and quickly deescalate rising ethnic tensions. ... We are deeply concerned that ethnically-based attacks on all sides will lead to revenge attacks and more violence." It was not immediately possible to independently verify the reports. Government officials have disputed that the fighting is along ethnic lines. Information Minister Michael Makuei Lueth said Wednesday that people from different states and tribes rose up against the government, which is now fighting back. Eleven people have been arrested in connection with the foiled coup, according to a statement the South Sudan government posted Thursday. Two of them were from the Nuer community, it said. Tens of thousands displaced Up to 100,000 people have been displaced by the fighting so far, according to Defense Minister Gen. John Kong Nyuon.



Friday, December 20 , 2013



London (CNN) -oments after Michael Adebolajo had nearly decapitated his victim, the British soldier Drummer LeeRigby, he turned to one of the numerous cameras trained on him and his accomplice Michael Adebowale, and said: Here Adebolajo was, perhaps unwittingly, following one of the oldest philosophies in modern terrorism: the propaganda of the deed. Conceptualized by Russian and Italian anarchists during the mid to late 19th century, it refers to the terrorist's belief in the didactic power of violence which they see as necessary not only to draw attention to a cause but to inform and educate people about their movement in the hope that it will encourage increased recruitment.

Juba, South Sudan (CNN) -ebels in South Sudan have taken the town of Bor, government officials said Thursday, as deadly clashes spread in Africa's newest nation. The town, which lies about 200 kilometers (125 miles) north of the capital, Juba, was under heavy shelling, said Col. Phillip Aguer, an army spokesman. Bor Mayor Mhial Majak Mhial said the town was under rebel control and heavy artillery was in use.

The fighting has been spreading in South Sudan after a reported coup attempt in Juba over the weekend. President Salva Kiir has blamed soldiers loyal to his former vice president, Riek Machar, for starting the violence. "The government has lost control of Jonglei state to the forces of Col. Machar and his group," government representative Ateny Wek Ateny told CNN, referring to the state where Bor is situated. The government could not yet confirm the number of fatalities from the violence, but "casualties are in the hundreds, including army forces and civilians," Ateny said. The government tweeted that its troops had lost control of Bor and that it was doing all it could to "make sure citizens are secure & safe." Earlier, Joseph Contreras, acting spokesman for the U.N. mission in South Sudan, told CNN the situation in Bor was "still unstable." The violence, which the government said Wednesday has killed about 500 people, began Sunday evening. In an interview with the online Paris-based Sudan Tribune published Wednesday, Machar denied Kiir's claims that he was behind an attempted coup, saying: "There was no coup. What took place in Juba was a misunderstanding between presidential guards within their division." On Thursday, Kiir told reporters he was ready for dialogue "with anyone who is willing," the website said. The crisis has alarmed South


he prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) has asked for an adjournment in the trial of Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta. Fatou Bensouda said the loss of two key witnesses meant the case currently "does not satisfy the high evidentiary standards required". The trial was due to begin in February. Mr Kenyatta denies charges of organising ethnic violence after the 2007 election in which some 1,200 people died. In a statement, Ms Bensouda said a key witness had recently indicated he was no longer willing to testify and another witness admitted "giving false evidence regarding a critical event in the Prosecution's case". She said she now needed time to "complete efforts to obtain additional evidence, and to consider whether such evidence will enable my Office to fully meet the evidentiary threshold required at trial". Addressing "the people of Kenya", she said "my decision... was not taken lightly... I have and will continue to do all that I can to realise justice for the victims of the 2007-2008 postelection violence".

Friday, December 20, 2013

Monrovia 25-man delegation from the Union of Liberian Athletic Promoters (ULAP) is expected to leave Liberia this weekend to participate in this years Boxing Day tournament in Freetown, Sierra Leone. According to a press release issued by ULAP on December 17, the competition, which starts on December 23, is an annual international invitational sporting extravaganza featuring mainly track and field events among competitors from Ecowas. Ecowas, made-up of 16 countries, is the economic community of West African states that includes Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Guinea and Gambia among others. The athletes, mainly from Conquerors Athletic Club, have produced good performances in the last two editions with two gold and two bronze medals in 2011 and five medals in 2012 respectively. Coach Fred Bass-Golokeh Jr. said hes upbeat about the teams form and hopes to showcase the young talents at the games. The club will feature athletes in many of the track and field events on offer, which range from 100 meters to 5,000 meters and high and long jumps for both males and females. The release said several top athletes qualified for the trip after a daylong justify-yourinclusion trial at the Samuel Kanyon Doe sports complex in Paynesville. No money syndrome


of Liberian Athletic Promoters (ULAP leaves Monrovia this weekend for Boxing Day tourney in Freetown
Danesius Marteh,
sponsorships for competitions. What is Boxing Day? Boxing Day is traditionally the day following Christmas Day, when servants and tradesmen would receive gifts from their bosses or employers, known as a "Christmas box". It is better known today as a bank or public holiday that occurs on December 26, or the first or second weekday after Christmas Day, depending on national or regional laws. It is observed in the United Kingdom (UK), Canada, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and some Commonwealth nations. In the UK, football matches from the premier to the lower leagues are normally scheduled on this day. Boxing Day was renamed to the Day of Goodwill in South Africa in 1994. In Ireland, the day is known as St. Stephens day (Irish: L Fhile Stiofin) or the Day of the Wren (Irish: L an Dreoiln). In many European countries, including notably Germany, Poland, Scandinavia and the Netherlands, 26 December is celebrated as the second Christmas Day. In Australia, Boxing Day takes place on 26 December and is a federal public holiday.



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Liberia staged its second international marathon, another version of athletics, on August 25, 2013.
Finance has been one of the key components on which sports can thrive and the lack of support for the trip could hinder the athletes progress. Although government allocated US$3,000 in the 2013/2014 fiscal budget for the Liberia Athletic Federation (LAF), it is still not clear whether the trip has been blessed by the LAF. Meanwhile, Bass and his technical staff, Hassan Kiawu, Christopher Sayeh and Michel Grant, are appealing to organizations and people of goodwill to assist the team make the journey. Kiawu said the Boxing Day event will expose Liberian athletes to international competitions as well as serves as a dress-rehearsal for a number of competitions that Liberia intends to enter next year. The ULAP was established in 2011 by former Liberian track athletes and sport promoters to create the enabling environment for athletes, through training and international exposure, to showcase their talents and raise the profile of Liberia on the international scene. ULAP does that by galvanizing support for the promotion of athletics through organizing training and competitions, seeking their welfare and

he President of Liberia Football Association (LFA) first division league leaders LISCR FC has assured fans, supporters and sympathizers of the LFA league leaders that the team will maintain the lead at the top of the table until the end of the first phase of the ongoing league. Mustapha Ragi told FrontPageAfrica that his side will remain top of the table because his players have assured him of victory in their last match against Keitarce FC FC at the Blue Field Sports ground on Lynch Street this Sunday to complete the first phase. Says Raji: I am convinced that my side will win again Keitrace FC because they always do what they promise to do for our beloved

club LISCR and I wish them success in their battle against their opponents in that match. LISCR presently sits top of the table with 20 points, two points above second place Monrovia Club Breweries who now have 18 points. Monrovia Club Breweries is expected to battle against NPA Anchors in the first game at the ATS. Sensational LPRC Oilers will encounter Barrack Young Controllers (BYC) in the second match while Invincible Eleven (IE) who have lost two games in succession will tackle Jubilee in the day last fight all at the ATS. In Sunday other Matches, Red Lion will chase Watanga FC at the Unification Town sport ground and Mighty Blue Angels meet Ganta Black Star.

A. Macaulay Sombai- 0777217428

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