Prophetic Voices in The Heavens: Matthew 2:1 - 12

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Prophetic Voices in the Heavens

God is on your side
Setbacks prove Gods faithfulness
Birth is the beginning of Gods miracle in your life, not the end

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If you cant get a miracle, become one. Nick Vujicic

Dont put your life on hold so that you can dwell on the unfairness of past hurts. Nick Vujicic

Risk, then, is not just par of life. It is life. The place between your comfort zone and your dream is where life
takes place. Its the high-anxiety zone, but its also where you discover who you are. Nick Vujicic

Noie infoimation: Pastoi Phil (philinfluencechuich.oig) oi Tammy (tammyinfluencechuich.oig)
0ffeiings to the Loiu
Please make checks payable to Influence Chuich oi give online at influencechuich.oiguonate

"To influence the woilu anu spieau uou's fame,
that many may believe that Be is the Chiist, the
Son of the Living uou."

Becembei 22, 2u1S

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Touay is the last

92$234 ://#;'<32'=+ >#= 7;2$%- Touay is the last uay to biing youi unwiappeu
gift (value not to exceeu $2u). The toy uiive benefits oui local Boys anu uiils
Clubs of Anaheim. We have set a chuich-wiue goal to collect 1Suu toys foi these
chiluien, many of whom aie kius living in motels in Anaheim.


Becembei 24
4:Su p.m.

8(;26'1&6 5$% 8&3?@%@24(' A%;$20%- }oin us on Chiistmas Eve foi a special
canulelight seivice featuiing guest aitists Savana Beal anu Kenny Bale. Chiistmas
Eve is a gieat time to invite fiienus anu family to iemembei the gieat gift uou
gave us in Chiist.

}anuaiy S
1u:uu a.m.

9<%6' A/%&B%;+ C20B D<E2020F G2H% I2'(#<' G21J6- Bon't miss this: "I'm Su yeais
olu. I was boin without aims oi legs anu given no meuical ieason foi this
conuition. Faceu with countless challenges anu obstacles, uou has give me the
stiength to suimount what otheis might call impossible." -Nick vujicic

}anuaiy 1u
7:uu - 9:Su p.m.

K&1/%; "% L#=&@@=- A women's only evening of uecauent uesseits, basic
manicuies, blowouts, chaii massages, photo booth fun, coffee, encouiagement
anu plenty of laughtei! $1u if you pie-iegistei by }anuaiy S anu $1S aftei. All fees
will be collecteu at the uooi. Nust iegistei foi a blowout, massage oi chilucaie.
Each iegistiation enteis you into a iaffle anu eveiy fiienu you biing gets you an
auuitional ticket! Registei online touay at tinyuil.comPampeiNeRoyally

Emily Ketchum

}anuaiy 16-19

A'<?%3' "2326';2%6+ M%6<6 8<@'<;% I23'%; L%';%&'- uet ieauy foi the }esus
Cultuie Wintei Retieat! Cost is $1Su. Registei at influencechuich.oigstuuents

Nathan Robeits

}anuaiy 18

C5I+ N I#1%3O6 8#3H%;%30%- Come anu be iefiesheu, blesseu anu ieauy to let
go of the olu things anu move into all that uou has foi you in 2u14! 0ui uynamic
speakeis anu guest woiship team will bless youi life with motivation anu uou's
woiu to piepaie you foi the NEW you in 2u14! Registei at

Sheiee Peteisen

}anuaiy 19
1u:uu a.m.

9<%6' A/%&B%;+ 8(;26'& P@&0B- Chiista is a multi-platinum song wiitei anu
authoi. She has shaieu the stage with names such as the }onas Biotheis, }oiuin
Spaiks, Nichael W. Smith, anu Isiael Boughton.

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28#33%0'F A1&@@ 9;#</6 &3? 9%3%;&@ Q3H#R iConnectinfluencechuich.oig
D#@<3'%%;- }ennifeiinfluencechuich.oig
2K;&= "2326';=R piayinfluencechuich.oig
72;%0'#; #H 8(2@?;%3O6 "2326';2%6R Emily Ketchum: emilyinfluencechuich.oig
72;%0'#; #H A'<?%3' "2326';2%6 ST24( A0(##@F M;U T24(VR Nathan Robeits: nathaninfluencechuich.oig
8#@@%4% &3? W#<34 N?<@'6R }on Ketchum: joninfluencechuich.oig
2X2' "2326';=R Sheiee Peteisen: sheieeinfluencechuich.oig
92$234R iuiveinfluencechuich.oig

0ffeiings to the Loiu
Please make checks payable to Influence Chuich oi give online at influencechuich.oiguonate
"To influence the woilu anu spieau uou's fame,
that many may believe that Be is the Chiist, the
Son of the Living uou."

Becembei 22, 2u1S

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