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Master Procurement Documents

Bidding Documents for Procurement of Works

This Master Bidding Document for Procurement of Works has been prepared through the joint efforts of the Mu ti atera De!e opment Banks "MDBs# and $nternationa %inancia $nstitutions "$%$s#& name y' the (sian De!e opment Bank "(DB#& (frican De!e opment Bank "(fDB#) B ack *ea Trade and De!e opment Bank "B*TDB#& +aribbean De!e opment Bank "+DB#& +ommission of the ,uropean +ommunities "+,+#& ,uropean Bank for -econstruction and De!e opment ",B-D#& ,uropean $n!estment Bank ",$B#& $nter. (merican De!e opment Bank "$DB#& $nternationa Bank for -econstruction and De!e opment "$B-D#& /ordic De!e opment %und "/D%#& /orth (merican De!e opment Bank "/(DB#& and the 0nited /ations De!e opment Programme "0/DP#1 The Master document is intended to be used as a mode by these organi2ations for issuing ne3 and better harmoni2ed *tandard Bidding Documents for each indi!idua institution1 The document is intended to be fo o3ed& insofar as possib e& 3hi e a o3ing for institutiona and member country considerations1 The te4t sho3n in $ta ics corresponds to institution specific c auses that each MDB and $%$ 3i rep ace 3ith pro!isions consistent 3ith its respecti!e po icy1 ,ach MDB and $%$ 3i draft its o3n 0ser5s 6uide1

May 2003

March 2006

Summary Description



This Master Bidding Document for Procurement of Works and Users Guide has been prepared by the Mu ti atera Deve opment Banks and !nternationa "inancing !nstitutions to be used as a mode by these organi#ations for issuing ne$ and better harmoni#ed bidding documents for each individua institution% The Genera &onditions 'Section (!!) are the Bank *armoni#ed +dition of the Genera &onditions of &ontract prepared by the !nternationa "ederation of &onsu ting +ngineers 'Fdration Internationale des Ingnieurs-Conseils, or "!D!&), in agreement $ith various Mu ti atera Deve opment Banks% The document is intended to be fo o$ed, insofar as possib e, $hi e a o$ing for institutiona and member country considerations% The te-t sho$n in ita ics corresponds to institution specific c auses that each MDB.!"! $i rep ace $ith provisions consistent $ith its respective po icy% T$o a ternative Sections !!!, +va uation and /ua ification &riteria are provided to address the possibi ity of having or not having pre0ua ification of Bidders

ST12D13D P34&U3+M+2T D4&UM+2TS

Procurement of Works 7 0ser5s 6uide

52ame of Bank6 4ctober 7889

SBD "ore$ord


This Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Works and Users Guide has been prepared by 5name of Bank6 and is based on the Master Procurement Document for Procurement of Works and Users Guide prepared by the Mu ti atera Deve opment Banks and !nternationa "inancing !nstitutions% The document is organi#ed into t$o '7) main components: The Standard Bidding Document; and 1 Users Guide for Procurement of Works

This document ref ects the structure and the provisions of the Master Procurement Document for the Procurement of Works, e-cept $here specific considerations $ithin the respective mu ti atera deve opment bank have re0uired a change%


SBD Summary Description

*ummary Description
The use of this Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Works and its Users Guide app ies when a prequalification process has taken place before bidding / when a prequalification process has not taken place before bidding% 1 brief description of these documents is given be o$% The te-t sho$n in !ta ics corresponds to institution specific c auses that each MDB $i rep ace $ith provisions consistent $ith its respective po icy%

*BD for Procurement of Works

P(-T 8 9 B$DD$/6 P-:+,D0-,*
*ection $' $nstructions to Bidders "$TB# This Section provides re evant information to he p Bidders prepare their bids% !nformation is a so provided on the submission, opening, and eva uation of bids and on the a$ard of &ontracts% *ection $ contains pro!isions that are to be used 3ithout modification1 *ection $$1 Bid Data *heet "BD*# This Section consists of provisions that are specific to each procurement and that supp ement the information or re0uirements inc uded in Section !, !nstructions to Bidders% *ection $$$1 ,!a uation and Qualification +riteria This Section contains the criteria to determine the o$est eva uated bid and the qualifications of the Bidder to perform the contract% *ection $;' Bidding %orms This Section contains the forms $hich are to be comp eted by the Bidder and submitted as part of his Bid *ection ;1 , igib e +ountries This Section contains information regarding e igib e countries%

SBD Summary Description

P(-T 2 9 WORKS -,<0$-,M,/T*

*ection ;$1 This Section contains the Specification, the Dra$ings, and supp ementary information that describe the Works to be procured%


*ection ;$$1 6enera +onditions "GC# This Section contains the genera c auses to be app ied in a contracts% The te4t of the c auses in this *ection sha not be modified1 *ection ;$$$1 Particu ar +onditions "PC# This Section consists of Part 1, &ontract Data $hich contains data, and Part B, Specific Provisions $hich contains c auses specific to each contract% The contents of this Section modify or supp ement the Genera &onditions and sha be prepared by the +mp oyer% *ection $=' (nne4 to the Particu ar +onditions . +ontract %orms This Section contains forms $hich, once comp eted, $i form part of the &ontract %The forms for Performance *ecurity and (d!ance Payment *ecurity, $hen re0uired, sha on y be comp eted by the successfu Bidder after contract a$ard%

0ser5s 6uide for *BD for Procurement of Works

This Guide to the Bidding Document contains detai ed e-p anations and recommendations on ho$ to prepare a bidding document for a specific procurement of Works and re ated services% The Guide is not a part of the Bidding Document, and is to be drafted by each Mu ti atera Deve opment Bank or !nternationa "inancia !nstitution for its o$n use%


Procurement of Works
Bidding Document for Procurement of

$ssued on' ............... ICB /o'>>>>>11 Emplo !"'................ +ountry'...............


This Bidding Document for Procurement of Works has been prepared by 5+-ecuting 1gency6 and is based on the Standard Procurement Document <Bidding Document for Procurement of Works= issued by 52ame of Bank6, dated 5Date of !ssue6% This document ref ects the structure and the provisions of the Master Procurement Document for the Procurement of Works, e-cept $here specific considerations $ithin the respective mu ti atera deve opment bank have re0uired a change%

Standa"d Bidding Document

Tab e of +ontents
May 200311111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii March 20061111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii Section !% !nstructions to Bidders%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%9 Section !!% Bid Data Sheet%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7> Section !!!% +va uation and /ua ification &riteria%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%99 '"o o$ing Pre0ua ification)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%99 Section !!!% +va uation and /ua ification &riteria%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%9? 'Without Pre0ua ification)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%9? Section !(% Bidding "orms%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%@A Section (% + igib e &ountries%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%?9 Section (!% Works 3e0uirements%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%9 Section (!!% Genera &onditions 'G&)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%9


Section (!!!% Particu ar &onditions 'P&)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%BC Section (!!!% Particu ar &onditions 'P&)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B? Section !D% 1nne- to the Particu ar &onditions E &ontract "orms%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%>A ?/ame of Bank@1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111118

P(-T 8 9 Bidding Procedures


*ection $1 $nstructions to Bidders

Tab e of + auses

(16enera 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111A A%Scope of BidB 7%Source of "unds%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B 9%&orrupt Practices %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%> @%+ igib e Bidders%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%A8 C%+ igib e Materia s, +0uipment and Services%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%A7 B1+ontents of Bidding Document1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111182 ?%Sections of Bidding Document%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%A7 F%& arification of Bidding Document, Site (isit, PreEBid Meeting%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%A9 B%1mendment of Bidding Document%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%A@ +1Preparation of Bids1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111118B >%&ost of Bidding%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%AC A8%Ganguage of Bid%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%AC


AA%Documents &omprising the Bid%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%AC A7%Getter of Bid, and Schedu es %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%A? A9%1 ternative Bids%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%A? A@%Bid Prices and Discounts%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%A? AC%&urrencies of Bid and Payment%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%AF A?%Documents &omprising the Technica Proposa %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%AF AF%Documents +stab ishing the /ua ifications of the Bidder%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%AF AB%Period of (a idity of Bids%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%AB A>%Bid Security%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%AB 78%"ormat and Signing of Bid%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%78 D1*ubmission and :pening of Bids1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111120 7A%Sea ing and Marking of Bids%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%78 77%Dead ine for Submission of Bids%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7A 79%Gate Bids 7A 7@%Withdra$a , Substitution, and Modification of Bids %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7A 7C%Bid 4pening%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%77 ,1,!a uation and +omparison of Bids11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111123

Section !% !nstructions to Bidders


7?%&onfidentia ity%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%79 7F%& arification of Bids%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%79 7B%Deviations, 3eservations, and 4missions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%79 7>%Determination of 3esponsiveness %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7@ 98%2onmateria 2onconformities %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7@ 9A%&orrection of 1rithmetica +rrors%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7C 97%&onversion to Sing e &urrency %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7C 99%Margin of Preference%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7C 9@%+va uation of Bids%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7C 9C%&omparison of Bids%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7? 9?%/ua ification of the Bidder%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7F 9F%+mp oyers 3ight to 1ccept 1ny Bid, and to 3eHect 1ny or 1 Bids%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7F %1(3ard of +ontract111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112C 9B%1$ard &riteria%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7F 9>%2otification of 1$ard%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7F @8%Signing of &ontract%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7B @A%Performance Security%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7B


Section !% !nstructions to Bidders

Section !% !nstructions to Bidders



Section !% !nstructions to Bidders

*ection $1 $nstructions to Bidders

(1 6enera
81 *cope of Bid A%A !n connection $ith the !nvitation for Bids indicated in the Bid Data Sheet 'BDS), the Emplo er, as indicated in the BDS, issues this Bidding Document for the procurement of Works as specified in Section (!, !orks 3e0uirements% The name, identification, and number of lots "contracts# of the International Competiti$e Bidding "ICB# are provided in the BDS% A%7 Throughout this Bidding Document: 'a) 'b) the term <in $riting= means communicated in $ritten form and de ivered against receipt; e-cept $here the conte-t re0uires other$ise, $ords indicating the singu ar a so inc ude the p ura and $ords indicating the p ura a so inc ude the singu ar; and <day= means ca endar day%

'c) 21 *ource of %unds

A%9 The Borro$er or 3ecipient 'hereinafter ca ed <Borro$er=) indicated in the BDS has app ied for or received financing 'hereinafter ca ed <funds=) from the 5insert name of financing institution6 'hereinafter ca ed <the Bank=) to$ard the cost of the proHect named in the BDS% The Borro$er intends to app y a portion of the funds to e igib e payments under the contract's) for $hich this Bidding Document is issued% A%@ Payments by the Bank $i be made on y at the re0uest of the Borro$er and upon approva by the Bank in accordance $ith the terms and conditions of the financing agreement bet$een the Borro$er and the Bank "hereinafter called the %oan &greement#, and $i be subHect in a respects to the terms and conditions of that %oan &greement% 2o party other than the Borro$er sha derive any rights from the %oan &greement or have any c aim to the funds% A%C 'he %oan &greement prohibits a withdrawal from the loan account for the purpose of an pa ment to persons or entities( or for an import of equipment( plant( or materials( if such pa ment or import is prohibited b a decision of the )nited *ations Securit Council taken under Chapter +II of the Charter of the )nited *ations,

Section !% !nstructions to Bidders



+orrupt Practices

A%? 'he Bank requires that Borrowers "including beneficiaries of Bank loans#( as well as Bidders( Suppliers( Contractors( and Consultants under Bank-financed contracts( obser$e the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and e-ecution of such contracts, In pursuance of this polic ( the Bank. 'a) defines( for the purposes of this pro$ision( the terms set forth below as follows. 'i) /corrupt practice0 means the offering( gi$ing( recei$ing( or soliciting of an thing of $alue to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract e-ecution1 and 'ii) /fraudulent practice0 means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the e-ecution of a contract to the detriment of the Borrower( and includes collusi$e practices among Bidders "prior to or after bid submission# designed to establish bid prices at artificial( noncompetiti$e le$els and to depri$e the borrower of the benefits of free and open competition1 'iii) <collusi$e practice0 means a scheme or arrangement between two or more bidders( with or without the knowledge of the Borrower( designed to establish bid prices at artificial( noncompetiti$e le$els1 and

'iv) /coerci$e practice0 means harming or threatening to harm( directl or indirectl ( persons or their propert to influence their participation in the procurement process or affect the e-ecution of a contract1 'b) will re2ect a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder recommended for award has( directl or through an agent( engaged in corrupt( fraudulent( collusi$e or coerci$e practices in competing for the Contract in question1 will cancel the portion of the loan allocated to a contract if it determines at an time that representati$es of the Borrower or of a beneficiar of the loan engaged in corrupt( fraudulent( collusi$e or coerci$e practices during the procurement or the e-ecution of that contract( without the Borrower ha$ing taken timel and appropriate action satisfactor to the Bank to remed the



Section !% !nstructions to Bidders

situation1 "d# will sanction a firm or indi$idual( including declaring them ineligible( either indefinitel or for a stated period of time( to be awarded a Bank-financed contract if it at an time determines that the ha$e( directl or through an agent( engaged in corrupt( fraudulent( collusi$e or coerci$e practices in competing for( or in e-ecuting( a Bank-financed contract( and'e) will ha$e the right to require that a pro$ision be included in Bidding 3ocuments and in contracts financed b a Bank %oan( requiring bidders( suppliers( contractors and consultants to permit the Bank to inspect their accounts and records and other documents relating to the Bid submission and contract performance and to ha$e them audited b auditors appointed b the Bank, A%F Furthermore( Bidders shall be aware of the pro$ision stated in the 4articular Conditions "4C 56,7#, D1 , igib e Bidders A%B 1 Bidder may be a natural person, private entity, go$ernmentowned entit IsubHect to !TB @%?Ior any combination of such entities supported by a etter of intent to enter into an agreement or under an e-isting agreement in the form of a Hoint venture, consortium( or association "J(C&#% !n the case of a Hoint venture, consortium( or association: 'a) 'b) unless otherwise specified in the B3S, a partners sha be Hoint y and severa y iab e, and the J(C& sha nominate a 3epresentative $ho sha have the authority to conduct a business for and on beha f of any and a the partners of the J(C& during the bidding process and, in the event the J(C& is a$arded the &ontract, during contract e-ecution%

A%> & Bidder( and all partners constituting the Bidder( shall ha$e the nationalit of an eligible countr ( in accordance with Section +( Eligible Countries, & Bidder shall be deemed to ha$e the nationalit of a countr if the Bidder is a national or is constituted( incorporated( or registered and operates in conformit with the pro$isions of the laws of that countr , 'his criterion shall also appl to the determination of the nationalit of proposed subcontractors or suppliers for an part of the Contract including related ser$ices,

Section !% !nstructions to Bidders


A%A8 1 Bidder sha not have a conf ict of interest% 1 Bidders found to have a conf ict of interest sha be dis0ua ified% & Bidder ma be considered to ha$e a conflict of interest with one or more parties in this bidding process( if . 'a) 'b) 'c) 'd) the ha$e controlling partners in common1 or the recei$e or ha$e recei$ed an direct or indirect subsid from an of them1 or the ha$e the same legal representati$e for purposes of this bid1 or the ha$e a relationship with each other( directl or through common third parties( that puts them in a position to ha$e access to information about or influence on the bid of another Bidder( or influence the decisions of the 4urchaser regarding this bidding process1 or a Bidder participates in more than one bid in this bidding process, 4articipation b a Bidder in more than one Bid will result in the disqualification of all Bids in which the part is in$ol$ed, 8owe$er( this does not limit the inclusion of the same subcontractor in more than one bid1 or


'f) a Bidder participated as a consultant in the preparation of the design or technical specifications of the works that are the sub2ect of the bid, 'g) a Bidder was affiliated with a firm or entit that has been hired "or is proposed to be hired# b the Emplo er or Borrower as Engineer for the contract,

A%AA 1 firm that is under a dec aration of ine igibi ity by the Bank in accordance $ith !TB 9 and I'B 59,:, at the date of the dead ine for bid submission or thereafter, sha be dis0ua ified% A%A7 ;o$ernment-owned entit in the Emplo er<s countr shall be eligible onl if the can establish that the are legall and financiall autonomous and operate under commercial law, &lso( the shall not be dependent agencies of the Emplo er, A%A9 Bidders sha provide such evidence of their continued e igibi ity satisfactory to the Emplo er, as the Emplo er sha reasonab y re0uest%


Section !% !nstructions to Bidders

A%A@ Firms shall be e-cluded if. 'a) as a matter of law or official regulation( the Borrower<s countr prohibits commercial relations with that countr ( pro$ided that the Bank is satisfied that such e-clusion does not preclude effecti$e competition for the suppl of goods or related ser$ices required1 or b an act of compliance with a decision of the )nited *ations Securit Council taken under Chapter +II of the Charter of the )nited *ations( the Borrower<s countr prohibits an import of goods or contracting of works or ser$ices from that countr or an pa ments to persons or entities in that countr ,


A%AC 'his bidding is open onl to prequalified Bidders, B1 Eli#i$l! Mat!"ial%& E'uipm!nt and S!"(ic!% A%A? 'he materials( equipment and ser$ices to be supplied under the Contract shall ha$e their origin in eligible source countries as defined in I'B =,> abo$e and all e-penditures under the Contract will be limited to such materials( equipment( and ser$ices, &t the Emplo er<s request( Bidders ma be required to pro$ide e$idence of the origin of materials( equipment and ser$ices, A%AF For purposes of I'B 6,5 abo$e( /origin0 means the place where the materials and equipment are mined( grown( produced or manufactured( and from which the ser$ices are pro$ided, ?aterials and equipment are produced when( through manufacturing( processing( or substantial or ma2or assembling of components( a commerciall recogni@ed product results that is substantiall in its basic characteristics or in purpose or utilit from its components%

B1 +ontents of Bidding Document

61 *ections of Bidding Document A%AB The Bidding Document consists of Parts A, 7, and 9, $hich inc ude a the Sections indicated be o$, and shou d be read in conHunction $ith any 1ddenda issued in accordance $ith !TB B% P(-T 8 Bidding Procedures Section !% !nstructions to Bidders '!TB) Section !!% Bid Data Sheet 'BDS)

Section !% !nstructions to Bidders


P(-T 2

Section !!!% +va uation and Aualification &riteria Section !(% Bidding "orms Section (% + igib e &ountries Works -eEuirements Section (!% !ork<s Bequirements

P(-T 3 Condition% of +ontract and Cont"act Fo"m% Section (!!% Genera &onditions ';C# Section (!!!% Particu ar &onditions '4C) Section !D% 1nne- to the Particu ar &onditions E &ontract "orms

A%A> The !nvitation for Bids issued by the Emplo er is not part of the Bidding Document% A%78 The Emplo er is not responsib e for the comp eteness of the Bidding Document and its addenda, if they $ere not obtained direct y from the source stated by the Emplo er in the !nvitation for Bids% A%7A The Bidder is e-pected to e-amine a instructions, forms, terms, and specifications in the Bidding Document% "ai ure to furnish a information or documentation re0uired by the Bidding Document may resu t in the reHection of the bid% C1 + arification of A%77 1 prospective Bidder re0uiring any c arification of the Bidding Bidding Document sha contact the Emplo er in $riting at the Document& *ite Emplo ers address indicated in the BDS or raise his en0uiries ;isit& Pre.Bid during the preEbid meeting if provided for in accordance $ith Meeting !TB F%@% The Emplo er $i respond in $riting to any re0uest for c arification, provided that such re0uest is received no ater than twent -one ">5# days prior to the dead ine for submission of bids% The Emplo er sha for$ard copies of its response to a Bidders $ho have ac0uired the Bidding Document in accordance $ith !TB ?%9, inc uding a description of the in0uiry but $ithout identifying its source% Shou d the Emplo er deem it necessary to amend the Bidding Document as a resu t of a re0uest for c arification, it sha do so fo o$ing the procedure under !TB B and !TB 77%7%


Section !% !nstructions to Bidders

A%79 The Bidder is advised to visit and e-amine the Site of Works and its surroundings and obtain for itse f on its o$n responsibi ity a information that may be necessary for preparing the bid and entering into a contract for construction of the Works% The costs of visiting the Site sha be at the Bidders o$n e-pense% A%7@ The Bidder and any of its personne or agents $i be granted permission by the Emplo er to enter upon its premises and ands for the purpose of such visit, but on y upon the e-press condition that the Bidder, its personne , and agents $i re ease and indemnify the Emplo er and its personne and agents from and against a iabi ity in respect thereof, and $i be responsib e for death or persona inHury, oss of or damage to property, and any other oss, damage, costs, and e-penses incurred as a resu t of the inspection% A%7C The Bidders designated representative is invited to attend a preE bid meeting, if provided for in the BDS% The purpose of the meeting $i be to c arify issues and to ans$er 0uestions on any matter that may be raised at that stage% A%7? The Bidder is re0uested, as far as possib e, to submit any 0uestions in $riting, to reach the Emplo er not ater than one $eek before the meeting% A%7F Minutes of the preEbid meeting, inc uding the te-t of the 0uestions raised, $ithout identifying the source, and the responses given, together $ith any responses prepared after the meeting, $i be transmitted prompt y to a Bidders $ho have ac0uired the Bidding Document in accordance $ith !TB ?%9% 1ny modification to the Bidding Documents that may become necessary as a resu t of the preEbid meeting sha be made by the Emplo er e-c usive y through the issue of an 1ddendum pursuant to !TB B and not through the minutes of the preEbid meeting% A%7B 2onattendance at the preEbid meeting $i dis0ua ification of a Bidder% A1 (mendment of Bidding Document not be a cause for

A%7> 1t any time prior to the dead ine for submission of bids, the Emplo er may amend the Bidding Document by issuing addenda% A%98 1ny addendum issued sha be part of the Bidding Document and sha be communicated in $riting to a $ho have obtained the Bidding Document from the Emplo er in accordance $ith !TB ?%9%

Section !% !nstructions to Bidders


A%9A To give prospective Bidders reasonab e time in $hich to take an addendum into account in preparing their bids, the Emplo er may, at its discretion, e-tend the dead ine for the submission of bids, pursuant to !TB 77%7

+1 Preparation of Bids
F1 +ost of Bidding A%97 The Bidder sha bear a costs associated $ith the preparation and submission of its Bid, and the Emplo er sha not be responsib e or iab e for those costs, regard ess of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process% A%99 The Bid, as $e as a correspondence and documents re ating to the bid e-changed by the Bidder and the Emplo er, sha be $ritten in the language specified in the B3S% Supporting documents and printed iterature that are part of the Bid may be in another anguage provided they are accompanied by an accurate trans ation of the re evant passages in the language specified in the B3S, in $hich case, for purposes of interpretation of the Bid, such trans ation sha govern%

801 Ganguage of Bid

881 Documents A%9@ The Bid sha comprise the fo o$ing: +omprising the 'a) Getter of Bid Bid 'b) &omp eted schedu es as re0uired, inc uding priced Bill of Auantities, in accordance $ith !TB A7 and A@; 'c) 'd) 'e) Bid Security, in accordance $ith !TB A>; a ternative bids, if permissib e, in accordance $ith !TB A9; $ritten confirmation authori#ing the signatory of the Bid to commit the Bidder, in accordance $ith !TB 78%7;

'f)documentary evidence in accordance $ith !TB AF establishing the Bidders 0ua ifications to perform the contract if its Bid is accepted; 'g) 'h) 'echnical 4roposal in accordance with I'B 57, any other document re0uired in the BDS%

A%9C !n addition to the re0uirements under !TB AA%A, bids submitted by a J(&1 sha inc ude a copy of the Joint (enture 1greement entered into by a partners% 1 ternative y, a Getter of !ntent to e-ecute a Joint (enture 1greement in the event of a successfu bid sha be signed by a partners and submitted $ith the bid, together $ith a copy of the proposed agreement%


Section !% !nstructions to Bidders

821 Getter of Bid& and *chedu es

A%9? The Getter of Bid and Schedu es, inc uding the Bill of Auantities( sha be prepared using the re evant forms furnished in Section !(, Bidding "orms% The forms must be comp eted $ithout any a terations to the te-t, and no substitutes sha be accepted% 1 b ank spaces sha be fi ed in $ith the information re0uested% A%9F Un ess other$ise indicated in the BDS, a ternative bids sha not be considered% A%9B !hen alternati$e times for completion are e-plicitl in$ited( a statement to that effect will be included in the B3S( as will the method of e$aluating different times for completion, A%9> E-cept as pro$ided under I'B 5C,= below( Bidders wishing to offer technical alternati$es to the requirements of the bidding document must first price the Emplo er<s design as described in the bidding document and shall further pro$ide all information necessar for a complete e$aluation of the alternati$e b the Emplo er( including drawings( design calculations( technical specifications( breakdown of prices( and proposed construction methodolog and other rele$ant details, Dnl the technical alternati$es( if an ( of the lowest e$aluated Bidder conforming to the basic technical requirements shall be considered b the Emplo er, A%@8 !hen specified in the B3S( Bidders are permitted to submit alternati$e technical solutions for specified parts of the !orks( and such parts shall be identified in the B3S( as will the method for their e$aluating( and described in Section +I( !ork<s Bequirements,

831 ( ternati!e Bids

8D1 Bid Prices and Discounts

A%@A The prices and discounts 0uoted by the Bidder in the Getter of Bid and in the Bill of Auantities sha conform to the re0uirements specified be o$% A%@7 The Bidder sha fi in rates and prices for a items of the Works described in the Bill of Auantities% !tems against $hich no rate or price is entered by the Bidder $i not be paid for by the Emplo er $hen e-ecuted and sha be deemed covered by the rates for other items and prices in the Bill of Auantities% A%@9 The price to be 0uoted in the Getter of Bid, in accordance $ith !TB A7%A, sha be the tota price of the Bid, e-c uding any discounts offered% A%@@ The Bidder sha 0uote any unconditional discounts and the methodo ogy for their app ication in the Getter of Bid, in accordance $ith !TB A7%A%

Section !% !nstructions to Bidders


A%@C Un ess other$ise provided in the BDS and the &ontract, the rates and prices 0uoted by the Bidder are subHect to adHustment during the performance of the &ontract in accordance $ith the provisions of the &onditions of &ontract% In such a case( the Bidder shall furnish the indices and weightings for the price ad2ustment formulae in the Schedule of &d2ustment 3ata and the Emplo er ma require the Bidder to 2ustif its proposed indices and weightings, A%@? !f so indicated in !TB A%A, bids are being invited for individua lots 'contracts# or for any combination of lots 'packages)% Bidders $ishing to offer any price reduction for the a$ard of more than one &ontract sha specify in their bid the price reductions app icab e to each package, or a ternative y, to individua &ontracts $ithin the package% Price reductions or discounts sha be submitted in accordance $ith !TB A@%@, provided the bids for a lots "contracts# are submitted and opened at the same time% A%@F 1 duties, ta-es, and other evies payab e by the &ontractor under the &ontract, or for any other cause, as of the date 7B days prior to the dead ine for submission of bids, sha be inc uded in the rates and prices and the tota Bid Price submitted by the Bidder% 8B1 +urrencies of Bid and Payment A%@B The currency'cies) of the bid sha be( as specified in the BDS, A%@> Bidders ma be required b the Emplo er to 2ustif ( to the Emplo er<s satisfaction( their local and foreign currenc requirements( and to substantiate that the amounts included in the unit rates and prices and shown in the Summar of 4a ment Currenc Schedule( in which case a detailed breakdown of the foreign currenc requirements shall be pro$ided b Bidders A%C8 The Bidder sha furnish a Technica Proposa inc uding a statement of $ork methods, e0uipment, personne , schedu e and any other information as stipu ated in Section !(, in sufficient detai to demonstrate the ade0uacy of the Bidders proposa to meet the $ork re0uirements and the comp etion time% A%CA To establish its 0ua ifications to perform the &ontract in accordance $ith Section !!!, +va uation and Aualification &riteria, the Bidder sha provide the information re0uested in the corresponding information sheets inc uded in Section !(, Bidding "orms% A%C7 3omestic Bidders( indi$iduall or in 2oint $entures( appl ing for

861 Documents Comp"i%in# the Technica Proposa 8C1 Documents E%ta$li%)in# the <ua ifications of the Bidder


Section !% !nstructions to Bidders

eligibilit for domestic preference shall suppl all information required to satisf the criteria for eligibilit as described in I'B CC, A%C9 Bids sha remain va id for the period specified in the BDS after 8A1 Period of the bid submission dead ine date prescribed by the Emplo er% ;a idity of Bids 1 bid va id for a shorter period sha be reHected by the Emplo er as non responsive% A%C@ !n e-ceptiona circumstances, prior to the e-piration of the bid va idity period, the Emplo er may re0uest Bidders to e-tend the period of va idity of their bids% The re0uest and the responses sha be made in $riting% !f a bid security is re0uested in accordance $ith !TB A>, it sha a so be e-tended for t$entyEeight '7B) days beyond the dead ine of the e-tended va idity period% 1 Bidder may refuse the re0uest $ithout forfeiting its bid security% 1 Bidder granting the re0uest sha not be re0uired or permitted to modify its bid, e-cept as pro$ided in I'B 5:,C% A%CC In the case of fi-ed price contracts( if the award is dela ed b a period e-ceeding fift -si- "67# da s be ond the e-pir of the initial bid $alidit ( the Contract price shall be ad2usted b a factor specified in the request for e-tension, Bid e$aluation shall be based on the Bid 4rice without taking into consideration the abo$e correction, 8F1 Bid *ecurity A%C? )nless otherwise specified in the B3S, the Bidder sha furnish as part of its bid, a bid security in origina form and in the amount and currency specified in the BDS% A%CF The bid security sha be, a demand guarantee at the Bidders option, in any of the fo o$ing forms: 'a) 'b) 'c) 'd) an unconditional bank guarantee; an irrevocab e etter of credit; a cashiers or certified check; or another securit indicated in the B3S,

from a reputab e source from an e igib e country% !f the bid security furnished by the Bidder is in the form of a bond issued by an insurance or bonding institution ocated outside the Emplo ers &ountry, it sha have a correspondent financia institution ocated in the Emplo ers &ountry to make it enforceab e% The bid security sha be submitted either using the Bid Security "orm inc uded in Section !(, Bidding "orms ( in the case of a bank guarantee( or in another substantia y

Section !% !nstructions to Bidders


simi ar format approved by the Emplo er prior to bid submission% !n either case, the form must inc ude the comp ete name of the Bidder% The bid security sha be va id for t$entyE eight '7B) days beyond the origina va idity period of the bid, or beyond any period of e-tension if re0uested under !TB AB%7% A%CB 1ny bid not accompanied by an enforceab e and comp iant bid security, if one is re0uired in accordance $ith !TB A>%A, sha be reHected by the Emplo er as non responsive% A%C> The bid security of unsuccessfu Bidders sha be returned as prompt y as possib e upon the successfu Bidders furnishing of the performance security pursuant to !TB @A% A%?8 The bid security of the successfu Bidder sha be returned as prompt y as possib e once the successfu Bidder has signed the &ontract and furnished the re0uired performance security% A%?A The bid security may be forfeited: 'a) if a Bidder $ithdra$s its bid during the period of bid va idity specified by the Bidder on the Getter of Bid "orm, e-cept as provided in !TB AB%7 or if the successfu Bidder fai s to' 'i) sign the &ontract in accordance $ith !TB @8; or


'ii) furnish a performance security in accordance $ith !TB @A%

A%?7 The bid security of a J(C& sha be in the name of the J( C& that submits the bid% !f the J(C& has not been ega y constituted at the time of bidding, the Bid Securit shall be in the names of all future partners as named in the letter of intent referred to in I'B =,5, A%?9 If a bid securit is not required in the B3S( and 'a) if a Bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid $alidit specified b the Bidder on the %etter of Bid Form( e-cept as pro$ided in I'B 5:,>( or if the successful Bidder fails to*



Section !% !nstructions to Bidders


sign the Contract in accordance with I'B =E1 or

'ii) furnish a performance securit in accordance with I'B =5, 'iii) the Borrower ma ( if pro$ided for in the B3S( declare the Bidder ineligible to be awarded a contract b the Borrower for a period of time as stated in the B3S, 201 %ormat and *igning of Bid A%?@ The Bidder sha prepare one origina of the documents comprising the bid as described in !TB AA and c ear y mark it <43!G!21G%= 1 ternative bids, if permitted in accordance $ith !TB A9, sha be c ear y marked <1GT+321T!(+=% !n addition, the Bidder sha submit copies of the bid, in the number specified in the BDS and c ear y mark them <&4PK%= !n the event of any discrepancy bet$een the origina and the copies, the origina sha prevai % A%?C The origina and a copies of the bid sha be typed or $ritten in inde ib e ink and sha be signed by a person du y authori#ed to sign on beha f of the Bidder% This authori#ation sha consist of a $ritten confirmation as specified in the BDS and sha be attached to the bid% The name and position he d by each person signing the authori#ation must be typed or printed be o$ the signature% &ll pages of the bid where entries or amendments ha$e been made shall be signed or initialed b the person signing the bid, A%?? 1ny inter ineation, erasures, or over$riting sha be va id on y if they are signed or initia ed by the person signing the bid%

D1 *ubmission and :pening of Bids

281 *ea ing and Marking of Bids A%?F The Bidder sha enc ose the origina and a copies of the bid, inc uding a ternative bids, if permitted in accordance $ith !TB A9, in separate sea ed enve opes, du y marking the enve opes as <43!G!21G=, /&%'EB*&'I+E0 and <&4PK%= These enve opes containing the origina and the copies sha then be enc osed in one sing e enve ope% A%?B The inner and outer enve opes sha : 'a) 'b) bear the name and address of the Bidder; be addressed to the Emplo er in accordance $ith !TB 77%A;

Section !% !nstructions to Bidders


'c) 'd)

bear the specific identification of this bidding process indicated in the BDS A%A; and bear a $arning not to open before the time and date for bid opening%

A%?> !f a enve opes are not sea ed and marked as re0uired, the Emplo er $i assume no responsibi ity for the misp acement or premature opening of the bid% 221 Dead ine for *ubmission of Bids A%F8 Bids must be received by the Emplo er at the address and no ater than the date and time indicated in the BDS% When so specified in the BDS, Bidders sha have the option of submitting their bids e ectronica y% Bidders submitting bids e ectronica y sha fo o$ the e ectronic bid submission procedures specified in the BDS% A%FA The Emplo er may, at its discretion, e-tend the dead ine for the submission of bids by amending the Bidding Document in accordance $ith !TB B, in $hich case a rights and ob igations of the Emplo er and Bidders previous y subHect to the dead ine sha thereafter be subHect to the dead ine as e-tended% 231 Gate Bids A%F7 The Emplo er sha not consider any bid that arrives after the dead ine for submission of bids, in accordance $ith !TB 77% 1ny bid received by the Emplo er after the dead ine for submission of bids sha be dec ared ate, reHected, and returned unopened to the Bidder%

2D1 Withdra3a & A%F9 1 Bidder may $ithdra$, substitute, or modify its bid after it has *ubstitution& been submitted by sending a $ritten notice, du y signed by an and authori#ed representative, and sha inc ude a copy of the Modification of authori#ation in accordance $ith !TB 78%7, 'e-cept that Bids $ithdra$a notices do not re0uire copies)% The corresponding substitution or modification of the bid must accompany the respective $ritten notice% 1 notices must be: 'a) prepared and submitted in accordance $ith !TB 78 and !TB 7A 'e-cept that $ithdra$a s notices do not re0uire copies), and in addition, the respective enve opes sha be c ear y marked <W!T*D31W1G,= <SUBST!TUT!42,= <M4D!"!&1T!42;= and received by the Emplo er prior to the dead ine prescribed for submission of bids, in accordance $ith !TB 77%


A%F@ Bids re0uested to be $ithdra$n in accordance $ith !TB 7@%A sha be returned unopened to the Bidders%


Section !% !nstructions to Bidders

A%FC 2o bid may be $ithdra$n, substituted, or modified in the interva bet$een the dead ine for submission of bids and the e-piration of the period of bid va idity specified by the Bidder on the Getter of Bid "orm or any e-tension thereof% 2B1 Bid :pening A%F? The Emplo er sha open the bids in pub ic, in the presence of BiddersL designated representatives and anyone $ho choose to attend, and at the address, date and time specified in the BDS% 1ny specific e ectronic bid opening procedures re0uired if e ectronic bidding is permitted in accordance $ith !TB 77%A, sha be as specified in the BDS% A%FF "irst, enve opes marked <W!T*D31W1G= sha be opened and read out and the enve ope $ith the corresponding bid sha not be opened, but returned to the Bidder% 2o bid $ithdra$a sha be permitted un ess the corresponding $ithdra$a notice contains a va id authori#ation to re0uest the $ithdra$a and is read out at bid opening% 2e-t, enve opes marked <SUBST!TUT!42= sha be opened and read out and e-changed $ith the corresponding bid being substituted, and the substituted bid sha not be opened, but returned to the Bidder% 2o bid substitution sha be permitted un ess the corresponding substitution notice contains a va id authori#ation to re0uest the substitution and is read out at bid opening% +nve opes marked <M4D!"!&1T!42= sha be opened and read out $ith the corresponding bid% 2o bid modification sha be permitted un ess the corresponding modification notice contains a va id authori#ation to re0uest the modification and is read out at bid opening% 4n y enve opes that are opened and read out at bid opening sha be considered further% A%FB 1 other enve opes sha be opened one at a time, reading out: the name of the Bidder and $hether there is a modification; the Bid Price's), inc uding any discounts and a ternative offers; the presence of a bid securit ( if required; and any other detai s as the Emplo er may consider appropriate% 4n y discounts and a ternative offers read out at bid opening sha be considered for eva uation% If so requested b the Emplo er in the B3S( the %etter of Bid and the Bill of Auantities are to be initialed b at least three representati$es of the Emplo er attending bid opening in the manner indicated in the B3S, 2o bid sha be reHected at bid opening e-cept for ate bids, in accordance $ith !TB 79%A% A%F> The Emplo er sha prepare a record of the bid opening that sha inc ude, as a minimum: the name of the Bidder and $hether there is a $ithdra$a , substitution, or modification; the Bid

Section !% !nstructions to Bidders


Price, per ot if app icab e, inc uding any discounts and a ternative offers; and the presence or absence of a bid security, if one $as re0uired% The Bidders representatives $ho are present sha be re0uested to sign the record% The omission of a Bidders signature on the record sha not inva idate the contents and effect of the record% 1 copy of the record sha be distributed to a Bidders%

,1 ,!a uation and +omparison of Bids

261 +onfidentia ity A%B8 Information relating to the e$aluation of bids and recommendation of contract award( shall not be disclosed to Bidders or an other persons not officiall concerned with such process until information on Contract award is communicated to all Bidders% A%BA 1ny attempt by a Bidder to inf uence the Emplo er in the eva uation of the bids or &ontract a$ard decisions may resu t in the reHection of its bid% A%B7 2ot$ithstanding !TB 7?%7, from the time of bid opening to the time of &ontract a$ard, if any Bidder $ishes to contact the Emplo er on any matter re ated to the bidding process, it may do so in $riting% 2C1 + arification of A%B9 To assist in the e-amination, eva uation, and comparison of the Bids bids, and 0ua ification of the Bidders, the Emplo er may, at its discretion, ask any Bidder for a c arification of its bid% 1ny c arification submitted by a Bidder that is not in response to a re0uest by the Emplo er sha not be considered% The Emplo ers re0uest for c arification and the response sha be in $riting% 2o change in the prices or substance of the bid sha be sought, offered, or permitted, e-cept to confirm the correction of arithmetic errors discovered by the Emplo er in the eva uation of the bids, in accordance $ith !TB 9A% A%B@ !f a Bidder does not provide c arifications of its bid by the date and time set in the &ontracting 1gencys re0uest for c arification, its bid may be reHected% 2A1 De!iations& -eser!ations& and :missions A%BC During the eva uation of bids, the fo o$ing definitions app y: 'a) <Deviation= is a departure from re0uirements specified in the Bidding Document; the

'b) <3eservation= is the setting of imiting conditions or $ithho ding from comp ete acceptance of the re0uirements specified in the Bidding Document; and


Section !% !nstructions to Bidders

'c) <4mission= is the fai ure to submit part or a of the information or documentation re0uired in the Bidding Document% 2F1 Determination A%B? The Emplo ers determination of a bids responsiveness is to be of based on the contents of the bid itse f, as defined in !TBAA% -esponsi!eness A%BF 1 substantia y responsive bid is one that meets the re0uirements of the Bidding Document $ithout materia deviation, reservation, or omission% 1 materia deviation, reservation, or omission is one that, 'a) if accepted, $ou d: 'i) affect in any substantia $ay the scope, 0ua ity, or performance of the Works specified in the Contract; or

'ii) imit in any substantia $ay, inconsistent $ith the Bidding Document, the Emplo ers rights or the Bidders ob igations under the proposed &ontract; or 'b) if rectified, $ou d unfair y affect the competitive position of other Bidders presenting substantia y responsive bids%

A%BB The +mp oyer sha e-amine the technica aspects of the bid submitted in accordance $ith !TB A?, Technica Proposa , in particu ar, to confirm that a re0uirements of Section (!, Works 3e0uirements have been met $ithout any materia deviation or reservation% A%B> !f a bid is not substantia y responsive to the re0uirements of the Bidding Document, it sha be reHected by the Emplo er and may not subse0uent y be made responsive by correction of the materia deviation, reservation, or omission% 301 Nonmat!"ial /onconformiti es A%>8 Provided that a bid is substantia y responsive, the Emplo er may $aive any nonconformities in the bid that do not constitute a materia deviation, reservation or omission, A%>A Provided that a bid is substantia y responsive, the Emplo er may re0uest that the Bidder submit the necessary information or documentation, $ithin a reasonab e period of time, to rectify nonmateria nonconformities in the bid re ated to documentation re0uirements% 3e0uesting information or documentation on such nonconformities sha not be re ated to any aspect of the price of the bid% "ai ure of the Bidder to comp y $ith the

Section !% !nstructions to Bidders


re0uest may resu t in the reHection of its bid% A%>7 Provided that a bid is substantia y responsive, the Emplo er sha rectify nonmateria nonconformities re ated to the Bid Price% To this effect, the Bid Price sha be adHusted, for comparison purposes on y, to ref ect the price of a missing or nonEconforming item or component% The adHustment sha be made using the method indicated in Section !!!, +va uation and Aualification &riteria, 381 +orrection of (rithmetica ,rrors A%>9 Provided that the bid is substantia y responsive, the Emplo er sha correct arithmetica errors on the fo o$ing basis: 'a) if there is a discrepancy bet$een the unit price and the tota price that is obtained by mu tip ying the unit price and 0uantity, the unit price sha prevai and the tota price sha be corrected, un ess in the opinion of the Emplo er there is an obvious misp acement of the decima point in the unit price, in $hich case the tota price as 0uoted sha govern and the unit price sha be corrected; if there is an error in a tota corresponding to the addition or subtraction of subtota s, the subtota s sha prevai and the tota sha be corrected; and if there is a discrepancy bet$een $ords and figures, the amount in $ords sha prevai , un ess the amount e-pressed in $ords is re ated to an arithmetic error, in $hich case the amount in figures sha prevai subHect to 'a) and 'b) above%



A%>@ !f the Bidder that submitted the o$est eva uated bid does not accept the correction of errors, its bid sha be dis0ua ified% 321 +on!ersion to *ing e +urrency 331 Margin of Preference 3D1 ,!a uation of Bids A%>C "or eva uation and comparison purposes, the currency'ies) of the bid sha be converted into a sing e currency as specified in the BDS % A%>? )nless otherwise specified in the B3S( a margin of preference sha not app y% A%>F The +mp oyer sha use the criteria and methodo ogies isted in this & ause% 2o other eva uation criteria or methodo ogies sha be permitted% A%>B To eva uate a bid, the Emplo er sha consider the fo o$ing: 'a) the bid price, e-c uding Provisiona Sums and the


Section !% !nstructions to Bidders

provision, if any, for contingencies in the Summary Bill of Auantities, but inc uding Day$ork items, $here priced competitive y; 'b) 'c) 'd) price adHustment for correction of arithmetic errors in accordance $ith !TB 9A%A; price adHustment due to discounts offered in accordance $ith !TB A@%@; converting the amount resu ting from app ying 'a) to 'c) above, if re evant, to a sing e currency in accordance $ith !TB 97; ad2ustment for nonconformities in accordance with I'B CE,C;


'f) the e$aluation factors indicated in Section III( E$aluation and Aualification Criteria1 A%>> The estimated effect of the price adHustment provisions of the &onditions of &ontract, app ied over the period of e-ecution of the &ontract, sha not be taken into account in bid eva uation% A%A88 !f this Bidding Document a o$s Bidders to 0uote separate prices for different lots "contracts#, and the a$ard to a sing e Bidder of mu tip e lots 'contracts#, the methodo ogy to determine the o$est eva uated price of the lot "contract# combinations, inc uding any discounts offered in the Getter of Bid "orm, is specified in Section !!!, +va uation and Aualification &riteria% A%A8A !f the bid, $hich resu ts in the o$est +va uated Bid Price, is serious y unba anced or front oaded in the opinion of the Emplo er, the Emplo er may re0uire the Bidder to produce detai ed price ana yses for any or a items of the Bill of Auantities, to demonstrate the internal consistenc of those prices with the construction methods and schedule proposed, &fter e$aluation of the price anal ses( taking into consideration the schedule of estimated Contract pa ments( the Emplo er ma require that the amount of the performance securit be increased at the e-pense of the Bidder to a le$el sufficient to protect the Emplo er against financial loss in the e$ent of default of the successful Bidder under the Contract% 3B1 +omparison of Bids A%A87 The Emplo er sha compare a substantia y responsive bids to determine the o$est eva uated bid, in accordance $ith !TB

Section !% !nstructions to Bidders


9@%7, 361 Qualification of t)! Bidd!" A%A89 The Emplo er sha determine to its satisfaction $hether the Bidder that is se ected as having submitted the o$est eva uated and substantia y responsive bid meets the 0ua ifying criteria specified in Section !!!, +va uation and /ua ification &riteria% A%A8@ The determination sha be based upon an e-amination of the documentary evidence of the Bidders 0ua ifications submitted by the Bidder, pursuant to !TB AF%A% A%A8C 1n affirmative determination sha be a prere0uisite for a$ard of the &ontract to the Bidder% 1 negative determination sha resu t in dis0ua ification of the bid, in $hich event the Emplo er sha proceed to the ne-t o$est eva uated bid to make a simi ar determination of that Bidders 0ua ifications to perform satisfactori y% 3C1 Emplo !"5s A%A8? The Emplo er reserves the right to accept or reHect any bid, and -ight to (ccept to annu the bidding process and reHect a bids at any time prior (ny Bid& and to contract a$ard, $ithout thereby incurring any iabi ity to to -eject (ny Bidders% !n case of annu ment, a bids submitted and or ( Bids specifica y, bid securities, sha be prompt y returned to the Bidders%

%1 (3ard of +ontract
3A1 (3ard +riteria A%A8F The Emplo er sha a$ard the &ontract to the Bidder $hose offer has been determined to be the o$est eva uated bid and is substantia y responsive to the Bidding Document, provided further that the Bidder is determined to be 0ua ified to perform the &ontract satisfactori y% 3F1 /otification of (3ard A%A8B Prior to the e-piration of the period of bid va idity, the Emplo er sha notify the successfu Bidder, in $riting, that its bid has been accepted% The notification etter 'hereinafter and in the &onditions of &ontract and &ontract "orms ca ed the <Getter of 1cceptance=) sha specify the sum that the Emplo er $i pay the &ontractor in consideration of the e-ecution and comp etion of the Works 'hereinafter and in the &onditions of &ontract and &ontract "orms ca ed <the &ontract Price= and the re0uirement for the &ontractor to remedy any defects therein as prescribed by the &ontract% 1t the same time, the Emplo er sha a so notify a other Bidders of the resu ts of the bidding, and sha pub ish in )*3B online and in the dg?arket the resu ts identifying the bid and ot numbers and the fo o$ing information: 'i) name of each Bidder $ho submitted a Bid; 'ii) bid prices as


Section !% !nstructions to Bidders

read out at Bid 4pening; 'iii) name and eva uated prices of each Bid that $as eva uated; 'iv) name of bidders $hose bids $ere reHected and the reasons for their reHection; and 'v) name of the $inning Bidder, and the Price it offered, as $e as the duration and summary scope of the contract a$arded% % A%A8> Unti a forma contract is prepared and e-ecuted, the notification of a$ard sha constitute a binding &ontract% A%AA8 'he Emplo er shall promptl respond in writing to an unsuccessful Bidder who( after notification of award in accordance with I'B C9,5( requests in writing the grounds on which its tender was not selected, D01 *igning of +ontract A%AAA Prompt y after notification, the Emplo er sha successfu Bidder the Contract &greement% send the

A%AA7 Within t$entyEeight '7B) days of receipt of the Contract &greement, the successfu Bidder sha sign, date, and return it to the Emplo er% D81 Performance *ecurity A%AA9 Within t$entyEeight '7B) days of the receipt of notification of a$ard from the Emplo er, the successfu Bidder sha furnish the performance security in accordance $ith the conditions of contract, subHect to !TB 9@%C, using for that purpose the Performance Security "orm inc uded in Section !D, 1nne- to the Particu ar &onditions E &ontract "orms, or another form acceptab e to the Emplo er% !f the performance security furnished by the successfu Bidder is in the form of a bond, it sha be issued by a bonding or insurance company that has been determined by the successfu Bidder to be acceptab e to the Emplo er% 1 foreign institution providing a bond sha have a correspondent financia institution ocated in the Emplo ers &ountry% A%AA@ "ai ure of the successfu Bidder to submit the aboveEmentioned Performance Security or sign the &ontract sha constitute sufficient grounds for the annu ment of the a$ard and forfeiture of the bid security% !n that event the Emplo er may a$ard the &ontract to the ne-t o$est eva uated Bidder $hose offer is substantia y responsive and is determined by the Emplo er to be 0ua ified to perform the &ontract satisfactori y%


*ection $$1 Bid Data *heet

(1 $ntroduction
$TB 818 $TB 818 $TB 818 The number of the !nvitation for Bids is : The Emplo er is: The name of the !&B is: The identification number of the !&B is: The number and identification of lots "contracts# comprising this !&B is: $TB 218 $TB 218 ITB +,- .a/ The Borro$er is: The name of the ProHect is: 'he indi$iduals or firms in a 2oint $enture( consortium or association FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 2ointl and se$erall liable,

B1 Bidding Document
$TB C18 "or c arification purposes on y, the Emplo ers address is: 1ttention: Street 1ddress: " oor.3oom number: &ity: M!P &ode: &ountry: Te ephone: "acsimi e number: + ectronic mai address: 1 PreEBid meeting take p ace at the fo o$ing date, time and p ace: Date: Time: P ace: 1 site visit conducted by the +mp oyer organi#ed


+1 Preparation of Bids
ITB 01,0 $TB 8818 "h# 'he language of the bid is. The Bidder sha submit $ith its bid the fo o$ing additiona documents:

$TB 8318



ITB 02,-

&lternati$e times for completionFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF permitted, If alternati$e times for completion are permitted( the e$aluation method will be as specified in Section III( E$aluation and Aualification Criteria,

ITB 02,+

&lternati$e technical solutions shall be permitted for the following parts of the !orks. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF If alternati$e technical solutions are permitted( the e$aluation method will be as specified in Section III( E$aluation and Aualification Criteria The prices 0uoted by the Bidder sha be: The currency'ies) of the bid sha be as follows. The bid va idity period sha be NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNdays% 1 bid security NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN re0uired% If a bid securit shall be required( the amount and currenc of the bid securit shall be

$TB 8D1B $TB 8B18 $TB 8A18 $TB 8F18

ITB 03,- .d/ ITB 03,4

Dther t pes of acceptable securities. If the Bidder incurs in an of the actions prescribed in subparagraphs "a# or "b# of this pro$ision( the Emplo er will declare the Bidder ineligible to be awarded contracts b the Emplo er for a period of FFFFFFF ears, !n addition to the origina of the bid, the number of copies is: The $ritten confirmation of authori#ation to sign on beha f of the Bidder sha consist of:

$TB 2018 $TB 2012

D1 *ubmission and :pening of Bids

$TB 2218 "or bid submission purposes on y, the Emplo ers address is : 1ttention: Street 1ddress: " oor.3oom number: &ity: M!P &ode: &ountry: The dead ine for bid submission is' Date: Time: Bidders NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNhave the option of submitting their bids e ectronica y% !f bidders have the option of submitting their bids e ectronica y, the

Section !!% Bid Data Sheet


e ectronic bidding submission procedures sha be: $TB 2B18 The bid opening sha take p ace at: Street 1ddress: " oor.3oom number: &ity : &ountry: Date: Time: !f bidders have the option of submitting their bids e ectronica y, the e ectronic bid opening procedures sha be: $TB 2B13 The Getter of Bid and Bi of /uantities NNNNNNNNNNNNNbe initia ed by representatives of the +mp oyer attending Bid opening% !f initia i#ation is re0uired, it sha be conducted as fo o$s:

,1 ,!a uation& and +omparison of Bids

$TB 3218 The currency'ies) of the Bid sha be converted into a sing e currency as fo o$s: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN The currency that sha be used for bid eva uation and comparison purposes to convert a bid prices e-pressed in various currencies into a sing e currency is: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN The source of e-change rate sha be: The date for the e-change rate sha be: ITB 22,0 & margin of preference FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF appl , If a margin of preference applies( the application methodolog shall be.


*ection $$$1 E(aluation and Qualification C"it!"ia .Follo5in# P"!'ualification/

This Section contains a the criteria that the +mp oyer sha use to eva uate bids and 0ua ify Bidders% In accordance with I'B C= and I'B C7( no other factors( methods or criteria shall be used, The Bidder sha provide a the information re0uested in the forms inc uded in Section !(, Bidding "orms%



In addition to the criteria listed in I'B C=,> "a# G "e# the following criteria shall appl . 5,5 &ssessment of adequac of 'echnical 4roposal with Bequirements



-,0 6pdat! of Info"mation 'he Bidder shall continue to meet the criteria used at the time of prequalification, -,Financial Besources )sing the rele$ant Forms *o H and *oH in Section I+( Bidding Forms the Bidder must demonstrate access to( or a$ailabilit of( financial resources such as liquid assets( unencumbered real assets( lines of credit( and other financial means( other than an contractual ad$ance pa ments to meet. "i# the following cash-flow requirement. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and "ii# the o$erall cash flow requirements for this contract and its current works commitment, 213 P!"%onn!l

Section !!!% +va uation and /ua ification &riteria


'he Bidder must demonstrate that it has the personnel for the ke positions that meet the following requirements.
No, Po%ition Total Wo"7 Simila" E8p!"i!nc! . !a"%/ In Simila" Wo"7% E8p!"i!nc! . !a"%/

5 > C = 6

'he Bidder shall pro$ide details of the proposed personnel and their e-perience records in the rele$ant Information Forms included in Section I+( Bidding Forms, -,+ E'uipm!nt

'he Bidder must demonstrate that it has the ke equipment listed hereafter.
No, 5 > C = 6 E'uipm!nt T p! and C)a"act!"i%tic% Minimum Num$!" "!'ui"!d

'he Bidder shall pro$ide further details of proposed items of equipment using the rele$ant Form in Section I+,


Section !!!% +va uation and /ua ification &riteria

*ection $$$1 E(aluation and Qualification C"it!"ia .Wit)out P"!'ualification/

This Section contains a the criteria that the +mp oyer sha use to eva uate bids and 0ua ify Bidders% In accordance with I'B C= and I'B C7( no other factors( methods or criteria shall be used, The Bidder sha provide a the information re0uested in the forms inc uded in Section !(, Bidding "orms%

Section !!!% +va uation and /ua ification &riteria



In addition to the criteria listed in I'B C=,> "a# G "e# the following criteria shall appl . 5,5 &ssessment of adequac of 'echnical 4roposal with Bequirements



218 Eli#i$ilit >,5,5 *ationalit >,5,> Conflict of Interest >,5,C Bank Ineligibilit >,5,= ;o$ernment Dwned Entit >,5,6 E-cluded as a matter of the Borrower<s Countr law or official regulation or act of compliance with a ),*,<s Securit Council decision, -,9i%to"ical Cont"act Non P!"fo"manc! >,>,5 >,>,> -,2 8istor of *on 4erforming Contracts 4ending %itigation

Financial Situation >,C,5 >,C,> 7%9%9 8istorical Financial 4erformance &$erage &nnual Construction 'urno$er "inancia 3esources

)sing Forms CCC and F-5 in Section I+( Bidding Forms the Bidder must demonstrate access to( or a$ailabilit of( financial resources such as liquid


Section !!!% +va uation and /ua ification &riteria

assets( unencumbered real assets( lines of credit( and other financial means( other than an contractual ad$ance pa ments to meet. "i# the following cash-flow requirement. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and "ii# the o$erall cash flow requirements for this contract and its current works commitment, -,+ E8p!"i!nc! >,=,5 >,=,> 21B ;eneral Construction E-perience Specific Construction E-perience


'he Bidder must demonstrate that it has the personnel for the ke positions that meet the following requirements.
No, Po%ition Total Wo"7 Simila" E8p!"i!nc! . !a"%/ In Simila" Wo"7% E8p!"i!nc! . !a"%/

5 > C = 6

'he Bidder shall pro$ide details of the proposed personnel and their e-perience records using Forms 4EB-5 and 4EB-> included in Section I+( Bidding Forms, -,: E'uipm!nt

'he Bidder must demonstrate that it has the ke equipment listed hereafter.
No, 5 > C = 6 E'uipm!nt T p! and C)a"act!"i%tic% Minimum Num$!" "!'ui"!d

Section !!!% +va uation and /ua ification &riteria


'he Bidder shall pro$ide further details of proposed items of equipment using the Form EA) in Section I+,


*ection $;1 Bidding %orms

Tab e of %orms
Getter of Bid1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111D3 (ppendi4 to Bid111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111DB *chedu e of (djustment Data11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111DB Bi of <uantities11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111DA Technica Proposa 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111DF Personne 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111BB +urrent +ontract +ommitments H Works in Progress1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111BA %inancia -esources 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111BF %orm of Bid *ecurity111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111160 *pecification111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111D Dra3ings11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111B *upp ementary $nformation1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116 /otification of (3ard111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111F2


+ontract (greement11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111F3 Performance *ecurity111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111FD (d!ance Payment *ecurity111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111FA -etention Money *ecurity111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111800


Section !(% Bidding "orms

Getter of Bid
Date: !&B 2o%: !nvitation for Bid 2o%: To: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN We, the undersigned, dec are that: 'a) We have e-amined and have no reservations to the Bidding Document, inc uding 1ddenda issued in accordance $ith !nstructions to Bidders '!TB)B 'b) We offer to e-ecute in conformity $ith the Bidding Document the fo o$ing Works: ; 'c) The tota price of our Bid, e-c uding any discounts offered in item 'd) be o$ is: ; 'd) The discounts offered and the methodo ogy for their app ication are: ;

; 'e) 4ur bid sha be va id for a period of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN days from the date fi-ed for the bid submission dead ine in accordance $ith the Bidding Document, and it sha remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the e-piration of that period; 'f) !f our bid is accepted, $e commit to obtain a performance security in accordance $ith the Bidding Document; 'g) !e( including an subcontractors or suppliers for an part of the contract ( ha$e or will ha$e nationalities from eligible countries( in accordance with I'B-=,> :; 'h) We, including an subcontractors or suppliers for an part of the contract, do not have any conf ict of interest in accordance $ith !TBE@%9; 'i) We are not participating, as a Bidder or as a subcontractor, in more than one bid in this bidding process in accordance $ith !TBE@%9, other than a ternative offers submitted in accordance $ith !TBEA9;


Section !(% Bidding "orms

We, including an of our subcontractors or suppliers for an part of the contract( have not been dec ared ine igib e by the Bank, under the Emplo er<s countr laws or official regulations or b an act of compliance with a decision of the )nited *ations Securit Council; "2# !e are not a go$ernment owned entit / !e are a go$ernment owned entit but meet the requirements of I'B-=,615 We have paid, or $i pay the fo o$ing commissions, gratuities, or fees $ith respect to the bidding process or e-ecution of the &ontract: 2ame of 3ecipient 1ddress 3eason 1mount

'!f none has been paid or is to be paid, indicate <none%=) ' ) We understand that this bid, together $ith your $ritten acceptance thereof inc uded in your notification of a$ard, sha constitute a binding contract bet$een us, unti a forma contract is prepared and e-ecuted; and 'm) We understand that you are not bound to accept the o$est eva uated bid or any other bid that you may receive% "n# !e hereb certif that we ha$e taken steps to ensure that no person acting for us or on our behalf will engage in briber , 2ame Signed Du y authori#ed to sign the bid for and on beha f of Dated on NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN day of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN, NNNNN !n the capacity of N

Bidder to use as appropriate

Section !(% Bidding "orms


App!ndi8 to Bid

*chedu e of (djustment Data

Goca +urrency
Index code* Index description* Nonadjustable Source of index* Base value and date* Bidders related currency amount A: B: C: D: E: Bidders proposed weighting *




Section !(% Bidding "orms

%oreign +urrency
*tate type' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5!f the Bidder $ishes to 0uote in more than one foreign currency, this tab e shou d be repeated for
each foreign currency%6

$nde4 code

$nde4 description /onadjustab e

*ource of inde4 I

Base !a ue and date I

Bidder5s re ated source currency in typeHamount I

,Eui!a ent in %+8 (' B' +' D' ,'

Bidder5s proposed 3eighting J



Section !(% Bidding "orms


*ummary of Payment +urrencies

For ...........................[insert name of Section of the Works]
5Separate tab es may be re0uired if the various sections of the Works 'or of the Bi of /uantities) $i have substantia y different foreign and oca currency re0uirements% The +mp oyer shou d insert the names of each Section of the Works%6 ( (mount of currency B -ate of e4change " oca currency per unit of foreign# 8100 + Goca currency eEui!a ent +K(4B D Percentage of /et Bid Price "/BP# 8004+ /BP

/ame of payment currency

Goca currency

%oreign currency L8

%oreign currency L2

%oreign currency L

/et Bid Price


Pro!isiona sums e4pressed in oca currency

5To be entered by the +mp oyer6

5To be entered by the +mp oyer6

B$D P-$+,


Section !(% Bidding "orms

Bill of Quantiti!%

Section !(% Bidding "orms


Technica Proposa
E E E E E E E Sit! O"#ani%ation M!t)od Stat!m!nt Mo$ili%ation Sc)!dul! Con%t"uction Sc)!dul! E'uipm!nt P!"%onn!l Ot)!"%


Section !(% Bidding "orms

Sit! O"#ani%ation

Section !(% Bidding "orms


M!t)od Stat!m!nt


Section !(% Bidding "orms

Mo$ili%ation Sc)!dul!

Section !(% Bidding "orms


Con%t"uction Sc)!dul!


Section !(% Bidding "orms

%orm ,<0 The Bidder sha provide ade0uate information to demonstrate c ear y that it has the capabi ity to meet the re0uirements for the key e0uipment isted in Section !!!, +va uation and /ua ification &riteria% 1 separate "orm sha be prepared for each item of e0uipment isted, or for a ternative e0uipment proposed by the Bidder%
Item of equipment Equipment information

2ame of manufacturer &apacity

Mode and po$er rating Kear of manufacture

Current status

&urrent ocation Detai s of current commitments


!ndicate source of the e0uipment

o O ned o !ented o "eased o Speciall# manufactured

4mit the fo o$ing information for e0uipment o$ned by the Bidder% 4$ner 2ame of o$ner 1ddress of o$ner

Te ephone "a1greements

&ontact name and tit e Te e-

Detai s of renta . ease . manufacture agreements specific to the proHect

Section !(% Bidding "orms


%orm P,- .8

Proposed Personnel
Bidders shou d provide the names of suitab y 0ua ified personne to meet the specified re0uirements stated in Section !!!% The data on their e-perience shou d be supp ied using the "orm be o$ for each candidate%


Tit e of positionJ /ame


Tit e of positionJ /ame


Tit e of positionJ /ame


Tit e of positionJ ame

I&s listed in Section III,


Section !(% Bidding "orms

%orm P,-.2

Resume of Proposed Personnel

/ame of Bidder


!ersonnel information


Date of birth

Professiona Eua ifications

!resent employment

/ame of emp oyer

(ddress of emp oyer

Te ephone

+ontact "manager H personne officer#



Mob tit e

Nears 3ith present emp oyer

Summari#e professiona e-perience over the ast 20 #ears$ in re%erse c&ronolo'ical order( Indicate
particular tec&nical and mana'erial e)perience rele%ant to t&e project(
%rom To +ompany H Project H Position H -e e!ant technica and management e4perience

Section !(% Bidding "orms



Section !(% Bidding "orms

%orm +++

+urrent +ontract +ommitments H Works in Progress

Bidders and each partner to a J(C& s&ould pro%ide information on t&eir current commitments on all
contracts t&at &a%e been a arded$ or for &ic& a letter of intent or acceptance &as been recei%ed$ or for contracts approac&in' completion$ but for &ic& an unqualified$ full completion certificate &as #et to be issued(

2ame of contract

+mp oyer, (a ue of +stimated 1verage month y contact outstanding $ork comp etion date invoicing over address.te .fa'current USP ast si- months e0uiva ent) 'USP.month)

*( +( ,( -( .( etc(

Section !(% Bidding "orms


%orm %$/.8 %inancia -esources

Specify proposed sources of financing, such as i0uid assets, unencumbered rea assets, ines of credit, and other financia means, net of current commitments, avai ab e to meet the tota construction cash f o$ demands of the subHect contract or contracts as indicated in Section !!!, +va uation and /ua ification &riteria Source of financing
*( +( ,( -(

1mount 'USP e0uiva ent)


Section !(% Bidding "orms

Fo"m of Bid *ecurity

"Bank 6uarantee# NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN JBank<s *ame( and &ddress of Issuing Branch or DfficeK Beneficiary' NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN J*ame and &ddress of Emplo erK Date' NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN B$D 60(-(/T,, /o1' NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN We have been informed that NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Jname of the BidderK 'hereinafter ca ed Qthe BidderQ) has submitted to you its bid dated NNNNNNNNNNN 'hereinafter ca ed Qthe BidQ) for the e-ecution of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Jname of contractK under !nvitation for Bids 2o% NNNNNNNNNNN '<the !"B=)% "urthermore, $e understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a bid guarantee% 1t the re0uest of the Bidder, $e NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Jname of BankK hereby irrevocab y undertake to pay you any sum or sums not e-ceeding in tota an amount of NNNNNNNNNNN Jamount in figuresK 'NNNNNNNNNNNN) Jamount in wordsK upon receipt by us of your first demand in $riting accompanied by a $ritten statement stating that the Bidder is in breach of its ob igation's) under the bid conditions, because the Bidder: 'a) has $ithdra$n its Bid during the period of bid va idity specified by the Bidder in the "orm of Bid; or having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the +mp oyer during the period of bid va idity, 'i) fai s or refuses to e-ecute the &ontract 1greement or 'ii) fai s or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance $ith the !TB%


This guarantee $i e-pire: 'a) if the Bidder is the successfu Bidder, upon our receipt of copies of the contract signed by the Bidder and the performance security issued to you upon the instruction of the Bidder; and 'b) if the Bidder is not the successfu Bidder, upon the ear ier of 'i) our receipt of a copy your notification to the Bidder of the name of the successfu Bidder; or 'ii) t$entyEeight days after the e-piration of the Bidders bid% &onse0uent y, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at the office on or before that date% This guarantee is subHect to the Uniform 3u es for Demand Guarantees, !&& Pub ication 2o% @CB%

Section !(% Bidding "orms


OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Jsignature"s#K Not!* All italici;!d t!8t i% fo" u%! in p"!pa"in# t)i% fo"m and %)all $! d!l!t!d f"om t)! final p"oduct,


*ection ;1 , igib e +ountries

$nsert header

.In%titution Sp!cific/



P(-T 2 9Works -eEuirements


*ection ;$1 Wo"7% -eEuirements




Section (!% !orks 3e0uirements




Section (!% !orks 3e0uirements

*upp ementary $nformation


P(-T 3 9 +onditions of +ontract and +ontract %orms


*ection ;$$1 6enera +onditions "GC#


*ection ;$$1 6enera +onditions "GC#

5*ame of Emplo erK

5*ame of ContractK

The Genera &onditions that fo o$ are the Bank *armoni#ed +dition of the &onditions of &ontract for &onstruction prepared and copyrighted by the !nternationa "ederation of &onsu ting +ngineers 'Fdration Internationale des Ingnieurs-Conseils, or "!D!&), "!D!& 788CE1 rights reserved% This pub ication is e-c usive for the use of Mu ti atera Deve opment Banks Borro$ers and their proHect imp ementing agencies as provided under the Gicense 1greement dated NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN53ate of &greement6, bet$een NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 5*ame of Bank6 and "!D!&, and, conse0uent y, no part of this pub ication may be reproduced, trans ated, adapted, stored in a retrieva system or communicated, in any form or by any means, $hether mechanica , e ectronic, magnetic, photocopying, recording or other$ise, $ithout prior permission in $riting from "!D!&, e-cept by the +mp oyer identified above and on y for the e-c usive purpose of preparing these Standard Bidding Documents for the &ontract a so identified above%

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


/eneral Conditions

/eneral 0ro%isions

In t&e Conditions of Contract 12t&ese Conditions34$ &ic& include 0articular Conditions$ 0arts A and B$ and t&ese /eneral Conditions$ t&e follo in' ords and e)pressions s&all &a%e t&e meanin's stated( 5ords indicatin' persons or parties include corporations and ot&er le'al entities$ e)cept &ere t&e conte)t requires ot&er ise( 1.1.1 The Contract *(*(*(* 2Contract3 means t&e Contract A'reement$ t&e "etter of Acceptance$ t&e "etter of 6ender$ t&ese Conditions$ t&e Specification$ t&e Dra in's$ t&e Sc&edules$ and t&e furt&er documents 1if an#4 &ic& are listed in t&e Contract A'reement or in t&e "etter of Acceptance( 2Contract A'reement3 means t&e contract a'reement referred to in Sub7Clause *(8 9Contract A'reement:( 2"etter of Acceptance3 means t&e letter of formal acceptance$ si'ned b# t&e Emplo#er$ of t&e "etter of 6ender$ includin' an# anne)ed memoranda comprisin' a'reements bet een and si'ned b# bot& 0arties( If t&ere is no suc& letter of acceptance$ t&e e)pression 2"etter of Acceptance3 means t&e Contract A'reement and t&e date of issuin' or recei%in' t&e "etter of Acceptance means t&e date of si'nin' t&e Contract A'reement( 2"etter of 6ender3 means t&e document entitled letter of tender or letter of bid$ &ic& as completed b# t&e Contractor and includes t&e si'ned offer to t&e Emplo#er for t&e 5or;s( 2Specification3 means t&e document entitled specification$ as included in t&e Contract$ and an# additions and modifications to t&e specification in accordance it& t&e Contract( Suc& document specifies t&e 5or;s( 2Dra in's3 means t&e dra in's of t&e 5or;s$ as included in t&e Contract$ and an# additional and modified dra in's issued b# 1or on be&alf of4 t&e Emplo#er in accordance it& t&e Contract( 2Sc&edules3 means t&e document1s4 entitled sc&edules$ completed b# t&e Contractor and submitted it& t&e "etter of 6ender$ as included in t&e Contract( Suc& document ma# include t&e Bill of =uantities$ data$ lists$ and sc&edules of rates and>or prices( 26ender3 means t&e "etter of 6ender and all ot&er documents &ic& t&e Contractor submitted it& t&e "etter of 6ender$ as included in t&e Contract( 2Bill of =uantities3$ 2Da# or; Sc&edule3 and 2Sc&edule of 0a#ment Currencies3 mean t&e documents so named 1if an#4 &ic& are comprised in t&e Sc&edules( 2Contract Data3 means t&e pa'es completed b# t&e Emplo#er entitled contract data &ic& constitute 0art A of t&e 0articular Conditions(

*(*(*(+ *(*(*(,





*(*(*(? *(*(*(@ *(*(*(*A 1.1.2

Parties and Persons


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

*(*(+(* *(*(+(+ *(*(+(, *(*(+(-

20art#3 means t&e Emplo#er or t&e Contractor$ as t&e conte)t requires( 2Emplo#er3 means t&e person named as emplo#er in t&e Contract Data and t&e le'al successors in title to t&is person( 2Contractor3 means t&e person1s4 named as contractor in t&e "etter of 6ender accepted b# t&e Emplo#er and t&e le'al successors in title to t&is person1s4( 2En'ineer3 means t&e person appointed b# t&e Emplo#er to act as t&e En'ineer for t&e purposes of t&e Contract and named in t&e Contract Data$ or ot&er person appointed from time to time b# t&e Emplo#er and notified to t&e Contractor under Sub7 Clause ,(- 9!eplacement of t&e En'ineer:( 2ContractorBs !epresentati%e3 means t&e person named b# t&e Contractor in t&e Contract or appointed from time to time b# t&e Contractor under Sub7Clause -(, 9ContractorBs !epresentati%e:$ &o acts on be&alf of t&e Contractor( 2Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel3 means t&e En'ineer$ t&e assistants referred to in Sub7Clause ,(+ 9Dele'ation b# t&e En'ineer: and all ot&er staff$ labour and ot&er emplo#ees of t&e En'ineer and of t&e Emplo#erC and an# ot&er personnel notified to t&e Contractor$ b# t&e Emplo#er or t&e En'ineer$ as Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel( 2ContractorBs 0ersonnel3 means t&e ContractorBs !epresentati%e and all personnel &om t&e Contractor utilises on Site$ &o ma# include t&e staff$ labour and ot&er emplo#ees of t&e Contractor and of eac& SubcontractorC and an# ot&er personnel assistin' t&e Contractor in t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s( 2Subcontractor3 means an# person named in t&e Contract as a subcontractor$ or an# person appointed as a subcontractor$ for a part of t&e 5or;sC and t&e le'al successors in title to eac& of t&ese persons( 2DB3 means t&e person or t&ree persons appointed under Sub7Clause +A(+ 9Appointment of t&e Dispute Board: or Sub7Clause +A(, 9Dailure to A'ree on t&e Composition of t&e Dispute Board: 2DIDIC3 means t&e DEdEration Internationale des In'Enieurs7Conseils$ t&e international federation of consultin' en'ineers( 2Ban;3 means t&e financin' institution 1if an#4 named in t&e Contract Data( 2Borro er3 means t&e person 1if an#4 named as t&e borro er in t&e Contract Data(






*(*(+(*A *(*(+(** *(*(+(*+ 1.1.3

Dates, Tests, Periods and Completion *(*(,(* *(*(,(+ *(*(,(, 2Base Date3 means t&e date +? da#s prior to t&e latest date for submission of t&e 6ender( 2Commencement Date3 means t&e date notified under Sub7Clause ?(* 9Commencement of 5or;s:( 26ime for Completion3 means t&e time for completin' t&e 5or;s or a Section 1as t&e case ma# be4 under Sub7Clause ?(+ 96ime for Completion:$ as stated in t&e Contract Data 1 it& an# e)tension under Sub7Clause ?(- 9E)tension of 6ime for Completion:4$ calculated from t&e Commencement Date( 26ests on Completion3 means t&e tests &ic& are specified in t&e Contract or a'reed b# bot& 0arties or instructed as a Fariation$ and &ic& are carried out under Clause @


Section (!!% Genera &onditions


96ests on Completion: before t&e 5or;s or a Section 1as t&e case ma# be4 are ta;en o%er b# t&e Emplo#er( *(*(,(. *(*(,(8 26a;in'7O%er Certificate3 means a certificate issued under Clause *A 9Emplo#erBs 6a;in' O%er:( 26ests after Completion3 means t&e tests 1if an#4 &ic& are specified in t&e Contract and &ic& are carried out in accordance it& t&e Specification after t&e 5or;s or a Section 1as t&e case ma# be4 are ta;en o%er b# t&e Emplo#er( 2Defects Notification 0eriod3 means t&e period for notif#in' defects in t&e 5or;s or a Section 1as t&e case ma# be4 under Sub7Clause **(* 9Completion of Outstandin' 5or; and !emed#in' Defects:$ &ic& e)tends o%er t el%e mont&s e)cept if ot&er ise stated in t&e Contract Data 1 it& an# e)tension under Sub7Clause **(, 9E)tension of Defects Notification 0eriod:4$ calculated from t&e date on &ic& t&e 5or;s or Section is completed as certified under Sub7Clause *A(* 96a;in' O%er of t&e 5or;s and Sections:( 20erformance Certificate3 means t&e certificate issued under Sub7Clause **(@ 90erformance Certificate:( 2da#3 means a calendar da# and 2#ear3 means ,8. da#s(


*(*(,(? *(*,(@ 1.1.4

Money and Payments *(*(-(* *(*(-(+ *(*(-(, 2Accepted Contract Amount3 means t&e amount accepted in t&e "etter of Acceptance for t&e e)ecution and completion of t&e 5or;s and t&e remed#in' of an# defects( 2Contract 0rice3 means t&e price defined in Sub7Clause *-(* 96&e Contract 0rice:$ and includes adjustments in accordance it& t&e Contract( 2Cost3 means all e)penditure reasonabl# incurred 1or to be incurred4 b# t&e Contractor$ &et&er on or off t&e Site$ includin' o%er&ead and similar c&ar'es$ but does not include profit( 2Dinal 0a#ment Certificate3 means t&e pa#ment certificate issued under Sub7Clause *-(*, 9Issue of Dinal 0a#ment Certificate:( 2Dinal Statement3 means t&e statement defined in Sub7Clause *-(** 9Application for Dinal 0a#ment Certificate:( 2Dorei'n Currenc#3 means a currenc# in &ic& part 1or all4 of t&e Contract 0rice is pa#able$ but not t&e "ocal Currenc#( 2Interim 0a#ment Certificate3 means a pa#ment certificate issued under Clause *9Contract 0rice and 0a#ment:$ ot&er t&an t&e Dinal 0a#ment Certificate( 2"ocal Currenc#3 means t&e currenc# of t&e Countr#( 20a#ment Certificate3 means a pa#ment certificate issued under Clause *- 9Contract 0rice and 0a#ment :( 20ro%isional Sum3 means a sum 1if an#4 &ic& is specified in t&e Contract as a pro%isional sum$ for t&e e)ecution of an# part of t&e 5or;s or for t&e suppl# of 0lant$ Gaterials or ser%ices under Sub7Clause *,(. 90ro%isional Sums:( 2!etention Gone#3 means t&e accumulated retention mone#s &ic& t&e Emplo#er retains under Sub7Clause *-(, 9Application for Interim 0a#ment Certificates: and pa#s under Sub7Clause *-(@ 90a#ment of !etention Gone#:(

*(*(-(*(*(-(. *(*(-(8 *(*(-(< *(*(-(? *(*(-(@ *(*(-(*A



Section (!!% Genera &onditions

*(*(-(*+ 1.1.5

2Statement3 means a statement submitted b# t&e Contractor as part of an application$ under Clause *- 9Contract 0rice and 0a#ment:$ for a pa#ment certificate(

or!s and "oods *(*(.(* 2ContractorBs Equipment3 means all apparatus$ mac&iner#$ %e&icles and ot&er t&in's required for t&e e)ecution and completion of t&e 5or;s and t&e remed#in' of an# defects( Ho e%er$ ContractorBs Equipment e)cludes 6emporar# 5or;s$ Emplo#erBs Equipment 1if an#4$ 0lant$ Gaterials and an# ot&er t&in's intended to form or formin' part of t&e 0ermanent 5or;s( 2/oods3 means ContractorBs Equipment$ Gaterials$ 0lant and 6emporar# 5or;s$ or an# of t&em as appropriate( 2Gaterials3 means t&in's of all ;inds 1ot&er t&an 0lant4 intended to form or formin' part of t&e 0ermanent 5or;s$ includin' t&e suppl#7onl# materials 1if an#4 to be supplied b# t&e Contractor under t&e Contract( 20ermanent 5or;s3 means t&e permanent or;s to be e)ecuted b# t&e Contractor under t&e Contract( 20lant3 means t&e apparatus$ mac&iner# and ot&er equipment intended to form or formin' part of t&e 0ermanent 5or;s$ includin' %e&icles purc&ased for t&e Emplo#er and relatin' to t&e construction or operation of t&e 5or;s( 2Section3 means a part of t&e 5or;s specified in t&e Contract Data as a Section 1if an#4( 26emporar# 5or;s3 means all temporar# or;s of e%er# ;ind 1ot&er t&an ContractorBs Equipment4 required on Site for t&e e)ecution and completion of t&e 0ermanent 5or;s and t&e remed#in' of an# defects( 25or;s3 mean t&e 0ermanent 5or;s and t&e 6emporar# 5or;s$ or eit&er of t&em as appropriate(

*(*(.(+ *(*(.(,


*(*(.(8 *(*(.(<

*(*(.(? 1.1.#

$ther Definitions *(*(8(* 2ContractorBs Documents3 means t&e calculations$ computer pro'rams and ot&er soft are$ dra in's$ manuals$ models and ot&er documents of a tec&nical nature 1if an#4 supplied b# t&e Contractor under t&e Contract( 2Countr#3 means t&e countr# in &ic& t&e Site 1or most of it4 is located$ &ere t&e 0ermanent 5or;s are to be e)ecuted( 2Emplo#erBs Equipment3 means t&e apparatus$ mac&iner# and %e&icles 1if an#4 made a%ailable b# t&e Emplo#er for t&e use of t&e Contractor in t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s$ as stated in t&e SpecificationC but does not include 0lant &ic& &as not been ta;en o%er b# t&e Emplo#er( 2Dorce Gajeure3 is defined in Clause *@ 9Dorce Gajeure:( 2"a s3 means all national 1or state4 le'islation$ statutes$ ordinances and ot&er la s$ and re'ulations and b#7la s of an# le'all# constituted public aut&orit#( 20erformance Securit#3 means t&e securit# 1or securities$ if an#4 under Sub7Clause -(+ 90erformance Securit#:( 2Site3 means t&e places &ere t&e 0ermanent 5or;s are to be e)ecuted includin' stora'e and or;in' areas and to &ic& 0lant and Gaterials are to be deli%ered$ and

*(*(8(+ *(*(8(,

*(*(8(*(*(8(. *(*(8(8 *(*(8(<

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


an# ot&er places as ma# be specified in t&e Contract as formin' part of t&e Site( *(*(8(? *(*(8(@ 2Inforeseeable3 means not reasonabl# foreseeable b# an e)perienced contractor b# t&e Base Date( 2Fariation3 means an# c&an'e to t&e 5or;s$ &ic& is instructed or appro%ed as a %ariation under Clause *, 9Fariations and Adjustments:(


In t&e Contract$ e)cept &ere t&e conte)t requires ot&er ise 1a4 1b4 1c4 1d4 1e4 ords indicatin' one 'ender include all 'endersC ords indicatin' t&e sin'ular also include t&e plural and ords indicatin' t&e plural also include t&e sin'ularC pro%isions includin' t&e ord 2a'ree3$ 2a'reed3 or 2a'reement3 require t&e a'reement to be recorded in ritin'C 2 ritten3 or 2in ritin'3 means &and7 ritten$ t#pe7 ritten$ printed or electronicall# made$ and resultin' in a permanent recordC t&e ord 2tender3 is s#non#mous it& 2bid3 and 2tenderer3 it& 2bidder3 and t&e ords 2tender documents3 it& 2biddin' documents3(

6&e mar'inal ords and ot&er &eadin's s&all not be ta;en into consideration in t&e interpretation of t&ese Conditions( In t&ese Conditions$ pro%isions includin' t&e e)pression JCost plus profitJ require t&is profit to be one7 t entiet& 1.K4 of t&is Cost unless ot&er ise indicated in t&e Contract Data(


5&ere%er t&ese Conditions pro%ide for t&e 'i%in' or issuin' of appro%als$ certificates$ consents$ determinations$ notices$ requests and disc&ar'es$ t&ese communications s&all be: 1a4 1b4 in ritin' and deli%ered b# &and 1a'ainst receipt4$ sent b# mail or courier$ or transmitted usin' an# of t&e a'reed s#stems of electronic transmission as stated in t&e Contract DataC and deli%ered$ sent or transmitted to t&e address for t&e recipientBs communications as stated in t&e Contract Data( Ho e%er: 1i4 1ii4 if t&e recipient 'i%es notice of anot&er address$ communications s&all t&ereafter be deli%ered accordin'l#C and if t&e recipient &as not stated ot&er ise &en requestin' an appro%al or consent$ it ma# be sent to t&e address from &ic& t&e request as issued(

Appro%als$ certificates$ consents and determinations s&all not be unreasonabl# it&&eld or dela#ed( 5&en a certificate is issued to a 0art#$ t&e certifier s&all send a cop# to t&e ot&er 0art#( 5&en a notice is issued to a 0art#$ b# t&e ot&er 0art# or t&e En'ineer$ a cop# s&all be sent to t&e En'ineer or t&e ot&er 0art#$ as t&e case ma# be(


"a and "an'ua'e


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

6&e Contract s&all be 'o%erned b# t&e la of t&e countr# or ot&er jurisdiction stated in t&e Contract Data( 6&e rulin' lan'ua'e of t&e Contract s&all be t&at stated in t&e Contract Data( 6&e lan'ua'e for communications s&all be t&at stated in t&e Contract Data( If no lan'ua'e is stated t&ere$ t&e lan'ua'e for communications s&all be t&e rulin' lan'ua'e of t&e Contract(


0riorit# of Documents
6&e documents formin' t&e Contract are to be ta;en as mutuall# e)planator# of one anot&er( Dor t&e purposes of interpretation$ t&e priorit# of t&e documents s&all be in accordance it& t&e follo in' sequence: 1a4 1b4 1c4 1d4 1e4 1f4 1'4 1&4 1i4 t&e Contract A'reement 1if an#4$ t&e "etter of Acceptance$ t&e 6ender$ t&e 0articular Conditions L 0art A$ t&e 0articular Conditions L 0art B t&ese /eneral Conditions$ t&e Specification$ t&e Dra in's$ and t&e Sc&edules and an# ot&er documents formin' part of t&e Contract(

If an ambi'uit# or discrepanc# is found in t&e documents$ t&e En'ineer s&all issue an# necessar# clarification or instruction(


Contract A'reement
6&e 0arties s&all enter into a Contract A'reement it&in +? da#s after t&e Contractor recei%es t&e "etter of Acceptance$ unless t&e 0articular Conditions establis& ot&er ise( 6&e Contract A'reement s&all be based upon t&e form anne)ed to t&e 0articular Conditions( 6&e costs of stamp duties and similar c&ar'es 1if an#4 imposed b# la in connection it& entr# into t&e Contract A'reement s&all be borne b# t&e Emplo#er(


Neit&er 0art# s&all assi'n t&e &ole or an# part of t&e Contract or an# benefit or interest in or under t&e Contract( Ho e%er$ eit&er 0art#: 1a4 1b4 ma# assi'n t&e &ole or an# part it& t&e prior a'reement of t&e ot&er 0art#$ at t&e sole discretion of suc& ot&er 0art#$ and ma#$ as securit# in fa%our of a ban; or financial institution$ assi'n its ri'&t to an# mone#s due$ or to become due$ under t&e Contract(


Care and Suppl# of Documents

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


6&e Specification and Dra in's s&all be in t&e custod# and care of t&e Emplo#er( Inless ot&er ise stated in t&e Contract$ t o copies of t&e Contract and of eac& subsequent Dra in' s&all be supplied to t&e Contractor$ &o ma# ma;e or request furt&er copies at t&e cost of t&e Contractor Eac& of t&e ContractorBs Documents s&all be in t&e custod# and care of t&e Contractor$ unless and until ta;en o%er b# t&e Emplo#er( Inless ot&er ise stated in t&e Contract$ t&e Contractor s&all suppl# to t&e En'ineer si) copies of eac& of t&e ContractorBs Documents( The Contractor shall !eep, on the %ite, a copy of the Contract, pu&lications named in the %pecification, the Contractor's Documents (if any), the Dra*in+s and ,ariations and other communications +i-en under the Contract. The .mployer's Personnel shall ha-e the ri+ht of access to all these documents at all reasona&le times. If a 0art# becomes a are of an error or defect in a document &ic& as prepared for use in e)ecutin' t&e 5or;s$ t&e 0art# s&all promptl# 'i%e notice to t&e ot&er 0art# of suc& error or defect(


Dela#ed Dra in's or Instructions

6&e Contractor s&all 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer &ene%er t&e 5or;s are li;el# to be dela#ed or disrupted if an# necessar# dra in' or instruction is not issued to t&e Contractor it&in a particular time$ &ic& s&all be reasonable( 6&e notice s&all include details of t&e necessar# dra in' or instruction$ details of &# and b# &en it s&ould be issued$ and t&e nature and amount of t&e dela# or disruption li;el# to be suffered if it is late( /f the Contractor suffers delay and0or incurs Cost as a result of a failure of the .n+ineer to issue the notified dra*in+ or instruction *ithin a time *hich is reasona&le and is specified in the notice *ith supportin+ details, the Contractor shall +i-e a further notice to the .n+ineer and shall &e entitled su&1ect to %u&2Clause 23.1 4Contractor's Claims5 to6 1a4 1b4 an e)tension of time for an# suc& dela#$ if completion is or ill be dela#ed$ under Sub7Clause ?(9E)tension of 6ime for Completion:$ and pa#ment of an# suc& Cost plus profit$ &ic& s&all be included in t&e Contract 0rice(

After recei%in' t&is furt&er notice$ t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine t&ese matters( Ho e%er$ if and to t&e e)tent t&at t&e En'ineerBs failure as caused b# an# error or dela# b# t&e Contractor$ includin' an error in$ or dela# in t&e submission of$ an# of t&e ContractorBs Documents$ t&e Contractor s&all not be entitled to suc& e)tension of time$ Cost or profit(


Emplo#erBs Ise of ContractorBs Documents

As bet een t&e 0arties$ t&e Contractor s&all retain t&e cop#ri'&t and ot&er intellectual propert# ri'&ts in t&e ContractorBs Documents and ot&er desi'n documents made b# 1or on be&alf of4 t&e Contractor( 6&e Contractor s&all be deemed 1b# si'nin' t&e Contract4 to 'i%e to t&e Emplo#er a non7terminable transferable non7e)clusi%e ro#alt#7free licence to cop#$ use and communicate t&e ContractorBs Documents$ includin' ma;in' and usin' modifications of t&em( 6&is licence s&all: 1a4 1b4 appl# t&rou'&out t&e actual or intended or;in' life 1 &ic&e%er is lon'er4 of t&e rele%ant parts of t&e 5or;s$ entitle an# person in proper possession of t&e rele%ant part of t&e 5or;s to cop#$ use and communicate t&e ContractorBs Documents for t&e purposes of completin'$ operatin'$


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

maintainin'$ alterin'$ adjustin'$ repairin' and demolis&in' t&e 5or;s$ and 1c4 in t&e case of ContractorBs Documents &ic& are in t&e form of computer pro'rams and ot&er soft are$ permit t&eir use on an# computer on t&e Site and ot&er places as en%isa'ed b# t&e Contract$ includin' replacements of an# computers supplied b# t&e Contractor(

6&e ContractorBs Documents and ot&er desi'n documents made b# 1or on be&alf of4 t&e Contractor s&all not$ it&out t&e ContractorBs consent$ be used$ copied or communicated to a t&ird part# b# 1or on be&alf of4 t&e Emplo#er for purposes ot&er t&an t&ose permitted under t&is Sub7Clause(


ContractorBs Ise of Emplo#erBs Documents

As bet een t&e 0arties$ t&e Emplo#er s&all retain t&e cop#ri'&t and ot&er intellectual propert# ri'&ts in t&e Specification$ t&e Dra in's and ot&er documents made b# 1or on be&alf of4 t&e Emplo#er( 6&e Contractor ma#$ at &is cost$ cop#$ use$ and obtain communication of t&ese documents for t&e purposes of t&e Contract( 6&e# s&all not$ it&out t&e Emplo#erBs consent$ be copied$ used or communicated to a t&ird part# b# t&e Contractor$ e)cept as necessar# for t&e purposes of t&e Contract(


Confidential Details
6&e ContractorBs and t&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel s&all disclose all suc& confidential and ot&er information as ma# be reasonabl# required in order to %erif# t&e ContractorBs compliance it& t&e Contract and allo its proper implementation( Eac& of t&em s&all treat t&e details of t&e Contract as pri%ate and confidential$ e)cept to t&e e)tent necessar# to carr# out t&eir respecti%e obli'ations under t&e Contract or to compl# it& applicable "a s( Eac& of t&em s&all not publis& or disclose an# particulars of t&e 5or;s prepared b# t&e ot&er 0art# it&out t&e pre%ious a'reement of t&e ot&er 0art#( Ho e%er$ t&e Contractor s&all be permitted to disclose an# publicl# a%ailable information$ or information ot&er ise required to establis& &is qualifications to compete for ot&er projects(


Compliance it& "a s

6&e Contractor s&all$ in performin' t&e Contract$ compl# it& applicable "a s( Inless ot&er ise stated in t&e 0articular Conditions: 1a4 t&e Emplo#er s&all &a%e obtained 1or s&all obtain4 t&e plannin'$ Monin'$ buildin' permit or similar permission for t&e 0ermanent 5or;s$ and an# ot&er permissions described in t&e Specification as &a%in' been 1or to be4 obtained b# t&e Emplo#erC and t&e Emplo#er s&all indemnif# and &old t&e Contractor &armless a'ainst and from t&e consequences of an# failure to do soC and t&e Contractor s&all 'i%e all notices$ pa# all ta)es$ duties and fees$ and obtain all permits$ licences and appro%als$ as required b# t&e "a s in relation to t&e e)ecution and completion of t&e 5or;s and t&e remed#in' of an# defectsC and t&e Contractor s&all indemnif# and &old t&e Emplo#er &armless a'ainst and from t&e consequences of an# failure to do so$ unless t&e Contractor is impeded to accomplis& t&ese actions and s&o s e%idence of its dili'ence(



Noint and Se%eral "iabilit#

If t&e Contractor constitutes 1under applicable "a s4 a joint %enture$ consortium or ot&er unincorporated 'roupin' of t o or more persons: 1a4 t&ese persons s&all be deemed to be jointl# and se%erall# liable to t&e Emplo#er for t&e

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


performance of t&e ContractC 1b4 1c4 t&ese persons s&all notif# t&e Emplo#er of t&eir leader &o s&all &a%e aut&orit# to bind t&e Contractor and eac& of t&ese personsC and t&e Contractor s&all not alter its composition or le'al status it&out t&e prior consent of t&e Emplo#er(


Inspections and Audit b# t&e Ban;

6&e Contractor s&all permit t&e Ban; and>or persons appointed b# t&e Ban; to inspect t&e Site and>or t&e ContractorBs accounts and records relatin' to t&e performance of t&e Contract and to &a%e suc& accounts and records audited b# auditors appointed b# t&e Ban; if required b# t&e Ban;(


6&e Emplo#er
!i'&t of Access to t&e Site
6&e Emplo#er s&all 'i%e t&e Contractor ri'&t of access to$ and possession of$ all parts of t&e Site it&in t&e time 1or times4 stated in t&e Contract Data( 6&e ri'&t and possession ma# not be e)clusi%e to t&e Contractor( If$ under t&e Contract$ t&e Emplo#er is required to 'i%e 1to t&e Contractor4 possession of an# foundation$ structure$ plant or means of access$ t&e Emplo#er s&all do so in t&e time and manner stated in t&e Specification( Ho e%er$ t&e Emplo#er ma# it&&old an# suc& ri'&t or possession until t&e 0erformance Securit# &as been recei%ed( If no suc& time is stated in t&e Contract Data$ t&e Emplo#er s&all 'i%e t&e Contractor ri'&t of access to$ and possession of$ t&e Site it&in suc& times as required to enable t&e Contractor to proceed it&out disruption in accordance it& t&e pro'ramme submitted under Sub7Clause ?(, 90ro'ramme:( If t&e Contractor suffers dela# and>or incurs Cost as a result of a failure b# t&e Emplo#er to 'i%e an# suc& ri'&t or possession it&in suc& time$ t&e Contractor s&all 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer and s&all be entitled subject to Sub7Clause +A(* 9ContractorBs Claims: to: 1a4 1b4 an e)tension of time for an# suc& dela#$ if completion is or ill be dela#ed$ under Sub7Clause ?(9E)tension of 6ime for Completion:$ and pa#ment of an# suc& Cost plus profit$ &ic& s&all be included in t&e Contract 0rice(

After recei%in' t&is notice$ t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine t&ese matters( Ho e%er$ if and to t&e e)tent t&at t&e Emplo#erBs failure as caused b# an# error or dela# b# t&e Contractor$ includin' an error in$ or dela# in t&e submission of$ an# of t&e ContractorBs Documents$ t&e Contractor s&all not be entitled to suc& e)tension of time$ Cost or profit(


0ermits$ "icences or Appro%als

6&e Emplo#er s&all pro%ide$ at t&e request of t&e Contractor$ suc& reasonable assistance as to allo t&e Contractor to obtain properl#: 1a4 1b4 copies of t&e "a s of t&e Countr# &ic& are rele%ant to t&e Contract but are not readil# a%ailable$ and an# permits$ licences or appro%als required b# t&e "a s of t&e Countr#:


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

1i4 1ii4 1iii4

&ic& t&e Contractor is required to obtain under Sub7Clause *(*, 9Compliance it& "a s:$ for t&e deli%er# of /oods$ includin' clearance t&rou'& customs$ and for t&e e)port of ContractorBs Equipment &en it is remo%ed from t&e Site(


Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel
6&e Emplo#er s&all be responsible for ensurin' t&at t&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel and t&e Emplo#erBs ot&er contractors on t&e Site: 1a4 1b4 co7operate it& t&e ContractorBs efforts under Sub7Clause -(8 9Co7operation:$ and ta;e actions similar to t&ose &ic& t&e Contractor is required to ta;e under sub7para'rap&s 1a4$ 1b4 and 1c4 of Sub7Clause -(? 9Safet# 0rocedures: and under Sub7Clause -(*? 90rotection of t&e En%ironment:(


Emplo#erBs Dinancial Arran'ements

6&e Emplo#er s&all submit$ before t&e Commencement Date and t&ereafter it&in +? da#s after recei%in' an# request from t&e Contractor$ reasonable e%idence t&at financial arran'ements &a%e been made and are bein' maintained &ic& ill enable t&e Emplo#er to pa# t&e Contract 0rice punctuall# 1as estimated at t&at time4 in accordance it& Clause *- 9Contract 0rice and 0a#ment:( Before t&e Emplo#er ma;es an# material c&an'e to &is financial arran'ements$ t&e Emplo#er s&all 'i%e notice to t&e Contractor it& detailed particulars( In addition$ if t&e Ban; &as notified to t&e Borro er t&at t&e Ban; &as suspended disbursements under its loan$ &ic& finances in &ole or in part t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s$ t&e Emplo#er s&all 'i%e notice of suc& suspension to t&e Contractor it& detailed particulars$ includin' t&e date of suc& notification$ it& a cop# to t&e En'ineer$ it&in < da#s of t&e Borro er &a%in' recei%ed t&e suspension notification from t&e Ban;( If alternati%e funds ill be a%ailable in appropriate currencies to t&e Emplo#er to continue ma;in' pa#ments to t&e Contractor be#ond a date 8A da#s after t&e date of Ban; notification of t&e suspension$ t&e Emplo#er s&all pro%ide reasonable e%idence in suc& notice of t&e e)tent to &ic& suc& funds ill be a%ailable(


Emplo#erBs Claims
/f the .mployer considers himself to &e entitled to any payment under any Clause of these Conditions or other*ise in connection *ith the Contract, and0or to any e7tension of the Defects 8otification Period, the .mployer or the .n+ineer shall +i-e notice and particulars to the Contractor. 9o*e-er, notice is not re:uired for payments due under %u&2Clause 4.1; 4.lectricity, ater and "as5, under %u&2Clause 4.23 4.mployer's .:uipment and <ree2/ssue Material5, or for other ser-ices re:uested &y the Contractor. 6&e notice s&all be 'i%en as soon as practicable and no lon'er t&an +? da#s after t&e Emplo#er became a are$ or s&ould &a%e become a are$ of t&e e%ent or circumstances 'i%in' rise to t&e claim( A notice relatin' to an# e)tension of t&e Defects Notification 0eriod s&all be 'i%en before t&e e)pir# of suc& period( 6&e particulars s&all specif# t&e Clause or ot&er basis of t&e claim$ and s&all include substantiation of t&e amount and>or e)tension to &ic& t&e Emplo#er considers &imself to be entitled in connection it& t&e Contract( 6&e En'ineer s&all t&en proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine 1i4 t&e amount 1if an#4 &ic& t&e Emplo#er is entitled to be paid b# t&e Contractor$ and>or 1ii4 t&e e)tension 1if an#4 of t&e Defects Notification 0eriod in accordance it& Sub7Clause **(, 9E)tension of

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


Defects Notification 0eriod:( 6&is amount ma# be included as a deduction in t&e Contract 0rice and 0a#ment Certificates( 6&e Emplo#er s&all onl# be entitled to set off a'ainst or ma;e an# deduction from an amount certified in a 0a#ment Certificate$ or to ot&er ise claim a'ainst t&e Contractor$ in accordance it& t&is Sub7Clause(


6&e En'ineer
En'ineerBs Duties and Aut&orit#
6&e Emplo#er s&all appoint t&e En'ineer &o s&all carr# out t&e duties assi'ned to &im in t&e Contract( 6&e En'ineerBs staff s&all include suitabl# qualified en'ineers and ot&er professionals &o are competent to carr# out t&ese duties( 6&e En'ineer s&all &a%e no aut&orit# to amend t&e Contract( 6&e En'ineer ma# e)ercise t&e aut&orit# attributable to t&e En'ineer as specified in or necessaril# to be implied from t&e Contract( If t&e En'ineer is required to obtain t&e appro%al of t&e Emplo#er before e)ercisin' a specified aut&orit#$ t&e requirements s&all be as stated in t&e 0articular Conditions( 6&e Emplo#er s&all promptl# inform t&e Contractor of an# c&an'e to t&e aut&orit# attributed to t&e En'ineer( Ho e%er$ &ene%er t&e En'ineer e)ercises a specified aut&orit# for &ic& t&e Emplo#erBs appro%al is required$ t&en 1for t&e purposes of t&e Contract4 t&e Emplo#er s&all be deemed to &a%e 'i%en appro%al( E)cept as ot&er ise stated in t&ese Conditions: 1a4 1b4 1c4 &ene%er carr#in' out duties or e)ercisin' aut&orit#$ specified in or implied b# t&e Contract$ t&e En'ineer s&all be deemed to act for t&e Emplo#erC t&e En'ineer &as no aut&orit# to relie%e eit&er 0art# of an# duties$ obli'ations or responsibilities under t&e ContractC and an# appro%al$ c&ec;$ certificate$ consent$ e)amination$ inspection$ instruction$ notice$ proposal$ request$ test$ or similar act b# t&e En'ineer 1includin' absence of disappro%al4 s&all not relie%e t&e Contractor from an# responsibilit# &e &as under t&e Contract$ includin' responsibilit# for errors$ omissions$ discrepancies and non7compliances( an# act b# t&e En'ineer in response to a ContractorBs request e)cept ot&er ise e)pressl# specified s&all be notified in ritin' to t&e Contractor it&in +? da#s of receipt(


6&e follo in' pro%isions s&all appl#: 6&e En'ineer s&all obtain t&e specific appro%al of t&e Emplo#er before ta;in' action under t&e7follo in' Sub7Clauses of t&ese Conditions: 1a4 1b4 Sub7Clause -(*+: A'reein' or determinin' an e)tension of time and>or additional cost( Sub7Clause *,(*: Instructin' a Fariation$ e)ceptC 1i4 in an emer'enc# situation as determined b# t&e En'ineer$ or


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

1ii4 1c4 1d4

if suc& a Fariation ould increase t&e Accepted Contract Amount b# less t&an t&e percenta'e specified in t&e Contract Data(

Sub7Clause *,(,: Appro%in' a proposal for Fariation submitted b# t&e Contractor in accordance it& Sub Clause *,(* or *,(+( Sub7Clause *,(-: Specif#in' t&e amount pa#able in eac& of t&e applicable currencies

Not it&standin' t&e obli'ation$ as set out abo%e$ to obtain appro%al$ if$ in t&e opinion of t&e En'ineer$ an emer'enc# occurs affectin' t&e safet# of life or of t&e 5or;s or of adjoinin' propert#$ &e ma#$ it&out relie%in' t&e Contractor of an# of &is duties and responsibilit# under t&e Contract$ instruct t&e Contractor to e)ecute all suc& or; or to do all suc& t&in's as ma#$ in t&e opinion of t&e En'ineer$ be necessar# to abate or reduce t&e ris;( 6&e Contractor s&all fort& it& compl#$ despite t&e absence of appro%al of t&e Emplo#er$ it& an# suc& instruction of t&e En'ineer( 6&e En'ineer s&all determine an addition to t&e Contract 0rice$ in respect of suc& instruction$ in accordance it& Clause *, and s&all notif# t&e Contractor accordin'l#$ it& a cop# to t&e Emplo#er(


Dele'ation b# t&e En'ineer

6&e En'ineer ma# from time to time assi'n duties and dele'ate aut&orit# to assistants$ and ma# also re%o;e suc& assi'nment or dele'ation( 6&ese assistants ma# include a resident en'ineer$ and>or independent inspectors appointed to inspect and>or test items of 0lant and>or Gaterials( 6&e assi'nment$ dele'ation or re%ocation s&all be in ritin' and s&all not ta;e effect until copies &a%e been recei%ed b# bot& 0arties( Ho e%er$ unless ot&er ise a'reed b# bot& 0arties$ t&e En'ineer s&all not dele'ate t&e aut&orit# to determine an# matter in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations:( Assistants s&all be suitabl# qualified persons$ &o are competent to carr# out t&ese duties and e)ercise t&is aut&orit#$ and &o are fluent in t&e lan'ua'e for communications defined in Sub7Clause *(- 9"a and "an'ua'e:( Eac& assistant$ to &om duties &a%e been assi'ned or aut&orit# &as been dele'ated$ s&all onl# be aut&orised to issue instructions to t&e Contractor to t&e e)tent defined b# t&e dele'ation( An# appro%al$ c&ec;$ certificate$ consent$ e)amination$ inspection$ instruction$ notice$ proposal$ request$ test$ or similar act b# an assistant$ in accordance it& t&e dele'ation$ s&all &a%e t&e same effect as t&ou'& t&e act &ad been an act of t&e En'ineer( Ho e%er: 1a4 1b4 an# failure to disappro%e an# or;$ 0lant or Gaterials s&all not constitute appro%al$ and s&all t&erefore not prejudice t&e ri'&t of t&e En'ineer to reject t&e or;$ 0lant or GaterialsC if t&e Contractor questions an# determination or instruction of an assistant$ t&e Contractor ma# refer t&e matter to t&e En'ineer$ &o s&all promptl# confirm$ re%erse or %ar# t&e determination or instruction(


Instructions of t&e En'ineer

6&e En'ineer ma# issue to t&e Contractor 1at an# time4 instructions and additional or modified Dra in's &ic& ma# be necessar# for t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s and t&e remed#in' of an# defects$ all in accordance it& t&e Contract( 6&e Contractor s&all onl# ta;e instructions from t&e En'ineer$ or from an assistant to &om t&e appropriate aut&orit# &as been dele'ated under t&is Clause( If an instruction constitutes a Fariation$ Clause *, 9Fariations and Adjustments: s&all appl#( 6&e Contractor s&all compl# it& t&e instructions 'i%en b# t&e En'ineer or dele'ated assistant$ on an# matter related to t&e Contract( 5&ene%er practicable$ t&eir instructions s&all be 'i%en in ritin'( If t&e En'ineer or a dele'ated assistant:

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


1a4 1b4 1c4

'i%es an oral instruction$ recei%es a ritten confirmation of t&e instruction$ from 1or on be&alf of4 t&e Contractor$ it&in t o or;in' da#s after 'i%in' t&e instruction$ and does not repl# b# issuin' a ritten rejection and>or instruction it&in t o or;in' da#s after recei%in' t&e confirmation$

t&en t&e confirmation s&all constitute t&e ritten instruction of t&e En'ineer or dele'ated assistant 1as t&e case ma# be4(


!eplacement of t&e En'ineer

If t&e Emplo#er intends to replace t&e En'ineer$ t&e Emplo#er s&all$ not less t&an +* da#s before t&e intended date of replacement$ 'i%e notice to t&e Contractor of t&e name$ address and rele%ant e)perience of t&e intended replacement En'ineer( If t&e Contractor considers t&e intended replacement En'ineer to be unsuitable$ &e &as t&e ri'&t to raise objection a'ainst &im b# notice to t&e Emplo#er$ it& supportin' particulars$ and t&e Emplo#er s&all 'i%e full and fair consideration to t&is objection(


5&ene%er t&ese Conditions pro%ide t&at t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& t&is Sub7Clause ,(. to a'ree or determine an# matter$ t&e En'ineer s&all consult it& eac& 0art# in an endea%our to reac& a'reement( If a'reement is not ac&ie%ed$ t&e En'ineer s&all ma;e a fair determination in accordance it& t&e Contract$ ta;in' due re'ard of all rele%ant circumstances( 6&e En'ineer s&all 'i%e notice to bot& 0arties of eac& a'reement or determination$ it& supportin' particulars it&in +? da#s from t&e receipt of t&e correspondin' claim or request e)cept &en ot&er ise specified( Eac& 0art# s&all 'i%e effect to eac& a'reement or determination unless and until re%ised under Clause +A 9Claims$ Disputes and Arbitration:(


6&e Contractor
ContractorBs /eneral Obli'ations
6&e Contractor s&all desi'n 1to t&e e)tent specified in t&e Contract4$ e)ecute and complete t&e 5or;s in accordance it& t&e Contract and it& t&e En'ineerBs instructions$ and s&all remed# an# defects in t&e 5or;s( 6&e Contractor s&all pro%ide t&e 0lant and ContractorBs Documents specified in t&e Contract$ and all ContractorBs 0ersonnel$ /oods$ consumables and ot&er t&in's and ser%ices$ &et&er of a temporar# or permanent nature$ required in and for t&is desi'n$ e)ecution$ completion and remed#in' of defects( All equipment$ material$ and ser%ices to be incorporated in or required for t&e 5or;s s&all &a%e t&eir ori'in in an# eli'ible source countr# as defined b# t&e Ban;( 6&e Contractor s&all be responsible for t&e adequac#$ stabilit# and safet# of all Site operations and of all met&ods of construction( E)cept to t&e e)tent specified in t&e Contract$ t&e Contractor 1i4 s&all be responsible for all ContractorBs Documents$ 6emporar# 5or;s$ and suc& desi'n of eac& item of 0lant and Gaterials as is required for t&e item to be in accordance it& t&e Contract$ and 1ii4 s&all not ot&er ise be responsible for t&e desi'n or specification of t&e 0ermanent 5or;s( 6&e Contractor s&all$ &ene%er required b# t&e En'ineer$ submit details of t&e arran'ements and met&ods &ic& t&e Contractor proposes to adopt for t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s( No si'nificant alteration


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

to t&ese arran'ements and met&ods s&all be made it&out t&is &a%in' pre%iousl# been notified to t&e En'ineer( If t&e Contract specifies t&at t&e Contractor s&all desi'n an# part of t&e 0ermanent 5or;s$ t&en unless ot&er ise stated in t&e 0articular Conditions: 1a4 1b4 t&e Contractor s&all submit to t&e En'ineer t&e ContractorBs Documents for t&is part in accordance it& t&e procedures specified in t&e ContractC t&ese ContractorBs Documents s&all be in accordance it& t&e Specification and Dra in's$ s&all be ritten in t&e lan'ua'e for communications defined in Sub7Clause *(- 9"a and "an'ua'e:$ and s&all include additional information required b# t&e En'ineer to add to t&e Dra in's for co7 ordination of eac& 0art#Bs desi'nsC t&e Contractor s&all be responsible for t&is part and it s&all$ &en t&e 5or;s are completed$ be fit for suc& purposes for &ic& t&e part is intended as are specified in t&e ContractC and prior to t&e commencement of t&e 6ests on Completion$ t&e Contractor s&all submit to t&e En'ineer t&e 2as7built3 documents and$ if applicable$ operation and maintenance manuals in accordance it& t&e Specification and in sufficient detail for t&e Emplo#er to operate$ maintain$ dismantle$ reassemble$ adjust and repair t&is part of t&e 5or;s( Suc& part s&all not be considered to be completed for t&e purposes of ta;in'7o%er under Sub7Clause *A(* 96a;in' O%er of t&e 5or;s and Sections: until t&ese documents and manuals &a%e been submitted to t&e En'ineer(

1c4 1d4


0erformance Securit#
6&e Contractor s&all obtain 1at &is cost4 a 0erformance Securit# for proper performance$ in t&e amount and currencies stated in t&e Contract Data( If an amount is not stated in t&e Contract Data$ t&is Sub7 Clause s&all not appl#( 6&e Contractor s&all deli%er t&e 0erformance Securit# to t&e Emplo#er it&in +? da#s after recei%in' t&e "etter of Acceptance$ and s&all send a cop# to t&e En'ineer( 6&e 0erformance Securit# s&all be issued b# an entit# and from it&in a countr# 1or ot&er jurisdiction4 appro%ed b# t&e Emplo#er$ and s&all be in t&e form anne)ed to t&e 0articular Conditions or in anot&er form appro%ed b# t&e Emplo#er( 6&e Contractor s&all ensure t&at t&e 0erformance Securit# is %alid and enforceable until t&e Contractor &as e)ecuted and completed t&e 5or;s and remedied an# defects( If t&e terms of t&e 0erformance Securit# specif# its e)pir# date$ and t&e Contractor &as not become entitled to recei%e t&e 0erformance Certificate b# t&e date +? da#s prior to t&e e)pir# date$ t&e Contractor s&all e)tend t&e %alidit# of t&e 0erformance Securit# until t&e 5or;s &a%e been completed and an# defects &a%e been remedied( 6&e Emplo#er s&all not ma;e a claim under t&e 0erformance Securit#$ e)cept for amounts to &ic& t&e Emplo#er is entitled under t&e Contract( 6&e Emplo#er s&all indemnif# and &old t&e Contractor &armless a'ainst and from all dama'es$ losses and e)penses 1includin' le'al fees and e)penses4 resultin' from a claim under t&e 0erformance Securit# to t&e e)tent to &ic& t&e Emplo#er as not entitled to ma;e t&e claim( 6&e Emplo#er s&all return t&e 0erformance Securit# to t&e Contractor it&in +* da#s after recei%in' a cop# of t&e 0erformance Certificate( 5it&out limitation to t&e pro%isions of t&e rest of t&is Sub7Clause$ &ene%er t&e En'ineer determines an addition or a reduction to t&e Contract 0rice as a result of a c&an'e in cost and>or le'islation or as a result of a Fariation$ amountin' to more t&an +. percent of t&e portion of t&e Contract 0rice pa#able in a specific currenc#$ t&e Contractor s&all at t&e En'ineerOs request promptl# increase$ or ma# decrease$ as t&e case ma# be$ t&e %alue of t&e 0erformance Securit# in t&at currenc# b# an equal percenta'e(

Section (!!% Genera &onditions



ContractorBs !epresentati%e
6&e Contractor s&all appoint t&e ContractorBs !epresentati%e and s&all 'i%e &im all aut&orit# necessar# to act on t&e ContractorBs be&alf under t&e Contract( Inless t&e ContractorBs !epresentati%e is named in t&e Contract$ t&e Contractor s&all$ prior to t&e Commencement Date$ submit to t&e En'ineer for consent t&e name and particulars of t&e person t&e Contractor proposes to appoint as ContractorBs !epresentati%e( If consent is it&&eld or subsequentl# re%o;ed in terms of Sub7Clause 8(@ 9ContractorBs 0ersonnel:$ or if t&e appointed person fails to act as ContractorBs !epresentati%e$ t&e Contractor s&all similarl# submit t&e name and particulars of anot&er suitable person for suc& appointment( 6&e Contractor s&all not$ it&out t&e prior consent of t&e En'ineer$ re%o;e t&e appointment of t&e ContractorBs !epresentati%e or appoint a replacement( 6&e &ole time of t&e ContractorBs !epresentati%e s&all be 'i%en to directin' t&e ContractorBs performance of t&e Contract( If t&e ContractorBs !epresentati%e is to be temporaril# absent from t&e Site durin' t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s$ a suitable replacement person s&all be appointed$ subject to t&e En'ineerBs prior consent$ and t&e En'ineer s&all be notified accordin'l#( 6&e ContractorBs !epresentati%e s&all$ on be&alf of t&e Contractor$ recei%e instructions under Sub7 Clause ,(, 9Instructions of t&e En'ineer:( 6&e ContractorBs !epresentati%e ma# dele'ate an# po ers$ functions and aut&orit# to an# competent person$ and ma# at an# time re%o;e t&e dele'ation( An# dele'ation or re%ocation s&all not ta;e effect until t&e En'ineer &as recei%ed prior notice si'ned b# t&e ContractorBs !epresentati%e$ namin' t&e person and specif#in' t&e po ers$ functions and aut&orit# bein' dele'ated or re%o;ed( 6&e ContractorBs !epresentati%e s&all be fluent in t&e lan'ua'e for communications defined in Sub7 Clause *(- 9"a and "an'ua'e:( If t&e ContractorBs !epresentati%eBs dele'ates are not fluent in t&e said lan'ua'e$ t&e Contractor s&all ma;e competent interpreters a%ailable durin' all or;in' &ours in a number deemed sufficient b# t&e En'ineer(


6&e Contractor s&all not subcontract t&e &ole of t&e 5or;s( 6&e Contractor s&all be responsible for t&e acts or defaults of an# Subcontractor$ &is a'ents or emplo#ees$ as if t&e# ere t&e acts or defaults of t&e Contractor( Inless ot&er ise stated in t&e 0articular Conditions: 1a4 1b4 1c4 t&e Contractor s&all not be required to obtain consent to suppliers solel# of Gaterials$ or to a subcontract for &ic& t&e Subcontractor is named in t&e ContractC t&e prior consent of t&e En'ineer s&all be obtained to ot&er proposed SubcontractorsC t&e Contractor s&all 'i%e t&e En'ineer not less t&an +? da#sB notice of t&e intended date of t&e commencement of eac& SubcontractorBs or;$ and of t&e commencement of suc& or; on t&e SiteC and eac& subcontract s&all include pro%isions &ic& ould entitle t&e Emplo#er to require t&e subcontract to be assi'ned to t&e Emplo#er under Sub7Clause -(. 9Assi'nment of Benefit of Subcontract: 1if or &en applicable4 or in t&e e%ent of termination under Sub7Clause *.(+ 96ermination b# Emplo#er:(


6&e Contractor s&all ensure t&at t&e requirements imposed on t&e Contractor b# Sub7Clause *(*+


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

9Confidential Details: appl# equall# to eac& Subcontractor( 5&ere practicable$ t&e Contractor s&all 'i%e fair and reasonable opportunit# for contractors from t&e Countr# to be appointed as Subcontractors(


Assi'nment of Benefit of Subcontract

If a SubcontractorBs obli'ations e)tend be#ond t&e e)pir# date of t&e rele%ant Defects Notification 0eriod and t&e En'ineer$ prior to t&is date$ instructs t&e Contractor to assi'n t&e benefit of suc& obli'ations to t&e Emplo#er$ t&en t&e Contractor s&all do so( Inless ot&er ise stated in t&e assi'nment$ t&e Contractor s&all &a%e no liabilit# to t&e Emplo#er for t&e or; carried out b# t&e Subcontractor after t&e assi'nment ta;es effect(


6&e Contractor s&all$ as specified in t&e Contract or as instructed b# t&e En'ineer$ allo appropriate opportunities for carr#in' out or; to: 1a4 1b4 1c4 t&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel$ an# ot&er contractors emplo#ed b# t&e Emplo#er$ and t&e personnel of an# le'all# constituted public aut&orities$

&o ma# be emplo#ed in t&e e)ecution on or near t&e Site of an# or; not included in t&e Contract( An# suc& instruction s&all constitute a Fariation if and to t&e e)tent t&at it causes t&e Contractor to suffer dela#s and>or to incur Inforeseeable Cost( Ser%ices for t&ese personnel and ot&er contractors ma# include t&e use of ContractorBs Equipment$ 6emporar# 5or;s or access arran'ements &ic& are t&e responsibilit# of t&e Contractor( If$ under t&e Contract$ t&e Emplo#er is required to 'i%e to t&e Contractor possession of an# foundation$ structure$ plant or means of access in accordance it& ContractorBs Documents$ t&e Contractor s&all submit suc& documents to t&e En'ineer in t&e time and manner stated in t&e Specification(


Settin' Out
6&e Contractor s&all set out t&e 5or;s in relation to ori'inal points$ lines and le%els of reference specified in t&e Contract or notified b# t&e En'ineer( 6&e Contractor s&all be responsible for t&e correct positionin' of all parts of t&e 5or;s$ and s&all rectif# an# error in t&e positions$ le%els$ dimensions or ali'nment of t&e 5or;s( 6&e Emplo#er s&all be responsible for an# errors in t&ese specified or notified items of reference$ but t&e Contractor s&all use reasonable efforts to %erif# t&eir accurac# before t&e# are used( If t&e Contractor suffers dela# and>or incurs Cost from e)ecutin' or; &ic& as necessitated b# an error in t&ese items of reference$ and an e)perienced contractor could not reasonabl# &a%e disco%ered suc& error and a%oided t&is dela# and>or Cost$ t&e Contractor s&all 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer and s&all be entitled subject to Sub7Clause +A(* 9ContractorBs Claims: to: 1a4 1b4 an e)tension of time for an# suc& dela#$ if completion is or ill be dela#ed$ under Sub7Clause ?(9E)tension of 6ime for Completion:$ and pa#ment of an# suc& Cost plus profit$ &ic& s&all be included in t&e Contract 0rice(

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


After recei%in' t&is notice$ t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine 1i4 &et&er and 1if so4 to &at e)tent t&e error could not reasonabl# &a%e been disco%ered$ and 1ii4 t&e matters described in sub7para'rap&s 1a4 and 1b4 abo%e related to t&is e)tent(


Safet# 0rocedures
6&e Contractor s&all: 1a4 1b4 1c4 1d4 1e4 compl# it& all applicable safet# re'ulations$ ta;e care for t&e safet# of all persons entitled to be on t&e Site$ use reasonable efforts to ;eep t&e Site and 5or;s clear of unnecessar# obstruction so as to a%oid dan'er to t&ese persons$ pro%ide fencin'$ li'&tin'$ 'uardin' and atc&in' of t&e 5or;s until completion and ta;in' o%er under Clause *A 9Emplo#erBs 6a;in' O%er:$ and pro%ide an# 6emporar# 5or;s 1includin' road a#s$ foot a#s$ 'uards and fences4 &ic& ma# be necessar#$ because of t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s$ for t&e use and protection of t&e public and of o ners and occupiers of adjacent land(


=ualit# Assurance
6&e Contractor s&all institute a qualit# assurance s#stem to demonstrate compliance it& t&e requirements of t&e Contract( 6&e s#stem s&all be in accordance it& t&e details stated in t&e Contract( 6&e En'ineer s&all be entitled to audit an# aspect of t&e s#stem( Details of all procedures and compliance documents s&all be submitted to t&e En'ineer for information before eac& desi'n and e)ecution sta'e is commenced( 5&en an# document of a tec&nical nature is issued to t&e En'ineer$ e%idence of t&e prior appro%al b# t&e Contractor &imself s&all be apparent on t&e document itself( Compliance it& t&e qualit# assurance s#stem s&all not relie%e t&e Contractor of an# of &is duties$ obli'ations or responsibilities under t&e Contract(


Site Data
6&e Emplo#er s&all &a%e made a%ailable to t&e Contractor for &is information$ prior to t&e Base Date$ all rele%ant data in t&e Emplo#erBs possession on sub7surface and &#drolo'ical conditions at t&e Site$ includin' en%ironmental aspects( 6&e Emplo#er s&all similarl# ma;e a%ailable to t&e Contractor all suc& data &ic& come into t&e Emplo#erBs possession after t&e Base Date( 6&e Contractor s&all be responsible for interpretin' all suc& data( 6o t&e e)tent &ic& as practicable 1ta;in' account of cost and time4$ t&e Contractor s&all be deemed to &a%e obtained all necessar# information as to ris;s$ contin'encies and ot&er circumstances &ic& ma# influence or affect t&e 6ender or 5or;s( 6o t&e same e)tent$ t&e Contractor s&all be deemed to &a%e inspected and e)amined t&e Site$ its surroundin's$ t&e abo%e data and ot&er a%ailable information$ and to &a%e been satisfied before submittin' t&e 6ender as to all rele%ant matters$ includin' 1 it&out limitation4: 1a4 1b4 t&e form and nature of t&e Site$ includin' sub7surface conditions$ t&e &#drolo'ical and climatic conditions$


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

1c4 1d4 1e4

t&e e)tent and nature of t&e or; and /oods necessar# for t&e e)ecution and completion of t&e 5or;s and t&e remed#in' of an# defects$ t&e "a s$ procedures and labour practices of t&e Countr#$ and t&e ContractorBs requirements for access$ accommodation$ facilities$ personnel$ po er$ transport$ ater and ot&er ser%ices(


Sufficienc# of t&e Accepted Contract Amount

6&e Contractor s&all be deemed to: 1a4 1b4 &a%e satisfied &imself as to t&e correctness and sufficienc# of t&e Accepted Contract Amount$ and &a%e based t&e Accepted Contract Amount on t&e data$ interpretations$ necessar# information$ inspections$ e)aminations and satisfaction as to all rele%ant matters referred to in Sub7Clause -(*A 9Site Data:(

Inless ot&er ise stated in t&e Contract$ t&e Accepted Contract Amount co%ers all t&e ContractorBs obli'ations under t&e Contract 1includin' t&ose under 0ro%isional Sums$ if an#4 and all t&in's necessar# for t&e proper e)ecution and completion of t&e 5or;s and t&e remed#in' of an# defects(


Inforeseeable 0&#sical Conditions

In t&is Sub7Clause$ 2p&#sical conditions3 means natural p&#sical conditions and man7made and ot&er p&#sical obstructions and pollutants$ &ic& t&e Contractor encounters at t&e Site &en e)ecutin' t&e 5or;s$ includin' sub7surface and &#drolo'ical conditions but e)cludin' climatic conditions( If t&e Contractor encounters ad%erse p&#sical conditions &ic& &e considers to &a%e been Inforeseeable$ t&e Contractor s&all 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer as soon as practicable( 6&is notice s&all describe t&e p&#sical conditions$ so t&at t&e# can be inspected b# t&e En'ineer$ and s&all set out t&e reasons &# t&e Contractor considers t&em to be Inforeseeable( 6&e Contractor s&all continue e)ecutin' t&e 5or;s$ usin' suc& proper and reasonable measures as are appropriate for t&e p&#sical conditions$ and s&all compl# it& an# instructions &ic& t&e En'ineer ma# 'i%e( If an instruction constitutes a Fariation$ Clause *, 9Fariations and Adjustments: s&all appl#( If and to t&e e)tent t&at t&e Contractor encounters p&#sical conditions &ic& are Inforeseeable$ 'i%es suc& a notice$ and suffers dela# and>or incurs Cost due to t&ese conditions$ t&e Contractor s&all be entitled subject to notice under Sub7Clause +A(* 9ContractorBs Claims: to: 1a4 1b4 an e)tension of time for an# suc& dela#$ if completion is or ill be dela#ed$ under Sub7Clause ?(9E)tension of 6ime for Completion:$ and pa#ment of an# suc& Cost$ &ic& s&all be included in t&e Contract 0rice(

Ipon recei%in' suc& notice and inspectin' and>or in%esti'atin' t&ese p&#sical conditions$ t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine 1i4 &et&er and 1if so4 to &at e)tent t&ese p&#sical conditions ere Inforeseeable$ and 1ii4 t&e matters described in sub7 para'rap&s 1a4 and 1b4 abo%e related to t&is e)tent( Ho e%er$ before additional Cost is finall# a'reed or determined under sub7para'rap& 1ii4$ t&e En'ineer ma# also re%ie &et&er ot&er p&#sical conditions in similar parts of t&e 5or;s 1if an#4 ere more fa%ourable t&an could reasonabl# &a%e been foreseen &en t&e Contractor submitted t&e 6ender( If and to t&e e)tent t&at t&ese more fa%ourable conditions ere encountered$ t&e En'ineer ma# proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine t&e reductions in Cost &ic&

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


ere due to t&ese conditions$ &ic& ma# be included 1as deductions4 in t&e Contract 0rice and 0a#ment Certificates( Ho e%er$ t&e net effect of all adjustments under sub7para'rap& 1b4 and all t&ese reductions$ for all t&e p&#sical conditions encountered in similar parts of t&e 5or;s$ s&all not result in a net reduction in t&e Contract 0rice( 6&e En'ineer s&all ta;e account of an# e%idence of t&e p&#sical conditions foreseen b# t&e Contractor &en submittin' t&e 6ender$ &ic& s&all be made a%ailable b# t&e Contractor$ but s&all not be bound b# t&e ContractorBs interpretation of an# suc& e%idence(


!i'&ts of 5a# and Dacilities

Inless ot&er ise specified in t&e Contract t&e Emplo#er s&all pro%ide access to and possession of t&e Site includin' special and>or temporar# ri'&ts7of7 a# &ic& are necessar# for t&e 5or;s( 6&e Contractor s&all obtain$ at &is ris; and cost$ an# additional ri'&ts of a# or facilities outside t&e Site &ic& &e ma# require for t&e purposes of t&e 5or;s(


A%oidance of Interference
6&e Contractor s&all not interfere unnecessaril# or improperl# it&: 1a4 1b4 t&e con%enience of t&e public$ or t&e access to and use and occupation of all roads and footpat&s$ irrespecti%e of &et&er t&e# are public or in t&e possession of t&e Emplo#er or of ot&ers(

6&e Contractor s&all indemnif# and &old t&e Emplo#er &armless a'ainst and from all dama'es$ losses and e)penses 1includin' le'al fees and e)penses4 resultin' from an# suc& unnecessar# or improper interference(


Access !oute
6&e Contractor s&all be deemed to &a%e been satisfied as to t&e suitabilit# and a%ailabilit# of access routes to t&e Site at Base Date( 6&e Contractor s&all use reasonable efforts to pre%ent an# road or brid'e from bein' dama'ed b# t&e ContractorBs traffic or b# t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel( 6&ese efforts s&all include t&e proper use of appropriate %e&icles and routes( E)cept as ot&er ise stated in t&ese Conditions: 1a4 1b4 t&e Contractor s&all 1as bet een t&e 0arties4 be responsible for an# maintenance &ic& ma# be required for &is use of access routesC t&e Contractor s&all pro%ide all necessar# si'ns or directions alon' access routes$ and s&all obtain an# permission &ic& ma# be required from t&e rele%ant aut&orities for &is use of routes$ si'ns and directionsC t&e Emplo#er s&all not be responsible for an# claims &ic& ma# arise from t&e use or ot&er ise of an# access routeC t&e Emplo#er does not 'uarantee t&e suitabilit# or a%ailabilit# of particular access routesC and Costs due to non7suitabilit# or non7a%ailabilit#$ for t&e use required b# t&e Contractor$ of access routes s&all be borne b# t&e Contractor(

1c4 1d4 1e4


6ransport of /oods


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

Inless ot&er ise stated in t&e 0articular Conditions: 1a4 1b4 1c4 t&e Contractor s&all 'i%e t&e En'ineer not less t&an +* da#sB notice of t&e date on &ic& an# 0lant or a major item of ot&er /oods ill be deli%ered to t&e SiteC t&e Contractor s&all be responsible for pac;in'$ loadin'$ transportin'$ recei%in'$ unloadin'$ storin' and protectin' all /oods and ot&er t&in's required for t&e 5or;sC and t&e Contractor s&all indemnif# and &old t&e Emplo#er &armless a'ainst and from all dama'es$ losses and e)penses 1includin' le'al fees and e)penses4 resultin' from t&e transport of /oods$ and s&all ne'otiate and pa# all claims arisin' from t&eir transport(


ContractorBs Equipment
6&e Contractor s&all be responsible for all ContractorBs Equipment( 5&en brou'&t on to t&e Site$ ContractorBs Equipment s&all be deemed to be e)clusi%el# intended for t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s( 6&e Contractor s&all not remo%e from t&e Site an# major items of ContractorBs Equipment it&out t&e consent of t&e En'ineer( Ho e%er$ consent s&all not be required for %e&icles transportin' /oods or ContractorBs 0ersonnel off Site(


0rotection of t&e En%ironment

6&e Contractor s&all ta;e all reasonable steps to protect t&e en%ironment 1bot& on and off t&e Site4 and to limit dama'e and nuisance to people and propert# resultin' from pollution$ noise and ot&er results of &is operations( 6&e Contractor s&all ensure t&at emissions$ surface disc&ar'es and effluent from t&e ContractorBs acti%ities s&all not e)ceed t&e %alues stated in t&e Specification or prescribed b# applicable "a s(


Electricit#$ 5ater and /as

6&e Contractor s&all$ e)cept as stated belo $ be responsible for t&e pro%ision of all po er$ ater and ot&er ser%ices &e ma# require for &is construction acti%ities and to t&e e)tent defined in t&e Specifications$ for t&e tests( 6&e Contractor s&all be entitled to use for t&e purposes of t&e 5or;s suc& supplies of electricit#$ ater$ 'as and ot&er ser%ices as ma# be a%ailable on t&e Site and of &ic& details and prices are 'i%en in t&e Specification( 6&e Contractor s&all$ at &is ris; and cost$ pro%ide an# apparatus necessar# for &is use of t&ese ser%ices and for measurin' t&e quantities consumed( 6&e quantities consumed and t&e amounts due 1at t&ese prices4 for suc& ser%ices s&all be a'reed or determined b# t&e En'ineer in accordance it& Sub7Clause +(. 9Emplo#erBs Claims: and Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations:( 6&e Contractor s&all pa# t&ese amounts to t&e Emplo#er(


Emplo#erBs Equipment and Dree7Issue Gaterials

6&e Emplo#er s&all ma;e t&e Emplo#erBs Equipment 1if an#4 a%ailable for t&e use of t&e Contractor in t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s in accordance it& t&e details$ arran'ements and prices stated in t&e Specification( Inless ot&er ise stated in t&e Specification: 1a4 1b4 t&e Emplo#er s&all be responsible for t&e Emplo#erBs Equipment$ e)cept t&at t&e Contractor s&all be responsible for eac& item of Emplo#erBs Equipment &ilst an# of t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel is operatin' it$ dri%in' it$ directin' it or in possession or control of it(

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


6&e appropriate quantities and t&e amounts due 1at suc& stated prices4 for t&e use of Emplo#erBs Equipment s&all be a'reed or determined b# t&e En'ineer in accordance it& Sub7Clause +(. 9Emplo#erBs Claims: and Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations:( 6&e Contractor s&all pa# t&ese amounts to t&e Emplo#er( 6&e Emplo#er s&all suppl#$ free of c&ar'e$ t&e 2free7issue materials3 1if an#4 in accordance it& t&e details stated in t&e Specification( 6&e Emplo#er s&all$ at &is ris; and cost$ pro%ide t&ese materials at t&e time and place specified in t&e Contract( 6&e Contractor s&all t&en %isuall# inspect t&em$ and s&all promptl# 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer of an# s&orta'e$ defect or default in t&ese materials( Inless ot&er ise a'reed b# bot& 0arties$ t&e Emplo#er s&all immediatel# rectif# t&e notified s&orta'e$ defect or default( After t&is %isual inspection$ t&e free7issue materials s&all come under t&e care$ custod# and control of t&e Contractor( 6&e ContractorBs obli'ations of inspection$ care$ custod# and control s&all not relie%e t&e Emplo#er of liabilit# for an# s&orta'e$ defect or default not apparent from a %isual inspection(


0ro'ress !eports
Inless ot&er ise stated in t&e 0articular Conditions$ mont&l# pro'ress reports s&all be prepared b# t&e Contractor and submitted to t&e En'ineer in si) copies( 6&e first report s&all co%er t&e period up to t&e end of t&e first calendar mont& follo in' t&e Commencement Date( !eports s&all be submitted mont&l# t&ereafter$ eac& it&in < da#s after t&e last da# of t&e period to &ic& it relates( !eportin' s&all continue until t&e Contractor &as completed all or; &ic& is ;no n to be outstandin' at t&e completion date stated in t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate for t&e 5or;s( Eac& report s&all include: 1a4 c&arts and detailed descriptions of pro'ress$ includin' eac& sta'e of desi'n 1if an#4$ ContractorBs Documents$ procurement$ manufacture$ deli%er# to Site$ construction$ erection and testin'C and includin' t&ese sta'es for or; b# eac& nominated Subcontractor 1as defined in Clause . 9Nominated Subcontractors:4$ p&oto'rap&s s&o in' t&e status of manufacture and of pro'ress on t&e SiteC for t&e manufacture of eac& main item of 0lant and Gaterials$ t&e name of t&e manufacturer$ manufacture location$ percenta'e pro'ress$ and t&e actual or e)pected dates of: 1i4 1ii4 1iii4 1i%4 1d4 1e4 1f4 1'4 1&4 commencement of manufacture$ ContractorBs inspections$ tests$ and s&ipment and arri%al at t&e SiteC

1b4 1c4

t&e details described in Sub7Clause 8(*A 9!ecords of ContractorBs 0ersonnel and Equipment:C copies of qualit# assurance documents$ test results and certificates of GaterialsC list of notices 'i%en under Sub7Clause +(. 9Emplo#erBs Claims: and notices 'i%en under Sub7 Clause +A(* 9ContractorBs Claims:C safet# statistics$ includin' details of an# &aMardous incidents and acti%ities relatin' to en%ironmental aspects and public relationsC and comparisons of actual and planned pro'ress$ it& details of an# e%ents or circumstances &ic& ma# jeopardise t&e completion in accordance it& t&e Contract$ and t&e measures bein' 1or to


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

be4 adopted to o%ercome dela#s(


Securit# of t&e Site

Inless ot&er ise stated in t&e 0articular Conditions: 1a4 1b4 t&e Contractor s&all be responsible for ;eepin' unaut&orised persons off t&e Site$ and aut&orised persons s&all be limited to t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel and t&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnelC and to an# ot&er personnel notified to t&e Contractor$ b# t&e Emplo#er or t&e En'ineer$ as aut&orised personnel of t&e Emplo#erBs ot&er contractors on t&e Site(


ContractorBs Operations on Site

6&e Contractor s&all confine &is operations to t&e Site$ and to an# additional areas &ic& ma# be obtained b# t&e Contractor and a'reed b# t&e En'ineer as additional or;in' areas( 6&e Contractor s&all ta;e all necessar# precautions to ;eep ContractorBs Equipment and ContractorBs 0ersonnel it&in t&e Site and t&ese additional areas$ and to ;eep t&em off adjacent land( Durin' t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s$ t&e Contractor s&all ;eep t&e Site free from all unnecessar# obstruction$ and s&all store or dispose of an# ContractorBs Equipment or surplus materials( 6&e Contractor s&all clear a a# and remo%e from t&e Site an# rec;a'e$ rubbis& and 6emporar# 5or;s &ic& are no lon'er required( Ipon t&e issue of a 6a;in'7O%er Certificate$ t&e Contractor s&all clear a a# and remo%e$ from t&at part of t&e Site and 5or;s to &ic& t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate refers$ all ContractorBs Equipment$ surplus material$ rec;a'e$ rubbis& and 6emporar# 5or;s( 6&e Contractor s&all lea%e t&at part of t&e Site and t&e 5or;s in a clean and safe condition( Ho e%er$ t&e Contractor ma# retain on Site$ durin' t&e Defects Notification 0eriod$ suc& /oods as are required for t&e Contractor to fulfil obli'ations under t&e Contract(


All fossils$ coins$ articles of %alue or antiquit#$ and structures and ot&er remains or items of 'eolo'ical or arc&aeolo'ical interest found on t&e Site s&all be placed under t&e care and aut&orit# of t&e Emplo#er( 6&e Contractor s&all ta;e reasonable precautions to pre%ent ContractorBs 0ersonnel or ot&er persons from remo%in' or dama'in' an# of t&ese findin's( 6&e Contractor s&all$ upon disco%er# of an# suc& findin'$ promptl# 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer$ &o s&all issue instructions for dealin' it& it( If t&e Contractor suffers dela# and>or incurs Cost from compl#in' it& t&e instructions$ t&e Contractor s&all 'i%e a furt&er notice to t&e En'ineer and s&all be entitled subject to Sub7Clause +A(* 9ContractorBs Claims: to: 1a4 1b4 an e)tension of time for an# suc& dela#$ if completion is or ill be dela#ed$ under Sub7Clause ?(9E)tension of 6ime for Completion:$ and pa#ment of an# suc& Cost$ &ic& s&all be included in t&e Contract 0rice(

After recei%in' t&is furt&er notice$ t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine t&ese matters(


Nominated Subcontractors
Definition of 2nominated Subcontractor3

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


In t&e Contract$ 2nominated Subcontractor3 means a Subcontractor: 1a4 1b4 &o is stated in t&e Contract as bein' a nominated Subcontractor$ or &om t&e En'ineer$ under Clause *, 9Fariations and Adjustments:$ instructs t&e Contractor to emplo# as a Subcontractor subject to Sub7Clause .(+ 9Objection to Notification:(


Objection to Nomination
6&e Contractor s&all not be under an# obli'ation to emplo# a nominated Subcontractor a'ainst &om t&e Contractor raises reasonable objection b# notice to t&e En'ineer as soon as practicable$ it& supportin' particulars( An objection s&all be deemed reasonable if it arises from 1amon' ot&er t&in's4 an# of t&e follo in' matters$ unless t&e Emplo#er a'rees in ritin' to indemnif# t&e Contractor a'ainst and from t&e consequences of t&e matter: 1a4 1b4 1c4 t&ere are reasons to belie%e t&at t&e Subcontractor does not &a%e sufficient competence$ resources or financial stren't&C t&e nominated Subcontractor does not accept to indemnif# t&e Contractor a'ainst and from an# ne'li'ence or misuse of /oods b# t&e nominated Subcontractor$ &is a'ents and emplo#eesC or t&e nominated Subcontractor does not accept to enter into a subcontract &ic& specifies t&at$ for t&e subcontracted or; 1includin' desi'n$ if an#4$ t&e nominated Subcontractor s&all: 1i4 1ii4 underta;e to t&e Contractor suc& obli'ations and liabilities as ill enable t&e Contractor to disc&ar'e &is obli'ations and liabilities under t&e ContractC indemnif# t&e Contractor a'ainst and from all obli'ations and liabilities arisin' under or in connection it& t&e Contract and from t&e consequences of an# failure b# t&e Subcontractor to perform t&ese obli'ations or to fulfil t&ese liabilitiesC and be paid onl# if and &en t&e Contractor &as recei%ed from t&e Emplo#er pa#ments for sums due under t&e Subcontract referred to under Sub7Clause .(, 90a#ment to nominated Subcontractors:(



0a#ments to nominated Subcontractors

6&e Contractor s&all pa# to t&e nominated Subcontractor t&e amounts s&o n on t&e nominated SubcontractorBs in%oices appro%ed b# t&e Contractor &ic& t&e En'ineer certifies to be due in accordance it& t&e subcontract( 6&ese amounts plus ot&er c&ar'es s&all be included in t&e Contract 0rice in accordance it& sub7para'rap& 1b4 of Sub7Clause *,(. 90ro%isional Sums:$ e)cept as stated in Sub7Clause .(- 9E%idence of 0a#ments:(


E%idence of 0a#ments
=efore issuin+ a Payment Certificate *hich includes an amount paya&le to a nominated %u&contractor, the .n+ineer may re:uest the Contractor to supply reasona&le e-idence that the nominated %u&contractor has recei-ed all amounts due in accordance *ith pre-ious Payment Certificates, less applica&le deductions for retention or other*ise. >nless the Contractor6


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

1a4 (&)

submits t&is reasonable e%idence to t&e En'ineer$ or 1i4 1ii4 satisfies t&e En'ineer in ritin' t&at t&e Contractor is reasonabl# entitled to it&&old or refuse to pa# t&ese amounts$ and submits to t&e En'ineer reasonable e%idence t&at t&e nominated Subcontractor &as been notified of t&e ContractorBs entitlement$

t&en t&e Emplo#er ma# 1at &is sole discretion4 pa#$ direct to t&e nominated Subcontractor$ part or all of suc& amounts pre%iousl# certified 1less applicable deductions4 as are due to t&e nominated Subcontractor and for &ic& t&e Contractor &as failed to submit t&e e%idence described in sub7 para'rap&s 1a4 or 1b4 abo%e( 6&e Contractor s&all t&en repa#$ to t&e Emplo#er$ t&e amount &ic& t&e nominated Subcontractor as directl# paid b# t&e Emplo#er(


Staff and "abour

En'a'ement of Staff and "abour
E)cept as ot&er ise stated in t&e Specification$ t&e Contractor s&all ma;e arran'ements for t&e en'a'ement of all staff and labour$ local or ot&er ise$ and for t&eir pa#ment$ feedin'$ transport$ and$ &en appropriate$ &ousin'( 6&e Contractor is encoura'ed$ to t&e e)tent practicable and reasonable$ to emplo# staff and labour it& appropriate qualifications and e)perience from sources it&in t&e Countr#(


!ates of 5a'es and Conditions of "abour

6&e Contractor s&all pa# rates of a'es$ and obser%e conditions of labour$ &ic& are not lo er t&an t&ose establis&ed for t&e trade or industr# &ere t&e or; is carried out( If no establis&ed rates or conditions are applicable$ t&e Contractor s&all pa# rates of a'es and obser%e conditions &ic& are not lo er t&an t&e 'eneral le%el of a'es and conditions obser%ed locall# b# emplo#ers &ose trade or industr# is similar to t&at of t&e Contractor( 6&e Contractor s&all inform t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel about t&eir liabilit# to pa# personal income ta)es in t&e Countr# in respect of suc& of t&eir salaries$ a'es$ allo ances and an# benefits as are subject to ta) under t&e "a s of t&e Countr# for t&e time bein' in force$ and t&e Contractor s&all perform suc& duties in re'ard to suc& deductions t&ereof as ma# be imposed on &im b# suc& "a s(


0ersons in t&e Ser%ice of Emplo#er

6&e Contractor s&all not recruit$ or attempt to recruit$ staff and labour from amon'st t&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel(


"abour "a s
The Contractor shall comply *ith all the rele-ant la&our ?a*s applica&le to the Contractor's Personnel, includin+ ?a*s relatin+ to their employment, health, safety, *elfare, immi+ration and emi+ration, and shall allo* them all their le+al ri+hts. The Contractor shall re:uire his employees to o&ey all applica&le ?a*s, includin+ those concernin+ safety at *or!.

Section (!!% Genera &onditions



5or;in' Hours
No or; s&all be carried out on t&e Site on locall# reco'nised da#s of rest$ or outside t&e normal or;in' &ours stated in t&e Contract Data$ unless: 1a4 1b4 1c4 ot&er ise stated in t&e Contract$ t&e En'ineer 'i%es consent$ or t&e or; is una%oidable$ or necessar# for t&e protection of life or propert# or for t&e safet# of t&e 5or;s$ in &ic& case t&e Contractor s&all immediatel# ad%ise t&e En'ineer(


Dacilities for Staff and "abour

.7cept as other*ise stated in the %pecification, the Contractor shall pro-ide and maintain all necessary accommodation and *elfare facilities for the Contractor's Personnel. The Contractor shall also pro-ide facilities for the .mployer's Personnel as stated in the %pecification. 6&e Contractor s&all not permit an# of t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel to maintain an# temporar# or permanent li%in' quarters it&in t&e structures formin' part of t&e 0ermanent 5or;s(


Healt& and Safet#

The Contractor shall at all times ta!e all reasona&le precautions to maintain the health and safety of the Contractor's Personnel. /n colla&oration *ith local health authorities, the Contractor shall ensure that medical staff, first aid facilities, sic! &ay and am&ulance ser-ice are a-aila&le at all times at the %ite and at any accommodation for Contractor's and .mployer's Personnel, and that suita&le arran+ements are made for all necessary *elfare and hy+iene re:uirements and for the pre-ention of epidemics. The Contractor shall appoint an accident pre-ention officer at the %ite, responsi&le for maintainin+ safety and protection a+ainst accidents. This person shall &e :ualified for this responsi&ility, and shall ha-e the authority to issue instructions and ta!e protecti-e measures to pre-ent accidents. Throu+hout the e7ecution of the or!s, the Contractor shall pro-ide *hate-er is re:uired &y this person to e7ercise this responsi&ility and authority. 6&e Contractor s&all send$ to t&e En'ineer$ details of an# accident as soon as practicable after its occurrence( 6&e Contractor s&all maintain records and ma;e reports concernin' &ealt&$ safet# and elfare of persons$ and dama'e to propert#$ as t&e En'ineer ma# reasonabl# require( HIF7AIDS 0re%ention( 6&e Contractor s&all conduct an HIF7AIDS a areness pro'ramme %ia an appro%ed ser%ice pro%ider$ and s&all underta;e suc& ot&er measures as are specified in t&is Contract to reduce t&e ris; of t&e transfer of t&e HIF %irus bet een and amon' t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel and t&e local communit#$ to promote earl# dia'nosis and to assist affected indi%iduals( 6&e Contractor s&all t&rou'&out t&e contract 1includin' t&e Defects Notification 0eriod4: 1i4 conduct Information$ Education and Consultation Communication 1IEC4 campai'ns$ at least e%er# ot&er mont&$ addressed to all t&e Site staff and labour 1includin' all t&e ContractorOs emplo#ees$ all Sub7Contractors and ConsultantsO emplo#ees$ and all truc; dri%ers and cre ma;in' deli%eries to Site for construction acti%ities4 and to t&e immediate local communities$ concernin' t&e ris;s$ dan'ers and impact$ and appropriate a%oidance be&a%iour it& respect of Se)uall# 6ransmitted Diseases 1S6D4 7 or Se)uall#


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

6ransmitted Infections 1S6I4 in 'eneral and HIF>AIDS in particularC 1ii4 pro%ide male or female condoms for all Site staff and labour as appropriateC and 1iii4 pro%ide for S6I and HIF>AIDS screenin'$ dia'nosis$ counsellin' and referral to a dedicated national S6I and HIF>AIDS pro'ramme$ 1unless ot&er ise a'reed4 of all Site staff and labour( 6&e Contractor s&all include in t&e pro'ram to be submitted for t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s under Sub7 Clause ?(, an alle%iation pro'ram for Site staff and labour and t&eir families in respect of Se)uall# 6ransmitted Infections 1S6I4 and Se)uall# 6ransmitted Diseases 1S6D4 includin' HIF>AIDS( 6&e S6I$ S6D and HIF>AIDS alle%iation pro'ramme s&all indicate &en$ &o and at &at cost t&e Contractor plans to satisf# t&e requirements of t&is Sub7Clause and t&e related specification( Dor eac& component$ t&e pro'ramme s&all detail t&e resources to be pro%ided or utiliMed and an# related sub7contractin' proposed( 6&e pro'ramme s&all also include pro%ision of a detailed cost estimate it& supportin' documentation( 0a#ment to t&e Contractor for preparation and implementation t&is pro'ramme s&all not e)ceed t&e 0ro%isional Sum dedicated for t&is purpose(


ContractorBs Superintendence
6&rou'&out t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s$ and as lon' t&ereafter as is necessar# to fulfil t&e ContractorBs obli'ations$ t&e Contractor s&all pro%ide all necessar# superintendence to plan$ arran'e$ direct$ mana'e$ inspect and test t&e or;( Superintendence s&all be 'i%en b# a sufficient number of persons &a%in' adequate ;no led'e of t&e lan'ua'e for communications 1defined in Sub7Clause *(- 9"a and "an'ua'e:4 and of t&e operations to be carried out 1includin' t&e met&ods and tec&niques required$ t&e &aMards li;el# to be encountered and met&ods of pre%entin' accidents4$ for t&e satisfactor# and safe e)ecution of t&e 5or;s(


ContractorBs 0ersonnel
6&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel s&all be appropriatel# qualified$ s;illed and e)perienced in t&eir respecti%e trades or occupations( 6&e En'ineer ma# require t&e Contractor to remo%e 1or cause to be remo%ed4 an# person emplo#ed on t&e Site or 5or;s$ includin' t&e ContractorBs !epresentati%e if applicable$ &o: 1a4 1b4 1c4 1d4 persists in an# misconduct or lac; of care$ carries out duties incompetentl# or ne'li'entl#$ fails to conform it& an# pro%isions of t&e Contract$ or persists in an# conduct &ic& is prejudicial to safet#$ &ealt&$ or t&e protection of t&e en%ironment(

If appropriate$ t&e Contractor s&all t&en appoint 1or cause to be appointed4 a suitable replacement person(


!ecords of ContractorBs 0ersonnel and Equipment

6&e Contractor s&all submit$ to t&e En'ineer$ details s&o in' t&e number of eac& class of ContractorBs 0ersonnel and of eac& t#pe of ContractorBs Equipment on t&e Site( Details s&all be submitted eac& calendar mont&$ in a form appro%ed b# t&e En'ineer$ until t&e Contractor &as completed all or; &ic& is ;no n to be outstandin' at t&e completion date stated in t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate for t&e 5or;s(


Disorderl# Conduct
6&e Contractor s&all at all times ta;e all reasonable precautions to pre%ent an# unla ful$ riotous or disorderl# conduct b# or amon'st t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel$ and to preser%e peace and protection of

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


persons and propert# on and near t&e Site(


Dorei'n 0ersonnel
6&e Contractor ma# brin' in to t&e Countr# an# forei'n personnel &o are necessar# for t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s to t&e e)tent allo ed b# t&e applicable "a s( 6&e Contractor s&all ensure t&at t&ese personnel are pro%ided it& t&e required residence %isas and or; permits( 6&e Emplo#er ill$ if requested b# t&e Contractor$ use &is best endea%ours in a timel# and e)peditious manner to assist t&e Contractor in obtainin' an# local$ state$ national or 'o%ernment permission required for brin'in' in t&e ContractorBs personnel( 6&e Contractor s&all be responsible for t&e return of t&ese personnel to t&e place &ere t&e# ere recruited or to t&eir domicile( In t&e e%ent of t&e deat& in t&e Countr# of an# of t&ese personnel or members of t&eir families$ t&e Contractor s&all similarl# be responsible for ma;in' t&e appropriate arran'ements for t&eir return or burial(


Suppl# of Doodstuffs
6&e Contractor s&all arran'e for t&e pro%ision of a sufficient suppl# of suitable food as ma# be stated in t&e Specification at reasonable prices for t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel for t&e purposes of or in connection it& t&e Contract(


Suppl# of 5ater
6&e Contractor s&all$ &a%in' re'ard to local conditions$ pro%ide on t&e Site an adequate suppl# of drin;in' and ot&er ater for t&e use of t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel(


Geasures a'ainst Insect and 0est Nuisance

6&e Contractor s&all at all times ta;e t&e necessar# precautions to protect t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel emplo#ed on t&e Site from insect and pest nuisance$ and to reduce t&eir dan'er to &ealt&( 6&e Contractor s&all compl# it& all t&e re'ulations of t&e local &ealt& aut&orities$ includin' use of appropriate insecticide(


Alco&olic "iquor or Dru's

6&e Contractor s&all not$ ot&er ise t&an in accordance it& t&e "a s of t&e Countr#$ import$ sell$ 'i%e$ barter or ot&er ise dispose of an# alco&olic liquor or dru's$ or permit or allo importation$ sale$ 'ift$ barter or disposal t&ereof b# ContractorOs 0ersonnel(


Arms and Ammunition

6&e Contractor s&all not 'i%e$ barter$ or ot&er ise dispose of$ to an# person$ an# arms or ammunition of an# ;ind$ or allo ContractorOs 0ersonnel to do so(


Desti%als and !eli'ious Customs

6&e Contractor s&all respect t&e Countr#Os reco'niMed festi%als$ da#s of rest and reli'ious or ot&er customs(


Section (!!% Genera &onditions


Duneral Arran'ements
6&e Contractor s&all be responsible$ to t&e e)tent required b# local re'ulations$ for ma;in' an# funeral arran'ements for an# of &is local emplo#ees &o ma# die &ile en'a'ed upon t&e 5or;s(


0ro&ibition of Dorced or Compulsor# "abour

6&e Contractor s&all not emplo# Jforced or compulsor# labourJ in an# form( JDorced or compulsor# labourJ consists of all or; or ser%ice$ not %oluntaril# performed$ t&at is e)tracted from an indi%idual under t&reat of force or penalt#(


0ro&ibition of C&ild "abour

6&e Contractor s&all not emplo# an# c&ild to perform an# or; t&at is economicall# e)ploitati%e$ or is li;el# to be &aMardous to$ or to interfere it&$ t&e c&ildOs education$ or to be &armful to t&e c&ildOs &ealt& or p&#sical$ mental$ spiritual$ moral$ or social de%elopment(


Emplo#ment !ecords of 5or;ers

6&e Contractor s&all ;eep complete and accurate records of t&e emplo#ment of labour at t&e Site( 6&e records s&all include t&e names$ a'es$ 'enders$ &ours or;ed and a'es paid to all or;ers( 6&ese records s&all be summariMed on a mont&l# basis and submitted to t&e En'ineer$ and t&ese records s&all be a%ailable for inspection b# Auditors durin' normal or;in' &ours( 6&ese records s&all be included in t&e details to be submitted b# t&e Contractor under Sub7Clause 8(*A 9!ecords of ContractorBs 0ersonnel and Equipment:(


0lant$ Gaterials and 5or;mans&ip

Ganner of E)ecution
6&e Contractor s&all carr# out t&e manufacture of 0lant$ t&e production and manufacture of Gaterials$ and all ot&er e)ecution of t&e 5or;s: 1a4 1b4 1c4 in t&e manner 1if an#4 specified in t&e Contract$ in a proper or;manli;e and careful manner$ in accordance it& reco'nised 'ood practice$ and it& properl# equipped facilities and non7&aMardous Gaterials$ e)cept as ot&er ise specified in t&e Contract(


6&e Contractor s&all submit t&e follo in' samples of Gaterials$ and rele%ant information$ to t&e En'ineer for consent prior to usin' t&e Gaterials in or for t&e 5or;s: 1a4 manufacturerBs standard samples of Gaterials and samples specified in t&e Contract$ all at t&e ContractorBs cost$ and

Section (!!% Genera &onditions



additional samples instructed b# t&e En'ineer as a Fariation(

Eac& sample s&all be labelled as to ori'in and intended use in t&e 5or;s(


6&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel s&all at all reasonable times: 1a4 1b4 &a%e full access to all parts of t&e Site and to all places from &ic& natural Gaterials are bein' obtained$ and durin' production$ manufacture and construction 1at t&e Site and else &ere4$ be entitled to e)amine$ inspect$ measure and test t&e materials and or;mans&ip$ and to c&ec; t&e pro'ress of manufacture of 0lant and production and manufacture of Gaterials(

6&e Contractor s&all 'i%e t&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel full opportunit# to carr# out t&ese acti%ities$ includin' pro%idin' access$ facilities$ permissions and safet# equipment( No suc& acti%it# s&all relie%e t&e Contractor from an# obli'ation or responsibilit#( 6&e Contractor s&all 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer &ene%er an# or; is read# and before it is co%ered up$ put out of si'&t$ or pac;a'ed for stora'e or transport( 6&e En'ineer s&all t&en eit&er carr# out t&e e)amination$ inspection$ measurement or testin' it&out unreasonable dela#$ or promptl# 'i%e notice to t&e Contractor t&at t&e En'ineer does not require to do so( If t&e Contractor fails to 'i%e t&e notice$ &e s&all$ if and &en required b# t&e En'ineer$ unco%er t&e or; and t&ereafter reinstate and ma;e 'ood$ all at t&e ContractorBs cost(


6&is Sub7Clause s&all appl# to all tests specified in t&e Contract$ ot&er t&an t&e 6ests after Completion 1if an#4( E)cept as ot&er ise specified in t&e Contract$ t&e Contractor s&all pro%ide all apparatus$ assistance$ documents and ot&er information$ electricit#$ equipment$ fuel$ consumables$ instruments$ labour$ materials$ and suitabl# qualified and e)perienced staff$ as are necessar# to carr# out t&e specified tests efficientl#( 6&e Contractor s&all a'ree$ it& t&e En'ineer$ t&e time and place for t&e specified testin' of an# 0lant$ Gaterials and ot&er parts of t&e 5or;s( 6&e En'ineer ma#$ under Clause *, 9Fariations and Adjustments:$ %ar# t&e location or details of specified tests$ or instruct t&e Contractor to carr# out additional tests( If t&ese %aried or additional tests s&o t&at t&e tested 0lant$ Gaterials or or;mans&ip is not in accordance it& t&e Contract$ t&e cost of carr#in' out t&is Fariation s&all be borne b# t&e Contractor$ not it&standin' ot&er pro%isions of t&e Contract( 6&e En'ineer s&all 'i%e t&e Contractor not less t&an +- &oursB notice of t&e En'ineerBs intention to attend t&e tests( If t&e En'ineer does not attend at t&e time and place a'reed$ t&e Contractor ma# proceed it& t&e tests$ unless ot&er ise instructed b# t&e En'ineer$ and t&e tests s&all t&en be deemed to &a%e been made in t&e En'ineerBs presence( If t&e Contractor suffers dela# and>or incurs Cost from compl#in' it& t&ese instructions or as a result of a dela# for &ic& t&e Emplo#er is responsible$ t&e Contractor s&all 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer and s&all be entitled subject to Sub7Clause +A(* 9ContractorBs Claims: to: 1a4 1b4 an e)tension of time for an# suc& dela#$ if completion is or ill be dela#ed$ under Sub7Clause ?(9E)tension of 6ime for Completion:$ and pa#ment of an# suc& Cost plus profit$ &ic& s&all be included in t&e Contract 0rice(


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

After recei%in' t&is notice$ t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine t&ese matters( 6&e Contractor s&all promptl# for ard to t&e En'ineer dul# certified reports of t&e tests( 5&en t&e specified tests &a%e been passed$ t&e En'ineer s&all endorse t&e ContractorBs test certificate$ or issue a certificate to &im$ to t&at effect( If t&e En'ineer &as not attended t&e tests$ &e s&all be deemed to &a%e accepted t&e readin's as accurate(


If$ as a result of an e)amination$ inspection$ measurement or testin'$ an# 0lant$ Gaterials or or;mans&ip is found to be defecti%e or ot&er ise not in accordance it& t&e Contract$ t&e En'ineer ma# reject t&e 0lant$ Gaterials or or;mans&ip b# 'i%in' notice to t&e Contractor$ it& reasons( 6&e Contractor s&all t&en promptl# ma;e 'ood t&e defect and ensure t&at t&e rejected item complies it& t&e Contract( If t&e En'ineer requires t&is 0lant$ Gaterials or or;mans&ip to be retested$ t&e tests s&all be repeated under t&e same terms and conditions( If t&e rejection and retestin' cause t&e Emplo#er to incur additional costs$ t&e Contractor s&all subject to Sub7Clause +(. 9Emplo#erBs Claims: pa# t&ese costs to t&e Emplo#er(


!emedial 5or;
Not it&standin' an# pre%ious test or certification$ t&e En'ineer ma# instruct t&e Contractor to: 1a4 1b4 1c4 remo%e from t&e Site and replace an# 0lant or Gaterials &ic& is not in accordance it& t&e Contract$ remo%e and re7e)ecute an# ot&er or; &ic& is not in accordance it& t&e Contract$ and e)ecute an# or; &ic& is ur'entl# required for t&e safet# of t&e 5or;s$ &et&er because of an accident$ unforeseeable e%ent or ot&er ise(

6&e Contractor s&all compl# it& t&e instruction it&in a reasonable time$ &ic& s&all be t&e time 1if an#4 specified in t&e instruction$ or immediatel# if ur'enc# is specified under sub7para'rap& 1c4( If t&e Contractor fails to compl# it& t&e instruction$ t&e Emplo#er s&all be entitled to emplo# and pa# ot&er persons to carr# out t&e or;( E)cept to t&e e)tent t&at t&e Contractor ould &a%e been entitled to pa#ment for t&e or;$ t&e Contractor s&all subject to Sub7Clause +(. 9Emplo#erBs Claims: pa# to t&e Emplo#er all costs arisin' from t&is failure(


O ners&ip of 0lant and Gaterials

E)cept as ot&er ise specified in t&e Contract$ eac& item of 0lant and Gaterials s&all$ to t&e e)tent consistent it& t&e "a s of t&e Countr#$ become t&e propert# of t&e Emplo#er at &ic&e%er is t&e earlier of t&e follo in' times$ free from liens and ot&er encumbrances: 1a4 1b4 &en it is incorporated in t&e 5or;sC &en t&e Contractor is paid t&e correspondin' %alue of t&e 0lant and Gaterials under Sub7 Clause ?(*A 90a#ment for 0lant and Gaterials in E%ent of Suspension:(



Section (!!% Genera &onditions


Inless ot&er ise stated in t&e Specification$ t&e Contractor s&all pa# all ro#alties$ rents and ot&er pa#ments for: 1a4 1b4 natural Gaterials obtained from outside t&e Site$ and t&e disposal of material from demolitions and e)ca%ations and of ot&er surplus material 1 &et&er natural or man7made4$ e)cept to t&e e)tent t&at disposal areas it&in t&e Site are specified in t&e Contract(


Commencement$ Dela#s and Suspension

Commencement of 5or;s
E)cept as ot&er ise specified in t&e 0articular Conditions$ t&e Commencement Date s&all be t&e date at &ic& t&e follo in' precedent conditions &a%e all been fulfilled and t&e En'ineerBs instruction recordin' t&e a'reement of bot& 0arties on suc& fulfilment and instructin' to commence t&e 5or;s is recei%ed b# t&e Contractor: 1a4 1b4 1c4 si'nature of t&e Contract A'reement b# bot& 0arties$ and if required$ appro%al of t&e Contract b# rele%ant aut&orities in t&e Countr#C deli%er# to t&e Contractor of reasonable e%idence of t&e Emplo#erBs Dinancial arran'ements 1under Sub7Clause +(- 9Emplo#erBs Dinancial Arran'ements:4C e)cept if ot&er ise specified in t&e Contract Data$ possession of t&e Site 'i%en to t&e Contractor to'et&er it& suc& permission1s4 under 1a4 of Sub7Clause *(*, 9Compliance it& "a s: as required for t&e commencement of t&e 5or;sC and receipt b# t&e Contractor of t&e Ad%ance 0a#ment under Sub7Clause *-(+ 9Ad%ance 0a#ment: pro%ided t&at t&e correspondin' ban; 'uarantee &as been deli%ered b# t&e Contractor(


If t&e abo%e said En'ineerBs instruction is not recei%ed b# t&e Contractor it&in *?A da#s from &is receipt of t&e "etter of Acceptance$ t&e Contractor s&all be entitled to terminate t&e Contract under Sub7Clause *8(+ 96ermination b# Contractor:( 6&e Contractor s&all commence t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s as soon as is reasonabl# practicable after t&e Commencement Date$ and s&all t&en proceed it& t&e 5or;s it& due e)pedition and it&out dela#(


6ime for Completion

6&e Contractor s&all complete t&e &ole of t&e 5or;s$ and eac& Section 1if an#4$ it&in t&e 6ime for Completion for t&e 5or;s or Section 1as t&e case ma# be4$ includin': 1a4 1b4 ac&ie%in' t&e passin' of t&e 6ests on Completion$ and completin' all or; &ic& is stated in t&e Contract as bein' required for t&e 5or;s or Section to be considered to be completed for t&e purposes of ta;in'7o%er under Sub7Clause *A(* 96a;in' O%er of t&e 5or;s and Sections:(


6&e Contractor s&all submit a detailed time pro'ramme to t&e En'ineer it&in +? da#s after recei%in' t&e notice under Sub7Clause ?(* 9Commencement of 5or;s:( 6&e Contractor s&all also submit a re%ised pro'ramme &ene%er t&e pre%ious pro'ramme is inconsistent it& actual pro'ress or it& t&e


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

ContractorBs obli'ations( Eac& pro'ramme s&all include: 1a4 t&e order in &ic& t&e Contractor intends to carr# out t&e 5or;s$ includin' t&e anticipated timin' of eac& sta'e of desi'n 1if an#4$ ContractorBs Documents$ procurement$ manufacture of 0lant$ deli%er# to Site$ construction$ erection and testin'$ eac& of t&ese sta'es for or; b# eac& nominated Subcontractor 1as defined in Clause . 9Nominated Subcontractors:4$ t&e sequence and timin' of inspections and tests specified in t&e Contract$ and a supportin' report &ic& includes: 1i4 1ii4 a 'eneral description of t&e met&ods &ic& t&e Contractor intends to adopt$ and of t&e major sta'es$ in t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s$ and details s&o in' t&e ContractorBs reasonable estimate of t&e number of eac& class of ContractorBs 0ersonnel and of eac& t#pe of ContractorBs Equipment$ required on t&e Site for eac& major sta'e(

1b4 1c4 1d4

Inless t&e En'ineer$ it&in +* da#s after recei%in' a pro'ramme$ 'i%es notice to t&e Contractor statin' t&e e)tent to &ic& it does not compl# it& t&e Contract$ t&e Contractor s&all proceed in accordance it& t&e pro'ramme$ subject to &is ot&er obli'ations under t&e Contract( 6&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel s&all be entitled to rel# upon t&e pro'ramme &en plannin' t&eir acti%ities( 6&e Contractor s&all promptl# 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer of specific probable future e%ents or circumstances &ic& ma# ad%ersel# affect t&e or;$ increase t&e Contract 0rice or dela# t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s( 6&e En'ineer ma# require t&e Contractor to submit an estimate of t&e anticipated effect of t&e future e%ent or circumstances$ and>or a proposal under Sub7Clause *,(, 9Fariation 0rocedure:( If$ at an# time$ t&e En'ineer 'i%es notice to t&e Contractor t&at a pro'ramme fails 1to t&e e)tent stated4 to compl# it& t&e Contract or to be consistent it& actual pro'ress and t&e ContractorBs stated intentions$ t&e Contractor s&all submit a re%ised pro'ramme to t&e En'ineer in accordance it& t&is Sub7Clause(


E)tension of 6ime for Completion

6&e Contractor s&all be entitled subject to Sub7Clause +A(* 9ContractorBs Claims: to an e)tension of t&e 6ime for Completion if and to t&e e)tent t&at completion for t&e purposes of Sub7Clause *A(* 96a;in' O%er of t&e 5or;s and Sections: is or ill be dela#ed b# an# of t&e follo in' causes: 1a4 a Fariation 1unless an adjustment to t&e 6ime for Completion &as been a'reed under Sub7 Clause *,(, 9Fariation 0rocedure:4 or ot&er substantial c&an'e in t&e quantit# of an item of or; included in t&e Contract$ a cause of dela# 'i%in' an entitlement to e)tension of time under a Sub7Clause of t&ese Conditions$ e)ceptionall# ad%erse climatic conditions$ Inforeseeable s&orta'es in t&e a%ailabilit# of personnel or /oods caused b# epidemic or 'o%ernmental actions$ or an# dela#$ impediment or pre%ention caused b# or attributable to t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel$ or t&e Emplo#erBs ot&er contractors(

1b4 1c4 1d4 1e4

If t&e Contractor considers &imself to be entitled to an e)tension of t&e 6ime for Completion$ t&e Contractor s&all 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer in accordance it& Sub7Clause +A(* 9ContractorBs Claims:( 5&en determinin' eac& e)tension of time under Sub7Clause +A(*$ t&e En'ineer s&all re%ie pre%ious

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


determinations and ma# increase$ but s&all not decrease$ t&e total e)tension of time(


Dela#s Caused b# Aut&orities

If t&e follo in' conditions appl#$ namel#: 1a4 1b4 1c4 t&e Contractor &as dili'entl# follo ed t&e procedures laid do n b# t&e rele%ant le'all# constituted public aut&orities in t&e Countr#$ t&ese aut&orities dela# or disrupt t&e ContractorBs or;$ and t&e dela# or disruption as Inforeseeable

t&en t&is dela# or disruption ill be considered as a cause of dela# under sub7para'rap& 1b4 of Sub7 Clause ?(- 9E)tension of 6ime for Completion:(


!ate of 0ro'ress
If$ at an# time: 1a4 1b4 actual pro'ress is too slo to complete it&in t&e 6ime for Completion$ and>or pro'ress &as fallen 1or ill fall4 be&ind t&e current pro'ramme under Sub7Clause ?(, 90ro'ramme:$

ot&er t&an as a result of a cause listed in Sub7Clause ?(- 9E)tension of 6ime for Completion:$ t&en t&e En'ineer ma# instruct t&e Contractor to submit$ under Sub7Clause ?(, 90ro'ramme:$ a re%ised pro'ramme and supportin' report describin' t&e re%ised met&ods &ic& t&e Contractor proposes to adopt in order to e)pedite pro'ress and complete it&in t&e 6ime for Completion( Inless t&e En'ineer notifies ot&er ise$ t&e Contractor s&all adopt t&ese re%ised met&ods$ &ic& ma# require increases in t&e or;in' &ours and>or in t&e numbers of ContractorBs 0ersonnel and>or /oods$ at t&e ris; and cost of t&e Contractor( If t&ese re%ised met&ods cause t&e Emplo#er to incur additional costs$ t&e Contractor s&all subject to notice under Sub7Clause +(. 9Emplo#erBs Claims: pa# t&ese costs to t&e Emplo#er$ in addition to dela# dama'es 1if an#4 under Sub7Clause ?(< belo ( Additional costs of re%ised met&ods$ includin' acceleration measures$ instructed b# t&e En'ineer to reduce dela#s resultin' from causes listed under Sub7Clause ?(- 9E)tension of 6ime for Completion: s&all be paid b# t&e Emplo#er$ it&out 'eneratin'$ &o e%er$ an# ot&er additional pa#ment benefit to t&e Contractor(


Dela# Dama'es
If t&e Contractor fails to compl# it& Sub7Clause ?(+ 96ime for Completion:$ t&e Contractor s&all subject to notice under Sub7Clause +(. 9Emplo#erBs Claims: pa# dela# dama'es to t&e Emplo#er for t&is default( 6&ese dela# dama'es s&all be t&e sum stated in t&e Contract Data$ &ic& s&all be paid for e%er# da# &ic& s&all elapse bet een t&e rele%ant 6ime for Completion and t&e date stated in t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate( Ho e%er$ t&e total amount due under t&is Sub7Clause s&all not e)ceed t&e ma)imum amount of dela# dama'es 1if an#4 stated in t&e Contract Data( 6&ese dela# dama'es s&all be t&e onl# dama'es due from t&e Contractor for suc& default$ ot&er t&an in t&e e%ent of termination under Sub7Clause *.(+ 96ermination b# Emplo#er: prior to completion of t&e 5or;s( 6&ese dama'es s&all not relie%e t&e Contractor from &is obli'ation to complete t&e 5or;s$ or from an# ot&er duties$ obli'ations or responsibilities &ic& &e ma# &a%e under t&e Contract(


Section (!!% Genera &onditions


Suspension of 5or;
6&e En'ineer ma# at an# time instruct t&e Contractor to suspend pro'ress of part or all of t&e 5or;s( Durin' suc& suspension$ t&e Contractor s&all protect$ store and secure suc& part or t&e 5or;s a'ainst an# deterioration$ loss or dama'e( 6&e En'ineer ma# also notif# t&e cause for t&e suspension( If and to t&e e)tent t&at t&e cause is notified and is t&e responsibilit# of t&e Contractor$ t&e follo in' Sub7Clauses ?(@$ ?(*A and ?(** s&all not appl#(


Consequences of Suspension
If t&e Contractor suffers dela# and>or incurs Cost from compl#in' it& t&e En'ineerBs instructions under Sub7Clause ?(? 9Suspension of 5or;: and>or from resumin' t&e or;$ t&e Contractor s&all 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer and s&all be entitled subject to Sub7Clause +A(* 9ContractorBs Claims: to: 1a4 1b4 an e)tension of time for an# suc& dela#$ if completion is or ill be dela#ed$ under Sub7Clause ?(9E)tension of 6ime for Completion:$ and pa#ment of an# suc& Cost$ &ic& s&all be included in t&e Contract 0rice(

After recei%in' t&is notice$ t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine t&ese matters( 6&e Contractor s&all not be entitled to an e)tension of time for$ or to pa#ment of t&e Cost incurred in$ ma;in' 'ood t&e consequences of t&e ContractorBs fault# desi'n$ or;mans&ip or materials$ or of t&e ContractorBs failure to protect$ store or secure in accordance it& Sub7Clause ?(? 9Suspension of 5or;:(


0a#ment for 0lant and Gaterials in E%ent of Suspension

6&e Contractor s&all be entitled to pa#ment of t&e %alue 1as at t&e date of suspension4 of 0lant and>or Gaterials &ic& &a%e not been deli%ered to Site$ if: 1a4 1b4 t&e or; on 0lant or deli%er# of 0lant and>or Gaterials &as been suspended for more t&an +? da#s$ and t&e Contractor &as mar;ed t&e 0lant and>or Gaterials as t&e Emplo#erBs propert# in accordance it& t&e En'ineerBs instructions(


0rolon'ed Suspension
If t&e suspension under Sub7Clause ?(? 9Suspension of 5or;: &as continued for more t&an ?- da#s$ t&e Contractor ma# request t&e En'ineerBs permission to proceed( If t&e En'ineer does not 'i%e permission it&in +? da#s after bein' requested to do so$ t&e Contractor ma#$ b# 'i%in' notice to t&e En'ineer$ treat t&e suspension as an omission under Clause *, 9Fariations and Adjustments: of t&e affected part of t&e 5or;s( If t&e suspension affects t&e &ole of t&e 5or;s$ t&e Contractor ma# 'i%e notice of termination under Sub7Clause *8(+ 96ermination b# Contractor:(


!esumption of 5or;
After t&e permission or instruction to proceed is 'i%en$ t&e Contractor and t&e En'ineer s&all jointl# e)amine t&e 5or;s and t&e 0lant and Gaterials affected b# t&e suspension( 6&e Contractor s&all ma;e 'ood an# deterioration or defect in or loss of t&e 5or;s or 0lant or Gaterials$ &ic& &as occurred durin' t&e suspension after recei%in' from t&e En'ineer an instruction to t&is effect under Clause *, 9Fariations

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


and Adjustments:(


6ests on Completion
ContractorBs Obli'ations
6&e Contractor s&all carr# out t&e 6ests on Completion in accordance it& t&is Clause and Sub7Clause <(- 96estin':$ after pro%idin' t&e documents in accordance it& sub7para'rap& 1d4 of Sub7Clause -(* 9ContractorBs /eneral Obli'ations:( 6&e Contractor s&all 'i%e to t&e En'ineer not less t&an +* da#sB notice of t&e date after &ic& t&e Contractor ill be read# to carr# out eac& of t&e 6ests on Completion( Inless ot&er ise a'reed$ 6ests on Completion s&all be carried out it&in *- da#s after t&is date$ on suc& da# or da#s as t&e En'ineer s&all instruct( In considerin' t&e results of t&e 6ests on Completion$ t&e En'ineer s&all ma;e allo ances for t&e effect of an# use of t&e 5or;s b# t&e Emplo#er on t&e performance or ot&er c&aracteristics of t&e 5or;s( As soon as t&e 5or;s$ or a Section$ &a%e passed an# 6ests on Completion$ t&e Contractor s&all submit a certified report of t&e results of t&ese 6ests to t&e En'ineer(


Dela#ed 6ests
If t&e 6ests on Completion are bein' undul# dela#ed b# t&e Emplo#er$ Sub7Clause <(- 96estin': 1fift& para'rap&4 and>or Sub7Clause *A(, 9Interference it& 6ests on Completion: s&all be applicable( If t&e 6ests on Completion are bein' undul# dela#ed b# t&e Contractor$ t&e En'ineer ma# b# notice require t&e Contractor to carr# out t&e 6ests it&in +* da#s after recei%in' t&e notice( 6&e Contractor s&all carr# out t&e 6ests on suc& da# or da#s it&in t&at period as t&e Contractor ma# fi) and of &ic& &e s&all 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer( If t&e Contractor fails to carr# out t&e 6ests on Completion it&in t&e period of +* da#s$ t&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel ma# proceed it& t&e 6ests at t&e ris; and cost of t&e Contractor( 6&e 6ests on Completion s&all t&en be deemed to &a%e been carried out in t&e presence of t&e Contractor and t&e results of t&e 6ests s&all be accepted as accurate(


If t&e 5or;s$ or a Section$ fail to pass t&e 6ests on Completion$ Sub7Clause <(. 9!ejection: s&all appl#$ and t&e En'ineer or t&e Contractor ma# require t&e failed 6ests$ and 6ests on Completion on an# related or;$ to be repeated under t&e same terms and conditions(


Dailure to 0ass 6ests on Completion

If t&e 5or;s$ or a Section$ fail to pass t&e 6ests on Completion repeated under Sub7Clause @(, 9!etestin':$ t&e En'ineer s&all be entitled to: 1a4 1b4 order furt&er repetition of 6ests on Completion under Sub7Clause @(,C if t&e failure depri%es t&e Emplo#er of substantiall# t&e &ole benefit of t&e 5or;s or Section$ reject t&e 5or;s or Section 1as t&e case ma# be4$ in &ic& e%ent t&e Emplo#er s&all &a%e t&e same remedies as are pro%ided in sub7para'rap& 1c4 of Sub7Clause **(- 9Dailure to !emed# Defects:C or


Section (!!% Genera &onditions


issue a 6a;in'7O%er Certificate$ if t&e Emplo#er so requests(

In t&e e%ent of sub7para'rap& 1c4$ t&e Contractor s&all proceed in accordance it& all ot&er obli'ations under t&e Contract$ and t&e Contract 0rice s&all be reduced b# suc& amount as s&all be appropriate to co%er t&e reduced %alue to t&e Emplo#er as a result of t&is failure( Inless t&e rele%ant reduction for t&is failure is stated 1or its met&od of calculation is defined4 in t&e Contract$ t&e Emplo#er ma# require t&e reduction to be 1i4 a'reed b# bot& 0arties 1in full satisfaction of t&is failure onl#4 and paid before t&is 6a;in'7O%er Certificate is issued$ or 1ii4 determined and paid under Sub7Clause +(. 9Emplo#erBs Claims: and Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations:(


Emplo#erBs 6a;in' O%er

6a;in' O%er of t&e 5or;s and Sections
E)cept as stated in Sub7Clause @(- 9Dailure to 0ass 6ests on Completion:$ t&e 5or;s s&all be ta;en o%er b# t&e Emplo#er &en 1i4 t&e 5or;s &a%e been completed in accordance it& t&e Contract$ includin' t&e matters described in Sub7Clause ?(+ 96ime for Completion: and e)cept as allo ed in sub7para'rap& 1a4 belo $ and 1ii4 a 6a;in'7O%er Certificate for t&e 5or;s &as been issued$ or is deemed to &a%e been issued in accordance it& t&is Sub7Clause( 6&e Contractor ma# appl# b# notice to t&e En'ineer for a 6a;in'7O%er Certificate not earlier t&an *- da#s before t&e 5or;s ill$ in t&e ContractorBs opinion$ be complete and read# for ta;in' o%er( If t&e 5or;s are di%ided into Sections$ t&e Contractor ma# similarl# appl# for a 6a;in'7O%er Certificate for eac& Section( 6&e En'ineer s&all$ it&in +? da#s after recei%in' t&e ContractorBs application: 1a4 issue t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate to t&e Contractor$ statin' t&e date on &ic& t&e 5or;s or Section ere completed in accordance it& t&e Contract$ e)cept for an# minor outstandin' or; and defects &ic& ill not substantiall# affect t&e use of t&e 5or;s or Section for t&eir intended purpose 1eit&er until or &ilst t&is or; is completed and t&ese defects are remedied4C or reject t&e application$ 'i%in' reasons and specif#in' t&e or; required to be done b# t&e Contractor to enable t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate to be issued( 6&e Contractor s&all t&en complete t&is or; before issuin' a furt&er notice under t&is Sub7Clause(


If t&e En'ineer fails eit&er to issue t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate or to reject t&e ContractorBs application it&in t&e period of +? da#s$ and if t&e 5or;s or Section 1as t&e case ma# be4 are substantiall# in accordance it& t&e Contract$ t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate s&all be deemed to &a%e been issued on t&e last da# of t&at period(


6a;in' O%er of 0arts of t&e 5or;s

6&e En'ineer ma#$ at t&e sole discretion of t&e Emplo#er$ issue a 6a;in'7O%er Certificate for an# part of t&e 0ermanent 5or;s( 6&e Emplo#er s&all not use an# part of t&e 5or;s 1ot&er t&an as a temporar# measure &ic& is eit&er specified in t&e Contract or a'reed b# bot& 0arties4 unless and until t&e En'ineer &as issued a 6a;in'7 O%er Certificate for t&is part( Ho e%er$ if t&e Emplo#er does use an# part of t&e 5or;s before t&e 6a;in'7 O%er Certificate is issued: 1a4 1b4 t&e part &ic& is used s&all be deemed to &a%e been ta;en o%er as from t&e date on &ic& it is used$ t&e Contractor s&all cease to be liable for t&e care of suc& part as from t&is date$ &en responsibilit# s&all pass to t&e Emplo#er$ and

Section (!!% Genera &onditions



if requested b# t&e Contractor$ t&e En'ineer s&all issue a 6a;in'7O%er Certificate for t&is part(

After t&e En'ineer &as issued a 6a;in'7O%er Certificate for a part of t&e 5or;s$ t&e Contractor s&all be 'i%en t&e earliest opportunit# to ta;e suc& steps as ma# be necessar# to carr# out an# outstandin' 6ests on Completion( 6&e Contractor s&all carr# out t&ese 6ests on Completion as soon as practicable before t&e e)pir# date of t&e rele%ant Defects Notification 0eriod( If t&e Contractor incurs Cost as a result of t&e Emplo#er ta;in' o%er and>or usin' a part of t&e 5or;s$ ot&er t&an suc& use as is specified in t&e Contract or a'reed b# t&e Contractor$ t&e Contractor s&all 1i4 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer and 1ii4 be entitled subject to Sub7Clause +A(* 9ContractorBs Claims: to pa#ment of an# suc& Cost plus profit$ &ic& s&all be included in t&e Contract 0rice( After recei%in' t&is notice$ t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine t&is Cost and profit( If a 6a;in'7O%er Certificate &as been issued for a part of t&e 5or;s 1ot&er t&an a Section4$ t&e dela# dama'es t&ereafter for completion of t&e remainder of t&e 5or;s s&all be reduced( Similarl#$ t&e dela# dama'es for t&e remainder of t&e Section 1if an#4 in &ic& t&is part is included s&all also be reduced( Dor an# period of dela# after t&e date stated in t&is 6a;in'7O%er Certificate$ t&e proportional reduction in t&ese dela# dama'es s&all be calculated as t&e proportion &ic& t&e %alue of t&e part so certified bears to t&e %alue of t&e 5or;s or Section 1as t&e case ma# be4 as a &ole( 6&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine t&ese proportions( 6&e pro%isions of t&is para'rap& s&all onl# appl# to t&e dail# rate of dela# dama'es under Sub7Clause ?(< 9Dela# Dama'es:$ and s&all not affect t&e ma)imum amount of t&ese dama'es(


Interference it& 6ests on Completion

If t&e Contractor is pre%ented$ for more t&an *- da#s$ from carr#in' out t&e 6ests on Completion b# a cause for &ic& t&e Emplo#er is responsible$ t&e Emplo#er s&all be deemed to &a%e ta;en o%er t&e 5or;s or Section 1as t&e case ma# be4 on t&e date &en t&e 6ests on Completion ould ot&er ise &a%e been completed( 6&e En'ineer s&all t&en issue a 6a;in'7O%er Certificate accordin'l#$ and t&e Contractor s&all carr# out t&e 6ests on Completion as soon as practicable$ before t&e e)pir# date of t&e Defects Notification 0eriod( 6&e En'ineer s&all require t&e 6ests on Completion to be carried out b# 'i%in' *- da#sB notice and in accordance it& t&e rele%ant pro%isions of t&e Contract( If t&e Contractor suffers dela# and>or incurs Cost as a result of t&is dela# in carr#in' out t&e 6ests on Completion$ t&e Contractor s&all 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer and s&all be entitled subject to Sub7Clause +A(* 9ContractorBs Claims: to: 1a4 1b4 an e)tension of time for an# suc& dela#$ if completion is or ill be dela#ed$ under Sub7Clause ?(9E)tension of 6ime for Completion:$ and pa#ment of an# suc& Cost plus profit$ &ic& s&all be included in t&e Contract 0rice(

After recei%in' t&is notice$ t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine t&ese matters(


Surfaces !equirin' !einstatement

E)cept as ot&er ise stated in a 6a;in'7O%er Certificate$ a certificate for a Section or part of t&e 5or;s s&all not be deemed to certif# completion of an# 'round or ot&er surfaces requirin' reinstatement(


Defects "iabilit#


Section (!!% Genera &onditions


Completion of Outstandin' 5or; and !emed#in' Defects

In order t&at t&e 5or;s and ContractorBs Documents$ and eac& Section$ s&all be in t&e condition required b# t&e Contract 1fair ear and tear e)cepted4 b# t&e e)pir# date of t&e rele%ant Defects Notification 0eriod or as soon as practicable t&ereafter$ t&e Contractor s&all: 1a4 1b4 complete an# or; &ic& is outstandin' on t&e date stated in a 6a;in'7O%er Certificate$ it&in suc& reasonable time as is instructed b# t&e En'ineer$ and e)ecute all or; required to remed# defects or dama'e$ as ma# be notified b# 1or on be&alf of4 t&e Emplo#er on or before t&e e)pir# date of t&e Defects Notification 0eriod for t&e 5or;s or Section 1as t&e case ma# be4(

If a defect appears or dama'e occurs$ t&e Contractor s&all be notified accordin'l#$ b# 1or on be&alf of4 t&e Emplo#er(


Cost of !emed#in' Defects

All or; referred to in sub7para'rap& 1b4 of Sub7Clause **(* 9Completion of Outstandin' 5or; and !emed#in' Defects: s&all be e)ecuted at t&e ris; and cost of t&e Contractor$ if and to t&e e)tent t&at t&e or; is attributable to: 1a4 1b4 1c4 an# desi'n for &ic& t&e Contractor is responsible$ 0lant$ Gaterials or or;mans&ip not bein' in accordance it& t&e Contract$ or failure b# t&e Contractor to compl# it& an# ot&er obli'ation(

If and to t&e e)tent t&at suc& or; is attributable to an# ot&er cause$ t&e Contractor s&all be notified promptl# b# 1or on be&alf of4 t&e Emplo#er$ and Sub7Clause *,(, 9Fariation 0rocedure: s&all appl#(


E)tension of Defects Notification 0eriod

6&e Emplo#er s&all be entitled subject to Sub7Clause +(. 9Emplo#erBs Claims: to an e)tension of t&e Defects Notification 0eriod for t&e 5or;s or a Section if and to t&e e)tent t&at t&e 5or;s$ Section or a major item of 0lant 1as t&e case ma# be$ and after ta;in' o%er4 cannot be used for t&e purposes for &ic& t&e# are intended b# reason of a defect or b# reason of a dama'e attributable to t&e Contractor( Ho e%er$ a Defects Notification 0eriod s&all not be e)tended b# more t&an t o #ears( If deli%er# and>or erection of 0lant and>or Gaterials as suspended under Sub7Clause ?(? 9Suspension of 5or;: or Sub7Clause *8(* 9ContractorBs Entitlement to Suspend 5or;:$ t&e ContractorBs obli'ations under t&is Clause s&all not appl# to an# defects or dama'e occurrin' more t&an t o #ears after t&e Defects Notification 0eriod for t&e 0lant and>or Gaterials ould ot&er ise &a%e e)pired(


Dailure to !emed# Defects

If t&e Contractor fails to remed# an# defect or dama'e it&in a reasonable time$ a date ma# be fi)ed b# 1or on be&alf of4 t&e Emplo#er$ on or b# &ic& t&e defect or dama'e is to be remedied( 6&e Contractor s&all be 'i%en reasonable notice of t&is date( If t&e Contractor fails to remed# t&e defect or dama'e b# t&is notified date and t&is remedial or; as to be e)ecuted at t&e cost of t&e Contractor under Sub7Clause **(+ 9Cost of !emed#in' Defects:$ t&e Emplo#er ma# 1at &is option4:

Section (!!% Genera &onditions



carr# out t&e or; &imself or b# ot&ers$ in a reasonable manner and at t&e ContractorBs cost$ but t&e Contractor s&all &a%e no responsibilit# for t&is or;C and t&e Contractor s&all subject to Sub7 Clause +(. 9Emplo#erBs Claims: pa# to t&e Emplo#er t&e costs reasonabl# incurred b# t&e Emplo#er in remed#in' t&e defect or dama'eC require t&e En'ineer to a'ree or determine a reasonable reduction in t&e Contract 0rice in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations:C or if t&e defect or dama'e depri%es t&e Emplo#er of substantiall# t&e &ole benefit of t&e 5or;s or an# major part of t&e 5or;s$ terminate t&e Contract as a &ole$ or in respect of suc& major part &ic& cannot be put to t&e intended use( 5it&out prejudice to an# ot&er ri'&ts$ under t&e Contract or ot&er ise$ t&e Emplo#er s&all t&en be entitled to reco%er all sums paid for t&e 5or;s or for suc& part 1as t&e case ma# be4$ plus financin' costs and t&e cost of dismantlin' t&e same$ clearin' t&e Site and returnin' 0lant and Gaterials to t&e Contractor(

1b4 1c4


!emo%al of Defecti%e 5or;

If t&e defect or dama'e cannot be remedied e)peditiousl# on t&e Site and t&e Emplo#er 'i%es consent$ t&e Contractor ma# remo%e from t&e Site for t&e purposes of repair suc& items of 0lant as are defecti%e or dama'ed( 6&is consent ma# require t&e Contractor to increase t&e amount of t&e 0erformance Securit# b# t&e full replacement cost of t&ese items$ or to pro%ide ot&er appropriate securit#(


Durt&er 6ests
If t&e or; of remed#in' of an# defect or dama'e ma# affect t&e performance of t&e 5or;s$ t&e En'ineer ma# require t&e repetition of an# of t&e tests described in t&e Contract( 6&e requirement s&all be made b# notice it&in +? da#s after t&e defect or dama'e is remedied( 6&ese tests s&all be carried out in accordance it& t&e terms applicable to t&e pre%ious tests$ e)cept t&at t&e# s&all be carried out at t&e ris; and cost of t&e 0art# liable$ under Sub7Clause **(+ 9Cost of !emed#in' Defects:$ for t&e cost of t&e remedial or;(


!i'&t of Access
Intil t&e 0erformance Certificate &as been issued$ t&e Contractor s&all &a%e suc& ri'&t of access to t&e 5or;s as is reasonabl# required in order to compl# it& t&is Clause$ e)cept as ma# be inconsistent it& t&e Emplo#erBs reasonable securit# restrictions(


Contractor to Searc&
6&e Contractor s&all$ if required b# t&e En'ineer$ searc& for t&e cause of an# defect$ under t&e direction of t&e En'ineer( Inless t&e defect is to be remedied at t&e cost of t&e Contractor under Sub7Clause **(+ 9Cost of !emed#in' Defects:$ t&e Cost of t&e searc& plus profit s&all be a'reed or determined b# t&e En'ineer in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: and s&all be included in t&e Contract 0rice(


0erformance Certificate
0erformance of t&e ContractorBs obli'ations s&all not be considered to &a%e been completed until t&e En'ineer &as issued t&e 0erformance Certificate to t&e Contractor$ statin' t&e date on &ic& t&e Contractor completed &is obli'ations under t&e Contract(


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

6&e En'ineer s&all issue t&e 0erformance Certificate it&in +? da#s after t&e latest of t&e e)pir# dates of t&e Defects Notification 0eriods$ or as soon t&ereafter as t&e Contractor &as supplied all t&e ContractorBs Documents and completed and tested all t&e 5or;s$ includin' remed#in' an# defects( A cop# of t&e 0erformance Certificate s&all be issued to t&e Emplo#er( Onl# t&e 0erformance Certificate s&all be deemed to constitute acceptance of t&e 5or;s(

**(*A Infulfilled Obli'ations

After t&e 0erformance Certificate &as been issued$ eac& 0art# s&all remain liable for t&e fulfilment of an# obli'ation &ic& remains unperformed at t&at time( Dor t&e purposes of determinin' t&e nature and e)tent of unperformed obli'ations$ t&e Contract s&all be deemed to remain in force(

**(** Clearance of Site

Ipon recei%in' t&e 0erformance Certificate$ t&e Contractor s&all remo%e an# remainin' ContractorBs Equipment$ surplus material$ rec;a'e$ rubbis& and 6emporar# 5or;s from t&e Site( If all t&ese items &a%e not been remo%ed it&in +? da#s after receipt b# t&e Contractor of t&e 0erformance Certificate$ t&e Emplo#er ma# sell or ot&er ise dispose of an# remainin' items( 6&e Emplo#er s&all be entitled to be paid t&e costs incurred in connection it&$ or attributable to$ suc& sale or disposal and restorin' t&e Site( An# balance of t&e mone#s from t&e sale s&all be paid to t&e Contractor( If t&ese mone#s are less t&an t&e Emplo#erBs costs$ t&e Contractor s&all pa# t&e outstandin' balance to t&e Emplo#er(


Geasurement and E%aluation

5or;s to be Geasured
6&e 5or;s s&all be measured$ and %alued for pa#ment$ in accordance it& t&is Clause( 6&e Contractor s&all s&o in eac& application under Sub7Clauses *-(, 9Application for Interim 0a#ment Certificates:$ *-(*A 9Statement at Completion:$ and *-(** 9Application for Dinal 0a#ment Certificate: t&e quantities and ot&er particulars detailin' t&e amounts &ic& &e considers to be entitled under t&e Contract( 5&ene%er t&e En'ineer requires an# part of t&e 5or;s to be measured$ reasonable notice s&all be 'i%en to t&e ContractorBs !epresentati%e$ &o s&all: 1a4 1b4 promptl# eit&er attend or send anot&er qualified representati%e to assist t&e En'ineer in ma;in' t&e measurement$ and suppl# an# particulars requested b# t&e En'ineer(

If t&e Contractor fails to attend or send a representati%e$ t&e measurement made b# 1or on be&alf of4 t&e En'ineer s&all be accepted as accurate( E)cept as ot&er ise stated in t&e Contract$ &ere%er an# 0ermanent 5or;s are to be measured from records$ t&ese s&all be prepared b# t&e En'ineer( 6&e Contractor s&all$ as and &en requested$ attend to e)amine and a'ree t&e records it& t&e En'ineer$ and s&all si'n t&e same &en a'reed( If t&e Contractor does not attend$ t&e records s&all be accepted as accurate( If t&e Contractor e)amines and disa'rees it& t&e records$ and>or does not si'n t&em as a'reed$ t&en t&e Contractor s&all 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer of t&e respects in &ic& t&e records are asserted to be inaccurate( After recei%in' t&is notice$ t&e En'ineer s&all re%ie t&e records and eit&er confirm or %ar#

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


t&em and certif# t&e pa#ment of t&e undisputed part( If t&e Contractor does not so 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer it&in *- da#s after bein' requested to e)amine t&e records$ t&e# s&all be accepted as accurate(


Get&od of Geasurement
E)cept as ot&er ise stated in t&e Contract and not it&standin' local practice: 1a4 1b4 measurement s&all be made of t&e net actual quantit# of eac& item of t&e 0ermanent 5or;s$ and t&e met&od of measurement s&all be in accordance it& t&e Bill of =uantities or ot&er applicable Sc&edules(


E)cept as ot&er ise stated in t&e Contract$ t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine t&e Contract 0rice b# e%aluatin' eac& item of or;$ appl#in' t&e measurement a'reed or determined in accordance it& t&e abo%e Sub7Clauses *+(* and *+(+ and t&e appropriate rate or price for t&e item( Dor eac& item of or;$ t&e appropriate rate or price for t&e item s&all be t&e rate or price specified for suc& item in t&e Contract or$ if t&ere is no suc& item$ specified for similar or;( An# item of or; included in t&e Bill of =uantities for &ic& no rate or price as specified s&all be considered as included in ot&er rates and prices in t&e Bill of =uantities and ill not be paid for separatel#( Ho e%er$ a ne rate or price s&all be appropriate for an item of or; if: 1a4 1i4 1ii4 1iii4 1i%4 or 1b4 1i4 1ii4 1iii4 t&e or; is instructed under Clause *, 9Fariations and Adjustments:$ no rate or price is specified in t&e Contract for t&is item$ and no specified rate or price is appropriate because t&e item of or; is not of similar c&aracter$ or is not e)ecuted under similar conditions$ as an# item in t&e Contract( t&e measured quantit# of t&e item is c&an'ed b# more t&an +.K from t&e quantit# of t&is item in t&e Bill of =uantities or ot&er Sc&edule$ t&is c&an'e in quantit# multiplied b# suc& specified rate for t&is item e)ceeds A(+.K of t&e Accepted Contract Amount$ t&is c&an'e in quantit# directl# c&an'es t&e Cost per unit quantit# of t&is item b# more t&an *K$ and t&is item is not specified in t&e Contract as a 2fi)ed rate item3C

Eac& ne rate or price s&all be deri%ed from an# rele%ant rates or prices in t&e Contract$ it& reasonable adjustments to ta;e account of t&e matters described in sub7para'rap& 1a4 and>or 1b4$ as applicable( If no rates or prices are rele%ant for t&e deri%ation of a ne rate or price$ it s&all be deri%ed from t&e reasonable Cost of e)ecutin' t&e or;$ to'et&er it& profit$ ta;in' account of an# ot&er rele%ant matters( Intil suc& time as an appropriate rate or price is a'reed or determined$ t&e En'ineer s&all determine a pro%isional rate or price for t&e purposes of Interim 0a#ment Certificates as soon as t&e concerned 5or;s commences(


Section (!!% Genera &onditions


5&ene%er t&e omission of an# or; forms part 1or all4 of a Fariation$ t&e %alue of &ic& &as not been a'reed$ if: 1a4 1b4 1c4 t&e Contractor ill incur 1or &as incurred4 cost &ic&$ if t&e or; &ad not been omitted$ ould &a%e been deemed to be co%ered b# a sum formin' part of t&e Accepted Contract AmountC t&e omission of t&e or; ill result 1or &as resulted4 in t&is sum not formin' part of t&e Contract 0riceC and t&is cost is not deemed to be included in t&e e%aluation of an# substituted or;C

t&en t&e Contractor s&all 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer accordin'l#$ it& supportin' particulars( Ipon recei%in' t&is notice$ t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine t&is cost$ &ic& s&all be included in t&e Contract 0rice(


Fariations and Adjustments

!i'&t to Far#
Fariations ma# be initiated b# t&e En'ineer at an# time prior to issuin' t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate for t&e 5or;s$ eit&er b# an instruction or b# a request for t&e Contractor to submit a proposal( 6&e Contractor s&all e)ecute and be bound b# eac& Fariation$ unless t&e Contractor promptl# 'i%es notice to t&e En'ineer statin' 1 it& supportin' particulars4 t&at 1i4 t&e Contractor cannot readil# obtain t&e /oods required for t&e Fariation$ or 1ii4 suc& Fariation tri''ers a substantial c&an'e in t&e sequence or pro'ress of t&e 5or;s( Ipon recei%in' t&is notice$ t&e En'ineer s&all cancel$ confirm or %ar# t&e instruction( Eac& Fariation ma# include: 1a4 1b4 1c4 1d4 1e4 1f4 c&an'es to t&e quantities of an# item of or; included in t&e Contract 1&o e%er$ suc& c&an'es do not necessaril# constitute a Fariation4$ c&an'es to t&e qualit# and ot&er c&aracteristics of an# item of or;$ c&an'es to t&e le%els$ positions and>or dimensions of an# part of t&e 5or;s$ omission of an# or; unless it is to be carried out b# ot&ers$ an# additional or;$ 0lant$ Gaterials or ser%ices necessar# for t&e 0ermanent 5or;s$ includin' an# associated 6ests on Completion$ bore&oles and ot&er testin' and e)plorator# or;$ or c&an'es to t&e sequence or timin' of t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s(

6&e Contractor s&all not ma;e an# alteration and>or modification of t&e 0ermanent 5or;s$ unless and until t&e En'ineer instructs or appro%es a Fariation(


Falue En'ineerin'
6&e Contractor ma#$ at an# time$ submit to t&e En'ineer a ritten proposal &ic& 1in t&e ContractorBs opinion4 ill$ if adopted$ 1i4 accelerate completion$ 1ii4 reduce t&e cost to t&e Emplo#er of e)ecutin'$ maintainin' or operatin' t&e 5or;s$ 1iii4 impro%e t&e efficienc# or %alue to t&e Emplo#er of t&e completed

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


5or;s$ or 1i%4 ot&er ise be of benefit to t&e Emplo#er( 6&e proposal s&all be prepared at t&e cost of t&e Contractor and s&all include t&e items listed in Sub7 Clause *,(, 9Fariation 0rocedure:( If a proposal$ &ic& is appro%ed b# t&e En'ineer$ includes a c&an'e in t&e desi'n of part of t&e 0ermanent 5or;s$ t&en unless ot&er ise a'reed b# bot& 0arties: 1a4 1b4 1c4 t&e Contractor s&all desi'n t&is part$ sub7para'rap&s 1a4 to 1d4 of Sub7Clause -(* 9ContractorBs /eneral Obli'ations: s&all appl#$ and if t&is c&an'e results in a reduction in t&e contract %alue of t&is part$ t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine a fee$ &ic& s&all be included in t&e Contract 0rice( 6&is fee s&all be &alf 1.AK4 of t&e difference bet een t&e follo in' amounts: 1i4 suc& reduction in contract %alue$ resultin' from t&e c&an'e$ e)cludin' adjustments under Sub7Clause *,(< 9Adjustments for C&an'es in "e'islation: and Sub7Clause *,(? 9Adjustments for C&an'es in Cost:$ and t&e reduction 1if an#4 in t&e %alue to t&e Emplo#er of t&e %aried or;s$ ta;in' account of an# reductions in qualit#$ anticipated life or operational efficiencies(


Ho e%er$ if amount 1i4 is less t&an amount 1ii4$ t&ere s&all not be a fee(


Fariation 0rocedure
If t&e En'ineer requests a proposal$ prior to instructin' a Fariation$ t&e Contractor s&all respond in ritin' as soon as practicable$ eit&er b# 'i%in' reasons &# &e cannot compl# 1if t&is is t&e case4 or b# submittin': 1a4 1b4 1c4 a description of t&e proposed or; to be performed and a pro'ramme for its e)ecution$ t&e ContractorBs proposal for an# necessar# modifications to t&e pro'ramme accordin' to Sub7 Clause ?(, 90ro'ramme: and to t&e 6ime for Completion$ and t&e ContractorBs proposal for e%aluation of t&e Fariation(

6&e En'ineer s&all$ as soon as practicable after recei%in' suc& proposal 1under Sub7Clause *,(+ 9Falue En'ineerin': or ot&er ise4$ respond it& appro%al$ disappro%al or comments( 6&e Contractor s&all not dela# an# or; &ilst a aitin' a response( Eac& instruction to e)ecute a Fariation$ it& an# requirements for t&e recordin' of Costs$ s&all be issued b# t&e En'ineer to t&e Contractor$ &o s&all ac;no led'e receipt( Eac& Fariation s&all be e%aluated in accordance it& Clause *+ 9Geasurement and E%aluation:$ unless t&e En'ineer instructs or appro%es ot&er ise in accordance it& t&is Clause(


0a#ment in Applicable Currencies

If t&e Contract pro%ides for pa#ment of t&e Contract 0rice in more t&an one currenc#$ t&en &ene%er an adjustment is a'reed$ appro%ed or determined as stated abo%e$ t&e amount pa#able in eac& of t&e applicable currencies s&all be specified( Dor t&is purpose$ reference s&all be made to t&e actual or e)pected currenc# proportions of t&e Cost of t&e %aried or;$ and to t&e proportions of %arious currencies specified for pa#ment of t&e Contract 0rice(


Section (!!% Genera &onditions


0ro%isional Sums
Eac& 0ro%isional Sum s&all onl# be used$ in &ole or in part$ in accordance it& t&e En'ineerBs instructions$ and t&e Contract 0rice s&all be adjusted accordin'l#( 6&e total sum paid to t&e Contractor s&all include onl# suc& amounts$ for t&e or;$ supplies or ser%ices to &ic& t&e 0ro%isional Sum relates$ as t&e En'ineer s&all &a%e instructed( Dor eac& 0ro%isional Sum$ t&e En'ineer ma# instruct: 1a4 1b4 or; to be e)ecuted 1includin' 0lant$ Gaterials or ser%ices to be supplied4 b# t&e Contractor and %alued under Sub7Clause *,(, 9Fariation 0rocedure:C and>or 0lant$ Gaterials or ser%ices to be purc&ased b# t&e Contractor$ from a nominated Subcontractor 1as defined in Clause . 9Nominated Subcontractors:4 or ot&er iseC and for &ic& t&ere s&all be included in t&e Contract 0rice: 1i4 1ii4 t&e actual amounts paid 1or due to be paid4 b# t&e Contractor$ and a sum for o%er&ead c&ar'es and profit$ calculated as a percenta'e of t&ese actual amounts b# appl#in' t&e rele%ant percenta'e rate 1if an#4 stated in t&e appropriate Sc&edule( If t&ere is no suc& rate$ t&e percenta'e rate stated in t&e Contract Data s&all be applied(

6&e Contractor s&all$ &en required b# t&e En'ineer$ produce quotations$ in%oices$ %ouc&ers and accounts or receipts in substantiation(


Da# or;
Dor or; of a minor or incidental nature$ t&e En'ineer ma# instruct t&at a Fariation s&all be e)ecuted on a da# or; basis( 6&e or; s&all t&en be %alued in accordance it& t&e Da# or; Sc&edule included in t&e Contract$ and t&e follo in' procedure s&all appl#( If a Da# or; Sc&edule is not included in t&e Contract$ t&is Sub7Clause s&all not appl#( Before orderin' /oods for t&e or;$ t&e Contractor s&all submit quotations to t&e En'ineer( 5&en appl#in' for pa#ment$ t&e Contractor s&all submit in%oices$ %ouc&ers and accounts or receipts for an# /oods( E)cept for an# items for &ic& t&e Da# or; Sc&edule specifies t&at pa#ment is not due$ t&e Contractor s&all deli%er eac& da# to t&e En'ineer accurate statements in duplicate &ic& s&all include t&e follo in' details of t&e resources used in e)ecutin' t&e pre%ious da#Bs or;: 1a4 1b4 1c4 t&e names$ occupations and time of ContractorBs 0ersonnel$ t&e identification$ t#pe and time of ContractorBs Equipment and 6emporar# 5or;s$ and t&e quantities and t#pes of 0lant and Gaterials used(

One cop# of eac& statement ill$ if correct$ or &en a'reed$ be si'ned b# t&e En'ineer and returned to t&e Contractor( 6&e Contractor s&all t&en submit priced statements of t&ese resources to t&e En'ineer$ prior to t&eir inclusion in t&e ne)t Statement under Sub7Clause *-(, 9Application for Interim 0a#ment Certificates:(


Adjustments for C&an'es in "e'islation

6&e Contract 0rice s&all be adjusted to ta;e account of an# increase or decrease in Cost resultin' from a c&an'e in t&e "a s of t&e Countr# 1includin' t&e introduction of ne "a s and t&e repeal or modification of e)istin' "a s4 or in t&e judicial or official 'o%ernmental interpretation of suc& "a s$ made after t&e

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


Base Date$ &ic& affect t&e Contractor in t&e performance of obli'ations under t&e Contract( If t&e Contractor suffers 1or ill suffer4 dela# and>or incurs 1or ill incur4 additional Cost as a result of t&ese c&an'es in t&e "a s or in suc& interpretations$ made after t&e Base Date$ t&e Contractor s&all 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer and s&all be entitled subject to Sub7Clause +A(* 9ContractorBs Claims: to: 1a4 1b4 an e)tension of time for an# suc& dela#$ if completion is or ill be dela#ed$ under Sub7Clause ?(9E)tension of 6ime for Completion:$ and pa#ment of an# suc& Cost$ &ic& s&all be included in t&e Contract 0rice(

After recei%in' t&is notice$ t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine t&ese matters( Not it&standin' t&e fore'oin'$ t&e Contractor s&all not be entitled to an e)tension of time if t&e rele%ant dela# &as alread# been ta;en into account in t&e determination of a pre%ious e)tension of time and suc& Cost s&all not be separatel# paid if t&e same s&all alread# &a%e been ta;en into account in t&e inde)in' of an# inputs to t&e table of adjustment data in accordance it& t&e pro%isions of Sub7Clause *,(? 9Adjustments for C&an'es in Cost:(


Adjustments for C&an'es in Cost

In t&is Sub7Clause$ 2table of adjustment data3 means t&e completed table of adjustment data for local and forei'n currencies included in t&e Sc&edules( If t&ere is no suc& table of adjustment data$ t&is Sub7 Clause s&all not appl#( If t&is Sub7Clause applies$ t&e amounts pa#able to t&e Contractor s&all be adjusted for rises or falls in t&e cost of labour$ /oods and ot&er inputs to t&e 5or;s$ b# t&e addition or deduction of t&e amounts determined b# t&e formulae prescribed in t&is Sub7Clause( 6o t&e e)tent t&at full compensation for an# rise or fall in Costs is not co%ered b# t&e pro%isions of t&is or ot&er Clauses$ t&e Accepted Contract Amount s&all be deemed to &a%e included amounts to co%er t&e contin'enc# of ot&er rises and falls in costs( 6&e adjustment to be applied to t&e amount ot&er ise pa#able to t&e Contractor$ as %alued in accordance it& t&e appropriate Sc&edule and certified in 0a#ment Certificates$ s&all be determined from formulae for eac& of t&e currencies in &ic& t&e Contract 0rice is pa#able( No adjustment is to be applied to or; %alued on t&e basis of Cost or current prices( 6&e formulae s&all be of t&e follo in' 'eneral t#pe: Pn @ a A & ?n0 ?o A c .n0.o A d Mn0Mo A ...... &ere: 20n3 is t&e adjustment multiplier to be applied to t&e estimated contract %alue in t&e rele%ant currenc# of t&e or; carried out in period 2n3$ t&is period bein' a mont& unless ot&er ise stated in t&e Contract DataC 2a3 is a fi)ed coefficient$ stated in t&e rele%ant table of adjustment data$ representin' t&e non7adjustable portion in contractual pa#mentsC 2b3$ 2c3$ 2d3$ P are coefficients representin' t&e estimated proportion of eac& cost element related to t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s$ as stated in t&e rele%ant table of adjustment dataC suc& tabulated cost elements ma# be indicati%e of resources suc& as labour$ equipment and materialsC 2"n3$ 2En3$ 2Gn3$ P are t&e current cost indices or reference prices for period 2n3$ e)pressed in t&e rele%ant currenc# of pa#ment$ eac& of &ic& is applicable to t&e rele%ant tabulated cost element on t&e date -@ da#s prior to t&e last da# of t&e period 1to &ic& t&e particular 0a#ment Certificate relates4C and 2"o3$ 2Eo3$ 2Go3$ P are t&e base cost indices or reference prices$ e)pressed in t&e rele%ant currenc# of


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

pa#ment$ eac& of &ic& is applicable to t&e rele%ant tabulated cost element on t&e Base Date( 6&e cost indices or reference prices stated in t&e table of adjustment data s&all be used( If t&eir source is in doubt$ it s&all be determined b# t&e En'ineer( Dor t&is purpose$ reference s&all be made to t&e %alues of t&e indices at stated dates 1quoted in t&e fourt& and fift& columns respecti%el# of t&e table4 for t&e purposes of clarification of t&e sourceC alt&ou'& t&ese dates 1and t&us t&ese %alues4 ma# not correspond to t&e base cost indices( In cases &ere t&e 2currenc# of inde)3 1stated in t&e table4 is not t&e rele%ant currenc# of pa#ment$ eac& inde) s&all be con%erted into t&e rele%ant currenc# of pa#ment at t&e sellin' rate$ establis&ed b# t&e central ban; of t&e Countr#$ of t&is rele%ant currenc# on t&e abo%e date for &ic& t&e inde) is required to be applicable Intil suc& time as eac& current cost inde) is a%ailable$ t&e En'ineer s&all determine a pro%isional inde) for t&e issue of Interim 0a#ment Certificates( 5&en a current cost inde) is a%ailable$ t&e adjustment s&all be recalculated accordin'l#( If t&e Contractor fails to complete t&e 5or;s it&in t&e 6ime for Completion$ adjustment of prices t&ereafter s&all be made usin' eit&er 1i4 eac& inde) or price applicable on t&e date -@ da#s prior to t&e e)pir# of t&e 6ime for Completion of t&e 5or;s$ or 1ii4 t&e current inde) or price$ &ic&e%er is more fa%ourable to t&e Emplo#er( 6&e ei'&tin's 1coefficients4 for eac& of t&e factors of cost stated in t&e table1s4 of adjustment data s&all onl# be adjusted if t&e# &a%e been rendered unreasonable$ unbalanced or inapplicable$ as a result of Fariations(


Contract 0rice and 0a#ment

6&e Contract 0rice
Inless ot&er ise stated in t&e 0articular Conditions: 1a4 1b4 t&e Contract 0rice s&all be a'reed or determined under Sub7Clause *+(, 9E%aluation: and be subject to adjustments in accordance it& t&e ContractC t&e Contractor s&all pa# all ta)es$ duties and fees required to be paid b# &im under t&e Contract$ and t&e Contract 0rice s&all not be adjusted for an# of t&ese costs e)cept as stated in Sub7 Clause *,(< 9Adjustments for C&an'es in "e'islation:C an# quantities &ic& ma# be set out in t&e Bill of =uantities or ot&er Sc&edule are estimated quantities and are not to be ta;en as t&e actual and correct quantities: 1i4 1ii4 1d4 of t&e 5or;s &ic& t&e Contractor is required to e)ecute$ or for t&e purposes of Clause *+ 9Geasurement and E%aluation:C and


t&e Contractor s&all submit to t&e En'ineer$ it&in +? da#s after t&e Commencement Date$ a proposed brea;do n of eac& lump sum price in t&e Sc&edules( 6&e En'ineer ma# ta;e account of t&e brea;do n &en preparin' 0a#ment Certificates$ but s&all not be bound b# it( not it&standin' t&e pro%isions of sub7para'rap& 1b4$ ContractorBs Equipment$ includin' essential spare parts t&erefore$ imported b# t&e Contractor for t&e sole purpose of e)ecutin' t&e Contract s&all be e)empt from t&e pa#ment of import duties and ta)es upon importation(



Ad%ance 0a#ment

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


6&e Emplo#er s&all ma;e an ad%ance pa#ment$ as an interest7free loan for mobilisation and cas& flo support$ &en t&e Contractor submits a 'uarantee in accordance it& t&is Sub7Clause( 6&e total ad%ance pa#ment$ t&e number and timin' of instalments 1if more t&an one4$ and t&e applicable currencies and proportions$ s&all be as stated in t&e Contract Data( Inless and until t&e Emplo#er recei%es t&is 'uarantee$ or if t&e total ad%ance pa#ment is not stated in t&e Contract Data$ t&is Sub7Clause s&all not appl#( 6&e En'ineer s&all deli%er to t&e Emplo#er and to t&e Contractor an Interim 0a#ment Certificate for t&e ad%ance pa#ment or its first instalment after recei%in' a Statement 1under Sub7Clause *-(, 9Application for Interim 0a#ment Certificates:4 and after t&e Emplo#er recei%es 1i4 t&e 0erformance Securit# in accordance it& Sub7Clause -(+ 90erformance Securit#: and 1ii4 a 'uarantee in amounts and currencies equal to t&e ad%ance pa#ment( 6&is 'uarantee s&all be issued b# an entit# and from it&in a countr# 1or ot&er jurisdiction4 appro%ed b# t&e Emplo#er$ and s&all be in t&e form anne)ed to t&e 0articular Conditions or in anot&er form appro%ed b# t&e Emplo#er( 6&e Contractor s&all ensure t&at t&e 'uarantee is %alid and enforceable until t&e ad%ance pa#ment &as been repaid$ but its amount s&all be pro'ressi%el# reduced b# t&e amount repaid b# t&e Contractor as indicated in t&e 0a#ment Certificates( If t&e terms of t&e 'uarantee specif# its e)pir# date$ and t&e ad%ance pa#ment &as not been repaid b# t&e date +? da#s prior to t&e e)pir# date$ t&e Contractor s&all e)tend t&e %alidit# of t&e 'uarantee until t&e ad%ance pa#ment &as been repaid( Inless stated ot&er ise in t&e Contract Data$ t&e ad%ance pa#ment s&all be repaid t&rou'& percenta'e deductions from t&e interim pa#ments determined b# t&e En'ineer in accordance it& Sub7Clause *-(8 9Issue of Interim 0a#ment Certificates:$ as follo s: 1a4 deductions s&all commence in t&e ne)t interim 0a#ment Certificate follo in' t&at in &ic& t&e total of all certified interim pa#ments 1e)cludin' t&e ad%ance pa#ment and deductions and repa#ments of retention4 e)ceeds ,A per cent 1,AK4 of t&e Accepted Contract Amount less 0ro%isional SumsC and deductions s&all be made at t&e amortisation rate stated in t&e Contract Data of t&e amount of eac& Interim 0a#ment Certificate 1e)cludin' t&e ad%ance pa#ment and deductions for its repa#ments as ell as deductions for retention mone#4 in t&e currencies and proportions of t&e ad%ance pa#ment until suc& time as t&e ad%ance pa#ment &as been repaidC pro%ided t&at t&e ad%ance pa#ment s&all be completel# repaid prior to t&e time &en @A per cent 1@AK4 of t&e Accepted Contract Amount less 0ro%isional Sums &as been certified for pa#ment(


If t&e ad%ance pa#ment &as not been repaid prior to t&e issue of t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate for t&e 5or;s or prior to termination under Clause *. 96ermination b# Emplo#er:$ Clause *8 9Suspension and 6ermination b# Contractor: or Clause *@ 9Dorce Gajeure: 1as t&e case ma# be4$ t&e &ole of t&e balance t&en outstandin' s&all immediatel# become due and in case of termination under Clause *. and Sub7 Clause *@(8 9Optional 6ermination$ 0a#ment and !elease:$ pa#able b# t&e Contractor to t&e Emplo#er(


Application for Interim 0a#ment Certificates

6&e Contractor s&all submit a Statement in si) copies to t&e En'ineer after t&e end of eac& mont&$ in a form appro%ed b# t&e En'ineer$ s&o in' in detail t&e amounts to &ic& t&e Contractor considers &imself to be entitled$ to'et&er it& supportin' documents &ic& s&all include t&e report on t&e pro'ress durin' t&is mont& in accordance it& Sub7Clause -(+* 90ro'ress !eports:( 6&e Statement s&all include t&e follo in' items$ as applicable$ &ic& s&all be e)pressed in t&e %arious currencies in &ic& t&e Contract 0rice is pa#able$ in t&e sequence listed:


Section (!!% Genera &onditions


t&e estimated contract %alue of t&e 5or;s e)ecuted and t&e ContractorBs Documents produced up to t&e end of t&e mont& 1includin' Fariations but e)cludin' items described in sub7para'rap&s 1b4 to 1'4 belo 4C an# amounts to be added and deducted for c&an'es in le'islation and c&an'es in cost$ in accordance it& Sub7Clause *,(< 9Adjustments for C&an'es in "e'islation: and Sub7Clause *,(? 9Adjustments for C&an'es in Cost:C an# amount to be deducted for retention$ calculated b# appl#in' t&e percenta'e of retention stated in t&e Contract Data to t&e total of t&e abo%e amounts$ until t&e amount so retained b# t&e Emplo#er reac&es t&e limit of !etention Gone# 1if an#4 stated in t&e Contract DataC an# amounts to be added and deducted for t&e ad%ance pa#ment and 1if more t&an one instalment4 and to be deducted for its repa#ments in accordance it& Sub7Clause *-(+ 9Ad%ance 0a#ment:C an# amounts to be added and deducted for 0lant and Gaterials in accordance it& Sub7Clause *-(. 90lant and Gaterials intended for t&e 5or;s:C an# ot&er additions or deductions &ic& ma# &a%e become due under t&e Contract or ot&er ise$ includin' t&ose under Clause +A 9Claims$ Disputes and Arbitration:C and t&e deduction of amounts certified in all pre%ious 0a#ment Certificates(




1e4 1f4 1'4


Sc&edule of 0a#ments
If t&e Contract includes a sc&edule of pa#ments specif#in' t&e instalments in &ic& t&e Contract 0rice ill be paid$ t&en unless ot&er ise stated in t&is sc&edule: 1a4 t&e instalments quoted in t&is sc&edule of pa#ments s&all be t&e estimated contract %alues for t&e purposes of sub7para'rap& 1a4 of Sub7Clause *-(, 9Application for Interim 0a#ment Certificates:C Sub7Clause *-(. 90lant and Gaterials intended for t&e 5or;s: s&all not appl#C and if t&ese instalments are not defined b# reference to t&e actual pro'ress ac&ie%ed in e)ecutin' t&e 5or;s$ and if actual pro'ress is found to be less or more t&an t&at on &ic& t&is sc&edule of pa#ments as based$ t&en t&e En'ineer ma# proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine re%ised instalments$ &ic& s&all ta;e account of t&e e)tent to &ic& pro'ress is less or more t&an t&at on &ic& t&e instalments ere pre%iousl# based(

1b4 1c4

If t&e Contract does not include a sc&edule of pa#ments$ t&e Contractor s&all submit non7bindin' estimates of t&e pa#ments &ic& &e e)pects to become due durin' eac& quarterl# period( 6&e first estimate s&all be submitted it&in -+ da#s after t&e Commencement Date( !e%ised estimates s&all be submitted at quarterl# inter%als$ until t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate &as been issued for t&e 5or;s(


0lant and Gaterials intended for t&e 5or;s

If t&is Sub7Clause applies$ Interim 0a#ment Certificates s&all include$ under sub7para'rap& 1e4 of Sub7 Clause *-(,$ 1i4 an amount for 0lant and Gaterials &ic& &a%e been sent to t&e Site for incorporation in t&e 0ermanent 5or;s$ and 1ii4 a reduction &en t&e contract %alue of suc& 0lant and Gaterials is included as part of t&e 0ermanent 5or;s under sub7para'rap& 1a4 of Sub7Clause *-(, 9Application for Interim 0a#ment Certificates:( If t&e lists referred to in sub7para'rap&s 1b41i4 or 1c41i4 belo are not included in t&e Sc&edules t&is Sub7

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


Clause s&all not appl#( 6&e En'ineer s&all determine and certif# eac& addition if t&e follo in' conditions are satisfied: 1a4 t&e Contractor &as: 1i4 1ii4 and eit&er: 1b4 t&e rele%ant 0lant and Gaterials: 1i4 1ii4 1iii4 are t&ose listed in t&e Sc&edules for pa#ment &en s&ipped$ &a%e been s&ipped to t&e Countr#$ en route to t&e Site$ in accordance it& t&e ContractC and are described in a clean s&ipped bill of ladin' or ot&er e%idence of s&ipment$ &ic& &as been submitted to t&e En'ineer to'et&er it& e%idence of pa#ment of frei'&t and insurance$ an# ot&er documents reasonabl# required$ and a ban; 'uarantee in a form and issued b# an entit# appro%ed b# t&e Emplo#er in amounts and currencies equal to t&e amount due under t&is Sub7Clause: t&is 'uarantee ma# be in a similar form to t&e form referred to in Sub7Clause *-(+ 9Ad%ance 0a#ment: and s&all be %alid until t&e 0lant and Gaterials are properl# stored on Site and protected a'ainst loss$ dama'e or deteriorationC ;ept satisfactor# records 1includin' t&e orders$ receipts$ Costs and use of 0lant and Gaterials4 &ic& are a%ailable for inspection$ and submitted a statement of t&e Cost of acquirin' and deli%erin' t&e 0lant and Gaterials to t&e Site$ supported b# satisfactor# e%idenceC

or 1c4 t&e rele%ant 0lant and Gaterials: 1i4 1ii4 are t&ose listed in t&e Sc&edules for pa#ment &en deli%ered to t&e Site$ and &a%e been deli%ered to and are properl# stored on t&e Site$ are protected a'ainst loss$ dama'e or deterioration$ and appear to be in accordance it& t&e Contract(

6&e additional amount to be certified s&all be t&e equi%alent of ei'&t# percent of t&e En'ineerBs determination of t&e cost of t&e 0lant and Gaterials 1includin' deli%er# to Site4$ ta;in' account of t&e documents mentioned in t&is Sub7Clause and of t&e contract %alue of t&e 0lant and Gaterials( 6&e currencies for t&is additional amount s&all be t&e same as t&ose in &ic& pa#ment ill become due &en t&e contract %alue is included under sub7para'rap& 1a4 of Sub7Clause *-(, 9Application for Interim 0a#ment Certificates:( At t&at time$ t&e 0a#ment Certificate s&all include t&e applicable reduction &ic& s&all be equi%alent to$ and in t&e same currencies and proportions as$ t&is additional amount for t&e rele%ant 0lant and Gaterials


Issue of Interim 0a#ment Certificates

No amount ill be certified or paid until t&e Emplo#er &as recei%ed and appro%ed t&e 0erformance Securit#( 6&ereafter$ t&e En'ineer s&all$ it&in +? da#s after recei%in' a Statement and supportin' documents$ deli%er to t&e Emplo#er and to t&e Contractor an Interim 0a#ment Certificate &ic& s&all state t&e amount &ic& t&e En'ineer fairl# determines to be due$ it& all supportin' particulars for an# reduction or it&&oldin' made b# t&e En'ineer on t&e Statement(


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

Ho e%er$ prior to issuin' t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate for t&e 5or;s$ t&e En'ineer s&all not be bound to issue an Interim 0a#ment Certificate in an amount &ic& ould 1after retention and ot&er deductions4 be less t&an t&e minimum amount of Interim 0a#ment Certificates 1if an#4 stated in t&e Contract Data( In t&is e%ent$ t&e En'ineer s&all 'i%e notice to t&e Contractor accordin'l#( An Interim 0a#ment Certificate s&all not be it&&eld for an# ot&er reason$ alt&ou'&: 1a4 if an# t&in' supplied or or; done b# t&e Contractor is not in accordance it& t&e Contract$ t&e cost of rectification or replacement ma# be it&&eld until rectification or replacement &as been completedC and>or if t&e Contractor as or is failin' to perform an# or; or obli'ation in accordance it& t&e Contract$ and &ad been so notified b# t&e En'ineer$ t&e %alue of t&is or; or obli'ation ma# be it&&eld until t&e or; or obli'ation &as been performed(


6&e En'ineer ma# in an# 0a#ment Certificate ma;e an# correction or modification t&at s&ould properl# be made to an# pre%ious 0a#ment Certificate( A 0a#ment Certificate s&all not be deemed to indicate t&e En'ineerBs acceptance$ appro%al$ consent or satisfaction(


6&e Emplo#er s&all pa# to t&e Contractor: 1a4 t&e first instalment of t&e ad%ance pa#ment it&in -+ da#s after issuin' t&e "etter of Acceptance or it&in +* da#s after recei%in' t&e documents in accordance it& Sub7Clause -(+ 90erformance Securit#: and Sub7Clause *-(+ 9Ad%ance 0a#ment:$ &ic&e%er is laterC t&e amount certified in eac& Interim 0a#ment Certificate it&in .8 da#s after t&e En'ineer recei%es t&e Statement and supportin' documentsC or$ at a time &en t&e Ban;Bs loan or credit 1from &ic& part of t&e pa#ments to t&e Contractor is bein' made4 is suspended$ t&e amount s&o n on an# statement submitted b# t&e Contractor it&in *- da#s after suc& statement is submitted$ an# discrepanc# bein' rectified in t&e ne)t pa#ment to t&e ContractorC and t&e amount certified in t&e Dinal 0a#ment Certificate it&in .8 da#s after t&e Emplo#er recei%es t&is 0a#ment CertificateC or$ at a time &en t&e Ban;Bs loan or credit 1from &ic& part of t&e pa#ments to t&e Contractor is bein' made4 is suspended$ t&e undisputed amount s&o n in t&e Dinal Statement it&in .8 da#s after t&e date of notification of t&e suspension in accordance it& Sub7Clause *8(+(



0a#ment of t&e amount due in eac& currenc# s&all be made into t&e ban; account$ nominated b# t&e Contractor$ in t&e pa#ment countr# 1for t&is currenc#4 specified in t&e Contract(


Dela#ed 0a#ment
If t&e Contractor does not recei%e pa#ment in accordance it& Sub7Clause *-(< 90a#ment:$ t&e Contractor s&all be entitled to recei%e financin' c&ar'es compounded mont&l# on t&e amount unpaid durin' t&e period of dela#( 6&is period s&all be deemed to commence on t&e date for pa#ment specified in Sub7Clause *-(< 90a#ment:$ irrespecti%e 1in t&e case of its sub7para'rap& 1b44 of t&e date on &ic& an# Interim 0a#ment Certificate is issued( Inless ot&er ise stated in t&e 0articular Conditions$ t&ese financin' c&ar'es s&all be calculated at t&e annual rate of t&ree percenta'e points abo%e t&e discount rate of t&e central ban; in t&e countr# of t&e currenc# of pa#ment$ or if not a%ailable$ t&e interban; offered rate$ and s&all be paid in suc& currenc#( 6&e Contractor s&all be entitled to t&is pa#ment it&out formal notice or certification$ and it&out prejudice to an# ot&er ri'&t or remed#(

Section (!!% Genera &onditions



0a#ment of !etention Gone#

5&en t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate &as been issued for t&e 5or;s$ t&e first &alf of t&e !etention Gone# s&all be certified b# t&e En'ineer for pa#ment to t&e Contractor( If a 6a;in'7O%er Certificate is issued for a Section or part of t&e 5or;s$ a proportion of t&e !etention Gone# s&all be certified and paid( 6&is proportion s&all be &alf 1.AK4 of t&e proportion calculated b# di%idin' t&e estimated contract %alue of t&e Section or part$ b# t&e estimated final Contract 0rice( 0romptl# after t&e latest of t&e e)pir# dates of t&e Defects Notification 0eriods$ t&e outstandin' balance of t&e !etention Gone# s&all be certified b# t&e En'ineer for pa#ment to t&e Contractor( If a 6a;in'7O%er Certificate as issued for a Section$ a proportion of t&e second &alf of t&e !etention Gone# s&all be certified and paid promptl# after t&e e)pir# date of t&e Defects Notification 0eriod for t&e Section( 6&is proportion s&all be &alf 1.AK4 of t&e proportion calculated b# di%idin' t&e estimated contract %alue of t&e Section b# t&e estimated final Contract 0rice( Ho e%er$ if an# or; remains to be e)ecuted under Clause ** 9Defects "iabilit#:$ t&e En'ineer s&all be entitled to it&&old certification of t&e estimated cost of t&is or; until it &as been e)ecuted( 5&en calculatin' t&ese proportions$ no account s&all be ta;en of an# adjustments under Sub7Clause *,(< 9Adjustments for C&an'es in "e'islation: and Sub7Clause *,(? 9Adjustments for C&an'es in Cost:( Inless ot&er ise stated in t&e 0articular Conditions$ &en t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate &as been issued for t&e 5or;s and t&e first &alf of t&e !etention Gone# &as been certified for pa#ment b# t&e En'ineer$ t&e Contractor s&all be entitled to substitute a 'uarantee$ in t&e form anne)ed to t&e 0articular Conditions or in anot&er form appro%ed b# t&e Emplo#er and pro%ided b# an entit# appro%ed b# t&e Emplo#er$ for t&e second &alf of t&e !etention Gone#( 6&e Contractor s&all ensure t&at t&e 'uarantee is in t&e amounts and currencies of t&e second &alf of t&e !etention Gone# and is %alid and enforceable until t&e Contractor &as e)ecuted and completed t&e 5or;s and remedied an# defects$ as specified for t&e 0erformance Securit# in Sub7Clause -(+( On receipt b# t&e Emplo#er of t&e required 'uarantee$ t&e En'ineer s&all certif# and t&e Emplo#er s&all pa# t&e second &alf of t&e !etention Gone#( 6&e release of t&e second &alf of t&e !etention Gone# a'ainst a 'uarantee s&all t&en be in lieu of t&e release under t&e second para'rap& of t&is Sub7Clause( 6&e Emplo#er s&all return t&e 'uarantee to t&e Contractor it&in +* da#s after recei%in' a cop# of t&e 0erformance Certificate( If t&e 0erformance Securit# required under Sub7Clause -(+ is in t&e form of a demand 'uarantee$ and t&e amount 'uaranteed under it &en t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate is issued is more t&an &alf of t&e !etention Gone#$ t&en t&e !etention Gone# 'uarantee ill not be required( If t&e amount 'uaranteed under t&e 0erformance Securit# &en t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate is issued is less t&an &alf of t&e !etention Gone#$ t&e !etention Gone# 'uarantee ill onl# be required for t&e difference bet een &alf of t&e !etention Gone# and t&e amount 'uaranteed under t&e 0erformance Securit#(

*-(*A Statement at Completion

5it&in ?- da#s after recei%in' t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate for t&e 5or;s$ t&e Contractor s&all submit to t&e En'ineer si) copies of a Statement at completion it& supportin' documents$ in accordance it& Sub7Clause *-(, 9Application for Interim 0a#ment Certificates:$ s&o in': 1a4 1b4 1c4 t&e %alue of all or; done in accordance it& t&e Contract up to t&e date stated in t&e 6a;in'7 O%er Certificate for t&e 5or;s$ an# furt&er sums &ic& t&e Contractor considers to be due$ and an estimate of an# ot&er amounts &ic& t&e Contractor considers ill become due to &im under t&e Contract( Estimated amounts s&all be s&o n separatel# in t&is Statement at completion(

6&e En'ineer s&all t&en certif# in accordance it& Sub7Clause *-(8 9Issue of Interim 0a#ment


Section (!!% Genera &onditions


*-(** Application for Dinal 0a#ment Certificate

5it&in .8 da#s after recei%in' t&e 0erformance Certificate$ t&e Contractor s&all submit$ to t&e En'ineer$ si) copies of a draft final statement it& supportin' documents s&o in' in detail in a form appro%ed b# t&e En'ineer: 1a4 1b4 t&e %alue of all or; done in accordance it& t&e Contract$ and an# furt&er sums &ic& t&e Contractor considers to be due to &im under t&e Contract or ot&er ise(

If t&e En'ineer disa'rees it& or cannot %erif# an# part of t&e draft final statement$ t&e Contractor s&all submit suc& furt&er information as t&e En'ineer ma# reasonabl# require it&in +? da#s from receipt of t&e said draft and s&all ma;e suc& c&an'es in t&e draft as ma# be a'reed bet een t&em( 6&e Contractor s&all t&en prepare and submit to t&e En'ineer t&e final statement as a'reed( 6&is a'reed statement is referred to in t&ese Conditions as t&e 2Dinal Statement3( Ho e%er if$ follo in' discussions bet een t&e En'ineer and t&e Contractor and an# c&an'es to t&e draft final statement &ic& are a'reed$ it becomes e%ident t&at a dispute e)ists$ t&e En'ineer s&all deli%er to t&e Emplo#er 1 it& a cop# to t&e Contractor4 an Interim 0a#ment Certificate for t&e a'reed parts of t&e draft final statement( 6&ereafter$ if t&e dispute is finall# resol%ed under Sub7Clause +A(- 9Obtainin' Dispute BoardBs Decision: or Sub7Clause +A(. 9Amicable Settlement:$ t&e Contractor s&all t&en prepare and submit to t&e Emplo#er 1 it& a cop# to t&e En'ineer4 a Dinal Statement(

*-(*+ Disc&ar'e
5&en submittin' t&e Dinal Statement$ t&e Contractor s&all submit a disc&ar'e &ic& confirms t&at t&e total of t&e Dinal Statement represents full and final settlement of all mone#s due to t&e Contractor under or in connection it& t&e Contract( 6&is disc&ar'e ma# state t&at it becomes effecti%e &en t&e Contractor &as recei%ed t&e 0erformance Securit# and t&e outstandin' balance of t&is total$ in &ic& e%ent t&e disc&ar'e s&all be effecti%e on suc& date(

*-(*, Issue of Dinal 0a#ment Certificate

5it&in +? da#s after recei%in' t&e Dinal Statement and disc&ar'e in accordance it& Sub7Clause *-(** 9Application for Dinal 0a#ment Certificate: and Sub7Clause *-(*+ 9Disc&ar'e:$ t&e En'ineer s&all deli%er to t&e Emplo#er and to t&e Contractor$ t&e Dinal 0a#ment Certificate &ic& s&all state: 1a4 1b4 t&e amount &ic& &e fairl# determines is finall# due$ and after 'i%in' credit to t&e Emplo#er for all amounts pre%iousl# paid b# t&e Emplo#er and for all sums to &ic& t&e Emplo#er is entitled$ t&e balance 1if an#4 due from t&e Emplo#er to t&e Contractor or from t&e Contractor to t&e Emplo#er$ as t&e case ma# be(

If t&e Contractor &as not applied for a Dinal 0a#ment Certificate in accordance it& Sub7Clause *-(** 9Application for Dinal 0a#ment Certificate: and Sub7Clause *-(*+ 9Disc&ar'e:$ t&e En'ineer s&all request t&e Contractor to do so( If t&e Contractor fails to submit an application it&in a period of +? da#s$ t&e En'ineer s&all issue t&e Dinal 0a#ment Certificate for suc& amount as &e fairl# determines to be due(

*-(*- Cessation of Emplo#erBs "iabilit#

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


6&e Emplo#er s&all not be liable to t&e Contractor for an# matter or t&in' under or in connection it& t&e Contract or e)ecution of t&e 5or;s$ e)cept to t&e e)tent t&at t&e Contractor s&all &a%e included an amount e)pressl# for it: 1a4 1b4 in t&e Dinal Statement and also 1e)cept for matters or t&in's arisin' after t&e issue of t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate for t&e 5or;s4 in t&e Statement at completion described in Sub7Clause *-(*A 9Statement at Completion:(

Ho e%er$ t&is Sub7Clause s&all not limit t&e Emplo#erBs liabilit# under &is indemnification obli'ations$ or t&e Emplo#erBs liabilit# in an# case of fraud$ deliberate default or rec;less misconduct b# t&e Emplo#er(

*-(*. Currencies of 0a#ment

6&e Contract 0rice s&all be paid in t&e currenc# or currencies named in t&e Sc&edule of 0a#ment Currencies( If more t&an one currenc# is so named$ pa#ments s&all be made as follo s: 1a4 if t&e Accepted Contract Amount as e)pressed in "ocal Currenc# onl#: 1i4 t&e proportions or amounts of t&e "ocal and Dorei'n Currencies$ and t&e fi)ed rates of e)c&an'e to be used for calculatin' t&e pa#ments$ s&all be as stated in t&e Sc&edule of 0a#ment Currencies$ e)cept as ot&er ise a'reed b# bot& 0artiesC pa#ments and deductions under Sub7Clause *,(. 90ro%isional Sums: and Sub7Clause *,(< 9Adjustments for C&an'es in "e'islation: s&all be made in t&e applicable currencies and proportionsC and ot&er pa#ments and deductions under sub7para'rap&s 1a4 to 1d4 of Sub7Clause *-(, 9Application for Interim 0a#ment Certificates: s&all be made in t&e currencies and proportions specified in sub7para'rap& 1a41i4 abo%eC



1b4 1c4 1d4

pa#ment of t&e dama'es specified in t&e Contract Data s&all be made in t&e currencies and proportions specified in t&e Sc&edule of 0a#ment CurrenciesC ot&er pa#ments to t&e Emplo#er b# t&e Contractor s&all be made in t&e currenc# in &ic& t&e sum as e)pended b# t&e Emplo#er$ or in suc& currenc# as ma# be a'reed b# bot& 0artiesC if an# amount pa#able b# t&e Contractor to t&e Emplo#er in a particular currenc# e)ceeds t&e sum pa#able b# t&e Emplo#er to t&e Contractor in t&at currenc#$ t&e Emplo#er ma# reco%er t&e balance of t&is amount from t&e sums ot&er ise pa#able to t&e Contractor in ot&er currenciesC and if no rates of e)c&an'e are stated in t&e Sc&edule of 0a#ment CurrenciesC t&e# s&all be t&ose pre%ailin' on t&e Base Date and determined b# t&e central ban; of t&e Countr#(



6ermination b# Emplo#er
Notice to Correct
If t&e Contractor fails to carr# out an# obli'ation under t&e Contract$ t&e En'ineer ma# b# notice require t&e Contractor to ma;e 'ood t&e failure and to remed# it it&in a specified reasonable time(


6ermination b# Emplo#er


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

6&e Emplo#er s&all be entitled to terminate t&e Contract if t&e Contractor: 1a4 1b4 1c4 fails to compl# it& Sub7Clause -(+ 90erformance Securit#: or it& a notice under Sub7Clause *.(* 9Notice to Correct:$ abandons t&e 5or;s or ot&er ise plainl# demonstrates t&e intention not to continue performance of &is obli'ations under t&e Contract$ it&out reasonable e)cuse fails: 1i4 1ii4 1d4 1e4 to proceed it& t&e 5or;s in accordance it& Clause ? 9Commencement$ Dela#s and Suspension:$ or to compl# it& a notice issued under Sub7Clause <(. 9!ejection: or Sub7Clause <(8 9!emedial 5or;:$ it&in +? da#s after recei%in' it$

subcontracts t&e &ole of t&e 5or;s or assi'ns t&e Contract it&out t&e required a'reement$ becomes ban;rupt or insol%ent$ 'oes into liquidation$ &as a recei%in' or administration order made a'ainst &im$ compounds it& &is creditors$ or carries on business under a recei%er$ trustee or mana'er for t&e benefit of &is creditors$ or if an# act is done or e%ent occurs &ic& 1under applicable "a s4 &as a similar effect to an# of t&ese acts or e%ents$ or 'i%es or offers to 'i%e 1directl# or indirectl#4 to an# person an# bribe$ 'ift$ 'ratuit#$ commission or ot&er t&in' of %alue$ as an inducement or re ard: 1i4 1ii4 for doin' or forbearin' to do an# action in relation to t&e Contract$ or for s&o in' or forbearin' to s&o fa%our or disfa%our to an# person in relation to t&e Contract$


or if an# of t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel$ a'ents or Subcontractors 'i%es or offers to 'i%e 1directl# or indirectl#4 to an# person an# suc& inducement or re ard as is described in t&is sub7para'rap& 1f4( Ho e%er$ la ful inducements and re ards to ContractorBs 0ersonnel s&all not entitle termination( In an# of t&ese e%ents or circumstances$ t&e Emplo#er ma#$ upon 'i%in' *- da#sB notice to t&e Contractor$ terminate t&e Contract and e)pel t&e Contractor from t&e Site( Ho e%er$ in t&e case of sub7 para'rap& 1e4 or 1f4$ t&e Emplo#er ma# b# notice terminate t&e Contract immediatel#( 6&e Emplo#erBs election to terminate t&e Contract s&all not prejudice an# ot&er ri'&ts of t&e Emplo#er$ under t&e Contract or ot&er ise( 6&e Contractor s&all t&en lea%e t&e Site and deli%er an# required /oods$ all ContractorBs Documents$ and ot&er desi'n documents made b# or for &im$ to t&e En'ineer( Ho e%er$ t&e Contractor s&all use &is best efforts to compl# immediatel# it& an# reasonable instructions included in t&e notice 1i4 for t&e assi'nment of an# subcontract$ and 1ii4 for t&e protection of life or propert# or for t&e safet# of t&e 5or;s( After termination$ t&e Emplo#er ma# complete t&e 5or;s and>or arran'e for an# ot&er entities to do so( 6&e Emplo#er and t&ese entities ma# t&en use an# /oods$ ContractorBs Documents and ot&er desi'n documents made b# or on be&alf of t&e Contractor( 6&e Emplo#er s&all t&en 'i%e notice t&at t&e ContractorBs Equipment and 6emporar# 5or;s ill be released to t&e Contractor at or near t&e Site( 6&e Contractor s&all promptl# arran'e t&eir remo%al$ at t&e ris; and cost of t&e Contractor( Ho e%er$ if b# t&is time t&e Contractor &as failed to ma;e a pa#ment due to t&e Emplo#er$ t&ese items ma# be sold b# t&e Emplo#er in order to reco%er t&is pa#ment( An# balance of t&e proceeds s&all t&en be paid to t&e Contractor(


Faluation at Date of 6ermination

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


As soon as practicable after a notice of termination under Sub7Clause *.(+ 96ermination b# Emplo#er: &as ta;en effect$ t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine t&e %alue of t&e 5or;s$ /oods and ContractorBs Documents$ and an# ot&er sums due to t&e Contractor for or; e)ecuted in accordance it& t&e Contract(


0a#ment after 6ermination

After a notice of termination under Sub7Clause *.(+ 96ermination b# Emplo#er: &as ta;en effect$ t&e Emplo#er ma#: 1a4 1b4 proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause +(. 9Emplo#erBs Claims:$ it&&old furt&er pa#ments to t&e Contractor until t&e costs of e)ecution$ completion and remed#in' of an# defects$ dama'es for dela# in completion 1if an#4$ and all ot&er costs incurred b# t&e Emplo#er$ &a%e been establis&ed$ and>or reco%er from t&e Contractor an# losses and dama'es incurred b# t&e Emplo#er and an# e)tra costs of completin' t&e 5or;s$ after allo in' for an# sum due to t&e Contractor under Sub7Clause *.(, 9Faluation at Date of 6ermination:( After reco%erin' an# suc& losses$ dama'es and e)tra costs$ t&e Emplo#er s&all pa# an# balance to t&e Contractor(



Emplo#erBs Entitlement to 6ermination for Con%enience

6&e Emplo#er s&all be entitled to terminate t&e Contract$ at an# time for t&e Emplo#erBs con%enience$ b# 'i%in' notice of suc& termination to t&e Contractor( 6&e termination s&all ta;e effect +? da#s after t&e later of t&e dates on &ic& t&e Contractor recei%es t&is notice or t&e Emplo#er returns t&e 0erformance Securit#( 6&e Emplo#er s&all not terminate t&e Contract under t&is Sub7Clause in order to e)ecute t&e 5or;s &imself or to arran'e for t&e 5or;s to be e)ecuted b# anot&er contractor or to a%oid a termination of t&e Contract b# t&e Contractor under Clause *8(+ 96ermination b# Contractor:( After t&is termination$ t&e Contractor s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause *8(, 9Cessation of 5or; and !emo%al of ContractorBs Equipment: and s&all be paid in accordance it& Sub7Clause *8(90a#ment on 6ermination:(


Corrupt or Draudulent 0ractices

If t&e Emplo#er determines t&at t&e Contractor &as en'a'ed in corrupt$ fraudulent$ collusi%e or coerci%e practices$ in competin' for or in e)ecutin' t&e Contract$ t&en t&e Emplo#er ma#$ after 'i%in' *- da#s notice to t&e Contractor$ terminate t&e ContractorOs emplo#ment under t&e Contract and e)pel &im from t&e Site$ and t&e pro%isions of Clause *. s&all appl# as if suc& e)pulsion &ad been made under Sub7 Clause *.(+( S&ould an# emplo#ee of t&e Contractor be determined to &a%e en'a'ed in corrupt$ fraudulent or coerci%e practice durin' t&e e)ecution of t&e or; t&en t&at emplo#ee s&all be remo%ed in accordance it& Sub7 Clause 8(@ 9ContractorBs 0ersonnel:( [For contracts financed by the African Development Bank:] Dor t&e purpose of t&is Sub7Clause 1a4 2corrupt practice3 means t&e offerin'$ 'i%in'$ recei%in'$ or solicitin' of an# t&in' of %alue to influence t&e action of a public official in t&e procurement process or in t&e Contract e)ecutionC


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

and 1b4 2fraudulent practice3 means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or t&e e)ecution of t&e Contract to t&e detriment of t&e Borro er$ and includes collusi%e practice amon' Bidders 1prior to or after bid submission4 desi'ned to establis& bid prices at artificial non7competiti%e le%els and to depri%e t&e Borro er of t&e benefits of free and open competition(

[For contracts financed by the Asian Development Bank:] Dor t&e purpose of t&is Sub7Clause 1a4 2corrupt practice3 means t&e offerin'$ 'i%in'$ recei%in'$ or solicitin'$ directl# or indirectl#$ of an# t&in' of %alue to influence t&e action of an# part# in t&e procurement process or t&e e)ecution of a contractC 2fraudulent practice3 means a misrepresentation or omission of facts in order to influence a procurement process or t&e e)ecution of a contractC 2collusi%e practices3 means a sc&eme or arran'ement bet een t o or more bidders$ it& or it&out t&e ;no led'e of t&e Borro er$ desi'ned to influence t&e action of an# part# in a procurement process or t&e e)ecution of a contractC 2coerci%e practices3 means &armin' or t&reatenin' to &arm$ directl# or indirectl#$ persons$ or t&eir propert# to influence t&eir participation in a procurement process$ or affect t&e e)ecution of a contract(

1b4 1c4


[For contracts financed by the Caribbean Development Bank and the World Bank:] Dor t&e purposes of t&is Sub7Clause: 1a4 2corrupt practiceJ means t&e offerin'$ 'i%in'$ recei%in' or solicitin'$ directl# or indirectl#$ of an# t&in' of %alue to influence t&e action of a public official or an# ot&er person in t&e procurement process or in t&e Contract e)ecution( Jfraudulent practiceJ means a misrepresentation or omission of facts in order to influence a procurement process or t&e e)ecution of t&e Contract ( 2collusi%e practice3 means a sc&eme or arran'ement bet een t o or more bidders$ it& or it&out t&e ;no led'e of t&e Borro er$ desi'ned to establis& bid prices at artificial$ noncompetiti%e le%els( 2coerci%e practice3 means &armin' or t&reatenin' to &arm$ directl# or indirectl#$ persons or t&eir propert# to influence t&eir participation in t&e procurement process or affect t&e e)ecution of a contract(

1b4 1c4 1d4

[For contracts financed by the European Bank for econstruction and Development:] Dor t&e purpose of t&is Sub7Clause: 1a4 2corrupt practice3 means t&e offerin'$ 'i%in'$ recei%in'$ or solicitin' of an# t&in' of %alue to influence t&e action of a public official$ or t&e t&reatenin' of injur# to person$ propert# or reputation$ in connections it& t&e procurement process or in contract e)ecution in order to obtain or retain business or ot&er improper ad%anta'e in t&e conduct of international businessC and 2fraudulent practice3 means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or t&e e)ecution of a contract to t&e detriment of t&e client$ and includes collusi%e practices amon' tenderers 1prior or after tender submission4 desi'ned to establis& tender prices at artificial$ non7competiti%e le%els and to depri%e t&e client of t&e benefits of free and open competition(


Section (!!% Genera &onditions


[For contracts financed by the !nter"American Development Bank:] Dor t&e purpose of t&is Sub7Clause: 6&e Ban; requires t&at all Contractors ad&ere to t&e Ban;Bs 0olicies for t&e 0rocurement of 5or;s and /oods financed b# t&e Ban;( In particular$ t&e Ban; requires t&at all Borro ers 1includin' 'rant beneficiaries4$ t&e e)ecutin' a'encies and contractin' a'encies$ as ell as all firms$ entities and inter alia$ applicants$ bidders$ contractors$ consultin' firms$ and indi%idual consultants 1includin' t&eir respecti%e officers$ emplo#ees and a'ents4 ad&ere to t&e &i'&est et&ical standards$ and report to t&e Ban; all suspected acts of fraud or corruption of &ic& it &as ;no led'e or becomes a are$ durin' t&e Biddin' 0rocess and t&rou'&out t&e ne'otiation or e)ecution of a Contract( Draud and corruption are pro&ibited( Draud and corruption include acts of 1a4 briber#$ 1b4 e)tortion or coercion$ 1c4 fraud$ and 1d4 collusion( 6&e definitions of actions set fort& belo co%er t&e most common t#pes of corrupt practices$ but are not e)&austi%e( Dor t&is reason$ t&e Ban; s&all also ta;e action in t&e e%ent of an# similar deed or complaint in%ol%in' alle'ed acts of corruption$ e%en &en t&ese are not specified in t&e follo in' list( 6&e Ban; s&all in all cases proceed in accordance it& Clause *.( In issuance of t&is polic#: 1a4 6&e Ban; defines t&e terms set fort& belo as follo s: 1i4 2Briber#3 meanin' t&e offerin' or 'i%in' of an#t&in' of %alue to influence t&e actions or decisions of t&ird parties or t&e recei%in' or solicitin' of an# benefit of e)c&an'e for actions or omissions related to t&e performance of dutiesC 2E)tortion3 or 2Coercion3 meanin' t&e act of obtainin' somet&in'$ compellin' an action or influencin' a decision t&rou'& intimidation$ t&reat or t&e use of force$ &ere potential or actual injur# ma# befall upon a person$ &is>&er reputation or propert#C 2Draud3 meanin' an# action or omission intended to misrepresent t&e trut& so as to induce ot&ers to act in reliance t&ereof$ it& t&e purpose of obtainin' some unjust ad%anta'e or causin' dama'e to ot&ersC and 2Collusion3 meanin' a secret a'reement bet een t o or more parties to defraud or cause dama'e to a person or entit# or to obtain an unla ful purposeC



1i%4 1b4

If t&e Ban;$ in accordance it& its administrati%e procedures$ demonstrates t&at an# firm$ entit# or indi%idual biddin' for or participatin' in a Ban;7financed project includin'$ inter alia$ applicants$ bidders$ contractors$ consultin' firms$ indi%idual consultants$ borro ers 1includin' 'rant beneficiaries4$ purc&asers$ e)ecutin' a'encies and contractin' a'encies 1includin' t&eir respecti%e officers$ emplo#ees and a'ents4 en'a'ed in an act of fraud or corruption in connection it& Ban;7financed projects$ t&e Ban; ma#: 1i4 1ii4 decide not to finance an# proposal to a ard a contract or a contract a arded financed b# t&e Ban;C suspend disbursement of t&e operation if it is determined at an# sta'e t&at e%idence is sufficient to support a findin' t&at an emplo#ee$ a'ent or representati%e of t&e Borro er$ E)ecutin' A'enc# or Contractin' A'enc# &as en'a'ed in an act of fraud or corruptionC cancel and>or accelerate t&e pa#ment of$ t&e portion of a loan or 'ran earmar;ed for a contract$ &en t&ere is e%idence t&at t&e representati%e of t&e Borro er$ or Beneficiar# of a 'rant$ &as not ta;en t&e adequate remedial measures it&in a time period &ic& t&e Ban; considers reasonable$ and in accordance it& t&e due process 'uarantees of t&e Borro in' countr#Bs le'islationC



Section (!!% Genera &onditions

1i%4 1%4

iIssue a reprimand in t&e form of a formal letter of censure of t&e firm$ entit# or indi%idualBs be&a%iourC issue a declaration t&at an indi%idual$ entit# or firm is ineli'ible$ eit&er permanentl# or for a stated period of time$ to be a arded contracts under Ban;7financed projects e)cept under suc& conditions as t&e Ban; deems to be appropriateC refer t&e matter to appropriate la enforcement aut&oritiesC and>orC ma# impose ot&er sanctions t&at it deems to be appropriate under t&e circumstances$ includin' t&e imposition of fines representin' reimbursement of t&e Ban; for costs associated it& in%esti'ations and proceedin's( Suc& ot&er sanctions ma# be imposed in addition to or in lieu of ot&er sanctions(

1%i4 1%ii4


6&e Ban; &as establis&ed administrati%e procedures for cases of alle'ations of fraud and corruption it&in t&e procurement process or t&e e)ecution of a contract financed b# t&e Ban; &ic& are a%ailable at t&e Ban;Bs ebsite 1 (iadb(or'4$ as updated from time to time( 6o t&at effect an# complaint s&all be submitted to t&e Ban;Bs Office of Institutional Inte'rit# 1OII4 for t&e appropriate in%esti'ation( Alle'ations ma# be presented confidentiall# or anon#mousl#C 0a#ments are e)pressl# conditional upon t&e claimantBs participation in t&e procurement process conformed it& all applicable Ban; policies on Draud and Corruption described in t&is Sub7Clause *.(8C and 6&e imposition of an# sanction referred to para'rap& 1b4 of t&is Sub7Clause ill be publicC 6&e Ban; ill &a%e t&e ri'&t to require t&at a Contractor permit t&e Ban; to inspect t&eir accounts and records and ot&er documents relatin' to t&e submission of bids and contract performance and to &a%e t&em audited b# auditors to: 1i4 maintain all documents and records related to t&e Ban;7 financed project for fi%e 1.4 #ears after completion of t&e or;C and 1ii4 require t&e deli%er# of an# document necessar# for t&e in%esti'ation of alle'ations of fraud or corruption and t&e a%ailabilit# of emplo#ees or a'ents of t&e Contractor it& ;no led'e of t&e Ban;7financed project to respond to questions from t&e Ban;( If t&e Contractor resufes to compl# it& t&e Ban;Bs request$ t&e Ban;$ in its sole discretion$ ma# ta;e appropriate actions a'ainst t&e Contractor( 6&e Contractor represents and arrants: 1a4 t&at t&e# &a%e read and understood t&e Ban;Bs pro&ibition a'ainst fraud and corruption and a'rees to abide b# t&e applicable rulesC 1b4 t&at t&e# &a%e not en'a'ed in an# %iolation of policies on fraud and corruption described &ereinC 1c4 t&at t&e# &a%e not misrepresented or concealed an# material facts durin' t&e procurement or contract ne'otiation processes or performance of t&e contractC 1d4 t&at neit&er t&e# nor an# of t&eir directors$ officers or principal s&are&olders &a%e been declared ineli'ible to be a arded Ban;7financed contracts or &a%e been con%icted of a crime in%ol%in' fraud or corruptionC 1e4 t&at none of t&eir directors$ officers or principal s&are&olders &as been a director$ officer or principal s&are&older of an# ot&er compan# or entit# t&at &as been declared ineli'ible to be a arded a Ban;7financed contract or &as been con%icted of a crime in%ol%in' fraud or corruptionC 1f4 t&at all commissions$ a'entBs fees$ facilitatin' pa#ments or re%enue7s&arin' a'reements related to t&e Ban;7financed contract or consultin' a'reement &as been disclosedC 1'4 t&at t&e# ac;no led'e t&at t&e breac& of an# of t&ese arranties constitute a basis for t&e imposition of an# of a combination of t&e measured described in t&is Sub7Clause(



Section (!!% Genera &onditions



Suspension and 6ermination b# Contractor

ContractorBs Entitlement to Suspend 5or;
If t&e En'ineer fails to certif# in accordance it& Sub7Clause *-(8 9Issue of Interim 0a#ment Certificates: or t&e Emplo#er fails to compl# it& Sub7Clause +(- 9Emplo#erBs Dinancial Arran'ements: or Sub7Clause *-(< 90a#ment:$ t&e Contractor ma#$ after 'i%in' not less t&an +* da#sB notice to t&e Emplo#er$ suspend or; 1or reduce t&e rate of or;4 unless and until t&e Contractor &as recei%ed t&e 0a#ment Certificate$ reasonable e%idence or pa#ment$ as t&e case ma# be and as described in t&e notice( Not it&standin' t&e abo%e$ if t&e Ban; &as suspended disbursements under t&e loan or credit from &ic& pa#ments to t&e Contractor are bein' made$ in &ole or in part$ for t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s$ and no alternati%e funds are a%ailable as pro%ided for in Sub7Clause +(- 9Emplo#erBs Dinancial Arran'ements:$ t&e Contractor ma# b# notice suspend or; or reduce t&e rate of or; at an# time$ but not less t&an < da#s after t&e Borro er &a%in' recei%ed t&e suspension notification from t&e Ban;( 6&e ContractorBs action s&all not prejudice &is entitlements to financin' c&ar'es under Sub7Clause *-(? 9Dela#ed 0a#ment: and to termination under Sub7Clause *8(+ 96ermination b# Contractor:( If t&e Contractor subsequentl# recei%es suc& 0a#ment Certificate$ e%idence or pa#ment 1as described in t&e rele%ant Sub7Clause and in t&e abo%e notice4 before 'i%in' a notice of termination$ t&e Contractor s&all resume normal or;in' as soon as is reasonabl# practicable( If t&e Contractor suffers dela# and>or incurs Cost as a result of suspendin' or; 1or reducin' t&e rate of or;4 in accordance it& t&is Sub7Clause$ t&e Contractor s&all 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer and s&all be entitled subject to Sub7Clause +A(* 9ContractorBs Claims: to: 1a4 1b4 an e)tension of time for an# suc& dela#$ if completion is or ill be dela#ed$ under Sub7Clause ?(9E)tension of 6ime for Completion:$ and pa#ment of an# suc& Cost plus profit$ &ic& s&all be included in t&e Contract 0rice(

After recei%in' t&is notice$ t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine t&ese matters(


6ermination b# Contractor
6&e Contractor s&all be entitled to terminate t&e Contract if: 1a4 t&e Contractor does not recei%e t&e reasonable e%idence it&in -+ da#s after 'i%in' notice under Sub7Clause *8(* 9ContractorBs Entitlement to Suspend 5or;: in respect of a failure to compl# it& Sub7Clause +(- 9Emplo#erBs Dinancial Arran'ements:$ t&e En'ineer fails$ it&in .8 da#s after recei%in' a Statement and supportin' documents$ to issue t&e rele%ant 0a#ment Certificate$ t&e Contractor does not recei%e t&e amount due under an Interim 0a#ment Certificate it&in -+ da#s after t&e e)pir# of t&e time stated in Sub7Clause *-(< 90a#ment: it&in &ic& pa#ment is to be made 1e)cept for deductions in accordance it& Sub7Clause +(. 9Emplo#erBs Claims:4$ t&e Emplo#er substantiall# fails to perform &is obli'ations under t&e Contract in suc& manner as to

1b4 1c4



Section (!!% Genera &onditions

materiall# and ad%ersel# affect t&e economic balance of t&e Contract and>or t&e abilit# of t&e Contractor to perform t&e Contract$ 1e4 1f4 1'4 t&e Emplo#er fails to compl# it& Sub7Clause *(8 9Contract A'reement: or Sub7Clause *(< 9Assi'nment:$ a prolon'ed suspension affects t&e &ole of t&e 5or;s as described in Sub7Clause ?(** 90rolon'ed Suspension:$ or t&e Emplo#er becomes ban;rupt or insol%ent$ 'oes into liquidation$ &as a recei%in' or administration order made a'ainst &im$ compounds it& &is creditors$ or carries on business under a recei%er$ trustee or mana'er for t&e benefit of &is creditors$ or if an# act is done or e%ent occurs &ic& 1under applicable "a s4 &as a similar effect to an# of t&ese acts or e%ents( In t&e e%ent t&e Ban; suspends t&e loan or credit from &ic& part or &ole of t&e pa#ments to t&e Contractor are bein' made$ if t&e Contractor &as not recei%ed t&e sums due to &im upon e)piration of t&e *- da#s referred to in Sub7Clause *-(< 90a#ment: for pa#ments under Interim 0a#ment certificates$ t&e Contractor ma#$ it&out prejudice to t&e ContractorOs entitlement to financin' c&ar'es under Sub7Clause *-(? 9Dela#ed 0a#ment:$ ta;e one of t&e follo in' actions$ namel# 1i4 suspend or; or reduce t&e rate of or;$ or 1ii4 terminate &is emplo#ment under t&e Contract b# 'i%in' notice to t&e Emplo#er$ it& a cop# to t&e En'ineer$ suc& termination to ta;e effect *- da#s after t&e 'i%in' of t&e notice( t&e Contractor does not recei%e t&e En'ineerBs instruction recordin' t&e a'reement of bot& 0arties on t&e fulfilment of t&e conditions for t&e Commencement of 5or;s under Sub7Clause ?(* 9Commencement of 5or;s:(



In an# of t&ese e%ents or circumstances$ t&e Contractor ma#$ upon 'i%in' *- da#sB notice to t&e Emplo#er$ terminate t&e Contract( Ho e%er$ in t&e case of sub7para'rap& 1f4 or 1'4$ t&e Contractor ma# b# notice terminate t&e Contract immediatel#( 6&e ContractorBs election to terminate t&e Contract s&all not prejudice an# ot&er ri'&ts of t&e Contractor$ under t&e Contract or ot&er ise(


Cessation of 5or; and !emo%al of ContractorBs Equipment

After a notice of termination under Sub7Clause *.(. 9Emplo#erBs Entitlement to 6ermination for Con%enience:$ Sub7Clause *8(+ 96ermination b# Contractor: or Sub7Clause *@(8 9Optional 6ermination$ 0a#ment and !elease: &as ta;en effect$ t&e Contractor s&all promptl#: 1a4 1b4 1c4 cease all furt&er or;$ e)cept for suc& or; as ma# &a%e been instructed b# t&e En'ineer for t&e protection of life or propert# or for t&e safet# of t&e 5or;s$ &and o%er ContractorBs Documents$ 0lant$ Gaterials and ot&er or;$ for &ic& t&e Contractor &as recei%ed pa#ment$ and remo%e all ot&er /oods from t&e Site$ e)cept as necessar# for safet#$ and lea%e t&e Site(


0a#ment on 6ermination
After a notice of termination under Sub7Clause *8(+ 96ermination b# Contractor: &as ta;en effect$ t&e Emplo#er s&all promptl#: 1a4 1b4 return t&e 0erformance Securit# to t&e Contractor$ pa# t&e Contractor in accordance it& Sub7Clause *@(8 9Optional 6ermination$ 0a#ment and

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


!elease:$ and 1c4 pa# to t&e Contractor t&e amount of an# loss or dama'e sustained b# t&e Contractor as a result of t&is termination(


!is; and !esponsibilit#

6&e Contractor s&all indemnif# and &old &armless t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel$ and t&eir respecti%e a'ents$ a'ainst and from all claims$ dama'es$ losses and e)penses 1includin' le'al fees and e)penses4 in respect of: 1a4 bodil# injur#$ sic;ness$ disease or deat&$ of an# person &atsoe%er arisin' out of or in t&e course of or b# reason of t&e ContractorBs desi'n 1if an#4$ t&e e)ecution and completion of t&e 5or;s and t&e remed#in' of an# defects$ unless attributable to an# ne'li'ence$ ilful act or breac& of t&e Contract b# t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel$ or an# of t&eir respecti%e a'ents$ and dama'e to or loss of an# propert#$ real or personal 1ot&er t&an t&e 5or;s4$ to t&e e)tent t&at suc& dama'e or loss arises out of or in t&e course of or b# reason of t&e ContractorBs desi'n 1if an#4$ t&e e)ecution and completion of t&e 5or;s and t&e remed#in' of an# defects$ unless and to t&e e)tent t&at an# suc& dama'e or loss is attributable to an# ne'li'ence$ ilful act or breac& of t&e Contract b# t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel$ t&eir respecti%e a'ents$ or an#one directl# or indirectl# emplo#ed b# an# of t&em(


6&e Emplo#er s&all indemnif# and &old &armless t&e Contractor$ t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel$ and t&eir respecti%e a'ents$ a'ainst and from all claims$ dama'es$ losses and e)penses 1includin' le'al fees and e)penses4 in respect of 1*4 bodil# injur#$ sic;ness$ disease or deat&$ &ic& is attributable to an# ne'li'ence$ ilful act or breac& of t&e Contract b# t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel$ or an# of t&eir respecti%e a'ents$ and 1+4 t&e matters for &ic& liabilit# ma# be e)cluded from insurance co%er$ as described in sub7para'rap&s 1d41i4$ 1ii4 and 1iii4 of Sub7Clause *?(, 9Insurance A'ainst Injur# to 0ersons and Dama'e to 0ropert#:(


ContractorBs Care of t&e 5or;s

6&e Contractor s&all ta;e full responsibilit# for t&e care of t&e 5or;s and /oods from t&e Commencement Date until t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate is issued 1or is deemed to be issued under Sub7 Clause *A(* 96a;in' O%er of t&e 5or;s and Sections:4 for t&e 5or;s$ &en responsibilit# for t&e care of t&e 5or;s s&all pass to t&e Emplo#er( If a 6a;in'7O%er Certificate is issued 1or is so deemed to be issued4 for an# Section or part of t&e 5or;s$ responsibilit# for t&e care of t&e Section or part s&all t&en pass to t&e Emplo#er( After responsibilit# &as accordin'l# passed to t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor s&all ta;e responsibilit# for t&e care of an# or; &ic& is outstandin' on t&e date stated in a 6a;in'7O%er Certificate$ until t&is outstandin' or; &as been completed( If an# loss or dama'e &appens to t&e 5or;s$ /oods or ContractorBs Documents durin' t&e period &en t&e Contractor is responsible for t&eir care$ from an# cause not listed in Sub7Clause *<(, 9Emplo#erBs !is;s:$ t&e Contractor s&all rectif# t&e loss or dama'e at t&e ContractorBs ris; and cost$ so t&at t&e 5or;s$ /oods and ContractorBs Documents conform it& t&e Contract( 6&e Contractor s&all be liable for an# loss or dama'e caused b# an# actions performed b# t&e Contractor after a 6a;in'7O%er Certificate &as been issued( 6&e Contractor s&all also be liable for an# loss or dama'e &ic& occurs after a 6a;in'7O%er Certificate &as been issued and &ic& arose from a pre%ious e%ent for &ic& t&e Contractor as liable(


Section (!!% Genera &onditions


Emplo#erBs !is;s
6&e ris;s referred to in Sub7Clause *<(- 9Consequences of Emplo#erBs !is;s : belo $ insofar as t&e# directl# affect t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s in t&e Countr#$ are: 1a4 1b4 1c4 1d4 ar$ &ostilities 1 &et&er ar be declared or not4$ in%asion$ act of forei'n enemies$ rebellion$ terrorism$ sabota'e b# persons ot&er t&an t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel$ re%olution$ insurrection$ militar# or usurped po er$ or ci%il ar$ it&in t&e Countr#$ riot$ commotion or disorder it&in t&e Countr# b# persons ot&er t&an t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel$ munitions of ar$ e)plosi%e materials$ ionisin' radiation or contamination b# radio7acti%it#$ it&in t&e Countr#$ e)cept as ma# be attributable to t&e ContractorBs use of suc& munitions$ e)plosi%es$ radiation or radio7acti%it#$ pressure a%es caused b# aircraft or ot&er aerial de%ices tra%ellin' at sonic or supersonic speeds$ use or occupation b# t&e Emplo#er of an# part of t&e 0ermanent 5or;s$ e)cept as ma# be specified in t&e Contract$ desi'n of an# part of t&e 5or;s b# t&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel or b# ot&ers for &om t&e Emplo#er is responsible$ and an# operation of t&e forces of nature &ic& is Inforeseeable or a'ainst &ic& an e)perienced contractor could not reasonabl# &a%e been e)pected to &a%e ta;en adequate pre%entati%e precautions(

1e4 1f4 1'4 1&4


Consequences of Emplo#erBs !is;s

If and to t&e e)tent t&at an# of t&e ris;s listed in Sub7Clause *<(, abo%e results in loss or dama'e to t&e 5or;s$ /oods or ContractorBs Documents$ t&e Contractor s&all promptl# 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer and s&all rectif# t&is loss or dama'e to t&e e)tent required b# t&e En'ineer( If t&e Contractor suffers dela# and>or incurs Cost from rectif#in' t&is loss or dama'e$ t&e Contractor s&all 'i%e a furt&er notice to t&e En'ineer and s&all be entitled subject to Sub7Clause +A(* 9ContractorBs Claims: to: 1a4 1b4 an e)tension of time for an# suc& dela#$ if completion is or ill be dela#ed$ under Sub7Clause ?(9E)tension of 6ime for Completion:$ and pa#ment of an# suc& Cost$ &ic& s&all be included in t&e Contract 0rice( In t&e case of sub7 para'rap&s 1f4 and 1'4 of Sub7Clause *<(, 9Emplo#erOs !is;s:$ Cost plus profit s&all be pa#able(

After recei%in' t&is furt&er notice$ t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine t&ese matters(


Intellectual and Industrial 0ropert# !i'&ts

In t&is Sub7Clause$ 2infrin'ement3 means an infrin'ement 1or alle'ed infrin'ement4 of an# patent$ re'istered desi'n$ cop#ri'&t$ trade mar;$ trade name$ trade secret or ot&er intellectual or industrial propert# ri'&t relatin' to t&e 5or;sC and 2claim3 means a claim 1or proceedin's pursuin' a claim4 alle'in' an infrin'ement(

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


5&ene%er a 0art# does not 'i%e notice to t&e ot&er 0art# of an# claim it&in +? da#s of recei%in' t&e claim$ t&e first 0art# s&all be deemed to &a%e ai%ed an# ri'&t to indemnit# under t&is Sub7Clause( 6&e Emplo#er s&all indemnif# and &old t&e Contractor &armless a'ainst and from an# claim alle'in' an infrin'ement &ic& is or as: 1a4 1b4 an una%oidable result of t&e ContractorBs compliance it& t&e Contract$ or a result of an# 5or;s bein' used b# t&e Emplo#er: 1i4 1ii4 for a purpose ot&er t&an t&at indicated b#$ or reasonabl# to be inferred from$ t&e Contract$ or in conjunction it& an# t&in' not supplied b# t&e Contractor$ unless suc& use as disclosed to t&e Contractor prior to t&e Base Date or is stated in t&e Contract(

6&e Contractor s&all indemnif# and &old t&e Emplo#er &armless a'ainst and from an# ot&er claim &ic& arises out of or in relation to 1i4 t&e manufacture$ use$ sale or import of an# /oods$ or 1ii4 an# desi'n for &ic& t&e Contractor is responsible( If a 0art# is entitled to be indemnified under t&is Sub7Clause$ t&e indemnif#in' 0art# ma# 1at its cost4 conduct ne'otiations for t&e settlement of t&e claim$ and an# liti'ation or arbitration &ic& ma# arise from it( 6&e ot&er 0art# s&all$ at t&e request and cost of t&e indemnif#in' 0art#$ assist in contestin' t&e claim( 6&is ot&er 0art# 1and its 0ersonnel4 s&all not ma;e an# admission &ic& mi'&t be prejudicial to t&e indemnif#in' 0art#$ unless t&e indemnif#in' 0art# failed to ta;e o%er t&e conduct of an# ne'otiations$ liti'ation or arbitration upon bein' requested to do so b# suc& ot&er 0art#(


"imitation of "iabilit#
Neit&er 0art# s&all be liable to t&e ot&er 0art# for loss of use of an# 5or;s$ loss of profit$ loss of an# contract or for an# indirect or consequential loss or dama'e &ic& ma# be suffered b# t&e ot&er 0art# in connection it& t&e Contract$ ot&er t&an as specificall# pro%ided in Sub7Clause ?(< 9Dela# Dama'es:C Sub7Clause **(+ 9Cost of !emed#in' Defects:C Sub7Clause *.(- 90a#ment after 6ermination:C Sub7 Clause *8(- 90a#ment on 6ermination:C Sub7Clause *<(* 9Indemnities:C Sub7Clause *<(- 1b4 9Consequences of Emplo#erBs !is;s: and Sub7Clause *<(. 9Intellectual and Industrial 0ropert# !i'&ts:( 6&e total liabilit# of t&e Contractor to t&e Emplo#er$ under or in connection it& t&e Contract ot&er t&an under Sub7Clause -(*@ 9Electricit#$ 5ater and /as:$ Sub7Clause -(+A 9Emplo#erBs Equipment and Dree7 Issue Gaterial:$ Sub7Clause *<(* 9Indemnities: and Sub7Clause *<(. 9Intellectual and Industrial 0ropert# !i'&ts:$ s&all not e)ceed t&e sum resultin' from t&e application of a multiplier 1less or 'reater t&an one4 to t&e Accepted Contract Amount$ as stated in t&e Contract Data$ or 1if suc& multiplier or ot&er sum is not so stated4 t&e Accepted Contract Amount( 6&is Sub7Clause s&all not limit liabilit# in an# case of fraud$ deliberate default or rec;less misconduct b# t&e defaultin' 0art#(


Ise of Emplo#erBs Accommodation>Dacilities

6&e Contractor s&all ta;e full responsibilit# for t&e care of t&e Emplo#er pro%ided accommodation and facilities$ if an#$ as detailed in t&e Specification$ from t&e respecti%e dates of &and7o%er to t&e Contractor until cessation of occupation 1 &ere &and7o%er or cessation of occupation ma# ta;e place after t&e date stated in t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate for t&e 5or;s4( If an# loss or dama'e &appens to an# of t&e abo%e items &ile t&e Contractor is responsible for t&eir care arisin' from an# cause &atsoe%er ot&er t&an t&ose for &ic& t&e Emplo#er is liable$ t&e Contractor s&all$ at &is o n cost$ rectif# t&e loss or dama'e to t&e satisfaction of t&e En'ineer(


Section (!!% Genera &onditions


/eneral !equirements for Insurances
In t&is Clause$ 2insurin' 0art#3 means$ for eac& t#pe of insurance$ t&e 0art# responsible for effectin' and maintainin' t&e insurance specified in t&e rele%ant Sub7Clause( 5&ere%er t&e Contractor is t&e insurin' 0art#$ eac& insurance s&all be effected it& insurers and in terms appro%ed b# t&e Emplo#er( 6&ese terms s&all be consistent it& an# terms a'reed b# bot& 0arties before t&e date of t&e "etter of Acceptance( 6&is a'reement of terms s&all ta;e precedence o%er t&e pro%isions of t&is Clause 5&ere%er t&e Emplo#er is t&e insurin' 0art#$ eac& insurance s&all be effected it& insurers and in terms acceptable to t&e Contractor( 6&ese terms s&all be consistent it& an# terms a'reed b# bot& 0arties before t&e date of t&e "etter of Acceptance( 6&is a'reement of terms s&all ta;e precedence o%er t&e pro%isions of t&is Clause( If a polic# is required to indemnif# joint insured$ t&e co%er s&all appl# separatel# to eac& insured as t&ou'& a separate polic# &ad been issued for eac& of t&e joint insured( If a polic# indemnifies additional joint insured$ namel# in addition to t&e insured specified in t&is Clause$ 1i4 t&e Contractor s&all act under t&e polic# on be&alf of t&ese additional joint insured e)cept t&at t&e Emplo#er s&all act for Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel$ 1ii4 additional joint insured s&all not be entitled to recei%e pa#ments directl# from t&e insurer or to &a%e an# ot&er direct dealin's it& t&e insurer$ and 1iii4 t&e insurin' 0art# s&all require all additional joint insured to compl# it& t&e conditions stipulated in t&e polic#( Eac& polic# insurin' a'ainst loss or dama'e s&all pro%ide for pa#ments to be made in t&e currencies required to rectif# t&e loss or dama'e( 0a#ments recei%ed from insurers s&all be used for t&e rectification of t&e loss or dama'e( 6&e rele%ant insurin' 0art# s&all$ it&in t&e respecti%e periods stated in t&e Contract Data 1calculated from t&e Commencement Date4$ submit to t&e ot&er 0art#: 1a4 1b4 e%idence t&at t&e insurances described in t&is Clause &a%e been effected$ and copies of t&e policies for t&e insurances described in Sub7Clause *?(+ 9Insurance for 5or;s and ContractorBs Equipment: and Sub7Clause *?(, 9Insurance a'ainst Injur# to 0ersons and Dama'e to 0ropert#:(

5&en eac& premium is paid$ t&e insurin' 0art# s&all submit e%idence of pa#ment to t&e ot&er 0art#( 5&ene%er e%idence or policies are submitted$ t&e insurin' 0art# s&all also 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer( Eac& 0art# s&all compl# it& t&e conditions stipulated in eac& of t&e insurance policies( 6&e insurin' 0art# s&all ;eep t&e insurers informed of an# rele%ant c&an'es to t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s and ensure t&at insurance is maintained in accordance it& t&is Clause( Neit&er 0art# s&all ma;e an# material alteration to t&e terms of an# insurance it&out t&e prior appro%al of t&e ot&er 0art#( If an insurer ma;es 1or attempts to ma;e4 an# alteration$ t&e 0art# first notified b# t&e insurer s&all promptl# 'i%e notice to t&e ot&er 0art#( If t&e insurin' 0art# fails to effect and ;eep in force an# of t&e insurances it is required to effect and maintain under t&e Contract$ or fails to pro%ide satisfactor# e%idence and copies of policies in accordance it& t&is Sub7Clause$ t&e ot&er 0art# ma# 1at its option and it&out prejudice to an# ot&er ri'&t or remed#4 effect insurance for t&e rele%ant co%era'e and pa# t&e premiums due( 6&e insurin' 0art# s&all pa# t&e amount of t&ese premiums to t&e ot&er 0art#$ and t&e Contract 0rice s&all be adjusted accordin'l#(

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


Not&in' in t&is Clause limits t&e obli'ations$ liabilities or responsibilities of t&e Contractor or t&e Emplo#er$ under t&e ot&er terms of t&e Contract or ot&er ise( An# amounts not insured or not reco%ered from t&e insurers s&all be borne b# t&e Contractor and>or t&e Emplo#er in accordance it& t&ese obli'ations$ liabilities or responsibilities( Ho e%er$ if t&e insurin' 0art# fails to effect and ;eep in force an insurance &ic& is a%ailable and &ic& it is required to effect and maintain under t&e Contract$ and t&e ot&er 0art# neit&er appro%es t&e omission nor effects insurance for t&e co%era'e rele%ant to t&is default$ an# mone#s &ic& s&ould &a%e been reco%erable under t&is insurance s&all be paid b# t&e insurin' 0art#( 0a#ments b# one 0art# to t&e ot&er 0art# s&all be subject to Sub7Clause +(. 9Emplo#erBs Claims: or Sub7 Clause +A(* 9ContractorBs Claims:$ as applicable( 6&e Contractor s&all be entitled to place all insurance relatin' to t&e Contract 1includin'$ but not limited to t&e insurance referred to Clause *?4 it& insurers from an# eli'ible source countr#(


Insurance for 5or;s and ContractorBs Equipment

6&e insurin' 0art# s&all insure t&e 5or;s$ 0lant$ Gaterials and ContractorBs Documents for not less t&an t&e full reinstatement cost includin' t&e costs of demolition$ remo%al of debris and professional fees and profit( 6&is insurance s&all be effecti%e from t&e date b# &ic& t&e e%idence is to be submitted under sub7 para'rap& 1a4 of Sub7Clause *?(* 9/eneral !equirements for Insurances:$ until t&e date of issue of t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate for t&e 5or;s( 6&e insurin' 0art# s&all maintain t&is insurance to pro%ide co%er until t&e date of issue of t&e 0erformance Certificate$ for loss or dama'e for &ic& t&e Contractor is liable arisin' from a cause occurrin' prior to t&e issue of t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate$ and for loss or dama'e caused b# t&e Contractor in t&e course of an# ot&er operations 1includin' t&ose under Clause ** 9Defects "iabilit#:4( 6&e insurin' 0art# s&all insure t&e ContractorBs Equipment for not less t&an t&e full replacement %alue$ includin' deli%er# to Site( Dor eac& item of ContractorBs Equipment$ t&e insurance s&all be effecti%e &ile it is bein' transported to t&e Site and until it is no lon'er required as ContractorBs Equipment( Inless ot&er ise stated in t&e 0articular Conditions$ insurances under t&is Sub7Clause: 1a4 1b4 s&all be effected and maintained b# t&e Contractor as insurin' 0art#$ s&all be in t&e joint names of t&e 0arties$ &o s&all be jointl# entitled to recei%e pa#ments from t&e insurers$ pa#ments bein' &eld or allocated to t&e 0art# actuall# bearin' t&e costs of rectif#in' t&e loss or dama'e$ s&all co%er all loss and dama'e from an# cause not listed in Sub7Clause *<(, 9Emplo#erBs !is;s:$ s&all also co%er$ to t&e e)tent specificall# required in t&e biddin' documents of t&e Contract$ loss or dama'e to a part of t&e 5or;s &ic& is attributable to t&e use or occupation b# t&e Emplo#er of anot&er part of t&e 5or;s$ and loss or dama'e from t&e ris;s listed in sub7para'rap&s 1c4$ 1'4 and 1&4 of Sub7Clause *<(, 9Emplo#erBs !is;s:$ e)cludin' 1in eac& case4 ris;s &ic& are not insurable at commerciall# reasonable terms$ it& deductibles per occurrence of not more t&an t&e amount stated in t&e Contract Data 1if an amount is not so stated$ t&is sub7para'rap& 1d4 s&all not appl#4$ and ma# &o e%er e)clude loss of$ dama'e to$ and reinstatement of: 1i4 a part of t&e 5or;s &ic& is in a defecti%e condition due to a defect in its desi'n$ materials or or;mans&ip 1but co%er s&all include an# ot&er parts &ic& are lost or dama'ed as a direct result of t&is defecti%e condition and not as described in sub7 para'rap& 1ii4 belo 4$

1c4 1d4



Section (!!% Genera &onditions


a part of t&e 5or;s &ic& is lost or dama'ed in order to reinstate an# ot&er part of t&e 5or;s if t&is ot&er part is in a defecti%e condition due to a defect in its desi'n$ materials or or;mans&ip$ a part of t&e 5or;s &ic& &as been ta;en o%er b# t&e Emplo#er$ e)cept to t&e e)tent t&at t&e Contractor is liable for t&e loss or dama'e$ and /oods &ile t&e# are not in t&e Countr#$ subject to Sub7Clause *-(. 90lant and Gaterials intended for t&e 5or;s:(

1iii4 1i%4

If$ more t&an one #ear after t&e Base Date$ t&e co%er described in sub7para'rap& 1d4 abo%e ceases to be a%ailable at commerciall# reasonable terms$ t&e Contractor s&all 1as insurin' 0art#4 'i%e notice to t&e Emplo#er$ it& supportin' particulars( 6&e Emplo#er s&all t&en 1i4 be entitled subject to Sub7Clause +(. 9Emplo#erBs Claims: to pa#ment of an amount equi%alent to suc& commerciall# reasonable terms as t&e Contractor s&ould &a%e e)pected to &a%e paid for suc& co%er$ and 1ii4 be deemed$ unless &e obtains t&e co%er at commerciall# reasonable terms$ to &a%e appro%ed t&e omission under Sub7Clause *?(* 9/eneral !equirements for Insurances:(


Insurance a'ainst Injur# to 0ersons and Dama'e to 0ropert#

6&e insurin' 0art# s&all insure a'ainst eac& 0art#Bs liabilit# for an# loss$ dama'e$ deat& or bodil# injur# &ic& ma# occur to an# p&#sical propert# 1e)cept t&in's insured under Sub7Clause *?(+ 9Insurance for 5or;s and ContractorBs Equipment:4 or to an# person 1e)cept persons insured under Sub7Clause *?(9Insurance for ContractorBs 0ersonnel:4$ &ic& ma# arise out of t&e ContractorBs performance of t&e Contract and occurrin' before t&e issue of t&e 0erformance Certificate( 6&is insurance s&all be for a limit per occurrence of not less t&an t&e amount stated in t&e Contract Data$ it& no limit on t&e number of occurrences( If an amount is not stated in t&e Contract Data$ t&is Sub7 Clause s&all not appl#( Inless ot&er ise stated in t&e 0articular Conditions$ t&e insurances specified in t&is Sub7Clause: 1a4 1b4 1c4 s&all be effected and maintained b# t&e Contractor as insurin' 0art#$ s&all be in t&e joint names of t&e 0arties$ s&all be e)tended to co%er liabilit# for all loss and dama'e to t&e Emplo#erBs propert# 1e)cept t&in's insured under Sub7Clause *?(+4 arisin' out of t&e ContractorBs performance of t&e Contract$ and ma# &o e%er e)clude liabilit# to t&e e)tent t&at it arises from: 1i4 1ii4 1iii4 t&e Emplo#erBs ri'&t to &a%e t&e 0ermanent 5or;s e)ecuted on$ o%er$ under$ in or t&rou'& an# land$ and to occup# t&is land for t&e 0ermanent 5or;s$ dama'e &ic& is an una%oidable result of t&e ContractorBs obli'ations to e)ecute t&e 5or;s and remed# an# defects$ and a cause listed in Sub7Clause *<(, 9Emplo#erBs !is;s:$ e)cept to t&e e)tent t&at co%er is a%ailable at commerciall# reasonable terms(



Insurance for ContractorBs 0ersonnel

6&e Contractor s&all effect and maintain insurance a'ainst liabilit# for claims$ dama'es$ losses and e)penses 1includin' le'al fees and e)penses4 arisin' from injur#$ sic;ness$ disease or deat& of an# person emplo#ed b# t&e Contractor or an# ot&er of t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel(

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


6&e insurance s&all co%er t&e Emplo#er and t&e En'ineer a'ainst liabilit# for claims$ dama'es$ losses and e)penses 1includin' le'al fees and e)penses4 arisin' from injur#$ sic;ness$ disease or deat& of an# person emplo#ed b# t&e Contractor or an# ot&er of t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel$ e)cept t&at t&is insurance ma# e)clude losses and claims to t&e e)tent t&at t&e# arise from an# act or ne'lect of t&e Emplo#er or of t&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel( 6&e insurance s&all be maintained in full force and effect durin' t&e &ole time t&at t&ese personnel are assistin' in t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s( Dor a SubcontractorBs emplo#ees$ t&e insurance ma# be effected b# t&e Subcontractor$ but t&e Contractor s&all be responsible for compliance it& t&is Clause(


Dorce Gajeure
Definition of Dorce Gajeure
In t&is Clause$ 2Dorce Gajeure3 means an e)ceptional e%ent or circumstance: 1a4 1b4 1c4 1d4 &ic& is be#ond a 0art#Bs control$ &ic& suc& 0art# could not reasonabl# &a%e pro%ided a'ainst before enterin' into t&e Contract$ &ic&$ &a%in' arisen$ suc& 0art# could not reasonabl# &a%e a%oided or o%ercome$ and &ic& is not substantiall# attributable to t&e ot&er 0art#(

Dorce Gajeure ma# include$ but is not limited to$ e)ceptional e%ents or circumstances of t&e ;ind listed belo $ so lon' as conditions 1a4 to 1d4 abo%e are satisfied: 1i4 1ii4 1iii4 1i%4 ar$ &ostilities 1 &et&er ar be declared or not4$ in%asion$ act of forei'n enemies$ rebellion$ terrorism$ sabota'e b# persons ot&er t&an t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel$ re%olution$ insurrection$ militar# or usurped po er$ or ci%il ar$ riot$ commotion$ disorder$ stri;e or loc;out b# persons ot&er t&an t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel$ munitions of ar$ e)plosi%e materials$ ionisin' radiation or contamination b# radio7 acti%it#$ e)cept as ma# be attributable to t&e ContractorBs use of suc& munitions$ e)plosi%es$ radiation or radio7acti%it#$ and natural catastrop&es suc& as eart&qua;e$ &urricane$ t#p&oon or %olcanic acti%it#(



Notice of Dorce Gajeure

If a 0art# is or ill be pre%ented from performin' its substantial obli'ations under t&e Contract b# Dorce Gajeure$ t&en it s&all 'i%e notice to t&e ot&er 0art# of t&e e%ent or circumstances constitutin' t&e Dorce Gajeure and s&all specif# t&e obli'ations$ t&e performance of &ic& is or ill be pre%ented( 6&e notice s&all be 'i%en it&in *- da#s after t&e 0art# became a are$ or s&ould &a%e become a are$ of t&e rele%ant e%ent or circumstance constitutin' Dorce Gajeure( 6&e 0art# s&all$ &a%in' 'i%en notice$ be e)cused performance of its obli'ations for so lon' as suc& Dorce Gajeure pre%ents it from performin' t&em( Not it&standin' an# ot&er pro%ision of t&is Clause$ Dorce Gajeure s&all not appl# to obli'ations of eit&er 0art# to ma;e pa#ments to t&e ot&er 0art# under t&e Contract


Section (!!% Genera &onditions


Dut# to Ginimise Dela#

Eac& 0art# s&all at all times use all reasonable endea%ours to minimise an# dela# in t&e performance of t&e Contract as a result of Dorce Gajeure( A 0art# s&all 'i%e notice to t&e ot&er 0art# &en it ceases to be affected b# t&e Dorce Gajeure(


Consequences of Dorce Gajeure

If t&e Contractor is pre%ented from performin' its substantial obli'ations under t&e Contract b# Dorce Gajeure of &ic& notice &as been 'i%en under Sub7Clause *@(+ 9Notice of Dorce Gajeure:$ and suffers dela# and>or incurs Cost b# reason of suc& Dorce Gajeure$ t&e Contractor s&all be entitled subject to Sub7Clause +A(* 9ContractorBs Claims: to: 1a4 1b4 an e)tension of time for an# suc& dela#$ if completion is or ill be dela#ed$ under Sub7Clause ?(9E)tension of 6ime for Completion:$ and if t&e e%ent or circumstance is of t&e ;ind described in sub7para'rap&s 1i4 to 1i%4 of Sub7Clause *@(* 9Definition of Dorce Gajeure: and$ in t&e case of sub7para'rap&s 1ii4 to 1i%4$ occurs in t&e Countr#$ pa#ment of an# suc& Cost$ includin' t&e costs of rectif#in' or replacin' t&e 5or;s and>or /oods dama'ed or destructed b# Dorce Gajeure$ to t&e e)tent t&e# are not indemnified t&rou'& t&e insurance polic# referred to in Sub7Clause *?(+ 9Insurance for 5or;s and ContractorBs Equipment:(

After recei%in' t&is notice$ t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine t&ese matters(


Dorce Gajeure Affectin' Subcontractor

If an# Subcontractor is entitled under an# contract or a'reement relatin' to t&e 5or;s to relief from force majeure on terms additional to or broader t&an t&ose specified in t&is Clause$ suc& additional or broader force majeure e%ents or circumstances s&all not e)cuse t&e ContractorBs non7performance or entitle &im to relief under t&is Clause(


Optional 6ermination$ 0a#ment and !elease

If t&e e)ecution of substantiall# all t&e 5or;s in pro'ress is pre%ented for a continuous period of ?- da#s b# reason of Dorce Gajeure of &ic& notice &as been 'i%en under Sub7Clause *@(+ 9Notice of Dorce Gajeure:$ or for multiple periods &ic& total more t&an *-A da#s due to t&e same notified Dorce Gajeure$ t&en eit&er 0art# ma# 'i%e to t&e ot&er 0art# a notice of termination of t&e Contract( In t&is e%ent$ t&e termination s&all ta;e effect < da#s after t&e notice is 'i%en$ and t&e Contractor s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause *8(, 9Cessation of 5or; and !emo%al of ContractorBs Equipment:( Ipon suc& termination$ t&e En'ineer s&all determine t&e %alue of t&e or; done and issue a 0a#ment Certificate &ic& s&all include: 1a4 1b4 t&e amounts pa#able for an# or; carried out for &ic& a price is stated in t&e ContractC t&e Cost of 0lant and Gaterials ordered for t&e 5or;s &ic& &a%e been deli%ered to t&e Contractor$ or of &ic& t&e Contractor is liable to accept deli%er#: t&is 0lant and Gaterials s&all become t&e propert# of 1and be at t&e ris; of4 t&e Emplo#er &en paid for b# t&e Emplo#er$ and t&e Contractor s&all place t&e same at t&e Emplo#erBs disposalC

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


1c4 1d4

ot&er Costs or liabilities &ic& in t&e circumstances ere reasonabl# and necessaril# incurred b# t&e Contractor in t&e e)pectation of completin' t&e 5or;sC t&e Cost of remo%al of 6emporar# 5or;s and ContractorBs Equipment from t&e Site and t&e return of t&ese items to t&e ContractorBs or;s in &is countr# 1or to an# ot&er destination at no 'reater cost4C and t&e Cost of repatriation of t&e ContractorBs staff and labour emplo#ed &oll# in connection it& t&e 5or;s at t&e date of termination(



!elease from 0erformance

Not it&standin' an# ot&er pro%ision of t&is Clause$ if an# e%ent or circumstance outside t&e control of t&e 0arties 1includin'$ but not limited to$ Dorce Gajeure4 arises &ic& ma;es it impossible or unla ful for eit&er or bot& 0arties to fulfil its or t&eir contractual obli'ations or &ic&$ under t&e la 'o%ernin' t&e Contract$ entitles t&e 0arties to be released from furt&er performance of t&e Contract$ t&en upon notice b# eit&er 0art# to t&e ot&er 0art# of suc& e%ent or circumstance: 1a4 1b4 t&e 0arties s&all be disc&ar'ed from furt&er performance$ it&out prejudice to t&e ri'&ts of eit&er 0art# in respect of an# pre%ious breac& of t&e Contract$ and t&e sum pa#able b# t&e Emplo#er to t&e Contractor s&all be t&e same as ould &a%e been pa#able under Sub7Clause *@(8 9Optional 6ermination$ 0a#ment and !elease: if t&e Contract &ad been terminated under Sub7Clause *@(8(


Claims$ Disputes and Arbitration

ContractorBs Claims
If t&e Contractor considers &imself to be entitled to an# e)tension of t&e 6ime for Completion and>or an# additional pa#ment$ under an# Clause of t&ese Conditions or ot&er ise in connection it& t&e Contract$ t&e Contractor s&all 'i%e notice to t&e En'ineer$ describin' t&e e%ent or circumstance 'i%in' rise to t&e claim( 6&e notice s&all be 'i%en as soon as practicable$ and not later t&an +? da#s after t&e Contractor became a are$ or s&ould &a%e become a are$ of t&e e%ent or circumstance( If t&e Contractor fails to 'i%e notice of a claim it&in suc& period of +? da#s$ t&e 6ime for Completion s&all not be e)tended$ t&e Contractor s&all not be entitled to additional pa#ment$ and t&e Emplo#er s&all be disc&ar'ed from all liabilit# in connection it& t&e claim( Ot&er ise$ t&e follo in' pro%isions of t&is Sub7Clause s&all appl#( 6&e Contractor s&all also submit an# ot&er notices &ic& are required b# t&e Contract$ and supportin' particulars for t&e claim$ all as rele%ant to suc& e%ent or circumstance( 6&e Contractor s&all ;eep suc& contemporar# records as ma# be necessar# to substantiate an# claim$ eit&er on t&e Site or at anot&er location acceptable to t&e En'ineer( 5it&out admittin' t&e Emplo#erBs liabilit#$ t&e En'ineer ma#$ after recei%in' an# notice under t&is Sub7Clause$ monitor t&e record7;eepin' and>or instruct t&e Contractor to ;eep furt&er contemporar# records( 6&e Contractor s&all permit t&e En'ineer to inspect all t&ese records$ and s&all 1if instructed4 submit copies to t&e En'ineer( 5it&in -+ da#s after t&e Contractor became a are 1or s&ould &a%e become a are4 of t&e e%ent or circumstance 'i%in' rise to t&e claim$ or it&in suc& ot&er period as ma# be proposed b# t&e Contractor and appro%ed b# t&e En'ineer$ t&e Contractor s&all send to t&e En'ineer a full# detailed claim &ic& includes full supportin' particulars of t&e basis of t&e claim and of t&e e)tension of time and>or additional pa#ment claimed( If t&e e%ent or circumstance 'i%in' rise to t&e claim &as a continuin' effect:


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

1a4 1b4

t&is full# detailed claim s&all be considered as interimC t&e Contractor s&all send furt&er interim claims at mont&l# inter%als$ 'i%in' t&e accumulated dela# and>or amount claimed$ and suc& furt&er particulars as t&e En'ineer ma# reasonabl# requireC and t&e Contractor s&all send a final claim it&in +? da#s after t&e end of t&e effects resultin' from t&e e%ent or circumstance$ or it&in suc& ot&er period as ma# be proposed b# t&e Contractor and appro%ed b# t&e En'ineer(


5it&in -+ da#s after recei%in' a claim or an# furt&er particulars supportin' a pre%ious claim$ or it&in suc& ot&er period as ma# be proposed b# t&e En'ineer and appro%ed b# t&e Contractor$ t&e En'ineer s&all respond it& appro%al$ or it& disappro%al and detailed comments( He ma# also request an# necessar# furt&er particulars$ but s&all ne%ert&eless 'i%e &is response on t&e principles of t&e claim it&in t&e abo%e defined time period( 5it&in t&e abo%e defined period of -+ da#s$ t&e En'ineer s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause ,(. 9Determinations: to a'ree or determine 1i4 t&e e)tension 1if an#4 of t&e 6ime for Completion 1before or after its e)pir#4 in accordance it& Sub7Clause ?(- 9E)tension of 6ime for Completion:$ and>or 1ii4 t&e additional pa#ment 1if an#4 to &ic& t&e Contractor is entitled under t&e Contract( Eac& 0a#ment Certificate s&all include suc& additional pa#ment for an# claim as &a%e been reasonabl# substantiated as due under t&e rele%ant pro%ision of t&e Contract( Inless and until t&e particulars supplied are sufficient to substantiate t&e &ole of t&e claim$ t&e Contractor s&all onl# be entitled to pa#ment for suc& part of t&e claim as &e &as been able to substantiate( If t&e En'ineer does not respond it&in t&e timeframe defined in t&is Clause$ eit&er 0art# ma# consider t&at t&e claim is rejected b# t&e En'ineer and an# of t&e 0arties ma# refer it to t&e Dispute Board in accordance it& Sub7Clause +A(- 9Obtainin' Dispute BoardBs Decision:( 6&e requirements of t&is Sub7Clause are in addition to t&ose of an# ot&er Sub7Clause &ic& ma# appl# to a claim( If t&e Contractor fails to compl# it& t&is or anot&er Sub7Clause in relation to an# claim$ an# e)tension of time and>or additional pa#ment s&all ta;e account of t&e e)tent 1if an#4 to &ic& t&e failure &as pre%ented or prejudiced proper in%esti'ation of t&e claim$ unless t&e claim is e)cluded under t&e second para'rap& of t&is Sub7Clause(


Appointment of t&e Dispute Board

Disputes s&all be referred to a DB for decision in accordance it& Sub7Clause +A(- 9Obtainin' Dispute BoardBs Decision:( 6&e 0arties s&all appoint a DB b# t&e date stated in t&e Contract Data( 6&e DB s&all comprise$ as stated in t&e Contract Data$ eit&er one or t&ree suitabl# qualified persons 12t&e members34$ eac& of &om s&all be fluent in t&e lan'ua'e for communication defined in t&e Contract and s&all be a professional e)perienced in t&e t#pe of construction in%ol%ed in t&e 5or;s and it& t&e interpretation of contractual documents( If t&e number is not so stated and t&e 0arties do not a'ree ot&er ise$ t&e DB s&all comprise t&ree persons( If t&e 0arties &a%e not jointl# appointed t&e DB +* da#s before t&e date stated in t&e Contract Data and t&e DB is to comprise t&ree persons$ eac& 0art# s&all nominate one member for t&e appro%al of t&e ot&er 0art#( 6&e first t o members s&all recommend and t&e 0arties s&all a'ree upon t&e t&ird member$ &o s&all act as c&airman( Ho e%er$ if a list of potential members &as been a'reed b# t&e 0arties and is included in t&e Contract$ t&e members s&all be selected from t&ose on t&e list$ ot&er t&an an#one &o is unable or un illin' to accept appointment to t&e DB( 6&e a'reement bet een t&e 0arties and eit&er t&e sole member or eac& of t&e t&ree members s&all incorporate b# reference t&e /eneral Conditions of Dispute Board A'reement contained in t&e Appendi)

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


to t&ese /eneral Conditions$ it& suc& amendments as are a'reed bet een t&em( 6&e terms of t&e remuneration of eit&er t&e sole member or eac& of t&e t&ree members$ includin' t&e remuneration of an# e)pert &om t&e DB consults$ s&all be mutuall# a'reed upon b# t&e 0arties &en a'reein' t&e terms of appointment( Eac& 0art# s&all be responsible for pa#in' one7&alf of t&is remuneration( If at an# time t&e 0arties so a'ree$ t&e# ma# jointl# refer a matter to t&e DB for it to 'i%e its opinion( Neit&er 0art# s&all consult t&e DB on an# matter it&out t&e a'reement of t&e ot&er 0art#( If a member declines to act or is unable to act as a result of deat&$ disabilit#$ resi'nation or termination of appointment$ a replacement s&all be appointed in t&e same manner as t&e replaced person as required to &a%e been nominated or a'reed upon$ as described in t&is Sub7Clause( 6&e appointment of an# member ma# be terminated b# mutual a'reement of bot& 0arties$ but not b# t&e Emplo#er or t&e Contractor actin' alone( Inless ot&er ise a'reed b# bot& 0arties$ t&e appointment of t&e DB 1includin' eac& member4 s&all e)pire &en t&e disc&ar'e referred to in Sub7Clause *-(*+ 9Disc&ar'e: s&all &a%e become effecti%e(


Dailure to A'ree on t&e Composition of t&e Dispute Board

If an# of t&e follo in' conditions appl#$ namel#: 1a4 1b4 1c4 1d4 t&e 0arties fail to a'ree upon t&e appointment of t&e sole member of t&e DB b# t&e date stated in t&e first para'rap& of Sub7Clause +A(+$ 9Appointment of t&e Dispute Board: eit&er 0art# fails to nominate a member 1for appro%al b# t&e ot&er 0art#4 or fails to appro%e a member nominated b# t&e ot&er 0art#$ of a DB of t&ree persons b# suc& date$ t&e 0arties fail to a'ree upon t&e appointment of t&e t&ird member 1to act as c&airman4 of t&e DB b# suc& date$ or t&e 0arties fail to a'ree upon t&e appointment of a replacement person it&in -+ da#s after t&e date on &ic& t&e sole member or one of t&e t&ree members declines to act or is unable to act as a result of deat&$ disabilit#$ resi'nation or termination of appointment$

t&en t&e appointin' entit# or official named in t&e Contract Data s&all$ upon t&e request of eit&er or bot& of t&e 0arties and after due consultation it& bot& 0arties$ appoint t&is member of t&e DB( 6&is appointment s&all be final and conclusi%e( Eac& 0art# s&all be responsible for pa#in' one7&alf of t&e remuneration of t&e appointin' entit# or official(


Obtainin' Dispute BoardBs Decision

If a dispute 1of an# ;ind &atsoe%er4 arises bet een t&e 0arties in connection it&$ or arisin' out of$ t&e Contract or t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s$ includin' an# dispute as to an# certificate$ determination$ instruction$ opinion or %aluation of t&e En'ineer$ eit&er 0art# ma# refer t&e dispute in ritin' to t&e DB for its decision$ it& copies to t&e ot&er 0art# and t&e En'ineer( Suc& reference s&all state t&at it is 'i%en under t&is Sub7Clause( Dor a DB of t&ree persons$ t&e DB s&all be deemed to &a%e recei%ed suc& reference on t&e date &en it is recei%ed b# t&e c&airman of t&e DB( Bot& 0arties s&all promptl# ma;e a%ailable to t&e DB all suc& additional information$ furt&er access to t&e Site$ and appropriate facilities$ as t&e DB ma# require for t&e purposes of ma;in' a decision on suc& dispute( 6&e DB s&all be deemed to be not actin' as arbitrator1s4(


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

5it&in ?- da#s after recei%in' suc& reference$ or it&in suc& ot&er period as ma# be proposed b# t&e DB and appro%ed b# bot& 0arties$ t&e DB s&all 'i%e its decision$ &ic& s&all be reasoned and s&all state t&at it is 'i%en under t&is Sub7Clause( 6&e decision s&all be bindin' on bot& 0arties$ &o s&all promptl# 'i%e effect to it unless and until it s&all be re%ised in an amicable settlement or an arbitral a ard as described belo ( Inless t&e Contract &as alread# been abandoned$ repudiated or terminated$ t&e Contractor s&all continue to proceed it& t&e 5or;s in accordance it& t&e Contract( If eit&er 0art# is dissatisfied it& t&e DBBs decision$ t&en eit&er 0art# ma#$ it&in +? da#s after recei%in' t&e decision$ 'i%e notice to t&e ot&er 0art# of its dissatisfaction and intention to commence arbitration( If t&e DB fails to 'i%e its decision it&in t&e period of ?- da#s 1or as ot&er ise appro%ed4 after recei%in' suc& reference$ t&en eit&er 0art# ma#$ it&in +? da#s after t&is period &as e)pired$ 'i%e notice to t&e ot&er 0art# of its dissatisfaction and intention to commence arbitration( In eit&er e%ent$ t&is notice of dissatisfaction s&all state t&at it is 'i%en under t&is Sub7Clause$ and s&all set out t&e matter in dispute and t&e reason1s4 for dissatisfaction( E)cept as stated in Sub7Clause +A(< 9Dailure to Compl# it& Dispute BoardBs Decision: and Sub7Clause +A(? 9E)pir# of Dispute BoardBs Appointment:$ neit&er 0art# s&all be entitled to commence arbitration of a dispute unless a notice of dissatisfaction &as been 'i%en in accordance it& t&is Sub7Clause( If t&e DB &as 'i%en its decision as to a matter in dispute to bot& 0arties$ and no notice of dissatisfaction &as been 'i%en b# eit&er 0art# it&in +? da#s after it recei%ed t&e DBBs decision$ t&en t&e decision s&all become final and bindin' upon bot& 0arties(


Amicable Settlement
5&ere notice of dissatisfaction &as been 'i%en under Sub7Clause +A(- abo%e$ bot& 0arties s&all attempt to settle t&e dispute amicabl# before t&e commencement of arbitration( Ho e%er$ unless bot& 0arties a'ree ot&er ise$ arbitration ma# be commenced on or after t&e fift#7si)t& da# after t&e da# on &ic& a notice of dissatisfaction and intention to commence as 'i%en$ e%en if no attempt at amicable settlement &as been made(


Inless indicated ot&er ise in t&e 0articular Conditions$ an# dispute not settled amicabl# and in respect of &ic& t&e DBBs decision 1if an#4 &as not become final and bindin' s&all be finall# settled b# international arbitration( Inless ot&er ise a'reed b# bot& 0arties: 1a4 for contracts it& forei'n contractors$ international arbitration it& proceedin's administered b# t&e institution appointed in t&e Contract Data$ conducted in accordance it& t&e rules of arbitration of t&e appointed institution$ if an#$ or in accordance it& INCI6!A" arbitration rules$ at t&e c&oice of t&e appointed institution$ t&e place of arbitration s&all be t&e cit# &ere t&e &eadquarters of t&e appointed arbitration institution is located$ t&e arbitration s&all be conducted in t&e lan'ua'e for communications defined in Sub7Clause *(9"a and "an'ua'e:$ and for contracts it& domestic contractors$ arbitration it& proceedin's conducted in accordance it& t&e la s of t&e Emplo#erBs countr#(

1b4 1c4 1d4

6&e arbitrators s&all &a%e full po er to open up$ re%ie and re%ise an# certificate$ determination$ instruction$ opinion or %aluation of t&e En'ineer$ and an# decision of t&e DB$ rele%ant to t&e dispute( Not&in' s&all disqualif# representati%es of t&e 0arties and t&e En'ineer from bein' called as a itness and 'i%in' e%idence before t&e arbitrators on an# matter &atsoe%er rele%ant to t&e dispute(

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


Neit&er 0art# s&all be limited in t&e proceedin's before t&e arbitrators to t&e e%idence or ar'uments pre%iousl# put before t&e DB to obtain its decision$ or to t&e reasons for dissatisfaction 'i%en in its notice of dissatisfaction( An# decision of t&e DB s&all be admissible in e%idence in t&e arbitration( Arbitration ma# be commenced prior to or after completion of t&e 5or;s( 6&e obli'ations of t&e 0arties$ t&e En'ineer and t&e DB s&all not be altered b# reason of an# arbitration bein' conducted durin' t&e pro'ress of t&e 5or;s(


Dailure to Compl# it& Dispute BoardBs Decision

In t&e e%ent t&at a 0art# fails to compl# it& a final and bindin' DB decision$ t&en t&e ot&er 0art# ma#$ it&out prejudice to an# ot&er ri'&ts it ma# &a%e$ refer t&e failure itself to arbitration under Sub7Clause +A(8 9Arbitration:( Sub7Clause +A(- 9Obtainin' Dispute BoardBs Decision: and Sub7Clause +A(. 9Amicable Settlement: s&all not appl# to t&is reference(


E)pir# of Dispute BoardBs Appointment

If a dispute arises bet een t&e 0arties in connection it&$ or arisin' out of$ t&e Contract or t&e e)ecution of t&e 5or;s and t&ere is no DB in place$ &et&er b# reason of t&e e)pir# of t&e DBBs appointment or ot&er ise: 1a4 1b4 Sub7Clause +A(- 9Obtainin' Dispute BoardBs Decision: and Sub7Clause +A(. 9Amicable Settlement: s&all not appl#$ and t&e dispute ma# be referred directl# to arbitration under Sub7Clause +A(8 9Arbitration:(

A /eneral Conditions of Dispute Board A'reement * Definitions
Eac& 2Dispute Board A'reement3 is a tripartite a'reement b# and bet een: 1a4 1b4 1c4 t&e 2Emplo#er3C t&e 2Contractor3C and t&e 2Gember3 &o is defined in t&e Dispute Board A'reement as bein': 1i4 1ii4 t&e sole member of t&e JDBJ and$ &ere t&is is t&e case$ all references to t&e 2Ot&er Gembers3 do not appl#$ or one of t&e t&ree persons &o are jointl# called t&e 2DB3 1or 2Dispute Board34 and$ &ere t&is is t&e case$ t&e ot&er t o persons are called t&e 2Ot&er Gembers3(

6&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor &a%e entered 1or intend to enter4 into a contract$ &ic& is called t&e JContractJ and is defined in t&e Dispute Board A'reement$ &ic& incorporates t&is Appendi)( In t&e Dispute Board A'reement$ ords and e)pressions &ic& are not ot&er ise defined s&all &a%e t&e meanin's assi'ned to t&em in t&e Contract(

+ /eneral 0ro%isions


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

Inless ot&er ise stated in t&e Dispute Board A'reement$ it s&all ta;e effect on t&e latest of t&e follo in' dates: 1a4 1b4 1c4 t&e Commencement Date defined in t&e Contract$ &en t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor and t&e Gember &a%e eac& si'ned t&e Dispute Board A'reement$ or &en t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor and eac& of t&e Ot&er Gembers 1if an#4 &a%e respecti%el# eac& si'ned a dispute board a'reement(

6&is emplo#ment of t&e Gember is a personal appointment( At an# time$ t&e Gember ma# 'i%e not less t&an <A da#sB notice of resi'nation to t&e Emplo#er and to t&e Contractor$ and t&e Dispute A'reement s&all terminate upon t&e e)pir# of t&is period(

, 5arranties
6&e Gember arrants and a'rees t&at &e>s&e is and s&all be impartial and independent of t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor and t&e En'ineer( 6&e Gember s&all promptl# disclose$ to eac& of t&em and to t&e Ot&er Gembers 1if an#4$ an# fact or circumstance &ic& mi'&t appear inconsistent it& &is>&er arrant# and a'reement of impartialit# and independence( 5&en appointin' t&e Gember$ t&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor relied upon t&e GemberBs representations t&at &e>s&e is: 1a4 1b4 1c4 e)perienced in t&e or; &ic& t&e Contractor is to carr# out under t&e Contract$ e)perienced in t&e interpretation of contract documentation$ and fluent in t&e lan'ua'e for communications defined in t&e Contract(

- /eneral Obli'ations of t&e Gember

6&e Gember s&all: 1a4 1b4 &a%e no interest financial or ot&er ise in t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor or En'ineer$ nor an# financial interest in t&e Contract e)cept for pa#ment under t&e Dispute Board A'reementC not pre%iousl# &a%e been emplo#ed as a consultant or ot&er ise b# t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor or t&e En'ineer$ e)cept in suc& circumstances as ere disclosed in ritin' to t&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor before t&e# si'ned t&e Dispute Board A'reementC &a%e disclosed in ritin' to t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor and t&e Ot&er Gembers 1if an#4$ before enterin' into t&e Dispute Board A'reement and to &is>&er best ;no led'e and recollection$ an# professional or personal relations&ips it& an# director$ officer or emplo#ee of t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor or t&e En'ineer$ and an# pre%ious in%ol%ement in t&e o%erall project of &ic& t&e Contract forms partC not$ for t&e duration of t&e Dispute Board A'reement$ be emplo#ed as a consultant or ot&er ise b# t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor or t&e En'ineer$ e)cept as ma# be a'reed in ritin' b# t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor and t&e Ot&er Gembers 1if an#4C compl# it& t&e anne)ed procedural rules and it& Sub7Clause +A(- of t&e Conditions of ContractC




Section (!!% Genera &onditions



not 'i%e ad%ice to t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor$ t&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel or t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel concernin' t&e conduct of t&e Contract$ ot&er t&an in accordance it& t&e anne)ed procedural rulesC not &ile a Gember enter into discussions or ma;e an# a'reement it& t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor or t&e En'ineer re'ardin' emplo#ment b# an# of t&em$ &et&er as a consultant or ot&er ise$ after ceasin' to act under t&e Dispute Board A'reementC ensure &is>&er a%ailabilit# for all site %isits and &earin's as are necessar#C become con%ersant it& t&e Contract and it& t&e pro'ress of t&e 5or;s 1and of an# ot&er parts of t&e project of &ic& t&e Contract forms part4 b# stud#in' all documents recei%ed &ic& s&all be maintained in a current or;in' fileC treat t&e details of t&e Contract and all t&e DBBs acti%ities and &earin's as pri%ate and confidential$ and not publis& or disclose t&em it&out t&e prior ritten consent of t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor and t&e Ot&er Gembers 1if an#4C and be a%ailable to 'i%e ad%ice and opinions$ on an# matter rele%ant to t&e Contract &en requested b# bot& t&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor$ subject to t&e a'reement of t&e Ot&er Gembers 1if an#4(


1&4 1i4



. /eneral Obli'ations of t&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor

6&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor$ t&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel and t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel s&all not request ad%ice from or consultation it& t&e Gember re'ardin' t&e Contract$ ot&er ise t&an in t&e normal course of t&e DBBs acti%ities under t&e Contract and t&e Dispute Board A'reement( 6&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor s&all be responsible for compliance it& t&is pro%ision$ b# t&e Emplo#erBs 0ersonnel and t&e ContractorBs 0ersonnel respecti%el#( 6&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor underta;e to eac& ot&er and to t&e Gember t&at t&e Gember s&all not$ e)cept as ot&er ise a'reed in ritin' b# t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor$ t&e Gember and t&e Ot&er Gembers 1if an#4: 1a4 1b4 1c4 be appointed as an arbitrator in an# arbitration under t&e ContractC be called as a itness to 'i%e e%idence concernin' an# dispute before arbitrator1s4 appointed for an# arbitration under t&e ContractC or be liable for an# claims for an#t&in' done or omitted in t&e disc&ar'e or purported disc&ar'e of t&e GemberBs functions$ unless t&e act or omission is s&o n to &a%e been in bad fait&(

6&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor &ereb# jointl# and se%erall# indemnif# and &old t&e Gember &armless a'ainst and from claims from &ic& &e is relie%ed from liabilit# under t&e precedin' para'rap&( 5&ene%er t&e Emplo#er or t&e Contractor refers a dispute to t&e DB under Sub7Clause +A(- of t&e Conditions of Contract$ &ic& ill require t&e Gember to ma;e a site %isit and attend a &earin'$ t&e Emplo#er or t&e Contractor s&all pro%ide appropriate securit# for a sum equi%alent to t&e reasonable e)penses to be incurred b# t&e Gember( No account s&all be ta;en of an# ot&er pa#ments due or paid to t&e Gember(

8 0a#ment
6&e Gember s&all be paid as follo s$ in t&e currenc# named in t&e Dispute Board A'reement: 1a4 a retainer fee per calendar mont&$ &ic& s&all be considered as pa#ment in full for: 1i4 bein' a%ailable on +? da#sB notice for all site %isits and &earin'sC


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

1ii4 1iii4 1i%4

becomin' and remainin' con%ersant it& all project de%elopments and maintainin' rele%ant filesC all office and o%er&ead e)penses includin' secretarial ser%ices$ p&otocop#in' and office supplies incurred in connection it& &is dutiesC and all ser%ices performed &ereunder e)cept t&ose referred to in sub7para'rap&s 1b4 and 1c4 of t&is Clause(

6&e retainer fee s&all be paid it& effect from t&e last da# of t&e calendar mont& in &ic& t&e Dispute Board A'reement becomes effecti%eC until t&e last da# of t&e calendar mont& in &ic& t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate is issued for t&e &ole of t&e 5or;s( 5it& effect from t&e first da# of t&e calendar mont& follo in' t&e mont& in &ic& t&e 6a;in'7O%er Certificate is issued for t&e &ole of t&e 5or;s$ t&e retainer fee s&all be reduced b# one t&ird (6&is reduced fee s&all be paid until t&e first da# of t&e calendar mont& in &ic& t&e Gember resi'ns or t&e Dispute Board A'reement is ot&er ise terminated( 1b4 a dail# fee &ic& s&all be considered as pa#ment in full for: 1i4 eac& da# or part of a da# up to a ma)imum of t o da#sB tra%el time in eac& direction for t&e journe# bet een t&e GemberBs &ome and t&e site$ or anot&er location of a meetin' it& t&e Ot&er Gembers 1if an#4C eac& or;in' da# on Site %isits$ &earin's or preparin' decisionsC and eac& da# spent readin' submissions in preparation for a &earin'(

1ii4 1iii4 1c4

all reasonable e)penses includin' necessar# tra%el e)penses 1air fare in less t&an first class$ &otel and subsistence and ot&er direct tra%el e)penses4 incurred in connection it& t&e GemberBs duties$ as ell as t&e cost of telep&one calls$ courier c&ar'es$ fa)es and tele)es: a receipt s&all be required for eac& item in e)cess of fi%e percent of t&e dail# fee referred to in sub7para'rap& 1b4 of t&is ClauseC an# ta)es properl# le%ied in t&e Countr# on pa#ments made to t&e Gember 1unless a national or permanent resident of t&e Countr#4 under t&is Clause 8(


6&e retainer and dail# fees s&all be as specified in t&e Dispute Board A'reement( Inless it specifies ot&er ise$ t&ese fees s&all remain fi)ed for t&e first +- calendar mont&s$ and s&all t&ereafter be adjusted b# a'reement bet een t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor and t&e Gember$ at eac& anni%ersar# of t&e date on &ic& t&e Dispute Board A'reement became effecti%e( If t&e parties fail to a'ree on t&e retainer fee or t&e dail# fee$ t&e appointin' entit# or official named in t&e Contract Data s&all determine t&e amount of t&e fees to be used( 6&e Gember s&all submit in%oices for pa#ment of t&e mont&l# retainer and air fares quarterl# in ad%ance( In%oices for ot&er e)penses and for dail# fees s&all be submitted follo in' t&e conclusion of a site %isit or &earin'( All in%oices s&all be accompanied b# a brief description of acti%ities performed durin' t&e rele%ant period and s&all be addressed to t&e Contractor( 6&e Contractor s&all pa# eac& of t&e GemberBs in%oices in full it&in .8 calendar da#s after recei%in' eac& in%oice and s&all appl# to t&e Emplo#er 1in t&e Statements under t&e Contract4 for reimbursement of one7&alf of t&e amounts of t&ese in%oices( 6&e Emplo#er s&all t&en pa# t&e Contractor in accordance it& t&e Contract( If t&e Contractor fails to pa# to t&e Gember t&e amount to &ic& &e>s&e is entitled under t&e Dispute Board A'reement$ t&e Emplo#er s&all pa# t&e amount due to t&e Gember and an# ot&er amount &ic& ma# be required to maintain t&e operation of t&e DBC and it&out prejudice to t&e Emplo#erBs ri'&ts or remedies( In addition to all ot&er ri'&ts arisin' from t&is default$ t&e Emplo#er s&all be entitled to reimbursement of all sums paid in e)cess of one7&alf of t&ese pa#ments$ plus all costs of reco%erin' t&ese sums and financin' c&ar'es calculated at t&e rate specified in Sub7Clause *-(? of t&e Conditions of Contract(

Section (!!% Genera &onditions


If t&e Gember does not recei%e pa#ment of t&e amount due it&in <A da#s after submittin' a %alid in%oice$ t&e Gember ma# 1i4 suspend &is>&er ser%ices 1 it&out notice4 until t&e pa#ment is recei%ed$ and>or 1ii4 resi'n &is>&er appointment b# 'i%in' notice under Clause <(

< 6ermination
At an# time: 1i4 t&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor ma# jointl# terminate t&e Dispute Board A'reement b# 'i%in' -+ da#sB notice to t&e GemberC or 1ii4 t&e Gember ma# resi'n as pro%ided for in Clause +( If t&e Gember fails to compl# it& t&e Dispute Board A'reement$ t&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor ma#$ it&out prejudice to t&eir ot&er ri'&ts$ terminate it b# notice to t&e Gember( 6&e notice s&all ta;e effect &en recei%ed b# t&e Gember( If t&e Emplo#er or t&e Contractor fails to compl# it& t&e Dispute Board A'reement$ t&e Gember ma#$ it&out prejudice to &is ot&er ri'&ts$ terminate it b# notice to t&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor( 6&e notice s&all ta;e effect &en recei%ed b# t&em bot&( An# suc& notice$ resi'nation and termination s&all be final and bindin' on t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor and t&e Gember( Ho e%er$ a notice b# t&e Emplo#er or t&e Contractor$ but not b# bot&$ s&all be of no effect(

? Default of t&e Gember

If t&e Gember fails to compl# it& an# of &is obli'ations under Clause - 1a4 7 1d4 abo%e$ &e s&all not be entitled to an# fees or e)penses &ereunder and s&all$ it&out prejudice to t&eir ot&er ri'&ts$ reimburse eac& of t&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor for an# fees and e)penses recei%ed b# t&e Gember and t&e Ot&er Gembers 1if an#4$ for proceedin's or decisions 1if an#4 of t&e DB &ic& are rendered %oid or ineffecti%e b# t&e said failure to compl#( If t&e Gember fails to compl# it& an# of &is obli'ations under Clause - 1e4 7 1;4 abo%e$ &e s&all not be entitled to an# fees or e)penses &ereunder from t&e date and to t&e e)tent of t&e non7compliance and s&all$ it&out prejudice to t&eir ot&er ri'&ts$ reimburse eac& of t&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor for an# fees and e)penses alread# recei%ed b# t&e Gember$ for proceedin's or decisions 1if an#4 of t&e DB &ic& are rendered %oid or ineffecti%e b# t&e said failure to compl#(

@ Disputes
An# dispute or claim arisin' out of or in connection it& t&is Dispute Board A'reement$ or t&e breac&$ termination or in%alidit# t&ereof$ s&all be finall# settled b# institutional arbitration( If no ot&er arbitration institute is a'reed$ t&e arbitration s&all be conducted under t&e !ules of Arbitration of t&e International C&amber of Commerce b# one arbitrator appointed in accordance it& t&ese !ules of Arbitration(

Inless ot&er ise a'reed b# t&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor$ t&e DB s&all %isit t&e site at inter%als of not more t&an *-A da#s$ includin' times of critical construction e%ents$ at t&e request of eit&er t&e Emplo#er or t&e Contractor( Inless ot&er ise a'reed b# t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor and t&e DB$ t&e period bet een consecuti%e %isits s&all not be less t&an <A da#s$ e)cept as required to con%ene a &earin' as described belo ( 6&e timin' of and a'enda for eac& site %isit s&all be as a'reed jointl# b# t&e DB$ t&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor$ or in t&e absence of a'reement$ s&all be decided b# t&e DB( 6&e purpose of site %isits is to enable t&e DB to become and remain acquainted it& t&e pro'ress of t&e 5or;s and of an# actual or potential problems or claims$ and$ as far as reasonable$ to endea%our to pre%ent potential problems or claims from becomin' disputes( Site %isits s&all be attended b# t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor and t&e En'ineer and s&all be co7ordinated b# t&e


Section (!!% Genera &onditions

Emplo#er in co7operation it& t&e Contractor( 6&e Emplo#er s&all ensure t&e pro%ision of appropriate conference facilities and secretarial and cop#in' ser%ices( At t&e conclusion of eac& site %isit and before lea%in' t&e site$ t&e DB s&all prepare a report on its acti%ities durin' t&e %isit and s&all send copies to t&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor( 6&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor s&all furnis& to t&e DB one cop# of all documents &ic& t&e DB ma# request$ includin' Contract documents$ pro'ress reports$ %ariation instructions$ certificates and ot&er documents pertinent to t&e performance of t&e Contract( All communications bet een t&e DB and t&e Emplo#er or t&e Contractor s&all be copied to t&e ot&er 0art#( If t&e DB comprises t&ree persons$ t&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor s&all send copies of t&ese requested documents and t&ese communications to eac& of t&ese persons( If an# dispute is referred to t&e DB in accordance it& Sub7Clause +A(- of t&e Conditions of Contract$ t&e DB s&all proceed in accordance it& Sub7Clause +A(- and t&ese !ules( Subject to t&e time allo ed to 'i%e notice of a decision and ot&er rele%ant factors$ t&e DB s&all: 1a4 1b4 act fairl# and impartiall# as bet een t&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor$ 'i%in' eac& of t&em a reasonable opportunit# of puttin' &is case and respondin' to t&e ot&erBs case$ and adopt procedures suitable to t&e dispute$ a%oidin' unnecessar# dela# or e)pense(

6&e DB ma# conduct a &earin' on t&e dispute$ in &ic& e%ent it ill decide on t&e date and place for t&e &earin' and ma# request t&at ritten documentation and ar'uments from t&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor be presented to it prior to or at t&e &earin'( E)cept as ot&er ise a'reed in ritin' b# t&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor$ t&e DB s&all &a%e po er to adopt an inquisitorial procedure$ to refuse admission to &earin's or audience at &earin's to an# persons ot&er t&an representati%es of t&e Emplo#er$ t&e Contractor and t&e En'ineer$ and to proceed in t&e absence of an# part# &o t&e DB is satisfied recei%ed notice of t&e &earin'C but s&all &a%e discretion to decide &et&er and to &at e)tent t&is po er ma# be e)ercised( 6&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor empo er t&e DB$ amon' ot&er t&in's$ to: 1a4 1b4 1c4 1d4 1e4 1f4 1'4 1&4 establis& t&e procedure to be applied in decidin' a dispute$ decide upon t&e DBBs o n jurisdiction$ and as to t&e scope of an# dispute referred to it$ conduct an# &earin' as it t&in;s fit$ not bein' bound b# an# rules or procedures ot&er t&an t&ose contained in t&e Contract and t&ese !ules$ ta;e t&e initiati%e in ascertainin' t&e facts and matters required for a decision$ ma;e use of its o n specialist ;no led'e$ if an#$ decide upon t&e pa#ment of financin' c&ar'es in accordance it& t&e Contract$ decide upon an# pro%isional relief suc& as interim or conser%ator# measures$ and open up$ re%ie and re%ise an# certificate$ decision$ determination$ instruction$ opinion or %aluation of t&e En'ineer$ rele%ant to t&e dispute(

6&e DB s&all not e)press an# opinions durin' an# &earin' concernin' t&e merits of an# ar'uments ad%anced b# t&e 0arties( 6&ereafter$ t&e DB s&all ma;e and 'i%e its decision in accordance it& Sub7Clause +A(-$ or as ot&er ise a'reed b# t&e Emplo#er and t&e Contractor in ritin'( If t&e DB comprises t&ree persons: 1a4 1b4 it s&all con%ene in pri%ate after a &earin'$ in order to &a%e discussions and prepare its decisionC it s&all endea%our to reac& a unanimous decision: if t&is pro%es impossible t&e applicable decision s&all be made b# a majorit# of t&e Gembers$ &o ma# require t&e minorit# Gember to prepare a ritten report for submission to t&e Emplo#er and t&e ContractorC and

Section (!!% Genera &onditions



if a Gember fails to attend a meetin' or &earin'$ or to fulfil an# required function$ t&e ot&er t o Gembers ma# ne%ert&eless proceed to ma;e a decision$ unless: 1i4 1ii4 eit&er t&e Emplo#er or t&e Contractor does not a'ree t&at t&e# do so$ or t&e absent Gember is t&e c&airman and &e>s&e instructs t&e ot&er Gembers to not ma;e a decision(



*ection ;$$$1 Particu ar +onditions "PC#


*ection ;$$$1 Particu ar +onditions "P+#

The fo o$ing Particu ar &onditions sha supp ement the G&% Whenever there is a conf ict, the provisions herein sha prevai over those in the G&%

Section (!!!% Particu ar &onditions


Part ( .

+ontract Data
+onditions *ub.+ ause
A%A%7%7 R A%9


,mp oyer5s name and address

,ngineer5s name and address Bank5s name Borro3er5s name Time for +omp etion

A%A%7%@ R A%9 A%A%7%AA A%A%7%A7 A%A%9%9 NNNNNNNNNNNNNdays !f Sections are to be used, refer to Tab e: Summary of Sections be o$

Defects /otification Period *ections , ectronic transmission systems 6o!erning Ga3 -u ing anguage Ganguage for communications Time for access to the *ite En#in!!"<% Duti!% and Aut)o"it

A%A%9%F A%A%C%? A%9 A%@ A%@ A%@ 7%A C,5"b#"ii#

9?C days% !f Sections are to be used, refer to Tab e: Summary of Sections be o$

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNdays after &ommencement Date +ariations resulting in an increase of the &ccepted Contract &mount in e-cess ofFFFFL shall require appro$al of the Emplo er, The performance security $i be in the form of a NNNN Jinsert either one of /demand guarantee0 or /performance bond0K in the amount's) of Jinsert related figure"s#K percent of the 1ccepted &ontract 1mount and in the same currency'ies) of the 1ccepted &ontract 1mount%

Performance *ecurity


/orma 3orking hours De ay damages for the Works

?%C B%F R A@%AC'b) S of the &ontract Price per day% !f Sections are to be used, refer to Tab e: Summary of Sections be o$

Ma4imum amount of de ay damages Pro!isiona *ums

B%F A9%C%'b)'ii)

NNNNNNS of the fina &ontract Price% 5If there are 4ro$isional Sums( insert a percentage for ad2ustment of 4ro$isional SumsK NNNNNNNS

(djustments for +hanges in +ost


Period <n= app icab e to the adHustment mu tip ier <Pn=: FFFFFFFFFFJInsert the period if different from one "5# month1 if period /n0 is one "5# month( insert /not applicable0K S Percentage of the 1ccepted &ontract 1mount payab e in the currencies and proportions in $hich the 1ccepted &ontract 1mount is payab e

Tota ad!ance payment



Section (!!!% Particu ar &onditions

5Insert number and timing of installments if applicable6 -epayment amorti2ation rate of ad!ance payment Percentage of -etention Gimit of -etention Money P ant and Materia s A@%C'b)'i) A@%7'b) A@%9 A@%9 NNNNNNNS NNNNNNNS NNNNNNNS of the 1ccepted &ontract 1mount !f SubE& ause A@%C app ies: P ant and Materia s for payment $hen shipped en route to the Site NNNNNNNNNNNNNN5listK%


P ant and Materia s for payment $hen de ivered to the Site NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN5listK%

Minimum (mount of $nterim Payment +ertificates Ma4imum tota iabi ity of the +ontractor to the Emplo !"

A@%? AF%?

NNNNNNNNNNNNN S of the 1ccepted &ontract 1mount% JSelect one of the two options below as appropriateK The product ofNNNNNNNNNNNNNJinsert a multiplier less or greater than oneK times the 1ccepted &ontract 1mount, or NNNNNNNNNNNNNJinsert amount of the ma-imum total liabilit K

Periods for submission of insurance'


5Insert period for submission of e$idence of insurance and polic , 4eriod ma be from 5= da s to >: da s%K

a1 e!idence of insurance1 b1 re e!ant po icies Ma4imum amount of deductib es for insurance of the ,mp oyerPs risks Minimum amount of third party insurance Date by 3hich the DB sha be appointed The DB sha be comprised of >E,> >E,> AB%9 AB%7'd)

JInsert ma-imum amount of deductiblesK

JInsert amount of third part insuranceK

>: da s after the Commencement Either. Dne sole ?ember or. 'hree ?embers

Gist of potentia DB so e members


JDnl when the 3B is to be comprised of one sole member( list names of potential sole members1 if no potential sole members are to be included( insert. /none0K JInsert name of the appointing entit or officialK

(ppointment "if not agreed# to be made by


Tab e' *ummary of *ections

*ection /ameHDescription "*ub.+ ause 8181B16# Time for +omp etion "*ub.+ ause 8181313# Damages for De ay "*ub.+ ause A1C#

Section (!!!% Particu ar &onditions



Section (!!!% Particu ar &onditions

Part B

*pecific Pro!isions The +ontract Price

*ub.+ ause 8D18

'&lternati$e paragraph) 'e) 2otwithstanding the pro$isions of subparagraph "b#( ContractorMs Equipment( including essential spare parts therefore( imported b the Contractor for the sole purpose of e-ecuting the Contract shall be temporaril e-empt from the pa ment of import duties and ta-es upon initial importation , pro$ided the Contractor shall post with the customs authorities at the port of entr an appro$ed e-port bond or bank guarantee( $alid until the 'ime for Completion plus si- months( in an amount equal to the full import duties and ta-es which would be pa able on the assessed imported $alue of such ContractorMs Equipment and spare parts( and callable in the e$ent the ContractorMs Equipment is not e-ported from the Countr on completion of the Contract, & cop of the bond or bank guarantee endorsed b the customs authorities shall be pro$ided b the Contractor to the Emplo er upon the importation of indi$idual items of ContractorMs Equipment and spare parts, )pon e-port of indi$idual items of ContractorMs Equipment or spare parts( or upon the completion of the Contract( the Contractor shall prepare( for appro$al b the customs authorities( an assessment of the residual $alue of the ContractorMs Equipment and spare part to be e-ported( based on the depreciation scale"s and other criteria used b the customs authorities for such purposes under the pro$isions of the applicable %aws, Import duties and ta-es shall be due and pa able to the customs authorities b the Contractor on "a# the difference between the initial imported $alue and the residual $alue of the ContractorMs Equipment and spare parts to e-ported1 and "b# on the initial imported $alue that ContractorMs Equipment and spare parts remaining in the Countr after completion of the Contract, )pon pa ment of such dues within >: da s of being in$oiced( the bond or bank guarantee shall be reduced or released accordingl 1 otherwise the securit shall be called in the full amount remaining,


*ection $=1 (nne4 to the Particu ar +onditions . +ontract %orms

Tab e of %orms

?/ame of Bank@1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i :ctober 200311111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i ?/ot3ithstanding that each Mu ti atera De!e opment Bank and $nternationa %inancia $nstitution is a o3ed to draft its o3n 0ser5s 6uide& the fo o3ing notes are to be common y used1@111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112


/otification of (3ard Getter of (cceptance

Jletterhead paper of the Emplo erK


To: Jname and address of the ContractorK This is to notify you that your Bid dated JdateK for e-ecution of the Jname of the Contract and identification number( as gi$en in the Contract 3ataK for the 1ccepted &ontract 1mount of the e0uiva ent of Jamount in numbers and wordsK Jname of currenc K , as corrected and modified in accordance $ith the !nstructions to Bidders is hereby accepted by our 1gency% Kou are re0uested to furnish the Performance Security $ithin 7B days in accordance $ith the &onditions of &ontract, using for that purpose one of the Performance Security "orms inc uded in Section !D, 1nne- to the Particu ar &onditions E &ontract "orms, of the Bidding Document

1uthori#ed Signature: 2ame and Tit e of Signatory: 2ame of 1gency:

(ttachment' +ontract (greement

Section !D% &ontract "orms


+ontract (greement
T*!S 1G3++M+2T made the NNNNNNNN day of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN, NNNNN, bet$een NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNof NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 'hereinafter <the Emplo er=), of the one part, and NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 'hereinafter <the &ontractor=), of the other part: W*+3+1S the Emplo er desires that the Works kno$n as NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN shou d be e-ecuted by the &ontractor, and has accepted a Bid by the &ontractor for the e-ecution and comp etion of these Works and the remedying of any defects therein, The +mp oyer and the &ontractor agree as fo o$s: A% !n this 1greement $ords and e-pressions sha have the same meanings as are respective y assigned to them in the &ontract documents referred to% 7% The fo o$ing documents sha be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this 1greement% This 1greement sha prevai over a other &ontract documents% 'a) 'b) 'c) 'd) 'e) 'f) 'g) 'h) the Getter of 1cceptance the Getter of Bid the addenda 2os NNNNNNNN'if any) the Particu ar &onditions the Genera &onditions; the Specification the Dra$ings1 and the comp eted Schedu es,

9% !n consideration of the payments to be made by the Emplo er to the &ontractor as indicated in this 1greement, the &ontractor hereby covenants $ith the Emplo er to e-ecute the Works and to remedy defects therein in conformity in a respects $ith the provisions of the &ontract% @% The Emplo er hereby covenants to pay the &ontractor in consideration of the e-ecution and comp etion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein, the &ontract Price or such other sum as may become payab e under the provisions of the &ontract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the &ontract% !2 W!T2+SS $hereof the parties hereto have caused this 1greement to be e-ecuted in accordance $ith the a$s of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN on the day, month and year indicated above% Signed by NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 'for the Emplo er) Signed by NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 'for the &ontractor)


Section !D% &ontract "orms

Performance *ecurity
:ption 8' "Demand 6uarantee#

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF JBank<s *ame( and &ddress of Issuing Branch or DfficeK Beneficiary' NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN J*ame and &ddress of Emplo erK Date' NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN P,-%:-M(/+, 60(-(/T,, /o1' NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

We have been informed that NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Jname of ContractorK 'hereinafter ca ed Qthe &ontractorQ) has entered into &ontract 2o% NNNNNNNNNNNNN Jreference number of the contractK dated NNNNNNNNNNNN $ith you, for the e-ecution of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Jname of contract and brief description of !orksK 'hereinafter ca ed Qthe &ontractQ)% "urthermore, $e understand that, according to the conditions of the &ontract, a performance guarantee is re0uired% 1t the re0uest of the &ontractor, $e NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Jname of BankK hereby irrevocab y undertake to pay you any sum or sums not e-ceeding in tota an amount of NNNNNNNNNNN Jamount in figuresK ' ) Jamount in wordsK,> such sum being payab e in the types and proportions of currencies in $hich the &ontract Price is payab e, upon receipt by us of your first demand in $riting accompanied by a $ritten statement stating that the &ontractor is in breach of its ob igation's) under the &ontract, $ithout your needing to prove or to sho$ grounds for your demand or the sum specified therein% This guarantee sha e-pire, no ater than the O% Day of OO, 7O 9, and any demand for payment under it must be received by us at this office on or before that date%

'he ;uarantor shall insert an amount representing the percentage of the Contract 4rice specified in the Contract and denominated either in the currenc "cies# of the Contract or a freel con$ertible currenc acceptable to the Emplo er,

Insert the date twent -eight da s after the e-pected completion date, 'he Emplo er should note that in the e$ent of an e-tension of the time for completion of the Contract( the Emplo er would need to request an e-tension of this guarantee from the ;uarantor, Such request must be in writing and must be made prior to the e-piration date established in the guarantee, In preparing this guarantee( the Emplo er might consider adding the following te-t to the form( at the end of the penultimate paragraph. /'he ;uarantor agrees to a one-time e-tension of this guarantee for a period not to e-ceed Jsi- monthsKJone earK( in response to the Emplo er<s written request for such e-tension( such request to be presented to the ;uarantor before the e-pir of the guarantee,0

Section !D% &ontract "orms


This guarantee is subHect to the Uniform 3u es for Demand Guarantees, !&& Pub ication 2o% @CB, e-cept that subparagraph 'ii) of SubEartic e 78'a) is hereby e-c uded% NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Jsignature"s#K Not!* All italici;!d t!8t .includin# footnot!%/ i% fo" u%! in p"!pa"in# t)i% fo"m and %)all $! d!l!t!d f"om t)! final p"oduct,


Section !D% &ontract "orms

Option -* P!"fo"manc! Bond B this BondFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF as 4rincipal "hereinafter called /the Contractor0# andFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFK as Suret "hereinafter called /the Suret 0#( are held and firml bound untoFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF K as Dbligee "hereinafter called /the Emplo er0# in the amount of FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF( for the pa ment of which sum well and trul to be made in the t pes and proportions of currencies in which the Contract 4rice is pa able( the Contractor and the Suret bind themsel$es( their heirs( e-ecutors( administrators( successors and assigns( 2ointl and se$erall ( firml b these presents, !8EBE&S the Contractor has entered into a written &greement with the Emplo er dated the da of ( >E ( for FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF in accordance with the documents( plans( specifications( and amendments thereto( which to the e-tent herein pro$ided for( are b reference made part hereof and are hereinafter referred to as the Contract, *D!( '8EBEFDBE( the Condition of this Dbligation is such that( if the Contractor shall promptl and faithfull perform the said Contract "including an amendments thereto#( then this obligation shall be null and $oid1 otherwise( it shall remain in full force and effect, !hene$er the Contractor shall be( and declared b the Emplo er to be( in default under the Contract( the Emplo er ha$ing performed the Emplo er<s obligations thereunder( the Suret ma promptl remed the default( or shall promptl . "5# "># complete the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions1 or obtain a Bid or bids from qualified Bidders for submission to the Emplo er for completing the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions( and upon determination b the Emplo er and the Suret of the lowest responsi$e Bidder( arrange for a Contract between such Bidder and Emplo er and make a$ailable as work progresses "e$en though there should be a default or a succession of defaults under the Contract or Contracts of completion arranged under this paragraph# sufficient funds to pa the cost of completion less the Balance of the Contract 4rice1 but not e-ceeding( including other costs and damages for which the Suret ma be liable hereunder( the amount set forth in the first paragraph hereof, 'he term /Balance of the Contract 4rice(0 as used in this paragraph( shall mean the total amount pa able b Emplo er to Contractor under the Contract( less the amount properl paid b Emplo er to Contractor1 or pa the Emplo er the amount required b Emplo er to complete the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions up to a total not e-ceeding the amount of this Bond,


'he Suret shall not be liable for a greater sum than the specified penalt of this Bond,

Section !D% &ontract "orms


&n suit under this Bond must be instituted before the e-piration of one ear from the date of the issuing of the 'aking-D$er Certificate, *o right of action shall accrue on this Bond to or for the use of an person or corporation other than the Emplo er named herein or the heirs( e-ecutors( administrators( successors( and assigns of the Emplo er, In testimon whereof( the Contractor has hereunto set his hand and affi-ed his seal( and the Suret has caused these presents to be sealed with his corporate seal dul attested b the signature of his legal representati$e( this da of >E , SI;*E3 D* B In the presence of on behalf of in the capacit of

SI;*E3 D* B In the presence of

on behalf of in the capacit of


Section !D% &ontract "orms

(d!ance Payment *ecurity

Demand 6uarantee FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF JBank<s *ame( and &ddress of Issuing Branch or DfficeK Beneficiary' NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN J*ame and &ddress of Emplo erK Date' NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN (D;(/+, P(NM,/T 60(-(/T,, /o1' NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

We have been informed that NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Jname of ContractorK 'hereinafter ca ed Qthe &ontractorQ) has entered into &ontract 2o% NNNNNNNNNNNNN Jreference number of the contractK dated NNNNNNNNNNNN $ith you, for the e-ecution of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Jname of contract and brief description of !orksK 'hereinafter ca ed Qthe &ontractQ)% "urthermore, $e understand that, according to the conditions of the &ontract, an advance payment in the sum NNNNNNNNNNN Jamount in figuresK ' ) Jamount in wordsK is to be made against an advance payment guarantee% 1t the re0uest of the &ontractor, $e NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Jname of BankK hereby irrevocab y undertake to pay you any sum or sums not e-ceeding in tota an amount of NNNNNNNNNNN Jamount in figuresK ' ) Jamount in wordsK= upon receipt by us of your first demand in $riting accompanied by a $ritten statement stating that the &ontractor is in breach of its ob igation under the &ontract because the &ontractor used the advance payment for purposes other than the costs of mobi i#ation in respect of the Works% !t is a condition for any c aim and payment under this guarantee to be made that the advance payment referred to above must have been received by the &ontractor on its account number NNNNNNNNNNN at NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Jname and address of BankK% The ma-imum amount of this guarantee sha be progressive y reduced by the amount of the advance payment repaid by the &ontractor as indicated in copies of interim statements or payment certificates $hich sha be presented to us% This guarantee sha e-pire, at the atest, upon our receipt of a copy of the interim payment certificate indicating that eighty 'B8) percent of the &ontract Price has been certified for payment, or on the NNN day of NNNNN,

'he ;uarantor shall insert an amount representing the amount of the ad$ance pa ment and denominated either in the currenc "ies# of the ad$ance pa ment as specified in the Contract( or in a freel con$ertible currenc acceptable to the Emplo er,

Section !D% &ontract "orms


7NNN,C $hichever is ear ier% &onse0uent y, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at this office on or before that date%% This guarantee is subHect to the Uniform 3u es for Demand Guarantees, !&& Pub ication 2o% @CB% NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Jsignature"s#K Not!* All italici;!d t!8t .includin# footnot!%/ i% fo" u%! in p"!pa"in# t)i% fo"m and %)all $! d!l!t!d f"om t)! final p"oduct,

Insert the e-pected e-piration date of the 'ime for Completion, 'he Emplo er should note that in the e$ent of an e-tension of the time for completion of the Contract( the Emplo er would need to request an e-tension of this guarantee from the ;uarantor, Such request must be in writing and must be made prior to the e-piration date established in the guarantee, In preparing this guarantee( the Emplo er might consider adding the following te-t to the form( at the end of the penultimate paragraph. /'he ;uarantor agrees to a one-time e-tension of this guarantee for a period not to e-ceed Jsi- monthsKJone earK( in response to the Emplo er<s written request for such e-tension( such request to be presented to the ;uarantor before the e-pir of the guarantee,0


Section !D% &ontract "orms

-etention Money *ecurity

Demand 6uarantee FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF JBank<s *ame( and &ddress of Issuing Branch or DfficeK Beneficiary' NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN J*ame and &ddress of Emplo erK Date' NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN -,T,/T$:/ M:/,N 60(-(/T,, /o1' NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

We have been informed that NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Jname of ContractorK 'hereinafter ca ed Qthe &ontractorQ) has entered into &ontract 2o% NNNNNNNNNNNNN Jreference number of the contractK dated NNNNNNNNNNNN $ith you, for the e-ecution of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Jname of contract and brief description of !orksK 'hereinafter ca ed Qthe &ontractQ)% "urthermore, $e understand that, according to the conditions of the &ontract, $hen the TakingE4ver &ertificate has been issued for the Works and the first ha f of the 3etention Money has been certified for payment, payment of Jinsert the second ha f of the 3etention Money or if the amount guaranteed under the 4erformance ;uarantee when the 'aking-D$er Certificate is issued is less than half of the Betention ?one ( the difference bet$een ha f of the 3etention Money and the amount guaranteed under the Performance Security K is to be made against a 3etention Money guarantee% 1t the re0uest of the &ontractor, $e NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Jname of BankK hereby irrevocab y undertake to pay you any sum or sums not e-ceeding in tota an amount of NNNNNNNNNNN Jamount in figuresK ' ) Jamount in wordsK5 upon receipt by us of your first demand in $riting accompanied by a $ritten statement stating that the &ontractor is in breach of its ob igation under the &ontract because the &ontractor used the advance payment for purposes other than the costs of mobi i#ation in respect of the Works% !t is a condition for any c aim and payment under this guarantee to be made that the payment of the second ha f of the 3etention Money referred to above must have been received by the &ontractor on its account number NNNNNNNNNNN at NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Jname and address of

'he ;uarantor shall insert an amount representing the amount of the second half of the Betention ?one or( if the amount guaranteed under the 4erformance ;uarantee when the 'aking-D$er Certificate is issued is less than half of the Betention ?one ( the difference between half of the Betention ?one and the amount guaranteed under the 4erformance Securit and denominated either in the currenc "ies# of the second half of the Betention ?one as specified in the Contract( or in a freel con$ertible currenc acceptable to the Emplo er,

Section !D% &ontract "orms


This guarantee sha e-pire, at the atest, 7A days after the date $hen the +mp oyer has received a copy of the Performance &ertificate issued by the +ngineer% &onse0uent y, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at this office on or before that date% This guarantee is subHect to the Uniform 3u es for Demand Guarantees, !&& Pub ication 2o% @CB% NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Jsignature"s#K Not!* All italici;!d t!8t .includin# footnot!%/ i% fo" u%! in p"!pa"in# t)i% fo"m and %)all $! d!l!t!d f"om t)! final p"oduct,

Users Guide

%TB8DBRD =/DD/8" D$C>M.8T%

0ser5s 6uide
for Procurement of Works
?This is to be drafted by each Mu ti atera De!e opment Bank and $nternationa %inancia $nstitution for its o3n use@

?/ame of Bank@

Users Guide

52ot$ithstanding that each Mu ti atera Deve opment Bank and !nternationa "inancia !nstitution is a o$ed to draft its o$n Users Guide, the fo o$ing notes are to be common y used%6 +ontract Data The +mp oyer shou d insert re evant data prior to the issue of the bidding document% Where a number of days is to be inserted it is desirab e for the number to be a mu tip e of seven for consistency $ith the &onditions of &ontract% *pecification 'he following pro$ision is recommended to be included in the Specification

6enera *T$D and Q$;H($D* Pre!ention and mitigation a e!iation measures

'he Contractor shall ad$ise all Site staff and labor "including all the ContractorMs emplo ees( all Sub-Contractors and ConsultantsM emplo ees( and all truck dri$ers and crew making deli$eries to Site# of the dangers and impact of Se-uall 'ransmitted Infections 3iseases "S'3# in general and 8I+/&I3S in particular, 'o this end( the Contractor shall conduct Information( Education and Consultation Communication "IEC# campaigns at least e$er other month( addressed both to the aforementioned Site staff and labor and to the immediate local communities, 'he content for IEC will be based on the *ational S'I and 8I+/&I3S program, 'he Contractor shall throughout the Contract "including the 3efects *otification 4eriod# also pro$ide( maintain and operate at least one S'I and 8I+/&I3S clinic facilit on each Site or make alternate arrangements with an e-isting suitabl qualified and equipped local facilit clinic, Each facilit clinic shall be suitabl staffed and equipped to pro$ide for the professional screening( diagnosis and counseling of S'I3 and 8I+/&I3S cases for within the Site staff and labor "as defined abo$e#,Each facilit clinic shall also pro$ide professional treatment of the general S'3 and other 8I+/&I3S related opportunistic infections cases including medication1( while( including their immediate relati$es such as spouse and children 'hose tested "on a $oluntar basis# positi$e "for S'I or 8I+/&I3S# cases shall be put in touch with/referred to the *ational S'I and 8I+/&I3S program coordinated or e-ecuted b the ?inistr of 8ealth or entit responsible for carr ing out the *ational S'I and 8I+/&I3S 4rogram, 'he Contractor shall also make readil a$ailable at least 56E condoms per ear for each member of the abo$e-mentioned Site staff and labor, 'he condoms shall be of the male and female t pes( which shall be pro$ided in accordance with the gender of the recipient, 'he condoms shall compl with the respecti$e current !8D/)*&I3S Specification and ;uidelines,

Users Guide

'he Contractor shall maintain register/records of all the related acti$ities including training( attendance( distribution of condoms( test results on screening and referrals, 'he Contractor shall( throughout the contract( liaise with the *ational 8I+/&I3S Secretariat( ?inistr of 8ealth "?D8# and/or their designated local representati$es or agents. in drawing up the !orks< S'I3 and 8I+/&I3S alle$iation program "including IEC#1 in sub-contacting *;Ds e-perienced in this field who could be sub-contracted to implement the !orks program1 and to report progress and coordinate the S'I3 and 8I+/&I3S alle$iation measures on Site with the ?D8 *ational S'I and 8I+/&I3S 4rogram, &ll of the abo$e pro$isions shall be pro$ided free of charge to the participants, General Conditions (GC) The &onditions of &ontract comprise t$o parts: "a# "b# 6enera +onditions 'Section (!! of this document), and Particu ar +onditions 'Section (!!! of this document)%

The &onditions of &ontract have been prepared for an ad measurement 'unit price or unit rate) type of contract and cannot be used $ithout maHor modifications for other types of contract% The standard te-t of the Genera &onditions chosen must be retained intact to faci itate its reading and interpretation by Bidders and its revie$ by the Bank% 1ny amendments and additions to the Genera &onditions, specific to the contract in hand, shou d be introduced in the Particu ar &onditions%% 1 number of such Particu ar &onditions, app icab e to the above &onditions of &ontract, are inc uded in Section (!!!% The use of standard conditions of contract for a civi Works $i ensure comprehensiveness of coverage, better ba ance of rights or ob igations bet$een +mp oyer and &ontractor, genera acceptabi ity of its provisions, and savings in time and cost for bid preparation and revie$, eading to more economica prices% The Particu ar &onditions take precedence over the Genera &onditionsIsee SubE& ause A%C, Priority of Documents, in the Genera &onditions%

Users Guide

The Particu ar &onditions 'P&) comp ement the Genera &onditions 'G&) to specify data and contractua re0uirements inked to the specia circumstances of the country, the +mp oyer, the +ngineer, the sector, the overa proHect, and the Works% Part 1, the &ontract Data of P&, inc udes data to comp ement G& in a manner simi ar to the $ay in $hich the Bid Data Sheet comp ements the !nstructions to Bidders% Part B, the Specific Provisions of P& are samp e provisions for use by the +mp oyer in preparing the P&% They are not a comp ete standard set of P+ pro!isions ; countryE or ProHectEspecific provisions for P& must a so be prepared in each case% *o$ever, standard, countryEspecific P& shou d be deve oped% Whoever drafts the P& shou d be thorough y fami iar $ith the provisions of the G& and $ith any specific re0uirements of the &ontract% Gega advice is recommended $hen amending provisions or drafting ne$ ones% 2ote that the P+ pro!isions take precedence o!er those in the 6+% & ause numbers in the P& correspond to those in the G&%

*ub.+ ause 6128

Prohibition of Qarmfu +hi d Gabour

The &onvention on the 3ights of the &hi d adopted by the U2 Genera 1ssemb y on 2ovember A>B> and ratified by A>7 countries, defined in artic e A, 0uote Q a chi d means every human being be o$ the age of eighteen years un ess the a$ app icab e to the chi d, maHority is attained ear ierT un0uote% +conomica y e-p oitative is any $ages ess than the market rate or that paid for simi ar Qout putQ by adu t $orker% *ub.+ ause 8D18 The +ontract Price

If the Emplo er has arranged for e-emption of the Contractor from import duties with customs and e-cise authorities( 4aragraph "e# in the 4C Sub-Clause 5=,5 should be inserted, 8owe$er( the alternati$e 4aragraph "e# should be used where import duties and ta-es are to be le$ied on the $alue of depreciation of the Contractor<s Equipment during construction, Its use is recommended in situations where domestic contractors who ha$e paid full duties for the Contractor<s Equipment the use are to compete with foreign contractors *ection $=1 +ontract %orms

Users Guide

Standa"d Fo"m of Notification of A5a"d 'he 2otification of 1$ard will be the basis for formation of the Contract as described in I'B-C:, 'his Standard Form should be filled in and sent to the successful Bidder onl after e$aluation of bids has been completed( sub2ect to an re$iew b the Bank required under the %oan &greement,

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