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Reg. No.

Question Paper Code: 22115

B.E./B.Tech.Degree Examinations, April/May 2011 Regulations 2008 Second Semester Common to EEE, E & I and I & C branches EE2151 Circuit Theory Time: Three Hours Answer ALL Questions

1. A bulb i s rated as 230 V, 230 W. Find t he rated current a nd resistance of the lament.

4. State Thevenins theorem.

5. When do you say that a given AC circuit is at resonance? 6. Two inductively coupled coils have self inductances L1 = 50 mH a nd L2 = 200 mH. If t he coecient o f coupling is 0.5, compute the value o f mutual inductance between the coils. 7. Dene th e term Time constant o f a circuit, i n general. 8. A coil having a resistance o f 10 k an d inductance of 50 mH is connected to a 10 volts, 10 kHz power supply. Calculate the impedance. 9. In a three-phase balanced delta system, th e voltage across R a nd Y i s 4000 V. What will be t he voltage across Y an d B? Assume RYB phase sequence. 10. Calculate the power factor if v (t) = Vm sin t a nd i(t) = Im sin(t 45 )?



3. Transform the circuit shown below, from to Y.


2. Dene Mesh analysis o f a circuit.


Part A - (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


Maximum: 100 marks

Part B - (5 x 16 = 80 marks) 11. (a) (i) State and explain Kirchos laws, with an example. (6) (ii) Determine t he current delivered by t he source i n th e circuit shown in gure below. (10)


11. (b) For th e network shown below, obtain the current ratio (I1 /I3 ) using mesh analysis. (16)

12. (a) (i) Use source transformation to nd I0 in t he circuit shown below.





(8) 22115

(ii) Use t he technique o f -Y conversion to nd th e equivalent resistance between terminals A-B of th e circuit shown below. (8)

(ii) Find t he voltage drop across 12 resistance using Nortons theorem for t he circuit shown below. (8)




12. (b) (i) Determine the voltage across 20 resistance in t he circuit shown below, using Superposition theorem. (8)




13. (a) (i) For th e tank circuit shown below, nd the resonance frequency, fr .


(ii) Determine t he quality factor of a coil for the series circuit consisting o f R = 10 , L = 0.1 H a nd C = 10 F. Derive t he formula used. (6) OR 13. (b) (i) In th e coupled circuit shown below, nd the voltage across 5 resistor. (8)

14. (a) (i) Using Laplace transform, obtain t he expression for i1 a nd i2 i n th e circuit shown below, when dc voltage source is applied suddenly. Assume that th e initial energy stored in the circuit i s zero. (8)

(ii) In t he circuit shown below, nd t he expression for th e transient current. The initial current is as shown in the gure. (8) 4 22115


(ii) Derive t he expressions for maximum output voltage and maximum amplication of a single tuned circuit. (8)





OR 14. (b) Derive th e expression for t he complete solution o f t he current response of RC series circuit with an excitation of V cos(t + ). Briey explain the signicance of phase angle i n t he solution. (16) 15. (a) (i) A balanced -connected load has one phase current IBC = 2 90 A. Find t he other phase currents an d the three line currents if t he system is an ABC system. If t he line voltage i s 100 V, w hat i s th e load impedance? (8) (ii) The power consumed in a three phase balanced star connected load is 2 kW at a power factor of 0.8 lagging. The supply voltage is 400 V, 50 Hz. Calculate t he resistance a nd reactance o f each phase. (8)


15. (b) (i) Show that two wattmeters a re sucient to measure power in a balanced or unbalanced three-phase load connected to a balanced supply. (10) (ii) A three phase, 220 V, 50 Hz, 11.2 kW induction motor has a full load eciency of 88% an d draws a line current of 38 A under full load, when connected to three phase, 220 V supply. Find the reading on two wattmeters connected i n t he circuit to measure t he input to th e motor. Determine also the power factor at which t he motor is operating. (6)






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