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ing, there was nothing... no, scratch been used. At the dawn of time, the Forces been using to travel from one universe to er. Eventually, all of this refuse began to fer- its own reality. and the Laws didn’t notice the problem. they were finished, they went into the corri- ‘see what could be done with it. They saw the that reigned there and said, “Aw, the hell /” and went home to get drunk. In time, life Title while, some ofthis life (against its own better judgment) became sentient Thebasic needs of sentient beings can be ein four categories: food, shelter, intellectu- “erand consume things their mothers told them not fo, Hawk Luger (call him “Spit”) was a “man” who {t,To this end, he bought an asteroid field at the of the dimension (yeah, yeah, we know a mension couldn't really have a center, but go with ;OK?). There, he built The Floating Vagabond bar the largest of the rocks. The bar enjoyed good business for a while, and tad the good fortune to be a member of the old- “estand most powerful union in the Multiverse, The Ancient Brotherhood (BartAB), a union so powerful that its rules and bylaws could super sede physical law. Eventually, however, Spit discov- ered he had competition ‘This competition came in the form of Crane's Nest, a rival bar on the nearby planet Hooch. Crane's Nest was owned and operated by Solomon Crane, a man with more money, more style, and fewer scruples than Spit. Spit realized that he couldn't compete with Crane's “Happy Year” specials, his full-contact bil- liards tournaments, the big screen tri-vid with quadruped kickboxing matches, or “Wet T-Shirt Night” (some things never change), so he decided to take drastic measures. Spit purchased a Ranclom Dimensional Portal Generator from the novelty department of the now defunct Walker Alternate Reality Products, Inc. (W.A.RP,, Inc.), a company that was years ahead of its time in technology, but woefully backward in the sales department. This was the result of a failed marketing experiment involving a time machine. Their advertising executives were responsible for such gems as “Buy a WA.RP,, Inc, Home Gravity Field Generator. Hardly any of them have blown up!” and "Buy aW.ARP.,Inc,, Timestream Compass or we'll kill you!” This last one came from the company’s final days when they were getting really desperate. But we digress. Spit installed the generator on the revolving door of the bar and set it to choose any other bar across time and space and other realities, and deposit them in The Floating Vagabond. Very often, the first thing the victims of this advertising tech- nique did upon discovering that they were “no longer in Kansas,” was to order a long series of very strong drinks. As a result, Spit's business increased exponentially.

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