Carbonnanotubetechnology Presentation cst300l Harvey

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Carbon Nanotube Technology

Zane Harvey CST 300L Fall 2013


Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter on an atomic and molecular scale The earliest widespread description of CNT is manipulating atoms and molecules for fabrication of products.

Function and Purpose

Increase the efficiency of everyday computing

Much smaller and more powerful than silicon Microscopic level technology allows for more optimization

How it Works

A Nanometer (nm) is one-billionth of a meter

Carbon nanotubes are drinking straw like structures of pure carbon with walls that can be just one atom thick.
Things assembled on the Nanoscale

1952 First publication L. V. Radushkevich and V. M. Lukyanovich published clear images of 50 nanometer diameter tubes made of carbon in the Soviet Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2006 Creative year IBM announces that they have built an electronic circuit around a CNT, nanofibers used as a scaffold for a damaged optic nerve regrowth, gadget invented by Rice University can can sort nanotubes by size, nanotube-enhanced bike wins Tour de France 2013 CNT computer Researchers from Stanford University build a working carbon nanotube computer. They named their first carbon nanotube computer Cedric.

Effects on society

Revolutionize electronic products, procedures and applications

Computers will be able to handle a lot more processing power at a much smaller scale

Effects Continued

Can help with creating what is called Smart Drugs

Faster curing with little to no side effects Immunity and even cures for such ailments like cancer and diabetes

Potentially Harmful Effects

Atomic weapons would be more readily accessible, potentially more deadly and destructive

Very expensive and developing it can cost you a lot of money. Difficult to manufacture.

Any questions?

[carbonNanotube] Retreieved November, 11, 2013 from

[Atomic Bomb] Retrieved November, 11, 2013 from [Medicine in CNT] Retrieved November, 12, 2013 from [NanotubeTech in computers] Retieved November, 20 2013 from

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