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To: Colonel Blais.

This is urgent and I would encourage you to take this situation very seriously in the context of circumventing the potential for a double suicide occurring in short order. They have reached out to the CVA for assistance now that they are in Ontario and Director Westholm has met with them and provided unto me a briefing on the situation. Under the circumstances of this past week, the mere threat of a double suicide is very alarming, clearly, our duty is to apprise you of the situation and encourage you to establish contact with all due haste and provide the emergency services in Ottawa that is clearly warranted under the circumstances. The situation is critical, the threat of suicide clear and present. I would also encourage you to exercise compassion, they are acting out of desperation and in crisis, they have taken the extraordinary step to come to Ottawa seeking care and have defined the journey as their last effort... I am hopeful that you will work with Director Westholm to resolve this issue, alleviate the threat of suicide and provide the care required to deescalate this situation and provide the foundation for a successful transition. Barry has submitted the following letter to define the situation. Please include me in all correspondence. Sincerely Michael L Blais CD President/Founder - Canadian Veterans Advocacy | ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Gerard Hello I recently had a four-hour meeting with a military family, one of whom is admittedly posted to the JPSU. The situation they face is dire and it was mentioned that they were on a "last hope" pilgrimage for assistance they couldn't get at their IPSC (suicide was mentioned several times). To underscore the sensitivity of this issue, this couple was referred to me by a prominent member of the media who rather than exploit their situation, sought out the assistance of the CVA.

I asked for, and received, their permission to relate their circumstance to you with the understanding that you would support them without repercussion, most notably in the form of the Military Police. I will not release their names until I receive your word on this support and caveat. They have been away from the JPSU without authority of leave (AWOL) for over a week, and claimed that no one has bothered to contact them. They said that this fact alone has deepened their combined depression and sense of isolation - they both suffer from PTSD among other ailments. In the course of our conversation, they described the environment at their current IPSC as unsupportive, intrusive and toxic. They have traveled half-way across Canada on their own accord, and at their own expense, and have decided on a COA where the soldier will self-admit into a local Ontario medical facility for help. The CVA fully supports this family and while we're sure their situation is complex, we have no doubt as to the authenticity of their anguish. Please advise me on how you would like to go forward. Sergeant Major (ret'd) Barry Westholm, CD Director, Canadian Armed Forces Engagement Canadian Veterans Advocacy 613 587 4203

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