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Certified Mail Article Number: Common-Law Trust Tax Exempt Foreign Status ublic Notice!

ublic "ecord For t#e purposes of t#is Common-Law Trust$ t#e terms %&nited States' and %&(S(' mean onl) t#e Foreign Federal Legislati*e +emocrac) of t#e +istrict of Columbia ,+(C(- %Federal Corporation' State t#e term %State' means -,A- t#e se*eral States. ,/- t#e +istrict of Columbia. ,C- t#e Commonwealt# of uerto "ico. ,+- t#e &nited States 0irgin 1slands. ,E- 2uam. ,F- American Samoa. ,2- t#e Nort#ern Mariana 1slands. ,3- t#e Trust Territor) of t#e acific 1slands. and ,1- 1ndian tribes$ defined pursuant to t#e Secretar) and an) ot#er Territor) wit#in t#e %&nited States$' w#ic# entit) #as its origin and 4urisdiction from Article 5$ Section 6$ Clause 57-56$ and Article 10$ Section 8$ Clause 9 of t#e Constitution for t#e &nited States( T#e Terms %&nited States' and %&(S(' are not to be construed to mean or include t#e so*ereign eople$ or an) of t#e :; unit) States of America( Neit#er born nor naturali<ed in t#e %&nited States' nor %sub4ect to its 4urisdiction$' 1 am not now nor e*er #a*e been$ as described in 9= CF" 5(5-5,c- and t#e 5>t# Amendment$ a %&(S( Citi<en(' T#erefore$ 1 am %foreign' wit# respect to t#e %&nited States(' 1 am not now nor e*er #a*e been$ as defined in 9= &SC 6=:,g-,5-,A-$ a %resident of t#e &(S(' 1 #a*e never made$ wit# any %?nowingl) intelligent acts' ,Brady v. U.S., 397 U.S. 742, 748-$ any *oluntar) election under 9= &SC =;58 or 9= CF" 5(67>-> to be treated as a %&(S( resident alien' for an) purpose( Furt#er. 1 #a*e utterl) no intention of ma?ing an) suc# election in t#e future( 1 am one of t#e So*ereign eople - American( 1 am a non-taxpa)er( 1 am not now nor e*er #a*e been$ defined pursuant to: 9= &SC 77;5 ,a-,8;-$ a %&(S( person(' 1 am not now nor e*er #a*e been$ defined pursuant to: 9= &CS 77;5 ,a-,5>-$ a %taxpa)er' 1 do not #a*e now nor e*er #ad$ defined pursuant to: 9= &SC @55 ,d-,8-$ a %tax #ome wit#in t#e %&(S(' 1 am outside t#e general *enue and 4urisdiction of t#e &(S( Federal Corporation( 1 am not now nor e*er #a*e been$ defined pursuant to: 9= &SC 8>;5$ an %officer$' or an %emplo)ee$' or an %elected official' of t#e %&nited States$' of a %State' or of an) political subdi*ision t#ereof$ nor of t#e +istrict of Columbia nor of a %domestic' corporation$ earning %wages' from an %emplo)er(' 1 am not now nor e*er #a*e been$ defined pursuant to: 85 &SC 8758$ a %fiduciar)$' or$ as defined pursuant to: 9= &SC =@;5$ a %transferee' or a %transferee of a transferee(' 1 am not now nor e*er #a*e been$ defined pursuant to: 9= &SC Subtitle /$ a %donor' or a %contributor$' and as one of t#e So*ereign eople - American$ 1 am exempt from an) gift tax under 9= &SC Subtitle /( As one of t#e So*ereign eople - American not engaged in or effecti*el) connected wit# an) %trade or business wit#in t#e %&nited States$' 1 am not required b) law to obtain a %&(S( Taxpa)er 1dentification Number or a Social Securit) Number because of m) exemption under 9= CF" 8;5(=5;@-5,g-( Furt#er$ 1 am not required b) law to ma?e$ as defined pursuant to: 9= CF" 5(=;5:,a--5$ a %declaration' because 1 am exempt under 9= CF" 5(=;5:,1--5 and fundamental law( As one of t#e So*ereign eople - American$ 1 #a*e no %self-emplo)ment income(' As on of t#e So*ereign eople - American$ 1 deri*e no %gross incomeA from sources wit#in t#e %&(S($' eit#er %effecti*el) connected' or %not effecti*el) connected wit# t#e conduct of a trade or business in t#e %&(S($' as defined pursuant to: 9= &SC 679,a-( As one of t#e So*ereign eople - American$ m) pri*ate-sector remuneration is %from sources wit#out t#e &(S(' defined pursuant to: 9= CF" 5(5>>5-8,a-$ and does not constitute 9= &SC 8>;5 %wages$' and is t#erefore not mandator) wit##olding under 9= &SC 8>;9,a-$85;5,a-$ or 9= CF" 5(5>>-5- because of itBs exemption under 9= &SC 8>;5 ,a-,=- and fundamental law. As on of t#e So*ereign eople - American$ 1 never intentionall) made$ wit# any %?nowingl) intelligent acts$' any *oluntar) wit##olding %agreement' defined pursuant to: 9= &SC 8>;9,p-( As of t#e So*ereign eople - American$ m) income is not included as %gross income' under Subtitle A and is exempt from wit##olding( As one of t#e So*ereign eople - American$ wit# no income from sources wit#in t#e %&(S($' m) pri*atesector$ non-U.S. income is free from all federal tax under fundamental law( ,see Treasury Decisions

Certified Mail Article Number: 3146 and 3640, and United States v. Morris, 12 !."e#t. 322.331-( As on of t#e So*ereign eople - American$ m) estate and!or trust is$ defined pursuant to: 9= &SC 77;5,a,85-$ a tax-exempt %foreign estate or trust(' As %natural freeborn spiritual being' ,see $$%1% o& t'e (onstitution- one of t#e free So*ereign eople American$ 1B*e never *oluntaril)$ intentionall) wai*e$ wit# any %?nowingl) intelligent acts$' any of m) una-lien-able rig#ts$ and$ #a*e utterl) no intention of doing so now nor in t#e future( An) prima facie e*idence or presumption to t#e contrar) is #ereb) rebutted( An) past signatures on 1"S and SSA forms$ statements$ etc( were in error and in*oluntaril) made under t#reat$ duress and coercion( 1 #ereb) re*o?e$ cancel and render *oid$ Nunc Pro Tunc$ bot# currentl) and retroacti*el) to t#e time of signing$ an) and all suc# signatures( 1 reser*e m) Common Law rig#t$ not to be compelled to perform under an) agreement t#at 1 #a*e not entered into ?nowingl)$ *oluntaril)$ and intentionall)( 1 am not a 9= &SC 79;8 %person reCuired(' 1 an a non-taxpa)er$ outside bot# general and tangential *enue and 4urisdiction of Title 9=$ &nited States Codes( T#e public record being t#e #ig#est form of e*idence$ freeborn spiritual being on t#e land being of sound mind$ competent$ o*er t#e age of eig#teen do #ereb) certif)$ *erif)$ state$ claim and declare fore*er wit#out abandonment. "eal ropert) ,on Eart#-. ersonal ropert) ,bod)-. and Ecclesiastical ropert) ,soultoget#er wit# all trusts$ probate$ rig#ts$ titles$ interests droit$ droit bot# absolute and contingent$ as are due and as mig#t become due$ now existing and as mig#t #ereafter arise$ and as mig#t be suffered b)$ imposed on$ and incurred b) +ebtor for an) and e*er) reason$ purpose$ and cause w#atsoe*er( "10ATE defined: Affecting or belonging to pri*ate indi*iduals$ as distinct from t#e public generall)( Not official. not clot#ed wit# office( eople *( owell$ 96; Mic#( =@@$ 97> N(D( 879$ 878( /lac?Bs Law +ictionar) Sixt# Edition ,page 55@:Sui Euris$ ?nown as: Eo#n$ of t#e genealog) of +oe freeborn spiritual being on t#e land state t#e facts contained #erein are true$ correct$ complete$ and not misleading$ to t#e best of m) personal first #and ?nowledge and belief( /eing of sound mind$ competent$ o*er t#e age of 56( T#is m) free will$ *oluntar) act and deed to ma?e$ execute$ seal$ ac?nowledge and deli*er under m) #and and seal wit# explicit reser*ation of all m) unalienable rig#ts and m) specific common law rig#t not to be bound b) an) contract or obligation w#ic# 1 #a*e not entered into ?nowingl)$ willingl)$ *oluntaril)$ and wit#out misrepresentation$ duress$ or coercion$ w#ereb) 1 did not sign nor consent( 1 am not now nor #a*e e*er been a &(S( Citi<en or a Fourteent# Amendment Federal Citi<en or Emplo)ee$ 1 am not bound b) sworn oat# or oat# of office( D#ereas 1 #ereb) disclaim Clauses Fne and Two of Section Fne to t#e Fourteent# Amendment$ toget#er wit# Article Four Section T#ree Clause Two( %Dit#out t#e &(S(' S#ould t#is not be true t#en let t#e record be corrected or it will stand as trut#( Time is of t#e essence( 0eracit). 1n m) ri*ate Capacit) as 2eneral Executor!Executrix of said Cestui Gue Trust ,Estate- account +roit$ +roit$ T#is ser*es Notice t#at )our offer #as been Accepted as 0aluable Consideration and "eturned for 0alue( T#is propert) is Exempt from Le*)( lease Ad4ust t#is Account for t#e roceeds$ roducts$ Accounts and Fixtures and "elease T#e Frder,s- of T#e Court to Me 1mmediatel)( Ma?e ad4ustment and close t#is account immediatel)$ wit# pre4udice( 1 accept )our Fat#$ Fat# of Fffice Securit) Agreement$ Constitutions as b)-laws$ and Malfeasance /ond and place )ou in t#e ri*ate commencing t#is selfexecuting binding contract between )ou and 1( Furt#er$ 1 appoint )ou trustee %Full) ersonall) Liable Now' on )our #onor and solemn Fat# to perform )our obligations and duties to rotect M) un-a-lien-able "ig#ts in )our Fiduciar) Capacit) against an) and all claims$ legal actions$ orders$ warrants$ 4udgments$ demands$ liabilities$ losses$ foreclosure$ depositions$ summonses$ lawsuits$ costs$ fines$ liens$ le*ies$ penalties$ taxes$ damages$ interests$ and expenses w#atsoe*er$ bot# absolute and contingent$ as are due and as mig#t become due$ now existing and as mig#t #ereafter arise$ and as mig#t be suffered b)$ imposed on$ and incurred b) +ebtor for an) and e*er) reason$ purpose$ and cause w#atsoe*er( lease #onor Fbligation of 2ood Fait# in erformance of )our +uties( Guid ro Guos$ an eCual exc#ange or substitution( T#is m) free will$ *oluntar) act and deed true and lawful attorne)-in-fact to ma?e$ execute$ seal$

Certified Mail Article Number: ac?nowledge and deli*er under m) #and and seal$ explicitl) reser*ing all rig#ts wit#out pre4udice. /):HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Sui Euris ?nown as. Eo#n of t#e genealog) of +oe /ailor for EF3N +FE /ailee HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH "and$ "oe T#ird art) Ditness robatio plena ISealed and deli*ered in t#e presence of us(I HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH "ic#ard$ "oe T#ird art) Ditness robatio plena ISealed and deli*ered in t#e presence of us(I STATE FF 1LL1NF1S - SS: CF&NTJ FF CFFK CE"T1F1CATE FF ACKNFDLE+2MENT Fn t#is date t#e indi*idual named abo*e$ in #is!#er stated capacit)$ personall) appeared before me to execute t#is ac?nowledgement t#at t#is instrument was signed$ sealed$ and deli*ered as t#eir free will$ *oluntar) act and deed to ma?e$ execute$ seal$ ac?nowledge and deli*er under t#eir #and and seal *erified and aut#enticated for t#e uses and purposes t#erein mentioned( HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH +ATE AFF1L NFTA"J SEAL 1F "EG&1"E+ HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Signature of NFTA"J &/L1C +ate Commission Expires HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

NFT1CE: ublic acts defined: are t#ose w#ic# #a*e a public aut#orit)$ and w#ic# #a*e been made before public officers$ are aut#ori<ed b) a public seal$ #a*e been made public b) t#e aut#orit) of a magistrate$ or w#ic# #a*e been extracted and been properl) aut#enticated from public records( /lac?Bs Law +ictionar) Sixt# Edition ,page 9=-

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