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A poem, Veils definition, Prejudice, Impacts, Suggestions, Examples


What is a veil in Islam?

Why you look at me? By: Bin Sulayyih, March, 2012
One day, a veiled woman was walking on a street in New York, a man pointed out of her by his finger. She just said a poem was written by Izdehar Albowyha
You look at me and call me oppressed, Simply because of the way Im dressed, You know me not for whats inside, You judge the clothing I wear with pride, My bodys not for your eyes to hold, Im an individual;.. Man doesnt tell me to dress this way, Its a Law from God that I obey For God Himself gave us LIB-ER-TY, When He sent Islm, To You and Me..\..\hijab poem.pdf

By: Bin Sulayyih, March, 2012

The veil has a flexible definition. Selod (2008) defined it as it is called a Hijab by


Muslim women, and some just use it to cover that face while others use it as a covering to hair. Moreover, it has different types which are being worn by Muslim women in Middle Eastern countries; for example, the abayah which is baggy and niqab that covers the face except eyes. The Hijab has been known more than one hundred years ago. Altinay (2011) wrote that The oldest known text mentioning the veil goes back to the 13th century B.C.E.

Prejudice against Veiled


was used by Muslims. For example, according to the article Youth in Print:Letting of Prejudice and fear can help us grow and heal: whats under that HIJAB? the writer described his feeling when he sees a Muslim woman to be dressed in a long clothing and covered her face. He confirmed that he was automatically picture in his mind a bomb was going off, and people are trying to get away to be safe. Also, some children are kidding and joking when they see a Muslim woman. The author also wrote that

By: Bin Sulayyih, March, 2012

This prejudice to many Muslim women who are wearing the veil around the world is caused by two reasons. These factors are including the lack of complete understanding of this issue and why thede women use it; also, some people think that Muslim women do not have a power, and men asked them to wear it. As a result, some veiled women continue to wear the hijab, and a few of them stop wearing it. For the first reaason which is the lack of knowledge about Islam and why Muslim women are wearing the veil. To illustrate, the majority of people who are against veiled women have varity of negative stereotypes. Some people have associated what happened on Septemer, 11, 2001 to veiling becase it

he does not like himself when he just thinks about Muslims that way, and he relates that to Osama bin Laden who caused deaths to a lot of people especially on Sept, 11, 2001. On that day, not only Americans died but also Muslims. Moreover, the writer asked a question why a Muslim woman just feels that all people watch her and her kids when she is in a bus or a train, and they think she will set off a bomb when she is praying. Are they just afraid who is under that hijab?(P.1,2) Increasing the lack of information about the veil caused also by the media which shows the negative

stereotypes after events of 9/11. Selod (2008) explained that The media often represent Muslim women who wear the hijab as primitive, backward, and oppressed by showing images that appear antithetical women in a democratic Westernsociety. Another thought that some people have is that Muslim women wear hijab because they do not have a power, and it is a compulsion from the men. According to the articl e Saudi Arabia Donald (2011) mentioned that in Saudi Arabia the men have more rights than women, and they cannot drive or even travel anywhere without a man such as a father, a brother, or a husban(P.1936). The people who feel resntment toward veiling understand background in a wrong way, so they just say to Muslim women your fathers, brothers, and husbands have the authority to make you wear a hijab. Remembering when I was in Athens, Ohio, I was working with a group in a class, and my Chinese classmates were talking about clothing. I noticed that two girls were talking and laughing at me. As a result, I got really upset because I felt they did not

believe me that I go shoppin g and buy any sorts of cloths. The reason of the laughter was that they thought I am wearing hijab anywhere including home. definitely, that is wrong because Muslim women wear hijab only when they go outside their homes where there are men.

The Impacts of the Prejudice

By: Bin Sulayyih, March, 2012

The first impact is possitive. To illustrate, a lot of Muslim women are still wearing it, and they informed that they do so for some reasons. First of all, according to Soled(2008) many women are limited to go outside of home because their husbands do not allow them to go there. Thus, wearing hijab provides them with opportunities to go to public places and gives them more freedom(Par.6). The writet also explained that Muslim women also claim that the hijab prtects them from male sexual harassment

because Muslim men who see women in the hijab treat them with respect (Para.6). For example, I had watched an interview with a Muslim woman on TV who is from Western culture, and she has a PHD and teaches in a prestigious US university. She is wearing a hijab wherever she goes such as in a classroom while teaching, in conferences, and meetings which she attends. Actually, she confirmed that the hijab is protecting her anywhere, and she feels that she is not concerned if men find her attractive, or if people are impressed because she has the latest fashion, or the newest hairstyle. She says The hijab is my identity. However, the prejudice to veiling has caused some veiled women to decide not to wear a hijab anymore. Soled (2008) wrote that Countries such as Iran and Afganistan underwent a transition from secular societies to Islamic states, and as a consequence, everyday social interactions have been subject to religious scrutiny women in these countries are being forced to dress modestly and cover their hair. Perpetuating te stereotype of the hijab as a symbol of oppression for Muslim women(Para.4). Muslims are guilty. Being able to become close to Muslim people is an excellent step to realize they are as any other religion. Some of them are nice while other are not. According to the article Youth in Print:Letting of Prejudice and fear can help us grow and heal: whats under that HIJAB?, the writer wrote that Had I known more Muslims growing up, or learned about Islam, I learn about their culture and traditions, my hestitations would turn into interest(P.2).

Some Suggestions By: Bin Sulayyih, March, 2012

I believe that the media can change the negative stereotypes showing these days. The media should clarify that if one of milion of Muslims caused deaths of so many people, that does not mean all

Examples of Popular Veiled women

like, Oh, I dont want to be rude, but why do you wear that? Thats the kind of questions Id rather answer. Obviously, these womens examples indicate that the hijab is Not an obstacle for Muslim women.

By: Bin Sulayyih, March, 2012

In a time when the veiled women persecute aroundthe world, comes the wife of the Emir Sheikha Mozah of Qater to correct some of these views about the veil, informing that the veil in not only modest, but it is also stylish and beautiful. Bilqis Abdul-Qaadir the Muslim American basketball player is another example of women who is wearing a hijab, and it does not prevent her to do exersise. Many people have asked her some questions as she said When some people come at me, Oh that a tablecloth on your head? ---its like, really, done. If you are going to have that kind of questins, dont ask me. But some people are truly honest in asking a question,

Ask Yourself? What Do You Really Prefer?

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