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Zynq-7000 A Breakthrough in Integration of All Programmable SoC

Guy Lampert Xilinx April 2013

Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Demands of Today's Technology





Which Technology Should I Choose?

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Current Selections Equal Compromise

2 Chip Solution

System Performance Total Power Unit Cost BOM Cost TCO TTM Design Productivity


+ + +

+ + + + +

+ +

Scalability Risk

+ + +

+ positive, - negative, neutral

Conflicting Demands Not Served
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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


BDTI HLS Tool Certification Program

Program Objectives
Expand the use of HLS for FPGAs by providing credible evidence of their capabilities Provide an accurate picture of the efficiency of HLS Provide tool vendors with reliable data on HLS strengths and weaknesses
NOTE: Maximum frame rate achieved (at 720p resolution) on the BDTI Optical Flow Workload (a video application) on a DSP processor and a Spartan3A DSP FPGA using HLS.

BDTI Key Findings:

For example, DSP applications that have high data rates and high computational workloads inherently well suited for FPGAs
FPGAs offer 40x better performance than mainstream DSPs C to FPGA requires different skill sets but similar level of effort as C to DSP HLS achieved comparable FPGA resource utilization to hand-coded RTL
NOTE: FPGA resource utilization on the BDTI DQPSK Workload (a wireless receiver) implemented using HLSTs (average result) versus hand-written RTL code.

Source: BDTI Results 2010 BDTI. See for details.

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Xilinx Technology Evolution


Programmable Logic Devices

Enables Programmable Logic
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All Programmable Devices

Enables Programmable Systems Integration

Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Why All Programmable?

Reduce exploding design costs Dramatically increase flexibility Leverage broad technology portfolio
Logic & high-speed I/O S/W-programmable ARM systems 3-D IC Analog/mixed-signal System-to-IC design tools Intellectual property
Increased System Performance

Programmable Systems Integration

BOM Cost Reduction

Total Power Reduction

Accelerated Design Productivity

Build better electronic systems with fewer chips.faster!

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


The First All Programmable SoC


Production: NOW
350+ unique customers actively designing 100+ AP SoC specific partners All Major OSs supported and in use 20+ different development boards Won every award it entered
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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Xilinx Pioneered the All Programmable SoC

Innovation with All Programmable SoC Innovated
a new class of all programmable SoC devices

Executed by delivering tools, samples and enabling eco-system Momentum

from first shipment, delivering boards, customer wins

Safe choice with a comprehensive offering already in existence today

ARM Partnership (AXI-4) Architecture Announcement 1st Zynq based product delivered by Customer

Zynq Product Announcement OS & Tools

First Customer Shipment

Security & Safety Enablement

Production Availability

Emulation Platform Demonstrated and delivered

Open Source Linux Public Push

Dev. Boards Available 1 GHz Peak Processing Performance


Segment Solutions

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Zynq-7000 Block Diagram

Processing System
Static Memory Controller Quad-SPI, NAND, NOR Dynamic Memory Controller DDR3, DDR2, LPDDR2

Programmable Logic:
Multi-Standards I/Os (3.3V & High Speed 1.8V)

2x SPI 2x I2C
2x CAN 2x UART

AMBA Switches

AMBA Switches


ARM CoreSight Multi-core & Trace Debug NEON/ FPU Engine Cortex-A9 MPCore MIO 32/32 KB I/D Caches
512 KB L2 Cache Timer Counters General Interrupt Controller

NEON/ FPU Engine Cortex-A9 MPCore 32/32 KB I/D Caches

Snoop Control Unit (SCU)

GPIO 2x SDIO with DMA 2x USB with DMA 2x GigE with DMA

256 KB On-Chip Memory

DMA Configuration

Switches Switches AMBA AMBA





Multi-Standards I/Os (3.3V & High Speed 1.8V)

Multi Gigabit Transceivers

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Complete ARM-based Processing System

Processor Core Complex
Dual ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore with NEON extensions Single / Double Precision Floating Point support Up to 1 GHz operation

High BW Memory
L1 Cache 32KB/32KB (per Core) L2 Cache 512KB Unified

On-Chip Memory of 256KB Integrated Memory Controllers


AMBA Open Standard Interconnect Integrated Memory Mapped Peripherals

2x USB 2.0 (OTG) w/DMA 2x Tri-mode Gigabit Ethernet w/DMA 2x SD/SDIO w/DMA 2x UART, 2x CAN 2.0B, 2x I2C, 2x SPI, 32b GPIO High bandwidth interconnect between Processing System and Programmable Logic ACP port for enhanced hardware acceleration and cache coherency for additional soft processors

Processing System Ready to Program

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Tightly Integrated Programmable Logic

Built with State-of-the-art 7 Series Programmable Logic
Artix-7 & Kintex-7 FPGA Fabric 28K-444K logic cells 430K-6.6M equivalent ASIC gates
Note: ASIC equivalent gates based on analysis over broad range of designs

Over 3000 Internal Interconnects

Up to ~100Gb of BW Memory-mapped interfaces

Integrated Analog Capability

Dual multi channel 12-bit A/D converter Up to 1Msps

Enables Massive Parallel Processing

Up to 2020 DSP blocks delivering over 2662 GMACs

Scalable Density and Performance

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Flexible External I/O

54 Dedicated Peripheral I/Os
Supports integrated peripherals Static memory (NAND, NOR, QSPI) More I/Os available though the Programmable Logic

73 Dedicated Memory I/Os

DDR3 / DDR3L / DDR2 / LPDDR2 Memory Interfaces Configurable as 16bit or 32bit

Up to 400 Multi-Standard and High Performance I/O

Up to 250 3.3V capable multi-standard I/O Up to 150 high performance I/O Up to differential 17 ADC inputs

High Performance Integrated Serial Tranceivers

( 7030 / 7045 / 7100) Up to 16 transceivers Operates up to 12.5Gbs Supports popular protocols Integrated PCIe Gen2 block

Flexibility Beyond Any Standard Processing Offering

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Zynq-7000 Device Portfolio

Scalable platform offers easy migration between devices
Zynq-7000 AP SoC Devices
Processor Core






Dual ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore

NEON & Single / Double Precision Floating Point 800 MHz Up to 1 GHz

Processing System

Processor Extensions Max Frequency Memory External Memory Support Peripherals

L1 Cache 32KB I / D, L2 Cache 512KB, on-chip Memory 256KB DDR3, DDR3L, DDR2, LPDDR2, 2x QSPI, NAND, NOR 2x USB 2.0 (OTG), 2x Tri-mode Gigabit Ethernet, 2x SD/SDIO, 2x UART, 2x CAN 2.0B, 2x I2C, 2x SPI, 4x 32b GPIO

Programmable Logic

Approximate ASIC Gates Block RAM Peak DSP Performance (Symmetric FIR) PCI Express (Root Complex or Endpoint) Agile Mixed Signal (XADC) Processor System IO Multi Standards 3.3V IO Multi Standards High Performance 1.8V IO Multi Gigabit Transceivers

~430K (28k LC) 240KB 100 GMACS -

~1.3M (85k LC) ~1.9M (125k LC) 560KB 276 GMACS 1,060KB 593 GMACS Gen2 x4

~5.2M (350k LC) 2,180KB 1334 GMACS

~6.6M (444kLC) 3,020KB 2662 GMACS

Gen2 x8

2x 12bit 1Msps A/D Converter 130 100 200 100 150 4 212 150 16 250 150 16


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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Zynq-7000 AP SoC is Solution Ready

Solution Ready means:
Platform Availability
Silicon and Board availability & maturity

Xilinx Development Elements

Documentation, Tools, Support,

Ecosystem Development Elements

Software, Hardware, IP, Training & Design Services

Platform Solutions
Safety & Security, Acceleration

Segment Solutions
Ecosystem Dev. Elements Xilinx Dev. Elements Platform Availability Platform Solutions

Segment Solutions

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Zynq Family in Full Production

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Large Board / Kits Ecosystem

Wide distribution of Zynq-7000 AP SoC based boards/kits

5000+ boards/kits shipped between Xilinx and Avnet. More from other partners

20+ Development Boards and SOMs from Xilinx and its partners
Use-Case and Market Specific Boards

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Zynq-7000 AP SoC is Solution Ready

Solution Ready means:
Platform Availability
Silicon and Board availability & maturity

Xilinx Development Elements

Documentation, Tools, Support,

Ecosystem Development Elements

Software, Hardware, IP, Training & Design Services

Platform Solutions
Safety & Security, Acceleration

Segment Solutions
Ecosystem Dev. Elements Xilinx Dev. Elements Platform Availability Platform Solutions

Segment Solutions

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Zynq-7000 AP SoC Configuration

Easily Configure the Processing System

Select and route the PS I/O
Configure clocks, memory controllers, timers, AXI interconnects

Drag and Drop to Add AXI IP Cores from the Xilinx catalog
Audio, video and image processing Communications and networking Digital Signal Processing Embedded system IP Memory interface and storage

Xilinx Platform Studio

Graphical Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Configuration
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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Software Development and Debug

Develop Linux and Bare-Metal Applications

Project templates
Board Support Package Boot Loader C & C++ Memory & peripheral tests

Build, Deploy, Debug

Build with integrated compiler(s)

Automatically deploys to target, connects debugger, and begins program execution

Xilinx SDK
Turn-Key Application Development Environment
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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Configure, Build, Deploy Linux

PetaLinux: Linux distribution and development environment for Xilinx devices

Boot loader, Linux kernel, file system, bitstream Full End-to-End Linux Development Tools
Customize, Configure, Build, Deploy, Debug, Trace

Xilinx Supported

Custom Hardware Aware

Integrated within the Xilinx hardware design flow

Fully configurable and modifiable for customer-specific designs

Integrates with Xilinx SDK

Adds PetaLinux tools for custom device drivers, BSP, libraries, and system configurations

PetaLinux SDK

Full Linux OS Development Environment

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Hardware IP Design

Design, Analyze, and Implement your Custom Hardware IP Enter your Design
Develop with VHDL/Verilog Add existing RTL Sources Define Pin & Timing Constraints

Analyze your Design

Analyze for placement and routing, power, timing and BER

Implement your Design

Generate Netlist and Bitstream

PlanAhead Design Tool

Rapid Design Entry, Analysis and Implementation
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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Simulation & Hardware/Software Co-Debug

Simulators for every use case

Fast functional for software development Cycle accurate for hardware development HW/SW co-simulation for co-development
Xilinx SDK

Xilinx iSim
Simulation for hardware debug, power and timing


Xilinx ChipScope Pro

For concurrent HW/SW debug

Chipscope Analyzer

Simulation and HW/SW Co-support Across a Number of Use Cases

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Programmers View of Programmable Logic

Simple memory mapped Interface
Programmers View of Custom Accelerators & Peripherals
Start Address

Start Address

Accelerator #1 (Video Scaler) Accelerator #2 (Video Object Identification) Peripheral #1 (Display Controller)

0x6000_0000 External DDR RAM 0x8000_0000 Custom Peripherals (Programmable Logic including PCIe)


Code Snippet
int main() { int *data = 0x1000_0000; int *accel1 = 0x4000_0000;


Fixed I/O Peripherals Fixed Internal Peripherals (Timers, Watchdog, DMA, Interconnect) Flash Memory On-Chip Memory

// Pure SW processing


0xFC00_0000 0xFC00_0000

// HW Accelerator-based processing
Send_data_to_accel(data, accel1); process_data_hw(accel1); Recv_data_from_accel(data, accel1); }
Copyright 2013 Xilinx

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Zynq-7000 AP SoC is Solution Ready

Solution Ready means:
Platform Availability
Silicon and Board availability & maturity

Xilinx Development Elements

Documentation, Tools, Support,

Ecosystem Development Elements

Software, Hardware, IP, Training & Design Services

Platform Solutions
Safety & Security, Acceleration

Segment Solutions
Ecosystem Dev. Elements Xilinx Dev. Elements Platform Availability Platform Solutions

Segment Solutions

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Comprehensive Partnership Ecosystem

Software Tools

Intellectual Property

Software OS & Middleware

System Architecture

Design Services

Over 100 Zynq Specific Partners and Growing

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Comprehensive Operating Systems Offering

More than 95% of commercial embedded operating systems supported on Zynq-7000 Scalable solution ranging from Real Time Operating Systems to fully featured Operating Systems Safety critical certifications in key industry segments Multi-core support in SMP and AMP mode Robust open source initiative for Linux and Android

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Strong Embedded Linux Offering

Open Source

Available on Xilinx GIT tree since July 2010 (EA) Available on main GIT tree since October 2011 Wiki at Forums at

from Xilinx

Petalinux WindRiver Linux Yocto Project Compatible

from Partners

MontaVista Linux Carrier Grade Linux LinuxLink More to come

Xilinx Acquired Petalogix in Aug. 2012 to Strengthen its Linux Offering

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Numerous SW Development Tool Options

In addition to Xilinx free SDK

Highly optimized ARM compilers from partners Advanced software development tools from world-class partners offering software profiling and tracing solutions

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Zynq-7000 AP SoC is Solution Ready

Solution Ready means:
Platform Availability
Silicon and Board availability & maturity

Xilinx Development Elements

Documentation, Tools, Support,

Ecosystem Development Elements

Software, Hardware, IP, Training & Design Services

Platform Solutions
Safety & Security, Acceleration

Segment Solutions
Ecosystem Dev. Elements Xilinx Dev. Elements Platform Availability Platform Solutions

Segment Solutions

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Zynq Safety and Security

Safety and security are addressed across every system element and every operational phase Hardware
Anti-tamper Trust Information Assurance

Secure System Boot

ROM Code Boot loader OS Image

Software Execution
Protect real-time applications Protect secure processes & data Isolate accelerators & IP cores

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Vivado Electronic System Level Design

Fastest path from Algorithm to Implementation
Algorithmic Specification

Algorithm modeling

Algorithm implementation

Data type and interface abstraction

C, model based accelerated verification

Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Vivado High-Level Synthesis

C, C++ or SystemC

Algorithmic Specification

Micro Architecture Exploration

VHDL or Verilog

RTL Implementation

System IP Integration

Comprehensive Integration with the Xilinx Design Environment

Accelerates Algorithmic C to RTL IP integration

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


HLS Accelerates Verification Productivity

Conventional HDL-based approach C-based Approach Seconds per iteration

Functional Verification Using HDL simulation

Functional Verification with C Compiler

Hours-days per iteration

Final Validation

Verified RTL
Optical flow video example Input 10 frames of video data RTL Simulation Time ~2 days

Verified RTL

C Simulation Time 10 seconds

Acceleration ~12,000X

>100x Faster C-based Acceleration Verification

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Vivado HLS Support in System Generator

Generate C based block Add C based block Start designing with C based blocks

Integrate your algorithmic C based blocks in System Generator

Copyright 2013 Xilinx

Zynq-7000 AP SoC is Solution Ready

Solution Ready means:
Platform Availability
Silicon and Board availability & maturity

Xilinx Development Elements

Documentation, Tools, Support,

Ecosystem Development Elements

Software, Hardware, IP, Training & Design Services

Platform Solutions
Safety & Security, Acceleration

Segment Solutions
Ecosystem Dev. Elements Xilinx Dev. Elements Platform Availability Platform Solutions

Segment Solutions

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Comprehensive Offering of Segment Solutions

Many segment solutions available from Xilinx and its partners
Base foundations of many customer designs

Leveraged / implement by customers across the globe

Solutions contain (part or all):

Boards (+ expansion modules)

FPGA IP cores
Application notes Reference designs Operating systems SW drivers

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Camera Based Driver Assistance

Zynq Zynq-7000 device function
Image Capture & Transform

Feature A,B,C,D Application SW

Object Classification Motion Estimation

Image Warp and Stitch Object Detection

System Interface & Control including vehicle communication, system state , diagnostics & application watch dog Feature Application Code including feature implementation, image analysis & manipulation coprocessing, 2D graphic/overlay generation

HW Acceleration

Available Solutions
ZC702, ZC706 Complete TDP with Xylons logiADAK Complete IP solution from Xilinx Premier Alliance Members Xylon & DDC inc. Surround View, Pedestrian Detection, Lane Departure Warning, Blind Spot Detection Full Design frame work from Xylon Calibration Software

Zynq Value Proposition

Programmable Systems Integration

3 Chips 2 Chip

IP Cores

System Perf

BOM Cost

Total Power


- 25%

- 50%

Reference Designs OS and SW Drivers

Page 37

TDP Kit = Vehicle Demo in Weeks

SW drivers, APIs & post processing libraries all available from Xylon
Copyright 2013 Xilinx

Accelerated Design Accelerated Design Productivity

Mid to Portable Ultrasound Platform


Zynq-7000 device function

Beamforming, image enhancement, HMI System Management Connectivity and display






Available Solutions
ZC702 and ZedBoard JESD204B DSP Function Library (CORDIC, CIC, FFT) DUC/DDC Design JESD204B Design WP378, Xilinx in Portable Ultrasound VxWorks, QNX Drivers for all IP Windows Embedded
Copyright 2013 Xilinx

Zynq Value Proposition

Programmable Systems Integration

2 Chips 1 Chip
IP Cores

System Perf

BOM Cost

Total Power

Reference Designs & Application Notes OS and SW Drivers

Page 38


Use of Vivado HLS JESD204B

> 45%

Accelerated Design Accelerated Design Productivity

Xilinx Small Cell SoC Solutions

1x20MHz 2x2 LTE Picocell
Zynq-7045 Zynq-7000 device function
Mem if

Dual Core A9 Processor (L2/L3 stack)



Flexible programmable logic for L1 baseband, DFE functions, and Ethernet backhaul & timing Fabric-based hardware acceleration for L2 offload High performance dual core ARM processors for L2/L3 protocol stack, modem control, O&M, custom applications (e.g. RRM/SON)

Optical Module Optical Module


JESD204 SerDes

Xilinx 7 Solution


L1 w/ L2 offload (IPSec, Cryto, etc)

JESD204 SerDes

Abundant I/O interfaces for GPS, Wi-Fi (11n & ac)

Available Solutions
ZC706 ADI RF Board LTE L1 Baseband DFE functions DUC/DDC, DPD, CFR JESD204A/B Ethernet Backhaul Management & Timing

Zynq Value Proposition

Programmable Systems Integration

3 devices 1 device

IP Cores

System Perf

BOM Cost

Total Power

Reference Designs OS and SW Drivers

LTE Picocell reference design



Linux, OSE

Scalable & Flexible Modem, Comprehensive Baseband and IP Solutions, Reference Designs, and Design Services

Accelerated Design Productivity

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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


Zynq-7000 AP SoC Value Proposition

Performance Power Unit Cost


2 Chip Solution


+ + +

+ + +

+ +

Risk TTM Flexibility Scalability

+ + +

+ + + + +
negative, neutral

+ + + + +

+ positive, Page 40

Conflicting Demands Now Served by the Zynq-7000 Family

Copyright 2013 Xilinx

Best match for conflicting demands
In most cases the chosen option

Strong Momentum in all Market Segments World Wide

Adoption beyond traditional FPGA users

Comprehensive Platform Offering Beyond Silicon

Xilinx and partner boards Broad OS offering with strong emphasis on Linux (commercial and open source) TDPs available for all key market segments

System solutions starting to rollout

Security and safety

Family is in full production

With Zynq-7000 AP SoC, Xilinx offers more than silicon it offers SOLUTIONS
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Copyright 2013 Xilinx


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