8th World Peace Forum: 18 - 22 June, 2014

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8th World Peace Forum

18 22 June, 2014
1914-2014 From World War to World Cooperation In Cooperation with: The European Union The European Parliament, The or!onne Uni"er#it$, Pari#, Fran%e, The Uni"er#it$ o& 'u(em!our), The Uni"er#it$ o& Trier, *erman$ The Uni"er#it$ o& the aarland, *erman$ Uni"er#it$ o& la Coruna, pain '+In#titut Fran%ai# du 'u(em!our) 3ur Theme#: 0o International 3r)ani4ation# !rin) a!out Pea%e5 - 100 $ear# o& ,ultilaterali#m and *lo!al Cooperation "er#u# Unilateral *o"ernment# - International 3r)ani4ation#, *lo!al 6*3#, International Ci"i% -##o%iation# - Where do we )o &rom here5 -%hie"ement# and Future Per#pe%ti"e# -Partner Countrie# 2014: 7o#nia-8er4e)o"ina, Tur2e$, Poland and Pa2i#tan

The ,eetin) Pla%e o& E(pert# and -%ti"i#t# &rom o"er .0 Countrie#/ Con&eren%e#, 0e!ate#, 'e%ture# 1 Wor2#hop#, with Pro&e##ional# &rom Europe, 'atin -meri%a , the U -, -&ri%a and -#ia/

Wednesday, 18 June, 2014 %hen)en 9 Perl 0::00 p/m/ 3penin) with 7en 8oman, ,a$or o& %hen)en, at the Centre Europeen, %hen)en 0;:<0 p/m/ 3&&i%ial 3penin) 0inner with dinner de!ate =1914-2014 - From World War to World Cooperation+ 0>:<0 p/m/ Con%ert with $nop#i# &rom 7ueno# -ire#, -r)entina 09:<0 p/m/ 'ate 6i)ht Tal2 with ,atthew ando"al =Make War Illegal+

Thursday, 19 June, 2014 Focus Country: Bosnia 09:00 a/m/ ?eli)iou# Ceremon$ Pro%e##ion Perl- %hen)en @eteran# la$in) down &lower# 10:00 a/m/ -rri"al o& 0ele)ate# 11:00 a/m/ United 6ation# Fla) ,andala 0a)mar 7er2en!er), *oi Pea%e Foundation, and "eteran# &rom around the world 11:<0 a/m/ Plenar$ e##ion I: 100 anos de organismos interna ionales !a prote i"n de la tierra tarea entre todos !os tratados # on$enios intergo%ernamentales 12:<0 p/m/ 3penin) o& E(hi!ition Photo 0o%umentation o& WWI Pro&/ 0urand, Uni"er#itA '$on III !&'tat de l('urope en 1914 01:00 p/m/ - 'un%h le%ture: Creation o) *ea e Ministries/ 02:00 p/m/ 7u#e# to Bir%h!er) 02:<0 p/m/ Plenar$ e##ion II: International 3r)ani4ation#, *lo!al 6*3#, International Ci"i% -##o%iation# Colonel Plan%het, ,et4 1914 2014, 100 ans en 'urope 04:<0 p/m/ The European Union and the 7al2an 7o#nia in Europe a&ter 100 Cear# o& War 0::00 p/m/ 7u#e# return to %hen)en 0;:<0 p/m/ 7o#nian 0inner 0e!ate: +lo%al *rospe ts on ,osnia 0>:<0 p/m/ Con%ert =-ll .oget/er 0o1+, with ,eti##a, in)er &rom 7erlin, *erman$ 09:<0 p/m/

'ate 6i)ht Tal2 with Cri#tina Pena 2Make t/e Word 2 ompetition& Illegal+ Friday, 20 June, 2014 Focus Country: Poland 09:00 a/m/ -rri"al, peed-6etwor2in) 10:00 a/m/ 3penin) o& the E(hi!ition =3eine +e1alt+ 0r/ ,i%hael %hD!it4, 7erlin 11:00 a/m/ Plenar$ e##ion III: From 2Just War& to 4umanitarian Inter$ention - ./e role o) 4uman 5ig/ts as a Frame o) 4umanitarian Inter$ention6 With a%harow 'aureate# Plenar$ e##ion I@: !a prote i"n de los re ursos naturales es pre$en i"n de on)li tos6 -gua, -ire, .ierra 7ere /os 4umanos ,asi os para todos6 Eo#$ane te&&: 4eren ia 'uropea-aprendiendo de 4ildegard 12:00 a/m/ Plenar$ e##ion @ 8/E/ 7arto#4 Ealowie%2i, Em!a##ador o& Poland

228 9ears a)ter t/e Fall o) t/e Wall 28 9ears o) *ea e)ul 5e$olutions in Central 'urope&

01:00 p/m/ 'un%h le%ture - Poland: +lo%al *rospe ts on *oland 02:00 p/m/ 7u#e# to Bir%h!er) 0<:<0 p/m/ Plenar$ e##ion @I ./e 4istor# o) 4umanitarian Inter$ention *ro)6 Jaime Cardenas, :antiago de Compostela, Justi ia 5estaurati$a 28 #ears a)ter t/e .rut/ Commisssions in :out/ -)ri a Culture, 5eligion and Con)li t 0::00 p/m/ 7u#e# return to %hen)en 0;:<0 p/m/ 7ra4ilian 6i)ht 0inner, 0e!ate, Con%ert

aturday, 21 June, 2014 Focus Country: Tur!ey 09:00 a/m/ -rri"al, peed-6etwor2in) 10:00 a/m/ Pre#entation o& Creati"it$ Wor2#hop# Inau)uration o& E(hi!ition =*la##+, in homa)e to Blau# ?a2ewit4, and *ertraud ?a2ewit4+ E(hi!ition =;on 3op) %is Fuss+ 10:<0 a/m/ Plenar$ e##ion @II: Women in War .imes 0-.< and +ender 11/<0 a/m/ Plenar$ e##ion @III: 'l 5ol de la Mu=er en la *rote ion de la 0aturale>a !os Con)li tos # la Contamina ion 'l Cam%io Climati o # las +randes Migra iones6 12:00 a/m/ Wor2#hop# on the ?ole o& Women =Women, ta!ilit$ 1 Pea%e+ -In .urke# -In :out/ -meri a -In :o ial Justi e -*re$enting Con)li ts 01:00 p/m/ 'un%h 'e%ture - Tur2e$: +lo%al *rospe ts on .urke# 02:00 p/m/ Plenar$ e##ion IF 7o International <rgani>ations %ring a%out *ea e? 5e)ugees6 ./e 5ole o) t/e @nited 0ations and 5e ipient Countries6 .urke#(s 5ole in t/e :#rian Con)li t C/ildren in Con)li ts-a Frame1ork )or t/e *rote tion o) C/ildren 'urope 260A !ampedusa, 1/atBs neCt? 0<:00 p/m/ Plenar$ e##ion F Pro&/ 8enriGue ,artini ?omano =?e%i%la)e 3r)ani%a por la ?e#titui%iHn de lo# 0ere%ho# de Fertilidad de la Tierra+ 04:00 p/m/ - Pre#entation o& the = $ner)o# Foundation+ 0.:00 p/m/ - Pre#ention o& the ='u(em!our) Pea%e Pri4e+ 0::00 p/m/ Ca#min ,eera 9 Pea%e

0an%e Per&orman%e 0;:00 p/m/ =!e .emple de la *aiC+ a"e% la Cham!re de ,u#iGue -n%ienne aar!rue%2en, 0ir/'ut4 *illmann 0>:00 p/m/ *ala 0inner unday, 22 June, 2014 Focus Country: Pa!istan 09:00 a/m/ -rri"al, peed-6etwor2in) 10:00 a/m/ Plenar$ e##ion FI: *ost War :trategies 5e onstru tionA ,uilding *ea e *akistan, a Countr# torn %# Wars 0atural disasters and 5e%uilding o) t/e 0ation6 12:00 a/m/ Wor2#hop#: -0atural 5esour es and *otential Con)li tsA Congo on)li t -./e ne1 +lo%al WarA International .errorism -Communi ation a%out WarsA 'm%edded Media $s6

9outu%e -:a)et# $s6 Freedom in )ront o) .errorism ./reat6

01:00 p/m/ Clo#in) 'un%h 'e%ture Pa2i#tan: +lo%al *rospe ts on *akistan

Firewor2# in 'u(em!our) Cit$

Parallel Events during the World Peace Forum 2014: 5eligious 7ialogue and :piritual :upport -n Interreligious *ra#er 5oom 1ill %e made a$aila%le during t/e Forum

-rt, Musi D Creati$it# -rtists )rom around t/e 1orld 1ill o))er ontinuous -rt Works/ops during t/e W*F 2014

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