Shahadat E Salisa

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Reciting Wilayat Of Hazrat Ali(as) In Tashahhud Of Namaz

From The Hadith Of Masoomeen (as) And Fatawas Of Eminent Marjas
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Baqr bin Habeeb asked Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) as to what is to be recited in the Qunoot and Tashahhud of Namaz. Imam (as) Replied saying: Recite that seems best, if this (Qunoot and Tashahhud) would have been fixed then people would have been perished.
[Source: Furu-e-Kaafi, Vol: 3, Pg: 337, Hadees no. 2]

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What is the Minimum Recital in Tashahhud?

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Page Surah bin Kaleeb asked Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) as to what is the minimum zikr to be recited in the | 2 Tashahhud of Namaz.

Imam (as) replied saying: Recite Shahadatain i.e. 2 shahadat. [Source: Furu-e-Kaafi, Vol: 3, Pg: 337, Hadees no. 3] [See Page no 7 for the copy of book with hadees] This is also accepted by Sheikh Sadooq and he says the following in his Amaali:

Sufficient for Tashahhud is the 2 testimonies and any more than that is worship (ibadat). [Source: Amaali Sheikh Sadooq, Majalis no. 93] : This clearly shows that reciting two shahadats is the minimum requirement of tashahhud. Its not the only recitation, there is some other recitation which is more than this and which is worship.

Is Tashahhud Fixed?
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Baqr bin Habeeb asked Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) as to what is to be recited in the Qunoot and Tashahhud of Namaz. Imam (as) Replied saying: Recite that seems best, if this (Qunoot and Tashahhud) would have been fixed then people would have been perished. [Source: Furu-e-Kaafi, Vol: 3, Pg: 337, Hadees no. 2] [See Page no 7 for the copy of book with hadees]

Halabi Asked Imam Jafar As Sadiq (As) Can The Names Of Imams (As) Be Said In Namaz? Imam Sadiq (As) Replied Saying: Say Them Collectively. [Source: Man la Yahzarul Faqih, Vol: 1, Pg: 493]
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Have Masoomeen(as) recited Third Shahadat in Tashahhud?

(1) Tashahhud of Imam Ali Raza (as) in Namaz
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...... I bear witness that there is no God but Allah alone with no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger.....I bear witness that you are the best Lord and that Muhammad is the best Messenger and that Ali is the Best Wali..... O Allah sends Blessings on Muhammad Al Mustafa and Ali Morteza and Fatima Az Zehra and Hassan and Hussein, and the Imams from the progeny of Taha and Yaseen. [Source: Fiqh Ar Raza, Pg. 108-109 / also quoted in Mustadruk-ul-Wasail, Book of prayers, Chapter: 2] [See Page no 9 for the copy of book with hadees] (2) Tashahhud of Imam Sadiq (as) in Namaz

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...... I bear witness that there is no God but Allah alone with no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger.....I bear witness that you are the best Lord and that Muhammad is the best Messenger and that Ali is the Best Wasi and Imam..... [Source: Fiqh-e-Majlisi, Pg: 29] [See Page no 8 for the copy of book with hadees] (3) Tashahhud Quoted by Ayatullah Sayed Burujardi Ayatullah Sayed Burujardi has the following 2 Tashahhud in his book Jamae Ahadees-ush-Shia. The First is from the book Misbah of Sheikh Tusi and second is from the book Fiqh-Ar-Raza.

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.....I bear witness that you are the best Lord and that Muhammad is the best Messenger and that Ali is the Best Wali.....[Source: Jamae Ahadees-ush-Shia, Vol.5, Pg.331] Page |3

Have Eminent Marjas issued Fatawas allowing Third Shahadat in Tashahhud?

Page | 4 (1) Ayatullah Sayed Ahmad Mustanabat

Ayatuallah Sayed Ahmad Mustanabat was the leader of the prayers in the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali (as) in Najaf for 13 years. He writes in his famous book Al-Qatra Below I quote the Tashahhud of Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) because its meaning is very in depth and high and its very advantageous for those who think and ponder over it. This is quoted in the book Fiqh-eMajlisi by Muhammad Taqi Majlisi and is as follows:

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...... I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger.....I bear witness that you are the best Lord and that Muhammad is the best Messenger and that Ali is the Best Wasi and Imam..... [Source: Al-Qatra, Vol. 1, Pg. 328] [See Page no 10 for the copy of book with hadees]

(2) Ayatullah Muhammad Raza Muhaqqiq Tehrani Sheik Muhammad Raza Tehrani quotes the following hadees.

Someone asked Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) as to what is to be recited in the qunoot and Tashahhud of Namaz. Imam Replied saying: Recite that seems best, if this would have been fixed (as to what is to be recited) then people would have been perished. Sheikh Muhammad Raza Tehrani continues saying: The above hadees proves that no specific words are fixed for recital in Tashahhud, instead prayers, praises, acceptance of heaven and hell and the path and weight etc can be included in Tashahhud. And the best of the recital to be added in the Tashahhud is declaration of Successorship of Imam Ali (as) after the declaration of Risalat. [Source: Khulasat-al-Haqaiq Vol: 1 Pg: 255] [See Page no 11 for the copy of book with hadees]

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(3) Ayatullah Sayed Sadiq Shirazi In this book of laws named Ahkaam Al-Shabaab in the laws of Tashahhud says:

Page | 5 There is a Tashahhud and Salam as narrated in Jamae Ahadees Al-Shia

(by Ayatullah Burujardi) from Misbaah Al-Mutahajjid (by Sheikh Toosi), when it comes to the Tashahhud before the Salawaat upon Muhammad (saw) and his Progeny (as) its written And surely Ali (as) is the best Wali. And the Tashahhud is correct with this. So to conclude, the Tashahhud and Salam is like this, I testify that there is no god but Allah (swt). He is one without any partner. And I testify that Muhammad (saww) is his servant and this Messenger. And Ali (as) is the best Wali. . [Source: Ahkam Al-Shabaab, Pg: 137/138] [See Page no 12 for the copy of book] (4) Ayatullah Sayed Abul Qasim Khoi In the book "Siraat Ul Najaat Fee Ajwab il Isteftaat" containing the rulings of Ayatullah Khoi collected by Ayatullah Jawad Tabarizi: Question: If one in every Tashahhud in Prayers after recitation of declaration of Tawheed and Risaalat, recites the declaration of Wilayat of Ali (as), then does the Prayer become invalid? Whether this be out of ignorance of the law, or with believing it to be obligatory or Mustahab, Will that prayer be valid? Answer by Ayatullah Khoi: If the person was of the believe that the prayer is valid with it [shahadah of Wilayat of Imam Ali (as)] then the prayers is correct and reciting the praying again is not on him." [Source: Siraat Ul Najaat Fee Ajwaab il Isteftaat Vol.1] [See Page no 13 & 14 for the copy of book] (5) Ayatullah Yasoobud Deen Rastagari It is permitted to recite the following after the 2 testimonies in tashahhud, I testify that Amir Al-Momineen Ali (as) and His pure progeny (as) are proofs of Allah (swt). Blessings be upon them All. [See Page no 15 for the copy of fatwa]
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(6) Nasir-e-Millat Ayatullah Sayed Nasir Husain Sayed Nasir Husain in his Tauziul Masail (book of laws) Tauhfa-e-Ahmadia mentions the following Tashahhud in namaz: slave and His Messenger.....I bear witness that you are the best Lord and that Muhammad is the best Messenger and that Ali is the Best Wali and the Imams are the best Imams [Source: Tohfa-e-Ahmadiya Vol: 1 Pg: 154/155 & 212/213]

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Images of the Books and Fatwas

(1) Furu-e-Kaafi, Vol: 3, Pg: 337, Hadees no 2 & 3
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(3) Fiqh-e-Majlisi, Pg: 29

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(2) Mustadruk-ul-Wasail, Book of prayers, Chapter: 2

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(4) Al-Qatra, Vol. 1, Pg. 328 by Ayatullah Sayed Ahmad Mustanabat

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(5) Khulasat-al-Haqaiq, Vol: 1, Pg: 255 by Ayatullah Muhammad Raza Muhaqqiq Tehrani

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(6) Ahkam Al-Shabaab, Pg: 137/138 by Ayatullah Sayed Sadiq Shirazi

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(7) Siraat Ul Najaat Fee Ajwaab il Isteftaat, Vol.1 by Ayatullah Sayed Abul Qasim Khoi

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(7) Siraat Ul Najaat Fee Ajwaab il Isteftaat, Vol.1 by Ayatullah Sayed Abul Qasim Khoi

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(8) Fatwa of Ayatullah Yasoobud Deen Rastagari

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Five questions for those who object reciting Wilayat of Amir ul Momeneen (as) in Namaz: 1. Has Allah (swt) prohibited us or called it an addition to pronounce Wilayat of Hazrat Ali (as) in Page Namaz through any verse of the Holy Quran or any Hadeeth e Qudsi ???.
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2. Has the Holy Prophet (saww) prohibited us or called it an addition to pronounce the Wilayat of Hazrat Ali (as) in Namaz through any Hadeeth ??? 3. Has any of the twelve Imams (as) prohibited us or called it an addition to pronounce the Wilayat of Hazrat Ali (as) in Namaz ??? 4. Has Shehezadi e Kaunain (sa) who is Hujjat over all Hujjats ever prohibited us or called it an addition to pronounce Wilayat of Hazrat Ali (as) in Namaz ??? 5. Has any of the four directly appointed deputies of Imam e Zamana (atfs) in minor occultation prohibited or called it an addition to pronounce Wilayat of Hazrat Ali (as) in namaz ???

Motive for Distributing the Booklet The motive behind this publication is to prove that reciting the Wilayat of Imam Ali (as) in Tashahhud of Namaz is as per the ahadees of Masoomeen (as) and as per the rulings of eminent Marjas, and hence correct. After all that we have presented in this booklet it would be completely wrong and a deliberately spoken lie if anyone says that Imam (as) never recited the Wilayat of Imam Ali (as) in namaz and none of the Marjas have permitted it. We think what ever we have quoted is enough for the understanding mind, but to further justify our stance in the end we quote one more hadees from Imam Jafar e Sadiq (as).

Halabi Asked Imam Jafar As Sadiq (As) Can The Names Of Imams (As) Be Said In Namaz? Imam Sadiq (As) Replied Saying: Say Them Collectively. [Source: Man la Yahzarul Faqih Vol: 1 Pg: 493]

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