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The One Who Saved Us All

Caitrin Clark Junior Division Individual Website

Elvis was a very difficult to ic to choose because he was very on and off! "ou could never really know anything about hi#! $ike% he was very secretive about how he died! Everyone said that he had a heart attack but how could you have a heart attack in a bathroom? The reason why I chose this thou&h is because he was a very interestin& to ic and when I was ickin& hi#% I only did it because he was the only &uy that I knew of% off the to of #y head% which ca#e before '(((! This is because Elvis was very o ular and I)# sure that there wasn)t anyone but children that didn)t know about hi#! I went to different site tryin& to find as #uch info about #y to ic as I could! Althou&h% Elvis is dead and there is no one askin& hi# about how it all ha ened! *ow% I)# not sayin& that infor#ation on Elvis is li#ited% because% Elvis is a very o ular to ic even thou&h it is old! Elvis is like the +EA$ ,th wonder of the world! -e is thou&ht about and thou&ht about so #uch that it)s really never &oin& to #ake sense to us! Elvis kind of like the &reat yra#ids! *o one knows how the E&y tians &ot those heavy bricks into yra#ids like that without .ust &ivin& u ! I was raised on +ock *) +oll! /y entire fa#ily knows it! So% I thou&ht% 0-ey% if I like +ock *) +oll so #uch% #aybe I should do #y to ic on it!1 2ut I didn)t want JUST to do #y ro.ect on +ock *) +oll! I wanted to do it on the start of +ock! Elvis was the first one who ca#e to #y #ind! I have loved the idea of Elvis ever since I was a toddler! I even dressed u like Elvis for -alloween one year! I said% 0Thank you very #uch31 to everyone who &ave #e candy in #y hi&h4 itched little so rano voice! When I &ot #y idea to do Elvis% I .ust &ot so hooked on doin& on this that I .ust went a little cra5y ty in& and so#eti#es &ot over the li#it of '%6(( words! I think that this was the best choice of a to ic! /y to ic relates to the *-D the#e because Elvis convinced kids and teena&ers to break loose and sto bein& so u ti&ht! I call this The Right to Rock N Roll, The Right to a Freedom of Speech, or The Right to Break Loose! This to ic e7 lains how Elvis chan&ed the world with his8 ants! -e 9or I: had the lan to act overly se7ual to convince kids that bein& so u ti&ht was borin& and that kids to youn& adults deserved to have #ore fun3 It was robably the &reatest thin& that he could ossibly do for A#erica! That is robably why so#e kids fro# other country)s arents are really strict! Their country needed an Elvis!

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