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Christmas Update 2013

"But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall. Malachi 4:2

Merry Christmas Beloved Saints, Loved Ones, Family, Friends, I am so happy to greet you this season from Washington State where I have had the glorious experience of attending the birth of my first grandchild, Matthew Isaiah. I cant fully express the Joy I feel that my child has had a child. In these 2 weeks I have seen him change in so many ways already. Birthed in expectation, this new life has changed my world. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be to all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. ~ Luke 2:10-11 Our Lord and Savior was birthed out of expectation and changed everything, actually split time forever. Let us remember, this season, to shower our love upon the One who came, vulnerable as a human babe but has His place at the right hand of God, waiting to make all things new, the Sun of Righteousness, our Redeemer, the Beginning and the End, Morning Star, our Prince of Peace, Messiah, Jesus Christ!!

2013 Successes

We have finished our registration and received our tax-exempt status ~ thanks to many prayers and several champions of WoH in Juba. This truly is a great success considering we were maneuvering through a 2-year-old government. The Kinyiba community, led by our dearly departed brother in Christ and landlord, Alfred Luboka, doubled our land grant from 2.44 acres to 4.88 acres for our main compound. I am truly humbled by the love and acceptance that has been showered upon me by these lovely and fragile people. Kenyi, our 18-month-old with the eye laceration caused by a distant relative acting out while intoxicated, has had a second successful surgery on December 16th. He had formed a traumatic cataract on his offended eye and that has been removed. The man, Wani, who caused the injury, responded to loving counsel and has truly changed his life. The parents of the child were counseled and did not take revenge against one of Wanis childrens eye. Praise God! Phase II of the compound building project , kitchen enlargement and Staff/Team dorm building has been completed with the exception of painting. To God be the Glory! Rose, Esther and Winnie continue in their studies and are doing well. Esther will advance to secondary next term.

2014 Goals

Paint all buildings Jan-Feb, during dry season, and put ceilings in my house and the officethen construction is done! Concentrated language learning Jan-MarchIts very important to be able to communicate without an interpreter Expand our tent pegs working with a new clinical facility, consulting on systems and patient flow and mentor nurses Continue Peacebuilding activities with the Department of Religious Affairs, expand our work with Ministry of Health Seek and we shall findmissionaries to join us in the work of agriculture and development. Two possible ministries coming alongside this year, Water for All, low cost well drilling and ECHO agricultural intern. Repair the wrecked pickup truck The ministry depends on this vehicle to bring in our supplies from Uganda. We will have difficulty even feeding ourselves on the compound without a truck. Praying about a newer vehicle, also. Start our Cultivate Life plowing for widows and orphans program in Spring Start screening applicants this winter

CornerStone International, PO Box 192, Wilmore, KY 40390 800.859.4578

Save the date!!

I will be hosting a donor appreciation and fundraising event in Texas and Washington, tentatively April 26th and May 8th respectively. Come ready to have fun and bring someone along with you. My time in the states is full and I want to see you all. Updates to come.

To be able to reach the people and expand our work in the much needed areas of Community Health Evangelism training, hiring and training additional staff, reliable transportation, Bible studies, sports evangelism, school outreaches, medical care, development training (composting latrines, low cost hand well drilling) to name a few, we need to increase our support base. All of you, my mighty army of supporters, have done a great thing in 2013. I am asking you to pull out the stops with a year end gift to start our new year off with an ample supply. As I write, the news continues to break of a coup attempt and 5 days of armed conflict in South Sudan that could be tribally fueled. When these things happen, especially in the beginning of dry season, food security becomes one of the many issues for a people just trying to survive. As I return to Africa by way of Uganda on Christmas day, please be praying for peace in South Sudan. Peace is a justice issue, a security, development, human rights and gender issue. Oxford dictionary explains that it is also a state of freedom from fear and threats of any kind. Peace is the state that guaranties all human rights. It is a state of emotional and social stability and development. It is a state of environmental safety, human security and success.

Help us Build a New Nation! Merry Christmas from the board of WoH
Pastor Amo Emmanuel, teacher Sunday Betty and contractor Johnson Musisi!

Love to you all, Amanda

CornerStone International . PO Box 192, Wilmore, KY 40390 . 800-859-4578

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