Reported Speech

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Alfa univerzitet Poslovni engleski jezik 4

Fakultet za trgovinu i bankarstvo Predava: mr Zorica Prnjat Reported Speech

1. We usually report someones words or thoughts by using the actual words under the inverted commas (direct speech) or by giving the meaning of it (indirect speech). John: Im really tired John says he is really tired. 2. Three most common introductory verbs are: say, tell and ask. We normally use tell with an indirect object, say without, and ask with or without an indirect object. I said to him: "I'm scared" I asked (her) if there was anything wrong. She said she was scared. She told me she was fine. 3. If the introductory verb is in the past (e,g, said, told me) there is usually a tense change, for examples present tenses becomes past. We often leave out that especially after common verbs like say, think. I'm really sorry about that. She said (that) she was sorry about it. It's a great party. He thought (that) it was a good party.

Exercise 1 Write these direct statements in reported speech. 1. Polly: I'm really tired. When I saw Polly yesterday, she told me 2. Nigel: I can't remember the password. When I saw Nigel yesterday, 3. Robert: I won't be at the next meeting. When I saw Robert yesterday, 4. Tina: Ive got a problem. When I saw Tina yesterday, 5. Michelle: I've been writing reports all day. When I saw Michelle yesterday, 6. Adrian: I don't need any help. When I saw Adrian yesterday, 7. Susan: Our partners are coming to see us. When I saw Susan yesterday, 8. Jim: I used all the paper yesterday. When I saw Jim yesterday

Gramatika vebanja

Akademska godina: 2012-2013

Alfa univerzitet Poslovni engleski jezik 4

Fakultet za trgovinu i bankarstvo Predava: mr Zorica Prnjat

Exercise 1.2 Fill in the gaps with the appropriate determiner (I, you, he, her, his, my). 1. Sam told me: "I won't sell my car because I can't afford to buy a new one". Sam told me that .. wouldn't sell .. car because .. couldn't afford to buy a new one. 2. "I have a message for your regional manager" I said to Sarah. I told .. that .. had a message for .. regional manager. 3. "I've missed my train, now I'll be late for work" Betty said. Betty said that .. had missed .. train and that .. would be late for work. 4. Alice said: "My boss wants me to rewrite Johns report". Alice said that ..boss wanted .. to rewrite 5. Carol said to Mark: "I need you to help me carry these boxes". Carol told Mark that .. needed .. to help .. carry those boxes.

Changes in Reported Speech Direct Speech Now Today Yesterday Tomorrow This week Last year Next month An hour ago Here / there Exercise 1.3 Put in the missing words and replace the words in italics. 1. Tim: I'm taking my driving test tomorrow. When I saw Tim he said he was taking his driving test 2. Emma: I've only had this new computer since yesterday. Emma said she'd only had the new computer since .............. 3. Matthew: I'm meeting a friend at the station later today. Indirect Speech Then/ at that time / immediately That day / yesterday / on Monday The day before / the previous day / on Friday The next day / the following day / on Tuesday That week / last week The year before / the previous year / in 1990 The month after / the following month / in May An hour before / an hour earlier / at two oclock There/ here/ at the flat/ in the office

Gramatika vebanja

Akademska godina: 2012-2013

Alfa univerzitet Poslovni engleski jezik 4

Fakultet za trgovinu i bankarstvo Predava: mr Zorica Prnjat

Matthew said he was meeting a friend at the station later ..... 4. Sarah: The conference took place last week. Sarah told me the conference had taken place ....................................................... 5. Nick: I gave up smoking three months ago Nick told me he had given up smoking ................................................................. Reported Questions Reporting WH-questions Wh-words are kept both in direct and in reported speech. The word order in an indirect question is subject + verb, as in a statement. How are you? When are you leaving? Whats your name? Where do you work? Why didnt you call me? He asked me He wanted to know He enquired He asked me He wondered how when what where why I was I was leaving my name was. I worked. I hadnt called him.

Reporting YES / NO questions When we report yes / no questions we use if or whether. Do / does / did and question marks are not used in indirect questions. Are you ok? Do you need help? Did you lose something? Is there a caf nearby? I asked I didn't know He didn't say I wanted to know If she was ok. she needed help. he had lost something. there was a caf nearby.

Exercise 1.4 Make a new sentence from the question. You do not need to change the tense. 1. Where are the toilets? Could you tell me 2. Where did I park the car? I can't remember 3. What's the time? I wonder

Gramatika vebanja

Akademska godina: 2012-2013

Alfa univerzitet Poslovni engleski jezik 4 4. How long does the presentation last? Have you any idea 5. How often do the buses run? Excuse me, could you tell me 6. Are we allowed to smoke? Do you know 7. What does this word mean? Have you any idea Reported Speech: Orders and Requests

Fakultet za trgovinu i bankarstvo Predava: mr Zorica Prnjat

To report an order or request we usually use the structure tell / ask someone to do something. Be careful! Please wait outside. She told me She asked me TO be careful wait outside.

For the negative we use tell / ask someone not to do something Dont waste your time! Dont smoke! She told me She advised me NOT TO waste my time. smoke.

We can also report offers, suggestions, apologies, warnings with a to-infinitive or ing form with other verbs like agree, offer, refuse, advise, remind, warn. Ill stop smoking. No, I wont pay for it. I think you should stop smoking Lets go out for a walk. She promised stop smoking. TO She refused pay for it. She advised me stop smoking. I suggested going out for a walk.

Exercise 1.5 Turn the following sentence into reported speech. Begin with told or asked. 1. ~ Please don't mention that again. Martin 2. ~ Don't take my pencils anymore!. Mary 3. ~ Fasten your seat belts!

Gramatika vebanja

Akademska godina: 2012-2013

Alfa univerzitet Poslovni engleski jezik 4

Fakultet za trgovinu i bankarstvo Predava: mr Zorica Prnjat

The air hostess 4. ~ Don't drive so fast! Brandon 5. ~ Show me your driving license. The policeman 6. ~ Follow me, please. The guide

Exercise 1.6 Read the following sentences and try to guess the exact words used in direct speech. 1. He asked me how old I was.

2. She said she didn't like my new office . 3. She asked me if I had a notebook.

4. She inquired how long I had been in the country.

5. She told me she was going to Spain the following year.

6. She asked me who had paid for the journey.

Gramatika vebanja

Akademska godina: 2012-2013

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