Lancang (A Legend From Riau), Riau

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Lancang (a legend from Riau)

Riau - Indonesia

A name addressed to an area or a place usually is related to an incident or legend that happened (or assume to happen) in the surroundings. In the province of Riau, Indonesia, people name some areas in relation to the incidents that happened in the surroundings, the legend of Batang Tuaka for instance. Batang Tuaka later on address to the sub-district which is under the regency of Indragiri Hilir. However, an incident or a story does not only result in the birth of a name of a place, but also can be more than that. It is said that once there was an amazing story took place in the Kampar regency, Riau, from which some names of the areas originated and are still well known to the present day. The areas are: Lipat Kain (literary means the folded cloth) the capital of the subs district Kampar Kiri Hulu; Sungai Ogong (the Ogong river) that locates at the sub-district of Kampar Kanan; and the lake Lancang (lancing literary means: discourteous). Those names are originally taken from a folklore which is still popular until now and widely spread among the people at Kampar, the story of a man Lancang. Long time ago, there was a poor woman who had a son named Lancang. Both of them lived in a ramshackle hut in a place known as Kampar. Lancangs father had passed away many years ago. His mother worked as a labor in a field. Lancang himself herded his neighbors sheep. One day Lancang was very tired of having a terribly poor life. He wanted a different job to earn much money. He wanted to be rich. He told his mother the dream and asked her permission to let him go along the coast. Mother, I cannot stand this life any longer. I dont want to be poor forever.

I want to go to other places and find another job to earn a better life. Please let me go Mother, begged him to his mother. It was so difficult for her to let her only child left her, yet she let him do so,Well Lancang, you may go for your dream. But please dont forget me. Do remember to come back later when youve achieved the rich you dream of, answered his mother. Lancang was very happy that his mother let him go, and he cheerfully jumped here and there. He had been imagining himself as the richest man in his village. He was bored to be a shepherd. His mother responded nothing seeing her son jumped happily. She was so sad in fact realizing that she would be left alone by her only child. Lancang suddenly stopped jumping seeing the sadness in his mothers face. He hugged his mother and tried to comfort her, Dont be sad Mother. I will not forget you. I surely will come back with lots of money for you. She was touched by his words and promise and gradually calmed. His mother said to him, Alright my son. You can go early morning tomorrow. I will make lumping dadak tonight for you to eat during your trip. Lancang left his mother the next morning with some packages of lumping dadak, his favorite food, specially prepared by his mother. Years passed and now Lancang was a prosperous tradesman. He owned tens of trade ships and hundreds of crews. His wives were very beautiful and were from rich families. Meanwhile, back at his hometown, his mother lived a poor life and was alone in a small ramshackle hut. One day, Lancang sailed to Andalas with his wives. The wives were extremely happy. May we take supplies with us my husband? asked one of the wives. Yes my husband, we want to have a party on the ship, added the other. For he so loved his wives, he let them to do whatever they wanted to do. My wives take whatever and how many supplies youd love to, answered him. Given the permission for the wishes, his wives took everything to the ship; foods, musical instruments, and other things for the party. They also brought silks and jewellery made of gold and silver to decorate the ship that it would be more luxurious. People would know from the view that the ship belonged to a very rich man. All the people in that ship had party all the way. They played music, sang songs, and danced during the trip until one day it docked at a river known as Kampar. It was Lancangs hometown. Hey! Weve arrived! shouted one of the crews. The villagers around came to see the luxurious ship which just docked. And some of them still recognized Lancangs face. Wow, that is Lancang. He is now a rich man, expressed one of his teachers who used to teach him to read Koran. This is a great ship. Its good that Lancang still remembers his hometown, said one of Lancangs friends from his childhood. He later rushed to Lancangs hut to tell his mother, who was sick, that Lancang just arrived at the village. How happy she was to know the news. He is home, finally sobbed joyfully. Suddenly gained her energy, she got up of the bed. No more pain she felt. She rushed to the river to meet her beloved son, with old torn dress covered her fragile old body. She couldnt believe her eyes. A wonderful luxurious ship stood firmly in front of her, and it belonged to her son. She couldnt wait any longer to meet hi. Gathered all the courage, she got on to the ship and searched for Lancang. One of the crew suddenly appeared in front of her as she started to move. Hey you old woman. Dont even think of it. Get out of here! the man shouted at her and rudely forced her to go. But, I am Lancangs mother, he tried to explain. Hearing noises at the deck, Lancang immediately approached it with his wives following behind and unexpectedly shouted, She lies. I dont know her. Get her out of here! He was ashamed to have an old poor mother and didnt want her wives know the truth. Lancang my son. I really miss you, sobbed her. He hated it to see he cry so rudely said, How can I have an old poor woman like you to be my mother and commanded to his crews Get this crazy old woman out of my ship. Poor old woman, rejected by her own son. Sadly she went back to her hut and wept all the way. She didnt believe her son would do such a thing to her. The poor old woman immediately took a mortar and a nyiru pusaka. She turned around the mortar and wiped it with the nyiru and prayed, My God. I gave birth to Lancang and breastfed him. I took care of him and loved him. But now he rejects me. He refuses to admit me as his mother, his own mother. Show me your mercy God. Show him your majesty! In a flash, the wind suddenly blew heavily. The thunder hit Lancangs luxurious ship. The wave of the river Kampar hit the ship and torn it into pieces. All of those who witnessed the scene ran away for their lives. Mother...this is me your son Lancang. I am home. Forgive me mother! cried Lancang amidst the storm and the heavy rain. But nothing could be done to stop the disaster. The luxurious ship finally sank with all the people in it, including Lancang and his wives. All of things in the ship were scattered and slammed by the storm. The silk which was brought by the wives flew on the air and later folded and formed a land. It is later known as a name of an area, Lipat Kain, which is located on the Kampar Kiri region. The river swept a gong from the ship and moved it till close to the hut of Lancangs mother, the Air Tiris. It is believed that it turned to the present Ogong River which locates on Kampar Kanan. A Pottery flew and believed to form the area Pasubilah which is close to the lake Lancang. A flagstaff from Lancangs ship firmly stands there until now. People believe that a big flood will come every time the flagstaff appears. The flood is believed as the tears of Lancang who wept for forgiveness from his mother. People always believe the story as one reason for Kampar River to overflow. For the people in that area, the flood is not merely because of the high rainy season but also because the flagstaff of the ship appears. Kampar regency which is in the province of Riau is one of a venerable place for

flooding. Kampar River overflows almost every year that causes a big flood that sweeps away the entire inhabitants. (SM/sas/10/7-07/EV/2/12-07/TM)
References: Adapted from Sabrur. R. Soenardi. Si Lancang. Yogyakarta: C enter for the research and development of the Malay culture in cooperation with Adicita Karya Nusa, 2005. erita_Rakyat?Riau_default.htm Translated from Indonesian version by (MA)

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