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Attacking Chess Basic Positional Ideas Queen's Indian Defence - The easy way (SDVL16bit) The Nimzoindian Defence - The easy way

Anand - My Career 1-SDVL Anand - My Career 2-SDVL Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley The Secret to Chess (SDVL16bit audio) What GMs Don't See Vol.1 - Protected Squares What GMs Don't See Vol.2 - Discovered Attack (SDVL) What GMs Don't see Vol.3-Summaty and test-SDVL

Becker, Mueller - Ask the Pieces-SDVL16 Bojkov - Attacking with the Pirc SDVL Bojkov - Chess Highways-SDVL Bojkov - Meet the English Opening in 60 Minutes - SDVL Bojkov - Meeting the Alekhine-The Classical Way in 60min-SDVL32 Bojkov - Meeting the Pirc Defence - The classical way, - SDVL Bojkov - Modern King's Indian with ...Na6 Bojkov - No Need to Fear the Qd6 Scandinavian SDVL16 Bojkov - The English Defence SDVL Bojkov - Try the Sicilian Kalashnikov - SDVL Bojkov - Unorthodox against the French Winawer in 60 min-SDVL Bologan - Beating the Sicilian A Grandmaster's repertoire Vol.1 (SDVL) Bologan Bologan Bologan Bologan Bologan Bologan Bologan Bologan Bologan Bologan Bologan Bologan Bologan Beating the Sicilian Vol 2 (SDVL16bit) Beating the Sicilian Vol.3 (SDVL16kbps) English 1.c4 c5 for Black-SDVL English 1.c4 e5 for Black-SDVL Fighting Philidor Fit for the French (SDVL16bit) How to tame the Alekhine, Scandinavian and Pirc SDVL Never too late for the Nimzo-Indian-SDVL The Caro-Kann Bologan - The Catalan A complete repertoire for White! The Chebanenko-Still improved-SDVL The Fighting Philidor Bologan - The King's Indian (SDVL 16 bit) The Sicilian Rossolimo for White (SDVL16bit) Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol 2-Stein., Anti-Marshall, Open & Co-SDVL

Bologan - Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol 3-Main Variations-SDVL Bologan - Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vo - Berlin Wall and others-SDVL Chessbase ChessBase ChessBase ChessBase ChessBase Tutorials Tutorials Tutorials Tutorials Tutorials Openings Vol. 2 Vol. 3 Vol. 4 Vol. 5 01-The Open Games-SDVL Semi Open Games [English] Queen's Gambit and Queen's Pawn Game Indian Defences- SDVL Flank Openings

Chevannes - Chess for Novices Chevannes - Chess for Novices Vol. 2 -SDVL Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins 1.e4 Repertoire Know The Terrain Vol. 1 - Carlsbad Know The Terrain Vol. 2 - The Capablanca Structure (SDVL)16bit Know the Terrain Vol. 3 Central Majority (SDVL) Know the Terrain Vol. 4 SDVL Know the Terrain Vol. 5 Learn from the open games-SDVL

Collins - The Korchnoi Gambit against the French (SDVL16bit) Collins - The Queens Gambit Accepted - A Repertoire For Black Danielsen Danielsen Danielsen Danielsen Danielsen Danielsen A Clear Program to Fight the Panov Attack (60min - SDVL) An effective way of meeting the 6 Ne5 Slav SDVL No need to fear the Slav Exchange Variation in 60 minutes-SDVL Pressing straight away-The London System in 60 min-SDVL The Benko Gambit with g3 SDVL The Slav Against the Reti in 60min-SDVL16

Davies - 1. e4 for the creative attacker (SDVL16bit) Davies - 1...e6 A Solid Repertoire against 1.d4 and 1.e4 (SDVL16bit) Davies - A Bury Person's Repertoire (2009)-SDVL Davies - Attack with the Modern Italian (SDVL16bit) Davies - Bamboozle Your Opponents with 1.g3! Davies - Build a 1.d4 Repertoire Davies - Chess for Scoundrels (SDVL16bit) Davies - Classical Steinitz French With 5.Nf3 60min Davies - Closed Sicilian (SDVL) Davies - Colle (SDVL Davies - d6 Universal (SDVL16bit) Davies - French Defence Strategy Davies - How to Beat Younger Players (SDVL16bit) Davies - King's Indian Attack (SDVL16bit) Davies - Pirc Defence Davies - Play the exchange variation against the Caro-Kann in 60 min-SDVL Davies - QGD Exchange Variation Davies - Scotch Davies - The Accelerated Dragon (SDVL16bit) Davies - The English Opening (SDVL16bit) Davies - The f4 sicilian Davies - The London System (SDVL) Davies - The Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack - SDVL Davies - The Tarrasch Defence (SDVL) Davies - The Torre Attack (SDVL 16 bit) Davies - The Vienna with 314 (SDVL 39.6 MB) Davies - Tricks & Traps Vol.1 (SDVL) Davies - Tricks & Traps Vol.2 - 1.d4 Davies - Tricks & Traps Vol.3 - In the Flank Openings (SDVL 16 bit) Ftacnik Ftacnik Ftacnik Ftacnik Ftacnik Ftacnik Ftacnik Ftacnik 1.Nf3-A variable Repertoire for White-SDVL 1000x Checkmate-English SDVL An ambitious setup against the Benoni in 60min-SDVL Classical 1.d4 Repetoire The English Hedgehog-SDVL The Gruenfeld Defense The Grunfeld Main Line in 60min-SDVL The Scheveningen Sicilian

Grivas - Chess Epertise Step by Step Vol.]. Grivas - Chess Expertise Step By Ste p Vol.2 - Mastering Strategy Grivas - Chess Expertise Step by Step Vol.3 - Rook Handling Grivas - Chess Expertise Step by Step Vol.4 Endgame Magic - SDVL Gustafsson - Repertoire for Black against 1.e4 - The Marshall Attack Gustafsson - Repertoire for Black against 1.e4 Vol.2 (Open games) Hort - Facing the World Champions-SDVL Kasimdzhanov - A World Champion's guide to the King's Indian - (SDVL16bit) Kasim dzhanov - A World Champion's Guide to the King's Indian (2nd Edition) Kasimdzhanov - A World champion's guide to the Petroff

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Albin's Countergambit (SDVL16bit) Anti-Moscow gambit for mperts-SDVL Attacking the King for Experts (SDVL16bit) Beat The Slav The Classical Way in 60min Beating The French (Vol. 1)(SDVL16bit) Beating The French (Vol. 2)(SDVL16bit) Beating The French (Vol. 3) (SDVL 16bit) Endgam. for Experts (SDVL 16bit) Meet the Nimzo-Indian with 4.Qc2 Strategy Step by Step The Path to Tactical Strength (SDVL 16bit) The Power of Tactics

Kasparov - How to Play the Queen's Gambit - SDVL Kasparov - QGD16bit King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King - Chessbase Tutorials - Starting Chess-SDVL - Power Play 1 - Matting Patterns - Power Play 2 - Attacking the King - Power Play 3 - Pawn Storm (SDVL 16bit) - Power Play 4 - Start Right (SDVL 16bit) - Power Play 5 - Pawns - Power Play 6 - Pawns, Pieces & Plans (SDVL 16bit) - Power Play 7 - Improve your Pieces - Power Play 8 - Knights and Bishops (SDVL 16bit) - Power Play 9 - Power Play 10 - Calculation - Power Play 11 - Defence - Power Play 12 - The Hedgehog 16bit-SDVL 56MB - Power Play 13 - Squeeze - Power Play 14 - Test your tactics-SDVL - Power play 15 - Practical Pawn Endings - Power Play 16 - Power Play 17 - Attack with 1.. - Power Play 18 - The Sicilian Najdorf - A Repertoire for Black - Power Play 19 - Attack with 1.. Part 2

Kortchnoi - My Life for Chess Vol 1-2 Kramnik - My Path to the Top Kritz Kritz Kritz Kritz Lilov Lilov Lilov Lilov Lilov Lilov Lilov Lilov Lilov Lilov Lilov Lilov Lilov Lilov Being Safe With the Berlin Defence in 60 Minutes Countering with the Chebanenko Slav (SDVL) Play it safe, play the Petroff-SDVL Safe and active with the Dutch Stonewall-SDVL Attacking a king which has castled short-SDVL Flank Attac. SDVL Gambit Opening Repertoire-SDVL Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player-SDVL Queen's Gambit Accepted-SDVL Secret Weapon Four Knights Game SDVL16 Tactics-from Basics to Brilliance Vol.1 Tactics-from Basics to Brilliance Vol.2 Tactics-From Basics to Brilliance Vol.3 Tactics-From Basics to Brilliance Vol.4 The Botvinnik System in the English opening-60 min-SDVL The Dutch Stonewall-SDVL The Sicilian Kan Variation-SDVL Unorthodox Chess Openings (SDVL)

Lorin DCosta-Chess Prodigies Uncovered-Sergey Karjakin-BP-MP4 Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin A Waiting Game in the Queen's Indian 7...Na6 in 60min-SDV... ABC of Alekhine 2nd Edition (SDVL) Enter 1.f4, Bird's Opening! First step in techniques-SDVL First steps In Attack (SDVL) First steps in Gambits and Sacrifices-SDVL First Steps In Opening Play-SDVL First Steps in Strategy-SDVL First steps in the Positional Play-SDVL First Steps to Defence - RESTORE O'Kelly Sicilain Open Ruy Lopez Play 6.Bg5 in the Saemisch variation in 60 min-SDVL Ruy Lopez Systems against Queen's Pawn Openings (SDVL) The ABC of the Vienna (SDVL) The ABC of Chess Openings 2nd edition The ABC of the Anti-Dutch (SDVL16bit) The ABC of the Benko The ABC of the Benko Gambit 2nd Edition The ABC of the Bogo Indian-SDVL16 The ABC of the Budapest Gambit-SDVL The ABC of the Caro Kann-SDVL The ABC Of The Classical Dutch-SDVL The ABC of the Czech Benoni The ABC of the Evan's Gambit (SDVL16bit) The ABC of The King's Indian 2nd edition The ABC of the Leningrad Dutch (SDVL16bit) The ABC of the Modern Benoni The ABC of the Modern Slav 2nd Edition-SDVL The ABC of the Ruy Lopez 2E SDVL 72MB The ABC of the Sicilian Dragon (SDVL16bit) The Basics of Winning Chms (SDVL) The Queens Gambit Declined The Scandinavian-The easy way-2nd-SDVL The Trompowsky - The easy way - 2nd Edition(SDVL)

Meyer, Mueller - The Magic of Chess Tactics Mikhalchishin - 1. e4 e5 active repertoire for Black-SDVL Mikhalchishin - Bishop Against Knight-60 Min-SDVL Mikhalchishin - Decision Making in Chess (SDVL16bit) Mikhalchishin - Fighting the Grunfeld with g3 -SDVL Mikhalchishin - Play the King's Indian Defence with g3 in 60 minutes - SDVL Mikhalchishin - Power of Exchange (16bit audio) Mikhalchishin - Power of Planning (SDVL16bit) Mikhalchishin - Strategy 5-Winning Methods of Great Players-SDVL Mikhalchishin - Strategy University vol.l Mikhalchishin - Strategy University vol.2 Mikhalchishin - Strategy University Vol.3 - Pawn Sacrifice ESDVI, Mikhalchishin - Strategy University vol.4 -The Technique Of Realising The Win-SD VL Mikhalchishin - The Arkhangels Mikhalchishin - The King in the center in 60min (SDVL16bit audio) Mikhalchishin - The secret weapons of the champions (SDVL16bit) Mikhalchishin - Winning Structurm (SDVL16bit)

Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller

Chess Chess Chess Chess Chess Chess Chess Chess Chess Chess Chess Chess Chess

Endgames Endgames Endgames Endgames Endgames Endgames Endgames Endgames Endgames Endgames Endgames Endgames Endgames

1 FIXED (SDVL16bit) 2 - Rook Endgames SDVL16bit) 3 major piece endgames (SDVL16bit) 4 Strategical Endgames (SDVL16bit) 5 6 - Endgame Principles Domination & Prophylaxis 7 - Endgame Principles Weaknesses & Fortresses 8 9 - Rook And Minor Piece 10 - Rook And Two Minor Pieces - SDVL 11-English SDVL 12 - Rook vs Knight-SDVL 13

Ramirez - Attacking with the Benko Gambit -SDVL Ramirez - Attacking with the Benko Pa. SDVL Ramirez - The Reti-A Flexible Attacking Opening-SDVL32 Ris - Attacking the Semi-Slav with g3 in 60 min-SDVL Ris - Fighting for the initiative with the Fajarowicz Gambit-SDVL Seirawan - My Best Games (SDVL) Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov Shirov And Action! How to crown positional play by tactics-SDVL Beating the Berlin Defense - SDVL Endgame Fireworks Shirov - French Winawer Guide to the Tkachiev Ruy Lopez My Best Games in the Caro Kann Defence (SDVL 16bit) My best games in the Gruenfeld My Best Games in the Kings Indian My Be. Games in the Nimzo Indian My best games in the Petroff Defence (SDVL16bit) My Best Games In The Sicilian My best games in the Sicilian Najdorf My Be. Games in the Slav & Semi-Slav (SDVL16bit) My best games in the Spanish Vol. 3 (SDVL16bit) My best games in the Sveshnikov (SDVL16bit) My Best Games with Black (SDVL16bit) Sicilian Najdorf 6.Bg5 Sicilian with Bb5 Spanish Vol.1-SDVL Spanish Vol.2-SDVL The Advance Caro-Kann - 2nd edition (SDVL) The Philidor Defence (SDVL16bit) The Slav and Semi-Slav Revisited

Short - Greatest Hits Volumel (SDVL16bit) Short - Greate. Hits Volume 2 (SDVL16bit) Tiviakov Tiviakov Tiviakov Tiviakov Tiviakov Tiviakov Tiviakov Alapin SDVL Attacking with the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez-SDVL How to combat rare lines as Black-BP-MP4 Maroczy system No Fear Of 1.d4! Vol.01 - Catalan And Queens Indian No Fear Of 1.d4! Vol.02 - Nimzo-Indian - SDVL Scandinavian With 3...Qd6

Trent - Winning with the Fantasy Variation in 60 minutes Trent - Smith-Morra Gambit (SDVL) Trent - Two Knights Defence (SDVL)

van van van van Van

Wely Wely Wely Wely Wely

An Anti Sicilian Repertoire in 60 min-SDVL Fighting Against The Kings Indian - 60min Play the Sicilian Najdorf in 60 min. (SDVL) The Botvinnik and Moscow variation (SDVL 16bit) The Sicilian Sveshnikov

Wells - Strategy and Tactics 16bit-SVDL 27MB Ziegler - Modern Benoni - SDVL Ziegler - The Art of the Exchange Sacrifice-SDVL Ziegler - The French Defence

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