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Centre for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia
Building Science 1 [ARC 2412]
PROJECT 1: Human Perception of Comfort Level
Analysis Human Comfort of Double-storey Terrace House

LecLurer: Ms Sujatavani Gunasagaran
MrsTamil Salvi
Mr Lee Xia Sheng
Ar. Cheryl Ngiam
Group Member: Ang Boon Cheong 0315560
Chua Sor Hong 0315561
Goh Kee Woon 0303315
Nikki Wong Tyan Mun 0303281
Wong Roung-Jang 0303368

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1.0 Summary

Research purpose
Location of site

Description of data logger
Location of data logger
Human adjustment
Data collection




Result & Analysis
Marco Result and Analysis
4.1.1 External Temperature
4.1.2 External Humidity
4.1.3 Wind Analysis
4.1.4 Ecotect Analysis and Sun path Analysis
Micro Result and Analysis
4.2.1 Internal Temperature
4.2.2 Internal Humidity
4.2.3 Wind Analysis
4.2.4 Solar Rays Analysis
Relationship Between Temperature and Humidity
Analysis of Bioclimatic Charts
4.4.1 Bioclimatic Charts


Analysis & Discussion
Site Environment
Site weather report
Analysis and discussion of case study
1. Solar radiation
2. Shading
3. Ventilation
4. Materials
5. Human activities
6. Appliances
7. Building design standard


6.0 Conclusion 43
7.0 References 44
8.0 Appendix

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1.0 Summary

The procedure of the research is to collect and analysis the physical phenomena
which affect the temperature and humidity of the building. The basic building
design is one of the main controls which would affect the human comfort, such as
building orientation, internal layout, fenestration, material, faade, wind and sun
direction, human adjustment and also the building environment. As for the
objective of this project is to identify and define the principles of heat transfer in
relation to building and people, Understand what is thermal comfort and discuss
factors relating to thermal comfort, analyze the effect of thermal comfort factors in
a person and in a space, and to be able to criticize design of the space in terms
of thermal comfort by referring to MS1525 and UBBL.
The tropical climate in Malaysia is hot and humid throughout the year where as
the highest temperature was 40.1C at Chuping ,Perlis on 9
April 1998 and the
lowest temperature was recorded at the temperature of 7.8C at Cameron
Highland on 1
February 1978. .Based on the Malaysia climate data, the thermal
comfort zone in Malaysia is between 27.6-32.1C and the relative humidity of
thermal comfort is 60 -75.9%. Whereas the average temperature of our data
recorded on 12
September 2013 average indoor temperature and
humidity was 28.89C and 76.14% while the average outdoor temperature was
slightly lower than the indoor which are 27.26C, but higher in humidity 84.25%.
Based on the data recorded in this 3 days, the temperature and humidity are not
in comfort level zone. This report is to analysis the factors that cause the result
and to figure out the ways to solve it.

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2. Introduction
Thermal comfort is defined in British Standard BS EN ISO 7730 as: that
condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment.
There is no absolute standard or index of parameters of thermal comfort. This is
not surprising, as humans can and do live in a range of climates from the tropics
to high latitudes. So the term thermal comfort describes a persons
psychological state of mind and is usually referred to in terms of whether
someone is feeling too hot or too cold. Thermal comfort is very difficult to define
because you need to take into account a range of environmental and personal
factors when deciding what will make people feel comfortable. Perceptions of this
environment are affected by air temperature, radiant temperature, relative
humidity, air velocity, activity and clothing. More general definitions of comfort
include a sense of relaxation and freedom from worry or pain. These factors
become parameters where human perception of the thermal environment is
2.1 Research Purpose
The research was about to study of Human Perception of Thermal Comfort,
based on choosing area located at the corner lot of double-storey terrace house.
The purpose of this research is to record the temperature and humidity which
happen during 12
September 2013 at the time of 7am 6am consistently
for 3 days, and to identity the temperature and relative humidity of the chosen
area whether it is in the thermal comfort zone. Due to the location of site, it has a
limitation study on the elevation which is only front, right n rear elevation.
However, in this research we are to analysis the effect that affects the thermal
comfort of the area and solve the problem of the occupant respond which tend to
feel hot and humid during the night due to the heat which had been absorb by the

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2.2 Location of site
As shown in Figure 1, the main site is located at Jalan U13/8F, Setia Impian 8,
Setia Alam, Shah Alam. This site is a residential area which majority built up with
double-storey terrace house. The studied area focused on living room.

Figure 1 Location Plan (NTS)

Figure 2 Site plan (NTS)
The figure 2 was shown the red color box represented the site building which is
corner lot double-storey terrace house

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Figure 3 Floor Plan
The figure 3 was show the living room as our study site with highlighted in red color to
represented it.

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3.0 Methodology
3.1 Description of data Logger

A data logger or data recorder is an electronic device that records data over time
or in relation to location with a built in instrument or sensor and via external
instruments and sensors. They are based on a digital processor. They are small,
battery powered, portable, and equipped with a microprocessor, internal memory
for data storage, and sensors. The data loggers interface with a computer and
utilize software to activate the data logger and view and analyze the collected
One of the primary benefits of using data loggers is the ability to automatically
collect data on a 24-hour basis. Upon activation, data loggers are typically
deployed and left unattended to measure and record information for the duration
of the monitoring period. This allows for a comprehensive, accurate picture of the
environmental conditions being monitored, such as air temperature and relative
The data logger that is used measures temperature(C) and also Relative
Humidity(RH%).The data is saved on a SD card which is removed from the
device and is then converted into a Microsoft Excel format which is .XML that
have already arranged the data into a table format.
The data logger is set to record DBT and RH on an hourly basis starting at 7am
on the 3 consecutive days of the data collecting.

Figure 4 Data Logger

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3.2 Location of Data Logger
The location of data logger was located at the centre of the living room and 1
meter above the ground as shown at the figure 5. Reasoning behind this chosen
site is because living room is a public area whereby most activities are carries
out here. This will further enhanced our understanding about this project.

Figure 5 Location of Data Logger

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3.3 Human Adjustment
Due to the window closed most of the time, we used the ceiling fan as shown at
Figure 6 to compensate the indoor ventilation and temperature.

Figure 6 Ceiling Fan

3.4 Data Collection
Criteria Methodology
1. Outdoor Temperature
2. Indoor Temperature

- Online data
- Data Logger
1. Outdoor Humidity
2. Indoor Humidity

- Online data
- Data Logger
Wind rose

- Online data
Sun path and solar radiation - Ecotect

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4.0 Result and Analysis
4.1 Macro result and analysis
4.1.1 External Temperature

Graph 1 External Temperature

Based on the reading of the website given by the lecturers
(, the reading of the temperature outside the house is
between 24C 33C which is normal in Malaysia. As opposed to the indoor
temperature which is always constant because it can be controlled via use of
fenestration and openings, the outdoor temperature constantly fluctuating
because it is out of our control.

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4.1.2 External Humidity

Graph 2 External Humidity

As opposed to the indoor humidity which is always constant because it can be
controlled via use of fenestration and openings, the outdoor humidity is
constantly fluctuating because it is out of our control.

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4.1.3 Wind Analysis

Table 1 Wind Statistics

Figure 7 Wind Direction
Distribution All Year

Figure 8 Wind Direction
Distribution September

Figure 9 shows the prevailing wind directions with higher speed from North
West into the site.

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4.1.4 Ecotect Analysis
Reasoning for Selection of Dates

Figure 10 illustrate the changes in position of Earth resulting in the four season
As the Earth travels around the Sun in its orbit, the declination of the Sun
changes over the course of the year due to the changing orientation of the
Earth's tilted rotation axes with respect to the Sun. This change in the position of
the sun that is responsible for seasons. The dates of maximum tilt of the Earth's
equator correspond to the summer solstice and winter solstice. The northern
hemisphere summer solstice (approximately June 22) occurs when the sun is
farthest north. The northern hemisphere winter solstice (approximately
December 22) occurs when the sun is farthest south. The summer and winter
solstices are the longest and shortest days of the year, respectively, in the sense
that the length of time elapsed between sunrise and sunset on these days is a
maximum and minimum, respectively for the year. Meanwhile, it reaches two
points during the year where the tilt of its axis causes it to be straight relative to
the Sun. These days are known as equinoxes. During these equinoxes the rays
of the Sun shine directly on the equator. This happens on vernal or spring
equinox (approximately March 20) and autumnal equinox (September 22).

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Figure 11 shows the relationships between the sun path on solstice and equinox.
Therefore, to illustrate a better understanding towards the studied area, we
decided to analyse on those dates which have extreme weathers throughout the
year. Reasons being are the most and the least sunlight happen during these
dates. Besides that, being in a tropical country such as Malaysia, we do not have
drastic climate changes that affect our buildings. Hence, we feel it is most
appropriate to take this advantage to study on the four seasons effect towards
our studies space. As such, we chosen the dates 22June 2013, 22 September
2013 and 22 December 2013 for Ecotect analysis. On those dates, we further
studied on every 9am, 12pm and 3pm of the day, whereby we could analyse the
effect of sun rise, sun peak and sun set time period of the day respectively.


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Sun Path Analysis
Time Sun Path
9 am
The building is shaded well due to the adjacent terrace unit. While, the
north and south faade received the most daylight at this hour. The
shadows mostly casted at West walls.
The building is still shaded well as there is proper roofing system.
However, there is more shadows casted at North walls during this

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The building is exposed to sunlight from the West at this hour. There is
insufficient of external shading devices at this West wall. The shadows
casted are at the least during this hour.

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Time Sun Path
9 am
The core of the building is well shaded while the others are partially
shaded. The shadows mostly casted at the West wall. While the North
and South walls receive more sunlight than other parts of the building.
The whole building is well shaded at this hour of the day. The shadows
are casted all round the space. The roofs are exposed to the direct
sunlight the most at this hour.

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The building is exposed to direct sunlight at West walls the most during
this hour. The shadows casted all around the building except the West
walls due to lack of shading devices at the faade.

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Time Sun Path
9 am
The building is not evenly shaded at this hour. The lower level
openings are exposed to sunlight more than the upper level. Therefore,
the shadows casted at the lower level are lesser.
The whole building is well shaded at this hour of the day. The shadows
are casted all round the space. The roofs are exposed to the direct
sunlight the most at this hour.

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The whole building is shaded except for West walls at this hour of the
day. The openings on the West walls receive direct sunlight.

Figure 12 Sun Path on site

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4.2 Mirco Result and Analysis
4.2.1 Internal temperature
Graph 3 Internal Temperature

Based on the reading (Graph 3) of the data logger, the temperature of the living
room is only between 28.2C 29.2C which is good enough for watching TV,
reading newspaper or even have a small gathering.

The living room door is always open during daytime and night time from 10am to
10pm daily. Therefore, it allows air to enter the living room but it does not allow
the air to go out. And with the help of turning on the fan, it helps keep the living
room in constant temperature for the users to use from morning to night.

The living room is only occupied during night time. But based on the data logger,
it shows that the temperature maintains the same as daytime because of the TV,
internet modem, laptops and house telephone as it generates heat and therefore
contributes to the heat in the living room.

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Through experience, we have concluded that the living room is comfortable
enough to use during the day time even though it is hotter outside compared to
inside the living room.
4.2.2 Internal humidity

Graph 4 Internal Humidity

Based on the reading (Graph 4) of the data logger, the internal humidity is
between 74.3% - 78.8%which is of great discomfort.

During the daytime, the percentage of the humidity is lower compared to the
percentage of humidity at night. This is because during the daytime, the users
have left the house due to work and studies. Thus, leaving the house empty with
no users around.

Through the reading of the data logger, we have concluded that the percentage
of humidity is higher at night is due to the amount of users and time spent in the
house. The amount of time spent in the room would have caused the relative
humidity to be higher due to exhalation.

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The other reason is because during night time, the heat mass that was collected
throughout the day couldnt been dissipated to the cooler outdoor air because the
door would be closed by 10pm.
4.2.3 Wind Analysis

Figure 13 Wind Rose diagram

The diagram above show the wind flows from North West to South East direction
to the site. The room is slightly exposed to the wind flow because main entrance
is located slightly away from the wind direction. Therefore there is still some wind
flowing through the room to keep the room cool.
Figure 14 Daily Wind rose on site

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Figure 15 show illustrates the ventilation within the space.

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4.2.4 Solar Rays Analysis
Time Solar Rays
9 am
Due to adjacent terrace unit, there is no opening on the East walls
which does not allow any sunlight penetrations.
Similarly, the sunlight does not penetrate into the building at this hour
of the day due to the adjacent terrace unit and roof system.

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There is higher intensity of solar rays penetrating through the openings
located at West walls. Hence, there is need for shading device at this

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Time Solar Rays
9 am
Due to adjacent terrace unit, there is no opening on the East walls
which does not allow any sunlight penetrations.
Similarly, the sunlight does not penetrate into the building at this hour
of the day due to all the solid surfaces surrounding.

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The solar rays are visible more on the West walls and least at the
South walls fot this time of the day. However, the solar rays intensity is
at optimum level for daylighting purpose.

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Time Solar Rays
9 am
As such that the studied building is a terrace unit, therefore is no
opening on the East walls which does not allow any sunlight
penetrations at the solid surface. However, the South walls are
exposed to solar rays with a moderate intensity.
Similarly, there is no solar rays penetration into the East walls.
However, the intensity of solar rays at the South wall are at lower level
at this hour of the day.

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At this hour of the day, the South and West walls are exposed to solar
radiation at a moderate intensity. The shading devices are advised to
be added as well.

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4.3 Relationship between Temperature and Humidity

Graph 5 Temperature VS Humidity Diagram
Based on our research (Graph 5) using the data logger, we have concluded that
as the external humidity increases, the external temperature decreases.
Whereas, internal humidity and internal temperature is usually constant because
it is under control by the habitants.

Humidity is the quantity of water vapour present in air. There are many and
varied ways of expressing it. It can be expressed as an absolute, specific or a
relative value.

Through several research, we have realized that relative humidity is different
from absolute humidity. Relative humidity decreases with a rise in temperature.
Because, relative humidity depends not only upon the amount of water vapour
actually present but also on the air temperature. Hence, if no moisture is added,
an increase in temperature will result in a corresponding decrease in the relative

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4.4 Analysis of Bioclimatic charts:

Bioclimatic charts facilitate the analysis of the climate characteristics of a given
location from the viewpoint of human comfort, as they present, on a psychometric
chart, the concurrent combination of temperature and humidity at any given time.
They can also specify building design guidelines to maximize indoor comfort
conditions when the building's interior is not mechanically conditioned. All such
charts are structured around, and refer to, the "comfort zone".

Comfort Zone defined as 'that condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with
the thermal environment.' So the term 'thermal comfort' describes a person's
psychological state of mind and is usually referred to in terms of whether
someone is feeling too hot or cold.

4.4.1 Bioclimatic Chart

Graph 6 Bioclimatic Chart

Based on the Graph 6 above, the average internal temperature is 28.89 degree
Celsius while the average indoor humidity calculated is 76.14 degree Celsius.
The internal temperature and humidity was slightly offset from the comfort zone
range and average temperature and humidity is slightly high. More fenestration is
needed in the space for better ventilation and need more wind to lower
temperature and to decrease humidity level.

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5.0 Analysis and Discussion
5.1 Site Environment

Figure 16 Site Layout

Figure 17 Overview of the External
The diagram above show the site environment of case study is within the setting
of a suburban area. It is a district where people live, occupied primarily by
residences. The vast land consists of rows of terrace houses separated by roads.
There are no particular high rise building structures within the area except for 2

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storey high terrace houses. Therefore, it can get windy in the particular area as
there are no tall structures obstructing the wind flow. The area has little to no
greenery and only certain houses have planted trees on their land. As it is a
residential area, the place can be very quiet and peaceful except for the
occasional cars passing through.

5.1.1 Site weather report
Date Day Temperature (c) Wind Speed
Sept 2013 Thursday 32 19
Sept 2013 Friday 33 17
Sept 2013 Saturday 32 19

On Thursday the 12
September 2013, the weather temperature was
32C which is kind of hot while the wind speed is 19km/h. The wind is
strong enough for fresh air movement when the wind reaches to the
residential area.
On the next day, Friday 13
September 2013, the air was increased 1C,
while the wind is slower 2km/h comparing with the previous day. It getting
more hot and unpleasant.
On the next Saturday, 14
September 2013, the weather temperature and
wind speed was back to the same as12
September 2013 which is 32C
and 19km/h.
Date Time External Relavite
Humidity (%)
External Temperature

Sept 2013
9.00am 79 27
12.00pm 59 32
3.00pm 70 31

Sept 2013
9.00am 89 26
12.00pm 59 32
3.00pm 94 25

Sept 2013
9.00am 89 26
12.00pm 75 30
3.00pm 70 31

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Table 2 External Relative Humidity and Temperature with specific time
5.2 Analysis and Discussion of Case Study
Factors that would affect the thermal performance of the area would be analyzed
and discussed according to the following categories:
1) Solar Radiation
2) Shading
3) Ventilation
4) Materials
5) Human Activities
6) Appliances
7) Building Design Standards

1) Solar Radiation
Solar radiation is the energy given off by the sun in all directions, it transmits light
and heat to surfaces that are exposed to it. Building interior can be affected by
solar radiation depending on it's fenestration and building material. The site
building is not affected much by solar radiation due to it's lack of fenestration.
The west facing wall of the studied area only has one window whilst the entrance
has another window next to the main door. Other than that, the exposed west
wall is not completely exposed to solar radiation as there is another terrace on its
side separated by the road. Even though the heat from solar radiation isn't able
to fully penetrate the interior, it is still heated inside due to the lack to ventilation.

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2) Sharing
Shading can provide protection from direct sunlight ,solar radiation, visual glare,
wind, and rain depending on the type of shading that Is used. Shading is also
internal such as a curtain or external such as copping. Shadings are an efficient
tool to create thermal comfort of a useable area. Curtains as an internal shading
that help to filter the amount of light and helps to reduce visual glare but it is not
efficient to block out solar radiation as it is an internal shading thus the radiation
would have already entered the space

Figure 18 Curtains as Shading

Figure 18 show that curtain as internal shading for our site building to filter the
amount of light and help to reduced visual glare

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3. Ventilation (Cross Ventilation)
Ventilation is the process by which fresh air circulate around the building interior.
Depending on the weather, natural ventilation can be used as an alternative to
wind generating appliances such as the fan and air-conditioner. Ventilation is
important as it can lower temperature and humidity of an over heated space.
Natural ventilation relies on pressure differential to deliver fresh air into buildings.
The case study has a lack of fenestration and addition to that, the habitant never
opens the windows. Therefore, the only source of ventilation is from the main
entrance door (which is always left open) and the back door.

Figure 19 Cross Ventilation

Figure 19 show that the only source of ventilation is from the main entrance door
(which is always left open) and the back door

Wlnd ln
Wlnd ouL

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4. Materials
4.1 Concrete Slab
Figure 20 show concrete has a low thermal conductivity and it doesnt conduct
much heat energy causing the level below to have high amount of heat energy.
Concrete has high thermal mass. Concrete can absorb heat to keep the interior
spaces cool. At night, the heat absorbed can be cooled down by natural
ventilation and warm up the room.

Figure 20 Concrete Slab
4.2 Ceramic Floor Tiles
Ceramic tiles (figure 21) has very high thermal conductivity but it doesnt affect
much in conducting heat into the interior space because it is not exposed to
direct sunlight. Ceramic tiles can provide a comfortable temperature for users.

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Figure 21 Ceramic floor tiles
Exterior Wall Painting
Figure 22 show the color used for the exterior wall paintings are of light tone.
Light colors are able to reflect heat from the sunlight and reduce the amount of
heat being absorbed into the building.

Figure 22 Exterior wall painting
Concrete Roof Tile
Concrete is a material that has low thermal conductivity. Concrete roof tile (figure
23) is a very good material for roofing because it doesnt conduct much heat into
the building from the direct sunlight radiation. Its characteristic of having a high
thermal mass helps to absorb heat to keep the interior space cool.

Figure 23 Concrete roof tile

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5. Human Activities

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0700 Walk Around 4 1elephone,Modem Cpen Closed 0 1
0800 Walk Around 4 1elephone,Modem Cpen Closed 0 1
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1000 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
1100 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
1200 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
1300 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
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1800 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
1900 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
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0200 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
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1000 Walk Around 1 1elephone,Modem Cpen Closed 1 0
1100 Walk Around 1 1elephone,Modem Cpen Closed 1 0
1200 Walk Around 1 1elephone,Modem Cpen Closed 1 0
1300 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
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0600 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
0700 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
0800 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
0900 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
1000 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
1100 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
1200 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
1300 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
1400 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
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1900 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
2000 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
2100 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
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0400 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0
0300 no AcLlvlLy 0 1elephone,Modem Closed Closed 0 0

!"#$%#&' )*#+&*+ , -./0 12,13 45'+ 26

6. Appliances

Figure 24 Appliances
Diagram 24 above show the all the appliances above contribute to the heat
gained in the interior space.

LocaLlon of uaLa logger

!"#$%#&' )*#+&*+ , -./0 12,13 45'+ 22


Building Design Standards are a set of guidelines given by local building
authorities to ensure a design of a building that conforms to safety, energy
efficiency and comfort of the occupants and the surrounding activities.
Design standards vary from different climatic regions as different designs
standards are set to respond to a specific climate and surrounding.

The analysis of the case study design standards were based on the Malaysian
Uniform Building By-Laws; 1984 and the Malaysian Standard 1525, a code of
practice on energy efficiency.

For this particular analysis, only certain areas of the house that could affect the
thermal performance was analyzed.

7.1 Natural ventilation
Natural ventilation is the use of the natural forces of wind and buoyancy to deliver
sufficient fresh air and air change to ventilate enclosed spaces without active
temperature controls or mechanical means. Fresh air is required in buildings to
alleviate outdoors and improve indoor environmental quality.

The open space of the building should be 1/3 of the total built up area of the
house, according to UBBL, so that it allows sufficient natural ventilation and
daylight to penetrate through the house.

7.2 Daylight and Ventilations from Windows
Ventilations from windows is one of the most fundamental components in a
building is windows. They provide a climatic relationship between the exterior
and interior in the form of light, sound, air and view of the exterior.

Window designs are designed and made for particular purposes. The windows
are required to have optimum height and size for the required daylight factor. The
size and location of windows must also be suited for all parameters.
7.3Strategic landscaping (Positioning of building)
Based on MS1525, a good passive design of orientation and longitudinal axis of
the house can help reduce heat gain through shading and shielding.

Appropriate choice of material for the hardscape will be more favourable to help
reduce heat gain and reflection at the surrounding spaces.

!"#$%#&' )*#+&*+ , -./0 12,13 45'+ 27

6.0 Conclusion

In this particular assignment, we had to analyze different factors that can affect a
habitant's comfort level within a building. Whilst the building basic design plays
the biggest role in determining the habitant's comfort level, there are also a
number of other factors that can contribute to it. Such as, the building material,
facade,fenestration, sun and wind orientation etc. By analyzing every single
element, we were able to gain better understanding of ways to improve a
person's comfort and living standards with architecture. Throughout this
assignment it has been found that design is only a part of one big role that
consists of many elements when it comes to creating the ideal home to live in. By
utilizing and taking into considerations of every detail from the sun and wind path
to the material of the floor, it can all be manipulated to improve the comfort level
of the habitant within the house. Using a bioclimatic chart, it has been found that
the case study is on the hot and humid side but towards the end of the
assignment, we have discovered the ways to improve on the mistakes that were
once unnoticed before. This assignment have given us better understanding of
the detailed requirements of an ideal house structure and better understanding of
basic human needs in the world of architecture. This assignment is a
combination of architecture, geography and human needs.

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7.0 References

4. UBBL- Uniform Building By-Law
5. Ms 1525

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no. uaLe 1lme
PumldlLy wlnd dlr
1 9/12/2013 7:31:31 73.3 28.2 24 94 247.3 4
2 9/12/2013 8:31:34 73.9 28.3 24 100 247.3 4
3 9/12/2013 9:31:37 76.3 28.4 27 79 292.3 9
4 9/12/2013 10:32:00 76.3 28.4 29 74 313 7
3 9/12/2013 11:32:03 76.3 28.4 30 66 0 7
6 9/12/2013 12:32:06 76.1 28.3 32 39 337.3 9
7 9/12/2013 13:32:09 73.4 28.7 32 39 0 13
8 9/12/2013 14:32:12 73.7 28.7 31 66 0 17
9 9/12/2013 13:32:16 73.6 28.8 31 70 337.3 19
10 9/12/2013 16:32:19 73.6 28.9 30 70 337.3 13
11 9/12/2013 17:32:22 73.6 28.9 30 70 337.3 17
12 9/12/2013 18:32:23 73.7 28.9 30 70 0 13
13 9/12/2013 19:32:28 76.3 29.2 30 66 337.3 13
14 9/12/2013 20:32:31 77.1 29.2 29 74 337.3 6
13 9/12/2013 21:32:34 78.8 29.1 28 79 292.3 2
16 9/12/2013 22:32:37 77.9 29.1 27 84 0 0
17 9/12/2013 23:32:40 76.8 29.1 27 84 90 2
18 9/13/2013 0:32:43 73.9 29 26 89 202.3 2
19 9/13/2013 1:32:46 73.9 29 26 89 180 2
20 9/13/2013 2:32:30 76.1 29 26 89 180 2
21 9/13/2013 3:32:33 76.2 28.9 26 89 133 6
22 9/13/2013 4:32:36 76.3 28.9 23 94 0 0
23 9/13/2013 3:32:39 76.4 28.8 23 94 133 2
24 9/13/2013 6:33:02 76.4 28.8 23 94 137.3 2
23 9/13/2013 7:33:03 76.4 28.7 23 94 133 2
26 9/13/2013 8:33:08 76.7 28.7 23 94 43 2
27 9/13/2013 9:33:11 77.1 28.8 26 89 0 0
28 9/13/2013 10:33:14 76.9 29 30 73 313 11
29 9/13/2013 11:33:17 76.1 29 31 62 337.3 9
30 9/13/2013 12:33:21 76.2 29.1 32 39 313 13
31 9/13/2013 13:33:24 76.3 29.1 32 63 337.3 9
32 9/13/2013 14:33:27 76.2 29.1 33 36 0 13
33 9/13/2013 13:33:30 76.6 29.1 23 94 90 6
34 9/13/2013 16:33:33 76.7 29.1 24 94 112.3 17
33 9/13/2013 17:33:36 76.8 29.1 24 100 202.3 4
36 9/13/2013 18:33:39 76.3 29 23 89 247.3 7

!"#$%#&' )*#+&*+ , -./0 12,13 45'+ 2:

37 9/13/2013 19:33:42 76.6 29 23 89 0 0
38 9/13/2013 20:33:43 76.3 29 23 94 223 2
39 9/13/2013 21:33:48 76.6 29 23 94 223 2
40 9/13/2013 22:33:32 76.7 29 23 94 0 0
41 9/13/2013 23:33:33 76.8 28.9 23 100 133 2
42 9/14/2013 0:33:38 76.9 28.9 23 94 202.3 2
43 9/14/2013 1:34:01 76.9 28.8 23 100 0 0
44 9/14/2013 2:34:04 76.9 28.8 23 94 0 0
43 9/14/2013 3:34:07 76.8 28.8 23 94 180 2
46 9/14/2013 4:34:10 76.7 28.7 23 94 223 2
47 9/14/2013 3:34:13 76.7 28.7 23 94 180 2
48 9/14/2013 6:34:16 76.6 28.6 23 94 133 6
49 9/14/2013 7:34:19 76.3 28.6 23 94 202.3 2
30 9/14/2013 8:34:23 76.4 28.6 23 94 0 0
31 9/14/2013 9:34:26 76.3 28.7 26 89 292.3 2
32 9/14/2013 10:34:29 76.3 28.7 28 84 292.3 6
33 9/14/2013 11:34:32 76.2 28.8 30 73 313 9
34 9/14/2013 12:34:33 76.2 28.9 30 73 337.3 13
33 9/14/2013 13:34:38 73.9 29 32 67 0 17
36 9/14/2013 14:34:41 73.9 29.1 31 70 337.3 17
37 9/14/2013 13:34:44 73.9 29.2 31 70 337.3 19
38 9/14/2013 16:34:47 73.8 29.2 30 70 337.3 9
39 9/14/2013 17:34:30 73.6 29.2 28 79 180 13
60 9/14/2013 18:34:33 73.3 29.2 28 79 112.3 9
61 9/14/2013 19:34:37 73.3 29.2 27 84 112.3 11
62 9/14/2013 20:33:00 74.9 29.2 26 89 133 9
63 9/14/2013 21:33:03 73.1 29.2 26 89 337.3 7
64 9/14/2013 22:33:06 73.4 29.2 26 94 270 7
63 9/14/2013 23:33:09 73.8 29.1 26 94 270 9
66 9/13/2013 0:33:12 73.9 29.1 23 94 292.3 4
67 9/13/2013 1:33:13 73.6 29 23 94 202.3 2
68 9/13/2013 2:33:18 73.2 28.9 23 100 90 9
69 9/13/2013 3:33:21 74.8 28.8 24 94 90 9
70 9/13/2013 4:33:24 74.6 28.7 24 94 112.3 6
71 9/13/2013 3:33:28 74.4 28.7 24 94 270 2
72 9/13/2013 6:33:31 74.3 28.7 24 94 43 4

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