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You Can Count on Me, by Kenneth Lonergan - M/F or F/F

TERRY: Sorry about yesterday SAMMY: I dont care TERRY: I was studying the bus description . . . and I just . . . I got on the wrong bus I issed y stop just so g"ad to see you . . . # y. $ . . . are you co ing %ro wor&' ean I

SAMMY: I dont care, !erry. I TERRY: I

g"ad to see you too, Sa

SAMMY: $ , no, its Saturday . . . TERRY: (eah, no, its just . . . youre dressed so %or a""y . . . SAMMY: )h. *o. (ou &now, I just thought Id (ou &now I thought it was a specia" occasion . . . which it is . . . TERRY: *o, its good. I thought Id dress up too. SAMMY: !hats )K. (ou "oo& %ine. TERRY: +A strange, unsuccessful joke, (eah, this is the haute cuisine o% gar ents. SAMMY: -hat' TERRY: *othing, nothing . . . $ SAMMY: I %ine. . . . So how are you'

TERRY: .ows /udy' SAMMY: -ere %ine, !erry. .ow are you' +Pause., I TERRY: (eah . . . SAMMY: - -here ha0e you been "ate"y, !erry' ean

TERRY: - I &now, I ha0ent been SAMMY: I got a postcard %ro you %ro 1"as&a . . . '

TERRY: (eah, I was up there %or a whi"e . . . SAMMY: 2ut that was in the Fa"", !erry . . . TERRY: (eah, I &now I0e been out o% touch . . . SAMMY: I was a "itt"e worried. +Pause., I ean . . . I went down to F"orida %or a whi"e . . . I

TERRY: )h, I been a "otta di%%erent p"aces . . . $

was doing so e wor& in )r"ando . . . I0e been a"" o0er the p"ace. SAMMY: -e"" . . . I just wish you wou"d ha0e "et e &now you were )K.

TERRY: (eah. I didnt rea"i3e itd been so "ong . . . +He looks around the restaurant., SAMMY: +Beaming again., 1re you gonna stay in town %or a whi"e' TERRY: -e"", I dont &now . . . I got a"" these things I gotta do bac& in -orcester . . . SAMMY: )h . . . TERRY: . . . (eah, so I probab"y not gonna be ab"e to stay ore than a day or so . . .

SAMMY: )h . . . -e"" . . . !hats a"" right . . . # TERRY: . . . I &ind o% trying to &eep to a schedu"e o% sorts. Its a "ong and worthy story but I

wont troub"e you with it right now. +He twists around and looks all over the restaurant. She watches him., SAMMY: 1re you e4pecting so eone' TERRY: -ho wou"d I be e4pecting here' SAMMY: (ou just &eep "oo&ing around, thats a"".

TERRY: *o, I was just wondering i% we cou"d get so e actua""y got to con%ess to you, Sa a "itt"e whi"e. SAMMY: (ou were what'

ore re%resh ents, actua""y. I0e ay not ha0e heard %ro e %or a

y . . . that the reason you

"itt"e whi"e is that I0e been &ind o% unab"e to write . . . on account o% the %act that I was in jai" %or

TERRY: -e"", I did a "itt"e ti e, I guess, in F"orida. For, uh, just %or bu""shit . . . SAMMY: -hat'# TERRY: It was just bu""shit . . . SAMMY: -hat did you do' TERRY: I didnt do anything. 5oes it occur to you that SAMMY: *o# TERRY: -e"", cou"d I p"ease SAMMY: )h y 6od# e aybe I was wronged'

TERRY: -ou"d you p"ease "et SAMMY: -hat happened'#

TERRY: I got into a %ight in a bar in F"orida. -hich I was not the one who instigated it, at a"". 2ut they wor&ed up a"" this bu""shit against e and they threw e in the pen %or three sorry. I rea""y didnt onths. I ean to didnt write you because I didnt want you to get a"" upset about it. I just %igured youd %igure I was on the road %or a "itt"e whi"e. I &now it was stupid and I stu%% because its gonna a&e you worry. 2ut you &now what' I cant run around a"" the ti e doin stu%% or not doin a&e you worry# 2ecause then I co e bac& here, and I te"" you about e# Li&e I just want to get out %ro yse"% to you again# e' under it# . . . 1nd here y %uc&in . . . trau as, and I get this wounded "itt"e 7I0e Let (ou 5own8 bu""shit, o0er and o0er again, and it rea""y just cra ps Ia bac& in this %uc&in ho"e e4p"aining

SAMMY: )K 9an you p"ease stop cursing at

TERRY: I "i&e I and get

ean, I rea"i3e I

in no position to, uh, basica""y say anything, e0er 2ut its not y

down there in so e rednec& bar in F"orida ha0ing an argu ent with so e strippers yse"% "oc&ed up %or a %ew sorry. onths.8

boy%riend and I sudden"y thin&, 7.ey# Maybe thisd be a good ti e to rea""y stic& it to Sa


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