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Evaluation of the system

Aims of the system Provide quicker and accurate service. Provide a better security. Minimise the efforts of employers doing their respective task. Provide easy and accurate retrieval of data. Reduce physical storage space. To be able to update files easier and quicker. To provide auto updating of files. n this system! there are many good and some bad points. objective met Yes Yes Partially Yes Yes Yes Yes

Good points

Fewer rates of errors. "y computerisation! all the #ork #ill be more accurate and there #ill be fe#er errors #hile inputting data as there are validation checks such as character type checks! range checks! length checks. Quick and efficient service. t follo#s that almost no time #ill be lost and hence! a quick and efficient service ca be provided to the clients. The receptionist ca be printing some information and at the same time adding details of ne# clients. Processing of data is also done faster! i.e. searching and more accurate results are obtained! resulting in better decisions. Storage space. More storage space is available #ith computerisation and the use of bulky books and filing cabinets is eliminated. A small $.% inch disk can store &.'' Mb! #hich is about & %(( ((( characters. No duplication of information.

nformation concerning the clients needs only to be entered only once and can be transferred to be used for several tasks.

Backup. nformation about clients can be easily copied on magnetic medias or optical disks in case the original one is corrupted. This is easier and much quicker than having it be done manually. Computers can work continuously. The computer can process data )e.g. printing* by itself #hile the receptionist is having a break.

Bad points Staff needs to be trained. The receptionist #ill have to be trained in order to use the computerised system as probably he does not have any e+perience #ith computers. Training can be both e+pensive and time consuming and has to be borne by the employer. Moreover! if one of the staff leaves the job! the ne# person #ho #ill be employed needs to be trained. Cost. To computerised the system there #ill be additional costs such as the computer itself! the printer and other peripheral devices and the furniture. f the computer is used for a long

time! electricity bills may become high too. Also! if the computer breaks do#n! money is needed to repair it. Heavy dependency on the system. The receptionist may feel too dependent on the computerised system. f the computerised system breaks do#n )po#er failure or any type of problem*! either an alternative system #ill have to be used or the jobs #ill have to be postponed.

Further improvements
The system can be improved further by, -onnecting it to the internet and thus being able to send e.mails to customers for advertising or to send reminders. /or this to be possible the o#ner #ill need to have the e.mail address of the customers. -reating a #eb site for advertising and to sell products via the internet. -onnecting the t#o bookshops o#ned by the o#ner and make the system a real. time processing.

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