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IAMSOUND Records PO BOX 46460 Los Angeles, CA 90046

Niki Roberton IAMSOUND Records PO BOX 46460 Los Angeles, CA 90046 19/12/13 Dear Niki, RE: Audience Feedback Results I recently commissioned an audience feedback survey on INFLUXXs debut single and music video Hurricane, I thought it would be best to inform you of the results. We questioned a control group of people aged 17-18 both male and female, we deliberately selected some audience members who fit the criteria of those in our target market and some were selected precisely because they were outside our target market, we did this to test how well it rated with those the product was aimed at whilst not crossing over into mainstream appeal and alienating our creative target market. Overall, I am fairly pleased with the response I received. We seem to have reached and appealed to our target audience, which will hopefully guarantee the success of the single/music video. Q3 in the evaluation question, to ensure we were targeting the correct groups, we asked the control respondents who their favourite artist is. The select two from the control group that we purposefully questioned as they are not seen to be part of our target audience replied with bands such as Coldplay and Drake. We received the expected answer from our target market naming artists within the indie/synth pop genre e.g. CHVRCHES, Passion Pit, Disclosure & MO. Below are the results from these two select people we surveyed that are not believed to be part of our target audience:

To the question Would you be inclined to watch this video again, in your own time? they both replied No. The female respondent also said no when asked if she would be influenced to purchase the song after watching the music video. On the other hand, the people we tested within the control group that we believe to fit our audience had very positive replies (see below).

These replies are very positive and what we could have only hoped for from people we believe to be in our target audience. When comparing the feedback from the person whos favourite artist is Coldplay in comparison to the person who replied CHVRCHES you can instantly see that we have reached our target audience successfully. INFLUXX are a male/female duo synth/indie pop band that do not wish to saturate a worldwide audience with (unlike bands such as Coldplay or Drake who are mainstream popular artists that try to appeal to as many target markets as possible) as it would dilute the standard of their music and their own individual style. INFLUXX have worked very hard to create an individual style through their Tumblr page, which features images of fashion, art, graphic design and architecture that reflects their own style, trying to appeal to a large target market is something that would only tarnish their reputation and style. By the time INFLUXXs style of music becomes popular or even chart worthy they will have already moved onto something new and innovative as they continue to develop and progress in their music style. In the research and planning stages of this project I put together a target audience profile and also carried out some market research (see below). The Creatives tribe fall into the 'Indie Scenesters' as a collective, this is a very good indication that we are looking at the right type of market for our band as Influxx are an indie/synth pop due, again this is shown in our audience feedback survey results. Now looking back at this research, I feel that we have been successful in our final media product. I gathered some feedback on the ancillary texts we produced (digipak and magazine advert). Below is the response I received on the digipak from Riley

Mackrory (Avant Garde music video director, best know for his work with CMLS):

Mackrory believes that the minimalism used on the digipak makes it unconventional and intriguing at the same time, which is probably quite reflective of the bands nature and the music they create. This is reassuring to hear that the fairly risky minimalism used on the ancillary texts is successful in its purpose to emulate the bands simplistic style. Mackrory also raised this issue how is the typical viewer is going to recognize the text of the artists name 'INFLUXX', it may require additional marketing to get the name 'out there' so that any imagery does not have to be used for recognition in the eyes of your target audience, however this depends on the bands existing popularity, if for example they are widely known, it is unlikely the target audience will have any qualms identifying with the bands name as opposed to their actual appearances (which you have not included on the cover.) This issue that he believed may arise is something we can overcome when looking at the promotional campaign for INFLUXX, however this is something that we must still take into consideration as it has been highlighted by our target audience.

We also received feedback from Mackrory on the magazine advertisement:

Riley highlighted that within the magazine advertisement, the QR barcode in particular: having it with no additional information on such a barren background really emphasizes its importance and is likely to be the deciding factor in whether the viewer actually scans it or not, which I believe they will. The use of a QR barcode that links to the bands Tumblr page is very different to anything any other band within the indie/synth pop genre has done before, however after looking at the feedback I received from Mackrory it seems that this is a successful way of promoting INFLUXXs debut album (in the eyes of our target audience). Initially we were concerned about the minimalism of the ancillary texts however this response from Mackrory I think the lack of information really adds something to the poster, it almost seems like some sort of 'movement' because of the very iconic imagery and text used for the artists name 'INFLUXX' it is the type of

unexplained design that you would see cropping up in music venues and at festivals alike. Is very reassuring to us knowing that the minimalistic and simplistic style of the magazine advertisement would be understood and received well by our target audience. Mackrory also highlighted this issue One potential issue with using such a plain white poster as a main advertisement for a band is that the locations that these advertisements would be placed would have to be selected carefully, for example, it may be difficult to use them in very public places such as shopping centres or the London Underground as more often than not the standard colour of walls etc is white, meaning that the poster would be quite indistinguishable. Having a range of colour-ways that would be suitable to the environment where the posters/promotional campaigns would be placed could solve this issue highlighted by Riley. Conclusively, I believe that we have learnt a huge amount from the audience feedback we have received on our main product and ancillary texts. We have proven that our music video is successful within our target audience e.g. that they would be inclined to watch the video again in their own time and they would also purchase the song after watching the music video. At first we were concerned about the minimalistic style of the texts however, the comprehensive feedback I received on the ancillary texts also proves the success of these. I hope that you will be relieved to hear this news. Kind regards, Meghan Kiely IAMSOUND Records PO BOX 46460 Los Angeles, CA 90046

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