The Common Foe

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The Common Foe

Perceptions of Persia and Macedon in Demosthenes' public speeches.

Mounir Lahcen 3359859 31-03-2011


Introduction Chapter I: Settin the Sta e Chapter II: "er#ian "rominence Chapter III: Mea#urin Macedon Chapter I$: %n %&'&ard %((iance Conc(u#ion *i+(io raph,

3 ! 8 21 2) 33 35

%# i# e-ident .rom the tit(e a+o-e/ the concept o. a 0common .oe0 i# the #u+1ect o. thi# e##a,2 Thi# phra#e denote# the #ocio(o ica( imp(ication that peop(e &ho identi., them#e(-e# a# a communit, o.ten indu( e in the portra,a( o. an externa( communit, a# di..erent/ or 0other0/ &hich ha# the potentia( to (ead to a po(ari3ation +et&een 0u#0 and 0them02 It i# #a.e to #a, that thi# concept i# em+edded in human nature/ .or &e ha-e encountered it con#tant(, acro## the a e# #ince the da&n o. ci-i(i3ation2 4ur pre#ent-da, communit, i# #ure(, no exception2 Spea'in .or the 5ether(and#/ &e #ti(( .ind a #uper.icia( animo#it, to&ard# 6erman, on the +a#i# o. act# done in the pa#t2 Ta'in a +roader -ie&/ the ordinar, citi3en# o. the 07e#t0 #ti(( en1o, re ardin the .ormer So-iet #phere a# +ac'&ard#/ and to portra, it# inha+itant# a# -od'a-#(urpin mon re(#2 The (ate#t addition to the 0other#0 i# certain(, the I#(amic midd(e-ea#t/ &hich i# common(, #een a# mo#t(, con#i#tin o. re(i iou# .anatic# &ho#e prime purpo#e in (i.e i# the de#truction o. the 07e#t02 5eed(e## to #a,/ the#e -ie&# are .ar .rom rea(i#tic2 8-ident(, that i# not their purpo#e9 rather the, are in#trumenta( in de.inin one0# communit,2 8-er, communit, i# inherent(, ethnocentric/ and the #uppo#ed exi#tence o. a common .oe i# hi h(, -a(ua+(e in #tren thenin a common identit,2 Thi# i# not hard to under#tand9 it i# ea#, to exto( one0# o&n -irtue# +, ho(din de radin -ie&# o. tho#e &ho do thin # other&i#e2 There.ore it i# hard(, #urpri#in that it i# extreme(, i. not impo##i+(e/ to .ind a communit, that doe# not ha-e a common .oe o. #ort# : pro-ided the, ha-e 'no&(ed e o. other communitie#2 Thi# e##a, &i(( concentrate on the a.orementioned thematic in the context o. .ourth-centur, %then#2 Throu h the e,e# o. ;emo#thene# <38! : 322 *C= &e ma, attempt to recon#truct the popu(ar %thenian -ie&# to&ard# the 0other0/ the "er#ian empire in thi# ca#e2 5atura((,/ it i# not a coincidence that the .ocu# i# on the &or'# o. ;emo#thene#2 %part .rom the o+-iou# rea#on# : hi# #ur-i-in corpu# : he a(#o &itne##ed the ri#e to po&er o. Macedon/ and he certain(, did not re ard thi# &ith indi..erence2 >i# career i# chie.(, de.ined +, hi# a itation a ain#t Macedon/ and thi#/ in turn/ ha# con#e?uence# .or hi# perception# o. "er#ia2 In a recent #tud,/ "eter >unt ha# pointed out that ;emo#thene# exp(icit(, re-er#e# hi# opinion o. "er#ia throu hout hi# career2 >e #tate# that 0amora( ca(cu(ation# o. intere#t <@= o a (on &a, to&ard# exp(ainin ;emo#thene#0 re-er#a( on "er#ia201 Thou h it i# hard to di#a ree &ith >unt0# a##e##ment/ a# &e #ha(( #ee/ there i# more to +e #aid a+out thi# re-er#a(2 The aim o. thi# e##a,/ then/ i# to trace thi# re-er#a(9 ho& did ;emo#thene# mana e to #u#tain hi# po(itica( inte rit, &hi(#t comp(ete(, re-er#in hi# opinion on #uch a/ .or hi#torica( rea#on#/ de(icate #u+1ect a# the "er#ian empireA %nd to &hat extent can thi# re-er#a( +e
1 "eter >unt/ War, Peace, and Alliance in Demosthenes' Athens <Cam+rid e 2010=/ 832

attri+uted to the threatenin ri#e to prominence o. "hi(ip II o. MacedonA In order to .u((, under#tand ;emo#thene#0 perception#/ a #hort hi#torica( context i# nece##ar, a ain#t &hich ;emo#thene#0 -ie&# ma, +e 1ud ed9 &hat &a# the common 6ree' attitude to&ard# the "er#ian empireA Thi# &i(( +e the #tartin point o. the e##a,/ a.ter &hich ;emo#thene#0 pu+(ic #peeche# &i(( +e treated in chrono(o ica( order &ith a c(ear empha#i# on hi# depiction# o. "er#ia2

Chapter I: Settin the Sta e

To recon#truct the common 6ree' attitude to&ard# the "er#ian empire accurate(, i# a hi h(, pro+(ematic ta#'2 Immediate(, one i# con.ronted &ith a -ariet, o. &a# there #uch a thin a# a 0common 6ree'0 attitudeA To &hat extent do our #ur-i-in (iterar, #ource# repre#ent the conception# o. the pro-er+ia( man in the #treetA >o& deci#i-e are po(itica( .actor# in the creation o. an identit, o. the "er#ian 0other0/ a# oppo#ed to cu(tura( .actor#A To addre## the#e pro+(em#/ and re(ated ade?uate(, and in detai( i# a #u+#tantia( re#earch on it# o&n/ and I #ha(( ma'e no pretence# o. accomp(i#hin #uch a .eat in the .e& &ord# de-oted to thi# #u+1ect2 >o&e-er/ it i# po##i+(e to #'etch a conci#e o-er-ie& o. the dominant 6ree' attitude# to&ard# "er#ia2 In .act/ thi# i# e-en mandator,/ .or &e cannot 1ud e ;emo#thene#0 perception# to&ard# "er#ia &ithout a proper context2 5ot on(, &ou(d ;emo#thene# him#e(. +e in.(uenced +, the dominant -ie&# o. "er#ia/ +ut the #ame app(ie# .or hi# audience/ and an, #ucce##.u( orator &ou(d ha-e (itt(e choice +ut to pa, heed to the conception# o. hi# audience2 Thu# I #ha(( attempt to touch +rie.(, on thi# #u+1ect/ ma'in a((o&ance# .or the (ac' o. depth2 It i# u#e.u( to emp(o, the di#tinction +et&een action-+a#ed and #tatu#-+a#ed perception#9 in rou h term#/ a #tate0# attitude and conduct to&ard other #tate# can depend on &hat the, do <action= and &hat the, are <#tatu#=22 5atura((,/ the t&o corre#pond/ and thi# i# certain(, the ca#e &ith "er#ia2 The #tatu# o. "er#ia a# antithetica( to the 6ree'# deri-e# .rom their action# in the 6reco-"er#ian 7ar# <!90-!B9=2 The#e &ar# &ere the de.inin moment concernin 6ree' perception# to&ard "er#ia/ &hich i# re.(ected in +oth (iterar, and archaeo(o ica( e-idence2 >erodotu# i# our prime (iterar, #ource on the "er#ian 7ar#9 in hi# >i#torie# he #et out to en#ure that the 0mar-e((ou# deed#0 done in the "er#ian 7ar# &ou(d 0not +e .or otten in time0 <>dt2 12121=2 3 >o&e-er/ he accomp(i#he# much more than that2 Throu hout hi# &or'/ one o. hi# recurrin theme# i# the antithe#i# o. .reedom -er#u# #(a-er,9 the .ir#t em+odied +, the 6ree'#/ the #econd +, the "er#ian +ar+arian#2 >e de#cri+e#
2 "eter >unt/ War, Peace, and Alliance/ B22 3 >erodotu#/ Histories &ith an 8n (i#h tran#(ation +, %2;2 6od(e, <Cam+rid e 1920=2 Found in .u(( text at &&&2per#eu#2tu.t#2edu

ho& the "er#ian #o(dier-#(a-e#/ .ar .rom adept at .i htin / &ere dri-en .or&ard +, the &hip# o. their ma#ter# <>dt2 B222323= and enera((, .ou ht in con.u#ion and +ere.t o. #trate , <>dt2 828)=2 For a(( their ar antuan num+er#/ the +ar+arian horde had to +ite the du#t &hen en a in in com+at &ith the +ra-e 6ree'#/ &ho .ou ht -a(iant(, to pre#er-e their .reedom and their &a, o. (i.e/ threatened a# the#e &ere +, the +ar+arian#2 Thi# train o. thou ht &a# certain(, not re#tricted to >erodotu#9 it &a# a(#o e-ident in the architectura( de-e(opment# in %then#2 In !80/ %then# &a# #ac'ed +, the "er#ian# and the pu+(ic +ui(din # on the %cropo(i# &ere utter(, de#tro,ed2 To the %thenian#/ thi# &a# #acri(e e o. the mo#t dire .orm/ and it contri+uted #i ni.icant(, to their contempt o. the#e #a-a e +ar+arian#2 In re#pon#e to the de#truction/ the, #&ore an oath <the #o-ca((ed 4ath o. "(ataea= to (ea-e their temp(e# in ruin# a# a reminder o. "er#ian +ar+ari#m2! The "eace o. Ca((ia# o. !!9/ in &hich the %thenian# .ina((, conc(uded a peace treat, &ith the "er#ian#/ pro-ided the e-entua( 1u#ti.ication .or commencin the re+ui(din o. the temp(e# o. the acropo(i#2 The centrepiece o. thi# pro1ect &a# the "arthenon/ +ui(t +et&een !!B and !322 4. particu(ar #i ni.icance to u# are the "arthenon0# decorati-e metope#/ depictin the -ictorie# o. order and ci-i(i3ation o-er di#order and +ar+ari#m2 5 Thou h thi# thematic &a# i((u#trated &ith m,tho(o ica( examp(e#/ a# &a# traditiona(/ it #hou(d come a# no #urpri#e that it &a# a re.erence to the 6ree' -ictor, o-er the "er#ian +ar+arian#2 In a #en#e/ then/ the "arthenon &a# a concrete reminder o. "er#ian +ar+ari#m and (itera((, #et the antithe#i# o. 6ree'-*ar+arian in #tone2 %pproachin the .ourth centur,/ &e encounter po##i+(, the mo#t .amou# champion o. pan>e((eni#m in hi# da,9 I#ocrate# <!3)-338 *C=2 Thou h hi# reputation i#/ to a (ar e extent/ +a#ed on hi# #'i((# a# an orator and #peech-&riter <he i# part o. the canonica( 0 ten attic orator#0/ to &hich ;emo#thene# a(#o +e(on #=/ &hen it come# to po(itic# he i# chie.(, 'no&n .or hi# appea(# to pan>e((eni#m2 >i# idea( &a# an united 6ree' &or(d/ .ree .rom the pett, #tri.e that ha# p(a ued it #ince the end o. the "er#ian 7ar#2 7ith thi# hi#torica( examp(e in mind/ I#ocrate#0 main ar ument .or ad-ocatin pan->e((eni#m &a# a cru#ade a ain#t the "er#ian empire2 Thi# (ead# to hi# em+racin / and indeed expoundin / o. the #tereot,pica( attitude -er#u# "er#ia2 In hi# Panegyricus/ dated to 380 *C/ &e encounter the .o((o&in pa##a e &hich i# remini#cent o. the mentioned theme o. >erodotu#: <@= .or it i# not po##i+(e .or peop(e &ho are reared and o-erned a# are the "er#ian#/ either to ha-e a part in an, other .orm o. -irtue or to #et up on the .ie(d o. +att(e trophie# o. -ictor, o-er their .oe#2 For ho& cou(d either an a+(e enera( or a ood #o(dier +e produced amid #uch &a,# o. (i.e a# their#A Mo#t
! Cohn "ed(e,/ Sanctuaries and the Sacred in the Ancient Gree World <Cam+rid e 2009=/ 1912 5 I+id2 B02

o. their popu(ation i# a mo+ &ithout di#cip(ine or experience o. dan er#/ &hich ha# (o#t a(( #tamina .or &ar and ha# +een trained more e..ecti-e(, .or #er-itude than are the #(a-e# in our countr,2 <I#oc2 !2150=) >ere I#ocrate# empha#i3e# the #(a-i#h character o. the "er#ian#/ &hich (ead# to their incapa+i(it, in matter# o. &ar/ a# >erodotu# noted ear(ier2 The experience# o. the "er#ian 7ar# #ti(( re#onated in the 6ree' &or(d in the ear(, .ourth centur,/ a# i# a(#o e-ident +, I#ocrate# depiction o. the "er#ian# a# 0natura( enemie#0 and 0hereditar, .oe#0 <!218!=2 7hether I#ocrate# cho#e to exp(oit anti-"er#ian #entiment# .or hi# ad-ocatin o. pan>e((eni#m i#/ in thi# context/ academic2 %nother author &ho pro-ide# u# &ith in#i ht# into the common attitude to&ard# "er#ia &a# Denophon <ca2 !30-355 *C=2 It ha# +een common(, a##umed that Denophon &a#/ (i'e mo#t 6ree'#/ inherent(, ho#ti(e to&ard# "er#ia2 Thi# a##umption i# +a#ed upon #e-era( pa##a e# o. hi# &or'#/ #uch a# the .amou# epi(o ue o. the !yropaedia/ &here Denophon comment# on the continuou# mora( dec(ine #een in "er#ia #ince the death o. C,ru#/ the .ounder o. the "er#ian 8mpire <Den2 !yrop. 82821 ..2=2 >o&e-er/ Ste-en >ir#ch ha# de-oted a #tud, to thi# #u+1ect &hich ar ue# a ain#t #uch #imp(i.ication# o. Denophon0# thou ht2 %ccordin to >ir#ch/ Denophon0# attitude to&ard# "er#ia &a# am+i uou#/ e-en inc(udin 0con#idera+(e re#pect and admiration02 B >o&e-er/ &hen di#cu##in a pa##a e in Denophon0# Agesilaus &here the author contra#t# the (uxur,/ reed/ and de#poti#m o. the "er#ian 'in &ith the moderation/ .airne##/ and 1u#tice o. % e#i(au# <Den2 Ages. 921-5=/ e-en >ir#ch ha# to admit that Denophon apparent(, 0cou(d +rin him#e(. to p(a, upon anti"er#ian #entiment#0/ &hich in turn 0#a,# #omethin a+out him a# &e(( a# a+out the mood in contemporar, 6reece028 The .act that the Agesilaus &a# &ritten a.ter the death o. 'in % e#i(au# II o. Sparta in 3)0 *C pro-e# the (on e-it, o. the "er#ian #tatu# a# the oppo#ite o. e-er,thin the 6ree' ethnos #tood .or9 #uch #entiment# &ere apparent(, #ti(( actua( &e(( into the .ourth centur, *C/ re ard(e## o. Denophon0# endor#ement2 So .ar &e ha-e e#ta+(i#hed that the "er#ian #tereot,pe# <&ea'/ #(a-i#h/ e..eminate/ co&ard(,/ decadent and the (i'e= &ere/ to #ome extent/ #ti(( em+raced +, the 6ree'# at the time that ;emo#thene# #tarted hi# po(itica( career in 35!E32 Cart(ed e note# that it &a# 0in the .ourth centur, FthatG the more articu(ate and con#er-ati-e 6ree'# +e an to .ormu(ate a theor, o. the re(ation#hip

) I#ocrate#2 I#ocrate# &ith an an 8n (i#h tran#(ation in three -o(ume#/ +, 6eor e 5or(in <Cam+rid e 1980=2 Found in .u(( text at &&&2per#eu#2tu.t#2edu B Ste-en 72 >ir#ch/ "he #riendship of the $arbarians. %enophon and the Persian &mpire <H2S2%2 1985=/ 1!02 8 I+id2 1!12

+et&een 6ree'# and their +ar+arian nei h+our# that en#hrined the ne ati-e/ #(a-i#h #tereot,pe02 9 The theor, he i# re.errin to i# that o. pan->e((eni#m a# em+odied +, I#ocrate#/ +ut a(#o +, Denophon2 5e-erthe(e##/ throu h the (iterar, #ource# and architecture pre#ented here/ &e ain acce## to the thin'in / or rather pre1udice/ o. 0ordinar, 6ree'#02 In the &ord# o. Cart(ed e9 0con.irmation that thi# i# indeed the #tandard -ie& i# ea#i(, .ound in a &ide ran e o. %thenian (iterature/ .or examp(e the p(a,# o. %e#ch,(u# and 8uripide#/ <222= and #peeche# de(i-ered +e.ore ma## 1urie# in the %thenian popu(ar 1ur,-court#2010 >o&e-er/ thi# a##e##ment i# a(( the more remar'a+(e i. &e con#ider the #phere o. practica( po(itic#9 the "er#ian monarch had p(a,ed an in.(uentia( ro(e in 6ree' po(itic# #ince the (atter ha(. o. the centur,/ and thi# ro(e &a# certain(, not re#tricted to +ein on the recei-in end o. dero ator, &ord#2 In .act/ there are #e-era( examp(e# o. the 6ree'# -,in .or the #upport o. the "er#ian 'in in their &ar#/ and more o.ten than not #uch #upport cou(d tip the +a(ance in the .a-our o. the part, in ?ue#tion2 The mo#t i((u#trati-e examp(e i# .ound at the end o. the Corinthian 7ar <395-38) *C=/ in &hich Sparta mana ed to c(in on to it# he emon,2 The -ictoriou# Spartan enera( %nta(cida# reached an a reement &ith Tiri+a3u#/ the "er#ian #atrap o. Sardi#/ that (aid the .oundation .or a peace treat, under "er#ian #pon#or#hip211 %# #uch/ the peace treat, i# 'no&n a# the "eace o. %nta(cida#/ or/ a(ternati-e(,/ the Iin 0# "eace2 Denophon pro-ide# u# &ith an epitome o. the treat,: JIin %rtaxerxe# thin'# it 1u#t that the citie# in %#ia #hou(d +e(on to him/ a# &e(( a# C(a3omenae and C,pru# amon the i#(and#/ and that the other 6ree' citie#/ +oth #ma(( and reat/ #hou(d +e (e.t independent/ except Lemno#/ Im+ro#/ and Sc,ro#9 and the#e #hou(d +e(on / a# o. o(d/ to the %thenian#2 *ut &hiche-er o. the t&o partie# doe# not accept thi# peace/ upon them I &i(( ma'e &ar/ in compan, &ith tho#e &ho de#ire thi# arran ement/ +oth +, (and and +, #ea/ &ith #hip# and &ith mone,2K <Den2 Hell. 521231=12 There can hard(, +e a more conci#e pa##a e that i((u#trate# 1u#t ho& in.(uentia( the "er#ian monarch &a# in 6ree' a..air#2 %(#o/ the Iin 0# "eace &a# rene&ed #e-era( time# o-er the .o((o&in decade#9 a te#timon, to the &ide#pread #upport .or it# enera( princip(e# <mo#t nota+(, the 0independent0/ or 0autonomia' c(au#e=/ not&ith#tandin the .act that 'in % e#i(au# II o. Sparta u#ed the "eace a# a
9 "au( Cart(ed e/ "he Gree s. A Portrait of Self and 'thers. <5e& Lor' 2002=/ 582 10 I+id2 5)2 11 Cohn *uc'(er and >an# *ec'/ !entral Greece and the Politics of Po(er in the #ourth !entury $!. <5e& Lor' 2008=/ 92 12 Denophon2 Denophon &ith an 8n (i#h tran#(ation in Se-en $o(ume#/ +, Car(eton L2 *ro&n#on <Cam+rid e 1921=2 Found in .u(( text at &&&2per#eu#2tu.t#2edu

0too( to .or e Spartan a#cendanc, in 6reece02 13 It i# e-ident/ then/ that the ideo(o ica( +arrier +et&een the 6ree'# and the "er#ian# &a# -er, rea( and actua(/ ,et on no account impre na+(e2 To return to the princip(e# o. 0#tatu#-+a#ed0 and 0action-+a#ed0 orientation/ &e can #i ni., that +oth &ere at &or' #imu(taneou#(,2 4n the one hand/ the "er#ian# had the #tatu# o. ?uinte##entia( other9 +ar+arian# &ith a(( the ne ati-e connotation# imp(ied2 4n the other hand/ the 6ree' poleis had no trou+(e (oo'in +e,ond thi# #tatu#/ #ince "er#ia a(#o had the capa+i(it, to pro-ide +a(ance-tippin #upport2 ;emo#thene# him#e(. a(#o #i thi# trend/ and he #a,# the .o((o&in on the #u+1ect: %(( durin the pa#t 6reece &a# di-ided into t&o camp#/ the Lacedaemonian#0 and our#/ and o. the other 6ree'# #ome too' their order# .rom u#/ other# .rom them2 The 'in o. "er#ia/ in him#e(./ &a# e?ua((, di#tru#ted +, a((/ +ut +, ta'in up the cau#e o. the (o#in #ide in the #tru (e/ he retained their con.idence unti( he cou(d put them on an e?ua(it, &ith the other#9 +ut therea.ter he &a# no (e## hated +, tho#e he had #a-ed than +, tho#e &ho had +een hi# enemie# .rom the +e innin 2 <;em2 10251=1! ;emo#thene# a##e##e# that the #earch .or "er#ian #upport &a# pure(, pra matic/ and a# #uch did not pre-ent the 6ree'# .rom 'eepin the ideo(o ica( hi h- round/ (oo'in do&n at "er#ian +ar+ari#m2 I thin' thi# i# exact(, ri ht9 the 6ree' ethnocentric conception# con#i#tent(, put the "er#ian# in the corner o. +ar+ari#m/ de#pite the in.(uentia( ro(e the "er#ian monarch p(a,ed in contemporar, 6ree' po(itic#2 For the 0ordinar,0 6ree'#/ "er#ia remained the 0hereditar, .oe0/ to u#e I#ocrate#0 phra#e/ and it i# #a.e to #a, that the %thenian 8''(e#ia &a# no exception2 It i# in thi# context that ;emo#thene# made hi# po(itica( de+ut in 35!E3/ and &e #ha(( #ee that thi# i# not &ithout con#e?uence#2

Chapter II: "er#ian "rominence

5o& &e come to the proper #u+1ect o. thi# e##a,9 the #peeche# o. ;emo#thene#2 *e.ore (oo'in at the#e in detai(/ it i# nece##ar, to #a, a .e& &ord# a+out the nature o. our #ource#2 Fir#t o../ it mu#t +e #aid that on(, hi# pu+(ic #peeche#/ that i#/ the #peeche# to the 8''(e#ia/ &i(( +e treated here2 ;emo#thene#0 #ur-i-in corpu# o. #ixt,-one #peeche# ha# traditiona((, +een #u+-di-ided +, cate or,/ in &hich the .ir#t #e-enteen oration# +e(on to the cate or, o. hi# pu+(ic #peeche#2 The
13 *uc'(er/ !entral Greece/ B1-B32 1! ;emo#thene#/ ;emo#thene# &ith an 8n (i#h tran#(ation +, C2%2 $ince and C2>2 $ince <London 192)=2 Found in .u(( text at &&&2per#eu#2tu.t#2edu

exception i# 4ration 12/ &hich i# in .act a (etter o. "hi(ip II o. Macedon2 %(#o/ mo#t #cho(ar# +e(ie-e that 4ration# B and 1B are pro+a+(, not &ritten +, ;emo#thene#/ #o tho#e &i(( +e omitted here a# &e((2 There are a .e& other #peeche# o. &hich the authenticit, i# di#puted/ mo#t nota+(, 4ration 10/

+ut I #ha(( a-oid an e(a+orate di#cu##ion on thi# #u+1ect/ #a-e .or a .e& +rie. note# &hen arri-in

at the #peeche# in ?ue#tion2 Thu# on(, 4ration B and 1B &i(( +e re1ected outri ht on round# o. authenticit,2 Furthermore/ the &ritten #peeche# a# &e ha-e them ma, not corre#pond .u((, to the #peeche# that &ere actua((, de(i-ered21) ;emo#thene# pro+a+(, prepared hi# #peeche# on paper +e.ore de(i-er,/ and #ince the com.ort o. one0# pri-ate re#idence #i ni.icant(, .rom the atmo#phere o. the "n,x/ &here #ome #ix thou#and citi3en# ma, cheer or reproach the #pea'er at &i((/ chance# are ;emo#thene# ma, ha-e had to di re## .rom hi# prepared &or'2 It i# e?ua((, po##i+(e that ;emo#thene# re-i#ed hi# #peeche# .or pu+(ication a.ter he de(i-ered them2 Thi# exp(ain# a .e& 'no&n in#tance# o. re.erence# +, other orator# to pa##a e# o. ;emo#thene#0 #peeche# &hich are a(( +ut a+#ent in the #peeche# a# &e ha-e them2 5atura((,/ mar ina( di..erence# +et&een the actua( &ord# #po'en and the &ritten &ord# &e &or' &ith are +ut a minor incon-enience/ +ut a .undamenta( di..erence &ou(d #eriou#(, compromi#e our u#e o. the #peeche# a# #ource# re.(ectin popu(ar %thenian thin'in 2 Thou h certaint, on thi# di(emma i# impo##i+(e/ it i# m, con-iction that the di..erence# are pro+a+(, more #uper.icia( than .undamenta(2 It i# hard to +e(ie-e that an, orator &ou(d et a&a, &ith #a,in one thin in the 8''(e#ia/ and pu+(i#hin #omethin comp(ete(, oppo#ed to it #hort(, a.ter&ard#9 e-en in our pre#ent-da, democracie# thi# i# .ro&ned upon2 La#t(,/ #ome &ord# mu#t +e #aid a+out the tran#mi##ion o. the ;emo#thenic corpu#2 There are t&o name# particu(ar(, important in thi# re#pect9 ;ion,#iu# o. >a(icarna##u# <ca2 )0 *C : B *C= and ;id,mu# Cha(centeru# <ca2 )3 *C : 10 %;=2 *oth o. them ha-e &ritten exten#i-e(, on ;emo#thene#0 #peeche# and pro-ide a -a(ua+(e in#i ht into the #tate o. the ;emo#thenic corpu# in the %u u#tan a e21B ;ion,#iu# i# main(, important .or hi# &or' on the datin o. mo#t o. the pu+(ic #peeche# o. ;emo#thene#2 Hn.ortunate(,/ he pro-ide# (itt(e to no 1u#ti.ication .or the date# he i-e#/ +ut hi# &or' i# -a(ua+(e nonethe(e##2 Su+#e?uent hi#torica( re#earch in the nineteenth and/ to a (e##er extent/ t&entieth centur, ha# pro-en hi# o-era(( correctne##2 18 %# &ith the ?ue#tion o. authenticit,/ I #ha(( omit mo#t o. the di#cu##ion on the datin 2 4n(, &ith #peeche# in &hich the
15 See .or examp(e: ;ou (a# M2 Mac;o&e((/ Demosthenes the 'rator <4x.ord 2009=/ 35!-355/ "eter >unt/ War, Peace, and Alliance/ 2B!-2B5 and Maphae( Sea(e,/ Demosthenes and His "ime. A Study in Defeat. <5e& Lor' 1993=/ 230-2!12 1) Ian 7orthin ton/ 06ree' 4rator,/ Me-i#ion o. Speeche# and the "ro+(em o. >i#torica( Me(ia+i(it,0 in: !lassica et Mediae)alia !2 <1991=/ 55-B!2 1B Sea(e,/ Demosthenes, 225-2282 18 M2;2 Mi(n#/ 0The "u+(ic Speeche# o. ;emo#thene#0 in: Ian 7orthin ton <ed2= Demosthenes. Statesman and 'rator. <Corn&a(( 2000=/ 20)2

datin i# hi h(, pro+(ematic #ha(( I touch on the i##ue and expound m, -ie&#2 ;id,mu# Cha(centeru# ha# pro-ided exten#i-e commentar, on ;emo#thene#0 #peeche#/ in particu(ar to ?ue#tion# o. authenticit,2 Thou h ;ion,#iu# a(#o touched on thi# #u+1ect/ ;id,mu# i# the more -a(ua+(e #ource in thi# re#pect #ince he name# the #ource# on &hich he +a#e# hi# conc(u#ion#2 >i# in#i ht# pro-ed tremendou#(, -a(ua+(e in (ater time#2 7hi(e 4ration 10 &a# enera((, re arded a# non- enuine in the nineteenth centur,/ it &a# ;id,mu#0 &or' that pro-ed other&i#e and a# #uch &a# the +a#i# o. .urther re#earch out o. &hich a ne& con#en#u# emer ed9 that 4ration 10 i# mo#t (i'e(, authentic a.ter a((219 Thi# conc(ude# the a##e##ment o. the #ource materia(2 I #ha(( no& proceed &ith the pu+(ic #peeche# o. ;emo#thene# in chrono(o ica( order/ hi h(i htin the pa##a e# &hich #hed (i ht on hi# perception# o. "er#ia or other&i#e contri+ute to our under#tandin o. hi# -ie&# on .orei n po(ic,/ inter#tate re(ation#/ ethnic di-i#ion# and a(( other matter# that can in.(uence hi# treatment o. the "er#ian 8mpire2 'n the Symmories*+ <4ration 1!= The #peech 'n the Symmories i# the .ir#t extant pu+(ic #peech to the 8''(e#ia +, ;emo#thene#2 It i# pro+a+(, the .ir#t #peech he e-er made to the 8''(e#ia/ .or it i# hard to +e(ie-e he he(d an ear(ier oration &ithout &ritten preparation #ince/ at thi# #ta e/ he &a# #ti(( an inexperienced orator <thou h/ it mu#t +e added/ an experienced #peech-&riter due to hi# experience in &ritin pri-ate #peeche# .or other# to u#e in their (a&#uit#=2 The occa#ion on &hich thi# #peech &a# de(i-ered i# impo##i+(e to recon#truct in detai( #ince &e ha-e no other re.erence# to it except .or thi# #peech/ and ;emo#thene# him#e(. doe# not o into the#e detai(#/21 a# he &a# an orator and not a hi#torian2 The #peech &a# he(d in 35!E3 and dea(# &ith a po##i+(e "er#ian in-a#ion2 %then# &a# apparent(, a(armed +ecau#e o. a rumour that the "er#ian 'in / %rtaxerxe# III/ &a# preparin a mi(itar, expedition2 Thi# expedition &a# in .act not aimed at the 6ree'#/ +ut pro+a+(, directed at 8 ,pt &hich had +een in turmoi( .or #e-era( ,ear# at thi# point222 Since the #u+1ect o. the oration i#/ at (ea#t in part/ the "er#ian 8mpire <the midd(e #ection o. the #peech/ 1!215-29/ con#i#t# o. concrete propo#a(# to re.orm the #,mmorie#/ that i#/ roupin # o.
19 See n215 20 The tran#(ation I ha-e u#ed .or the ;emo#thenic corpu# choo#e# to entit(e thi# #peech 04n the 5a-,-+oard#02 I ha-e cho#en .or the more accurate/ and indeed more common/ tran#(ation o. 04n the S,mmorie#0/ #ince the modern term o. 0na-,-+oard#0 doe# not encompa## the .u(( meanin o. 0#,mmorie#09 the 0#,mmorie#0 a(#o inc(ude a contri+ution to the &ar-tax/ a# &e(( a# #uper-i#in the na-,2 21 Lione( "ear#on/ "he Art of Demosthenes <Mei#enheim am 6(an 19B!=/ 1132 22 Mac;o&e((/ Demosthenes the 'rator, 1!22


citi3en# re#pon#i+(e .or #uper-i#in the na-, and contri+utin to the eisphora/ the extraordinar, &ar-tax=/ it pro-ide# u# &ith a p(ethora o. in.ormation on ;emo#thene#0 attitude to&ard# "er#ia2 It i# e-ident that tho#e &ho #po'e +e.ore ;emo#thene# ar ued .or mi(itar, action/ not omittin the heroic examp(e# o. hi#tor,2 ;emo#thene# him#e(. ar ue# .or a more cautiou# po(ic, and &arn# the %thenian# not to pro-o'e the "er#ian 'in / +ut rather to impro-e their mi(itar, preparation# .or an, po##i+(e threat2 %.ter a #hort introduction/ ;emo#thene# continue#: <@= .ir#t i-in ,ou +rie.(, m, -ie&# a+out our re(ation# &ith the 6reat Iin 2 I admit that he i# the common enem, o. a(( the 6ree'#9 ,et I &ou(d not on that account ad-i#e ,ou to underta'e a &ar a ain#t him +, ,our#e(-e# apart .rom the re#t/ .or I o+#er-e that the 6ree'# them#e(-e# are +, no mean# common .riend# o. one another/ +ut that certain o. them repo#e more con.idence in the Iin than in #ome o. their nei h+or#2 <;em2 1!22-3= The .ir#t comment# ;emo#thene# utter# on the "er#ian 'in are c(ear(, ideo(o ica( in nature2 >e 0admit#0 that the 'in i# in .act the common enem, o. the 6ree'#2 The rea#on he ha# to admit thi# rather than #tate it/ i# not/ in m, -ie&/ the po##i+i(it, that he doe# not actua((, +e(ie-e that/ +ut rather to 1u#ti., hi# #u+#e?uent in#i#tence on caution2 I. he omitted an, re.erence to "er#ia a# the common enem,/ &hi(#t the pre-iou# #pea'er# #ure(, &ou(d ha-e empha#i3ed it/ then hi# po(itica( opponent# &ou(d not he#itate to accu#e him o. 0medi#m0 23 and +etra,in hi# .e((o& 6ree'#2 %(#o/ &e mu#t not .or et that thi# i# in a(( (i'e(ine## ;emo#thene#0 .ir#t pu+(ic #peech9 #ure(, he &anted to ma'e a ood impre##ion and con.irm the conception# o. hi# audience2 >e then proceed# to ad-i#e caution +ecau#e not a(( 6ree'# #ee "er#ia a# the common enem,2 There are tho#e that &ou(d (ad(, #e(( out their .e((o& countr,men to "er#ia .or pri-ate ain2 >i# audience &ou(d not ha-e .ound thi# hard to +e(ie-e9 #ure(, the examp(e# named in the pre-iou# chapter &ou(d not ha-e +een a(ien to them2 %(#o it &ou(d con.irm them in the enera((, accepted notion that %then# &a# #uperior to other 6ree' citie#2 2! Thu#/ ri ht .rom the #tart &e #ee ;emo#thene# +a(ancin ideo(o ica( conception &ith practica( po(itic#9 "er#ia i# the common enem, +ut %then# mu#t not #tart a &ar 0apart .rom the re#t02 >o&e-er/ %then# doe# ha-e a re#pon#i+i(it,: For indeed/ a# re ard# ,our po(ic, to&ard# the Iin / I #ee that ,ou are +, no mean# on the #ame .ootin a# the other 6ree'#9 .or man, o. them it i#/ I #uppo#e/ po##i+(e to
23 The term 0Medi#m0 &a# a (in ui#tic (e ac, o. the "er#ian 7ar#2 The term &a# u#ed in an accu#ator, #en#e a ain#t tho#e &ho co((a+orated &ith the "er#ian#2 See .or examp(e Thuc,dide# 129525 2! C272 Mo+ert#/ !ity of So rates. An ,ntroduction to !lassical Athens <5e& Lor' 1998=/ )82


pur#ue their pri-ate intere#t# and a+andon the cau#e o. their countr,men/ +ut .or ,ou/ e-en &hen &ron ed +, them/ it &ou(d not +e honora+(e to exact #uch a pena(t, .rom the &ron -doer# a# to (ea-e an, o. them under the hee( o. the +ar+arian2 <;em2 1!2)= >ere ;emo#thene# e(a+orate# on the ideo(o ica( conception9 "er#ia i# the antithe#i# o. e-er,thin &hat i# 6ree'2 Thu# %then# ha# a mora( dut, in 'eepin the 6ree'# .ree .rom +ar+arian occupation2 8-en i. #ome 6ree'# &ou(d +e #o narro&-minded a# to "er#ia to their .e((o& 6ree'#/ to (ea-e them 0under the hee( o. the +ar+arian0 i# too har#h a puni#hment2 The c(a##ica( conception that "er#ia i# antithetica( to 6reece i# #ti(( -er, much a(i-e in ;emo#thene#0 orator, at thi# point/ thou h he concede#/ rud in (,/ that thi# point o. -ie& i# not uni-er#a((, #hared/ or at (ea#t practi#ed/ amon the other 6ree'#2 >e then continue# to ar ue that %then# #hou(d ma'e mi(itar, preparation# a ain#t +oth their .e((o& 6ree'# and a po##i+(e "er#ian in-a#ion/ +ut on no account ma'e an, pro-ocation#2 For i. the Iin attac'# 6reece/ then the other 6ree'# &i(( come .(oc'in to %then# in #earch o. aid/ &herea# i. %then# i# the a re##or/ man, o. the potentia( a((ie# &i(( re.rain .rom (endin an, a##i#tance <1!211-13=2 >a-in #poo'ed hi# .e((o& %thenian# enou h &ith the po##i+(, di#a#trou# con#e?uence# o. i norin hi# ad-ice/ he continue# to emp(o, #ome re.ined orator, to do&np(a, the actua( threat that "er#ia po#e#2 There are t&o pa##a e# in particu(ar in &hich he ar ue# thi# point that demand .urther attention2 %.ter eu(o i3in the heroic +att(e o. Sa(ami# <1!228= and thu# #tatin that the Iin &i(( ha-e (itt(e chance a ain#t the %thenian .(eet/ he continue#: *ut indeed/ i. he +a#e# hi# con.idence on hi# &ea(th/ he &i(( .ind thi# too a (e## #ure .oundation than ,our#2 >e i# +rin in / the, #a,/ o(d in p(ent,2 *ut i. he di#+ur#e# it/ he &i(( (oo' in -ain .or more9 .or e-en #prin # and &e((# ha-e a &a, o. .ai(in / i. one dra&# .rom them con#tant(, and (a-i#h(,2 *ut he &i(( hear that our re#ource# con#i#t o. the rata+(e -a(ue o. our countr,/ and ho& &e can .i ht in de.ence o. it a ain#t in-ader# .rom hi# (and/ tho#e ance#tor# o. hi# &ho .ou ht at Marathon +e#t 'no&9 +ut a# (on a# &e are -ictoriou#/ there i# #ure(, no pro#pect o. mone, .ai(in u#2 <;em2 1!229-30= ;emo#thene# here a##e##e# the %thenian .inancia( re#ource# a# #uperior to tho#e o. the "er#ian Iin 2 It i# hard to +e(ie-e that ;emo#thene# enuine(, +e(ie-ed thi#9 I thin' hi# #o(e intention i# to rea##ure hi# audience2 >i# #tatement i# e-ident(, untrue/ .or #ure(, the "er#ian .inancia( re#ource# exceeded one +i &ithdra&a( and the Iin cou(d a(&a,# co((ect more mone, .rom hi# exten#i-e 12

domain#2 >i# next pa##a e carrie# the #ame .ictitiou# #em+(ance: % ain/ &hat .ri hten# #ome o. ,ouNthat hi# &ea(th &i(( attract a (ar e mercenar, arm,Ndoe# not #tri'e me a# true2 For a(thou h I +e(ie-e that man, 6ree'# &ou(d con#ent to #er-e in hi# pa, a ain#t the 8 ,ptian# and 4ronte# and other +ar+arian#/ not #o much to ena+(e him to #u+due an, o. tho#e enemie# a# to &in .or them#e(-e# &ea(th and re(ie. .rom their pre#ent po-ert,/ ,et I do not thin' that an, 6ree' &ou(d attac' 6reece2 For &here &ou(d he retire a.ter&ard#A 7i(( he o to "hr, ia and +e a #(a-eA <;em2 1!231= Thi# pa##a e contra#t# #i ni.icant(, &ith hi# ear(ier (ac' o. tru#t in hi# .e((o& 6ree'#2 I. &e compare them/ the conc(u#ion i# that thou h #ome 6ree'# ma, (oo' to "er#ia .or pri-ate ain in the e-ent o. a &ar/ the, &i(( not o #o .ar a# to ta'e up arm# a ain#t their countr,men2 Thi# pa##a e thu# #tren then# the ideo(o ica( di-i#ion &hich ;emo#thene# expounded ear(ier2 >o&e-er/ it i# a ain e-ident(, untrue2 There are p(ent, o. hi#torica( examp(e# o. 6ree'# #idin &ith "er#ia a ain#t other 6ree'# in time# o. &ar/ #uch a# the Ionian# .i htin a ain#t the Lacedaemonian# in the +att(e o. Sa(ami# <>dt2 B285=2 8?ua((, .ee+(e i# hi# ar ument o. &here the traitor 6ree'# &ou(d retire2 Sure(, the, cou(d count on a com.orta+(e exi#tence in 6reece a.ter the con?ue#t &a# #ucce##.u((, +rou ht to a c(o#e2 I. &e a##ume that the aim o. +oth the#e pa##a e# &a# to rea##ure the %thenian audience then their reaction &ou(d +e o. the utmo#t importance2 7e can on(, ma'e an educated ue##2 4n the one hand/ I .ind it hard to +e(ie-e that the audience/ &hich #ure(, did expre## it# opinion# durin a #peech a# i# e-ident .rom .re?uent appea(# o. ;emo#thene# in .uture #peeche# to 0hear him out0 +e.ore pa##in 1ud ement/ &ou(d +e(ie-e the mentioned pa##a e#2 4n the other hand/ it cou(d -er, &e(( +e that the atmo#phere in %then# at the pro#pect o. a "er#ian in-a#ion &a# decided(, rim/ and that remar'# #uch a# the#e &ere more than &e(come2 "erhap# the other orator# that #po'e +e.ore ;emo#thene# a(#o expounded #uch -ie&#2 %t the -er, (ea#t it i# indicati-e o. a po#iti-e re#pon#e that ;emo#thene# did not exc(ude the#e pa##a e# in hi# po##i+(e re-i#ion o. the &ritten .orm a.ter&ard#2 %(ternati-e(,/ he ma, e-en ha-e added the#e pa##a e# in order to demon#trate hi# (iterar, and compo#itiona( a+i(itie#/25 and thu# the pre#ent ?ue#tion i# a .uti(e one2 ;emo#thene# continue# hi# ideo(o ica( ar ument#: Me ard(e##/

25 Ian 7orthin ton/ 0>i#tor, and oratorica( exp(oitation0 in: Ian 7orthin ton <ed2= Persuasion- Gree .hetoric in Action <5e& Lor' 199!=/ 115-11)2 Hn.ortunate(,/ I do not ha-e the #pace here to di re## .u((, on &h, the#e #e(ect pa##a e# cou(d contri+ute to the compo#itiona( arran ement# o. the .u(( #peech2 See 7orthin ton .or .urther readin 2


For the o+1ect# at #ta'e in a &ar a ain#t the +ar+arian are nothin (e## than our countr,/ our (i.e/ our ha+it#/ our .reedom/ and a(( #uch +(e##in #2 <222= Moreo-er/ it i# not e-en to the Iin 0# ad-anta e that mercenarie# #hou(d +eat the 6ree'#/ .or the men &ho #ha(( +eat u# ha-e +een hi# ma#ter# (on a o2 5o9 hi# o+1ect i# not/ a.ter de#tro,in u#/ to .ind him#e(. in the po&er o. other#/ +ut to ru(e a(( the &or(d/ i. he can/ or i. not/ at (ea#t tho#e &ho are no& hi# #(a-e#2 <;em2 1!232= >ere &e .ind the antithe#i# o. 6reece-"er#ia in it# mo#t unmiti ated .orm9 "er#ia i# portra,ed a# the ?uinte##entia( other o. e-er,thin the 6ree' cu(ture #tand# .or2 7hat i# more intere#tin a+out thi# pa##a e ho&e-er/ i# the .act that ;emo#thene# a##i n# an expan#ioni#t ideo(o , to the "er#ian Iin 9 he &i#he# to ru(e the &or(d i. he can2 The -a(ue thi# ha# .or con#tructin an a+#o(ute antithe#i# i# hard to undere#timate9 it add# a .ee(in o. con#tant threat2 %.ter a((/ it &a# one o. the .undamenta( a##umption# 6eor e Iennan ar ued .or in hi# 0Lon Te(e ram0 o. 19!)/ portra,in the So-iet Hnion a# inherent(, expan#ioni#t and in the proce## 'ic'-#tartin the ideo(o ica( +att(e o. the Co(d 7ar2 Thu# #uch ar ument# are hi h(, in#trumenta( in di-idin exc(u#i-e ideo(o ica( #phere#2 %pproachin the end o. hi# #peech/ ;emo#thene# once a ain return# to the #u+1ect o. the .e((o& 6ree'#2 >e emp(o,# #ome hi#torica( ar ument#/ c(aimin that a# (on a# a(( the 6ree'# &ere o. one mind in oppo#in the "er#ian Iin the, 0cou(d count on man, ad-anta e#0/ +ut a# #oon a# the, #tarted to approach him a# a .riend the, 0#u..ered #uch di#a#ter# a# no one &ou(d ha-e de-i#ed .or them0 <1!23)=2 Thu# he contra#t# the unit, o. the "er#ian 7ar# &ith the .ra mentation and chao# o. (ater time#/ #uch a# the "e(oponne#ian 7ar2 The imp(ication i# that one mu#t not indu( e in #ee'in the a##i#tance o. the arch-enem,2 >o&e-er/ ;emo#thene# immediate(, add# that the %thenian# #hou(d do the Iin no &ron either/ 0+oth in our o&n intere#t# and in -ie& o. the unre#t and di#(o,a(t, o. the other 6ree'#0 <1!23)=2 4nce more/ ;emo#thene# i# &a('in the oratorica( ti htrope/ +a(ancin ideo(o , and practica( po(itic# precariou#(,2 In hi# .ina( &ord# he cannot he(p +ut to de(i-er one more in#u(t to&ard# the "er#ian Iin 9 .a(#ehood and per1ur, are a# re#pecta+(e to him a# the, are di# race.u( to the 6ree'# <1!239=2 In conc(u#ion/ 'n the Symmories i# .ir#t and .oremo#t an ideo(o ica( #peech &hen it come# to "er#ia2 ;emo#thene#0 portra,a( o. the "er#ian# i# entire(, #tatu#-+a#ed <#imp(, +ecau#e there &ere no concrete "er#ian action# to mention ,et/ nor &ou(d the, come to +e in an, e-ent= and it thu# .it# &ith the common ideo(o ica( perception# that the 6ree'# had to&ard# "er#ia2 The #peech a(#o carrie# touche# o. pan->e((eni#m9 ad-ocatin that "er#ia i# the common enem, and that the 1! the &or(d into mutua((,

6ree'# #hou(d approach "er#ia a# the ?uinte##entia( other2 8-en thou h thi# i# a(( contra#ted +, hi# ad-ice o. caution/ he i# in#i#tent on ar uin that thi# caution i# +a#ed on(, on practica( po(itic#2 Thi# imp(ie# that he &ou(d not he#itate to ad-ocate an a((-out &ar a ain#t "er#ia i. a(( the 6ree'# &ere o. the #ame mind2 *et&een hi# preachin o. pan->e((eni#m and hi# reca(citrant cautiou# ad-ice/ he mu#t ha-e made ?uite an impre##ion2 #or the Megalopolitans <4ration 1)= In 353E2 ;emo#thene# de(i-ered hi# next pu+(ic #peech9 #or the Megalopolitans. The context &a# Sparta0# di#re ard o. the common peace o. 3)2E1/ #i ned a.ter the +att(e o. Mantinea2 >o#ti(itie# +et&een Sparta and the %r'adian .ederation/ &hich had Me a(opo(i# .or it# head?uarter#/ continued2 In 353E2/ en-o,# o. the %r'adian .ederation arri-ed in %then# to #ee' an a((iance/ #hort(, .o((o&ed +, Spartan en-o,# &ho natura((, ar ued a ain#t #uch an a((iance2 ;emo#thene# c(aim# impartia(it,9 he &i#he# to p(ea#e neither part, +ut on(, ad-ance %then# intere#t# <1)21=2 Thi# ree'# o. rhetorica( deception/ .or in the end he doe# ar ue .or an a((iance &ith the %r'adian .ederation/ &hich i# in %then#0 +e#t intere#t accordin to him2 %# can +e expected/ there are no re.erence# to "er#ia to +e .ound in thi# #peech2 I ha-e cho#en to inc(ude it .or another rea#on/ .or Sea(e, con-incin (, ar ue# that the #peech re-ea(# t&o (a#tin .eature# o. ;emo#thene#0 thou ht on pu+(ic a..air# a# he mature# in hi# #peeche#22) The .ir#t point i# ;emo#thene#0 adherence to &hat ma, +e ca((ed/ anachroni#tica((,/ realpoliti : 0*ut the proper cour#e i# in a(( thin # to .ind out &hat i# ri ht and then do it/ thou h at the #ame time &e mu#t ta'e care that &hat &e do i# expedient a# &e((20 <1)210=2 >e concede# that it i# important to do 0&hat i# ri ht0/ thu# a((o&in mora(it, to penetrate into po(itic#/ +ut it mu#t +e ad-anta eou# a# &e((2 Thi# i# a(#o e-ident in 'n the Symmories/ &here he ar ued that %then# ha# a mora( dut, to 'eep the 6ree'# .ree .rom +ar+arian occupation/ thou h it &ou(d +e un&i#e to un(ea#h a .u((-#ca(e &ar a ain#t "er#ia .or that rea#on2 In the eterna( .i ht +et&een mora(it, and pra mati#m/ &e .ind ;emo#thene# rootin in the corner o. pra mati#m2 Thi# #tance cou(d ha-e #eriou# imp(ication# .or hi# perception o. "er#ia a# he .ound him#e(. a ne& arch-enem, in "hi(ip o. Macedon2 The #econd recurrin .eature i# ;emo#thene#0 tendenc, to pic' the #ide o. the &ea'er part, in di#pute#/ the %r'adian# in thi# particu(ar ca#e2 In thi# ;emo#thene# certain(, &a# not a(one9 #ome .ort, ,ear# ear(ier %ndocide# expre##ed hi# di#content o-er 0our o(d/ o(d .au(t o. in-aria+(, a+andonin po&er.u( .riend# in pre.erence .or &ea'/ and o. oin to &ar .or the #a'e o. other#
2) Sea(e,/ Demosthenes, 1292


&hen/ a# .ar a# &e our#e(-e# are concerned/ &e cou(d per.ect(, &e(( remain at peace20 <%ndoc2 3228=22B Thi#/ too/ i# #omethin to +e 'ept in mind a# &e pro re## throu h the ;emo#thenic corpu#2 7i(( thi# inc(ination to&ard# the &ea'er part, +e a+(e to o-ercome ideo(o ica( +arrier# in the "er#ian ca#e/ or per#ona( animo#it, in the ca#e o. "hi(ip o. MacedonA #irst Philippic <4ration != The #irst Philippic i# the .ir#t o. a #erie# o. #peeche# in &hich ;emo#thene# trie# to incite the %thenian# to ta'e action a ain#t "hi(ip o. Macedon2 In 359/ "hi(ip a#cended to the Macedonian throne and ?uic'(, made a name .or him#e(. &ith impre##i-e mi(itar, expedition#2 >e .ir#t came into con.(ict &ith %then# &hen he +e#ie ed and too' the cit, o. %mphipo(i# in 35B/ &hich had ori ina((, +een .ounded +, the %thenian#2 Thou h the cit, had (on #ince a##erted it# independence/ the %thenian# #ti(( (aid c(aim to it2 >o&e-er/ %then# did not come to the aid o. %mphipo(i#/ po##i+(, +ecau#e "hi(ip #aid that he &ou(d hand it +ac' to the %thenian#/ &hich &a# an empt, promi#e i. true2 Thi# i# certain(, a po##i+i(it,/ .or "hi(ip0# reputation in c(e-er dip(omac, +ecame a# (e endar, a# hi# reputation .or mi(itar, pro&e##2 %then# did #end am+a##ador# to "hi(ip a.ter&ard#/ and it i# #u e#ted that in #ecret ne otiation# the, made a dea( to exchan e ",dna .or %mphipo(i#2 28 In an, e-ent/ no #uch exchan e too' p(ace2 In the .o((o&in ,ear#/ "hi(ip continued hi# con?ue#t# in Thrace and the Thermaic u(./ radua((, dimini#hin %then#0 in.(uence in the re ion &ith (itt(e to no re#i#tance <%then# did #end #ome ha(.-hearted expedition#/ a(( o. them arri-in too (ate=2 In the #irst Philippic/ ;emo#thene# had had enou h o. the Macedonian up#tart2 Thu# he em+ar'ed on a po(itica( co((i#ion cour#e &ith "hi(ip/ a cour#e &hich came to +e the de.inin ;emo#thene#0 career229 The date o. the #irst Philippic ha# pro-en to +e to e#ta+(i#h2 ;ion,#iu# date# it to the archon#hip o. %ri#todemo#/ 352E1/ a date &hich i# accepta+(e &ith re ard to the e-ent# named in the #peech2 Mac;o&e(( a ree# &ith thi# date/ and .urther it to the (a#t coup(e o. month# o. 352E351230 ;emo#thene# #tart# hi# #peech +, c(aimin that "hi(ip0# prominence i# nothin more than the re#u(t o. %then#0 id(ene##2 The %thenian# ha-e the po&er to e..ecti-e(, cur+ "hi(ip0# ri#in #tar/ i. on(, the, &anted it #o2 I. %then# made a #tand/ "hi(ip &ou(d #oon +e -an?ui#hed2 Thu#/ once a ain ;emo#thene# i# eu(o i3in the po&er o. %then#/ contra#tin it #harp(, &ith her current
2B %ndocide#2 %ndocide# &ith an 8n (i#h tran#(ation +, I2C2 Maidment <Cam+rid e 19)8=2 Found in .u(( text at &&&2per#eu#2tu.t#2edu 28 "ierre Car(ier/ D/mosth0ne <"ari# 1990=/ 95-9)2 29 C.2 T2T2*2 M,der/ 0;emo#thene# and "hi(ip II0 in: Ian 7orthin ton <ed2= Demosthenes. Statesman and 'rator. <Corn&a(( 2000=/ !52 30 Mac;o&e((/ Demosthenes the 'rator, 212-2132

.eature o.


inacti-it,2 Thou h he doe# not name the "er#ian 7ar#/ chance# are that hi# audience &ou(d ha-e (anced north-ea#t&ard# at hi# &ord# to a3e at that rand monument o. the -ictor, o-er the +ar+arian#9 the "arthenon29 a hu e concrete reminder o. &hat %then# &a# capa+(e o. i. #he #et her mind to it2 %nd no&/ another +ar+arian threat ha# ri#en9 #ure(, a #imi(ar re#pon#e &ou(d +e in orderA It can +e ar ued that ;emo#thene# imp(ie# that the threat o. Macedon i# #imi(ar to that o. "er#ia in da,# (on one/ thou h he i# care.u( not to name it2 Sti((/ I +e(ie-e thi# imp(ication cannot +e too .ar-.etched/ .or thi# i# not the (a#t time he ma'e# #uch a((u#ion#2 The rea#on &h, he doe# not name the "er#ian 7ar# i# +ecau#e he i# +eratin the %thenian# .or their #(oppine##/ and doe# #o &ith pardona+(e exa eration: *ut ,ou/ %thenian#/ po##e##in un#urpa##ed re#ource#N.(eet/ in.antr,/

ca-a(r,/ re-enue#Nha-e ne-er to thi# -er, da, emp(o,ed them ari ht/ and ,et ,ou carr, on &ar &ith "hi(ip exact(, a# a +ar+arian +oxe#2 The +ar+arian/ &hen #truc'/ a(&a,# c(utche# the p(ace9 hit him on the other #ide and there o hi# hand#2 >e neither 'no&# nor care# ho& to parr, a +(o& or ho& to &atch hi# ad-er#ar,2 <;em2 !2!0= Thi# pa##a e i# mo#t(, 'no&n .or it# .amou# +ar+arian +oxer compari#on/ +ut it i# e?ua((, intere#tin that ;emo#thene# exc(aim# that the %thenian# 0ha-e ne-er to thi# -er, da, emp(o,ed0 her armed .orce# 0ari ht02 Such utterance# are in-aria+(, hard to reconci(e &ith the +att(e o. Marathon or Sa(ami#/ and #ince the #u+1ect i# "hi(ip and not "er#ia/ ;emo#thene# choo#e# not to to tho#e da,# direct(,2 %nother point to note in thi# #peech i# hi# in#i#tence on more citi3en acti-it, in the mi(itar,/ rather than re(,in on mercenarie#/ .or mercenarie# cannot +e tru#ted: 0 The, ca#t a ca#ua( (ance at the &ar .or &hich %then# ha# hired them/ and o.. the, #ai( to 1oin %rta+a3u# or an,one e(#e0 <;em2 !22!=2 In other &ord#/ the, are prone to de.ection/ &hi(#t the %thenian citi3en# are incorrupti+(e in their (o,a(t, to their cit,2 5e-er &i(( an, %thenian de.ect to the "er#ian# <#a-e the occa#iona( o#traci#ed po(itician or expe((ed t,rant/ a .act +e#t a-oided in thi# context=2 In conc(u#ion/ it i# &ith thi# #peech that ;emo#thene# #tart# hi# a itation a ain#t "hi(ip o. Macedon2 >o&e-er/ he chie.(, .ocu#e# hi# attention on hi# .e((o& %thenian# and the acti-itie# the, #hou(d underta'e2 There i#/ a# o. ,et/ (itt(e ideo(o ica( ar ument a ain#t "hi(ip9 a Macedonian up#tart i# not &orth, o. #uch ?ue#tiona+(e honour#2


'n the #reedom of the .hodians <4ration 15= ;emo#thene# pro+a+(, de(i-ered hi# next pu+(ic #peech/ 'n the #reedom of the .hodians/ in 351E02 % ain/ thi# i# the date i-en +, ;ion,#iu#/ and thou h it ha# #par'ed #ome de+ate/ mo#t #cho(ar# a ree231 Mhode# &a# in interna( #tri.e +et&een t&o .action#/ &hom ;emo#thene# ca((# 0o(i arch#0 and 0democrat#02 Thou h &e ha-e no additiona( in.ormation on the -ie&# o. the#e .action#/ the name# a##i ned to them are #e(.-exp(anator,2 4ri ina((,/ Mhode# &a# a mem+er o. the Second %thenian Lea ue/ +ut a##erted her independence durin the Socia( 7ar <35B-355 *C=2 >erea.ter the o(i arch# too' contro(/ #upported +, Mau#o(u#/ the ru(er o. Iaria &ho &a# a #u+ordinate o. the "er#ian 'in 2 In 353 Mau#o(u# died and &a# #ucceeded +, hi# dau hter/ %rtemi#ia/ &ho continued the po(ic, o. her .ather2 The democrat# turned to %then# .or #upport/ and it &a# on thi# occa#ion that ;emo#thene# made hi# #peech2 %.ter the cu#tomar, introduction/ ;emo#thene# ha# the .o((o&in to #a,: I am #urpri#ed to #ee the #ame men ur in the cit,/ in the intere#t# o. the 8 ,ptian#/ to oppo#e the Iin o. "er#ia/ +ut dreadin him &here the Mhodian democrac, i# concerned2 Let e-er,one 'no&# that the Mhodian# are 6ree'#/ &hi(e 8 ,pt i# a di-i#ion o. the "er#ian 8mpire2 <;em2 1525= 7ith "er#ia once a ain connected to hi# #u+1ect/ ;emo#thene# &a#te# (itt(e time returnin to the ideo(o ica( ar ument2 >e expre##e# hi# #urpri#e that there are tho#e &ho &ou(d #ooner a##i#t the 8 ,ptian# than the Mhodian 6ree'#/ e#pecia((, #ince it i# the #ame enem, in the +ac' round in +oth ca#e#2 %(#o returnin i# hi# appea( to pan->e((eni#m9 #ure(, 6ree'# mu#t he(p .e((o& 6ree'#O Thi# pa##a e natura((, remind# o. hi# 'n the Symmories #peech a .e& ,ear# ear(ier2 ;emo#thene# i# the (a#t to den, that9 0M, pre#ent #peech/ then/ i# the #e?ue( o. m, .ormer one0 <152B=2 Indeed/ he a(#o return# to the mora( ar ument: 5o& i. ,ou ma'e it a enera( princip(e/ men o. %then#/ to a+andon to the Iin a(( p(ace# that he ha# ot into hi# po&er/ &hether +, #urpri#e or +, decei-in #ome o. the inha+itant#/ then ,our princip(e
31 See: Chri#to# Iar-ouni#/ Demosthenes- Studien 1u den Demegorien orr. %,2, %2,, %2, ,2, ,, ,,, ,,, <TP+in en 2002=/ 1B5-192/ Can Madic'e/ Die .ede des Demosthenes f3r #reiheit der .hodier <Stutt art 1995=/ 33-!3/ Mac;o&e((/ Demosthenes the 'rator, 2192


i#/ I thin'/ a &ron one9 +ut i. ,ou .ee( that in the cau#e o. 1u#tice ,ou are +ound to o to &ar and .ace the con#e?uence#/ then/ in the .ir#t p(ace/ the more ,ou are determined on #uch action/ the (e## .re?uent(, &i(( it +e nece##ar,/ and #econd(,/ ,ou &i(( +e #ho&in the proper #pirit2 <;em2 1528= It i# re-ea(in that ;emo#thene# i# rather con#i#tent in hi# mora( approach &hen it come# to dea(in &ith "er#ia/ a(( the more #o #ince &e ha-e a(read, e#ta+(i#hed that hi# tendencie# to&ard realpoliti are recurrent .eature# in hi# po(itica( thin'in 2 C(ear(, "er#ia &a# a ca#e apart/ not (ea#t +ecau#e o. the ideo(o ica( (e ac, e#ta+(i#hed in chapter 12 %(#o note ho& ;emo#thene# c(aim# that the Iin ain# territor, either +, #urpri#e or +, deception9 not +, mi(itar, pro&e##2 Thi# i# another #tereot,pe9 the "er#ian# (i-e under a monarchica( ru(e/ &hich ma'e# them #(a-e#/ &hich ma'e# them (e## than a+(e in com+at #ituation#2 ;emo#thene# him#e(. re-empha#i3e# the point o. #(a-er, (ater in hi# #peech2 The Mhodian#/ he #a,#/ ha-e 0#purned an a((iance &ith ,ou &ho are 6ree'# and their +etter#/ and no& the, are #(a-e# o. +ar+arian#/ #(a-e# o. #(a-e#/ &hom the, admitted into their citade(#0 <15215=2 The .act that their .i htin #'i((# are utter(, contempti+(e i# pro-en +, the .act that 0 i. e-er the Iin ha# ained #ome #(i ht ad-anta e o-er our cit,/ he ha# done it +, +ri+in the mo#t &orth(e## o. the 6ree'#/ the traitor# to their cau#e/ and ne-er in an, other &a, <15223=2 Indeed/ &hene-er the "er#ian# tried their (uc' in 0an, other &a,0/ the, met &ith di#a#ter# #uch a# Marathon or "(ataia2 So he ha# ne-er +eaten u# in the .ie(d/ nor ha-e hi# intri ue# ained him an, ad-anta e2 I o+#er-e that #ome o. ,ou are &ont to di#mi## "hi(ip a# a per#on o. no account/ +ut to #pea' &ith a&e o. the Iin a# .ormida+(e to tho#e &hom he mar'# a# hi# enemie#2 I. &e are not to #tand up to the one +ecau#e he i# contempti+(e/ and i. &e ,ie(d to the other +ecau#e he i# .ormida+(e/ a ain#t &hom/ %thenian#/ #ha(( &e e-er mar#ha( our .orce#A <;em2 1522!= >ere ;emo#thene# #um# up hi# -ie&# on +oth "hi(ip and the "er#ian Iin in a mo#t e(o?uent manner2 %# &e ha-e #een/ in 'n the Symmories ;emo#thene# a(read, made the point that the "er#ian Iin i# not a# po&er.u( a# the %thenian# mi ht thin'2 In the #irst Philippic/ he ar ued that "hi(ip i# a -er, rea( threat &hich cannot +e i nored2 %nd #o/ in thi# pa##a e he connect# the t&o point#/ tr,in to incite the %thenian# into action2 >o&e-er/ there i# no -a(id rea#on .or mentionin 19

"hi(ip in thi# #peech a# he ha# nothin to do &ith the #u+1ect at hand2 The .act that ;emo#thene# choo#e# to do #o an,&a, imp(ie# that "hi(ip/ in the e,e# o. ;emo#thene#/ +ecame increa#in (, threatenin 9 #o much #o that he i# named in one +reath &ith the "er#ian Iin 2 Indeed/ a# .ar a# ;emo#thene# &a# concerned/ there &a# (e## o. a di..erence +et&een the#e t&o threat# than the a-era e %thenian mi ht +e(ie-e2 There i# one (a#t pa##a e in thi# #peech that de#er-e# attention/ +ecau#e ;emo#thene# a((o&# him#e(. to approach the "er#ian# in a (e## ideo(o ica(/ more pra matic &a,2 Indeed/ he undermine# hi# ear(ier remar'# to #ome extent:

The 6ree'# ha-e t&o treatie# &ith the Iin / one made +, our cit, and commended +, a((9 and the (ater one made +, the Lacedaemonian#/ &hich i# o. cour#e condemned +, a((9 and in the#e t&o treatie# ri ht# are di-er#e(, de.ined2 4. pri-ate ri ht# &ithin a #tate/ the (a&# o. that #tate rant an e?ua( and impartia( #hare to a((/ &ea' and #tron a(i'e9 +ut the internationa( ri ht# o. 6ree' #tate# are de.ined +, the #tron .or the &ea'2 <;em2 15229= Fir#t o.. there i# the mention o. treatie# &ith the Iin 9 he i# (i'e(, re.errin to the "eace o. Ca((ia# o. !!8 a# the treat, made +, %then#/ and certain(, to the "eace o. %nta(cida#/ or the Iin 0# "eace/ o. 38B a# the treat, made +, the Lacedaemonian#2 32 There i# no mention here o. the Iin a# the ?uinte##entia( other/ hi# imperia(i#tic am+ition# or an,thin o. the #ort2 I. ;emo#thene# &ou(d choo#e to +e .u((, con#i#tent he &ou(d ha-e to condemn +oth treatie#9 #ure(, the Iin cou(d not +e tru#ted to 'eep hi# &ord2 *ut no: he on(, condemn# the treat, made +, the Lacedaemonian#/ and a# #uch a(#o undermine# hi# ear(ier "anhe((enic appea(#2 Thi# i# the .ir#t in#tance in &hich ;emo#thene# approache# the "er#ian# &ithout ho#ti(it,9 thi# i# re#er-ed .or the Spartan# in thi# ca#e2 Hpon comparin thi# &ith the ear(ier pa##a e on the pre-iou# pa e <1522!=/ it can +e ar ued that ;emo#thene# i# #(o&(, chan in cour#e/ adaptin hi# rhetoric to the internationa( de-e(opment#2 The "er#ian# are (o#in their #tatu# a# the arch-enem,/ -acatin a po#ition &hich "hi(ip i# more than a+(e to .i((2 In thi# re#pect the (atter ha(. o. 'n the #reedom of the .hodians .orm# a &ater#hed in ;emo#thene#0 perception o. "er#ia9 .uture re.erence# to that enem, o. o(d &i(( +e (e## ho#ti(e than &e ha-e #een thu# .ar2

32 ;emo#thene#/ Demosthenes (ith an &nglish translation by !.A. 2ince and 4.H. 2ince <London 192)=2 Found in .u(( text at &&&2per#eu#2tu.t#2edu


Chapter III: Mea#urin Macedon

The pre-iou# chapter dea(t mo#t(, &ith pa##a e# concernin "er#ia direct(, or indirect(,2 >o&e-er/ in hi# #u+#e?uent #peeche#/ ;emo#thene# #carce(, to that empire on the other #ide o. the %e ean Sea/ choo#in in#tead to emp(o, hi# rhetorica( repertoire a ain#t "hi(ip o. Macedon2 In the (on run/ thi# ha# c(ear con#e?uence# .or hi# dea(in # &ith "er#ia/ to &hich &e &i(( return in chapter .our &hen dea(in &ith hi# .ina( #peeche#2 Thu#/ the current chapter &i(( +e more conci#e than either the precedin or the .o((o&in chapter/ +ut &i(( rant u# a more thorou h under#tandin o. the de-e(opment o. ;emo#thene#0 -ie& on "er#ia throu h hi# dea(in # &ith "hi(ip o. Macedon2

#irst, Second, and "hird 'lynthiacs <4ration# 1/ 2/ and 3= The Cha('idian (ea ue &a# a .edera( #tate #ituated in Thrace/ ad1acent to "hi(ip0# territor,2 It# principa( cit, &a# 4(,nthu#/ and in 35BE) "hi(ip conc(uded an a((iance &ith them/ po##i+(, #o that he &ou(d ha-e hi# hand# .ree .or con?ue#t# e(#e&here2 The 4(,nthian#/ percei-in "hi(ip0# increa#in po&er &ith a due #en#e o. dread/ cho#e to enter ne otiation# &ith %then#/ much to "hi(ip0# di#ma,2 In 3!9/ "hi(ip decided to mount a .u((-#ca(e in-a#ion and the 4(,nthian# #ent am+a##ador# to %then# to a#' .or #upport2 In hi# 'lynthiac oration#/33 a(( he(d in ear(, 3!9E8/3! ;emo#then# ur e# the %thenian# to pro-ide the re?ue#ted #upport2 There i# no direct re.erence to "er#ia in a(( the 'lynthiacs .or o+-iou# rea#on#/ +ut the, are -a(ua+(e nonethe(e## #ince the, #hed more (i ht on ;emo#thene#0 -ie&# o. "hi(ip2 Thu# &e #ha(( concentrate on the pa##a e# &hich dea( &ith the theme o. the character o. "hi(ip2 The #irst 'lynthiac open# &ith a +rie. o-er-ie& o. cri#i# in the north/ and then continue# &ith the .o((o&in a##e##ment o. the #ituation o. 4(,nthu#: The e,e# o. the 4(,nthian# are opened to the .act that the, are no& .i htin not .or (or,/ not .or a #trip o. territor,/ +ut to a-ert the o-erthro& and en#(a-ement o. their .ather(and2 The, 'no& ho& he treated tho#e %mphipo(itan# &ho +etra,ed their cit, and tho#e
33 It mu#t +e #aid that the order in &hich ;emo#thene# de(i-ered the#e oration# i# di#puted2 The uncertaint, deri-e# .rom the .act that ;emo#thene# i# re(ati-e(, -a ue in the#e #peeche#2 For #tructura( rea#on#/ I #ha(( a+ide +, the order a# denominated +, the num+erin 2 3! Sea(e,/ Demosthenes, 1392


",dnaean# &ho opened their ate# to him2 %nd a de#poti#m/ I ta'e it/ i# a# a ru(e mi#tru#ted +, .ree con#titution#/ e#pecia((, &hen the, are near nei h+or#2 <;em2 125= There are three point# o. note here2 Fir#t o../ &hat i# at #ta'e .or 4(,nthu# i# not #omethin tri-ia(9 their .ather(and &i(( +e o-erthro&n and en#(a-ed i. the, are una+(e to ri#e to the occa#ion2 Thi# i# t,pica( o. a +ar+arian threat9 the &ho(e &a, o. (i.e i# in dan er2 7herea# .e((o& 6ree'# norma((, come to #ome #ort o. a reement &hen a &ar i# decided in .a-our o. one o. the partie# <ma'in a((o&ance# .or the occa#iona( exception#=/ the +ar+arian# do not da++(e in #uch nicetie#9 the .ate o. %then# in !80 i# te#timon, to thi# .act2 Second(,/ "hi(ip c(ear(, cannot +e tru#ted2 There are tho#e &ho ha-e opened hi# ate# to him in the pa#t and their .ate &a# to +e o-erthro&n and en#(a-ed2 Thu# "hi(ip i# a ma#ter o. deception/ not un(i'e the "er#ian Iin a# &e ha-e #een in a pre-iou# pa##a e <1528=235 Third(,/ there i# a principa( di#tru#t +et&een de#poti#m and .ree con#titution#/ 0e#pecia((, &hen the, are near nei h+or#02 Thu# it &ou(d app(, to more .ar-o.. re ion# a# &e((/ +e it &ith (e## inten#it,2 5atura((,/ "er#ia +e(on # to the cate or, o. a de#pot a# &e((2 >ere &e #ee ;emo#thene# +e#to&in onto "hi(ip the ?ue#tiona+(e honour o. +ecomin an ideo(o ica( oppo#ite9 he i# a +ar+arian/ he i# a de#pot/ and he i# untru#t&orth,2 It i# re-ea(in ar ument# .or endo&in "hi(ip &ith thi# #tatu# are e?ua((, app(ica+(e to "er#ia2 In the Second 'lynthiac/ ;emo#thene# continue# to +(ac'en "hi(ip0# character: It i# impo##i+(e/ men o. %then#/ impo##i+(e to ain permanent po&er +, in1u#tice/ per1ur,/ and .a(#ehood2 4nce in a &a, and .or a +rie. #ea#on #uch thin # endure/ and .ed &ith hope# ma'e/ it ma, +e/ a +ra-e #ho& o. +(o##om/ +ut at the (a#t the, are detected and .a(( to piece#2 For a hou#e/ I ta'e it/ or a #hip or an,thin o. that #ort mu#t ha-e it# chie. #tren th in it# #u+#tructure9 and #o too in a..air# o. #tate the princip(e# and the .oundation# mu#t +e truth and 1u#tice2 There i# no -e#ti e o. the#e toda, in the po&er that "hi(ip ha# +ui(t up2 <;em2 2210= >ere &e encounter the #ame princip(e a# in the pre-iou# pa##a e2 "hi(ip i# portra,ed a# the em+odiment o. e-er,thin oppo#ed to the 6ree' &or(d2 The #imi(aritie# &ith "er#ia a(#o return9 particu(ar(, hi# u#e o. the &ord# 0per1ur,0 and 0.a(#ehood02 In 'n the Symmories/ &e ha-e #een ho& ;emo#thene# ar ued that the#e t&o .eat# are a# re#pecta+(e to the "er#ian
35 See p2 18-19

that ;emo#thene#0


Iin a# the, are di# race.u( to the 6ree'# <1!239=9 it appear# the #ame oe# .or "hi(ip2 The c(imax o. the 'lynthiac oration# i# undou+ted(, .ound in the "hird 'lynthiac/ &here ;emo#thene#/ di#p(a,in ?ue#tion#: 7h,/ &hat +etter time or occa#ion cou(d ,ou .ind than the pre#ent/ men o. %then#A 7hen &i(( ,ou do ,our dut,/ i. not no&A >a# not ,our enem, a(read, captured a(( our #tron ho(d#/ and i. he +ecome# ma#ter o. Cha(cidice/ #ha(( &e not +e o-er&he(med &ith di#honorA %re not tho#e #tate# actua((, at &ar &hich &e #o readi(, en a ed in that e-ent to protectA I# not "hi(ip our enem,A %nd in po##e##ion o. our propert,A %nd a +ar+arianA I# an, de#cription too +ad .or himA <;em 321)= Thi# pa##a e #um# up the 'lynthiac oration# per.ect(,2 In it/ &e .ind "hi(ip de#cri+ed a# an enem,/ a +ar+arian2 %then# ha# a 0dut,0 to en a e him in &ar.are and him utter(,2 Thi# remind# one o. the pre-iou# occa#ion# &e ha-e #een in &hich ;emo#thene# re.erred to the dut, the %thenian# ha-e .or meetin an, +ar+arian threat# head-on <1!2)/ 1)210=2 In conc(u#ion/ &e can #a.e(, #a, that ;emo#thene# ha# tran#p(anted hi# mora((,-char ed ideo(o ica( ar ument/ pre-iou#(, re#tricted to "er#ia/ to Macedon2 Second Philippic <4ration )= *e.ore (oo'in at thi# #peech/ #ome &ord# mu#t +e #aid a+out the de-e(opment# +et&een %then# and "hi(ip in the ,ear# .o((o&in the 'lynthiac oration#2 %.ter the #ucce##.u( con?ue#t o. 4(,nthu# +, "hi(ip/ he proceeded .urther #outh to&ard# Thermop,(ae in 3!)2 ;ue to circum#tance# &hich are not entire(, c(ear3)/ the "hocian# i nored +oth Spartan and %thenian o. a##i#tance and pre#uma+(, cho#e to a(i n them#e(-e# &ith "hi(ip2 Since Thermop,(ae cou(d no (on er +e de.ended/ meanin the #ecurit, o. %then# &a# 1eopardi3ed/ the %thenian# decided to #end a peace em+a##, to "hi(ip2 The (eader o. the em+a##, &a# "hi(ocrate#/ +ut ;emo#thene# &a# a(#o part o. the em+a##,/ pre#uma+(e to repre#ent tho#e oppo#ed to peace2 In an, e-ent/ the re#u(t o. the em+a##, &a# a peace treat, +et&een "hi(ip and %then# in 3!)/ common(, re.erred to a# the "eace o. "hi(ocrate#2 In 3!!E3/ ;emo#thene# de(i-ered the Second Philippic2 The occa#ion &a# an em+a##, .rom
3) C.2 6eor e Ca&'&e((/ Philip ,, of Macedon <*o#ton 19B8=/ 912

hi# ma#ter.u( rhetorica( a+i(itie#/ a#'# the .o((o&in


"hi(ip/ throu h &hich he comp(ained that the %thenian# &ere +ein untrue to him &ith re ard# to the peace9 #co(din "hi(ip .or not 'eepin promi#e# &hich he c(aim# he ne-er made2 >o&e-er/ ;id,mu#0 commentar, mention# that there &a# a(#o an em+a##, .rom "er#ia in %then# that ,ear2 4n the#e round#/ Sea(e, mention# the #cho(ar(, de+ate on the o+1ection that #ince there are no re.erence# to the other em+a##, in the #peech/ it #hou(d +e dated (ater2 3B Mac;o&e(( con-incin (, ar ue# that #uch o+1ection# carr, (itt(e &ei ht9 #ince the meetin o. the 8''(e#ia &a# concerned &ith the Macedonian em+a##,/ there i# no rea#on &h, ;emo#thene# #hou(d ma'e an, re.erence# to the "er#ian em+a##,238 I .ee( I can #upp(ement thi# ar ument .urther9 it &ou(d not +e in ;emo#thene#0 intere#t to mention "er#ia at thi# point in time2 Since hi# aim in thi# #ta e &a#/ a# &e ha-e #een/ to e(e-ate "hi(ip to the po#ition o. the ne& ?uinte##entia( other/ it &ou(d not +e &i#e to di#tract the audience .rom thi# aim +, mentionin the "er#ian 'in 9 "hi(ip0# predece##or in thi# re#pect2 >o&e-er/ thi# doe# not pre-ent ;emo#thene# .rom #'i(.u((, u#in the 'no&n hi#tor, o. the "er#ian 7ar# to .urther #tren then hi# ar ument a ain#t "hi(ip: For I #uppo#e he (earn# .rom hi#tor, and .rom report that ,our ance#tor#/ &hen the, mi ht/ at the price o. #u+mi##ion to the 6reat Iin / ha-e +ecome the paramount po&er in 6reece/ not on(, re.u#ed to entertain that propo#a(/ con-e,ed to them +, %(exander/ an ance#tor o. "hi(ip0# (ine/ +ut cho#e to ?uit their home# and endure e-er, hard#hip/ and therea.ter &rou ht tho#e deed# &hich a(( men are a(&a,# ea er to re(ate/ thou h no one ha# e-er +een a+(e to te(( them &orthi(,9 and there.ore I #ha(( not +e &ron in pa##in them o-er/ .or the, are indeed reat +e,ond an, man0# po&er o. #peech2 <;em2 )211= >ere &e .ind a mora( ar ument/ deri-ed .rom hi#tor,/ &hich a(#o in#inuate# that the threat to %then# .rom "hi(ip no& i# compara+(e to the threat .rom the Iin o. "er#ia (on a o2 39 >e te((# the %thenian# that their ance#tor# &ere o. #uch character that the, &ou(d rather endure e-er, hard#hip than #u+mit to the +ar+arian9 #ure(, a .eat that e-er, %thenian no& #hou(d tr, to emu(ate/ e#pecia((, #ince it &a# #uch a no+(e .eat that it &a# +e,ond an, man0# po&er o. #peech2 %(#o note ho& ;emo#thene# point# out that it &a# "hi(ip0# ance#tor &ho made thi# propo#a(/ contra#tin the proud re#o(-e o. the %thenian# &ith the 0medi#m0 o. Macedon2 Continuin hi# #peech/ ;emo#thene# a##ert# that %then# i# "hi(ip0# chie. ri-a( <)21)=/

3B Sea(e,/ Demosthenes, 30B n2 33 38 Mac;o&e((/ Demosthenes the 'rator, 3292 39 Mac;o&e((/ Demosthenes the 'rator, 3302


c(aimin that a(( o. "hi(ip0# intri ue# are in .act aimed a ain#t %then#2 >e a(#o reiterate# the untru#t&orthine## o. "hi(ip/ +a#ed on pa#t experience# <)223=2 >o&e-er/ %then# doe# not need to .ear/ pro-ided the, em+race the .o((o&in #tatement: *ut there i# one common +u(&ar' &hich the in#tinct o. #en#i+(e men po##e##e# &ithin it#e(./ a ood and #a.e one .or a((/ +ut in-a(ua+(e .or democracie# a ain#t t,rant#2 %nd &hat i# that +u(&ar'A It i# mi#tru#t2 6uard that9 ho(d .a#t to that2 I. ,ou pre#er-e it/ no harm can touch ,ou2 7hat i# ,our o+1ectAK I #aid2 JFreedom2 Then do ,ou not #ee that "hi(ip0# -er, tit(e# are utter(, irreconci(a+(e &ith thatA For e-er, 'in / e-er, de#pot i# the #&orn .oe o. .reedom and o. (a&2 *e&are/K #aid I/ J(e#t/ #ee'in to +e rid o. &ar/ ,ou .ind a ma#ter2 <;em2 )22!-25= % ain &e .ind the ar ument o. the irreconci(a+i(it, +et&een de#poti#m and democrac,/ thou h it i# in a more extreme .orm2 8-er, 'in i# the #&orn .oe o. .reedom/ and it i# note&orth, that "hi(ip ha# +ecome the #,m+o( o. e-er,thin a democrac, i# oppo#ed to/ rather than the "er#ian Iin / &ho had he(d that du+iou# (ime(i ht .or a (on portra,in "hi(ip a# the ne& ?uinte##entia( other2 4+-iou#(,/ thi# cour#e i# potentia((, dan erou# in the po(itica( atmo#phere o. democratic %then#2 The #tatu# o. "er#ia a# the antithe#i# o. the 6ree' &or(d &a# .irm(, e#ta+(i#hed9 it had rooted it#e(. in the 6ree' ethnocentric conception# .or c(o#e to 150 ,ear#2 To undermine thi# &e((rounded +e(ie./ and indeed rep(ace it &ith a #uita+(e a(ternati-e/ &ou(d re?uire the utmo#t care and preci#ion o. the mo#t meticu(ou# 'ind2 ;emo#thene# &a# c(ear(, up to thi# cha((en e9 thou h the %thenian# ma, not ha-e .o((o&ed hi# ad-ice/ he &a# certain(, not permanent(, +ooed o.. the po(itica( #ta e2 In 352E1/ in hi# #irst Philippic #peech/ ;emo#thene# #tarted hi# a itation a ain#t "hi(ip &ith a nota+(e (ac' o. ideo(o ica( ar ument#2 % ,ear (ater/ in the (atter ha(. o. 'n the #reedom of the .hodians/ he proceeded to miti ate the ideo(o ica((,-char ed -ie&point he pre-iou#(, too' a ain#t "er#ia +, exto((in the "eace o. Ca((ia#2 In the 'lynthiac oration#/ he(d in 3!9E8/ "hi(ip i# increa#in (, portra,ed a# a ho#ti(e +ar+arian and thu# endo&ed &ith the #tatu# o. an oppo#ite to the 6ree' &or(d2 Fina((,/ in the Second Philippic/ "hi(ip i# direct(, compared &ith the threat o. the "er#ian Iin # durin the "er#ian 7ar# and thu# ta'e# their p(ace in the u#-andthem #pectrum o. 6ree' #ocio(o ica( conception#2 Thi# o-er-ie& (ea-e# u# &ith an impre##ion o. a cra.t, ;emo#thene# &ho had thi# entire 25 time2 Thu# &e can conc(ude that ;emo#thene# pur#ue# the cour#e he initiated in the 'lynthiac oration#/ +, #,#tematica((,

proce## p(anned out .rom the #tart2 7e mu#t +e &ar, o. dra&in #uch conc(u#ion#9 o.ten their #trai ht.or&ardne## .ai(# to corre#pond to the comp(exitie# o. hi#torica( rea(it,2 I. &e mo-e to the other extreme in the #pectrum o. po##i+i(itie#/ the a(ternati-e i# that ;emo#thene# proceeded &ith thi# ideo(o ica( tran#p(ant in an ad-hoc .a#hion/ ma'in it up a# he &ent a(on 2 I thin' thi# -ie& i# much too #imp(i#tic9 the truth i# to +e .ound/ a# #o o.ten/ in the midd(e/ thou h it i# m, con-iction that it i# c(o#er to the .ormer than the (atter2 ;emo#thene#0 aim/ .rom the #irst Philippic on&ard#/ i# to con-ince the %thenian# o. the #i ni.icant threat that "hi(ip po#e#2 Seein a# hi# practica( ar ument# .ound (itt(e re#onance in the 8''(e#ia/ at (ea#t too (itt(e to con-ert them into action/ it i# (i'e(, that he &ou(d conc(ude that another (ine o. ar ument mi ht +e more .ea#i+(e2 >e &ou(d ha-e remem+ered the de+ate on the 8''(e#ia &hich &a# the occa#ion o. hi# 'n the Symmories #peech9 tho#e &ho #po'e +e.ore him certain(, made much u#e o. ideo(o ica((,-char ed ar ument# to incite the %thenian# into action a ain#t "er#ia2 Thu# &e .ind more ideo(o ica( appea(# in ;emo#thene#0 #u+#e?uent #peeche# on "hi(ip2 Since the Macedonian 'in continued hi# rampa e in the north/ much to the di#ma, o. %then#/ there &a# a .erti(e round .or con#tructin #uch an ideo(o ica( +u(&ar'2 Thu#/ in m, opinion/ thi# &a# pro+a+(, a thou ht-out #trate , +, ;emo#thene#/ &hich .(ouri#hed in the &a'e o. "hi(ip0# po(itica( action#9 a nece##ar, precondition2 >o&e-er/ it mu#t +e admitted that .urther re#earch into thi# po##i+i(it, i# re?uired in order to achie-e a (ar er mea#ure o. certaint,9 re#earch that un.ortunate(, .a((# out#ide o. the #cope o. thi# e##a,2

Chapter I$: %n %&'&ard %((iance

7e no& approach ;emo#thene#0 (a#t pu+(ic #peeche#/ he(d +et&een 3!2 and 3389 the ,ear o. the .amou# +att(e o. Chaeronea2 In man, re#pect# thi# +att(e .orm# the 3enith o. ;emo#thene#0 po(itica( career2 7e ha-e #een ho& he ar ued .or ,ear# that Macedon &a# an imminent threat &hich needed to +e oppo#ed/ and in the#e ,ear# the ma1orit, o. the %thenian# .ina((, came to #hare hi# opinion2 The "er#ian 8mpire a(#o return# in the#e (a#t #peeche# o. ;emo#thene#/ a.ter +ein a+#ent in the #peeche# treated in chapter three2 >o&e-er/ ;emo#thene#0 approach to the 6reat Iin in the#e #peeche# i# mar'ed(, di..erent - indeed a .ar-cr, - .rom the ideo(o ica( attitude &e ha-e #een in the #peeche# treated in chapter t&o2


'n the !hersonese <4ration 8= ;emo#thene# de(i-ered hi# 'n the !hersonese oration in the #prin o. 3!12 !0 "hi(ip had #ent a (etter o. comp(aint to %then# concernin her acti-itie# in the Thracian Cher#one#e <the pre#entda, 6a((ipo(i penin#u(i=2 Thi# &a# an area o. utmo#t importance .or %then#9 it &a# a -ita( #ite a(on the rain-route to the *(ac' Sea2 4ne o. the mo#t important citie# in the area &a# Iardia2 Me(ation# +et&een %then# and Iardia #oured durin the 3500#/ !1 and in 3!) the Iardian# a((ied them#e(-e# &ith "hi(ip2 In 3!2/ the %thenian# #ent a roup o. c(eruch#/ accompanied +, the enera( ;iopithe#/ to the area in order to #tren then %thenian in.(uence2 ;iopithe# certain(, made hi# mar' +, hirin mercenarie# and raidin the re ion/ e-en penetratin into area# "hi(ip c(aimed to contro(2 4+-iou#(,/ the#e de-e(opment# &ere much to "hi(ip0# di#ma,/ and thu# he proceeded to #end a (etter o. comp(aint to %then#2 It i# e-ident that there &ere #pea'er# in %then# - thou h the, remain name(e## - &ho ar ued that ;iopithe#0 acti-itie# compromi#ed the "eace o. "hi(ocrate# and/ in con#e?uence/ he #hou(d +e reca((ed to %then# and put on tria(2 !2 5atura((,/ ;emo#thene# had a di..erent -ie& o. the matter2 From the out#et/ ;emo#thene# ar ue# that "hi(ip/ to &hom he #i ni.icant(, a# 0our nationa( enem,0/ i# tr,in to .ore#ta(( the %thenian# in the nei h+ourhood o. the >e((e#pont <the pre#ent-da, ;ardane((e#=9 thi# i# the heart o. the matter/ and the %thenian# mu#t not et di#tracted +, 0c(amorou# accu#ation# a+out extraneou# matter#0 <823=2 >e continue#: and i. it i# pro-ed that .rom the .ir#t/ e-en +e.ore ;iopithe# #et #ai( &ith co(oni#t#/ &hom the, no& accu#e o. ha-in #tarted ho#ti(itie#/ "hi(ip ha# un.air(, ta'en much that i# our#/ a+out &hich ,our decree# denouncin him #ti(( #tand ood/ and that he i# a(( the time repeated(, #ei3in the propert, o. the other 6ree'# and o. the +ar+arian#/ and #o e?uippin him#e(. .or an attac' upon u#/ &hat do the, mean +, #a,in that &e mu#t either ma'e &ar or 'eep peaceA <;em2 82)= %# .ar a# ;emo#thene# i# concerned/ the ?ue#tion o. &hether ;iopithe# in.rin ed the peace or not i# a .uti(e one9 &ar &ith "hi(ip i# comin / one &a, or the other/ and it i# +etter to .i ht him in the Cher#one#e than to &ait .or him to reach %ttica <8218=2 Thi# (ine o. thin'in i# hard(, #urpri#in con#iderin ;emo#thene#0 attitude to&ard# "hi(ip/ +ut he doe# introduce one ne& e(ement in thi#
!0 Mac;o&e((/ Demosthenes the 'rator, 3!B2 !1 In 352 ;emo#thene# ca((ed the Iardian# 0,our enemie#0 <;em2 2321)9= !2 Mac;o&e((/ Demosthenes the 'rator, 3!B2


#peech2 "hi(ip i# not on(, a threat to the other 6ree'#/ +ut a(#o to the +ar+arian#/ the mo#t prominent o. the#e o+-iou#(, +ein the "er#ian#2 There are t&o in#tance# in thi# #peech in &hich he #peci.ica((, #tate# thi#9 the .ir#t i# the a.orementioned pa##a e/ the #econd i# the .o((o&in : +ecau#e ,ou are indi..erent to the#e ad-anta e# and a((o& them to +e ta'en .rom ,ou/ "hi(ip i# pro#perou# and po&er.u( and .ormida+(e to 6ree'# and +ar+arian# a(i'e/ &hi(e ,ou are de#erted and humi(iated/ .amou# .or ,our &e((-#toc'ed mar'et#/ +ut in pro-i#ion .or ,our proper need#/ contempti+(e2 <82)B= Thi# inno-ation ;emo#thene# introduce# in hi# a itation a ain#t "hi(ip ha# t&o con#e?uence#2 Fir#t/ it e(e-ate# "hi(ip to the po#ition o. an uni-er#a( threat2 The antithe#i# o. 6ree'-*ar+arian i# a((encompa##in / and #tatin that "hi(ip i# a threat to +oth i# the e?ui-a(ent o. #a,in he i# a threat to a((2 %(#o/ it di#(od e# "hi(ip .rom the cate ori3ation o. a +ar+arian and put# him in a cate or, o. hi# o&n9 he i# e-en more contempti+(e and dan erou# than an, other +ar+arian2 Second(,/ it i# imp(ied that +oth the 6ree'# and the +ar+arian# .ace the #ame threat and the, thu# ha-e a common round2 ;emo#thene# i# pa-in the &a, .or a po##i+(e reconci(iation &ith the +ar+arian#/ #peci.ica((, "er#ia/ .o((o&in the maxim 0the enem, o. m, enem, i# m, .riend0 &hich #uit# ;emo#thene#0 realpoliti tendencie#2 The #peech 'n the !hersonese ma, +e de#cri+ed a# a &ater#hed in ;emo#thene#0 perception# o. "er#ia2 The cu#tomar, ho#ti(it, &ith &hich the +ar+arian# &ere u#ua((, approached ha# +een rep(aced +, a #u+t(e #,mpath,9 the, too are +ein threatened +, the Macedonian a re##or2 >o&e-er/ there i# no concrete propo#a( to initiate an a((iance &ith the "er#ian# a# o. ,et2 Thi# can +e attri+uted to the po(itica( #u+t(et, o. ;emo#thene# a# &e ha-e e#ta+(i#hed at the end o. chapter t&o9 &hen treadin on potentia((, -o(ati(e round/ one had +etter tread care.u((,2 "hird Philippic <4ration 9= The "hird Philippic &a# de(i-ered in the #ummer o. 3!1/ not (on a.ter 'n the !hersonese2 The occa#ion &a#/ ,et a ain/ a (etter o. "hi(ip in &hich he a##erted that he &a# not at &ar &ith %then# <921)-1B/ 2B=2!3 >o&e-er/ the oration doe# not appear to +e c(o#e(, (in'ed to an immediate #ituation/ +ut i# rather a+out the %thenian#0 po(ic, to&ard# "hi(ip in the (on er term/ conc(udin

!3 Sea(e,/ Demosthenes, 1812


that the, #hou(d prepare .or &ar2!! There are a(#o -ariou# pa##a e# to +e .ound concernin the +ar+arian# in enera( and "er#ia #peci.ica((,/ in &hich ;emo#thene# continue# hi# reconci(iator, attitude and indeed expound# on it2 The .ir#t re.erence to "er#ia i# .ound re(ati-e(, ear(, in the #peech: Te(( me no&: &hen he #end# mercenarie# to the Cher#one#e/ ,our c(aim to &hich ha# +een reco ni3ed +, the 'in o. "er#ia and +, a(( the 6ree'#/ &hen he admit# that he i# he(pin the Cardian# and &rite# to te(( ,ou #o/ &hat doe# he meanA <;em2 921)= ;emo#thene# here a##ert# that the %thenian# c(aim on the Cher#one#e i# 1u#ti.ied/ and indeed (e itimated/ not on(, +, the 6ree'# +ut a(#o +, the 'in o. "er#ia2 4+-iou#(,/ namin the 'in o. "er#ia in thi# context i# a de(i+erate action and empha#i3e# the in.(uentia( po#ition the "er#ian monarch ha# in internationa( a..air#2 For the -er, .ir#t time/ ;emo#thene# direct(, portra,# the Iin a# an a((,/ +e it pure(, in a (e itimi3in #en#e2 It a(#o imp(ie# that "hi(ip0# action# are -io(atin the intere#t# o. the "er#ian 'in / an ar ument a(read, .ound in 'n the !hersonese2 Thi# ar ument a(#o return# in a more direct manner9 0neither the 6ree' nor the +ar+arian &or(d i# +i enou h .or the .e((o&0# am+ition0 <922B=2 8?ua((, intere#tin i# the .o((o&in pa##a e: Let the, ha-e no #uch ?ua(m# a+out "hi(ip and hi# pre#ent conduct/ thou h he i# not on(, no 6ree'/ nor re(ated to the 6ree'#/ +ut not e-en a +ar+arian .rom an, p(ace that can +e named &ith honor/ +ut a pe#ti(ent 'na-e .rom Macedonia/ &hence it &a# ne-er ,et po##i+(e to +u, a decent #(a-e2 <;em2 9231= >ere "hi(ip i# a##erted to +e a +ar+arian o. the &or#t 'ind/ &ho#e pretence# to a 6ree' herita e cannot #tand the (i ht o. da,2 Indeed/ he i# not e-en a +ar+arian .rom an, honoura+(e p(ace2 The o+-iou# imp(ication i# that there are a(#o honoura+(e +ar+arian#/ or at (ea#t +ar+arian# .rom honoura+(e p(ace#2 It #hou(d come a# no #urpri#e that thi# i# a re.erence to the "er#ian empire/ &hich ha# the honour o. recei-in an imp(icit po#iti-e ad1ecti-e in ;emo#thene#0 rhetoric .or the .ir#t time2 >o&e-er/ ;emo#thene# remain# e-er -i i(ant9 he doe# not direct(, #a, that the "er#ian# are honoura+(e/ .or that i# #ti(( a +rid e too .ar2 Mather/ he #tre##e# the (oath#ome character o. the (and
!! Mac;o&e((/ Demosthenes the 'rator, 3!92


o. Macedon9 thou h it ma, not +e the end o. the &or(d/ one cou(d certain(, #ee it .rom there2 8(#e&here in the #peech/ ;emo#thene# de#cri+e# "hi(ip +, u#in the phra#e 0our common .oe0 <9235=2 Thi# remar' epitomi3e# the notion that "hi(ip ha# de.inite(, ta'en the ideo(o ica( p(ace o. the a+#o(ute oppo#ite/ hitherto re#er-ed .or the "er#ian 'in 2 The po##i+(e con#e?uence i# that the "er#ian 'in #hou(d no (on er +e approached &ith hea-, ideo(o ica( +a a e/ +ut rather &ith an open mind a# a potentia( a((,2 Thi# po##i+i(it, &a# indirect(, opened up in 'n the !hersonese/ and here ;emo#thene# .o((o&# up on it: Then ha-in comp(eted a(( the#e preparation# and made our purpo#e c(ear/ &e mu#t (o#e no time in ca((in upon the other 6ree'#/ and &e mu#t in.orm them +, #endin am+a##ador# Fin e-er, direction/ to the "e(oponne#e/ to Mhode#/ to Chio#/ to the 6reat Iin N.or e-en hi# intere#t# are not una..ected i. &e pre-ent "hi(ip .rom #u+duin the &ho(e countr,NG #o that i. ,ou &in them o-er/ ,ou ma, ha-e #omeone to #hare ,our dan er# and ,our expen#e# &hen the time come#/ or i. not/ that ,ou ma, at (ea#t de(a, the cour#e o. e-ent#2 <;em2 92B1= %t .ir#t #i ht/ thi# pa##a e #eem# to imp(, that the "er#ian 'in cou(d +e a -a(ua+(e a((, in the comin #tru (e/ +ut +, no& &e #hou(d +e thorou h(, a&are o. ;emo#thene#0 characteri#tic #u+t(et, in thi# matter2 Indeed/ thi# pa##a e i# not a# #trai ht.or&ard a# it ma, #eem2 ;emo#thene# ar ue# .or ca((in in the he(p o. the 0other 6ree'#0/ and the .o((o&in remar' a+out ha-in 0#omeone to #hare ,our dan er# and ,our expen#e# &hen the time come#0 i# #o(e(, directed at the other 6ree'#/ not the "er#ian#2 >o&e-er/ ;emo#thene# doe# #a, that %then# #hou(d #end am+a##ador# 0in e-er, direction0/ &hich he to inc(ude the 6reat Iin / +ut he immediate(, add# a #peci.ic rea#on to (e itimi#e thi# inc(u#ion9 the other area# he name# <the "e(oponne#e/ Mhode#/ and Chio#= do not re?uire #uch an additiona( remar' #ince the, are a(( 6ree'#2 The rea#on .or inc(udin the "er#ian 'in i# i-en a#: 0.or e-en hi# intere#t# are not una..ected i. &e pre-ent "hi(ip .rom #u+duin the &ho(e countr,02 Thi# i# a rather -a ue rea#on9 not on(, it i# a ne ati-e rea#onin +orne .rom the #pecu(ati-e a##umption that "hi(ip &i(( +e pre-ented .rom con?uerin 6reece/ it a(#o doe# not #peci., &hat exact(, the intere#t# o. the "er#ian 'in are2 It a((o&# no other conc(u#ion than the, a##ertion that the comin +att(e +et&een "hi(ip and the 6ree'# &i(( ha-e #ome #ort o. impact on the intere#t# o. the "er#ian monarch/ and that he #hou(d +e in-o(-ed in the precedin dip(omac,2 7ith characteri#tic care/ ;emo#thene# introduce# the notion o. dip(omatic re(ation# &ith "er#ia concernin the Macedonian threat/ +ut hi# omi##ion o. an, .urther #peci.ic#/ #uch a# an 30

a((iance/ i# re-ea(in 2 %pparent(, the time &a# not ,et ri ht .or #uch a darin propo#a(/ thou h in the "hird Philippic another #tep in thi# direction ha# +een ta'en/ continuin !hersonese (e.t o..2 #ourth Philippic The #ourth Philippic +e(on # to the ,ear 3!1/ and &a# pro+a+(, de(i-ered not (on a.ter the "hird Philippic.!5 The exact occa#ion o. the #peech i# not 'no&n/ +ut it i# &ithout a dou+t connected &ith the ro&in ten#ion +et&een "hi(ip and %then#2 The authenticit, o. thi# #peech ha# (on +een di#puted2 Thi# i# due to the .act that #i ni.icant part# o. the #peech #ho& a #tri'in #imi(arit, to part# o. 'n the !hersonese9 8238-)B reappear# in t&o part# a# 10211-2B and 10255-B02!) Thou h the di(emma o. the authenticit, &a# re#o(-ed ear(, in the t&entieth centur, +, the di#co-er, o. a pap,ru# .ra ment +, ;id,mu#/ .rom &hich it i# e-ident that he had no dou+t# a+out the authenticit, o. the #peech/ it ha# rai#ed #ome ne& ?ue#tion#2 The i##ue re-o(-e# around the po##i+i(it, that ;emo#thene# added the pro+(ematic pa##a e# in hi# re-i#ion o. 'n the !hersonese/ ta'in them .rom the #ourth Philippic/ &hich he ne-er intended to pu+(i#h2!B2 >o&e-er/ I am more inc(ined to #ide &ith Car(ier/ &ho c(aim# that 0commentator# &ho a##ert that the %thenian peop(e &ou(d not ha-e accepted #uch repetition# at a .e& &ee'#0 inter-a( ha-e o+-iou#(, ne-er .o((o&ed a po(itica( campai n02!8 Me ard(e##/ the i##ue remain# and pro+a+(, &i(( not +e re#o(-ed #oon a# &e ha-e no &a, o. 'no&in &hether repetition &a# to(erated/ or e-en cu#tomar,/ in the 8''(e#ia2 The #ourth Philippic i# the c(imax o. thi# e##a,2 7e ha-e #een ho& ;emo#thene#/ in hi# pre-iou# #peeche#/ care.u((, pa-ed the &a, .or reconci(iation &ith the "er#ian 8mpire/ and in the #ourth Philippic ;emo#thene# .o((o&# up on thi# cour#e2 >e doe# #o in #e-era( continuou# pa##a e#/ &hich de#er-e to +e ?uoted in .u(( in thi# context: The one thin that remain# and that ou ht to ha-e +een done (on a o/ thou h e-en no& the chance i# not (o#t/ I &i(( te(( ,ou2 There i# nothin that the State need# #o much .or the comin #tru (e a# mone,2 Some #tro'e# o. ood .ortune &e ha-e en1o,ed &ithout our de#i n/ and i. &e ma'e the ri ht u#e o. them/ the de#ired re#u(t# ma, perhap# .o((o&2 For .ir#t/ the men &hom the
!5 Further preci#ion i# a matter o. continuou# de+ate9 C.2 Mac;o&e((/ Demosthenes the 'rator, 35!9 Sea(e,/ Demosthenes, 1822 !) Mac;o&e((/ Demosthenes the 'rator, 35!2 !B Stephen 62 ;ait3 0The Me(ation#hip o. the De !hersoneso and the Philippa 5uarta o. ;emo#thene#0 in: !lassical Philology 52 <195B=/ 1!5-)22 !8 Car(ier/ D/mosth0ne, 2002

&here 'n the


'in o. "er#ia tru#t# and ha# accepted a# hi# hate "hi(ip and are at &ar &ith him2 Second(,/ the a ent &ho &a# pri-, to a(( "hi(ip0# #cheme# a ain#t the 'in o. "er#ia ha# +een 'idnapped/ and the 'in &i(( hear o. a(( the#e p(ot#/ not a# the comp(aint o. %thenian#/ &hom he mi ht #u#pect o. #pea'in .or our o&n pri-ate ad-anta e/ +ut .rom the (ip# o. the -er, man &ho p(anned and carried them out/ #o that their credit i# e#ta+(i#hed/ and the on(, #u e#tion .or our am+a##ador# to ma'e i# one &hich the 'in &ou(d +e de(i hted to hear/ that the man &ho i# &ron in +oth partie# #hou(d +e puni#hed +, +oth in common/ and that "hi(ip i# much more dan erou# to the 'in i. he ha# attac'ed u# .ir#t/ .or i. &e are (e.t to our o&n re#ource# and an,thin happen# to u#/ he &i(( #oon +e marchin con.ident(, a ain#t the 'in 2 I thin' ,ou ou ht to #end an em+a##, to put a(( the#e matter# +e.ore the 'in / and ,ou ou ht to drop the .oo(i#h pre1udice that ha# #o o.ten +rou ht a+out ,our di#com.itureNJthe +ar+arian/K Jthe common .oe o. u# a((/K and a(( #uch phra#e#2 <;em2 10231-33= Fina((,/ the "er#ian Iin i# direct(, named a# a potentia( a((,/ e#pecia((, in the .inancia( #phere2 Some c(ari.ication concernin thi# pa##a e i# nece##ar, ho&e-er2 The ;emo#thene# name# inc(uded e#pecia((, Mentor o. Mhode#/ &ho at thi# time &a# actin a# a "er#ian #atrap in %#ia Minor/ and the 0'idnapped0 man &a# certain(, >ermia#/ the ru(er o. %tarneu#2 !9 It i# #i ni.icant that the, are +oth not named9 cou(d ;emo#thene# rea((, expect hi# audience to 'no& &hom he meantA Que#tion# #uch a# the#e ha-e a(#o contri+uted to the de+ate on the authenticit, o. the #peech/ +ut .or a(( &e 'no& there ma, ha-e +een much ta(' a+out them in %then#2 In particu(ar the ne&# that >ermia# had +een arre#ted and #ent to Su#a ma, ha-e reached %then# on(, a .e& da,# +e.ore the #ourth Philippic &a# de(i-ered/ #o that it &a# ?uite topica(250 Me ard(e##/ the#e e-ent# #i ni.icant(, impro-e %then#0 chance# at an a((iance &ith "er#ia in the e,e# o. ;emo#thene#9 a(read, "er#ian #atrap# &ere at &ar &ith "hi(ip/ and no& that the Iin hear# o. "hi(ip0# #cheme# a ain#t him .rom an independent #ource/ he #ha(( +e more &i((in to pre-ent "hi(ip .rom #u+duin 6reece2 Thu# ;emo#thene# pro-ide# c(ari.ication here on the -a ue 0intere#t#0 o. the Iin he mentioned in the "hird Philippic2
!9 Mac;o&e((/ Demosthenes the 'rator, 35)2 50 I+id2 35)2


Mo#t intere#tin a+out thi# pa##a e i# ;emo#thene#0 radica( departure .rom the anti-"er#ian ideo(o ,2 Thi# &a# a(read, anticipated +, hi# (ac' o. dero ator, remar'# in the "er#ian0# direction #ince the 'lynthiac oration# ear(, in 3!9E8/ and thi# trend .ind it# cu(mination in thi# pa##a e2 ;emo#thene# ar ue# that the %thenian# #hou(d drop the 0.oo(i#h pre1udice0 to&ard# the "er#ian 'in / #uch a# o+#er-in him to +e the 0common .oe o. u# a((02 The ideo(o ica( ta+(e# ha-e turned in the mo#t radica( o. manner#9 the#e remar'# are a .ar-cr, .rom ;emo#thene#0 admittance that the "er#ian Iin i# the 0common enem, o. a(( the 6ree'#0/ to ?uote hi# 'n the Symmories #peech o. 35!E3 <1!23=2 4. cour#e thi# i# due to "hi(ip0# threatenin ri#e to po&er/ and it i# hi h(, #i ni.icant that thi# threat &a# o. #uch a #e-ere 'ind that it cou(d +rea' throu h ideo(o ica( +arrier# : not&ith#tandin ;emo#thene#0 tendenc, to&ard# realpoliti .

It i# #a.e to conc(ude that there i# an e-ident tra1ector, a(on &hich ;emo#thene#0

perception# o. "er#ia tra-e(ed2 In hi# po(itica( de+ut #peech 'n the Symmories o. 35!E3/ ;emo#thene# .irm(, a(i ned him#e(. &ith the pre-ai(in 6ree' conception# o. "er#ia in &hich the "er#ian 8mpire &a# percei-ed a# the a+#o(ute antithe#i# o. the 6ree' &or(d2 Thou h hi# ad-ice &a# one o. caution/ ;emo#thene# ne-erthe(e## approached "er#ia in the cu#tomar, ideo(o ica( #en#e o. the ?uinte##entia( other2 >o&e-er/ the threatenin ri#e to po&er o. "hi(ip o. Macedon ?uic'(, ot ;emothene#0 re(ent(e## attention/ and in hi# #irst Philippic o. 352E1 he #tarted hi# a itation a ain#t "hi(ip &ith a noticea+(e (ac' o. ideo(o ica( ar ument#2 In the (atter ha(. o. hi# next #peech/ 'n the #reedom of the .hodians o. 351E0/ ;emo#thene# miti ate# hi# ideo(o ica( #tance a ain#t "er#ia #ome&hat/ and #u+t(, introduce# the notion o. "hi(ip a# a ne& ideo(o ica( oppo#ite +, namin him in the #ame +reath &ith the "er#ian Iin 2 Thi# cour#e i# continued in the 'lynthiac oration#/ &hich he he(d in 3!9E82 ;emo#thene# pur#ue# hi# a itation a ain#t "hi(ip +, e(e-atin him to the po#ition o. the ?uinte##entia( other9 he i# a +ar+arian/ a de#pot/ and he i# untru#t&orth,2 In #hort/ "hi(ip ha# +ecome e-er,thin that "er#ia once #tood .or2 Indeed/ 0i# an, de#cription too +ad .or himA0 <321)=2 In hi# Second Philippic o. 3!!E3/ ;emo#thene# repeat# hi# point in an e-en more extreme .orm/ in#inuatin that the threat .rom "hi(ip i# compara+(e to the threat .rom the Iin o. "er#ia durin the "er#ian 7ar#2 ;emo#thene#0 ho#ti(it, to&ard# "hi(ip ro&# e-er more inten#e9 no dou+t that the deep di##ati#.action ;emo#thene# .e(t at the


conc(u#ion o. the "eace o. "hi(ocrate# in 3!) p(a,# a re#pecta+(e part in exp(ainin thi#2 In hi# 'n the !hersonese o. 3!1/ ;emo#thene# in#inuate# that the "er#ian# are +ein threatened +, "hi(ip a# &e((/ and it i# note&orth, that thi# in#inuation i# u#ed #parin (, and doe# not (ead to a propo#a( o. initiatin an a((iance &ith "er#ia2 >o&e-er/ there i# no trace (e.t o. the ho#ti(it, a ain#t "er#ia &ith &hich ;emo#thene#0 #tarted hi# pu+(ic career2 5ot (on a.ter&ard#/ in the #ummer o. 3!1/ ;emo#thene# de(i-ered hi# "hird Philippic in &hich he introduce# the notion o. dip(omatic re(ation# &ith the "er#ian# &ith re ard# to the Macedonian threat/ thou h he i# de(i+erate(, -a ue on &hat the#e re(ation# #hou(d entai(2 Thi# i# +ut a +ui(d-up to hi# #ourth Philippic/ de(i-ered not (on a.ter the "hird Philippic/ in &hich ;emo#thene# direct(, name# the "er#ian Iin a# a potentia( a((,/ e-en oin #o .ar a# to condemn the dero ator, phra#e# &hich the 6ree'# u#ua((, emp(o, to de#cri+e the "er#ian Iin 9 phra#e# &hich ;emo#thene# had not he#itated to u#e in hi# po(itica( de+ut2 Thu#/ throu hout hi# pu+(ic career/ ;emo#thene#0 perception# o. "er#ia e-o(-ed .rom cu#tomar, ho#ti(it, to outri ht .riend(ine##2 There can +e (itt(e dou+t that "hi(ip o. Macedon &a# the principa( cau#e o. thi# e-o(ution2 ;emo#thene# p(ace# "hi(ip on the throne o. the ideo(o ica( oppo#ite9 a throne &hich &a# hitherto re#er-ed .or the "er#ian Iin 2 Thi# demon#trate# the #eriou#ne## &ith &hich ;emo#thene# percei-ed the threat .rom "hi(ip9 hi# +ound(e## am+ition &ou(d ne-er induce him to +e #ati#.ied &ith hi# po##e##ion#/ and thu# hi# con?ue#t - i. (e.t unchec'ed &ou(d ne-er cea#e2 In thi# ;emo#thene# certain(, &a# ri ht9 thi# tendenc, o. "hi(ip e-en pro-ed to +e hereditar, .or at (ea#t one eneration2 %+o-e a((/ the tra1ector, o. #ome .i.teen ,ear# out(ined in thi# e##a, demon#trate# the #u+t(et, &ith &hich ;emo#thene# hoped to con-ince hi# audience to .o((o& hi# chan in perception#2 Thi#/ in turn/ #i 1u#t ho& &e((- rounded the cu#tomar, ho#ti(it, to&ard# "er#ia &a#2 ;emo#thene# (itera((, proceeded #tep-+,-#tep/ and &ith meticu(ou# care and preci#ion di#mant(ed the ideo(o ica( +u(&ar' that &a# directed at "er#ia/ on(, to re+ui(d it in the direction o. Macedon2 There can +e on(, one common .oe/ and a# .ar a# ;emo#thene# &a# concerned thi# tit(e #hou(d o to the imminent threat o. "hi(ip rather than the hereditar, threat o. "er#ia2 Thou h the %thenian# ma, not a(&a,# ha-e +e(ie-ed ;emo#thene#/ he cou(d ta'e con#o(ation in the .act that hi#tor, pro-ed him ri ht2


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